The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle, j :'
M3 Xmc ottor. V tislier, $.'.. $." i : ailrer
.... i . At o . .
election perhap. hinged on thi nictate-j aince Jan. l, ism com,
.t,..... .k.M) aarv nere-ian.i oaie- i'" -
. nrtitinn i foreign. a;ainft -ji.-.'! win
" "TT"r " ' ; i , " uvsiiM-rf foreign f..r ...!...., V.V:
. . . . n.l ri.lnal unsUIPOrwa VT : unimii mu ...-v. - i -
I other evidence.
U-,! : , ifS .'-.-3: martin. lilC: mink.
and bale ,w i Vv; ox.n, ."hV; coyote, .Wi 7.V ;
the nanie lira iu ..
I The a!ea for the ek coiuprine i1
polecat. 2Vi.4V
111..U lion eat, lOcy'J." ra.
ilH) 11 of doirelic fleece and palled, j
i..l 41000 Ux foreicn. niakini the;
, . . ,. .. . : In U the i"Qiit9th: hve ppereU i H.k-, tnu,w.t,oii foot op l.iM.l""-',
The fioaung deb, of the won J . sunord a'.l t!,e u- ,VibW l.W'.WU lb. for the previa i eipoiuon . i .UuJ. " , Uw n opon U, ; wfc mJ j s;4 dome,lic and .mount to .0. yery MiwtU( ,M fjrW ,Jf the .i
Th. the toul ... , mhwh eature. There h BOt been th. rtfhl- w wk Urt vear.
rwi It ..hoped bv the1 personal fortune, lop.e lock . Wllh u, artud yrt
' . . . K , Kinanmuiv unnn iriB iuii!v . . . . i
ing of great fortnne rnhen they are de- ; T woo;e"n mi;, art p.t(ing tlu ir m k i
vwttHi in considerable part t noble ; oriJert ,or j;ravv eifc-hts aitendtsl o, 1
; pub ic ues. The endo tuent o( a nni-. aj)J u,ita ll f deI"Il;lnJ Uit f princ p K1u :
rersity is a philanthropic use of money j f f wxt xw Mnt np thtw m w llllt
that can hardly be excelled, and t!u Uu!( or W(X) The martrt ,u. i
' man did not wait until hi death before ' ,inw in aL UI1(H.tU condition, i:t. !
devoting his money to uch a worthy ; ,,osins .le,,,! bv tlir exHtti-n i
SEAiriilRUvE 1X FIX.
Comadian Ttdxu ric&sanUy
About H:a Trade.
II Think TkM lJiuh I lafecUoM.
or CiHili(niu, ami (' tr la
cdal in Mart of 111
manament to lower them oon to aliout
an; !) daitv. Kven a they stand the
receipts from the many c oncessionere
pay the running expense in full.
Therefore the entire receipts of the ex
position from admission can be applied
ta the ivavntent f the debts of the ex
position eomiutny.
Counting Snndayf , there are 1C7 days
of U:e world's fair feiuMU reuiaiuinf. ;
Accordingly a paid attendani-e of 102,- '
3G2 adnlu daily wonld wipe out the
debt? of theexpiwitlon company. If the .
attenilance coulinaee to improve from
week to week as it has done in the past,
and as in all probability it will do, the ,
exposition mill exceed this necessary :
average every week from the pretent !
time nntill the cloee. Last week the
average attendance for the seven days
was almost exactly 100 .(KM, including'
children, the small variations from these
figures being in the. exposition's favor. ;
The emallest attendance was on Sunday,
when only 59,900 persons paid to see the j
fair, but on no other day did the attend- t
Another fourth of Ju'y has come and
gone. The oid-ti:ue manner of cele
brating it was olserved by most of the
citireus of The I'alles at Koseland farm
and HckvI Kiver. The fourth f July
remains the chiet of American holidays,
and the lapse of 117 years has not lost
its pristine enthusiasm. This day marks
an epoch in the progress of human
liberty, and while the various political
parties (struggle for supremacy, time
proves them to be ephemeral, while the
great principles upon which the govern
ment was founded remain the same forever.
of tariff changes le:ng mails th's U.I. .
bile to cap the situation the stringent '
money market prevents murh bosine t
that would otherwise le do-ie.
Some bn-ine- has lucn dvim- in new j
woois to arrive, but it ha been ni"v.tiy j
at low prices at hich deal-r have of- j
fered the wool and thus are tawing ti?ir i
rhanres of ttine out at a rrorit. Aul I
the trice would le no criterion of
market. Mar:ufjcturer have shown a
disposition to .!. very little in this
ance drop to within 25,000 of this low : r opening op again
mark, and on Tbumlav it rose to 1:12,- tufficientlv reinforced
265. The Chicaso Kecord believes the ; mands.
i hot occasional ui:wente-s:ed liocks
! have been taken as a s-irt of speculation.
. These safes inciuJe Ohio fii?ece, '4 and
j ' bloods and also some purchases of
! Texas wool have leeu male on man-
Manv of the banks which have failed ufactarers account.
Territory wools meet with some sale,
but the pressure is on the part of the
Itid it ever strike yon, at. it often has
rue. that the word fun" is in ite'f
Tinnr a.vk Thomas J. S.-ar,oke.
l!.e iii;ie opera fuu maker, in t!ie
I'hi -aro IWt. lnfa. t. t. n:e. be iin
.ontiiiues. the word aud its derivative
i:re the fun!'e.t t'iino aUuit it. We
. i'vn hear 'f cornelian ho ar. "fune-.-ealiv
futirv" and to o n the truth. I
:.i!i much s.frai.1 1 ''u 1 b - .-S.s k. tl up
in that cia-, hiiof..'. IhU rti.-!c appear
in e.!d tvw 1 .it i. i- n a'lv fiii.r.y t!uit
;ht same tlNtnai -iil
t-rN'L'.liy" if hilt elliill.i
t f itj. syi'.nV
Tr..- old Ii tv na'-U". wl
Hr. "a ! M-i." Mil it.
vr."'tr nierri :i 'V. :" but 1 t
merry makers have r-form
ll ia lore expl.Hi-..'; in tio:
i i''r to be f n:a v one i-iust
l.i tletiiie il.ti s tin-M
i In"! I a!. cit to no i
ii!ot;nir K'.nersor.: "!f Vi-r
Blakeley & HoughQ
175 Second Street. - The Dalles, 0re
A full lint of all the tamlanl Tatont MtKliriE
Drugs, Chernii-als, Ktc.
Wlonntry ana .iian t'ruera will receive prompt attention.
holder, as brtyers hRTe alut their on
! w av on prices. There is considerable
1 sampling being done, and holders a bo
with exchequers
to meet all de-
The gradual resuming of busi-
fignres of attendance at the fair prore j ness by these institutions w ill do much
that if the gates were closed on Sunday i to restore a feeiing of security again. It
the many thousands ot people of the na- ; is thought on ail hands that tlie worst i a fair bid in the grease do not dare
tion who will not come to the fair under j over, and that at least W per cent of the j ?J fQ ;tt With manufacturers run
present conditions would more than off- J banks will in time pay all demands n:ng ont 0f orders, they are not disposed
et the loss of the small number of peo- : made. ; to buy much wool until more orders are
pie who now pav their way into Jackson ! " : secured, but bv satnp'.ing dirTereut par-
This computation has taken o note i v.e. -
.k- , oonooo tK. j;-tr ; thoroughbred, proving that the staying
have said ther would return to the na
tional government if they had it to give
at the end of the exposition, for, in the
pertinent words of the United Sutes
circuit court opinion, the only way to
tender it is to tender. Probably this ;
money could be returned by the direct- i
orr, for the salvage from the great
struct a res at Jackson park would add a
qualities popularly supposed to be sup
erior in the plains broncho, are not
borne out br the facta.
THfKsiiAT, July 6. The week jaet
passed being the holiday week has
been comparatively quiet in business ,
circles. The stock of merchandise is
large sum to the money leit in the di- j we;i tepi npt except in stock salt, of
rectors nanus iron, wuniireiuu. ; waicn the martet is qmte Dare, in gro- , brosht ll(.re hag been shipped back to
we cuuiiuur., F '"S cenes ana prorwions mere is a moaerate ; f 3r . market. IVices on spot re
If this sum were repaid there would , demand, amounting to a hand to mouth ' K, . . w,m r.
position to know where to look if they
do want wool later. Texas and Califor
nia wools are dull snd featcre!es, with
. Oregon wools nominal.
The demand for Australian wool is de
pressed by the low price of domestic
fleece, and it is only where the manu
facturer is in need of a little to finish up
or'lers for good that a market an be
found. Keports from the London sale
show that American buyers are doing
almost nothing there, while some wool
,'.d Ik- lUl
the division
low n "Tuti"
. : . it:i nt ax
'. 1 1 . ' i uivHiern
o all that
fiat in ol
Vu t. and
1 f.-el like
-k me how
1 ilaiv sav so. or w hv it K si. I am the
nut helpless i f mortal turn.""
K;:n embrace iheeiitir r.iii!-e'f wit
arul humor. 1 iniie.e perftvt hu
manity enjoys a j li.-, i nt as regards
that wlliril seems most eolllifal U one
another may not li" a!u' to si? any
thip hunioroas in it hnle.t r. Iluiiaor,
that is to say the j.txtapisitiin of the
iruniiirruous. i nearly if not always ri
diculous. aiiJ lit the ludicrous we l&ugh.
It ha.'. Urn said that we la. rliat hmuor,
but not at wit- This i- hardly true,
althouirh the amount of U. lighter in
ciUil by retlnoil wit is vatiy different
from that which broad humor compels.
It it. a ijnestion in mv mind w hetiier
or not laiirhter b, aiay by
merriment. 1 have known person w ho
laii-he l in st n hi n tlu y w ri' i rv ui
Cry. W hile ir isslir- .:ie -f t hi a-o's
roA.'1,Hi thortrr iifare. iliir")'.' tlie pusi
h-U there was a u-reiii. ci lision
within ten feel of iue. anJ tiie cover of
a man-hole went eareeninir toward
I ran turnwh a Diinitwry I
POT A VT1 nTTT-KT A rr.l
Msle or temaln, no! ur
Trice., 20 jct head, or . pp.
tbrai, or write All k-ttrr ttntintitlr invvcm)
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dallois, - Oregon.
Tltt oldest, ltrntt, tid 1 o s t mariajjexl
housie itt Kc-ltool liooltM, titui DeHkft,
Mtitsionl 1 1 i s.t runie 1 1 1 NV'tciij,
Jowelry ii tSitrtinn OckmJh.
Agt. Humburu-Hrenien SteaniHhlp Coi
Tlc-Wta to nct from Uurvp.
ronrr Arrajmos. Low rairts! Up to rut Ttata.
till, in all probability, remain a frag
ment of the enormous receipt to be di
vided among the sun k holders of the en
terprise, inclnding the cirr of Chicago.
So the money side of the fair is in a
prosperous condition.
Had the Camperdown been a vessel of
a warring nation and her ram been
driven against the Victoria in action, all
the authorities wonld doubtless hare
eprung the conclusion that the collision
demonstrated the superiority of this
method of naval wartare. As the colli
sion was purely accidental, they bave
apparently concluded that it demon
strated nothing save tone one s in-
business. Prices continue steady
without any notable change.
The produce market is steady and is
well stocked. Eggs, butter and poultry
remain on former quotations. In suia.'
fruits strawberries, rasporries i l
cherries, the market is in full supph
and prices are nominal. Vegetables are
plentiful and prices favor the buyer.
The grain market is still depressed.
Eastern and foreign markets are even
more discouraging than our own. The
report of a great deficiency in breadstuff s
product throughout the old world has
not been fully confirmed, but from the
tenor of European quotations one is led
placed at present quotations. Carpet
wools are quiet, with values abroad
qyted firm.
We quote the seeing prices of the
descriptions as
for leading
to believe that a feeling prevails that cents per 100 lbs.
C'uiiiornia wools Spr Northern, 16'
2!e; middle Co spr 14 lGc ; Southern
defective, ll(nl4; free north fall, 15'
jl-Se; South do, lln14c; defective,
! Oregon wools Eastern, fair. 10 14c ;
'choice, 15alCc; valley, nom, lnt21c.
Australian woois. scoured basis
Combing, super, 70'c72e; do good,
' 70 70c; do average.
i Weut 15 to ofic per bo.
Baeut Prices are up to f5 to fl.00
efficiency. To descend from greater to i there will be a moderate average yield,
less calamities, numerous instances can As we said a week ago, the United
estimate of product which is less than
that of 192.
be cited of collisions between war ships . States will not more than make np the
and the minor vessels of commerce, the ,
war ships suffering in the encounters. ,
Even during the recent naval review on j
the Hudson, some damage was done to :
Oats The oat market is stiff and of
ferings are light at f 1 50 to $1 60 cents
per 100 lbs.
Mit-LsTrrrii Bran and shorts are
quoted at IIS 00 per ton. mid
dlings s?2 ,Vi to m i.u, r,iu,t
The wool situation is unchanged, as barley, 23 00 to 24 00 per ton. She'.l
iil be seen bv the following from the ; ed corn 1 25 per 100 8 s.
No. (i ASHIXUTON tTKEl-T. . . TllK DaL!
Whole ale and Ketail IValers and Manufactorers of
Buildin Mitrrial mi DiaimsiBi Tinbtr, Doors, Wiiduis, Mulditr Boca Finixhisr
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Factory saract Ijumljor Yard aat Old !Ft. X3IJ
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliver
any part of the city.
FLora Salem mills flour is o noted at
M -5 per barrel. Mamond brand at
. i "u i . i.i i . i . i i
i in the United btate has just been sent ; TIT: UJ" ,nu J Ir DU''
the ships of war by these collisions. It ! Boston Advertiser of the 30th nit:
is evident that one point of construction j A special report on wools and woolens
is insufficiently provided for by modern
Mvai engineers in war vessew. ibis is 10 me pnnier ov major croca, toe cciei r;. . .i i . ,
. . . .... I , . : ' . . . , Hat Timothy hav ranges In price
the rendering them nnsinkabie. They of the Bureau of Statistics f tlie treas- froin I2 0"J to 15 ui' per ton, according
are neceeearilr topheavy, and their ! ory department. The report bring to quality and condition. Wheat liay is
enormons weight and relatively small ' down to date the report of the same l" ,u,i on limited demand" at
freeboard in macv cases makes tbem character prepared by Colonel Swiuler fr''J t" V. fr to.n- Thre " '
. , . . . . I , , , . ..... . : "f,tiiry for oat hay. and pri.-es are off.
peculiarly liable to destruction by sink- I when he was chief of the bureau in , Alfalfa hav is not much called for and
ing and capsizing. The efficacy of the ' IsoS, and adds many interesting facts is quoted at 10 ) to $12 per ton.
ram at a weapon is also exeoiptitied in 1 which have come to light in the course ' JaeIOt:'n ,re f',r t"i' r'
this deplorable affair, the Camtierdown (if Major Brock's Investigations. It ap- C J"e'-T'
giving a practical example of the nee, or j pears that the number of heep in the .'TTfrT'i T T' bul"' 4'J,to 50
.l -i l- . . , .i ,.' wct 'r rj'1, ln or dry salt we
rather misuse, of the ship as a iuam- j Lmtd Mates, as estimated by the de- r,uote 30 to 4) rents per roll.
projectile. parliuent of agriculture, was 44,fC .305, ! Eocn-tiwl fwh w tell at 12 and
- - - - - valued at tll6,121X) on January l,!i-V.
Affiiri in Hawaii seem to l in rather 12, and that the figures have advanced 1 Poci trv Ch'u kens are quoted at 3
w. chaotic state, and threats of whole-j to 4773 ji3 sheep valued at 1125 t0 fpr d'jsen.
ale murder are as pletitifnl as lard 2tA in 15&3. This is an increase of 5.20' f" Mfrros Beef cattle are in
oer cent in the nnmber and B.43 r i a'r.ZU! a,u . - " fr 100
government to say that the officials in cent in tLe valne during the vear. The ; Mutton is caoted'at ' : i'ui
fork offerings are light
; ana prices are nomtnnl gross
I weight and cents areed. t urel
mi., , 1 . 'pi imvol, . tiii'jutj av i Cl'IlIS IlOf
hMdMl nii5 mhnior,M nritrfinnlfnanrf l.nHn.Mi ..r M .rl.' . .. . a. tiiSt rk 1
- , .... . . . w ruiiuic ' . v JJ - r : T'J' Il'l .
neh doings as are spoken off. If tr j lb, which w ith the flee e wool makes j staple f.EOf ikif.s.
attitod of the United f-vates towards a total prorioct of domestic wool in the) Corrir Cta Bica, is quoted at .TJc
Hsvsii p nnrs slrfisrii it finlil flinl Tnltl 1. lfaiS . r oil rvii r.voi. 11. V . ' . i .7
times. It is onlv fair to the provisional
power have not been consulted in the ' wool product of ls'C is stated at 2J4,-' lr head.
making cf tliese wild t tans, and that
they are generally conserxative, level-
00000 lbs. The amount of pulled wool
f the year 1'2 is estimated by the de-
this warlike dispoeitioa on the part of
both royalists and annexationists. It is
tlie uncertainty which broods all the
trouble. A sanguinary fight on Ha-
Tbe number wf woolen establishments j Artai-ai.. i-.
in toe countnr in 1!90 is shown bv the ' .J1 .',A? 'olden C,
- . i ' .i '
... ..,.;W; hs jn I. (J.. in .Ki 16
au jnveeieo capiuu oi .r.m,ti , eu- j 7.,. ijX 2 25. C . MJ,
in bbls or sack
raiian territory would hasten the nn- j ploying 218,132 hands, paying wages of
folding of these plans, which otherwise
will not become known until after the
meeting of the September con grew.
A number of applications were pre
sented to the city council Monday even
ing for the office of street commissioner.
Among them was one from Mr. Mad-
dron, stating bis pecnUar Htness lor the the other leading manufacturing coun
fTioe In question, relating among other I tries.
things that if he was elected it would I Th Wm Mark.
not cost the city from f 4 to ' per month j
for saw filing.
number of baiiots, but the fact devel- bags and bales domestic and 701 bales
1 , . . . 1 . ! . l . . , al. t . I : a- ' . I ...
open later iuw 11 iia uia i'sw iijv eiiy : foreign, agaiDM o.ifos f'Sgs ani La
that DOcb a year under the administra- I domestic, 2,333
$76,imj42, and using 372,797,413 lbs. of
wool, which coot fJiJU0,4M). The Cjet
of all materials used was t202,15,K42,
and tlie value of tlie product was
The United sJtatt consumes more do
mestic in proportion to imported wool
in domestic manufactures than either of
He was elected after a i during the past week comprise 15, 252
Kw r. Japan rice, 6,s'f7c; Island,
rice, cts.
ErA!n SnM whites, 414r5'll
link, c r loo lbs.
hAt.T Liverpool. ry)ib sk, ;5c: lOolb 0; 2i0lb sk, 12 00. huxk salt
13 50 per ton.
rKtru Fiu its Italian jrt-unes. 12c per
lb, by box. Evaporated apples, Uxa 1 2l,
fr lb. Iried grns, 7.'N: jer pound.
vr.ortAsi ts asd rm its.
PoTATors 12.25 per 100 lbs.
utiiE amd rt as.
Hinrs Are q noted ss follows: Irv
3'c lb; freen, J 2't, ' '
Slirr-r Pal.Ta 25 to 5T e. l.r.l,;n.
iion of yir. Jack fstanieis. At th same time last year. The total reo
bales lorirn foe tl.j. I 7. . ,. . . 1 . . . " ' r --,.
pts, skins, tt:- e;
Ier, 3 50 lb;
---W e-
the top vf a skT-scraper. I ducked
my head, dodgel, then ran
mr life. A pair of white hi
attached to a blue cab ran into
me, knoeked off ray hat and I was lie
kpa'.tered with mod. The kpectatorn
iau;rl.ed; 1 lauphed too; thin prove
that laughter 4a infectious, or con
tiiirioas. or w hatever yon like. There
tva- tertainly nothing very amuHing in
the iltiuti n to me. and yet I lanjrhed
with the crowd. I remembered that I
had ieTi strugglinjr for year to have
pe-'pl" lauh at rue. and m I thought
liest to tie pav. and thereupon I stooped
b'ithely. pieked tip my wounded hat
and walked merrily nwey.
"it's rnouirh V make a horse laugh."
is a ei n exprw-ion v. hichw emay
Mippse arose Irom the usua'Iy accepted
f t that horsi- never d la-iyh. The
ability t enj .y w it aad humor is one of
the Holder Uistiucts "f iiinnUind. and in
pro ,f of ihe f a -t is citxl th::t brutes
(lon. t pie-s. this fwnltr. It is. how-e-rer,
a mistake t'lf.jiy thut dojs-, f.,r in
stanre. do not have a riii.'.-it.ion of a
s.-:;.'-. of fan. s.i.d iti ti.U tln-y an' sliown
t be superior to all other nn uiiieni of
It..- lit : ma I kie.yiioiu. I knew a Skye
t.-reier vi ho woiihi aetoallr weep and
lai.trii iijori privivati.iu. .Man;.' a time
fiu-- I sun the t'-arK streaming from
ins ey.-s. atel wlu-n lie was t) kli-c I
have no'.ietil a loiad grin upon Lis fare.
It is an axiom that we jiiire of a fie.
p!e l tt-r by tKeir jxipuiar sKig tlian
by their aerovin. and I think all will
agn-e that the world is brighter and
better for its liitiylitcr.
Th'jr ic iot is iTi;te jn Ltii'bt
U l.n r- ikii hM-.f)i.,uir priTke;
A Tiun iiv-ut a en-rry ia--ri.'lit
Cu'i i tiri.ij li.iie a lur.i.y Ihiw.'
Trite but ten,, in the oft qnoted
"La'iih and tin world lati'.-l.s with you,
v.eeji and you weep alone;" wt let us
lauyh. As Wi what we td.all laugh at ia
a mattiTof inhication
Tun American woman is nothing if
not sensible, and roost of the extreme
fashions have to lie modified in order
to be well received by her.
Mrs. I'ii' Hcaiuit, widow of Sena
tor Hearst, propow to eatablihb a
home for destitute boys on a farm of
foor hundred and fifty acres near San
I ranciseo.
Mihs Makios I'lirurs, only laughu-r
of the ex-minister to Ownuany, is en-
trag'ed to lie married to ltr. 1 runt Von I
Kothenburg, under weretary of at ate I
oi oennany.
Or Mrs, Olney, wife of the attorney
treneral, the remrtT have lieen able
to learn little, except that khe b lonjrs
to a fine old .New Km land family, is
exelusivs and has two married daugh
ters. Mrs H; sax.vah Ciiai.wk k. of Lmpo
rium, l's., is a revolutionary pensioner
snd receives twenty-five 'dollars per
month. She is srrenty-four veum of
age and the daughter of Lieiit. Klihu
Chadwiek. who ervel in the New Jer
wj mil; :a.
(Soccwewors to L. D. Frank, daceaasd.)
- 3CI2STI5S .
A (Jeneral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
f Resale ani Eetail Dealers ia Harness, Bridles, ftips, Earn EliJ
Full Asssrtmcit of Mexican Safiilen Plain tr Stampi
f-ECOXD fTKEET. .... THE tlli
New - Umatilla- Hon
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. K. R. Company, and office of the
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuat
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchand5
Dry Grls, Clothine. Cents' Furnishina (Joods,-1
hoc-s, Hat.-, Caji, (inK-erit'H, Hardware,
Cnxkery, Ha-, (irain, Feed, Etc.
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles, Cj
Again We Greet You
-s -r w'-w s-sr ww a ITT TT
Garland Stoves and Ranges
Sanitary Plumbing, Tinning an
Metal Roofing a Specialty.
Groceries. Provisions, and ConW