THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1893 The Weekly Chronicle, j THE HETIR1SG COUXCIL. THE LAST MEETING. I Won than t.a,I the city council re in a-ml at the a.i..rne at The Iallea, Otvfvw f,,,, their arduous and feuerally . . thankW duties with the meeting ol' The are the mayor. Hod. The Twn enra Tm Coae far tnan Ualf In ( aucU. ('BM'KIITIoN RATES. The city couucil held their Uxt night- The are the mayor. Hod. Dlanth!v meeting last night, a little in t Baa irontki raraiM in advahce. I Koh. May. Recorder Meneiee and advance of the nana! time, which should On T,-ar It Councilmen Wood, Haight and Wil- i f.,ve i.n on the ltd of July, on account TbiwuLutha Iiams. Perhape no term of municipal ! of the regular annual meeting, which ratee mu-abl. and mad known ; omoe lias oeen more irj inar late piace on mat uay. , on ai-iwirau.iu. ! men than the one j nst cloC1 lor tnesei There were present Hon. Konert AdJrwa!lr.OTniuni-a:i.mtu."THE KKOS- 0i Shortlv after their installment , Vavs. tnavur. and Council men Kreft. in office came the in September, I Jole, Ijiuer and William. IS91, reducing half the city to ashe, d K'Lt.," rhc 1muI.-, un. IMeilaa;nlahe4 Catnellee. Moneignore Satolll, papal ablegate and 1. 1 : i I t . i . i . . I arvitiuaiKj ui iivanu), i rajietieu iu 1 arrive in Portland early this week, lie j will be accompanied by Archbishop Ire i land, of St. Paul ; Rev. Thomaa O'tior- aA TK OttlfI 1 reuucmg i.a-.i me w n", uv- ine rtepicuAiiuu oi . uaa. xiaiiib. Governor necreiarv oi Stale Tnwwvt I'hi:Up Mrtprhan up, of Pubtic lnetrur-rn K h . ii.-nroy - anj nreckinc the fire engine to an feanatnn - (j! "u. Murhall 1 tent that alLpether entailed anitnmedi- ! Conrreaameu -J K. i i expense of thousands of dollar. , liquor firm to tell liquor in lcs quan- ; Prtuter Fran Baker -Special notice dutv was required dur- ! titie than one ouart. fur the ensuing six rmnnTn : stroving siue-waiE ana cro9-wa.K. we councilman from t.he erst ward, on ae-1 tie 01 wiiisny, wuuin iusduhiut..i V, V. Vli'riruje : . . Af Lm, t- . .. 1 : 1 . UK1 - i t V. M,nmiM:.uinr TU nun n i li'i ex! read and. on motion. accepted. Jo. Thi was only one fwr. Jn.ko Lk-ense were granted to the various j Xieilinger aaid that only yetenly, 1 e. brought before their ttention the prac tice might be topped. The fact, be aaid, tu intended to prevent crime, but i it Krmi to be employed to perpetuate it. Judge Bellinger might hav Hopped at thi point had he not aked if there DK9 Hill lllllll TIBV IW whiv u,s .-.,.... . . i . . !.. i : . i.- nian, V. P., and aeveral other dmtin bill for approval, and the judge took oc casion to ventilate the intercourse mat ter a little more. A bill for pre ented by J. C. Apple hite, V. S. coin ruiesioner at Corvalli. Thi w tor a case where a man gave an Indian a bot- I ini? the rhantii' state of affairs follow ine ' mnntlu rtr jnta M. r Ri.k,,. ! the conflagration to rid the tow n of bre Ordinance No. i.S w a passed, grant Sfwr.rf. j-TAaKjj bng, thugs and thieve who flocked . ing to the Oregon Telephone and Tele- Treiuiw '.. . "'"wm. aiH-neU hither like vulture to a field of carnage. graph company the right to place and Comniiloa jKiKim'mTd 1 Recnpenitfon was extremely difficult, j mainUin its j-olee, wire and line in Aawiwor j Fire had deetroyed in an hour what had i alone certain streets, alleys and purrevor r.. r . c-iii p Bmr.i,U'Udout oi 1'ublic schooia Try shriwr Ciron S. M. kaajwouj ! taken years to accumulate, and a fire pubtic ways of Pallee City, cvjuiquiei.t was demanded better than j The names of C. L. Schmidt and T. A. the service whose very inferiority had Huds.m were presei.ted to 11 the va tnade such wide spread disaster possible, j caucy caused by the resignation of Chas. After nearly two years as we look and I Haijrht. The vote resulted in a tic, and comjmre w hat we now have w ith w hat ! will be concluded next njeetiug. OI P- Tne following bills were then temlier the. retroenect is uleasant. . . i .. i i. m -, . v x- . . . i . t ' 1 a'liitM auu EiIuk ru . " lw S'"'.t. Three new hose houses have been bui t. r- .... - - - i r .ucnriir, rerinjrr including an engine house better in all i Ian Maloney, marshal resneets than the former one: the en- J r tanle;s, street coaniiissioDe THE IK1UGATI0X COSGKESS. An interestinjr and important con- press win meet at is Ange.e-, I a:tor- ; we ,md on the o the nj cia, on ietoier ii':n. to s;i i.r nveaays. ,,, ,,. .rii.. the last sr.-iou of which was l.ildst Salt Lake City in September, 11'1, "! 'w i-e.ngpres.-tu. n have t,Q ,1 , p-W as ' '"i' "' new at a cost of hundreds of dollars; grew will nuu.erou.iy atteude 1. uoth(m Wt o w ho have been pur only from all parts of the I n.ted sfuUf. j cbad ,nJ the thonMBa and one iaci. but from Jre.?n cvuntr.e, as well. The ; j. w, , hJt.u ... t!ie to,a, have mM lu;.:eof theCni:eJ S-..,tes have only ; a,iJt itcm bv ite:D . twentv.five just !n-p;;n to rea:ue the i:iii.rtar.ce of : irrliion to this ta::try. Tl.e availa- b'e pjvernt..iT.t iund in the fcitial States, cuts: .ie of the arid revi:is, is al- exi.atiste-J. I!ie time is near.y j m hen I m;e ei.Q:d give every v&cienvv o( thu c)1QcU Eian a tarn:. v u-n is Jeft is mostly ;c the so-called "desert" regions th'wedry pre- guieheil prelate of the Koman Catholic church. When Archbiahop (irtwe, of the Oregon see, was in New York attend ing the council of an hhishop last fall, he met Moiisigii.-rn Sato'li, and having been told that he intended to visit Cal ifornia thi summer, invited him to viait Portland and the north est. The Invi tation was cheerfully accepted, and o cvrdingiy the ablegate will he the arch- t 4 l : i:- ... . . , . I 4ople should i:T.r thet.uMv the plea plewhite a coiuuiissiouer, and he is ' ' 1 i,. Ai.l . .h.t l. .a. V"- r,f "I' 'lumhia to The . .. . ia;ira an.ltlm tishvn.s. ll.ev would the man who put in the bill, lie ti cn ; .i,,,,!,,,,.,,, ,.,,. it ,uy jf ti,0 InviU began cutting down the bills. Iistrii t j ti"ii was extendi d. Attorney Mays agreeu ttiat Ine Ut s, I.ATtu. I I.e i attixi.c i'tit.r-ujeu ar w ere too large. This is notii that the . ied in Portland at 7 o'cl k this morn- ITnited State court i hereafter to he j i;.g and wi'ih-avr I hi rvi uii.k for San run for something lside fat fee for 1 r'rauciscu. officer, nhemer and laiy Indians. j wool,. tH.i.w7.oi.. ! Ktt LratiHl of oak. fir. and alti CHird woikI, at lowest market rates at Jo. T. 1'eters A Co. I :Iii-e Second and Jeffer CURES POISON aa..tHUUfJ a Wf fr;?u Speclfla, J The Oregonian has done pome excel lent setvice in the way of educating the masses on the silver e.uestion and to it we are indebted for a very simple illus tration of the results that would follow the adoption of free and unlimited coin- 1K) (X) I iii'li-il i'ur, rii i Ultr jiiui liai, r To ."m that one ounce of g ild will buy twenty- I new hydrants and their piaoment and j the connecting pipes have all c :st. The resu.t:s!iat wehavea fire service wh;c!i l any city might well !? proud of. and chich wi.i stand as a monmuent to tl.e The expense i has run far up into the thousands, but - it was demanded, and w ith the recent experience of the ravages of the fire t!e i uion, none will deprecate it. Tne re- .selves and the tiianks if the ! comtnanitv for their eingle-hearttd ef- Every time congres takes a lorjr va- L Korden, treasurer iyvo J l'.rown, erg lire dept ! J S Fish, tire warden ' I'alies Water Works, nater rent ; tieo lluch, judjfe (f election j E Ja.i!si-n. ; J Io!:erty. " " J lav;:., ciet k i f elec.ii-n E P Fitziierald, cierk t election ! (.ieo A I.iehe. judge of ele-tio:i ; J K l age. J V .-ueiiaker llenrv u;it!:, i lerk of election E 11 Merrill, J B Crossen, tauTasiirg election return .... L s lUvis, canvasi:;; flection returns L L I,ranaer, n:ea: for judges and clerks sinnott v Eiah, meals for judge and clerks J il i;lakeney, team to Johns funeral and forbidding stretches of s.ige-brch and cactus jovered land, which were 1 1 -: J . . i .. . . . . i , "f4 t'"J lu l -- won.uess t t;rine ,)5trr, e.sve witU tb4. i; M ishes Oat wcit-ti water, UireeteU ty science, j f(T t.Jt has :a mam- eaes traus:ornied u to ver- ', itable Edens. It is to these re that those f the riiine teneralioa who ! desire to follow Elurace Greeley's sdvice ' and "go west" mu-t look for their inde- i x-eniii-ni, w ijere ituv liter- ... , . .. , ,, , n-ruA- k'inr.r 4o .... . . . . , t nuttees pian what is commonlr called a , ; "i,"- t'ners.y, n.ase a..y tit under the sha,ie of their own ...... . . ' Paul Kre:t & to, uxlse . "5 tkjjfour ounce of silver in any market in S (K the world. But the ratio of o:tr coinage ! is sixteen ounce of silver to one ounce tui of gold. Can anyone possihly fail to . IK j see, therefore, that, if free coinage of jjOiij-iwr were allowed, he who has an ',' i ounce of gold cottld and would exchange ; ,nijlt for taenty-four ounce of silver, get ;, j sixteen ounces of the sliver coined, pass jjjit into circulation at parity with gold his profit in the transaction? The j 00 J money-broker would do this as cer n I t.iitily a he were allowed the op port a- ' 1 city, and the process would continue 5 (loitill no gild could 1-e had; and, with ! dlsanjiearance of g ld the sou streets. 5 00 Chronicle Pub Co, printing I'alies Electric Co. lights office i cation one or more of the senate com- Joles Ero, uide. 4 00 "5 t)o 3 CO streets . 6 tire dept 6 4 1 4 TO 15 Miliar .V Ittiton. mH.u' his place toward the closing hour of the . Mavs A Crowe, mdse busy short session and presents a formal j t.eo J flrow n, cast, advanced . resolution granting permission to , j I'ajles Lr.n.l-nng Co, lamher committee to pursue an mven.gat.on j w iikenvhauiir during the reces. The resolution is Maier A Letiibn. mdse Tine and fg tree. If tl.e man who two blade of grass to spring np where one grew before is worthy of honor, w hat shall le said of the man or xoea, who build nourishing cities, 6ur- , . , - , passed, and when congress adjourns half . -"-nitie 4 Kinerslv. mdse varus, in spots w here a few yean, ago a , djlen their wires Ir K.neh.rt, medical attendance jack rmUt wonid have starved to death? ; M . . . , . ,K Titjone, Biiit watchman I into the west at public expense. No Times-Mountaineer, printing. . I matter what the subject of their investi- ' I niatilla House prisoner' meal gation is, thev almost invariably get j f'rnett, special police c r" : .1 " m Cummings, ;;ial police . ul .v '"'"KU uu re Tom Slalonev. ittstulan.- on ' 1 chance that they will take side trip diphtheria case 14 23 tion of Alderman Jole a vote vaj tendered the retiring offi- hi sarcastic speeches. lor which 1 was . Cera. These im lnde the mavor ami r- "77 ". " 4 . famous, suggested that the senate ought j eorder and half the rouncilm'en, Meser. iuerqwnui toe s.ciiiu.cui """ ti furnish a map for Mr. Hoar select of engineers upon the practicability of a committee on Relations with Canada, boat railway at the dalles has been com- because w hen it had been last heard p.eiea ai.o suumiiieu. iu mis ii ie ; Lt'i itself is a good proof of the -value of irrigation, fjr it lia9 grown within a few years from a sleepy semi 3f exican pcebio of 12,000 .'people to a live and beautiful American metropolis . I tir ruui -I i ; .. : : ... , , . i to Alaska before returning east. The On a n.otin due to t!. development of the surround- , c ... t,i v t r- ' r .... late Senator Plumb of Kansas in one of j 0f thanks w a; T 2 ;k) 3 T ". 6 2: "2 (HI T5 00 W 00 2 U) IT 10 7 50 2 50 stated that a canal wot: Id not cost much more than H.OOO.OOO. It will be re membered that in Senator Dolph's speech here nearly two years ago be stated as Lis belief that a canal would cost $10,000,000 and that be favored a boat railway as being vastly more likely to receive governmental aid. The peo ple of the Inland Empire would gladly accept a portage real, built with refer ence to a future boat railway. It is a matter of fact that Oregon has received vast sums of money and probably more than her share in river and harbor ap propriations, and the task of securing enough to construct a canal triple the cost of the one at the Cascade is obvi ously impossible for several year to come. At the same time the govern ment has a decided repugnance to ex pend money on a temporary improve ment such as a portage road. So that either a boat railway or a canal and locks would stand little chance of attainment in the near future without a combined and well sustained appeal from the whole region to be benefitted. In short the congressmen of Oregon, Washington und Idaho must be a unit for the de mand. The price of the Cosmopolitan has been reduced one-half and will henceforth be delivered by newsdealers at 12'j cents Ir copy. It i a matter for congratula tion that the high priced magazine are waving on rates. What has been a lnxary too expensive tor the toiling i Wood, Haight and Williams. The mayor before final adjournment ! made a few remarks in a valedictory was looking for the northern strain, touching upon the uniform har- oounoary ot tiie l nitea States in the j ni0I1v which ha prevailed at all meet southern part of California. There was : ints daring the last two vears, and the satisfactory discharge of all duties im posed by committee and general work of good deal of fun over Mr. Plumb's speech and the newspaper comments on it; but it was never explained that the committee went south on a special train furniebed by Senator Stanford, who died a few days ago, to visit his ranch at Palo Alto. j the entire council. THE OLD SYSTEM PUNCTURED- Secretary Morton says, in a letter to J. F. Lee of Kansas, which has just been keen poniard through the vicious system Selling- Whisky to Indiana Kroacht l With a Jerk Hj Jod(a Kvlllnger. Purt.and lunfati h. Judge Bellinger this morning threw a made public: "The continued purchase of 4,500,000 ounce of silver per mor.tb is very debilitating to the gold reserve in the treasury of the United States. Pla:nly stated, in a wild Western way, the question now is, which will bold out the longer, the gold of the United States or the silver of the whole world. It would be a good object lesson in money that has been in vogue with deputy United States marshals in the matter of the violation of the intercourse law, and it is very probable thbt there will be lea cases of whisky to Indian now than there ha been for many years. John Heart, who has been among the Umatilla Indians for a long time, wa fined tio for selling them liquor. New Silver coin. dropping to the value of silver bullion, would liecome the basis of prices. i ne i acme coast states are warm ri vals at the Chicago fair. (Tegonisin the thick of it, with pears like pumpkins and prunes almost as large as foot-halls. Here are some, of the sign over the Oregon department : "Oregon the land of the big red apple." '-peache 17',.' in ches in Oregon," "Kose bloom every month in Oregon,' "No cyclones, or blizzards in Oregon," "Oregon i the home of the prnne." "Two bite to a cherry in Oregon." The visitor must not linger for any time within Round of the Oregon man' voice or he will In come convinced that ail other state are barren deserts compared with the balmy and prolific grove of Oregon. ' Washington and Idaho rather caught the crowd until we got opened up in good shape.,' saiJ he recently, "but peo ple admit now that they never saw any cherries like those. If you didn't know you would eay they were plums, wouldn't you, now? See those apple, three t) a jar." METEtlKOLOOlCAL KEPOKT. Weather bur,-an. d-Twrtment of acrlmltun'. statimi. The la U-. ununu, tiir Um muntb of JUDi-, 1-J.t. Latitude. 4.V ' t:t". tniit.tule lit" ? l" mnmt Altitude IMi fvrl above level. Tlar.tittii at . at w . a bati. e: 5, : ! : 1 1 1 1 a ill ra ir a 3 -1 fallacies if the government coold legally ton Barnhill, colored, and I'eter Peter tender 412', -grains silver dollars in pay- on, a Swede, were fined $1 each for giv- mnt ffre ailvAe l.tllir.n w- V . .1. it ....... ! t: . T . l . . . . .. ....... nu.u . iuj,iBj iiuor 10 xnuians at ine la;iet each month under the compulsory pro visions of the Sherman act. The giving of an ounce of silver bullion, which con tain 4 -(0 grains of silver, for a dollar, which contains only 4I21,' grain of sil ver, would soon teach it advocate that money with the stamp of the govern ment is merely a certificate of weight and fineness of coin, and not an en hancement of the metal it contains. If the government can by coinage create n artificial value of 45 cents to an ounce of silver, why can not the government create a 100-cents value in any kind of metal that it may coin and stamp 'one i;ir es may now be enjoyed by all. The cheaper proce of making high-toned dollar." illustrations of lata year instead of the , T former expensive ensrravinin baa mark! Chicago elected Gov. Altgeld because it rj-s'hie to place a magazine at a alightly increased coet over an ordinary of hi well-known socialistic tendencies, .nd he lias paid the debt to the bomb- ... - fkf.-Av. ... . 1 . 1 . T T . , . newspaper. Jhe greatly increased cir- i f"""ul"uJ i iiayiuaraei t-uh.Uon will compensate the publishers 1 nnr'3e"r' A vigorous howl Las been for the Wittering of the price. i "nt P from-the !Ut. nJ 't poseiMe the governor will 1 impeached. The About once in twentv vears a financial of 'imiuinlf and igno- has trock tl.e"United States. rant ffre!fnP"' to citixenship finds no c-i n.av ascribe all the causes vou wish ,"ore 1U'i,J "' tl'a" the action i.. n.rl.,.. ),.. l,i. f- .,.rr. l:"B 'oreign-oorn governor, jt a le- '" .er "-ke its level, a i 'i era of la. in res is a pu i in order to settle matters y. 'ig years now will be bright and j n emu one. Kep cool and con- iie fact appear, i . nd it seems that i n tanBl,t l'"-ljy '' port will 1 part of the ,)ro. ! t'''!.t'' f,"-ther arrivals of this highly A .... ' : 1 , ,., . . . , The! via oi peiipie unfy wi.l never citizen it will le chenpiy learned. that fact. Albany IXmiocrat. SuVcril f-.r the CuuoMfi.E. These cases called out the censure of the court, which indicated future purpose. A few minute after they Lad arrived at The Dalles they were importuned by In dians to get some whisky for them, for which they were paid about 23 cents for their trouble. Five minute afterwards Deputy United States Marshal Jameson pounced upon them and put them under arrest. The two ofTenses were com mitted on separate days, but close to gether. Judge Bellinger saw at one that the defendant were the victim of collusion between the w ily marshal and l . . . si - o ti ny j m : f v" iv i a M 77 7" V is SK .. 4 j r,i si- .1 a'i . a .. ..! m 41 ll 1 as 77 b i. on 7 . . ! l.l M 7" t.l .'i 17 .Mi: a 1 r-i 71 71 ft ! 9 j M 77 7i i ift .'j 21 .p.' in .i m 7"i .Virr i ii ui: il i ,v. 6.1 ft" ., w ifj; . 12 '- W 41 ? l' u ' :. t 47 : I . U .v. m 47 in u '! Tr 1.-, f,. 71 M f.l (" VI (Hi In .' fc'r 7.' M J 11 it . . ' .i ' O1 is mi l- i u t; r.r 44 v, u z . it i v ti n' 4j i i an at At . . v 7n 7 ri rtt ri jr.-' pv M, 47.:. ' r . 1 i V. '-J .', 1.1 .-. ZS i ft tf '.A : III 14 ll n 1 ni 4" i.i ft ;tt in v. . i i or, -i- :, r. ..pi ..' .l' 7-1 71- 47 M 51 Z7! ,li 7 Hi' f, 7!" S.''M r. lr Ml I r.l 71' 4V f.l t. "Jl li r r,.' 7'i 7- 47 m r, n at l I W SI tu? . 5 V . -i . j i i . i ' ni Sump .7 i iM ln.,7 ... 1 .Wi Mi-alai I 7.1 7 fcl I 1IVK THLl. llailrund. nsr .csr .i .'. A.-nvca tl l.i r. In-tMrla II V) V m - . I Kii. - I r. T aut'Sb o. I. ArnroaS (tt 4 a. .fc rt 9 : 4. . - r. a. 4 .7 t. sr. Two Uira frviKhU t.t c-ur-r Jtp-p-t-r -r l.a.l- jue te m! pt ; u a h'.puU i.ue i-r 1:h m! a; lj a. X. TA(.ri. F P-lnartUa, via. liaAe (veu. !mw d&ilr at a. m. Fur AuuUie, Mitchell, i'myon City, leave Ifj .r at 4 a a For lutur. kniSTPit-T, Wainlr, Vj ::;:ia. M inn st.nnc aud 'i.irt., .ca.e Opi.v .rac.-t't una i at 4 a. W. F,r ooalentlivle. Waph.. leave every diy 'f e-K eio-.-t euu:UT ut 7 a. a ul'.ia t aU liuea at Uiv I uiatlila Houp. II. ri;rtiiiAL. 1! I.HiI M.I. m t lw 3-. C.ourl M.e-1, f tie i.a.,,-, Ur.-r"li. LIFE HAD XO CSx&Jtl . .r three vears I was trrmSli , ..! noitoo, which caused mvaem..r H :.d I was grwatly reduced U ftaai . ioat aU it charm. 1 tried arcjjj potaaa remedies, but to bo effect get bo iwlief. I then decided to rrr w A few bottle of this wonderful L medicine snad a complete and tw- Pnr. mnA 1 n:i e.lo Ytmttmr k..l.L .1 . J t Wa.. J.A.KKi.Oiuwxl! Onr book on Blood and Skin&J iin imi a iw BwitT SrrciriO Co, Atlaaa., .1. Ask - Gil your Ucalcr i Ai tibap Hand Made 1 M.A.G t :ma. linnwi.ii I j'.'KLK, .MENKf FE Arr,ati at ! LA a Kimit::p 4J a::J 4... .'vi-r f'-l .-e r:.!.iU.:c. t.utTi.uce uu W au.l.ztou I:.e I'airt-P. .m-irou. .- i'.t.NKTT. ATlo'.-.NFV AT t.AW. O'-e in .la.iui. a buiiiiiuf. lip ata.ra. vr-tua. Of-Tbe r r unmncr'S a. i. wTxaoK. IAi-. Hl'NTIN.jTuS A W !IM.iN ATToa I - oi!ioi-, Ktvii.-t. bl-aa var r irt .SpUiimI ttliA. . I'allea. t.rario. SO PORTLAND. ORECON. rNST&CO E AGENTS, IiOOIi V roa OUT 0 mwX M aW jH. Itai.i 4r r uictit, ritv oreiuutxT. rNT-nriAH i)1 K. O 1. I1 A S E raratciA ao ara- eioM. oth.-e. rooma a aud i'ltavixiao p-k. i.eldvu-e : H. h. C"rier ''urt atd F"ti rtii atnaiu. a ti-l tl-Kir fn.u. tiie enmr. IKm hnura to 13 a. at.. iWl ai 1 7 lu t f. M. OCIETIEa.. A'0 V'ltr IS. A. F. a: A. M.-Mrvt I y ftrat and Uilrd Xouduy uf ttacb i&uiilb at 7 nAl.LF.rt KOVAL AR' H I H4KTF.R SO. mppU in Wpp.i1 Hall Ibe Uilrd MaUueaUar uf earfe DiuuU. a; 7 P. M. MOPER! W(Xt.MK.V OF THE WOKl.ll. VI L il-md ( anili.Nn. M. Mwta 1 ueprtpreven- lunf eai'ta week lu f raU-ruiiy Hail, at 7 JU p. m. COLrMBfA U.tKiE, NO. II, I O O. P.-Merta eyveev Friday evetilna at 7 o'rUw-k. In K. of F. ball. e truer rkn,tid and Cuurt alreeta. ij.mrmii brithera are wvlrima. u. i Luiiba. mk r. n. a. u. tNUESDPHIP II.F., NO. ., A aeery al'mrlar eeentiia- ai K of P. Marts ' v rlip-4. la t'-banuu buiidiric, mnin uf i.:ourt and nw-oiid vtnerta. taujourulliX meaibera are eirn.ailT in- piled w.e. Caaa. l. W.VirM. Z. rf R. and R. C. C. BeEMBI.T SO. 4JC7, K. OP L. Maeta in E. of p. ball tlie anmil and lnurta M adnea- 4aya of eacn niuutn at 7 ..a. p. m. W'ovr.s-n rHRiTiAS tfmperescp v I'NKJ.V wtil n..iet eerr Indai afternoon at t o'cluek at the reading rpitn. Aiiai-v In Itad. Harmon Ludn No. Gill. t. O. . weealr meethira Frldpy at (fall. All ar luriu-d. U C. CHaiPaaa, C. T. K. C. T.-Kwular r. ., a' PLa' presh PaintI W V. i.ripriTT hrrr! T a--.Ml-Hi rni fiilin-Tiiti l rrry ttira4 A ri.4-m n ), im am bm tbry lew ur be lb-y mmDf. Tb tlm ir iHtft tlr-fjf D"t bm romf, And evrry nnr dtntrt ti iRip That lK4.-i (rtwh rij r)-N and nw. Ai iioitc but a gtd pttJaitrr ran do. ill rnrnkv f.'ttr h'- i- k tfuitr m-. I;e wiil uir 'Mif wo. ciUtif vjr, iiy tbf jvt uf by Ur dy. If T'o hT (rfc w',f hfm cn.l, 11 11 t4ue yuur irrtirni, lurt of ftUitUl. Kmtwrwrliully. W. C. GILBERI P. O. Bii No. a, THL DALLEH. OR. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. Ho. 90 Eeocsd Ereet, The Dallei Ot. Tlii well known stand, kept byth well known W. If. BctU, lonjr a reai dent of Wasco county, bat an extraordi nary fine stork of Shwp Hcrdtr'i Dtfiriil and Irish Distarbaf To fact, all the leading brand of Wine. Li'jaor and Ciirars. Give th old man a call and yon will come agai TEMPLE U.tKJE KO. t, A. O. T. W. Meet, lu FraternltT HalL ovr KeiWra. ma baouud treat, Thuradar ereuluci at 7 in. ral'L tun, '. atTiaa. Plnanrler. Jf. W. 'Ineludlnir rni... I.atl. meet, and melted pnciw. th rum maxiiuun. and uiluirouin rcadlnm. Nfean ten.jieri.tiire. Ai o. Mi-mi nins. temiK-riiture, 75 7: ti.ean Biln. tern-Ip-rnttire. lt I.. Mnxiinnm ten.iemturi. tyt, dat- fih. Minimum ti-niiP-rnti.ri'. l" daUr, ijiu. Jf ii.awt.tive T'ttrtl reriptt.itiin, ..Pi Inrliea. Irri'MteMt iiri-fi til.Hi I. m l .... .1. t T J- . . . , . V ' 3 iue ioxj inu.ans, ana ne aekeu District i wn. . ,, vf , I Number of clear da , partly clm.dr Attorney May if there was no way toUv..;: l.mde d).o. ou a-hirh m ur n.ri cut off this man Jameaon ; that the WZttL ..f w.,.d. umy. practice had become abominable. 'Mr. ,"lt"" '"" w ... ti . , , I Time 'i"l tn tiu Inr-:.. I'rteif'r, ilays said he believed that there Was f'l-tnnt tlm. der ai.J li.rl lM-r In a-mlh on tlie jobbery in the matter, and that Officer p C. tZi ' ' Jameson functions would be cut rifTon I t'rh. iu. at y m. ..n jr.f:i. the 1st of the Bionth. It transpired that when Peterson was put in jail in th's county, he had a small amount of money and w hen l.e appeared in court he did not have a cent. Mr. Mays called the attention of the court to the system of kunKsirooinir a new tiPl PiTi OP in ll.A I . . i . . ......... j... cms, and all skin er-., U finf liirvnav I. a I. or? r,m n C n - 1. ' ' j ..v m m ..lie IU a I.I(a:k i . , . i ll, n:iu iiik.""wieu iiiai e.nie lneann ouifht to W employed to put a stoji to ii. Ju-!jr Kt!iinj.'er intiu.ated that if the p fii On p-ti. ! LiKbt fnart In l-pll'i-p n. n.l nliri.ta ( ;. -i. u. iu. j . i. . and ;-. xni.-p ati-l (ffatn lf,urel im-re ttr V f vw: ft. 1. Il;i-M,i.hi Volumarj ' iiti-p iiuperver. tAS. NP.CM1TH P-Owt, So. Si. O A K. Meet rt Ha.l. ererj baturdar at 7.3U r. a.. In thm K.. of P. BOP I I. Meetperorrhundar afternoon to . tbt K. of P. ilall. GF.rASO VEREtS Mwta erery eieniuf in lb K. of P. ifatl. r OP I., f. WVIHIOl. No. Ifff-Meetp In J. K. of P. Ilall tlie Brat and third Wednes day of eaf h month, at I U r. a. TffC CHIKfHr.1 (JT. PPTEM HrRf:n -Rev. Father Raosa O oaaar Haator. Lrw Mapi every Hnndpy at 4 a. Uigu Maaa at 1u::aia. a Vepperi at CT. PA CI OirRr H -rnlon treet,ot-poalte Plfth. hv. p. 11 Li p.iiu-;irle KM-tor. h.-rrn-ee oeery s.ii 1u a- IJ 4. m and 7 :.. r. a.mday it. hio, 9 ti A. u. tvculn f rayer on Friday at L-'Ir HT BAPTIHT flfrp.r-H-hev. O. I. Tar I aa-, Haator. Murnlm aerv.o-a every Kab Ipitlt at the a-ad.-ruy at II 4. M. lmm.iliPl.-lT after m.. rub e aervl-e Ir-.-rn. -tini: triday evetilm at 1''a rwil-'I- .'-k. Luiou ec-rriowi iu U. court l.ouae at 1'. M. j: ' KKGATIONAI. f ItrRf'H Rev. W. C. i itri., -pi.t.,r. MTvl....,.rT,indpy t 11 , r Minder e h.p.l afuir ninnilnir b'.rai.Keraeordlallp ltn-lUKl. tteau Inn. t; i'unriit.teed t. 'r ntiev n-f 1 f.-e f...e T..P county authorities had the matter tri- y. BneVleu'a A rnl a Pil re. The best pal ve iii tin; world for ruts, Lrniae. tt'ittf, ulir. rt, mlt rheum, fev.-r -.res. U tter, chupj-! hand, chilhtuir.a. ns, and jujHi- r-.ire pi.'", or no imv re;'iin-'l. Ii l runriit.teed t. .-iv,. ,,..rf. f K K ( Ri'll -Key. J., .! f-r ,.-e . .. ryhniidiiT mn,lnKat I laPt.iT. 1 1 a in day f ..! at U ai 11 lip k r m. Kwipth e at I. .Hi r . praver iii.i-tiinr every pl.y evi.inr lit 7 i tn-'up-k. A eorllal In u la U-iid-d hj both imator and -ipl I '-rfer-t 'i I'ri,-:. n' I 1 -i-ti! a A Kin- pHI I-TlAN r-frRr-H-.Rrr. J. W.Jrii. ' i pptor. fr.-iirlilnr In ll,,. ( nmrrefriitlniinl 1 imrih e,i. h liuU lr at a T. M. All are ; trd.R.tT invited F.vai.c. f.nther-xn rl nreh, Slr'h ptn-irt, t'.ev. A. : ;'orn. ,., ..rr.-..p at II . a. 111. Plilndpy x-hiHil al '..a) p. m. A cutcllni aelcon.e to every ou. ' J. F. FORD, ETannBlist Of Iea Moinea. Inwa. wrttee under daW Manb 23, 1-UJ: S. B. Mid. Mm. Co.. Iufur, Oretrun. Otntlrmen : On arriving home lnt week, I footW all well and amiouly awaitin(. 0 little srirl. eiht and one-half years M who had wanted away to 38 pounU now well, strong and vigorou, and ti fleshed up. K h. Cousrh Cure has H iu work well, lloth of the children li it. Your 8. H. (louph Cure ha curei and kept away ail hoarweneas from m Ko give it to every one, with jrreetinP for all. Wishing you proajierity, we af Your, Mb. A Mas. J. K f oao. Ifym ar!h tofewl frwh andeherfu!.ndi1i fur the p-tniK a work, ek-anae ymr pyptern a"11 the lli-ndw-he and l iver ur, by lulnf I"1" d Pea ear ti week. Hold under a prwltly ;narantae. Ki rente per bottle by all druaf it Undertakoff Establish m. W Vast a-4T I -pwaB -aj , m m PRINZ & NITSCIIKK J Furniture and Carpels We have a i led to or t.tiHine" sompl.-te Undertadinir fUblishiii 1. and a we are in no wav oonnr-cte'l ' . the Undertakers' Tru-t, oar prnfi below accorJinalT. n