The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1893, Image 3

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be Weekly Gbroniele.
KlaotlAB fOrt-CiprhMl Talk
by tha Mayer.
I I. Burget assumed the dutie oi city
e,.urer today.
The Ui'I""r
Gazette celebrated by
,. i. ..i million In mm
U blue on white paper.
vvt.ry one is inviteu o u . . ...
,!. th'rt evening, whore tho
... ....... l.-o cream and cake.
1 . . :i a i.'.ltu'k this niorniliL'.
it dl'ive' "
. ,tor covereu over .-no niui-a
Tim .....
vc storJuy ,
l.t.side taking en twenty
. . ... ..... I. .MM
I..-. Ire 17111 l nil?
ton 01 i"
Uiii.rshe Co- "htpp'd two cars of
,f ttle yesterday from their mock
i .!) e car of uiutton sheep for
vrl. " ,
il,e S"""1 'l"u'W''t
p C. Hernn Kve dozen pictures to
tJ.e nrrttient pirt yesterday, which fell
. Su-nio after due delilmration.
Tliero were several close seconds.
Xhe wool receipts at the warehouse,
foiitiii'i to arrive without much ulate
ment. So far over 4,000,000 pounds
have lieen delivered this wunon. Two
million pounds more are expected.
residence of Bnd Hamilton, at
i. was destroyed by fire last Sun
ning. They lout all of their
nd most of their furniture.
u. iinmilinn fornierlv resided at The
A notice to the member of company
A, Third Regiment, O. N. O., of this
lort means business : All the member
of A company must return their uni
form to the armory on Friday night.
By order of Captain Buschke.
The notorious woman tramp wi-- ha
been reported at l'endleton, Walla
Valla and Skane took the Regulator
yesterday for Portland. She in tolera
nt well dressed and is aliout 04 year
old. Mte will lay over for a day at the
Juers. Farley and Mark' "Annlta"
wu taken to Salem today to enter the
name tor the priie money in the Salm
i, not mini? on. Annita is the
favorite trotter, having gained fur her
self a fine reputation as a goer. She, in
a.'l probability, will be taken to Chicago
soon, as a ecimcn ni Eastern uregon
bred horses.
Tburaduy's lmlly.
You tlKlit two eTiu-km thus," "he Mid,
"That voiirn, mid I'll Ink thin.
Anil iiow.ll yournlhould a., off Unit,
W hy, you eau claim a kuw."
Wr watch tli powder quickly burn,
Klr.i, banr' ! tiawy ai.t!
1 told thr malrtrn tn luv arm
Mid take what uilua by right.
AIm! It awma ao eaay thu
To win liat many men
W 111 euvv later on III llle.
Fur Mabel only Ull.
Tom llaaaon.
When the roll whs called at the city
ball Monday evening there was present
Mayor W. K. Rinehart and Al.iermen
Kreft, Joles, Laner, Eshelman and
Hints. The familiar faces of Robt.
Mays, Chus. Haight, Thos. Wood and
Kd. Williams were missed and the com
plexion of the city conncil has under
gone radical change.
Pr. Rinehart, the new mayor, opened
the meeting by calling for the creden
tials of the new ly-elected memliers, and
KtatH.1 there was a vacancy of
one existing in the council, and as he
wiHhwd to name the committees, he
would advise an immediate election.
C. I.. Schmidt and T. A. Hudson were
placed in nomination, and Mr. Hudson
lo.-iPit on the first ballot, and soon
afterward that gentleman arrived In re
BKinne to a summons.
The following committees were then
named :
Judiciary Lauer, Hudson and F.ohel
man. Finance Joles, TUitt and Kreft.
Streets and public property Kreft,
Ijiuer and I'.utts.
Fire and water Joles, Kreft and
Health and Dolice F.shelman, Joles
and Hudson.
The board of health Rinehart, Ma-
loney and Hndon.
Flection of night watchmen was pro
nounced next in order, resulting in the
election of R. V. (iibons for the city
proper. .acti councilman nonunmru a
candidate for night watchman for the
East End, to the amnBement of several
citizens in attendant, and the mayor
axked if the recorder had any one to
name, lieceiving a neguuo "-pji
asked if any other gentleman present
wished to nominate anybody. Several
ballots were taken, resulting in the
election of B. Harper.
M. A. Maddrou was elected street
commissioner after several ballot were
The retiring recorder, Mr. Menefee,
then presented his annual report aj fol
lows :
7i the H m. Manor and Common Couaci of lallr
I herew ith beg to submit my report of
of the financial affairs of Ialle City, a
shown bv the records of my office at the
close of my term, Monday, July 3d, 1893:
..! ......til. rnitntanriinc June 4. W'-' IJU.-r4! 7J
lively small amount. Another matter
that has come to my attention is that
there are a good many house adjacent
to sewers, w hich are not eonnerted w ith
them, and a good many more where
sew era are already laid w hich are not at
tache.). The owners of thn c should Jn ;
compelled to attach as soon as poihl. j
Then the termination of all the sewers
should be carried to deep water; thut is
lielow the low water mark in the river.
A notable instance is the sewer back of
the Union street lodging bonne, which
is frightful and to allow it to remain so
is little short of murder. I have no
doubt that several deaths can be traced
to this one sewer. This enn 1 reme
died at slight expense to each taxpayer.
In regard to a new sewer up Washing
ton street, while there is urgent call for
it, it will perhaps be better, consider
;,. ii,. .,.. IWinn of onr finances, to
in. st pone it for a while. However it
... 1.1 1 ttoilpil CftnHidpration
biioui.i r.o m,mmj ... ....
at the hands of the proper committee.
Many new bnilding have been and are
lieing erected w hich are connwtet with
the sewer all right, but which are not
provided with a vent, a simple and in-
exnensivB contrivance for shutting out
1 ... ... . : . ll
the sewer gas, which w iwioui ii is to u
ntents and purposes as bad as no sewer
at all. Many citiescoruraanu these vein
to 1-2 pot in as a necessary part of the
work. In regard to dangerous flues the
ordinance providing brick flues within
fire limits, or of tin under certain con
ditions, should be rigidly enforced. As
to delinquent taxes I shall insist njn
.v. all collected. Then there
are from 10,0(10 to 15,000 dogs in the
town which are unlicensed. I shall in
sist upon the collection of dog licenses.
Aid. Kreft, at the conclusion of the
mayor' remarks, spoke of the increase
of taxes which would 1 collected this
vear, because cf the new laws, knocking
out the indebtedness clanse.
Aid. Hudson spoke of unsafe cross
walk and sidewalks, Uting that the in
commine street commissioner ghould
examine all of them and report such a
are in bad condition. A motion to that
effect was carried.
Jud Fish a fire warden, referring to
the jwrtion of the mayor' speech con
cerning flues, said that the ordinance in
relation to it was defective, and desired
that the recorder draw up a new one,
which, upon motion, was carried.
Adjourned to meet Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock.
till llbitrttil by lha Inhahl
taata of Va llallva.
The town was u nearly depopulated
yesterday that mmo alarm was occa
sioned among .hose who remained lest a
(ire should Lrcak out, and several old
citizens, slaid and true, remained at
home, keeping their weather eye 0n
and ready to run to the hose house with
all their youthful vigor if by cham-e the
spurk of destruction should onc lie ig
nited. A great fhare of citizen went to
work. Only eight innings were played,
as the game had to be stopped to allow
the horse races to take place. Follow
ing is the score by innings :
H r i . . . .
Unions for t'..Uhi and C'nlda.
There is no remedy that acts more
promptly on the Throat, I.nngs and
1'hent than Onion Syrup, it loosens)
the phlegm enabling you to throw it off.
It relieve that tightm-a mid oppressive
fiH'ling in the Chest and all soreness of
! the Lungs. Ax a tonic ami restorative
it has no equal, i'r. minis Onion
Syrup is medicated in u manner so as to
m nunc cHcrtuul than the plain syrup
and not hnve any taste or odor of the
onions, making it very pleasant to take.
n. ttiMi.i
K. Km.. I .
( lMiIUl
:t 0
no o
a u :i o t
And , recruited by the arrivals froin the
country, there was au estimated attend
ance of 1,2'H) people. The forenoon was
devoted to the literary features of the ; jj'J,,;'
day, chief of which was the oration by j a. Knnd
Mr. John Micl.ell. Thofe fortunate
enough to have heard it pronounce it i
the most masterly effort of the kind j
ever heard in this vicinity. Commenc- , n
ing with a brief sketch of the discovery c'
of America, he touched lightly upon the j W
intervening centuries leading up to the
foundation of tho republic of the United
States. He related the trials ainVditli
culties of the early hours of our exis
tence as a nation, the hard-fought con
test of the revolution, 'and the wonder
ful prcjires made since those hiitorlc
davs. Ha pointed out the fact of an
increase of population and wealth
second to no nation on the face of the
earth ; that the United States has pro
duced and are continually producing
greater statesmen than the world had
ever known ; that this nation has fur
nished the world with its greatest in
ventions, including the wonderful me
chanical power of steam and electri
city, also he telegraph; and that our
machinery and agricultural implements
were found in all markets of the world.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
T .tul
1 I 0 0 U 0 4 3 HI
. . F. Saunders
V.. Howell
N. Johnson
Flour of the BestQual
ity Always on Hand.
Hand C
Lucky. p
Stranahan. . . .s. s
Karlv lb I. liyrne
(ieo. t'olman 2 b R. Phelps
J. 1. Hunt 3 b. H. Maloney
A. Rand If R Logan
J. K. Rand c f M. Jameson
L. Morse rf F-. Patterson
During the ball game a feature not on
the program entertained the crowds,
consisting of a procession of Indians
adorned in their war paint.
A grand ball in the evening com
pleted the exercises. The boat brought
in ih last load of celebrators at 1
o'clock this morning.
Wehavo an unliiiiitfd amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm st curity.
Thornhury tfc Hudson,
Tho Dalles, Or.
4.7.H1 "0
1.11 '.tl
lut from July . 1. I" Jinya. im
lu payment tor sslsrlw of city omcera
.' i-urrr-.i rn.-.."."
" riisTssa of arc d.imrt
nient. h, hvdralit. en
Kinc hi.uw, !" liuunw,
etc , ;
ulirht watchmen, spwlal
pollrenien, locum pns-
oners, etc '"
" lirlitlni trit a H7 t
" ' uuprmeiueuta on atwta 1 433i -
Total .
Ua warrant redeemed aluce July 4, '! s.wi W
W arrnnts nutstaiidliiK July 8, 1H9S
I mm fntMh mi haud . S"
Twa Way They Celbrmt at tha Bridge
of tba Ooafc
Net liabilities on warrants outstanding aA")
Respectfully submitted,
Fkank Mcncfec,
Recorder of Dalle City.
Aid. Jole tated that no Impounding
reoort had been submitted by the mar
shal, and be was accordingly instructed
to orenare one for next meeting.
A communication wa read from Mr.
Urauhart. tating that the bill of Tom
Maloney for $14 for attendance on diph
theria case was unearned, and upported
the statement by affidavit. Referred to
the judiciary committee.
Ordinance No. was carried, trans
ferring out of the general fund to the
city officer fund, 1570; to the police
fund i'i5; to the lamp fund-VK); to
the fire department fund S0; to the
current expense fund $.'125; and to the
sewer and street improvement fund
i'JoO ; same to be used in redemption of
county warrant outstanding ngainsv
said funds.
Aid. Kshelinan then called attention
to the thistle, which should be de
stroyed at once, to prevent them eed
ing; and it appearing that there wa an
ordinance on the book concerning
them, the matter was referred to the
iev. W. C. Curtis w ill preach at Fair
riew next Sunday at 2 p. w. and admin
ister the Lord' supper.
An old Colorado miner who aid be
Lad heard so much about this section a
a mining country that be wa deter
mined to come op and propect part of
it, i in The Dalle.
Stanley and Marion Aldrich of Cape
Horn, are in the bearfterry bark busi
ness, getting it and preparing It for the
market. We isalieve the price paid for
it when dried is 55 per ton.
Ikm't mis the chance to get the Mc
Clure' Magar.ine in our offer with Tin
Daily Chbosui.k. This opportunity
.'.U onlv be for a short time. The club
rate i only (10 cent per month.
Somebody ha invented "an illumi
nated cat" warranted to scare away
..i. Nnw. if some one will invent
an illuminated bootjack warranted
to care away cat there will be les
cause for backsliding than exist at
The steamer Haytian Republic, tied
up at the Ainsworth dock, strung a leak
n.l r.l..ra were siven for hor to Isj
pinned out. Captain Struve say. that marshal for enforcement
the leuk Is not a bad one, and that the
tory that the Republic' crew deserted j
it untrue.
Civil Kngineer Plummer ha com
pleted and verilied with other engineers
the. measurements of Mount Tocoma
that show the mountain to be 15,006
feet high, making it the highest in the
United States. The height heretofore
was supM)sed to have been 14,444 feet.
William Hurst was arrestnd and
brought before Justice Davis yesterday
on the charge of larceny of a steer. De
fendant waived fun md wa plaid
under 200 bond for bis apjwarance for
examination on July nth at 2 o'clock p.
in. State represented by E. B. Dufur,
defendant by Mays, Huntington &
Judge Burnett ha ruled that the
Soldier Home, authorized by the lost
legislature, shall be located at Salem.
The matter will be refeired to the
supreme court. The tame result will
apply to the asylum. But the bowl of
righteous indignation which will din in
the ears of the Sulem hog at the next
session of the legislature w ill bring them
to their sense, and they will very likely
discover that Instead of having both feet
In the tiough, they are entirely outside
of the pen.
May Low Ilia Slant.
Chas. Decket sustained a serious in
jury at 2 o'clock this morning at the
P.rnokhnnse nlace about twelve mil
! from the citv. He placed a quantity
powder on an anvil, and without put
tino a nreitdit nnon it touched it off with
The oration teemed with historical facts, j hU:h The Tefmt was a frightfully
in whichhneMr. Michellisapastmas-jbnrned acef and it ig thought at this
ter, and there waa not an American (by j writing he win ioge the sight of both
courtesy and with due deference to his , The unfortunate victim is only
private opinion) present who was not I j. vearf 0jj
rendered better and nobler by his elo- j " Local Notea
effort, and rrouder of his country i
. . j
for the recital. I We are sorry to announce w our rmu-
Short speeches were delivered by J. j ers the death of Mrs. H. H. Alien, who
G. Koontz, E. P.. Dufur, Rev. Whisler ! died this morning at 10:30 In Seattle.
and Dr. Sanders, all of which were at-J
tentivelv listened to, and a 20-roinute ;
A. A. Brown,
' Keep a full amrtrnent nl
; Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he often at Low FiKiirua.
I'se Mexican Silver stove polish.
The mayor then said
Gentlemen of the council, I am
not prepared witti a sei Bpeecu
this evening as to the needs of the city
of The Dalles. I am not sufficiently
familiar as vet with the condition of af
fair now existing; but will from time
to time sneak of them usthey oecu
to me in the eourxe of my aduiiuitra
;.. u. v.. or inuvor. 1 w ill sav that 1
am not surprised that the city is in debt
The ereat tire and its wholesale dentrue
tion is known; then the removal of the
shops took away a great share of the
revenue which was materially helpful.
The fact exists that the present debt of
the city is t'13,000, which is several
times greater than the law really allows,
and which Is so staggering at the outset,
that we must uiake up our minds to not
increase tha indebtedness by another
dollar, but rather diminish it, which
I hope will be accomplished by
the completion of the fiscal year.
There are some things I wish to siieak
of, however, which have already come
under mv olservation and which I trust
will be remedied, and can be remedied
at no great extiense. There are a few
cess pools which the marshal should
com pel the owner of the lot they are
in to fill up. They are a standing me
nace to the health of the city and the
cost of filling thein would be acompara-
Cascadk Locks, July 4, 1S33.
There are day and days, but this has
been the gala day for Cascade Locks un
til a few month hence when the "Work
of Age" will have been finished.
The celebration of the glorious tourin
began in a email way almost a week ago
with young America and the firecracker.
Monday evening a ball was given in
Leavens' hall and was a very enjoyaoie
affair, although the attendance was not
as large as was expected. Twenty-five
couples tripped the light fantastic until
the "wee ma hour." But talk aoout
sunrise and sunset salutes, etc. The
giant powder or dynamite or Mt. Hood
or whatever it wa that hook this part
of the continent at 1 o'clock a. m., July
fourth. 1893, would have discounted all
your cannon alutes. So loud wa the
report of the explosion, the first thought
of many was, the powder magazine has
blown up, in which case further worx
on the locks would have been retarded
until a new importation of inhabitant
could have been furnished from some
other locality. Who fired the early
alute seems to be a mystery ; only one
thing is sure, everybody heard them ;
then, too, it acted upon the atmosphere
in Mich a manner a to cause rain, ana
all day long ligui April bhohcio
fallen, with sunshine, sometimes, De
tween. It must have been the explo
sion that caused the rain, for it is such
an nnusual occurrence here. Neverthe
less the day was full of enjoyment as
was also a few of the inhabitants. The
field, an ideal nook in the
woods, was the rendezvous for the after
noon, w here a game of baseball was first
on tho programme, played by the stone
cutters. Shed one against Shed two,
and No. two won the score. Then fol
lowed several races, the nioft amusing
being the old man' rai-e. Three en
tered and left the starting point, two fell
before fifty yards and one finished the
race alone. The Tug of W ar ltween
the stone cutter and quiirrymen, re
sulted in victory for the ipiarrymen. A
prize of " ws offered for the first three
base hit made in the baseball, and this
was won by Mr. S. Dctwiier, who also
won tho married man's race.
Well the "day is done" and so am I.
Tomorrow all will le activity, bustle and
hard work, with no more fourth of July
tor a twelve month to come.
recitation was delivered by Miss Hill.
After dinnei the features of the day
were the sports.
The wheelbarrow race waa won by
Frank Wagonblast, II. Darniele, second.
Climbing greased pole, Wilbur Rob-"
ert first, Harry Miller second.
Potato race, Fisher and Ferguson.
The ball game resulted in a victory
for a picked nine from The Dalles.
Mrs. Allen is a sister of B. E. and Geo.
Snipes. She leaves a husband and two
daughters and a son. She, with her
family, formerly resided in this city, and
was beloved by all who knew her, who
will join with the bereaved in sorrow.
Rev. Jue Hawk will lecture in the
Congregational church Friday evening
at 8 o'clock on "The Religion and Cus
toms of the Chinese." Mr. Hawk was
converted to Christianity in St. Louis
fjur vear ago and ha conducted a
Girls race, Minnie Bartell first, Cora j christian mission in New York city, and
Winficld second.
Young men' race, John Pugh first.
Martin Miller second.
Sack race. Fisher first, Ferguson sec
Married women' race, Daisy Wagon-
blast first, FK,ra Brook second.
Boy' race, Jame McCown first, fc.
Matlock second.
The football game wa won by The
Dalle team.
The Regulator carried away about 400
passenger to Hood River, the chief at
traction being the ball game between
Hood River and The Dalle.
The speaker of the day disappointed
lectured in many of onr leading cities,
He come highly recommended by the
press and will deliver a good lecture.
An anxious inquirer want to knov
if it is necessary for two person meeting
several times on the streets the same
day to salute each other each time. We
can ease hi troubled soul toy replying no
street etiquette has it that the first
time is sufficient. However it is op
tional, and the usual custom i to say
"nice day" when passing, no matter if
the wind is blowing a simoon
Rev. Jue Hawk, who lecture at the
Congregational church tomorrow night,
is an illustration of the extent to which
to Cash Buyers.
HiiiiEst Cash Prices for E&p and
otner Prota.
Manufactured by
Sao Francisco, Calif.
., ,r- - l.:.ll TTo
them and M. P. Isenberg gave a very ninese. i iiu.c..u. -
meritoriou. speech, purely ex-tempore is said to be a charming speaker and
i h ... railed for at the laet i possesses a fluency that is marvelous.
W VVU1 CV amo u w ;- . -. a A.a!l
. Wnnla flow Mti v for Mr. ' neH RllllwraM w w' ii"'vi
t..,w, r,er and hia friends were I Iowa. It win oe a uigm,
delighted at his success
The parade of plug uglies was very
lecture and the first the majority of us
! V. 1 Am mm riiinanian'llinB
! nave ever ucatu uvui . w ...'"'.-
Another rioallB; Body.
Monday evening about 5 o'clock while
Walter Klindt and Mr. Matz of Seattle
were walking near the bank of the river
on the opposite side alut five miles
down from The Dalles they observed the
dead body of a white man floating past
them about f0 feet away in the ift
current. The only garments upon him
were an undershirt and drawer, of a
light color. He apparently weighed
about 100 pounds, and was about five
feet, six inche in height. The hair was
all off the back of the head. It was im
possible for them to recover the body.
grotesque and excited considerable mer
riment. The Hood River band and the
choir discoursed their sweetest music at
intermittent periods.
At 1 o'clock occurred the horse and
other races, and at 2 :30 the ball game.
Again did The Dalles base ball players
demonstrate that they knew something
about the great national game. In an
interesting contest they won handily
by a score of 17 to 10. A large crowd
of spectator witnessed the game, and
every good play was applauded to the
echo. An enthusiastic delegation was
present from The Dalles, and with
cheers and cries of encouragement ma
terially aided in spurring their champi
ons on to victory.
The Dalles boy took the lead in the
tirst inning, where they made three
... . .iif i T: f...t.
runs, ami, tnongn wie noon iivrro luugm
desperately all the way through, were
not overtaken to the close o' the game.
There was considerable dissatisfaction
with the umpires and some unnecessary
kicking w as indulged in, especially by
one or two of the Hood River players,
w ho left the field in the middle of the
game. Aside from this, however, all
passed off pleasantly.
Very little star, work was done on
either side, but considering the poor
facilities for practice which the players
have had, they all put up a fairly good
game. The principal feature was the
fine pitching of Howell for The Dalle.
To him may be given the credit of win
ning the contest, as he held hi oppon
ents down to a few scattered hits and
struck out eight of them. Lucky
i.itched a steady game for Hood River,
but the suptiort given him wa not
sufficient to win.
The Hood Rivers were fairly out
classed at the bat. the Rand brother
beinx the only one to do any heavy
batting. For The Dalit Saunder,
Howell and Patterson all did fine tick
Dr. J. G. Boyd, formerly a rcsi.
dent of The Dalles, assisted by Drs
Nortbrup, Carlton and fields, per
formed another laparatomy operation
on Mra. Lillie Murchison some ten
davs since. The patient has about re
covered, and w ill soon be able to attend
to her household duties. This is the
second operation of the kind performed
by Dr. Boyd during the past three
months. His skill and success as a
surgeon is highly complimented by all,
especially his patients. elasco limes
Have you been in tho habit of paying
2 cents for the Cosmopolitan? If so
you will be surprised to know that you
can get it for only 6'4' cents, by taking
it in connection with the leading county
paper, Tint Ciiuonici.e. Only 2.2."i pays
for the Cosmopolitan and Tun Wkkkly for one year, 7 cents less
than what the Cosmopolitan has hereto
fore cost alone. If you wish to take ad
vantago of the offer, d, so within the
next : d.iys to be certain of it.
A Vlrloua Vagrant.
Nightwatchman Harper had u rather
rough initiation into the duties of his
ofMce last night. He attempted to arrest
a tough-looking individual for vagrancy
when ho received three lashes from a
knife. A wound upon hi wrist i the
chief injury: The fellow ay in his own
defense that Harper tried to hit him and
in the downward sweep of his arm cut
himself with the knife, which the vag
had open in the act of cutting off a chew
of tobacco. Recorder Dufur fined him
i-20 for vagrancy, and in the meantime
. j .
an investigation will be made.
All city warrants registered prior to
July 2d, lH'.U, will be paid on presenta-
tion of the sanio ar. my ouice. uwii,
cease after this date.
1. 1. Hi kgxt, Treasurer.
The Dalles, Or., July 5th, 1893.
Tne ColumQia Packing Co.,
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of fa BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building. Tho Dalles. Or.
Imported Etujlish Shire Stallion
No. 1. Iint lliiwke, rM. Ilr.iwn, Iiwli"!
Ih-.i. Hi.vliv Mrs. I'owanl, iiinrrsie) , l oiue
frii. t, YorSVi'lre. Iiiiinird'.t lw.
Mre, KlnV' Viiiwy, :ii74: he ny iiev.ui
i.1ilre IjiiI, V: lie ty I omiueror, iix: lio hy
Hertford, Hki.VJio by Honest T,.iu, Iw.';-lie ty
ll.-rtfonl, liui-X i
Dam by W hxmVw, VJtf,; lie by W axwork, !7';
he by lllnek UuAll.
i.riin.t luille liif-l Toin, 1I0J: hehyKnu
lmiil Hero, T.Vs'heVl Derbyshire, Item, ho
hy l-rbyiiliire,fih); Ii. Vv Derbyshire I'iKK.itt'a.
Having purcha- whe celebrated Stal
lion, LORD HAV Kbe will make the
season at W. L. WartVs on Mondays,
Tuesdays and W"Jnei!lis ; and at Du
fur on Thursdays FridaV ntl Satur
days. I
Charges for theifeasoii, rV to insure,
lr. i
The best of can will I taki of ani
mals, but no responsibility for jauiagea
will be assumed. '
Lord Hawke won thn tlOO premiitui at
Hexam, England, in 18.
The pride paid for 1-ord Haw ke w