The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1893, Image 2

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EeictstEE Formally Opsiici i? tbe
Xcw Kill Will
be the Only Measure
-Reasons Demand
ing rassage.
! occurred Unlay on the steamer Alfons. a
1 lat employed in the river trade on the
Vol;;. The steamer, with quite a nuni
! ler of passenger on loarJ, was -proaching
Kouianov. when the li!ers
, exploded, killing '-0 passengers. Among
the dead is General lVtrus!ie!-i. The
I explosion tore the upper part of tlie
! steamer to pieces, and burning coals
MEMBERS 'Mown from the furnaces set lire to the
Miv.'k. The boat hurned to the water's
inlgf nnil then sunk.
Sal Mm of tiic Gladstone Celebra
A olllry Ilorrnr.
Lonpos, July 4 At Thornhi'.t, York-',
I shire, an explosion occurred toliiv. tine
j hundred and twenty miners are en-,
Ulkli.n. July 4. The retchstag was j tombed, ami the los of life, It is (eared.;
opened today ly Emperor William, j be heavy. Four bodies have been (
His majesty, in a firm ami clear voiee, already brought out. ritiful scenes of
read as follow : ( distress and anxiety prevail about the
"Honored Gentlemen : tinee you mine.
have been called
, comuion to work for I
the federal government, 1 desire to wel- i
come you upou entering on your ilelib-i
erations. A bill concerning the peace
footing of the army, which was sub
mitted to the former reichstag, to my
regret did not find approval. In the
face of the development of military in
stitutions, the rejection of the army bill
was bound to lead to the resolution to
dissolve the reichstag and order new
elections. Since the introduction of the
bill, the political situation in Europe
lias experienced no chamre. The rela
tions of the empire with other powers
jre thoroughly friendly and free from all
clouds. The projwrtion of Germany's
organised military strength has, how
ever, cbanired for the worse during the
past year when compared with that of
our neighbors. If already Germany's
geographical position and historical de
velopments hiy upon us the duty to
maintain a relatively strong army, then
further increase in the military
strength or the empire becomes a forci
ble necessity to satisfy the duties laid
upon me by the constitution. I con
sider that nil means at our dis
posal must be utilized in order to
establish au effective defense of the
Fatherland. You will receive immedi
ately a new bill regarding the peace
footing of the army, in which there will
be taken into account as far as possible
certain desires expressed during the dis
cussion of the lale bill. Consequently,
diminished demands are made upon the
personal capacity and taxbearing power
? .the people as fur as possible without
- eitUuueering the efficiency of the army.
-The empire's interest requires, especi-
tsJjy in view of the end of the septenate
next spring, that the bill be passed with
the utmost dispatch so that the new
recruit calls may be made in the autumn
- on the new basis. Delay would lnnn-
- ence most unfavorably our strength for
. jnore jLts&n 20 years.
-tentiemcn, with a great sacrifice
Germany bai been united in one em
pire. The nation honors most those
who staked their blood or property on
this work which led the Fatherland to
prosperity. To safeiy guard the glori
ous achievement with which God has
blessed as in oar battle for independ
ence is our most sacred duty. This
duty we can only fulfill if we make our
selves strong enough to remain a surety
for Europe's peace. I trust you will not
fail to give me and my confederates your
patriotic sacrifices and willing supprrt
in striving for these aims."
The Bavarian minister called for three
cheers for the emperor and they were
given with a hearty good will. The uni
form worn by the emperor was that of a
guarde du corps. The members of tue
eocial-democratic and radical people's
party and some anti-Semites were not
present. Most of the members of the
center or Catholic party were present and
there was a full attendance of the gov
ernment groups.
Itoath or tJsha Bontag.
Fkihno, Cal., July 3. John Soutag
died at 1 :3o o'clock this afternoon. He
was unconscious before death five hours.
An inquest will be held.
crank who has taken it into hia head to
warn Spreckela. The victim of the
alleged joke, however, has no hesitation I
: in n.iying that lie believes his enemies
here are trying to scare him olt'aiul that
; there ure men here ili's'rite riiuugh to
; attempt to kill him. The muar king's
' combative nature i now thoroughly
aroused, and he i-t ti-iii( mean to din- j
cover the author of the threat j
AkKtsriP vm i onki'ik cy. j
' The Spreckels incident was till fresh :
i when Friday afternoon, the arret" ts f
.already predicted in these dispatches'
j were made. T. B. Walker, F. '. (''". '.
and Archibald Sinclair were t .l.. r n .
j custody, on a charge of couspli i.,; to
I overthrow the government by force of J
! arms. ,
Til Magasln of h future.
j The July Cosmopolitan will nw.ikj
Three Oilier Children Were Probably
Fatally Injured Family Recently
Came From Washington.
OiiKi.OM Cit, July 5. The celebra
tion at Gladstone yesterday was marred
at its close by a terrible and fatal acci
dent, which resulted in the immediate
death of Mrs. M. P. Bradley, followed
by the death this morning of her infant
child, while the turee other children t)1M nioal radical Htep ever taken in ht:
were so severely injured that their lives . Myu. literature. With that issue the j
are despaired of. As M. 1 Bradley and i magaiiue, unchanged in form, in fart,;
family, who live on a farm to miles ' oue o( th i,Ht nnmiMrM ( the Cosmo-j
soutn ot mis city, were returning irom ; Iloi,Un ever issued, will le put on sale
the celebration in a buggy ana n;u just
Cosmopolitan JHagazloe
! HUpoaltioa Will B Mad
Kcaialas t'atU Ik Kcturn or
His Family.
Astokia, Or., July 5. Captaiu Fla
vel's death which occurred late Monday
night, though expected, was a severe
shock to the community in which he
has lived for many years. He died in
; great agony, his strength fighting off the
inevitable to the last moment. For the
last four years the captain has led a very
quiet life. He has only been seen on
the streets occasionally, visiting his of-
j fice and First National hank, of which
j he was president. The Flavel rent roll
is the heaviest in the city. He owned
, 60 lots in the business center and never
sold one of them. His Tansey Foint
tract, consisting of 1760 acres,
purchased by him for $40,000, he sold j
last fall for f3H0,000. He owned 3tii
reached the motor Hue coming from the
, Hl ! west, oue of the traces became un-
at Ivthe and one-half cent per copy
f 1.50 a year. The cutting in half of a
i price already deemed low for an illus-
hitched and the team got frightened triltej n,agg8,n6 ti,e result of au in ton
and started to run. The driver was un- j tion OIljf ill(H, ,., to Kjvo to ti,e
able to control theui and they ran to the j pUic a nitrated monthly of the
verge of the river, which comes close to j VL,ry hiK,egt a,,, Bt mic!, Ilrict, RIJ
the road at this place and makes a ,,,, brin? it wlthm tl( rea(.(l ()f
sharp curve, so that the road leads di- j )ereong o jutellectmil tastes, however
rectly up to the brink. When the team n,,,; tllelr incomM. There are more
found itself at the edge of the "P I than ten million readers in the I nited
bank it swerved short off, throwing the ( states and less than eight hundred
buggy with great force over the preci-1 thousand magazines are printed to sun-
ply their demands. More four
years have lieen sient in reaching the
. . AND THE . .
Weekly Chronicle
rice, which is here a rockv bluff 40
high. As the bugy went over
it ; 1 .1 '.1. 1. :
urau.ey juinpeo., .,iu i,ur.a,T organization necessary for the i.roduc
of the lines, to which he was still cling
ing, saved himself from going over;
bat Mrs. Tradley with the four children
were hurled on the sharp rocks below.
Bradley immediately slid down the bluff
to their assistance, and his shouts
brought Ir. Locke, of Portland, and
" iii.,ui.nrui!nreiuwci " h j presses ana machinery of the most im
non oi me cosmojHilitan at this price, a
figure hitherto undreamed of by the
reading world. Each department of the
work has Wen slowly perfected, until
with the January num'oer of this year
one hn lid red and fifty thousand copies
of the magazine were prejwred upon
lilltffllk In!
I Tortland, for w hich he was offered
2,000 an acre last February. He is as
sessed here for $232,000, and altogether
his possessions, at a low valuation,
total considerably over $1,000,000. It is
believed that the handsome residence
and a third of his assets will go to his
widow, and that the remainder, outside
of the minor bequests, will be divided
equally among his three children, two
daughters and one son. His death will
be greatly regretted in everv part of the
country. One of the kindest of land
lords and a man of sterling business in
tegrity and ability, he endeared himself
to all. The body has been embalmed,
and no disposition will be made of the
I remains until the family return from
New York Friday.
. i . . i :!.... . i . . '
jusioeiow uwEcriitiuiM uucu;, , proved form, built with a view to pro
their assistance. Procuring ropes, they j aucing the finest results at the very
drew them up into the road, where it j minimum of exjHmse the onlv estab
was found that all had sustained severe j iinieut in the world, it is, de
injuries, from which the lS-months-old: voted exclusively to the printing of an
baby died this morning. The other illustrated monthly mngasine. To es
children are in critical condition, but tablish a magazine upon such a basis at
are expected to live. ) the outset was impossible. Only the
Alter the accident .Mrs. i.rait:ey coniu , pij om,Y. 0i ti,e Cosmnnolitan'. idi.
tions, utmost unprecedented in maga
zine records, has produced the conditions
...Vomer I'.am, VXIOX STOCK YARllS, Oilman, Hi,.
The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses h,
the world, will hold his first extensive sale of west
crn branded horses for season 189:?, on
J WW LI .O..
Entries should be made at once.
ft ndiwiim
GrfT Ha Beea
Forced to
Pabih, July 4. The startling news
lias been received here that a revolution
iias occurred in Greece, that King
George has abdicated, and that the peo
ple of Athens, backed by the soldiery,
have proclaimed Greece a republic.
The event was so sudden and unex
pected that the particulars of it are as
yet but rumors. No official verification
of it can be obtained at this hour, but
considering the dissatisfaction preva
lent for some time, and the impulsive
character of the people, It is not re
garded as improbable. A cablegram
similar to the above was received in
this city by a prominent Greek. Sev
eral Greeks were seen in regard to it,
bat they bad no information to give.
While surprised, they thought it not
improbable. Their countrymen, they
hay, have long been hoping and planning
to make their country an independent
Klchamaon Heut?d.
Kosc iirRO, Or., July 3. Judge Fallen
ton this morning sentenced Richardson,
who attempted to wreck the train near
Comstock several months since, to
ight years hard work in the penitenti
ary at Salem. The full penalty for the
crime was ten years. The sentence
fivee universal satisfaction. FherifTI
Miller will take the prisoner to Salem
on tomorrow morning's local train.
Marking th Fae of Several
low (Undents with Cauntle.
Toledo, Ohio, July 5. The recent
hazing of students at Delaware College
has resulted in suits for damages in the
common pleas court of Delaware county.
On April 20th several of the students
were caught by older boys, taken to a
room, and there bound with cords.
Some kind of corrosive or caustic was
used with which to tattoo the faces.
Lines were drawn which made the boys
look like Fiji Islanders or American sav
ages. The marks can never be effaced.
Those who were charged with having
performed the outrages were arrested
for assault and battery. After the
cases were gotten ready for trial a settle
ment was effected, the defendants to pay
the costs and attorney fees. The fees
have not been paid, and the attorneys
have begun to get anxious for their pay.
The hazers would not pay it, and the
victims said they must, or stand trial for
damages for $10,000 each.
The result is that four suits have been
filed for that amount, each entitled as
follows: I'ercival H. Wilson versus
lialph Harrold, I'ete Adams, Holway
Farrar, Wilber E. Moorman, William H.
Innis, Harry D. Belt. Walter E. Evars,
Charles W. Perellis and Calviu S.
Welch ; Joseph E. Kogers versus same ;
Orland C. Harn versus same, and Milton
W. Brown versus same. The petitions
allege that the victims are forever dis
figured, that they will forever be sick,
sore aad lame, and add that the hazers
ended the cruelty by spanking them
with red-hot shovels.
fcUMi Farmer Buffering.
Topeka, Kan., July 5. The gravity of
the condition of the farmers of western
Kansas continues to grow more serious.
Unless they are soon provided with sub
stantial aid the country will be deserted
by those able to get away, while those
compelled to remain will suffer for the
necessaries of life. A call has been made
for a convention of representatives
throughout the stricken counties to meet
at Leoti, Wichita county, to discuss some
plan for providing soed wheat.
Governor Lewclling has been imjxir
tuned to call an extra session of the
legislature to take action for the relief of
the farmer of the western part of the
state, who have no seed wheat on account
pf drouth. He says the exigencies of the
case are not great enough to warrant
such a coarse. While there is a wheat
failure, the corn prospect was never I
not be found, and it was correctly sur
mised that she had fallen into the river
and had been carried down stream by
the current, which is very rapid at this
point. Boats were procured at once,
and by means of lanterns the river was
thoroughly searched. An hour later
Charles Smith and Fhilo Tatro found
the bodv thrown upon the rocks at the
dam 300 yards below the scene of the
accident, life being quite extinct when
found. The body was carried at once to
the Gladstone depot, where an exami
nation showed an abrasion and bruise
over the right eye and temple, and a
terrible wound on the top of the head,
where the skull bad teen laid bare over
a space not less than four inches square.
The afflicted family has lived in this
community since last winter, having
moved here from some place in Wash
ington. Talking Tbrougn Hll Met.
Fixklay, O., July 5. P.ev J. W. Hill,
a noted anti-Mormon worker of Utah,
now in this city, has disclosed a scheme
of the Mormons to buy the next con
gress to give them statehood. One mil
lion dollars, he tays, has been raised for
the purpose
Greece's King II Not Abdicated.
Losoox, July 5. It is reported from
the United States that King George of
Greece has abdicated and a republic has
been proclaimed. The Greek consul
general here pronounces the report pre
posterous. One Way or Celebrating.
Denver, July 4. At Cripple Creek,
and in some of the other mining camps
of Colorado, flags were at half-mast to
day as an expression of the feeling of
the inhabitants on account of tlie de
termination of the administration to de
monetize silver.
Hprecklea In Danger
of Aeeae-
riAS Francisco, July 5. Advices from
Honolulu up to June 2th are as follows :
Three arrests for Conspiracy and the
promises oi more, Claus Kpretkels
threatened with assassination, the or
ganization of a murder society within
the Annexation Club, and finally the
newsof theappointmentuf Judge ftneed,
of Tennessee, as minister to Hawaii to
succeed Mr. Blount, have been the de-
wbich make this departure from estab
lished prices possible. The Cosmpoli
tan promises to make the vear 181)3 the
most brilliant in its history. No other
year has been such an array of distin
guished names as will apjiear on its title
page during 1S!3. De Maupassant,
Mark Twain, George Ebers, Valdez,
Kpielhagegj, Francois, Coppee, Flam mar
ion and Paul Heyse are some of the au
thors whose work will appear for the
first time during this year in the pages
of the Coamoolitan. Among the ar
tists whose work will decorate its pages
for the first time during 1803 are Lau
rens, Taussaint, Vierge, Rochegrosse
and Schwab. William Iean Uowells
will be a reguiar contributor during
1803-94. A feature of the July number
will be triple frontispieces by Hocheg
rosse and Guillonnet.
Crop-Weather Bulletin.
Weather; Since June 30th, warmer
weather has prevailed.
Crops : Bain is badly needed for the
cereal crops, especially for that sown in
spring plowed land. Only in unusually
favored years does the cereal crop yield
any good crop when it is sown in spring
plowed land. The summer fallow and
fall sown grain is most promising, and
will not be injured by the absence of
rain ; but it would be materially bene
fitted by rain. The present outlook
indicates only a fair wheat crop in
Wasco, Gilliam, Morrow and Baker
counties; in all the counties, however,
the late spring sown will not make one
half a crop, and much of it will most
likely be cot for hay unless a good
heavy ram should occur toon. The
fruit prospects are good in Union county,
and in the Snake river country ; they are
fair in the other sections. Haying is
generally in progress and good yields
are reported. Apparently the climate
conditions have been favorable to the
cereal crop, yet many of the correspond
ents report crops not up to the average.
Livers: The warmer weather is caus
ing the snow to melt more rapidly ; but
the major portion hits already been
melted so that there is no longer danger
of llrjuds.
The California Winehouse,
Is now oiien. and its proprietor will sell his home
produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody.
Also, hest Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to he Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
112 Second St.
U. 8. Commissioner.
Notary Public
Huntington & McKinstry.
DtiweMor to J. M. Iluntingtuu A Co.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag'ts
Land Papers of all Kinds prepared.
lienta collected and taxes jmirl for non-residents.
Abstract of Title furnished at short notice, as we have the only set of
al tract hooks in Wasco County.
Parties having Ileal Entate for talo or rent are reijueted to call at
our office, NO 139 SECOND ST- THE DALLES, OR,
Chrisman & Corson,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
Cor: Washington and Second Sts., The Dalles, Or.
lir.tinnn'i Onion Hrnp.
Ti.U 1. .11
veiopraenia 01 me past six days, and no j eases of the Throat and Lungs, caused
end of excitement and gossip has been the I ly taking cold. It mill stop a cough in
resnlt. Claus Spreckels started the fun ! ?ne no matter how severe. It
bv discovering earlv on .rn;,. ,,1 ! " ,,ttt ,w n."., "P"" '. n onion
June 2L'd the following placard, orna
mented with a skull and crosslxmes.
posted on the gate of his residence, "Gold
and silver will not stop lead." This
statement, in view of his opposition to
the provincial government, seemed very
significant to Mr. Spre'!:els and he im
mediately carried theplacurd to Minister
1 syrup, coinioiimu:n in such a munner as
to do away w ith the unpleasant taste
and odor of the vegetable.
When in need of a cure for a cough or
cold, try it. Trice fA cts. Sold by
Ulukeley & Houghton.
( nuntjr I lork'a rtlii.
All irf-rions havirur warrants in the
Govttttment, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
huccMor to Thornhurjr A Uurtaon,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
If you want Information ronwriiliif (iiivcm
moot ixiirt.. or lh,. Inw rvlntl riv tiim-to, yon run
rwmill him Inn of elmrn. Ilelow iioiilc n -Cliilly
of thl ImiIii,-ii, nnii hn pr A-tlf-l bWoru
tlif I iiitetl riUU-B Itiiil Offier lor over leu ynr.
A th:i:ii;le jhhamick.
1 on Kt.IlAr pf a Crowrtwd Vvlfra Mteamer '
' r. rKTricnrito, July A. A terrible
i -tu-ter, r.-sj!t:i.i; in a largii loss of lii'c, j
I r-precueiB Home a now .guarded by a
teachers' review , stalwart native i.o!iccinan. The irovern-
innnt, a c'.l Uf members of the Amn x-
I will organize a
c!ue, preparatory to ouarterly pxarnin-
Mfion in Aurrtiut l..;nn;..M T o...i.
and continuing five weeks. CoreMnoml-1 8t"'n Uub' d"'-'l,!.v rt'?r,:t '!C occurrence
ence solicited. C. L. Gii.bki:t. and look upon the porting of the placard
w-i Hood Ki ver, Or.
I nnniii, 01 iiie county clerk issued more
! fllfltl liOVOII ITKHrl , trk !,lr I u 1 utl'l
IMount. The American minister took are hereby notified lo call for' the' sau'ie,'
Spreckels' statement do n niiil sent it to , '""I prewmt the same to the county
President I'ole witi.out comment. Mr. I J'"T for payment within sixtv diiy'a
iroin i;or oily OI rftltv. l.l.(. J SlilO
wxrrmits are notruHed for and presented
for as alHivn they will I cancelled nnd
pHvmeut there, il will therefore lie re
fused. Jiv Older Of the (.',,111 tv (,'ourt
KtiuylOj.-L'S J. , (,);,:.v
f'......t.. M..-I.
as the work of practical jokers, or some ' The Dalles, Oregon, Miiy hth, l(a. '
He l Afent fir thr r'nsterft firrvon t-snrt
f.omsiiiy, nihI tmii sell you (irnzliifr, or I u
IniprovMl Al.'rlirllltnrnl Minis III nnv iUlltMy
rt-,lr.-.l, nllft Mill Slrlill INonlilllet lMerll,lllg
tie-.' tnlult to mijoliv ilylli( to III In lor II.
He Is Aireiit ntloof lots In Twiwrv''
TlorJ lo Hi.' I1.1II. .. I hls AiMlliotl Is Inl'loi'i" .
ere lots, surl ilmlim-d lo ! Hie ,rliielisil n-ii-rt.-m-e
juiri of tlie cily. 'lily I" niimil'-" '"
from 1 oiirtliotie; lu iniiinles Iroin K. K. lH-is.
hf,ttlr Licali,d on C.ornmttt Lands.
If yon want ts II or row Money, I.unr or Mhort thnti, h a conmnll
W rites r Ire. l ife, and lasnranon.
If torn rnnnot call, write, and your letter! will ! proiuptlr "'