The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1893, Image 1

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    VOl,. HI.
nvcl Plan ola Georgia Belle to Cte
Suiiors HactJ for the
While the Maiden Waited
Greet the Victor.
.ry, the beautiful daughter f Colonel
tl. F.Vtory, "I Yorkville, had inttiiy J
f .' i .1.1 t ,l..,-i,li t-tween
Hirers, uui '
,I'.rBVT and Govan. niiauy sue
,.t (or the minimer ami the two young
.1 .. .1.1 .i... r'lu.ilu that the one
hirll. PIIB lum
j I,, could come back to her tirst witti a
i! i. .,..1,1 I... l.r linahand.
hit' ri " license
.,, n to leave Yorkville at the name
. - i ... iI.a iiimntr neat.
hue urn. i Me to insunn,
veil mounted, anu
distance was
iih a not,
nver, reached
i,.. v.iini!? men were w
i SI tin ea, me r
MrBrayor, the rich
the ordinary first anil
secured the license UMore !'
nearcd. The latter came a moment
afterward and alio secured a license.
In a few moments lie was
lBO on hi" .v lm,k t0 V' ::ville-
The rn.-e !". sharp, novan wan
dH,rate tiecause Ins rival wan me
mounted. Mi mory, ner .......
,d the minister waited on ine pwin
lur lh racing rival. Mclirayer i
seeu first; be h excited, and far down
i....l it noticed that bin borne
neurlv exhausted. The race waH a
must exciting one, and seemed his. lie
was Hearing the gate, hut in a moment
dovan appeareu m
ahead of Mc Urayer. lie first reac.neu
tiie piaaza ana won vne piw.
hud taken a abort cut thrown U.e
roods. The ceremony was prelormeu,
ud McHruver gracefully acknowledged
tlefeat and joined in the marriage les-
Th ICrTwt n TMa Country.
Washington. June2.-The Hun says
tlie talk of radical silver men, since they
v.... recovered from the tlrst shock oi
t. news from India, hi rather defiant.
Vhile admitting the deuumeti nation in
India ii a bard blow at bi-metalistn at
die present ratio, they speak of it as a
conspiracy, and insist it it more than
v, i,iirtant that this country should
tanrl bv ailver. They nay they intend
to tight with all their might agaiust the
further degradation of silver. The more
conservative men .however, regard this
. . .it :. .1... Tlinir
at wnisuuig, anam".
heat judgment is that tnany who bowled
lor free coinage because of their coniititu
enta, will find in the preaent situation a
reaton for voting the Sherman law off
the statute books, perhaps even without
any sort of a substitute as a cow promise.
FambB.Inc Vowvr Ui Bain.
W ahhincitoh, June 29. SecreUry Car
lisle has reieived numerous callers,
among whom were many members of
congress. With all these the silver ques
tion formed the principal topic oi con
versation, and the contiuued decline in
tU price of silver was naturally referred
to. The secretary had received a cable
gram stating the price of silver today in
Imlon was cents per ounce, at
wl.i-l. r,.lf a silver dollar as bullion was
worth 63 cents. Nevertheless the point,
of course, was that the apparent pur
chasing power of the silver dollar, with
silver bullion at 08'4' cents per ounce,
was as great today as wlten silver was
worth 1.2"J per ounce and tlie bullion
value of silver Wi cents. It should be
equally obvious that this is so liecause it
is known that the credit of the United
Nutes is behind its silver money, as it is
in all other forms of money, and without
which none of them except gold coin and
gold certificates would be worth par in
the money markets of the world. This
furt was several times emphasized at the
last session of congrecs when ex-Secretary
Sherman and others repeatedly de
clared during the senate debates that
there was in the treasury bullion in gold
to the value of every silver certificate
issued by the government.
exhausted, and when the Kvans law goes
nto efl'ect at midnight on June .iDlh
there will be few jwoplo In Charleston
who are not provided with at least a six
months' supply of liquor. This is the
limit which is gem-rally set for the law
to last. All the swell clubs have agreed
to oliev the law. There is one large
brewery in the city. This will j.roba jly
close on July 1ft. More than 200 places
of business, saloons, restaurants and
wholesale liquor bouses will I closed
and several thousand employee will be
out of work.
first International :onf.rUM Now In
Ci.evbi.anu, June 29. This city, in
which the Epworth league was founded,
is overrun with delegates to the first in
ternational conference of that organiza
tion, to last three days. It is expected
10,000 will be present liefore the close.
The accommodations of the city, public
and private, will I taxed to the utmost
to entertain them. The first session
was called to order at 2 o'clock this
afternoon by William Pay, of the com
mittee of arrangements. It was wel
comed by Mayoi Blee and Governor Mc
Kinley, and resiKmsea were made by
I'dsbop Wilson, of the Methodist church,
South; Dr. Carman, general superin-
i.mlM.1 f the Methodist church of
Canada; and ltishop Fitzgerald, of the
Methodist church. A recess was taken
till 7 p. hi., when H. V. Holt, president
of the Illinois Ktate League, will lead
the praise service, followed by a sermon
by T.ishop Chas. H. Fowler and an ad
dress by Uev. A. F.. Schell, general sec
retary of the the league.
II Attempted to I'ut Off a Tramp From
a l'wnr Train.
Mexican Tcwa Visited ty a Basin
The Dallon Gang Again At Work-
Suicide of an Ex-United States
ri-EM-o, Mex., June 30. Tin; town of
Jalapa has Ix-en visited by a terrible
calamitv. Ileavv rains caused the Seco
river, which flows through the place,
suddenly to overflow its hanks, and
nearly one-half of the houses in the
town were swept away. Several people
unable to escape from the raging flood
were drow ned. The rich valley of the
river is inundated, and the 1or9 of crops
and stock is heavy.
Laying In Hoi.llr.
Chari.rston, S. C, June 2'.). A most
peculiar state of affairs exists in Charles
ton today. For 20 days or more the
liquor dealers have been selling out their
stock of w ines and liquors to get rid of
them before July 1st, when the state en
ters into a monopoly of the liquor busi
ness. It is settled that there is to be no
state dispensary for the sale of liquor in
Charleston, and the people have there
fore been preparing for new state of
things. Many thousands of gallons of
liquors have lieen sold, tio great has
Wen the demand that the roads have
been taxed to transport liquors to the
rity, the present stock having been lor.g
The officials of the Southern Pacific
Kailroad Company in Portland were in
formed yesterday that James T. Bruce, a
brakeman on the Oregon & California
express train liaa ueen nioriuujr
wounded at Gold Iiun, l'lacer county,
Cal., by tramp. Wednesday morning
several tramps were stealing a rule on
top of one of the cars, and Bruce, acting
under instructions, tried to get them off.
While having a slight conflict with
them, one drew a revolver and fired,
the shot taki ng effect in Bruce'e body.
H dark at the tiu-e. and the
tramp, realixiug what had happened,
climtied off tlie cars and escaped,
nmkiiiff his wsv to the lulls near
bv. Bruce was nnable to give an
accurate description of the man who did
the shooting, but managed to explain
that be was tall aud dressed in dark
suit. Officers at once sianeu m a pur
suit of the murderer, and it is supposed
that he is making his way north.
The Southern Pacific has offered re.
ward of $300 for information that will
lead to tlie arrest and conviction of the
man who fired the fatal shot. Ore
gon ian.
Approved by Ihm frim.
Bombay, June 28. The newspapers
generally approve the action on the silver
question, but express a hope that the
government will compensate the uanke,
the holdings of which are largely silver.
It is stated that the banks intend to
raise the legal question as to whether
the telegraphic intimation of the change
in the law is sufficient to change the law
and to justify the mints in refusing the
silver tendered them Monday.
Hir Heart llumt A.undrr
Bckunoton, la., June 29. The sud
denness of the death of Mrs. Cius Wal
den, who was apparently in perfect
health, was so strange that a post
mortem examination was held. Her
heart was found burst asunder. Physi
cians say no other such case was ever
heard of. The cause is supposed to have
been a tremendous emotional convul
t)tatue to tlie ynrra
1.onion, June 2S. A statue of the
queen, the work of Princess Beatrice,
her majesty's youngest daughter, was
unveiled in Kensington Hardens today
by the queen in person, in the presence
of a concourse of prominent eople. Tlie
Duke of York, w ho Is not in the best of
health, was absent.
In Ion I'aolllt! to the Iteiicue.
Boston, June 20. The Union Pacific
announces that it will today anticijate
the payment of July interest. This in
cludes all companies in the Union
Pacific system. The payments will
amount to $2,000,000.
Making No 1'rogress.
Washington, June 2V. Secretary of
the Navy llerliert, who is thoroughly
familiar with the populist movement in
tho south, said today lie thought the
tmnulists were not now making any pro
gress in the country, and that the teaeh-
The Ilalton Gang.
Wichita, Kan., June 20. The high
wayman who attempted to rob the
Santa Fe train at Wharton yesterday is
now in jail here. He is a boy only 10.
He says the Dalton gang, headed by
Bill Dalton, forced him to stop the
train under penalty ot aeatn. iney
told him to Btop the train near Black
bum creek June 30 and they would do
the reit. He mistook the day. The
officers have gone to the scene in hopes
of capturing the gang.
Now a Ilevolntlon In 1'eru.
Panama, June 30. Pierola has landed
at Chala, Peru, and gone on to Are-
quipa. He is said to be preparing to
head a revolution designed to put tiim
in tlie presidential chair. This alterna
tive of civil war has been decided upon
according to current report, because
Hiera would have no chance of being
elected if he merely appealed to tlie
suffrages of the people, as the govern
ment in power could control the polls
Hostile operations are expected to begin
Hoke Hmlth's Kwipif
New York, June 30. A dispatch re
ceived in Wall street from Atlanta this
afternoon savs the Journal, Secretary
Hoke Smith's paper, announces that
congress will be called together about
August 1. This added to the strength
in stocks.
A. J- Llrezel, the Creat Hanker.
Puii-adeif-hia, June 30. A private
cablegram announces the deatn at
Carlsbad. Germany, of A. J. Drexel, of
the great Drexel banking-house here
ir wnnt to Enrot.e a few davs ago in
fairly good health.
BarrUoa Favors a Kepeal.
xw York, June 30. The Herald's
interview with ex-President Harrison
quotes him as saying: "I am in favor ot
the repeal of w bat is known as the fcner
nian act, and I think it should be re
pealed at once."
Meslce Will Continue rree Coinage.
City or Mexico, June 30. Secretary
of the Treasury Liuiautour wishes to an
nounce to the world that there is no
truth in the rumor that Mexico contem
plates suspending the free coinage of
silver. On the contrary, all of the Mex
ican mints will be worked to their ut
most capacity. The mint in this city
coins14,000,000 this month. Machinery
is now being erected which will increase
the capacity to $18,000,000 a menth.
There are ten other mints in the republic
which have a smaller capacity. At pres
ent there exists a scarcity of circulating
medium, due mainly to the heavy ex nor-1
tation of Mexican silver dollars. This
drain on the finances of the country must
le met by increased coinage. Mexico
has, furthermore, a certain and unfailing
market in Asia for all of her dollars.
The increasing of exportation of coffee,
fiU-rs and other products will enable
Mexico to exKrt more dollars than ever
before. Silver is produced in Mexico
cheaper than in the United States, aud
the fall in price will be less acutely felt
here than In the neighboring republic.
In view of diminished importations of
foreiirn goodB and the consequent reduc
tion in custom house receipts, which w ill
be caused by the high price of exchange,
l lie federal government liRS ordered
discount in salaries paid to all federal
officials. Those who receive salaries of
itlOO or less a year will be cut 5 per cent,
all from $'300 to $1000 will lie reduced
per cent, and all alwve $1000 will
suffer 10 per cent reduction. The Mex
ican government will take no further
steps at present, but will wait the de
velopment of the panic.
An Kxodo. or Miners.
Tkkoa, Wash., July 2. The exodus
from the Co-nr d'Alene mining region
amount to n Vf-ritabte stampede. This
and airVs lieine taken up with miners,
merchants and all classes who are leav
ing that country. James Kirk, a hotel
keep('r at Ward ner, said ho had closed
his hotel and half the stores would be
closed incide of two weeks. That coun
try is practically killed. Ho says fully
5000 persons will ltavo the Ccur d'Alene
so soon as they can get away. There is
no prosect of better times before next
spring. Many have only money enough
to live on a few weeks, when he predicts
suffering will result.
Supt. 1'ortrr Ite.lgn..
W AsiiisTos,July 1. Robert P. Porter
has resigned as superintendent of the
census. His resignation i9 to lake effect
right away. James II. Wardle, a demo
crat, Tho is now chief clerk of the office,
will be designated to act as superintend
ent, and if Porter's place is to be filled
may lie appointed superintendent. Mr.
Porter has purchased the Xew York
Press, and will assume the management
at an early date. Wardle was connected
with the census office before Porter was
made superintendent.
lllchard.on Found tiulltj.
Rosebirg. Or., July 1. Guilty as
charged in tLe indictment, was the ver
dict of the jury in the trial of George I...
Richarun, for attempting to wreck the
north-bound overland passenger train
last March. The defense called no wit
nesses, relying on the weakness of the
prosecution for acquittal. The evidence
was purely circumstantial, and not
nearly so strong as at the preliminary
examination. Kichsrdeon win appear
for sentence next Monday.
DiLrurpi Nrerlng Death.
Ixsios, July 1. Charles DeLesseps
was taken from the prison hospital to
viBit lila father at La Chesnaye yester
day. He was returned last evening to
his hospital quarters, where he will re-
for the next two months. rer-
dinand DeLereeps is very near death.
He seemed yesterday to be moribund.
His utterance is almost unintelligible
and his mind has virtually ceased work
ing. His phyeicians think he will hardly
live through next week.
Fourth at Hood Klver.
The Question Now Tbat Congress Has
Been Called Toother.
The House Expected to Repeal the
Sherman Law, hut the Action of
the Senate Doubtful.
II .
. . t .i . A....a..u.l in the agitation
,11.1 not have anv influence in shaping evening's Union Pacific train from U al-
tbe policy of the democratic irty
lace was crowded, the baggage car steps
The following program is prepared for
the fourth of July at Hood River. As a
little observation will show, it is one of
unusual excellence:
Salute of 44 guns at sunrise.
Parade of plug uglies at 9 a. m.
Procession to form at corner of Oak
and Third and preceded by band to
march to grounds at 10 :30 a. m.
Music by band.
Prayer, Rev. H. F. Gilt.
Declaration Independence,
Music by band.
Basket dinner.
Baseball at 1 P. m.. between The
Dalles and Hood River.
Tug of War.
Football between married and single
men for Rugby ball.
Contest for ball by boys.
1. Rooster race, first prize 25 cents.
F.ntries to date, Guy Williams
Howard Hartley.
2. Boys ten years and under, 60 yards
dash. 1st 25, 2nd 15 cents.
3. Boys 10 to 16 years, 75 yds dash 1st
50. 2nd 2i cents.
a Rack ra.-e. 50 vds 1st 50. 2nd 25 cts.
5. Free for all, 100 yds 1st $1, 2nd 50
6. Egg race, maidens and all ages, 25
vards and return, let box candy
7. Ladies' race.SUyds dasli, to 1st and
2nd ice cream and other courtesies,
(chaste salutes, if desired) by the judges
8. Three le race 50 yds, age or sex no
bar, 1st 50, 2nd 25 cts.
1. Free for all, 2 heats, trial and dis
tance handicap, 1st $2, 2nd $1
2. Slow race (riders interchanged) 1st
$1. 2nd 50 cts.
3. Riding backward race, 1st 50, 2n:
25 cents.
Three entries will be necessary for
in nil races except No.'s 1 of foot
rtv -- - a
.t 3 .t horse. Other races and con
golidation purses will be made up on tl
if rounds.
Cut this out and paste it in your nai.
For entry see :
J. H. Fkhguson, Scc'y.
i. C. Jonfs, Jr., Pres.
Hood River Speed Association, Official
Starter. r- H. Button.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
sXppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidnev trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
San Francisco, July 1. A special
from Washington to an evening paper
says: Now that the president has
cailed congress together the all-imiort-ant
question is, "What will it do?" As
a matter of fact .nobody can tell. The
house, which is always more amicable
to the executive than the senate, will
probably repeal the Sherman law, but
not without a fight. Bland and the
other free-silver men will exhaust every
privilege allowed them under the rules
to delay action, and will filibuster just
as long as they are permitted. But it
is virtually settled by the democrats
that the rules of the next house will
partake somewhat of the nature of the
Reed rules. Filibustering will be re
duced to a minimum. Indeed, it Is no
secret that the democrats of the house
intend to follow very closely upon the
Reed rules in some respects. The house
will be organized in a hurry, under
pressure from the president. Crisp
will be re-elected speaker without oppo
sition. He will arrange the committees
expeditiously, and in the meantime the
committee on rules, which will be ap
pointed first, will proceed to prepare a
code of rules. There will be certain
provisions deliberately designed to pre
vent the friends of silver from delaying
a vote on the repeal of the Sherman act,
and in the south end of the capital, at
least, the president's programme will be
carried out.
The opposition in the senate will be
more effective. Senators Stewart and
ones of Nevada, together with other
sillver advocates, will make a deter
mined fight. They will oppose the re
peal of the Sherman law unless legisla
tion more favorable to silver shall be
offered as a substitute. That will not
be conceded. The republicans and dem
ocrats who demand the repeal of the
Sherman act, will insist upon its uncon
ditional repeal. There will no be pre
vious question in the senate; no way
hatever of curtailing debate, except Dy
fixing the hour for the final vote, and
then making it a question ot physical
endurance. Senator Stewart is a long
and enduring talker himself, and could
consume a week at least. There is no
way of changing the senate rules so as
to cut off debate. That would not be
tolerated. It would Vie contrary to es
tablished usages. The president him
self has entertained doubts as to whether
the majority of the senate would vote to
reneal the Sherman act. He is not yet
entirely convinced that the majority
will promptly snow np on inai sme
"M v little boy was very bad off for two
months with diarrhiea. ve used var
ious medicines, also called in two doc
tors, but nothing done him any good un
til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhua Remedy, which gave im
mediate relief and soon cured him
consider it the Itxl medicine made and
can conscientiously recommend it to ail
who need a diarrha-a or colic medicine.
J v M:irf. Trenton. Tex. 25 and 50
pnt Ikittles for sale by Blukeley &
Houghton, Druggists.
I Tl Mi mi UuU-rtV ,l,.,i-iit m!n oi,
Ii n- hI! tli ntiN, t,ititht h mil',
,W'inhli i-iirly i'M'ty ily
To ri-ail unit writr, to tint; hiii! nv(
1 iHHliy h liriiilit ' M wiil'oMn: lit,
'1 hut i' will ini'lltiofl n.i Mi' jut.
Jl"t tit llu' ilixir 1IH tt in,
1 lit llntlll III!" t!Hl itr MltlitlK ttilll
I'ihih' IriMipiiitf in tin IIH'TV -l CH,
A row ill Kirli. nil Iv III' !iim-Iv':
Anil ut Hi" Ix'll Un, nt tin- lit-ht
lh Ht-iiti-tt tiil'li iiirh t'nlli-' miril'
Tho boys tlii'll nwirrMnx Mt the left,
Thi'lr hiitMthi'U Iiiiiik, with tiui:-rH il"ft;
Ami then wltti uihiiiiitm (n(t ni i-lnwu)
Xhey limiiiiK lit th ir n-ut, hit liuwn.
i First rirl wo Mf jut bv tltiMiixtr,
j 11 ill: hhlc nr t'Mi or twelve, or more,)
In Jennie Towell; brivlit ntil aaj ,
Ana wnifc.'Miie hn a Miinuier iluy.
Ami at lier ni'le B''W"II ' ymi n ?
Ah no! A girl hk aweet h Mrty.
Wlin bemU Iter will iniln her Uk
In KlortMift, then the Kirl juu K-k .'
'fhen colneK Kniinie, iiriKht ami fair,
(.; ey mi ilnrk. una Kentie nir.
Ami' rinrHh Itmit, no kihmI hihI true,
Willi even Hint arc not bluek, 1ml blue;
fche Htiiilir Imnl mitt trie her bent.
Ami, 1 believe nlni'11 ftMiiil the test,
.htNtAM the clone of M'hiHil ilrilWH llelir
Kxuniiniitiiin, w ill notfeur.
Ami 1 tliA M. here Just in time
To join un. ill our (ilenMiut rhyme.
Now Jluliel Anderson coniin next
With uMiilimr hre. Then in our text
Comes Fanny Knot, with bird mini? guy,
And warbling nil the Mimmer any ;
First durtinx here, and Hitting there,
Aa pure aa the sunshine lair.
Next Ethel Anderson we see.
With eyes and faee so lull of glee,
W bom Mia Daily fcitu beside.
Her father s joy and mother pride.
.Myrtle Daily, bright and gay
W iilks from her home two miles each day;
She's but a babe, a wee small mite
'Letters todninma" tiles to write.
Knw Marv Powell, little i't,
We have not spoken of her yet:
Bright as a dew drop in the sun,
The face of this dear little one
Benin forth ix)n a world with love
Like angel faces from above.
The bovs upon the other side
Claim our attention and our pride;
We now will have it understood
That aa a rule they're pretty good:
Thev mean much better than they seem
Though mischief in their eyes doth beuin.
We hope in future years to know.
As, up to manhood s prime they grow.
That each mar well his pathway tread,
in either, winning lame, or nreuu.
Mav mnster well Hie s useiui tasKs,
And never wear through life such masks
A cover o'er a virtuous heart.
And in dishonor sliaro in part:
Ai n higher my boys; reach out your hand,
piuok only riie iruns iroui me muu ,
And garner well all sheaves of grain
That others passing by disuain.
U-t naught but Inirest lauieis crown
Your manly brows, and let renown
Weave brightest chnpleta 'round your name,
Work well for wisdom, honor, fame;
Take lessons from tlie pine trees high,
That proudly tower toward the sky.
Think! Has vour day been spent aright
As noontide stoops to kiss ine iiikuh
purn all things that are wrong or ill,
fv nianlv courage, manly will:
Be brave, tie true, be kind, be gisul,
He iinriirht. honest as yon should;
True to yourselvci, true to Hod,
Leave clean me paiuway umi j
Robert Omeg. sometime out of season.
Isouiteporsistent in tlnding a reason
Or cause for such diseipliue stiietly enforced,
leaving all play troni nil moor uivorvc.
Here's Chare and ( barley, tell which if you can, .
is trying tli hardest to make a go d man ;
And Osenr and llovd, both willing and true,
Thev strive for the best in wuatever they no;.
And Willie Hisif coiining of lessons is fair
While t lining erect, wun military m:
In fact we are nil quite gsy lot of elves'.
We know we must study mid learn for ourselves.
Then its work hard we must from morning till
And e'en tho' the lessons m nurd at first Bight,
We'll strive to do lmtlle lor honor una right.
Si.r this we do know life's tourney' begun.
Then bend to the oar, boys, bend evory one.
Into clear water, boy, steer your owu mini lie
Straight through lite channel, the way seem-
etnuar ;
But with a strong effort von'll keep to the right.
Ami ilHvlieht will follow the darkness of night.
Then sunshine, not shadow, w ill lollow your .
way, . .
Thus lignting the pathway for other each day.
You then will be happy, Mm Journeying along,
Mngihg through life lis most beautiful song
The song tual was waiteu iruiu itriiaiu iiiruugn
The song tht win caught by Columbia' breeze;
The song of all songs through tlieages has been;
The song ihnt r,all tell of redemption from sin;
The song that shall echo through forest and glen,
1 "Peace ou enrin; gooa win to an men.
L. c.
A Kllllnc Frost.
Kd tirillin of 15-Mile is in town. He
reports that there wns a heavy frost yes
terday morning, and that potato vines
u l.i. li worn over ti foot liiuii. were killed
for half their length, tiruin is also se
riouslv hurt. The story U continued by
various other reports to the effect that
liuht frosts occurred on the creek Imt
t,.m uiul in some nlaces a thin layer of
ice. The continued cool weather is re
markable, and the year lSi'l? will doubt
less prove the coldest on record.
fcliilnh's cure, the lireut Cough and
Croup Cure, is fur sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Rocket ti.e contains twenty-five
doses, only 2"c. Children love it. old
by Snipes A Kinersly.
'Teter Piper Ticked a Peck of Tickled
Topjiers," was a line of alliterative non
sense, that the children used to say.
Nowadays they can practice on the Ter
fect, Painless, Powerful Properties of
Tierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. It
will impress a fact which will be useful
to know. These Pellets cure sick head
ache, bilious attacks, indigestion, con
stipation and all stomach, liver and
bowel troubles. They are tiny, sugar
coated pills, easy to take, and, as a lax
ative, one Is sufficient fur a dose. No
more groans and gripes from the old
drastic remedies! Pierce's Purgative
Pellets ure as painless as they are) perfect
in their effects.
A Talented Kdltor."
Imrlng tin' coining months, or the heated
isii.Hl, lliose w ho are trnt cling or ilcuipUtlng
a uio nny i roin si-, mid rend I he lol lowing
letter fioni a brllli:illl ami we. I know millb r and
provide thenoiches ntulnst nlliK us oi heiiduche
and di.iness:
iiKNii.KMKN-1 hud oit'iiioii to use several
boxes of KiallMi's Headache fapHlleM while
traveling to Chicago tontlcnd the N. lional
ia ralic Convention. They M like a charm 111
nrevenllng nviiiliu iu-s anu uioi. o.i" m-.
very llitln hend iche i lui e my return, which. i
reniarkanle. Yours respet'lfuliy.
t'. SHAKimi,
Fit. Itcnovo, l'n.. Record.
For sale bv Hlakclcv A: lloiii.diloii, frescilption
Druggists, 176 Second Pt., llle llnlles, dr.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
May&a g