THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1893. THE QUARANTINE LAW. Mat from the uiyjm i-iM'rt of th Marine llaiMaJ Mrrt !. Ir. Walter Wynuu, the supervising mrfrvou pt-iu-rul f thi' Murine hospital aerviee, i tin- man who Ui'luirvvd with perfecting the details of the national quarantine law with respect to its ex ecution. Kulek ami regulations have been adopted unit transmitted to the vurious quarantine stations uml mrts of entry, us well as to foreign port. lr. Wyninn. in r'sHinM' to an invitu tiin from u liivston lleruht eorrespon ileut, gives the following interest ing Minimarv of hi.- plans uiul the scope of the -Marine hospital service a bureau: The law of February K. 1-'.:-. estab lishes a new departure in tiu manner of quarantine." saiii I'r. Vin;:n. "by providing (;r.:iruiitiiic (H-tertii'ii of ves sels. itr.niiL-rnr.ts. peroni.l etTeets or cariro tit in fcetett 1orvl:-i: ports. Of course, there i-- nodirect I'liU '.1 states statute whieh eun Ik' enforced m a for eign port. Iut the government mar say V' ,M s-A - J , -n'An : OVER THE RAPIDS. Tba Makar. Iluatraaa and M harf Boat Kaabarka fur rortlaati. The I. S. Haker left thi morning, on I her down-river trip, having iu tow the j 1 1 tint rem and the wharf-boat. Ileren ( trance into the current aim the ignal I for the ' various whistle of the city to ; blow a parting imliite, which they did for the space of nearly a half hour. ! It 'M announced that she would go over the falls next Sunday, but the sources of information are so capricious ; that it cannot be accurately stated. The impression now is that if the wind is favorable it will shoot through the i rapids tonight. The ttage of the river . at this time id most favorable. The 'Baker w ill ln captained by Mi', bell 1 Morrilson, a will known half-breed, who is one of the test-posted men in this section on the river nnd its tributaries, and who served the Vnion Pucitic in the capacity of steamer captain years ago. By ninny the trip is considered peril ous, but those who have seen the steam ers shooting the rapids of the St. l-av-renre river, pronounce the Columbia rapids to be tame in comparison. Tiuc .itter have been the subject of iimnv a painting, where the mammoth steamer glides down the steep pitches with re markable velocity, perhaps a lifth the ug'.h of the l)at being entirely eleai of the water. The return trip is made through the Ijichiene canal and locks, tiie down-trip being made on the river to save time. To Htretrh Hemp. 1 Win. Gallin is the name of a man sen j tencetl to stretch hemp on the 24th of next month. Jointly indicted with Vina Shiim for the murder if Nina's j husband, A. YV. Shaw, he has been J X. Y.; supreme WALT Kit WYMAX. Supervisinp Surn lit-nonil United State: Marine HospiuU Service. o vessels on the other side that unles eertain precautions are taken they can not er-ter at u l":iited States port. That they shall 1h- tined live thousand dollars if they do not have a bill of health signed by the consul or by the medical ol'.ieer specially detailed bv the presi dent for that purpose, before sailing for Amcrcia. "Medical officers are detailed for this pn-nose only at ports which are con sidered dangerous. The quarantine regulations for fore i en ports provide first for inspection. This inspection is , preliminary t.i the signing of tiw bill ' The woman in the case we saw sev of health. An inspection is required eral times. In her maiden days she wa also of a.I vessels carrying passensvrs ; known as Nina Harper, and the hatch ot trouble in her neighborhood c I trieil, convicted and sentenced to deatli ! on that day at Canyon City, Orant i county. ! The editor knew Gal'in a few vears ago in Grant county. He is a large, surly man, with a face in which brutal pa-sions seem to be running a joint o: their own. Tba rMitr Hal War. St. Pai l, Minn., June '.W The tran" continental rate war, begun by the Great Northern a week ago, promise to lie the bitterest in the history of rail ways in the West. It is learned from General Pasenger Agent Kerr that the Canadian l'acilic is going to enter the districts with a rate so soon as the "Soo" extension is finished. The Connection with the Canadian Pacific will 1 made at F.stevan, 14 miles north of the Cana dian line. Vpon the completion, the Canadian Pacific train will run to St. Paul, and thence to the main line at Sau'.t Ste. Marie. It is rumored nirain tonight that tlie Great Northern will make u rate of :f-l) irom St. Paul to the Northwest. Mrs. l.rnitt ami M r. Havli Meet. West Point, June -4. Mrs. .letters n Davis arrived here thn afternoon and was taken to Cranston's hotel, where she assigned to rooms nearly oppo site those occupied by M.-s. I". S. lirant. Immediately upon learning ol .Mrs. Iavis pre-ence in the hotel. Mr-. Grunt left her room and stepping on: into the lull:, met Mrs. P.ivis as the latter u- leaving tue elevator. Mrs. (iraiit grasped her hand an 1 siid with much feeling: "I am very glad to see ynu." The two ladies then went into Mrs. Davis" apa-. monts uml had a long talk, t ultfii W urkmeu l:if'l llllli'CM. Toliowo. Iliac -4. The supreme lodge of the Ancient Order I'uilcd Workmen selected sail Fram-ico as the place to hold theSiext convention. The follow ing officer were elected : Supreme master workman, l'r. V. F. Siiields, Hannibal, Mo.; supreme fore man. Lew is Troy, Chicago; supreme re corder, M. W. Saekett. Meadvilie, Pa.; supreme receiver. J.J. Acker, Aiiuiuv, overseer. Joseph liiggs. Wis. I ilT'i'is'y ' CHILDLESS HOtin. Smith and his wife have every luxury that money can buy, but there Is one thing l.icl.iiig to their happiness. Until are tond of children, but no i::le voiced i prattle, no little feet patter ill their j beautiiul home. 1 would give ten vears of mv life If I could h ive one healthy, living, child of mv own," Smith I often says to hiin-elC No woman can lie the mother ot healthy oCTqirmg - 1 1 Ics she. herself U in g.tod n ;.lllu If !io nu'.Tersi trom female weakness, fpneral debility, benriug-down pain" and f.inis tioiial ileruMgemeiits, her physical con dltiou Is such that she caimol boH' to have healtby eiiildrcn. Ir. Tierce's l avorlte T: rscriiition i-i a soverlgn and guaranteed remeily for nil these ailment. Worn-out, Yun-ilown." feeble women, need Dr. Tierce's I'avorito I'rescriptlon. It builds them up. It's a powerful, re storative tonic, or strengtli-glver free from alcohol nnd injurious drugs. The entire system U reneweil and invigora ted. It improves digestion, enriches the blond, dispels ache and pains, gives re freshing bleep, and restores flesh and strength. It's tlifc only miarant'fil medicine for women, sold by'druggUta. POLAND CHINA HOG r I'nini' anil i 1 K'mUh a,iMr , THOROTJGHBRis .POLAND CHINA BOc l..tW' Price. 'M i.r I I ... ,..." - w Ihoia, or wrllo. All let lent nnwensl. EDWKRD JUDy, 'There is a tide in the affairs 0 men u-hiei, taken at , leads on fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the c I Hi Sale il p nig cupied ad the snatch frmn tiie sleeping. Nina spare lime she i duties of fisediii: was a very cold i.tiiit a:;il blue sailing from Luropean. Asiatic. Af rican. South American. Central Amer ican. Mexican and West Indian ports. Freight vessels, unless from infected ports, will not require inspection, though the consul or officer must be satisfied that everything is in a sani tary condition. On the North American coast cud inland waters vessels are ex empt from inspection so Ioiil' us u nort is free from contagious infection. An infected port, to be within the meaning of the law . is a port where a contagious or infectious disease has lieen commu nicated to one or more persons through j ie tried to place the on Mrs. u i-! m.ecuii person, in Shaw's sliouhlers, but faile-i. Ti n-i-ieo iauare or inuem ise. i port is not infected where one rr n m'. 1 1 nnmlH-r of cases has been imported, j Kansas: supreme guide, John Milne. K-sex, Ontario ; supreme watchmaii. 11. J. Geimer, iH'troit;. supreme medical examiner, William C. Kichardson, St. Ijiuis. t iut 4it Itilllartl liall. The cost of a billiard ball is curiously estimated by a Cairo author. In the judgment of honest American travelers the tusiis of (taziiuir whiteness are an severable f r the following: b'u deaths that must li-countei! as murder or mau- ing S IB DEES ID S Fnmiinre & Can at CRAIMDALL &. BURGET'S Who are selling these roocIs out at greatly-reduced rjJ MICHLLP.ACII PKICK, - . VNION ST. PAUL KREFT DEALKKS IN & CO., PAINTS, OILS AND GLA5 And the Most Complete and the Ijitest Patterns and Iesigns in sunlieaiii on the hearts of the buccaroo of Long creik valley, and the quenching of her :n prison gloom w ill caue not a ; tear of regret. Siie conspired w ith Gal- lin to kill her husband, and pretty soor. ! Gallin was flying around with the news I that Shaw lay iu tiie barn ki-k-d t. I death bv a vicious horse. At ti.e tri.t! siau.'uter: the j iir:iey eoa;: cicnts c:uri:i:. t-. th;s ,i.-. i deaths incurred from the interior to the iths by law." nnd li aei i the elephant hunt. "Add '. ts. an v amount of eheut- ing, dri::;Ucinicss and ads of brutality and cruelty." A medium-sized, fault less tus'. yieliis two or occasionally three billiard balis, and even- ball means, it is stated, ut lcaht one mur der or one great crime. bnt where the disease has not been communicated to others. "Passengers are divideil into two classes.cabin and steerage. The term im migrant we do not recognize. If a vessel sails from an infected port each cabin passenger must produce evidence as to his exact place of alxide durimr the four days just preceding embarkation. and if he or his baggarre has lieen ex posed to contagion he shall be seemed brave until all hope h.t.: but blubliered like a child v lie:, sentenced to death. He was ieri'ee:lv willing to kill Shaw, but didn't want to lie killed himself. Klamath Star. A Kutte I tirk t.rixilj. George Farlow, who is in town this week from the ranch of Farlow Bros, on upwr Butte creek, tells ns of some fun the ranchers in that neighborhood are de. j having with bears this spring and sum- tained at the pleasure of the medical nier. A big grizzly whose tracks in the officer in euarge. I snow measured twelve inches in diameter .sieera-.-e passengers irom any in- n livinc on f.J, -h!l i.. fected port must be detained five "days under medical observation iu specially designated barracks or houses dnrinir their stay, subject to the usual sani tary precautions of bathing, fumiga tion, etc. If cholera should break out no steeracre passenger will be allowed to embark until seven days or longer after the conclusion of the last case." AN ANCIENT HOUSE. It la ftappoaed n Ue th Oldxt Rmldenc In thr United HtatM. In Santa Fe. N. M.. stands what in irr-pied to be the oldest house in the United States- linilt before 1.V4U. of a-lolw and framentsof stone, it stand Uwlay in more habitable condition than ing for the berries to ripen. He bus kilied at least five head of cattle in that neighborhood three of them three-year-old steers and one a big cow with a bell on her. He was almost as nearly domes ticated as the panthers that made their home in Ashland during the spring. Messrs. George and Perry Farlow , W. H. Iiradshaw, Hank Wright and others have Bent a good part of several weeks trying to capture this grizzly, but could not do it. They set a big eteel trap which the grizzly would w alk all around, ' Lr,.U.k.;rt r, a.wl ,1 .,....,.. .1 1. .. logs which had been piled aronnd It. Tea Culture lu f'lorltla. Mrs. Sumner, of Florida, raises her own tea. and treats her guest to cup of the home-grown article, which is pronounced much superior to the tea of commerce. It is said that the finest varieties w ill not stand a sea voyage, and never get further than Kus.sia, while Mrs. Sumner's plant, furnish it for her cutting at a fraction of the price set for the eastern product, f !"a pound. So rapid is the growth of the bushes here that they are cut every four years, while in China this is done only once in seven years. lnveu lu !,M?rMtlou. It i said that in a western theater recently a man suddenly rose iu his seat and complained to the audieuee that, on account of the thing worn on the head of the woman in front of him, he was unable to witn-sys the perform ance. A nd. as t he sb ry gi t he man s daring was rew arded. The woman rose in all her majesty, looked ut the man with an expression that seemed to say: I wish I were Corbett," and swcDt out of the house in great anger. I as) . "As. sic3r-.-;r.?v t. Seed Wht-at, " Oats, " Corn, " live, " I'otatcK's, Garden 'etls, Grass eeds in JUilk. -AT- T. Pi. CROSS' Hay, Grain and Feed store. W. E. GARRETSON. Unpractical Painters and Pan'r Hancers. None but tl Sberwin-Williains and J. W. Miisury's Paints timtl in all ur work me mom stiiiieu workmen employed. Agents lor M usury l.i( .... .....,,.....,..,.,,, , mlu), miniirr. a nrsi ciass article in mien promptly atieiuiej to. . y s't brands i irk, and non-l lid 'Hints. I all rojiira. 1 Paint Shoo corner Tbirdind Washincton Eu.. Th Dalles, 0r4 iiuiuibiuia Leadiiig Jeweler many of New York city's structures , The trap was sprung by him four di tfer which are crammed with human life. cut times, bnt failed to catch him, j though it caught a big brown bear, which the men killed. Dogs would trail the ; grizzly but couldn't bring him to a stand. ; and from the direction of his last trail j followed, he seemed to be making for tiie Lteiid Indian country. He is a monster j and is one of the very few griiziies left . to roam the section of Cascade and Sis- j kiyou mountains which thirty years ago r i. , .s.,... .,r m,,t7i nllU ' It I? : fier-et of the numerous varieties of ber ' in America. Ashland Tiding. AdvrrtlMd i.ettr. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postomee at The Dalles nn ealied for, Friday. June 2-P.h. IS!'::. Close to this building stands the old Persons calling for same w ill give date chnrch of San Mijniet. erected first in , on which tiiev were advertised the sixteenth century but destroyed ; ,;akr Ww " ,w j daring the I'ueblo revolution of Hi--', p,urke Mr Carlisle W II and rebuilt in 'IT 10. Tradition relates (.oyach MarinoM 2. onwel! B that the house we illustrate was oecu- j lelore Mrs :sie IxlwaHs Jas J pied by the Spanish explorer Francisco i French K 3 riidewell Vasifjues de oronalo. sometime 1- j raliam Miss Bessie Img Charlie tween I4 and 1.V4J. The nmiains of IJiwrenceMi" Mary Mihs C K many interesting buildings erecteil by ! Mendenhall F. J 2 Patterson Mrs I. A the Spanish con'inenirs exist in this I MclKinaid John Lipupson MisI.izie ancient town. Of these, the adobe K" w alter VanWinkie Tom r-eeis r- i. ismitti l ave Smith Mrs Marv Uagel Cal W 5 "Oh VZ-kT-F Si 1, ' !.: iiii:iT -iK tiik All Watch Work Warranted Jewelry Made to Order S Hend Ht.. Tha UalUa, Or. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANHAT AGI-NfcRALBANKING HfHlNKrV- -TV Si! ' . i.. . - L' V . S-'-ctt, s. ta., 5UX) per Cot - r--'i tit'.. ve asctcxt iiorsE. palace, nittiahxl on the plaza opposite thj lu'M,T.ifiil rm, v a ,.4 ... . , . ... 1 has h,-en ns-d as the executive mansion i n"th Mrfl K'Jr" aince the first (royernor and captain ! jrenerl, Juan de nermon. occupied it j Cat rl... tnT in li-sv. i " i I have all styles of wires, including M. T. Solas, I. M. "s"'1 - nnl Attain., y r Com.uriifr,n tt hip no r vui; ha curH iltouir-Dit Jk ichII othrri J.ii.l: ill crttB -i IT t il; in holrl VCATARRH REMEDY. ,tTf )u i nr.-h i Thrr'tntfiT k- ir'ianin. Uu lo cure vou. 1'rxje iocia. iuis:i.,r trm r.r al hf hnls Klnernlr. wJ r Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. riight Exchange and Telegraphic I ransiers Million rew i ork, (Jlncago, St Inis, Sau Francisco, Portland Oregtm, Seattle Wash., and vnrions points in tr- egon and vi ashington. Collections made at all points on fay. orable terms. PrlUliL H. M. Kliu i.anlur First Rational Bank. ."HE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted iHfposits re-eived, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Sew York, San Francisco and Portland. UIHKCTOKS. D. T. Thompson. Jno. K Schemi . tD. M. IU.IAMS, Gio. A. LlKRK. I H. M. P'KAI.L. I Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, olc r sV D3. SASDEK'S ELECT; BELT Wrth r trT4A 11- , .rf trin tc- T-M n hyn Ar-.- 1.m A R T I C FACTORY SODA WATEE AND ICE CEEAM. Candies and Nuts Specialties TOHAKII, . , It. A KM A Nl : i MWKKT lHIKH the Dalles AND Prixeville Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. l.cHm Th tlnll at 6 s. m. pvi-ty iinv, anil r nmit I'rlltL'vilic III tlilrty-mx fitiiim. U-mv-v rriiirvllf ! ft m m. evfrv i:av, mul nrme hi TIi Imllw in tlnrty-.n huura. Carlics the C. S. Mail, rasstDftrs and Exprr ss ! T0HII5T SI CXViS ;From TERfT.INflL or IRTtRlOR Pc: j THE in R7Il-ROKD l the llur 141 Ufc i TO ALL POINTS EAST AND S ii m trm oiiiiiik rr l.,.i,ir It rum M tnllliuhsj i rulu cvgr; tity la l ru 1 pt. paul and to! 1 ISO t llASC.r oriARHl ( nni"t ill I'lnliir ( an smiinwHHl. P J man lirswlns hiaim nl,)-ra'if lalntniutjuibJ 'oiinru at PrliM Ills wltli Stagea from Eastern and Soothers Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Point. Alw ma rliw imi"tltn at The IinUi. with triiia tmiu rtirtiuiul mid Kanttrrii oiuu. : CasrHCM irmrj. .' (i'X. acciic.duoaj iicoz lit read. . First-class Cc:!is nl lima ltd. : Ir.iz sr.l'j turn w;;i fecial care. TAUt lirrilCK; . Hlrhrl a I'o.'l Hluro, I'rlof olllo. I natllla Houh, i ht Iallta. The St. Charles Hotel. PORTLAND, OREGON. TL:b old, popular and rulialili- Iiohhb lian la--!! titirfl y rcfiirniNlutd, and nwt room liua Imh rviiK-red and rria.ii, In. and newly rarp.'trd throinrliont. The lioiine conUin 17H rooin and in mi pp iet' with cytry modern t'oiivriiii-inf . liatM reuHoualilr. A K'hmI rmtaiirant tln, l,.H- to the hoiiM. Krer lum to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. i IW-at tht run bf rffiiHniMt, and tita witi!niiMliitliMiii hi- tth rrw aiui (mtf I lr hoi'lrriitif Mrnt nit nvvtHid HaTlt ELEGANT DAY COS A miitlnmitia ltn. ronnwtinr withiv'.a flnnltng dirwt nnd uuinterruill mnm PuMnian HltwiiY rwrvnttnn mb fer wi4 TUOnilOU TirirTP Tn an4 trm nnuuun nunri i-inum KiikimikI mini Kuril)" l tt 4 ut utri tinnf til ihr cininy. Full litfornmtlon rciMrrtilnr r 071 trniim, rttiitr nnd otttr drUil lurniiM W C. ALL AWAY. Ajtwt.t !. P. A. Nf. l.o., lUinilcJi i'MllM( in., tvr Am'L CrturrnJ 1'mm Krr A t., Frtiwd. W. II. YOUNG, BiacRsmiiit & wagon shod The Dalles Cigar : Faetorj irixiST STREET FACTORY NO. 15 nin 4 of the WIVJTV I0 ma:nifii.mri ' orders from all part of the conntry- od the Hhorteiit notii. (jeneral I.lai kinithinn and Work done iAK haa la-mie Hrinly etahlil"1n tiroiiiriflv nti.l M . ...k. I .1 . .i .1 m .1 - 1 uitiifartt !-.- .1 h iiie oi'inanu ior toe iiomr iu- Gnarantoed. j artii-.le is incr:anuiir every day. ULRICH & sun Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbiri Street, opp. Lielae's old Stantt. Flnast Peanut Roaatar In Th Dallas THE DALLES Notional Bonk, Of IMLLES CITY, OR. WM. "Xhih parrot I can recommend. n ! Wd Fellow. If. of Y.. and ,1... I :'- UZTlZJLJi'. ha. only one fault; he make, a terrible ' .ln-. F.yervthing for Bora! .lm-rr-2"'""""''?'W' row if he does not Itet his tlinnor I .- , 'j , ' m-"LJ'7i i'''i ir.Mr tK- .1,.. iimow i Miiii uxe mm. : . i ur.r ,jr. tl, 2 Street J.FOLCO At nirht mdr H" uliorra rmlaurant ;1e will remind me of my late hu cnd.'" FJiepeodc Ii'attt-r. reaaonable. dim M. A. C. rri!.iin. Cor. Kiuhth anu I.iiiertv, aadOCN CLKCTfc CoT CLARA STORY, Art Teachkk .'XTl S, lir'tingm Iiuill,g, I Will flT w,m M..i.1v ai d Thii-rtv 4 I ' a, ..flm-r i( il.s,irM) I'reaident -Vire-rVedident, CaHhier, Z. F. Mood Hilton hi. A. Moodt General Banking Buttiness Transacted. night Kxchangi 8old on NEW YOKK. SAN KKANCISCO, CIIK'AOO and I'UKTLAND, OR. Collertiona uiad on favoreble ternit f oil ai-eoiblo pointc. YOUR ATTEfJTIOfl Ii oalled to the fact that Hugh Glenn and Buildinjf iMaterial of all "" C'arrlaa tha riaaat !.! Picture Moulding To be toond Id the City 72 mnsHinnton Stf,i