The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 30, 1893, Image 5

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Weekly Ghroniele.
H llAlttH. .
. . 0RKOON
friday's Dally
b ,(. tolla the knelt of Prlln
l. I..WIHK herd wind, alowly o r thru
"'.." homeward i.l.-l. '''"'";)'
T,. mil hi whuot.liia use w ou "u
h'lie salmon CalCIl I very iikui wiiu i
I .. ...1.. ftn til na.Kaj.lra land Brjwit.
.1 t II. -I. -...1 l
Innneu in""7 .'--
nlan is on
loot to Illuminate Mt,
boil by l,,e eM0",",, ol I"uor on
i .t i i
Jly 4th next.
V pair of blue-tinted glasses found on
C street may b had by the owner by
Jling t Uim omen.
f,e Ouldendale Sentinel says the
jlles democrats have had their done o(
J'. liver cure mid reform,
the Itegtilator will make a trip to the
cml,., hikI return tomorrow the 24th
01. Hound trip 50 cents.
Messrs. Sultmarshe A Co. shipped two
irs of beef cattle to Troutdale this
Jorninp from their Htock yards.
Ilcliablc iiiformution has it thut ('ol.
licit nan itinuereu ins resignation
colonel of the Third Itcgiincnt, O.
l Hiiow storm prevailed yesterday
mill Jacksonville and the low-lying
bin HiirrotindiiiK the towns in Southern
IWinaiis driver, of the grey lour-in-
i;J. know hid business. 11 in team is
lions of the road and the pride of the
lev. V. C. Curtis participated in the
tiniiicncement exercises at Forest
ive Wednesday, who made the ojien-
i: prayer.
Olias. Coeland w as arrested by Mar Muloney yesterday. He is wanted
tlie sheriff of rmatillo county for
Witrnl larceny.
11 lie i omnium hi mis point is reewuing
try ta'-isfactorily. The 24 hours preced
f9 o'tWk this morning, recorded a
I: of 1.1 feet.
aiioumt M. Huberts of The Italics won
fr second prize of $100 at the com-
tiicement exercises at the L Diversity
lOrcgon, Eugene, yesterday.
Fix vagrants were landed in the cooler
f niirlit, one of them proving to tie
liul larceny mau, who was promptly
triered in the county jail this morn
flood Iiiver prohibitionists are on top,
fin Ulukely deciding against Joseph
Pk's petition for a liquor license this
ruing, finding thut the remonstrance
a litrger list
The t wo operators at Arlington have
enew duty Imposed upon them of un-
iVuij; cars of coal, and the Record
yl is painful to witness their strug-
woman trump, seventv-two vears
jo, rude into Pendleton on Wednesday
p'linc's Stiokaiie train, says the East
Iranian. She wore a rusty black
M und straw hut. While hur face is
tinkled by the marks of age and hard-
ll, she is yet choery and active. She
Is from I'ittshurg, I'a., and is travel-
extensively, riding when possible,
liking when necessary.
it the close of the ceremony of the
ri ii til commencement exercises of the
Angel College, yesterday, the degree
plaster of Accounts was conferred on
K. and Aug. M. llohn, two young
i of The Dulles. It affords us pleas-
to congratulute them upon the
lors they have so worthily won. The
Ilea 1m y s have all received the royal
t in of the institutions of learning this
and theirs is the glory.
Saturday a Dully..
In fmm a rialt alie'a rmIiir awnr,
t'inmi huM ilwiivi tin iniMt to mhv:
f' "unliirlnx tlie whole of hr Uy.
f like a K'm thut oiir peai1" dewtroya
I Io n xoliig oir that aha mukt moat noliiv.
Jfl'e newly-elected city officers assume
Hr duties the 3d of next month,
imnor has it that a couple of notable
I'lingN will occur within the next few
I'endleton young man is working
a bieyelo seat so arranged that the
Klit of the rider will propel the ma
lie section hands have been recalled
I it the line of the Union Pacific at a
"rlod reduction of 15 cents per duy,
'r daily wages now being fl.00.
rig.-Cion. II. B. Jackson, accom
ied by Lieut. -Col. Thompson and
ltooth, inspected I) company,
ri liegimont, at Hood River last
license was filed today at the clerk's
'! for tho marriuge of Mr. Win. II.
it and Miss Grace Oandutl. Ruth
ies are well and favorably known
nghout the city and vicinity.
car to lie used for the conductor'
jhirnion tomorrow is in the yards. It
f 'Id be filled, as un excellent chance is
lded to visit the scene of the Reed
'r, or rather the mummoth slide,
Ii is a yearly source of trouble.
I is reported to be the intention of
iver Iludicv. of the Iicl'ku Piici.'li.
uniieiiee the work at once of exiend-
'he roud from its irtHent teriniiiiia
sidy of the sc. mm it over tho t'us
nioiintnins mid to the Ics Chutes
f . says the Sulrm Stuttwlimn. I
' people of 10-Mile creek w ill cele-
F tho coiniiiL' Koiirlh of .lulv mi Mr. I
A. Brook house's place. All are invited
to coma and partake of a basket dinner
and to join the amusement of the day.
A dance will be given in the evening on
the grounds, free to all who wish to join.
Harry Esping and Ueorge McCulloch
went over to Goldendale Thursday
morning on their Jbicycles, making the
trip In five hours. Returning Friday
the time was six hours, the longer time
being due to a heavy wind which they
faced during the whole journey home
ward. Thursday's wind was the heavi
est that has lieen experienced in a long
time, the stage driver losing his blank
ets, which he was unable to find, and
they were picked up by the next driver
on the route.
Monday'! Dully
Hhr alntr divinely as a bird,
llnr tnllN tliev Hay art irrand :
Although, of cnurne, thurv'a not a word
That you cun undarnland.
A new sidewalk is being laid adjoining
the court house grounds, the old one be
coming rotten.
Friday will tie circus day, and the
small boy's hoard of nickels and dimes
steadily increases.
The Dalles-Prinevilte stage has once
more been changed to run via Antelope
insteud of by Ridgeway.
The "little Georgia wonder" is very ill,
and (lutes at Pendleton, Pavton and
Walla Walla were cancelled.
Dr. Sanders brought in a branch of a
Baldwin apple tree, w hich was so over
burdened already with its weight of
fruit that it broke off.
Charles Copeland was fined fl'5 in
Pendleton, and hud to divest himself of
the nice suit of clothes lie was wearing
belonging to McCray.
J. II. Anderson shipped 3570 choep
from S'lltmiirHlie's stock yards Saturday,
making sixteen car loads. They are
destined for the Chicago market.
Mr. Ilurdy has-received an Invitation
to go over the Cascades tomorrow on the
D. S. Piuker, but will probably decline
the honor of making the hazardous trip.
An excursion will be made to Home
land farm ou the Fourth, where there
will tie sjieeches made and the usuul at
tractions of an indejiendence celebrution.
Kishwa, a Warm Springs Indian,
sheared 4,000 of his sheep, the wool
from which arrived Saturday. Kishwa
is pretty well "hooked up" for an In
dian. The rain Saturday was quite general,
extending over the whole of Sherman
countv and a good bortton of Wasco
county, on Tygh Ridge, 8-Mile and 10
Mile especially.
The whisky-to-Indiuns prisoners are
being steadily recruited. Many a victim
is saved at the various places where
whisky is sold by the kindly advice of
the seller, who can almost always tell
when the whisky is wanted for this
The wedding of Daniel J. Malarky und
Miss Laura Rurgess took place this after
noon. Afterward the following party,
besides the bride and groom, took the
the afternoon train for Portland : Mrs.
W. L. Li n hard, Mic.4 Irene Malarky,
Jas. A. Malarky and W.C. Ilolmau.
Mutton sheep bring good prices in
Chicago, and even the demoralized con
dition of wool shows signs of improve
An invitation from Tammany, New-
York, to attend the 117th anniversary of
the declaration of independence lias
been received by the Ciikonici.e office.
The dime lawn social at the residence
of Hugh Glenn, was a very nice social
event among the little folks, and the
sum of $10 was realized for the Sunday
school singing tiook fund. Over a hun
dred children were present.
Dr. Hodges of Pittsburg lias declined
the office of assistant bishop of this dio
cese, and bishop Morris will probably
call a SMcial convention to meet in
Portland the lutter part of August, since
it is probable that the t request will be
made for such special convention.
A few minutes after the Baker bad
gained the middle of the river this
morning, she was caught by a heavy
wind and sloughed around sidewise, but
soon righftd again. If this should
happen while making the swift descent
at the Cascades it would mean the loss
of the boat and all on board.
Mrs. Lochheud has favored the
CiiKo.sic i.r with a very pretty brochure
describing Prince F;dward island, that
smallest of Canadian provinces. From
its beauty of scenery it presents an al
most tropical apperanco in summer, and
throughout the whole year has a cli
mate free from the extremes of heat and
James McGuire, an old pioneer tol
dier, residing at Jacksonville, was killed
by a boy w ho had been annoying him
last Monday night. Being uged and
decrepit McGuire was irritable and er
ratic, and was easily aggravated into
violent outbursts of temper. He was a
miner, and on Monday evening some
boys were around his place and gave
him a fancied or real grievance at some
of their acts. Procuring his gun ho ran the trade ever since, The R. R. Thomp
after tho boys, and chased one of lliem gon was a counterpart in construction of
into the burn tliaeutening to kill him. I the Wide West, being made after the
J lie voting loiiow lurneti iii"u '"
. t ti . i i.;... '
shot him, the bill entering the groin
Sliiluh's is what you need for
s.fppepsia, torpid Ihcr, yellow skin
kidney trouble. It it guaranteed
give you satlsfai'tioti. Price 71c. Si
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
sin Mlaale Aidtrtoa Ka Heat to Her
Hon la ralda. Waah.
Miss Minnie Anderson it the name of
a blind lady who is stopping at the Col
umbia bouse today, and bearing that
she was graduate of the blind acad
emy at Vinton, Ohio, reporter of the
Ciikonici.c sought an interview. Miss
Anderson was found to be a very pleas
ant young lany of about 25 years of age.
She was simply attired in a black dress,
ana over ner ciusea eyeims wore a pair
of colored glasses. She was quite w ill
ing to enlighten the reporter upon the
subject of her education by the Vinton
This institution she has attended
since she was 14 years old. There are
now over 1,000 students, who are taught
as thorqugh an education as can be
gained in any of our common schools.
In mathematics, for instance, the course
includes geometry. The aim of the
academy is to fit students for society, as
well as to earn their own livelihood.
The girls are taught to sew, both by
hand and machine, crocheting, knitting,
all kinds of bead work, making ham
mocks and mattresses, weaving carpets,
etc. Ttie boys are taught to make
brooms -and the output equals that of
their more fortunate competitors. The
course complete Irom ttie a b c s re
quires twelve years, and not so many
hours a day are employed as in the com
mon schools, 'the afternoon being de
voted to music and the various work de
The kindergarten is a very interesting
department. The little children are
taught the shajie of objects by moulding
them from clay, and they soon tell how
to distinguish them bv touch and be
come quite adept themselves in mould,
ing the figures. Their first tnathemat'
ical leesoiiB are taught by blocks, and
geography by clay moulded in the t-liape
of mountains, valleys, plains and rivers.
For the last year Miss Anderfon has
lieen an inmate of the Knoxville, Ohio
home for the blind, at which institution
she lias done such 'work as sweeping,
scrubbing, cooking and general house
keeping. Her father and brother live
at Fulda, Klickitat county, Wash., to
which point she is now en' route.
An Organization Prrmaavntly KITroted
In The Dalles.
A number of our young men met last
evening in the city council chamber to
effect an organization of the Dalles City
Base Ball Association. The meeting
was called to order by J. F. Hampshire,
who was afterward elected manager and
president of the association, and F. A.
French secretary. The purpose of last
night's meeting was to effect a perma
nent organization and arrange for games.
Messrs. G. W. Phelps, Malcolm Jame
son and Max ogt were elected a com
mittee to draft constitution and by-laws,
and F. A. French and G. W. Phelps a
committee to procure the names of
those desirous of joining. Twenty
names were secured last night, when
the meeting adjourned to meet at the
same place tonight.
There is good talent represented
among those who already belong, and
there is every reason to believe it will be
strengthened as soon as the field can be
reviewed. Among these may be men
tioned Ne'.lo Johnson, who was a fresh
man player in the Stanford university;
G. W. Phelps, who played at Ann Ar
bor as lute as the .present year;
Malcolm Jameson, who has played with
the Portland teams, while Hampshire,
Barns and Maloney are old players of
The Dalles, whose skill is acknowledged.
As soon as the boys get out and practice
a little there is every reason to look for
a close contest with some of the crack
teams of Eastern Oregon.
A Ntolcal Nheep Man.
M. Thorburn, one of Kingsley's sheep
raisers, was in town this morning.
He states that be lias not done any
shearing yet, preferring, as long as the
low price of wool continues, to save stor
age charges by making the sheep carry
their own fleeces. He is not in the
least discouraged over the present con
dition of affairs. Having been in the
sheep business for forty years in Scot
land, Australia, New Zealand and the
United States, he has grown used to ups
and downs and takes them with a phil
osophical ease born of long experience.
As an example of fluctuation in the
sheep industry he 'cites the year 1878,
w hen lie says wool was down to a bit in
the spring and in the fall of the eame
year reached 37 cents.
K. K. Thompson Hunk.
The O. R. & N. Co.'s steamer R. Ii.
Thompson was sunk yesterday by run
ning on a sunken snag near Coflin Rock,
on the Ixiwcr Columbia. This steamer
is one of the old O. 8. N. Co.'s fleet, and
was built at this place. After plying
between the Cascades and The Dulles
for some time she was steamed over the
cascades and bus made, herself useful in
I same model.
I Arrived from Austria.
Wenzl Gschwendner arrived toduv
from Fini'hJhuiti, Ober Austria, and is at
the Skibbe hotel, lie is the brother of
tho unfortunate man who, wits killed
near Dufur several weeks ago, and who It
will tie remembered, was stated as hav
ing sent $100 just previous to his death
to his brother in Austria to use for pass
age money to the United States. This
brother, Wenzl, is the one refemed to
who is row at theSkihbe hotel. He w as
ignorant of the fate of the brother, and
to Mr. Skibbe fell the unpleasant duty
ol informing him of the fact. The living
brother was totally unprepared for the
intelligence and the news fell like a blow.
He has not stated what are his plans,
but will probably stay hern for a time.
Parent to Katura Them.
The young man Copeland, who was
arrested ss a vagrant here Thursday
evening, claimed to be a printer and
wore a very neat suit of clothes. These
clothes were the cause of the young
man's trouble with Pendleton officers.
At that town he struck up an acquaint
ance with another young man named T.
B. McCray, who arrived there lately
from Missouri. McCray had a very.neat
suit of clothes for best wear, while the
garments of Copeland were somewhat
seedy. The latter said he wanted to call
on his girl and would like to borrow
McCray's suit, which, after some persua
sion, lie secured. That evening Cope
land and the clothes were missing. A
warrant was sworn out, and prompt use
of the wires resulted in the capture of
Copeland at The Dalles.
I'rluevllle Newa.
Prineville will have a bicycle race on
July 4th.
Prineville was favored with quite a
heavy frost Sunday evening.
The people of Prineville are now irri
gating their yards and gardens. They
will set out a good many choice trees
and shrubs this fall.
Last Monday a surveying party left
Prineville and went up on Tomolow
creek, from which they will survey a
large irrigating ditch out on to the
desert. It is thought that the ditch will
cross the O. P. R. R. survey four miles
west of where it crosses the Deschutes.
The ditch is to be ten feet wide at the
bottom, and if a success, will reclaim
thousands of acres of fine land.
The Coming- Great Show.
And cow we are to have the far-famed
Sanger Lent. Dame rumor has placed
the above shows at the head of the list
for years, and pronounce it the greatest
of all great shows, whose fame is not
confined to one language but extends
wherever civilized tongue is spoken.
Exhibitions will be given at The Dalles,
June 29th.
It is the best advertised show that
ever billed here. It's pictorial and lith
ograph paper can be seen on all sides,
while its many announce sheets are
scattered like snow-flakes in a radius of
forty miles. Preparations are being
made to entertain a vast gathering on
show day as above.
Antl-Clgarette Law VneonatitatlonaX.
Judge Hanford, of the United States
circuit court, rendered a decision de
claring the anti-cigarette law unconsti
tutional. In his decision the court says :
The said law of the state of Washing
ton, prohibiting the sale ot cigarettes,
and referred to in the petition, is in
contravention of article 1 of section 8 of
.. - f .1.- tr:.r c..-
ine consiiiuiion ui iiiv cimtru ciaico, i
ana null ana void in so iar as u pro-
hibits or attempts to prohibit the gelling
giving or furnishing to any one ny tue
importer of, etc."
A Valuable Katate.
It is said that S. C. Rinebart, of Island
City, has a legitimate claim to apportion
of an estate in New York City and has
employed legal assistance to look after
it. The estate consists of a four acre
tract in the heart of New York, that was
leased for ninety-nine years. The lease
recently expired and the land is now
covered with improvements valued at
$440,000,000. It is stated that the occu
pants have offered tSOO.UOO.OOO to com
promise the claim of the heirs. Union
Helkoot Iteport.
Following is the report of Liberty
school, Dist. No. 20, in response to the
Ciikoniclk'b request for reports from
county schools:
Number of scholars enrolled, 20.
First month daily average, 14.
Second month daily average, 10.
Third mouth daily average, 17.
Regular attendance, Ina Woolery and
Rosa Wilson.
Hattik Oilar, Teacher.
Krai Katate.
T. O. Dallas to J. W.Wallace, lots 12
and 12, block 4, Waneoma; :S00.
A J Dufur, jr., and wife to lienor A.
Haynes, all of west half of block 5, Hood
River: 1 -".
for Iteiit.
A four-room dwelling house.
of A. Keller, at the bakery.
Are you insured? If not, now is the
time to provide yourself and family ith j
a Wtle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ;
and Oiarrn ha Itemed y hs an insurance
atf.iinst any serious results from an lit- !
tack of Ixjwcl complaint during the sum-
mer months. It is almost certain to. be ;
needed and Bliould bo procured at once,
No other remedy can take its plate o' j
doitiwork. -" and ' cent bott:e lor
sale by lilakeley it Hoiifhwn, drums. !
Aaalta Makaa the Heat llair-Mlle Kecord
of Any (loa Horae.
At the Vancouver track last Wednes
day Annita won the mile heat over
seven competitors, the last half mile
being made in 1 :12 and the last quarter
mile in 35 seconds, which is the fastest
, time ever made by any Oregon horse.
This horse was raised by George
Thompson, formerly county clerk of
Wasco county, passing successively to
Messrs. Larsen and Henry, then Will
Condon, to its present owners, Messrs.
J. G. Farley and J. O. Mack. She was
sired by Rock wood Jr., dam Vermont,
and is cousin to Nancy Hanks, who
made the fastest time on record in In
dependence, Iowa, last fall, trotting a
mile in 2 :04. Annita is 7 years old, and
is noted for being one of the truest of
horses. She was never known to make
a break, and has so docile a disposition
as to make her a safe driving animal for
any lady. Her record mark stands at
Mr. Chas. Durbin of Antelope arrived
in the city this morning.
R. A. Power, former station aent at
Mosier, is in town today.
W. II. Brooks of the Grants Dispatch
is in The Dalles today.
Mr. Winterton Curtis returned home
from Forest Grove yesterday.
Mrs. C. McFarland is in the city and
is stopping with her daughter, Mrs. W.
II. Moody.
T. A. Ward and family left today for
Burnt Ranch, Crook county, to visit his
Bister, Mrs. Salzman.
Mrs. John McCornack of Palouse is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
. ieltutl ot tins city.
Miss Birdie Anslyn, who has just
graduated from the Normal school at
Monmouth, is in the city, the guest of
Miss Cassie Wiley.
Mr. J. O. Mack returned yesterday
from Vancouver.
Miss Gertrude French returned to
Portland this morning.
Mr. J. R. Warner of White Salmon,
was in the city last evening.
Mr. Geo. Ruch went to Portland on
yesterday afternoon's passenger.
Mrs. La France of Hood River is visit
ing Mrs. J. R. Steele of The Dalles.
I. C. Darling, Goldendale's new post
master, was a passenger for Portland
Mr. Newton Burgess returned from a
trip to the eastern states yesterday
Mrs. Thos. Burgess and Miss Laura
Burgess of Bake Oven came into the city
Mr. Lee Wigle came down from Prine
ville yesterday and started back this
Mrs. Mary Hicenbothem of Columbus
was in the city last evening on her way
to Dufur.
Judge Bradshaw, J. B. Crossen and
other citizens of The Dalles were in GoU
dendale Thursday, returning Friday.
Miss Anna Thompson returned home
from Monmouth yesterday, where she
has been attending the normal school
during the last school year.
Mrs. Jos. Beezley returned from St.
Louis, Mo., last evening, having been
with her daughter, Mrs. Simpson, for
the past few months. Mrs. Beezlev
says she prefers The Dalles to St. Louis
for cuu,ate and everything else, and is
lii .. 1 l.-.l! n i ' .1
giuu io gvt uuck iu hub uuuiy iniiu,
M Albert Roberts and wife returned
last night from a visit to Eugene, where
they went to attend the commencement
exercises of the State University, and
the graduation of Messrs. I). II. and T.
M. Roberts, his brothers. Mr. Lincoln
Farrington, whose mind was partially
deranged by hard study and over work,
accompanied Mr. Roberts home. Rest is hoped, will restore him
to his former condition.
Miss Fisher is visiting Miss Dollie
Glisan at Antelope.
Mrs. J. L. Story has returned from a
visit in McMinnville.
Dist. Attorney Murphy returned to
Portland from Washington Saturday.
Hon. W. R. Ellis was a passenger
from Portland today for his- iiom in
Mrs. L. Bartow of Michigan arrived in
the city yesterday, and is the guest of
her sister," Mrs. M. French.
Sister Superior Alphousn ami Sister
Marv Martha of the Good Shepherd, ar
rived today and will visit St. Mary's
Mr. Alex McCoy, who iscamping with
the Butler Brothers near Burnt Ranch,
is very ill again, lie was a victim of la
grippe a year ago and hue been in poor
health ever since.
Mr. John Marshall and wife of Port
land returned from a visit to the world's
fair and the eastern states last Saturday
evening. They stopped over here and
visited relatives and friends until last
evening. Mr. Marshall says of the fair
that its magnificence has not b en half
told, and nothing short of a visit can
give one a comprehensive idea cf its
magnitude and its excellence. The
pleasure of the excursion need not be
marred by the expenses, as by est rcisiu
ordinary care, no exorbitant rates need
be paid for anything.
Camp Wataon Mine.
t;eo. Anderson arrived Saturday nitfht
(ron, t,e Joles Ilros.' luines south of
Camp Watson. The oh! luim did not
j.rove to be very rich ami li.-y have d:.s- j
t.,jvered a new and richer lend iron, live
to eight feet deep, to wlii-h ditch-, have
l-eu made, im-hiding a Hume ) rods .
lun. The hydraulic rove s wiil 1
loved. It it e pet ted now that It
it expected
ill pay hando
Hood Hirer rawlrerrlee.
Under date of 18th the- following tel
terwas sent to Mr. If. F. Davidson froir
"The first crate of berries received
last night In good condition. The color,
flavor and keeping qualities excel all
others. In company with Judge Bab
cock, jury on awards, I took a plate of
your berries and went to Illinois, New
York and New Jersey, cnt a berry, com
pared color and flavor, etc., and your
berries were pronounced the best. I
have the following card conspicuously
die-played: 'From Hood River, Oregon.
Clark's Early Strawberries. Donated
by the Hood River Fruit Growers'
Union. Five days in an express car,
coming a distance of 2,500 miles without
cold storage. The reddest, juiciest, best
flavored and best shipping strawberry
on earth. H. F. Davidson.'
"I will telegraph as soon as I can get
In an office. Fair opens Sunday; so
ship every day. Send me cards, if you
have any, and I will advertise your sec
tion. Thanks to the union for timely
assistance. Yours to command,
Jay Gcy Lkwik, Sept."
Sjonie faney the rhurma of a lily-white maid.
of ptheriiil form am iihirtii.h'inf? eye.
Who fainta in the sunshine and droop in the
And is atwuy "jimt ready to die."
But Rive me the trirl of the aunnhiny face.
The blood in whtaie vein runre healthy and
With the vliror of youth in her movmenta of
Oh, thut ix the nuiMen for me!
She is the girl to "tie to" for life.
Tim sickly, complaining woman may be
an object of love and pity, but she
ceases to be a "thing of beauty" worn
down by female weakness and disorders,
subject to hysteria and a martyr to bearing-down
pains. r. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription is a sure rure for these dis
tressing complaints, and will transform
the feeble, drooping sufferer into a
healthy, happy, blooming woman.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction in every
case, or money paid for it refnnded.
"Why is it that on a windy day it
takes about twice as long to fill my
water wagon than on a clear day 7" asked
Ferris yesterday.
"Why, that's an easy one," answered
the Chronicle man. "On windy days
the water comes from the Id reservoir,
so that in case of fire there will be a big
force of water on. See?"
"Yes, I see; but it works a terrible
hardship on me," said the water man,
as he flew for his perch.
2r. Miles Mediral Co., Flkknrt, Tnrf.
Iia flilis: Vnr W ypura I mw troi:ii; with
henrt dicu.-u. Would luticm:? hif) uwiujr
bik-'U aixl mot tiering at nighi llt i.j mt. up ttr
pet out of tn-d to Lrmilhe. (lad pain In my kn
Bide and back mwtof tb Hmu; t UA I U nme
dropsical. I wtw verf iitrvmu und fc-'Jitrly wurn
out. Ilie loaMt eiiUteniaiit would lauc me to
with fliitterlnif. For the last fifteen yearn I could
not hleep on my leltsidn or hack until tieirnn lakine
Tour New llrmrt Hur. J tad not taken It very
long until I felt mnch boiler, and I t un now alwp
on either aide or back w it horn the Ivaal discom
fort. I have no pain, mini hermit. dnfy. no wind
on rtoniHchor other dlmnrroealilo symptom. I am
hie to du alt my own housework without auj
trouble and consider myself cured.
Klkuart, lint . Iwi. Mas. ELHIKa Hatch.
It is now four yean since I have taken an
medicine. Am in hetter beaiih than 1 have been
In 4i) years. 1 hnneatly bo- a. m mm f"X
lieve that ltr. iliM Wew CURtU
Heart (Him saved my life '
and made me a well woman. I am now ffl yeu)
Of him, and am able to du a pod day's work.
Hay inth, mi. Mu. Elhiba UaTCBV
for Pitle liy .Hiilr A: Kiiirmly.
I'jhls litt AlL iiAi UlU. ii
St t otitf'i rm- Tik-i.'.. t.o.l. L'l I 1
lilt !" I 1 .I n.',..'. II