The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 30, 1893, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Entered at the atimr at The lallfa, Oreir-m,
an aecoud-vlaa mail matter.
One year
H liumt i .
Three month
II so
Advertising ratee reaaonable, and made known
on apt'ln-aliou.
Address all communications to"TIIK I'KROS
It'LL," The UiUUv. UnKn.
.verniw H. Pennnver
Rerretury of State
in pi. of Public Intructiou
Skate Printer .
i. w. M I'll rule
Phillip Mctachan
.. E. H. Mehlroy
IJ. N. !lih
' (J. U. Mitchell
U. Hermann
iW. K. Kill.
Frank Baler
Cnuntv Judge lieo. O. Blakelev
Hherttf. T. A. War!
Clerk J. B. Owaaen
Treasurer Wm. Michell
t.laa. liaruielie
i K ran It Kiuceid
AsmMwr Joel V. koontz
Burvevor K. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools Trov rihelley
l!nmT N. M. Eaatwia!
When the campaign wus on lust sum
mer, democratic papers east und west
uere voluble und dogmatic in asserting
that the tariff doe not help the western
wool grower. To their ow n satisfaction
they made it appear that the wool grower
who contended for protection was n
foolish fellow, und that he really needed
a deuiocnuii' administration and free
woo! to make him quite prosperous.
Here is what the Huston Herald said in
its wool report last Friday :
The wikjI market here has not im
proved in the slightest degree from the
extremely depressed situation noted a
week usru. Tiie factors that make the
market dull are not improved. Tariff
au'itation and tiie ixissibility of reduced
duties on wool unsettle the woolen poods
market, to the extent that manmV.c-
tHTers are at a !o us to what they shall
do. The possibilities of free wool hIso
make it imperative that dealers shall
buy the new clip at figures that will
admit of its l-eing sold on the basis of
free wool, and none of the dealers are
goins; to buy at any of the prices higher
than the basis of free wool, in so far as
tt is possible to know what a free wool
basis is.
The Spokane Review evidently believes
the tariff is not the true cause of the de
pression a? the following ridicule com-
iio-iiiting upon the Herald's article
- aiiow-g;
Now that the market has been reduced
to a free wool basis, as admitted by the
olit!g tariff reform journal of New Eng
land, why doesn't the band begin to
play and the procession to move? Why
don't the woolen manufacturers "reach
out and conquer the markets of the
ftoi'ia, according to democratic ante-
election predictions, instead of refusing
to bprren on a free wool basis, as they
arerwwjrted to be doing by the Hetald?
"v-PU-r don't the Bpindies hum and wool
advance in price, as promised by demo
cratic papers who assumed to know all
about the question last fall?
The world's fair will remain 0en f-un-days
notwithstanding the influence of
the radical religionists and the saloon
keepers. The interest manifested by the
saloon keepers is easily understood. A
man cannot be attending the exposition
building and in a saloon at the same
time, but if he could not attend the fair
there would lie some chance of his mak
ing a call on the saloon keeper. The
opposition offered in the name of religion
is not so easily explained. In fact there
lias not been any explanation given
other than that it is the outcome of the
old narrow puritanical spirit which holds
more to the letter than to the spirit of
the law. Sunday should be not only a
day of rest and religious observance, but
a day on which innocent recreation is
allowable. If a visit to the fair comes
within that limit, the opening of the fair
to provide innocent recreation on Sunday
afternoons cannot be considered a dese
cration of the Sunday. In view of the
fact, too, that many thousands of visitors
to the fair must be of the class who pay
no respect to the religious character of
the Sunday, it seems a matter of
common prudence to provide them with
a means of spending the day innocently
instead of leaving them to their own in
clinations and the numerous temptations
certain to be placed in their way. Then
again, it is a hardship to deprive so
many thousand of honest working people
of their opportunity to see the fair.
Hence the fair should be open Sunday,
as more evil is likely to result from Sun
day closing than from the opening.
An executive order was recently is
sued by the president detailing certain
army officers to act as Indian agents at
various posts. These placet are plums
at which many western democratic
workers have looked longingly for some
to fill the places is considered by many
as a step in the right direction, and
meets w ith the unqualified approval of
officials who have w atched the matter
for years and have deplored it, while un
able to remedy the wrongs or check the
Teallruoajr of tur,mi aad cltlta
la to the Contrary.
It is questionable if such a phenome
non as instant death is known to the sci-
The appointment of army officers entist and investigator. Physicians and
surgeons tell us that ileal 11 uy gunsnoi
is the easiest mode of terminating life ;
vet, rapid as such a mode of taking off
must be, the body has leisure to feel and
the time to reflect, and, on rare occasions,
even to act. On the first attempt of one
progressive steps from bad to worse. It I of the adherents of ttie Spanish monarch
is believed that while it will take many i toassassinate William, l"rinceof Orange,
years to undo the evih of the past and ! the ball passed through the bones of his
there are crimes in our treatment of j face and brought him to the ground,
the plains Indians that will uever be I In the instant which preceded stuofai
atoned the army will prove more just tion, however, he was able to frame the , tlg short voyages In the steam humc
ana other in the swings ana louiigiii;;
about through the woods, while one and
Tat Comtuetor' Pirate.
The conductors' excursion to Itonne
vllle yesterday was in all respects a auc
cess. A Unit 10 o'clock train well
filled drew in from Heppner in charge
of Conductor French, and taking on an
additional car tilled with Dalles people,
started for the picnic grounds, which It
reached about nouu. A long train load
of Portland eople had already reached
the grounds, and the I'nion 1'acitic Iwud
of Albina was discoursing music of the
kind which dancers delight in, and noon
the pavilion was tilled with terpsicho
rean devotees. Those who did not cure
for dancing found amusement in valines
ways some in reading hooks in al.udy
spots on the river bank, others in innk-
and more efficient than any other j notion that the ceiling of the room had
branch of our service. There is another I fallen in and crushed him.
feature which is regarded as admirable j The cannon ball that pluiured through
from au economic point of view mak- the head and tore out the brain of
ing agents of military men will give em-1 Charles XII did not prevent him from
ployment to numbers of officers who I seizing his sword hilt. The idea of at-
have had too little to do. It is under-1 tack and the necessity for defense were
stood to be the policy of President impressed upon his mind by a blow
Cleveland to hereafter appoint Indian which we would naturally suppose too
agents from civil life only when he is 1 tremendous and instantaneous to leave
unable to find an available aruiv man. ' the least interval for thought. Another
- - 1 question in this connection is that of
The American Farmer says there arc j probable pain. Although numerous in-
fully I,(XX),000 wool growers in the couii- 8tance8 can be cited in support of the
try and they form the bulk ot the con-, view tjint the mind acts in cases of so
stituency of a very large number of con- culled instant death, it bv no means
gressmen. They hold the balance of j follows that the infliction of a fatal blow
political iKwer in many states. If they , ; tended by the least semblance of
will only unite and present a linn front ', )iun or ajgie pang of fear or regret,
to their adversaries, they can prevent j Unless death results immediately, how destructive blow (free trade) to their ! evt.rj the )llin mav be as varied as the
interests. e urge them to do so to ,iatl,re 0f ti, injuries.
follow the example set by other farmers j
who have much less at stake than they ELECTRIC FLASHES.
have. Let them circulate petitions,
hold meetings, stir r.p the local press,
and let their congressmen know that
me lesson taugiit iy tiie fori! s llieii
Are coming, and the attention of the
masses are turned front politic ant!
matters of every-day occurrence for a
brief eriod and are absorbed In the
great event clrcua day. The uttrac
lions 01 me aoove named shows are
manifold, having many very Interesting
features entirely new and well worthy
visit. The collection of rare animals Is
said to be exceedingly Interesting, while
the lterforniunceH in the arena are of a
superior order, many eminent artists of
Furope and America contributing in
specialty acts in friendlv rivalry. Will
exhibit at The Dulles June LUth.
At White Salmon .lime '.'11 1. F. S. Itur
doiu. liev. W. 1'. Tunis leu this morn
ing to conduct the funeral ceremonies.
ttucklffiTa Arm a alv.
I he iK'St ralve 111 the world fur cuts,
'rinses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, cliilbluins,
corns, und all skin eruption", und hmI
lively cures piles, or no pny icqiiircd.
It is guaranteed l" give ix-riccl satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price !!." cents
per Isix. For sale by Snipes A Kin-erslv.
The coast defense ship Monterey is on
her wav to Seattle.
ter collapse is that the government
should own its own buildinjrs. Annual
rentals are now paid of lSJ.imO.
The San Ilernardiuo bunk, the First
National of San Diego, ami the Wash-
they are expected to oppose free wool to
the utmost. They cannot do this too
soon or too vigorously. The advocates
of free wool are well organized and have
pientv of monev and influence. lUit
they cannot withstand the 1.000,i.MO;
wool growers of the counUy if these w ill ! ington National of Spokane have asked
rouse themselves to concerted action in permission to resume. The iast Side
defense of their interests. F.very wool j bank of Los Angeles opened its doors
grower who feels that he is not making j Saturday.
too much money outof his business as it ' Governor McConnell of Idaho und
is, should constitute himsel! a committee president of the trans-Mississippi con
of one to promote the crusade in defense ! gress, appointed Senator Mitchell, of
of American flocks. Oregon, to act with Senator Stewart, of
' Nevada, as a committee to present the
An ocean steamer twenty feet longer j (ree.cuillU!?e re8()iution8 ai.0)tetl bv tlie
than the Great Eastern is to lie con- I ,,. th rni, StlltM '
sirucieu uv jne 01 tue intercontinental
all waged an increasing warfare on the
hungry mosquitoes that thirsted for the
blood of the excursionists. Several left
the train, at the hicks and spent the
time in a tramp to Ilonneville, reaching
there in time for the homeward train.
In the afternoon a train left for .Mult
nomah fulls, giving the excursionists
j from the eusteru part of the state an
opportunity to view this mugiiilicent
bit of scenery. The train en route came
very near running over a mini w ho had
billon across the track in u drunken
stupor, but he was discovered just in
time to stop before the engine reached I Nn J
him. He was loaded into the train und 1
carried buck to Ilonneville. A noticable
fact was the absence of honor from the
.,... , . . Two Incut frelirhla that rarrv pawnt'rn Iwive
grounds, ami consequent scarcity of ! ,. ir , w,v.i t 7 w a. h.. and one lor ttie
Arrlrea II I. P. M. Iaiaru II
1 u. r. a.
Ml I'. H.
1:1 r. a.
No. I.
Arrirea.1 ds a. h.
a;'.'.' t. a.
Pvlstrta 3 W A.
4 J7 r.
usual at the aver-
at 1.1,1 a. U.
the drunkenness so
uge Sunday picnic.
At five o'clock the train started home mi... 1 .... ,1. .. 1 ... I .
tthih, uuvu rtitu u tiivu, i'iu uuppv j
crowd, who had enioved the dav iin-i , ,
liieiistly. The railroad bovs never do 1 dallv at a. a
ror inilur, Mnel'v, w ninir, w upttiltlit, w arm
NT Ati EH.
liifTllle, via. lluke Oven, leave dtuiy
MUi'lcjll, Canyon City, leave
things by halves, mid the excursion w ill
long bo remembered as one of the best
of the kind.
A i; 1 ui H Aiati.i ii.
1m;1i alley, leave u.iiiy (except
. M.
leave every ily o( tlie
-pnnir ami
suihImv! ill ti
Knr loia.-tnlHle. Wah
art'k exreht stinilitv at
OUleea (tir ail Urn at the t niHtlUa II
1 Clcod end Si!,
s Dissasss
A rallabla aura for Coot.
Blood Polaoo. 1 r,
rula aad Skla Cancar.
Sltalnc puraljr vafatabla, Is aw
laaa in lu sRacta.
Aa a tonle for dallcata W.
and Chlldraa 1, k
A iMito na Diond and shh.
aaa uuuimI raaa on aiipn.i
lTMunimtm Amlt t.
Draama.aiiaai. a?
your Dealer
-oa tii a-
lines. It will be 700 feet long ; the Great
Eastern was bSO feet long. The new
steamer will have an engine of 40,000
horse power, which is 5,000 more than
the new Campania. The Great Eastern's
engines were of but 7,"00 horse power,
which was the cause of the failure in
navigation. It is said that the new
steamer will make 27 knots an hour,
The Post says Senator Dolph and
j family exjiert to leave on the 30th inst.
for a tour of the lakes, after first having
visited Chicago and the exposition. A
month will be spent at Lakes Mackinaw
and Cayuga en route to the North, re
turning to Washington in the autumn
in time to place the children in school.
Harvey Wilmer Hudson, a 7-yenr-old
which is not improbable, for it would j boy living with his parents on Italeigh
have to go but little over seven times its I "treet, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth
own length to cover a mile, llesides, j ftreets, Portland, was drowned off the
considerable over a quarter of a mile docks at the foot of Everett street, on
would be gained by counting from the ! "iue ot the Willamette river, at
leaving point of the stern to the arriving' 3 :i0 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The
point of the bow.
There is a misapprehension existing
that it is necessary for the president to
give thirty days' notice by proclamation
before convening congress in special
session. The truth is that there is
nothing in the constitution or laws pre
scribing in what manner he shall con
vene congress. There is a custom,
which grew up in the old days of horse-
alarni was given almost immediately,
but he drowned befurc assistance
reached him.
The Orffffonlan l.'orreapondoni.
"I am very eorry to know that some of
the democrats of Oregon take their poli
tics from the Oregonian," said Dan
Murphy to aTelegram reporter, who saw
him upon his return. "The dispatches
sent here by the Oregonian correspond-
back and steamtsmt travel, slow mails ' ent in Washington are for the sole pur-
and no telegraph communication, of al- jpcweof creating discord in the ranks of
lowing fifteen days for a notice to reach the democracy of Oregon. When tlie
a member of congress and fifteen days I article published in the Oregonian sUtt
more for him to reach Washington; but j ing I had no more influence with the
Germany is a thorough old country.
In anticipation of the coming of cholera
the utmost preparations have been
made. For instance, all the wells of
Berlin have been examined, and out of
-00 one-fourth have been declared unfit
for use and one-fourth more doubtful.
Similar examinations arc to be made all
ov- the country. That reminds us that
there are a good many people in this
city who are still using well water. It
might to be stopped, if necessary by or
dinance, because filthy water is the sea
in which cholera floats with more j-jy and
less friction than in any other. Oregon
The worst thing about getting ap
pointed to a fat oflice in Oregon is the
''i 'l that the successful man ltis to have
i.i." picture printed !irtlie 'Oregonian.
bii. T. .1. 1'.lack wns Hindu to look ome
.1 i'-.r like StuAug after his hist battle
tli Mie deputy marshals. Iloseburg
f In view. .
administration reached Washington, I
asked Mr. Dun why he sent such dis
patches. He replied that he wan a con
sistent republican, and that if he could
get the democrats to fighting it would be
bet ter for the republican party in Oregon.
I imagine that many other dispatches
were sent for like purpose. The contests
for the offices coming to Oregon, in the
main, were gentlemanly, and I think
after the appointments have been made
the defeated candidates will accept the
situation gracefully."
On on Governor I'ennoyer.
Wild man: "Whoo-opee! I'm the
winged and unlassoed terror of thechap
parral, the double-headed dragon of the
swamps, the superheated aerolite of the
Sierras ricocheting through space at my
own sweet will ; I breathe the cyclone,
drink the waterspout, and dine on the
blizzard. Whoo-o-p!" Nervous citi
xen: "Officer, why don't you arrest
and confine thut dangerous lunatic?
He'll hurt somebody." Officer: "That
han t no lunatic. That's the governor
of Oregon tukin' exercise." Cleveland
Dr. M. J. Davis is a prominent physi
cian of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa, and
has been actively engaged in the practice
of medicine at that place for tho past
tlurty-llve years. On the '.'(ith of May,
while in Ies Moines en route to Chicago,
it is a custom only and not a law, and
any president could disregard it if he
A critical public haa oWrved that
the Montana etatue of Justice is bow
legged. The artist says it isn't his
fault, because Ada Kehan was built that
way. Miss P.ehan might retort that the
criticism evinces a low conception of
high art, the curve in Miss Justice's leg
being significant of the range habita of
Montana, where everybody rides a
broncho, and where everybody has a
curve of the lower limbs.
Hogs ought to bring good prices this
year. The decrease in the total number
of hogs for the kingdom of Great Bri
tain this year is over 1.000.000. The
shortage in Ireland is estimated at 1,-
200,000 head. The ubnormally high
price of bacon and pork, as contrasted
with other meats, will" it is thought,
greatly stimulate hog breeding.
The government has lost nearly $11,-
000,000 on the silver bullion it has pur
chased since July 1890. It would have
been money in Uncle Sam's pocket if he
had bought two or three silver mines on
his own account when the pig-silver
carnival was started. Philadelphia
If President Cleveland is at a loss for
means to remedy the financial strin
gency, let him subscribe for some of our
Oregon papers. The Oregonian alone
publshes a new plan almost every day,
that, if followed, would make wealth
IKittle. two iIohi-m ot which ii, ..,,.:... ni
i.uie cutting still goe on with every 1 cured h in. The ecifi.,..i,i n,.,l
...I .l .:i : .. 1 1 i a ii i - i ..i . I . . '
i""""umlf ' " b wiiue to the ot water and d et nc dent ir, rae.,i;,.
death. So far tho Union Pacific seems often produce a diarrim a. F.verv one
io oesiinenng the most, pidgin from the should procure a bottlti of this Lemclv
Tbe Kpworth League I'rnnilae au Ex
ceedingly Noel Kiilertalniiient.
Tho Epworth League, ever on the alert
for something novel to amuse the public,
are making negotiations to secure some ,
time in Septenilier ('litis. D. Kellogg,
who, it may lie certainly said, gives au
entertainment which has no purallel.
He is a "bird warbler" und is pro
nounced simply wonderful. This indi
vidual has warbled like a bird from his
earliest infancy, but never appeared in
public until the year IShH, since which
time his fume is growing world-wide,
His gift is due to a peculiar formation of
the throat and lips, which makes it
possible to productthe marvelous tones
and effects for which be is famous.
From the lips back to the rear wall of
the throat it measures five and one-balf
inches, something like two inches decier
than the average. The passage along
the outside of the lower jaw is also un
usually large, while the under lip is not
tied to the gums in the ordinary manner,
enabling him to form a reservoir for air
which gives him great power. The mar
veloua trills made by him are executed
by a rapid flutter of the upper lip. He
has great flexibility of the tongue and
lips, combined with a very unusual con
trol of the muscles that regulates these
organs. He has warbled by closing the
lips perfectly tight and sending the sound
through the -nostrils, producing high
harmonic tones, reaching two octaves
above D, Alt, so that an audience of
eight thousand People could distinctly
hear liim. (This feat was accomplished
bt Chatauoila, N. Y., Aug.7,18'JO.) Mr.
Kellogg produces the notes of several
birds and blends them in all the confus
ing and commingling harmony of the
unrivaled nightingule; but hedoeswhut
no feathered songster ever did, or even
can accomplish, being capable of inter
preting in its own language, the most
difficult musical compositions.
11. KU'iiKU - ATTiiKNit v it Uw-on.ri'
I our! ntrtft, Ttiv l'liUo. TittUi.
Dt-rt R. FHAMt M K! RPKR.
( Kt K. dt MKNKKt.K A nonn-tira at
la - t.tx'inft - hi hi 4.i. ovir ritttt
, ncc in m'hantm builihliif, up ataira.
.'aliea, Oretfnn.
I.a Orlie.
During the prevalence of the grippe
the past seasons it was noticeable fact
that those who deiended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only iiad a
speedy recovery, but escaped nil of the
troublesome after effects of tho malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma and hay fever, of long
staudihg. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Fee trial bottles at
Sniies A Kinersly's drug store.
f. MAT". S. a HI'KTINOTil.N It WILaOK.
nkvh at-uw (illietn.. Preurir bhaik over
Kirnt National Hank I'allea. (ireami.
W riJSON AmiaNsr at law - Koorna
Street. The I'allea, Oregon.
Hand Made
DK. KHITEI.HAN (Una norATHiri I'KYaiciA
anil M'aoaoa. alia aup-rel iirnint!y,
imiLe Aaaintiu
day or nlKlit, city ur enuntr
Si Ctiapiuau block.
DR. O. 11. liO A K E HYalciA AND t
okon. itii: ronnia b and 6 i'liatnnan
rttm'k Kpaldaiiee: H. K. crner ''curt and
r-imrth aireeu, aec nd diair Iruni the ettne-r.
Oltlee taoura V tn U A. !.. 1 to 6 anil J tuK M.
not i rum.
lrASr) I.OlWiK. NO. IV A. . t A. t Meela
Itrat and third Monday ol each luoiitn at 7
ich Diolith at 7 1'. II.
1 MeeU In Hall tlie third Wetlnoulay
5tl. HfHMi ( amii Nil. VJ, Meeln 1 tiewlav evall
lug of each week In rrutcmll) Mail, at 7 ;.i l. 111.
Ol.t'MHIA l.OIK.K, NO. 5. I
uoioiirnlitt: brother! aro welcome.
II. ;uicoh, bee jr. H. A. BiLia.S.
o. (). P. Meet
V, every rrnlay evenliiR at 7 ::i o elm-k. In K.
of P. hall, corner Heeimil and Court alrvela.
J-'RIENPHIMI' I.OIH.K, NO. ., K ot P.-teeta
1 every Monday evening at 7 sn n'elis'k, In
echamio butldlng, rnrneriif t.'ourt and Hifond
treeta. BOJournlug uieinberii are, cordially Ju.
Vlieu. " . n. . aAM
P, W.Vacis, K. of K. and S.
f C.
A BHKM111.V NO. la'.T. K. OF I..-
i of H. hall tlieavi ond and I
daya of each motitb at 7:&i p. ni.
Meet In K.
?T I'NIOS will me.-t every Krlday atuirniH.u
at so clock at the reading room. Allare inviuxl
Harmon Ijalir No. ,pail. I. O. I
wofcly mei'liiiKK Friday i
Fraternity flail. All are luvileit.
L. (J. Chu'ismai), -'. T. h. C. Flick, ho
T. iKnular
n r. a., a
TEMPLE Wlx.K NO. , A. O 1'. W.-Meu
M in rraternlty Hall, over Keller, mil becond
treat, Thumlay evening at 7 Ji.
t'At'L Kairr,
W. B Mtsb. Financier, M. W.
I AH. NKMMITII PT, No. i, ti. A K.-Meeta
ft ar,!r), Dalunlay at 7:au r. a., In tbe K. of f.
OK I,. Meetanvory huiiday alternoon lu
tbe K. of P. Hall.
F.HAS(I VKKK1N Meet every
V JT evening In the K. of P. Hall.
I OF I., P. litVIHIOS, No. IST-Meeta In
K.fif P. Hall tne llrnt and third Wulnaa.
day of each month, at 7 JU P. M.
teal Katata.
United States to AlU-rt Walter, pat
ent for the sw '4' sec I'll, tp. 1 uorth,
range 12 cant w. in.
Old Arithmetic.
10 mills one cent.
10 ci-ii'h one dime.
10 dimes one dollar.
1 dollar one bottle.
COXliO OIL, the greut one-day rheu
matism cure. Also cures sciatica, m.n.
T t'ETKFtft Cllt'KCII -Her. Father
oaaar Paitor. Uiw Man every hundav at
illKh Maaa at Ul:.l A. a. V nre at
It. a
ir. u.
CT. PAUM i IlfKCH -ttnlnn Hlreet, nfiaatlta
Fifth. Rev. Ell ll.HlllClltle lle..r K..rvl,-.
tv I
'ebiatlW.IA A.
7:. 4)
M and 7:.i r. a hmiilnv
r.venliiK 1'rayor on Friday at
T-MRHT IIAl llHT ( llt'Rl ll-lleT. O. 1. TAV
i ih t"l, ''',,r- Mnriilnn ervio.-a every hab-
n. iimw HfHlll'niy l
HehiHil Iiiiiiii-1ihI..v alte
11 A. M.
Inornllitf a..rvicea.
r iin-.-tiii( (Ti.,iy evening at paator's real-
''. I llliill avrvicea 111 the court bullae at
A great hoiiKi'hold
reported falling off of busiuesN anil their
horizontal cuts down of expenses.
he was suddenly taken with an attack of I rali;i, "welling", contraction of muMex
diarrho a. Having sold ('hainherluiii'a .iffiie of joints, lame buck nml
t.olic, Cholera and Diarrlm a Ilemcdy j "H f ad kiii(l.
for the past seventeen years, and know- remedy.
ing its reliability, he procured a '.'.j cent 1 Fin v emits U hmm.1I ,'i."J i.:m i ...
tu'it you to cure an nr.
dinnry cane of rlioiiiimtinm if you nw
Clmiiiberluin's I'uin Halm. Try it and
von will be fiirpri-ed nt the relief it nf
f....1 f i... i ...
J '"t ui' iiK'ai.iiin w
by tho pain. .V.l cent holties f,.r
J'.lali.iley & Houghton, druggies
Iicfiire leaving home. For cale
l;iakeley & Houghton, druggist.
II cjiij'H
ealo by
I'. M
pOM.RKdATIOSAL Itt'RI ll-ltev. W. V.
J ( .iiarm, I'aator. Mervl.eaevery Hnnday at 11
a. and 7 r. h. hjumIhv hcIhmiI afUir morning
"rvii-e. HtraiigenrriinllHlly luvluil. HcaU free.
E 'in KCH-Rev. J. w K, T,alor.
hiTVli-.evervHnndnv nioruinaat II a. In.
Hlln.lny HchiMil at Vi A) e eli'k r M. Eiwirth
I'"Kne at li : r. m. praver nmitlng every
1 Iniixliv evening at 7:311 o i l. a k. A cordial In
viuniiiii 1 eiu-iiiliil by both paator and laaiple
tO M 1 1 .
rillKIeTIAN Itl lt' ll--Krv. .1. W. .Iknkinu,
' Paitor. I'reiielilmr in the t'onitregiitliinal
I linn h each l.orda liay al H r. u. All are
corillnlly Invlltd
Fvnng Lutheran rlmtch, Ninth atr.-.-t, Hey. A.
Horn ciiitor. hi-rviiii at II:. m a. in. Himdiiy
i'li.M.1 at i.JO p. in A cordiiil wulcoiuu Ui every
Fresh Pain
W r. OrLftritT hrnby wiifti
III rfiiniiiiiiictilM t rvitry friend
And nu'inv- If hr lm nny -lit
I hey luw or be tin'? initny.
Th Umr fur -iiitlnir mw rom,
Ami rvrry on di'pitrt n km
Tliitl tiNikn (nwti mul rin ind no,
An nunc but m kmj Ht,Ht witUi.
Pnlntliif , rnfrliiir find nUnni.V.
111 mnkf unr nlu nni twW tm
will Uke tir wtrk vlther a,
H) thr or by ihv tiuy.
If ynu hnvf work rive htm rull,
lii' ll Utkr jfttiir urtlrrM, Imtv ik nwti
P. O. 1I..X No. 3,
The Snug
W. H. BUTTS. Prop.
So. 00 Second Broet, Tbe Iillei C'
This wtdl known iitand, kept by t
well known W. II. lttitts, long
detit of VVco county, has n cxtnor
nary tine stock of
Sheep Herder's Delijhl and Irish Pistt
In tact, All the le ading linmnpoi
Wines, Liijnors and Cigars, (iirct
old man a call and vou will come
Of Dea Moiura. Iowa, write under 4" '
Mitnih Xi. IwO:
S. It. MI. Mk. Co..
Ihifur, Oregim.
OrntUmrn : ,
On arriving home last week, I I
all well and anxiously awaiting.
little girl, night and one-hulf .vi""
who had wusted away to W
n.,w wull u. a.iI wun.enllM. and
...... ...... , n,niii ..--- -
(1..-I...I .... u II r',.k 'nr hM "
its work well, lloth of the children!
it. Your 8. U. Cough Cure has
and kept away all hoarsencHS tm ..
Ho give it to every one, with greftiop
for all. Wishing you proswrity, w"
Yours, Mk. A Mus. J. F.roD.
If v., i. .), t.i l.w.l fr.N.h iulchi'er(lll."l,rrl
for the HnrliiK work, nleniiae your s,vst
the ll.-aili.clie anil Liver t;ure, by Ukm
three diawtaench we(k.
ild under a fioaltive auarantee.
AO cent per bottle by all driiMl .
IMeiMoi Establishment!
avr jjsvwi
Furniture and Carpels
have added to our ""J
Boinplele Cndertudilig l,l,,7',wH
and as we are in no way oontiei '
the I'ndertuk.TH' TniHt, our pn
bn low accor Jingly.