The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 30, 1893, Image 3

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Weekly Chronicle.
. All.
, Thurman eanght a tSO-pound ,ftU
eWWt-K.iin'a passenger Is reported
,oiirs late.
j II. Crria lina come out with
delivery wagon.
.. i M Ttnsehke has this day
- ,.. , ri. j. v.
red hiH resign""""
(',)iiilm. 0r-
will ship I" ears of
........ .M.II'J ll I'
. I I. .1...
Chicago 1,1 " "ktiiiiik
Saltinurihe's stock yarns.
1 , IiHir Ol IMIKIOK Sll-
Winans Iron, last
i . burnt district of theeity thiHtles
f. made Kr,,wth this season,
now i the time to have them cU'M-
I'Iiitc will be " dime social (it Minn
ma Scliliiull H " euiicsuHY rvi-miiK.
union! program will lie given, ami
, anil cake served during Hie
k iti'uii
t ' i
p'liu Northern menu; reamiy mms
outs of the Great Northern. As fast
ilie rates lire reduced over the latter,
. v.irthern Pueiflf meets them and
,.. ' dollars better. The Union
tn i ilistanceu.
i answer to h letter of one of our citi-.-Uing
the I lent rates to Chicago, an
kit wuh received thiH morning Himing
it a Itrst-elass iivuei couiu i"
1 for .!3 via the Northern J'acihc.
I'. P. rates at the same time
re 4X
Thccnseof P.T.ShttrpVB. . J. .leuers
on triul liefore JtiHtiee Schu' oday,
which it in claimed Jehvrs un... . lully
repassed upon the premises of Sharp.
;iie defendant, it appears, lailea 10 con-.
t in the ordinary luunuer prescnUM
A very pretty uetion was observed the
it'niT iliiy by voitng hidy of J he Palles,
okih Mexican peihller woman rev-
,-ritfy lay a bouquet of (lowers on the
:,;m n( the Baptist church, nnt the
itnr-s said there w.s no doubting the
jinivritv of her action.
Surely the Inliind Star was born lie
iitli an unlucky star. The latest iB
ut she is lieached four mileH lielow
mid River, hiiving eprung a leak while
t in the current, and the crew with
flieulty laud'uifr hr mid Having them-
lve from ft walury grave.
The Biaiclal feature of the service at
the Methodist Kpincopal church, July
U, at 8 o'clock p. in., will tie the
national addremi by the P.ev. J. "Windier
on "The Duty of the Citizen to the
rule," Jer. xxix,27. All citizens, mili
tary il civic organizationi! are luoitt cor
diullr invited to attend.
II Dan Murphv would learn the art of
ireping hil mouth cloned, which would
become him, comment the Portland
fiinpatch, he would not have caiiHe to
cnmpluin of licing misquoted by repubh
can newBpapera. lie n entirely 100
aiixlotia to lie interviewed, and fre
quently in audi a condition a not to re-
uiemlier very diHtinctly what he aaid.
A voting luily of Pendleton waa en
gaged Huuday in Wantifying her Ux'ka
w ith a curling iron, when to her horror
the iron alipped from the handle and
rolled down her back, scorching the ten
dor (lutdi. Aaide from a brand mark
that will remain for aome time, ahe waa
not aeriouHly burned. K. O.
Several years ago, it in reKirted, Mrs
Tuomaa Henderson P.oyd, or Urnula
tndig got into the clutches of a big
WW in California, who heaied abuse
i un our, ano one out h uuii ho wb m,..
treating her ahe ran a knife into bis ab-
donieu, killing him. She w as aj"'tted.
Hhe ddiiies that she w ill go into the mis
tionary business among fallen women
Tire very unusual phenomenon of a
niiKin dog was to be seen last night trom
U to 10 o'clock. The ghostly twin was
nearly as bright an the moon itself and
of alxnit the same sine. Such 'signs in
the heavens" have been tire cause of
wide-Bpread alarm throughout the cen
turion to the unsophisticated denizens ol
the earth, believing them to be a fore
runner of some undelinable ralnmity
lhit in this age of the world atmospheric
effects are philosophically eolved, and
the initiated have no other (wiling than
delight at the sublime grandeur of
nature's celestial visions.
Wvriiundiijr Dully.
' Mr ri(- In Jinlmm nf inch maid
I worfthlit In my vrrm.
Ami i'kt dollar In in puhl
Jor them ntin devniB h imiihc.
And though tlir.Minli tin-in I buy br fowin,
1'iiy diM'torfl' IiIIUhiiiI rtut,
At lli.'lr (air iioIIiIiikiii'hk ahe frown,
llllkMlHUl, Ulre to vent.
One little m-flivt I'd explain
'Twmild 'l her m luil nt rent
But no, 'twould render her too vnln
If "lie tint dimly iiuinml.
Tliiine mld I love for Kurd Id pelf
Hhould ico unw hiiiptHt of Maine,
For every one la )llat heranlf,
Cnllod by anotlier name.
Millor, et al., appellant; on appeal from
Wasco county, motion to dismiss ap
peal waa allowed; opinion by Judge
The Dalles base ball team are to play
the Hood Itiver boys on the 4lh of July ;
and an excursion is being arranged for.
The trial of Sharp vs. Jefl'era before
Justice Schutz yesterday resulted in
favor of Jellers, it being held that the
laud said to be tresiansed upon was gov
ernment land. ,
Strawberries are very plentiful in the
valley this year. In some parts of Linn
county they are selling as low as $1 for
eight gallons, which scarcely pays the
cost of picking them.
A meeting of the M. K. Sunday school
hoard will be held at the home of Mrs.
Smith French this evening. All mem-l-rs
of the Ixiard, including teachers, aer
requested to be present.
The 4th of July draws on apace. The
principal attraction will be the celebra
tion at lioHcland farm, where orations,
music, reading of the declaration, games,
lemonade and ice cream will be the
standard attractions.
On Friday evening, Juno 30th, a lawn
sociable will lie given at the residence of
I, C. Nickelsen by the Iiusy Gleaners.
An interesting program ot music, sing
ing and recitations is prepared, and a
ten-cent ticket of admittance will enti
tle the holder to refreshments. All
friends of the society are cordially in
vited. The day of all daya in the year to
the children is circua day. All of na
can confess to the time when the won
derful procession of gaudy wagons, con
taining living animals of nil zones, the
ridiculous antics of the clown, and the
mammoth tents, held charms dearer
than all else. And so will it be again
tomorrow to' the hundreds of boys w ho
will go without their dinner and pay un
divided court the whole livelong day to
that acme of childish anticipation the
Thiirndiiy'i Haily.
lie who by bla biz would riHti,
MuhI either bunt or advertim.
Tomorrow Is circus day.
The Dalles City will make the attempt
to reach the locks Friday.
The pair crop bridal couples is un
usually large this year, and they are just
as aweet aa ever to each other.
In the snpreme' court at Portland,
Z. F. Moody, respondent, vs. Mary E.
The total wool product of the world for
181U is estimated at 2,l!f0,000,000 lbs.
lien. F. Wilson of La Grande has leen
appointed register of the U. S. land oflice
ut that place.
The Monterey wan sighted from Fort
Canby yesterday afternoon on her way
to the Sound.
There is talk of impeaching Gov. Alt
geld, on the grtumd that he wan not a
citizen of the United States at the age
of 21.
Archbishop Satolli is at Helena,
Mont. After a week spent at National
Park he will proceed to the Pacific
A report is t the effect that Frank
Seeley, a railway conductor, lias been
appointed deputy marshal in place of
Malcolm Jameson.
The Blue Jay went ashore off
Michell's Point west of Hall & Ulick'a
fish wheel, Tuesday afternoon. The
owners are Messrs. Michel, Cram and
A patter of Kansas tells of a young
business man down there who employs
his mother-in-law as his stenographer.
It takes a courageous man to dictate to
his mother-in-law even during business
A fine specimen of wheat is to be seen
at the Ciikonici.k office a new variety,
raised at James Underbill's place, be
tween Des Chutes and 15-Mile. The
heads average 5 inches in length, and
there is a Targe field of it.
C. C. Chase, the supposed tramp who
lost his life in the wreck near Clarnie
by riding on the mail car truck, was in
Pendleton a week or more. He worked
a few days and was discharged for drink
ing. Chase came from Kansas and was
working his way economically toward
Alaska, lie is descrihed as being a
bright youug fellow and a druggist by
The fourth of July celebration at liose-
land farm promises to be exceptionally
interesting. Dr. Sanders will read the
declaration of independence, John
Michel! will deliver an oration, and after
dinner five minute 6pee-hes will be de
livered by prominent citizens. Various
Biorts will be indulged, for which suit
able prizes will be given. All that is
asked to make the fourth a glowing suc
cess is a fair field and no bad weather.
Aunita won the mile and one-six
teenth race at the Portland race track
yesterday. The mile was trotted in
2 :35. In nine races, all which have been
trotted thus far, some Dalles horse has
won either first, second or third money.
Mowitsa won the 1 mile dash yester
day, also a Dalles horse. The other
Dalles horses present, who have won in
one race or another of the nine races
are Seretta, Rockland Boy, Ruby, Black
Prince, Nehalcm and lies Chutes.
A Sura Cure for 1'llea.
Itching piles are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itching
when warm. This form, as well as
blind, bleeding or protruding, yield at
once to Dr. Boaanko's Pile Remedy,
which acts directly on parta affected,
absorbs tumors, always itching and ef
fects a permanent cure. 60 cents.
Druggists or mail. Circulars free. Dr.
Bosanko, 32i Arch St., Philadelphia,
Pa. Sold by Blakeley 4 Houghton.
for Kent.
Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. 6-2.1lw.
Tba Hakor. j
The D. 8. Baker passed tunnel No. 3
at 8 o'clock last evening. She will
doubtless enter into active service on the
lower Columbia soon after her arrival at
Portland, in consequence' of the HccMent
to the T. J. Potter and the sinking of the
R. R. Thompson. The Potter cracked
her shaft on her way up to Portland.!
She was met at Oak Point by the Tele
phone, working the starboard engine
only, at 11:4.') a. m. Khe was making
about 8 miles an hour. This left the U.
P. with the Reed and tjneen to take the
places of the Potter and Thompson. It
will take a week torepnir both steamers.
The steamer R. R. Thompson, belong
ing to the Union Paeiticcompany, which
was sunk in 12 feet of water while trying
to make a landing at Mount Coffin, on
the Columbia, alioutoO miles from Port
land will 1m raised at once. Two barges
were sent dow n to her, and hui;e tiiulx rs
were ordered from the Willamette Mill
company. The barges will be placed on
either side of tho tioat, which will be
raised by machinery and w ill lie brought
to Portland for repairs. The Thompson
is an old boat, and has seen many years
of service.
A number of U. V. officials were to
have come up to witness the lion's go
over the falls, but the accident to the
west-bonnd train has probably deprived
them of the opportunity. to WDallen Boy.
The commencement exercises of the
state university at Engene closed on the
22d instant. A class of twelve was
graduated, in w hich were Messrs. Daniel
H. Roberts and Thos. M. Roliertsof this
city. A few years ago Hon. B. B. Beek
man of Jacksonville and Hon. Daniel
Fulling of Portland gave a fund to the
state university to lie disposed of each
year in the w ay of two prizes ll.'iO and
$100, for the two best orations pro
nonnced on graduation day. Last
Thursday, in a strong contegt at Villard
hall, in which nearly 1,300 people were
congregated, a set of judges, consisting
of President Bloss of Corvallis college,
Prof. McElroy of Salem and Rev. Her
bert Johnson of Rochester, N. Y., se
lected Mr. C. F. Martin of Eugene for
the first prize and Mr. T. M. Roberts
for the second. The subject of the
former was "Should Arbitration Take
Place of War?" and that of the latter,
"Ctthenslyisin ; Its Dangens to Amer
ica." These subjects are of world-wide
importance, and we are informed the
orations will lie printed in full in the
nniversiiy '"Reflector."
Mr. Roberts, after spending Sunday
with the family in The Dalles, left for
Colfax, Wash., where his residence will
be for the present.
from S. E. Ferris, dated East Portland
says that the passenger- train which
passed through here this mornfng, No.
1, was wrecked, four ears and the en
gine leaving the track. No one was
hurt. Later news is to the effect that
the train was derailed by a row a mile
west of Clarnie, w hich is the first sta
tion this side of Portland. At this
point the ground in level, and no serious
apprehension is felt as to the accident.
'. C. h.e, a Tramp, Killed, Which la
tha Only fatality.
A Mytrlona Horn ItUaaaa.
Faibvikw, Or., June 27, 1813.
Editor I'hbonrxz:
Dear Sir. : Through some of your
many reauers 1 wouiu bsk lor nuuriua
tion in regard to the treatment of horses,
as I have lost two valuable mares in the
last few days with the following symp
toms : FirBt loss of appetite and a dis
taste of water, a constant restlesBnees,
biting the sides in the region of the
heart and kidneys, pawing and rolling
and pounding the ground with their
heads, straining as in the act of urinat
ing, and withal perspiring excessively,
and lastly the legs get cold and they die.
I have opened them after death and
found them full of bots, but in no case
has the stomach been eaten through, as
per theory. I have treated them for
bots, colic and inflammation, all of no
Any person knowing a remedy will
confer a favor to the welfare of the com
munity. Yours very respectfully,
R. F. Wickham.
The marriage of W. II. Groat and Miss
Grace Crandall occurred Saturday night
at the residence of the bride's parents
Ties house was beautifully decorated with
flowers, and the impressive ceremony
waa conducted by Rev. W. C. Curtis.
Kefreshments were served at 9:30
o'clock. Afterwards the bridal party
were serenaded by the band and the
Mandolin club, when the good nights
and good byes were spoken and the
guests departed leaving their best wishes
for the future happiness of the newly
made pair.
The following guests were present:
Dr and Mrs O D Doane, Mr and Mrs I I
Burget, Misses Lang, Mr and Mrs I.
Clarke, Mr Chas Clark, Miss M Enright,
Mr and Mrs C J Crandall, Mrs C T Don
nell, Mrs O Sylvester, Mr J M Patter
mi. miss neoruia rauunvii, 1
The acknowledges there'
ceipt of a part of the wedding cake.
Drowned In the Hirer.
No. 1, which was wrecked near Port
land yevterday w as pulled by engine No.
548, draw ing eight curs. The train ran
into a cow iyjng on thetrack. Engineer
Sherman did not notice the animal un
til too late to stop the train and avert a
disaster. The engine was derailed
about 10 feet U-yond where the cow was
struck, and ran fur a distance of 120
feet with the wheels on lxith sides on
the ties to the left of the rails, w hen the
w heels on the left fide left the track
and run 130 feet further, where the en
gine was overturned. The tender kept
to the track for a distance of 70 feet
farther, w hen it fell to tho left of the
track down a slight embankment,
one pair uf trucks going over with
the tender, while the other trucks
and the truck frames were thrown
offontherigh hand-side of the track
and down a steep embankment.
Mail car No. 11G9 was attached to- the
tender and was throw n dow n an em
bankment a distance of 75 feet to the
right of thetrack. The only fatality of
the wreck was caused by this car, which
fared the worst of any. A man. sup
posed to be a tramp, whose name is be
lieved to be C. C. Chase, was presum
ably riding the platform of the mail car,
and whet! the car was hurled down the
embankment be was taken with it. He
was picked up at the bottom, lying on
his right Bide, with the hind trucksof the
mallear resting on his left shoulder,
and his neck broken. He was wedged
in between the trucks and the ground
so that the trainmen were compelled to
dig away the earth underneath to ex
tricate him. This car was stopped by
bringing up against a huge stump after
the bottom of the embankment had
been reached. The trucks and pi.jces
were scattered all along the downward
path of the car, the rear truck" being
the only ones remaining under it. The
body of the car is badly damaged,
though neither side nor end is broken in.
The mail inside was all right. The front
end of the car plowed Into the ground a
depth of about two feet.
George Avery, the fireman, has had a
rather tough experience since he com
menced his career as a railroader. To
a reporter he said it was the fifth
time he bad been thrown out of his
cab by an accident. He thinks he
is very lucky to have escaped so many
"The first thing I knew," said he,
was when I was climbing up the
bank. I also saw the engineer coming
out of the top of the cab, and then I
began to realize that something had occurred."
Two t rum us were stealing a ride on
one of th" rear cars, but succeeded in
getting out unhurt, though both were
very dirty. After dusting themselves,
they coolly produced a couple of cigar
ettes and proceeded to light them. One
tramp remarked sarcastically; "This
is a h of a way for a railroad cam
pany to treat a fellow. I believe I'll
sue them for damages." Both then
started off down thetrack, heading for
Portland, just as if nothing unusual had
Just as soon as the accident happened
the conducter and the engineer
started to walk to Mount Tabor Villa as
rapidly as they could to report the ac
cident. They started to go almost immediately.
Verv toon after the accident the
claim agent of the company, w ho was on
board the train, passed among the pas
sengers to take their names and to ascer-
certain who were hurt and the nature of
the injuries sustained.
Three Inatance Where llama Mann-factorial-
la Unprofitable.
Charles Denton's waiton, which has
made daily trips toThe Dalles for twelve
years was made by an Oregon manufac
turing firm w hich failed for lack of pat
ronage. Yet the wai;on is almost as
good today as the day it left the shop.
In 1S."S a couple of brothers in Bntter
ville, a few miles above Oregon City, be
gan the manufacture of plows and turned
out a more serviceable article than those
ordinarily sold today, but the farmers
would not patronizetheni ami they failed
on account of the gaudy stripes and liner
iKilishof an eastern output, which was
much inferior. The Dispatch also tells of
a fireworks manufactory which is today
ptidering from the same cause, a hick of
strength. George Hughes is one of the
best pyrotechnists in the country, has
lived in Portland many years and has
always been able to make as good a dis
play as would be required at any cele
bration, and nt the same rate or lower
than could be obtained east. Yet he is
obliged to stand by and see powder sent
across the country burned almost in
front of his own magazine and labroa
tory. The fireworks ho lias furnished
have always given satisfaction, but his
home institution is paralyzed. This is
not the worst feature of the matter.
While Mr. Hughes has been reasonable
in his charges, and has also thrown in a
iiandlul or two to make good measure,
ho finds it hard work to collect what is
due for what he has furnished. The
republican celebration committeo for
long years back owe him considerable,
and for last year tho democratic com
mittee has not paid, although it has
promised to settle several times and re
cently. "So far Hughes has not been
able to secure an order for the Fourth of
July, and the people will have to be
content with the booming of Chinese
fireworks to celebrate the national
In the face of these instances what
wonder is it that Oregon has no more
manufactories? The people must he
como better educated as to their duties
before thousands of dollars are hazarded
for buildings and plants. While an ever
lasting clamor is kept up in some quar
ters for manufacturing industries, let the
imaginary fabric be turned and gaze
upon the filmy foundation for such ex
penditures, which cannot turn wheels
nor long continue the busy hum of
manufacture without the financial aid
of the people surrounding them.
Onloaa fur oug-ha and t'olda.
There is no remedy that acts more
promptly on the Throat, Lungs and
Chest than Onion Syrup. It loosens
the phlegm enabling you to throw it off.
It relieves that tightness and oppressive
feeling in the Chest and all soreness of
the Lungs. As a tonic and restorative
it has no equal. Dr. (iunu'a Onion
Syrup ii medicated in a manner so as to
be more effectual than the plain syrup
and not have any taste or odor of the
onions, making it very pleasant to take.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the BestQual
ity Always on Hand.
Wehavo an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
Thounbury & Hudson,
The Dalles, Or.
A. A. Brown,
Ke;Tv a full titwirtmt'nt ol
and Provisions.
which heoO'criat Lovr Flmirea.
to Cash Buyers.
Hislest Cash Prices for Eis ana
other Produce.
At It Again.
About 10 o'clock Saturday night a
small boat containing W. R. Jones, Miss
Maggie Thomas and Miss Maggie Rowers
was run down in the dark by the steamer
Hustler and a barge, and all parties
were thrown into the river. Mr. Jones
managed to save Miss Rowers and tried
to reach Miss Thomas, but she sank too
soon. Tho unfortunate young woman
was 20 years of age and had been living
with her brother-in-law, J. B. fccliwartz
in Mnltnomah addition, now Albina
her parents being dead. Dispatch.
Ma. 1 Wracked.
A dispatch this morning to Chas,
Btnith, driver of the street sprinkler
Eugene Williams was attacked by
Marshal Maloney Sunday night and
bruised up badly about the face. The
provocation could not be learned, and
there were only Indian witnesses. From
all information available, Williams is
an intelligent Warm Springs Indian,
peacably disposed, and possessed of some
property. He speaks English very
fluently and attended the Chemawa
school for two years. No legal proceed
ings will probably be undertaken in The
Dalles, but it is reported steps are being
taken to investigate the matter fully.
Williams is still in town, being unable
yesterday to leave his bed.
Iluntreaa Ktruck a Itoek and Dis
engaged Hrraelf.
The Unlawful Power Wielded Oyer
Ci.uimuiilty by One Man.
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Calif.
The D. S. Baker, wharf boat and
Huntress laid at the Upjier Cascades
yeeterday until fi o'clock p. m., on
account of the wind. A few minutes
after that time, everything being in
readiness, Captain Michell Morritsen
started over the rapids, with the long
wharfboat in front, the Huntress follow
ing, with the D. S. Baker securely tied
behind. As soon as the current com
menced to move the fleet, the engine of
the Baker was rapidly reversed, and
they went over smoothly and safely. At
a point about three-fourths of a mile be
low the foot of the locks, the Huntress
struck a rock, and shot out from her
lines, breaking them like threads. The
boat was left on a rock and the Baker
and wharfboat passed on. A strong
wind however came up and blew the
Huntress off and she took the current
and went after the Baker and wharfboat,
overtaking them just this side of Bonne
ville. Capt. Morritsen secured her
again and went on his way with the fleet
to Portland.
Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove I'olish.
The Chboniclk insists upon the right
to publish any bit of legitimate news,
and make comments upon the nction of
anv nublic officer. This is the riifht of
all newspapers and stands unchallenged
in any section of the country. For
merely publishing the statement that
an Indian was "bruised up badly aliout
the face by Marshal Maloney Sunday
night," that individual came into The
Chronicle office this morning and for
bade the further appearance of his name
in our columns. The event of the as
sault actually transpired and should
have been recorded in every newspaper
of the city that pretends to furnish its
readers with the news. It is one of the
most legitimate of news happenings, anil
was of extraordinary reportorial impor
tance from the fact that the Indian was
badly hurt, and at one time it was feared
would lose an eye, as a result of his in
luries. It has come to a pretty pass if
. -one
individual is to be allowed to terror
ize a community, hush its newspapers,
intimidate all of its citizens, and defy all
law. The act of Sunday night has lieen
pronounced by the justices of tho peace
of The Dalles as lawless in the extreme,
and has been execrated by all lawyers
and citizens of the city conversant with
the facts.
The manner in which Mr. Maloney at
tempts to suppress the matter is evi
dence of its gravity. If The Ciikosici.k
has related the facts, there can benoob
jection to that; if it has made misstate
ments redress is easily available to Mr.
Maloney through ordinary channels of
law, and The Chbonh'I.e will be com
pelled to defend a suit for libel. Vpon
one thing the public may rest assured :
We will continue to publish all the news
we can hear of ; and whenever necessary,
expose violence and crime, with the
hope that all law-abiding citizens will
support our efforts for the peace and
best interests of the community.
Be it known to all whom it may con
cern, that the garden through which
Mosier creek runs is private property,
and that all fishing and hunting within
the inclosures is trespass, and will be
treated as such hereafter. 6-9w3t
Trie GoiumDia Packin g Go..
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of
is 1
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or..
Imported English Shire Stallion
No. 112, Iird llawke, 6IIS7. Drown, fimU'd'
IxM. Hrl bv Mra. Cnwnrcl, Wmnersluy, tcintu
fract, Yorkshire. Iinii'irtiii Iik.h.
hire, Ring of the Vallry, ;I17I: ho hy Devon
shire, "!"; he by 'oinnu'rnr, .W; he hy
lliTtford, 1IU7; he by Hoiuat Tom, 1uk2; he by
Hertford, 1.
Ham by Waxwork, aiSS; he hy Waxwork, 'iil'i;
he hy lllnek I -em. III.
Oriin.l Halle by Honest Toin, 1KU: he by Kng
laiui'a Hero, 7; he bv HerlivMiIre Hero, ha
by Derbyshire, ono; he by lierbyshire ll'iggolt'sl.
Having purchased the celebratad Stal
lion, LORD HAVVKE, be will make the
season at W. L. Ward's on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays ; and at Du
fur on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur
days. Charges for the season, $10; to insure,
The best of care will 1 taken of ani
mals, but no responsibility for damages
will be assumed.
lxrd llawke won the 100 premium at
Hexam, England, in 18K8.
The pride paid for Lord Hawke wil