The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 30, 1893, Image 2

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Many People Are Buried
in the
Allgcld Says They Did Not Have
a Fair Trial and Pardons
Fort Scott, Kau., June 26. Tlie
Treuiont hotel collapsed at half-past 9
this morning, without warning. Then.
were 100 occupant in it. The house
was brick, four stories high. The en
tire east wall fell, followed by the three
lloors and their load of occupant.
Danger of other parts of the building
falling prevents a thorough search for
the bodies in the ruins. Twenty-seven
occupants have been taken from the
second story on the west side by meaus
of a ladder, and others escaped through
the regular exits. Mechanics are at
work strengthening walls so that a
search can be made. It is believed the
accident was caused by the recent addi
tion of a mansard roof which was too
heavy for the foundations.
Three men were taken out soon after
noon, but their injuries are
their deaths are expected in
leading banks report this morning the
demand from country banks for redis
count and loans are smaller than for
many weeks, and that the indications
are the crisis has passed. Little more
money is expected to be sent today to
Han Francisco by registered mail, and
possibly a small transfer may be made
by telegraph to that place through the
subtreaaury. Silver certificates dropped
to 77l, commercial bar silver to 77 and
Mexican dollars to 60 cents. The break
is due to cables reporting the suspension
of purchases of silver for Indian accounts
and closing of the Indian mints.
II llaa a Formidable Array of Legal
Portland, Or., June 20. It has been
many months since a case has appeared
in the criminal courts of Portland in
which so much interest has been taken
by the public generally as that against
merchant Matthias Koshland, which
came up this morning.
Henry McGinn, for the prosecution,
stated that the prosecution was based on
on the statute passed by the session of
the legislature of 1SS5, referring to the
receipts issued by warehouses for goods
stored in the building. That the jury
might understand the grounds for the
indictments returned by the grand jury,
he read the sections which referred to
. , . . T..-..I . 1. I I
such that I lue Plnl Bl '""e. e roau uie uuru
few hours. action "ie statute, which states that j
The fire department and hundreds of n 91la le '"' 01 I'er90Ils I-ung
citizens are at work among the broken warehouses, commission houses, nulls)
timbers, and are stimulated in their ef- J ther euch buildings where gram,
forts of rescue bv the cries and moans of j wo1. Pork and other products arestored, j
An Early Session Seems the Only
Congress Will he Called Together In
September Thinks It Better to
Wait Until That Time.
the wounded. It is feared many people
aro beneath the mass of debris. The
pround lloor of the hotel was occupied
Ivy stores, umny of which were filled with
customers. It is not known how many
leople are beneath the ruins, but it is
lieiieved tin. ilt-ath list will reach over
Chicago Anarchist Free.
Si'ki.mifielb, III., June 1C. Governor
Alteld today pardoned Fielden, Nee be
and Schwab, the anarchists serving life
sentences in the Joliet penitentiary for
complicity in the Ihiymarket riot in
imcago on tne nigni ot .May -i, lssii, in
wiiich ix large number of police were
kiiied and wounded, and for which Par
eons, Spies ami others were hanged, and
over whose graves a monument was un
veiled by Chicago anarchists yesterday
The governor takes the ground that
these men did not have a fair trial, and
that the court was prejudiced.
to deliver a warehouse receipt, which
shall state from whom the wool was re
ceived, date, etc. He read a following
Washington, June 27. Two hours
were consumed by the cabinet today dis
cussing the new phase of the silver ques
tion, when other matters demanded their
attention. The conferences yesterday
afternoon and evening between the pres
ident and Carlisle 8 i m pi i lied matters to
some extent. Although the discussion,
it is said, took a wide range, it was nee
cessarily brought back to the one im
portant unmanageable point, that the
executive hail no power in the premises,
congress alone being able to deal with
measures for relief. It is plain to the
cabinet the monthly purchase of silver
must lie continued or congress must be
convened in special session immediately.
As the president decided to call congress
together in the early part of September
to deal with the limincial situation, and
has manifested no intention of changing
his stated purpose, the project of an
earlier session of congress, it is under
stood, was dropped. As far ns the con
tinuance of the purchases of silver under
the Sherman law is concerned, it was
pointed out that little more than two
months remained before congress would
convene in extra session, and during the
intervening time the silver lots pur-
out o( court. The result was surprise
to all, and a murmur of applause ran
through the court room when the er
dict of the Jury, who were instructed by
the court to acquit the defendant, was
read by the clerk.
Tomorrow Mr. Koshland must answer
to a second indictment of the grand
jury, which accuses him of Issuing a
warehouse receipt for goods not in Ins
tore, which goods were 3(1,1)14 sheep
skins. This amount, the indictment
alleges, was not in the store at the time,
nor were there more than 3,!05 sheep
section which states that no person shall , chasw! WMlU u. pllly 2000i000 0UllC(fl
receipt for such products not actually in
the store, or shall iseue receipts fraudu-
lently, and the penalty clause, which j
makes the violation of the act a crime, j
and provides a punishment of a fine of j
not more than f-"000, or imprisonment of
more than Eve years, or both, Vpon '
this act, said the attorney, On March 27,
the grand jury returned indictment
against I. Koshland, charging him with
violating this provision. That on Feb-
rmirv n-lilTn rilnntnf a n-an.l.m, s.
O " I
comparatively small amount in view of
previous purchases. That the best way
to deal with the question was to await
the course of events two months longer
was generally agreed to, and it was with
this view dominant that the meeting
Hprecklaa Vlglitlng the Annexallonlata
Itlount Wanta to C'on.e lluuia.
Clans Spreckles has won the first skir-
the At-
Leslililuiilh4t Will Occupy
tentlon ot t"ong-r.
Washington, June 25. General
' Catchings, of Mississippi, who was a
member of the last house committee on
-rules, in speaking of the legislation
which will occupy the attention of con
.gressat the special session this autumn,
aid :
"The repeal of the Sherman act and
the reform of the tariff are the two great
subjects with which we will have to deal.
The numerical strength of the free sil
ver vote is uncertain, but It is certain
many members will oppose its repeal
unless something nearer to free coinage
is offered. When the tariff debate
springs np, every protected industry in
the country will have a representative
on the floor. uh the opposition so
etrong, it will be absolutely necessary to
modify rules, else nothing can be done.
It is nearly as certain as anything can
be that quite a considerable change
will be the results of a conference and
past experiences. Last winter the com
mittee on rules formulated a provision
which should meet the case. It was to
the effect that it shall always be in or
der to call up for consideration a report
from the committee on rales. The rule
declares that after a report of the com
mittee has been made but one motion
to adjourn shall be entertained. It will
be as direct and strong method of
closure ss can be devised, and I have
little doubt of its adoption. By this
course the conduct of the business of
the honse will be placed entirely in the
bands of the majority. With regard to
the sentiment of the South concerning
the repeal of the Sherman act, I believe
it is in fomentive state. Eighteen
months ago the South was strongly in
tavor of free coinage, but it is not so to
day. I should say the sentiment is now
bout half and half."
place where wool was stored, the firm j n"11'1 ,n ''is light against the Star, the
known as Koshland Bros, did issue to ! annexationists' organ. Walter G
the Bank of British Columbia a ware-1 Smith, editor of the paper, has been
to answer to a charge of
Smith was released on
Feeling- In Mew York Money Market
Much Kaaler.
Xbw York, June 26. Money is strin
gent, call loans ranging at 10 to SO.
There is a good deal of calling in of loans
preparatory to July Interest and divi
dend disbursements. This is liable to
continue until the first of the month.
The market will also likely work close
for the first 10 days in July, as it is esti
mated it will take at least that time to
restore money called into the normal
channels. The stock exchange houses
are prepared for a siege of this sort and
are discouraging speculation. Time
money and mercantile paper are merely
nominal. Foreign exchange is heavy
mid demoralized ; posted rates were re
duced 1 per cent to $4. S3 to $1.85. Re
ceipts of bills from the interior by this
morning's mail were small. The heavi-
:sh of the market, coupled with higher
house receipt purporting that they had he'J 'or trial
received 52-' sacksof pork, equaling 150,-1 criminal libel.
400 pounds. That in truth and In fact I bail, and is again running the
paper, but is letting Spreckles alone,
pending the result of the libel suit.
Spreckles is now avowedly on the war
path against the provisional government,
and, though he has yet made no new
move, disquieting rumors are being cir
culated as to his intentions of pinching
business men who are unfortunate
enough to be under financial obligations
to him. The advisability of taking away
from Spreckles the Oceanic Steamship
Company mail subsidy of $1,000 per
month and giving it to the Canadian
Pacific or Pacific Mail is still being con
sidered by the government.
Minister Blount was much disap
pointed at not receiving word by the
last steamer that his successor bad been
appointed. He had hoped his own re
quest to the state department, together
with the publicity given his desires in
the matter by the newspapers, would
have some weight in securing his recall.
He has said that he would not reside in
Honolulu permanently under any cir
cumstances, and as he considers that his
work here is finished, he is more than
anxious to get away.
As an argument for annexation, the
Star prints a revised list of taxpayers
who pay taxes on property valued at
$10,000 and over. According to the
Star's figures, the people in favor of an
nexation pay taxes on property assessed
at 23,iiO0,OO0, royalists $2,300,000, di
vided $.",100,000.' doubtful $1,1'0,000,
republican $'270,000. The royalists dis
pute the correctness of this showing.
Ilunkln an Imbecile.
The great lecturer and art critic of
London, England, John Buskin, has be
come an imbecile. He was born in 1810,
his father being a
London merchant.
Physically weak, his
mental powers have!
been remarkably
great. His earliest
literary efforts
peared when
only 15. He
aiea I mm (ixmrri in1, ii
1830 and four years joHMrXuSttl
later published the first volume of
"Modern Painters," criticism of which
brought him prominently before the
public. He turned Lis attention to
English architecture with a view to re
forming it, in which lie succeeded in a
marked degree. He studied the best
architecture of Europe, particularly
Venice, and in 1851 published his
"Stones of Venice" illustrated by him-1
self. Very opular among his works !
are "Ethics of the Dust," "A Crown of
Wild Olive," and "Sesame and Lilies."'
the said Koshland had not this amount
of pork in the building when he issued
the receipts.
J. W. Whalley presented the case for
the defense.
He said that the defense lay in the de
nial that the statue under which indict
ment was made referred to the defend
ant's case. He did not carry on a pub
lic warehouse, but was an ordinary
bailee. He taid that the law was
framed to provide for the prevention of
fraud by persons running public ware
houses, but was not intended to affect
commission men. As a public ware
house, the state would have to show
that Koshland Bros, allowed depositors
to store goods in the building, which he
said was clearly not the case.
The attorney then gave a short his
tory oi the firm's business relations with
the bank of British Columbia, their
failure in business and their assignment
to that corporation. He stated that if
the goods mentioned in the excerpt did
not happen to be in their store at the
time it was to their credit, and that
the receipt was given to the bank
to balance their account, as is often
done in business transactions. "If,"
said Mr. Whalley, "Mr. Koshland
wanted to defraud the bank, be could
easily legally kept the $100,000 worth of
real estate which lie turned over to the
bank to satisfy its claims." He closed
with an appeal to take into considera
tion the character of the defendant, and
the fact that he has stood among the
highest of business men in this city for
over 25 years.
Limar'i Hneceeaor.
Howell Edmunds Jackson, who suc
ceeded Justice Lamar on the bench of
the United States supreme court, is a
native and resident
of Tennessee. He
was born at Paris,
that state, April 8,
1832. He graduated
from East Tenries-
eee college at the
age of 17, after
which he spent two
years at the Uni-
He then studied law
at the Lebanon Law School where he
graduated in 1850. After three years
practice in Jackson he removed to Mem
phis. Judge Jackson has twice been ap
pointed to the supreme bench of .his
state. In 1850 he became a member of
the state house of representatives and
soon after was elected to the United
States senate, where he served from
1881 until he was appointed a United
Will lie Conrt-Martlaleit.
Kour New Hoate Are Ordered Hy I he
Oreat Northern.
Since tho recent visit to Cleveland,
Ohio, of Piesident Hill, of the Great
Northern, to tho tilolie Iron works,
where the two big twin-crew passenger
steamers are being built fur this line, ii
ha leen decided to build four nunc
steamers of the tye now under con
struction. The boats will cost $i'kKI,IHK)
each, and will develop 0,000 horse Hwer.
They will lie 410 feet long, or 30 feet
longer than the boats now under way.
Work on the first of them will probably
not be started until one of the steamers
to come out next season has a trial. It
Is proposed to have a lxut leave HutValo
almost daily for the head of lake Super
ior. It is said that there is some scheme
for the control of trunscoutfnenttil pas
senger traffic involved in the building of
these bouts. ,
Imtla'a Mint floee.
London, June 20. Telegrams from
Calcutta say the Indian government bus
stopjted the coinage of siher for private
account at the mints.
Iu tho house of lords Earl Kiinhoti) ,
secretary of state for India, stated the
Indian council had passed an act for the
immediate closing of Indian minis to
the free coinage of Bilvcr. He further
said it was intended to introduce a gold
standard in India, but that gold in the
meantime would not be iimde the sole
legal tender.
I'realilent IMaa M ill Not llun.
City ok Mkxico, June 20. It is re
ported on good authority that General
Diai will not be a candidate for re-election
as president of Mexico, and that the
government candidate will be General
Reyes, the present governor of the state
of Nuevo Leon. Generul Beyes is one of
the ablest officials in Mexico, and the
state of Nuevo Leon has made more rapid
advancement during his administration
than any other state in Mexico, during
the same period. He recently visited j
this city, and held a long conference with
President Diaz.
A Huggeatliin From Mexico.
City ok Mexico, June 27. The tre
mendous drop in the price of silver yes
terday and today, bringing exchange in
New York to 00 per cent, has caused
much discussion among Mexican bank-
ess. 1 hey generally regard the present
situation as offering opxrtunity fur the
United States to force bimetaliHiu npon
Europe. It is suggested by one man
that the United States might issue a
gold loan of $500,000,000 four-and-a-half
per cent bonds, which it is said would
he immediately taken up in Europe,
where all other government securities
would immediately drop heavily, not
being able to compete with American
bonds. Then, according to the theory.
gold would flow into the United States,
and in a short time bimctalism would
have been adopted by Europe, and the
enormous quantity of silver held by the
American treasury would rise in value,
the whole transaction being immensely
profitable to the United States. It is
said here that if nothing is done to
bring alxut bimetalisra, all the silver
using countries will begin manufactur
ing for themselves, and the United
States and Europe will lose enormously
in their foreign trade. The United
States, it is argued, could afford to un
dertake a gigantic financial operation,
being able to feed it, and has now a
wonderful opportunity to settle the sil
ver question permanently.
senator liolph on the Sherman Law.
Washington, June 27 .Senator Dolph,
of Oregon, the only Pacific slope senator
in the city, said this morning :
"I am opjiosed to my colleagues, you
know on the subject of free coinage, and
am in favor of maintaining all currency
on par with gold ; but it seems to me
this action of the Indian government will
diminish, instead of increase, the pros
pect of passing a repeal of the Sherman I
law by the senate. I think the effect
will be to make the thoughtful members j
of congress hesitate liefore they further
depreciate the valiieof silver by suddenly
throwing upon the markets of the world
4,500,000 ounces of silver, equivalent to
nearly the whole American product now
purchased and in stock by tlie guvnrn
ment. I do not know that anything
U'tter than a repeal of the Sherman act
can bn done t relieve tho situation, but
I am fearful a repeal of that act would
he disastrous to the finances of the gov
ernment mid silver."
vi ww w t w I l VJ-s I Mr
tn tunrunnn Cnkfn!ti! m i- V
ThaDalles Daily Chronj
for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month.
5 UeeHly l?ropiei
mi z.60 PER ANNUM.
Sjr-IU Hvll arrHiiiK.iieiila Willi the nhl laliora ill ulix il llir brat Mj.,
w iiv untblnl li iimki- a miM i'irvlimial i.ltur ! kiiU """kiii
bi everyone h till, out the following blank form, anil aemlliig II to u,, u,er,,hy wfc
The Dalles Daily Chronicle
J'ublislicfs CHUOXJCL E,
The Dalles, Or.:
T 'If . I . .. Is -mm
i on trui pirnsr ncnu to mt ailtlrcss the htu
-i It l'i r . j' .... it... 11 y i 'ilL
i ii itu. ji ( man t iis row ante, for win
T agree to par CO ets. a month, it he inn ttnl,-J
t nai ijoii are 10 it a re sent to mi a el t re
without extra ehai-Qe, MeCL VJUJ'S . I
commencing tritli the current nnmhei
' Xante,
Hate .Id dress
tiul we tlie entertaining unit linely lllintmtr.l
atili'h lint aiio'iitt fix C
11. 1.. Stevenson,
l;uc'yanl Kipling,
A. (.Oliim Ihiylc,
Octave Unmet,
William J'can lluw
I'.ret Ilarte,
Clark UusHcll.
Joel Chandler Harris,
litTilmtop, the in,-! f,..n, (!, j,, Aii.crlrn .ml Knslairt, In
- "' l"l liming
Thomas, Hamlin (iarlimd,
J. T. Trowbridge, 1'rof. K. H. ll,)lden
.Icioine I:. Jerome. 'rof. C. A. Yaiins.
........ II. ..I.. i ii .. . n'
. ii,iKm,u i.iirnt'u, ii. ii. iMiyesen,
Kolxirt Ilurr,
Henry M. Stanley,
Archibald Forurt,
Anilrew Ijhic,
Karah Orne Jewttt,
Jr. .1. K llillmp,
W. I'.. Henley,
t'apt. Charles Kinj
Tliiiilori KiNisevelt,
Jimipiin Millor,
OiUiert Parker,
John lliirriiii(.l
Mrs. Koht. I.ouisMevenon,Caiiiiie Klamiiia'rion,
F. Marion Crawford. l.illio CI ihho Wen, mi
Margaret Kelund, Harriet Premrott SpnfTurd,
HerlM-rt 1. Ward, Kdward Kverett Hale,
i-.lizabeth Stuart Phelps, Louise Chandler Moulton,
Eacl.iiuinbrr.if McCLURE'S MAGAZINE nintnlii. Iwn l,i.i..l-.,mely HUi.tratc4
Jules erne Archd.-acon Parrar, Ali.hoiiHe DauJst
France. Hodgson Hurnett. Thomas A. .Kdi,n. c2rtuuL
Tissundier, the famous F. Ilopkinson Smith, Kdward FZ TiV
French lialloonist. H. II. Iloyesen, lUOrihm
and many othera. bave fnruUlinl niMterwl for'lHllr r-rm-an.,1 lim-rvlm.. -i,,.k
fully Illu.traleJ m tin. ii,,J,al ue. "'"-"'" 'buh r.
Kerb number rontaint two or tbree abort tirle bv Inmotin author Knliv in.,.
appear in earl) niiiiibeni br ' "IMImlnl Ik
Thomas Hardy, William Dan llowells. R. I.. fiwvmtM
tret Harte, harai fne Jewett,
Harriet I'rescott Spoirbrd. Knave Thanet,
Frances Hodgsun Hurnett, Stanley J. Weymao.
iudvard Kipling,
Joel Chandler Harris,
Conau Doyle,
win contribute, especially lor young remi,-r. a llirlllingly lulerratlng story of AlriisuwarJ
u. . V. , r."Vr"' """ W'ltb'li by Haymond Blamuiayt, who baa been ralHWfcn
., l.l.TVIl-Vf IT III r.lllfllltlll. inilll mHtWIHl llirillalml 1,1, n If -.1 lli..J
miner. I lieM-arllelea ileal with
burg, tilt-great auitiiHl !inirir ami I
X.l,e. i,tr Wild I'eiist. The TransiK.rtation of Wild Be
The 1 raining of ild lU-asts. The Adventures and F;eape of Karl liqm
ineaenca win hy an Kngliuli nrtlat of arkn.m leilKeil nielli In drawlnmrlaiiJ
.m! . ",.i -m,".1''!'!;;,'.. ".'."" ' ' Aniiorr, anil other writer. lor Urt:al
..... iiiHinuiji): mi u,r iuKit'tiiir.
Of Interest to both Young- and Old will Le
Arrangement, have been maile. In eouneetion with a leaillng KukIIiIi review, tow
wnin.-r ifiwn, ilfw-nmive in IiIh tirt-M.tit .t-l,t,.i a i... . i-A,
. . . . ' -,--....... ... .!., mi . wnr hit,
""" inveMIKntli.i be la mnklllK III the alweell ill
over for the eiirlou
anlleil f,ir A
the gorilla. 1 he llluatriiiinna fur th
aeiieii i,.r Altl but hoptomber for llieWke.,l further minniliiir hi. almlie. n llienallw
TiT . ,.2.,i. "H",r"'","'" '"' '; ariiele.,i (,, ,,b.,i.,raiih. liken hy I'ml-H
lhm.guluealiM.-.nuliia moat InU-rratlug artlelm nmler the following e pwHeM
Ihe lA of the Future." " Know led, of Immediate Val
.Newest Knowledge." The Present Hour."
" Mranicer than Fiction," etc.
-.a.ia.i,i live BSC 1a7ll.-11.
ninar iiid frxTtn)I10IIHl fn-f In ginlt ...M i . i Url
kilt all ... -1. I iiiray am-II IT H innTT- nilllliwr III urw e-- J
, , . Vi i ..n'l y "."'"J"1'"." '"V. "v"11 'lva of thl. ..M.rlutiltrUicuci
inagminc. rill iii the blank anil K-ml It lii, ! I
or Dalles Military Road Lad
Thomas A. HuDSfr
rjiiceesor to Thorutiury A Hinlaon,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
If you want Information concerning (,IVim
raent landa.or the lawa relating therein, y.m can
eonaiilt him free of rharge. He int. maile a aiie
Clally of thla hiialneM, ami haa prm ticeil Iwl.irt
the I' lilted hlalta Land Ulflue for over ten year
He la Agent for the Kaateru Oregon I-and
(oiiiMiiy, and ran aull yi,u (Waiting, or t u
lni,roeil Agrieultural lanila In any fiiiantlty
dealml, and Kill aeud a l'am,hlet diwrllilng
tbeae lamia to anyone applying o u lor It.
, . rKTiii nr mile ill nil. ,,i . .. n
Tins Ui The Dallea. Thla Acl'litl"" , J
acre lota, and destined to tie in Pn"rlT.
denee part of the eliy. (inlv W nilnulj
from Uiurtluniae: 10 niluutea from R.
htntes circuit judge in 1887
Koahland la Aeiulll,-d.
P(iKTI.AM). Jlllin 27 "Wi. Il.o
T. ......... Tm... iu- t. . i ....... .. . ....... j...
isyj,,,, v...... i.,, it vraimpires mat , in ttie action of the State v. M. Kosh-
Rear-Admiral Markham was on board land, find the defendant not guilty
the Campcrdown and in charg-o of tho F. W. IIaiuii, l oreiimn "
maneuvers at the time that vessel sank A defective indictment was tl.r- reason
the Victoria. He will therefore be held j of Mr. Koshland's tu-iulital this ,,.
responsible for the disaster, and it has ino. nn.l tl.n !... c.i.i i.. . ...
I ... : 1 ..n ... i ... , .. . ! " f o iiiii.i.i iiv i.,r i.iii.iev, rev.wu me u,k ,M ion .iciiniteiy ucciuea to try him by i Mr. Koshland's attornevs on t.-, iir.ical
gold imports. The presidents of the ; court-martinl. I grounds caused the case to be thrown
If yon want la Barrow Money, an Long or Hhort time, ha can eeem"'
MTrltaa Fire, I.Ira, and Aenldent Inauranee.
If yon rannnt rail, write, and your letters will be promptly nai"
Chrisman & Corson,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed
I Lepenl if the NlieriliKn l.iitr .Neneaaarr.
I Mii.wai kkh, Wi .lime Thirty
iiierclmntH and iiiatiiifuctiirorH i.f this '
j city today sent a dmp itcli tu Pn-Hidnnt
Cleveland, egpt. i-.ii,,, the cnivicli,,ii
that a found stapln curreiiry of epial ' '
" - 1 i"i no- unit? cnii-
diietof biifini'i'S.nud h'ipint' the so-cidli'd
Sherman bill v, ill be repealed at an early
Cor. Washington and (Second Sta., Tho Dalles, Or-