mm mtmuh Mi THE DALLES, OKEGOX, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 180.?. NUMBER US. VOL. III. HE WORK OF FIENDS Fast Fruit Train Derailed by I Wreckers. s CKOSSTIES SPIKED TO THE TRACK Ivans I Much-Wanted Man Son I tag "iis un ,nternu' Jltinorrhauc and May Ilie. xt.-.ii.iiih. Tenn.. June 15. A fust ... i vii it triiin on the Mniiiltliin. Kansas fiivX t'.iriiiinirhaiii railway was de railed by triiinwreckcrs four miles from Carbon Hill, Ala., today, killing Engi neer Simons and seriously injuring a Un-iinin and two brakomcn. 1 lie ilium pirn erossties on tlie truck and spiked the'ii 'own, and when the locomotive Htriirt ilium the whole train went into lie ilitr!i. Bloodhounds huve been iiLiivd on the trail of the wreckers. All Are Afier Yikai. ia, June 15. S mtag haH un In- llrri.ul h irrhagc. Physicians ex- iiim iliin nmrniiiir with the ob- j-etof tapping him for a discharge of blood, hill decided he was loo w.'UK ior un operation. vvi Kviiiih wiim arrested u warrant wiih iwtvhiI on him lv a Tulare sheriff fur i tt- minder of Oscar Beaver. After- war. I Miotilf Scoit nerve I three warrunts un him. Shcrilf May, of Tulare, rliuniH the (.ii-oiH-r, mid w ill try to hold him. Itvpu'V ienlf Kiipeijc, of I rcsno, IM ' rrc. It i" supposed llfllT 1.VIUIS, hilt I'UII get J, j iii ooly ufler a contest. Kviiii- is improving since hin arm wiih mill iii;ih d yeHterdiiy. No change in NiI.i.'m roii'litioii. Ahout tomorrow will he hin critical turn. A lOKTAliK tAIL WA V. HllHl Itullwuy I'mjeet lru m I'.Ui'k ) Washington, June 14 The board, 1 consist mg "I engineers oi me tirinv unw three engineers from civil life, appointed In examine and reiort upon the feasi bility oi a boat-railwuy or Home other n,,-t 1 1. t ol improved navigation at The Dalles li Huhmitted itn reiort to the wr ilt-ui tmeiit. I'p to the present time ihe department Iibh refused to uki- il public, liecause the reimrt wan ... i i ; tnirt.J I iv congress, nun, it ih ciiiiineo, biikI lie made public in congress. on'ih ih learned about it, however, to Jhmw that the boat railway proHition bii leeeiveil n black eye, also the canal, Which, it in claimed, would ciwt too much money. Tlie only scheme ree- iiiiiieiiih'd by the board ih mint to Lie a portage railroad. THE TIIKATMt HOllllOK. A ie lnquffHt IIkiiii hy the Coroner Toiluy. Wahiiinuton, June 15. In accordance with tlie UeclHion Ol i.niei juniice iting- Iiiiiii ycHtenlay, lr. I'ltttermin, coroner l the ilinlrict, lienan a new iii(HCHt tliia Bioruini! over the remaitiH of tlie victiuiH f Kriday'H dicaHter. There wiih a mailer attendance than the previoiiH i.i v at Willard'i hull, where the inuin-Ht helil, la'caune niot of Dilonel Aiim tiirthV uninjured HulxirdinateH were at llwirdenkH in the new (iiarter Heeured for lliein. IntereHl III the hchh'ioii of thin ni-.rn i hi; centered in the Ix-lief that Col onel AinHWorth would be prenent to in ii Hint, he bad a ritfht to appear, but II road wiih (liHaiMioluti'U. K. Koh.i f'-irv, tl.iloiiel AhiHWorthH attorney, wh'i-e attempt to nddrcHH the deputy ('ironcr (luring the HepHion on Monday pr.i-i j,n i, i ,mI the outbreak iiKiiiiiHt Iiih 1 i -1 1 1 . wiih in tin- hall a few miiiutcH be fole ,(. iniiieHt bewail, lint he withdrew bcfoie ( 'urn er I'attemoii rapped the jury to order. Iieiitenaut Amis and a Hp I "f polietiini'ii were prenent to prenerve i d.r. .Mr. TIioiiiiih, attorney for the Dintriel, of Coluinliia, nat to the left of the coroner to iiscint him in the examin ation of w itnenHeH. Ah decided Venter' day by lie. 1'atlernon, the old jury were ri'Hiiininoued for the new iiMjueHt, and thin inoruiui; the coroner and the nix J'li'vinen MeHMrH. Warner, Harvey, Kibley, Sohtieider, KiiIIokK and Ayre went to (ilenwood cemeterv and viewed the body of Frederick I'. I,ofttiH, one of the victims whowe body lien in the re ceivinjt vault there. The proeiiiliiiK" were devoid of Hcunatioual character, the evidence beinK directed exclusively to the caiiHeH of the liiiihlinjf h collapHe. Colonel AinHWorth nddreNNed a letter tot or(iiier l'atterHon today, complainitit? that the jury were prejudiced aitaliiHl him by the ti'Htitnony of dinaU'eclcd PlerkH and the riotoiiH proceeditic; of the previoiiH llle(nl iniuiry, and lirnintJ bin T'wUl to be prenent ly coun.iel and to ci'oHH-exiiiiiiiin witneHHeH. Coroner I'at b'ruon refiiHcd the reipieitt. Kxpcrt. ten tinioriv in to the buililim; wiih taken up to the rcceM at J 11m Murium lll nut l.nml. Manaiu'a, NiviiruKiin, June 15. United StaleH Mininter Ilaker and Senor CaHtillo, the NicaniKUan m in inter of war, in an interview today, deny the report that inarineH have U-en landed from the cruiner Atluntu at tireytown to protect cilizenH and intereHts. It in saul tliere id no toiiudation for the atory. News has been received that the diHtiirbance wan canned by a drunken mob In I-eon, but win! subdued by tlie police and the lead em Brrented. It wai a local afl'air. F.verythitiK in quiet there now, but the local authorities are accused of being disloyal to the new government. The government is returning to the owners the property confiscated by Sacasa. After tli Htrr (. Fokt fiiiisos, I. T., June 15. Henry Starr, the notorious trainrobber and bankwrecker, is surrounded by deputy marshals and a sheriff's posfe, at a point 20 miles from Nowatu, the bandit's homo. Vnless the poHse weakens, Starr will be taken either dead or alive. Koine of th pursuers are Cherokee In- - m diaiiH, uiid if necessary they will meet Bturr in the open field w ith inches ters. A reward of 15.(K)0 is the incen tive of the great activity of tlio oflicers. Starr has ix men, while the posse nuui bern 'JO. a .i:kat exmtemknt in paiiis Un l.r.. . anil tlir Other Irrnilunt Het Krrn. I'ahis, June 15. Considerable excite ment bus been caused by the decision of the court of cessation on the appeal of Charles do Lesseps ond the other de fendants convicted of fraud in connec tion w ith the I'limuim ciitial. The court handed down u dccir-ion today quash ing the sentences on the ground that the statute of limitation covered the offenses charged, and that the indict ments on which the prisoners were tried were irregular. In consequence of the decision, M. Kilfcl wiih at once lib erated from prison. Charles del-esscps, w ho in now in the St. Louis hospital suffering from acute dysiH'psia, was in formed he was free, but he was too ill to leave the hospital. Following were those convicted: Ferdinand de Les seps, bis son Charles, Marius Fontaiie, Henry Cottu and tiustav F.iffel. Fer dinand do lA-sseps was sentenced to five years' imprisonment and to pay a line. Tim IVarjr K.l.i-liie Kxpeilltlon. St Johns, X. F., June 15. The steamer Falcon leaves here today for l'hiludelpliia, where she will take on iMiard the supplies for the l'eary explor ing expedition. The expedition will consist of sixteen (arsons, including Mrs. l'eary, w ho again intends to face the Arctic regions. Twelve persons will remain in Creenland and the others will return. to Muiircl Itli.unt. City ok Mkxioo, June 15. Thomas T. Crittenden, the Cnited States consul general here, lias Isien offered the post of minister to Hawaii. He was at first Inclined not to accept the mission, but lie is now reconsidering the matter. C. A. Ihiherty, secretary of the United States leiratiou.has been granted a leave of absence on account of ill-health, and will start tonight for the tinted States. It is believed here that be will not re turn to Mexico. INDIAN AGENTS. Tlin I'rrslilflit. lias li" Hark un r.irliKT ritlmntuiu. hi Grover Cleveland has gone back on his luanifcHto, and has taken another bull by the boms, anil has decided to appoint Indian agents outside of the war department. Among those expected to he appointed are: ISoiiifiice llreiitiino, at Grande Konde, Ogu. ; W. L. lViwell, of Seattle, at Neub l'.ay; 1-ewisT. Irwin, nt Yakima, Wash., and Joseph Uobin son at Nee Perces, Idaho. Other ap pointments were nuiflc that are admoni tions of warning to present incumbents in ollice. J. II. Uolibins has been ap pointed receiver of public monies at l.a Grande, Ogn. Henry ltlackman, of Heppner, is expected to be appointed collector of internal revenue of Oregon. A Typical I, aw Mult. Wednesday the suit, of Flaherty & Co. of Mosier against S. M. Mocks wus tried before Judge Henry. Tlie action was brought to recover a balance of $45 claimed to bo due on an open account. Meeks claimed more credits than he bud liceu allowed, and'nfter the matter hud been pretty well gone through a compromise was effected, lletween the lawyers, cohIs and compromise, it cost Meeks as much as it would to have set tled the bill, and as attorneys' fees were larger than the amount of judgment, Flnie rf" A Co. lire out their Kill and f.'O besides, and evervUidv is ii. ; ! C'U- r I Testimony Taken in tnc Eorctca Murder Trial. A NUMBER OF WITNESSES EX AMINED. Evidence Concerning the Mysterious Young Man With tbe Hatchet Ex cluded by tbe Court. Xkw Bedkobd, Mass., June 10. The Borden triul w as resumed this morning. The court decided not to admit evidence as to the man seen w ith a bloody hatchet, muttering, "Poor Mrs. Borden." Sarah K. Hart testified that shortly before 10 o'clock on the morning of the tuurder she passed tbe Borden house and stopped at the north gate and saw a yoang man standing in tbe gateway. He w as land ing tliere when the witness drove away. Charles S. Sawyer, a painter of Fall Itiver, testified that be was put on duty at the side door of the Borden house after the murder. lie was c'ose to Lizzie Borden all the time. She appeared dis tressed. He saw no signs of blood on her. A number of witnesses were then ex amined in regard to the story published about the time of the murder, in which Police Matron I! igun was quoted us say ing she had overheard a quarrel !K4ween the Borden sisters, w hich went far to fix tlie guilt on Lizzie. All testified that Mrs. Logan pronounced the publication false. Borden, Lizzie's sUter, denied that there had been any quarrel between them, as reported. She said Lizzie was at outs w ith her stepmother at one time, hut they had been good friends three xears before the murder. I'EAKY'S EXTKIHTJON. Thf Arctic Explorer to Kurt nn III Ytiyitg-1' St. John's, N. ., June 2G. The Tal con, Captain Henry Bartlett, the seal ing steamer w hich is to carry Lieuten ant 1'eary's exwdi tion to Greenland, sailed from here to day for Bhiladel phia, where she w ill take the partv aboard. She is in first-class condit ion , having undergone extensive overhaul- LIEuT.rCrfefY. ing and repairs since lieing chartered. Her cabin ac commodates 11 persons, and a large deckhouse eight more. On top of this house an observatory has been con structed to be used for scientific obser vations by Lieutenant l'eary while voy aging north. Slie has her crow's nest, and will be dressed in complete Arctic rig before entering the Delaware. She carries 18 mouths' provisions and 500 tons of coal. Her crew numbers 15 per sons, vie, the captain and two mates, two stewards, cook, two engineers, three fireman and six sailors. The men shipped yesterday struck for more pay, and new men had to be got this morn ing. Captain Kdward Tracey, who was the first officer of the Kite in 1W1, oc cupies the same ositiou on the Falcon. The Kite would have been hired again this year, but she was too small. THK IU.AKNEY HTONE. Tim KanioUH Irish Kella 1'lnrrd In tlie While City. Cuu'Aoo, Juno 10. The famous Blar ney stone, w hich for centuries has oc cupied a place in the walls of the old historic Blarney castle in Ireland, has arrived at the world's fair. It was shinned hero bv Ijtdv Aberdeen, and w ill form one of the attractions of her Iiisli village. This afternoon it will be placed in the walls of the reproduction of Blarney castle, which forms a part of the Irish village, where it may lie kissed by all who have tho hardihood to be lowered head down to w here it tempo rarily rests. The historic old stone will be formally nn veiled by Mayor Harrison tomorrow. An elaborate programme has been prepared for the event. Speeches will be made, songs sung, and Miss Sullivan, nn Irish harpist, brought to this country by Lady Aberdeen, will perforin on the harp. An informal re ception w ill lo given ex-President Har rison In this building today. Tlt Kuril's TlioRtnr Inquot. Washington, Juno 10. In the con tinued Inquest on the victims of Ford'd theater disaster today, T. C. Kilt whistlo, building inspector ot the district, testi fied that tho mortar used in the altera tions was bud, and the brick work was badly done. If he hud had authority to prevent it ho would not have permitted :! i voi'l. to be done the wav it war. foi' there was too much risk. Architect Clark, of the capitol, testified that the weight on the floors w ag considerably les than the safety limit. A rumor pre vailed in the jury-room that Contractor Hunt, who performed the woik, was nearly crazv over the strain and excite ment caused by the disaster. frightful AtroclMc I'ractlceil. Valparaiso, June 16. Frightful atrocities are lieing practiced by the Castilhistas in Rio Grande. Governor Castilho ordered a man's throat cut be cause he was suspected of aiding the revolutionists. This murder was com mitted in the presence of the wife of the victim. Barbarous punishments are in flicted on mere suspicion. The revolu tionists are daily receiving new recruits. Many officers of the national guard have deserted the government and gone over to the rebels. Mast lie I'ald In Full. San F'RAxeisro, June 16. Advices have leen received from Washington, announcing that Secretary Greshaiu will at once insist upon the payment in full by the Mexican government of the flCKI, 000 demanded as indemnity by Mrs. Janet M. Baldwin, widow of Ion Mc Leod Baldwin, an American mining en gineer of this city, who was killed by Mexican robliers in the state of Uurango about six years ago. Jo Jeltrrsnu Seriously III. Fall Kivku, Mass., Juno 16. Joseph Jefferson is seriously ill on board the steamer which arrived from New York this morning. An effort will he made to remove him to the hotel tonight. He is very weak, but it is believed that he will recover. A .l.ltci.iaii Klrc rl. Loxpon, June l'j. The election in Linlithgow yesterday for a successor to a Gladstoniau resulted in a reduction of the government's majority by tlie elec tion of a conservative. Auierlriiu Sni.libt'ry, There is no two ways about it. Amer icans take the ribbon for snobbery, lead ing the nations of the earth by several lengths. While we have no titled aris tocracy in this country and make a great boast of our democratic equality, we have an aristocracy quite as exclusive as the bluest blooded aristocracy in Europe. That its mem tiers are not able to attach titles to their names is a cruel dispensation of fate, the cruelty of which is tempered by the idolatry with which they regard a sure-enough duke, or lord, or princess. 1 always felt sorry for an exclusive aristocrat; it must be an aw ful lot of trouble to keep track of who is who to avoid mixing with common or off-color jieople ; and then so much of life's best is lost, because there are so many bright, lovable, brainy people who are not in these frigid, narrow little sets in American society, and hence must be avoided by the auristocrat. I can respect an aristocrat, who is at the same time a true hearted man or wo man ; but oh ! Lord deliver me from a snob of the American variety. He, or she, makes me so tired that I long to seek a lodge in some vast wilderness, et cetera. Pendleton Tribune. Last year a number of assessors throughout the state, including Mult nomah county, assessed mortgages at less than face value. The etate lioard of equalization equalized the assessment at face value. J. C. Smith of Multnomah county some time ago brought suit against the sheriff of that county to restrain'hitu from collecting any greater amount for taxes than 65 cents on the dollar. The case was tried last week before Judge Steams, G. K. Chamber lain, attorney general, and John Hall of Fortland appearing tor tlie state uoara oil oft,ie q(le(.n ,,.lt ,ht. yielded to the equalization and G. If. Williams and W. ! (,1)1)t.riiir (un.e (lf tl ito,i States, hh IT. Fentou appearing for Smith. After j in it fw u., that she made argument by council and due delibeia- j aM H,1,.1JI1jti.,).1l snireic ler to the pio tion by the court it was held that the j vijl):li gVern ment. They further call action of the state Isiard of tqii!ili.ation,aU(lIltjolltotllt. f.lrt tt,at ' she had no was legal and binding. This is a real, ! .i,,,,,),, ,,f .r ,,eople, but thought only highly important victory gained by lion- j ,f ,er financial well'aie, and that it was est tax payers ngainst tlie prevailing effort throughout the state to dodge the payment of just taxes. Ilecord. The salmon usually caught at the falls with spoon and line are tho young ones weighing from two to five pounds but occasionally an old staker takes the hook and is landed. Saturday evening there o ,i,;i,;i;,ii Inborn the tsist otl'ce the biggest salmon caught this season w ith hook and line. It was caught from a boat below the falls and fortunately the lioat slipped its anchor when the salmon was hooked and before he was landed the boat had reached and was I circling in an eddy below the paper j mills. It was four feet long and weighed ys's pounds. (). C. Enterprise. j Shiloh's cure, the (treat Cornell and j Croup Cure, is for alo by Snipes & Kiu- ; eislv. Pocket size contains twenty-five; doses, only L'V. Children love it. Sold by Snipes, it Kinersiy. NEWS FROM HAWAII Raisins of the National Flag Over tbe ! Palace Jnne 21 FINAL BLOW TO THE MONARCHY The Indebtedness of tbe Government to Claus Spreckels has been Liquidated. Honolulu, June 10. For the first time in the history of the Hawaiian Islands the Hawaiian national flag was floated over the palace June '.'d. The formal occupation of the palace by the provi sional government and the raising of the national emblem over it are regarded by the annexationists generally and by many of the natives as a final blow to the monarchy. The building was form ally dedicated to its new uses June 5th, with little ceremony, in which the troops, the government band and the officials participated. June 3d the government paid to Clans Spreckles $05,000 owed to him, and there is a feeling of relief among the officials that the government is no longer under obligations to Iiim. Spreckels del. ies that he was actuated by a desire to embarrass the government by demanding the return of money loaned by him. He Siiya it was merely a busi ness transaction ; the debt was overdue and he wanted his money. Minister Blount is anxious to return home, and Is.tli the royalists and annex ationists Would be glad to have the ques tion setth way or t he other. The id-a of a protect! rate is still in favor with tin' annexalioiiists. The provisional government has passed a law giving l be attorney-general discre tionary siwers in admitting to bail per sons charged with munler, treason or seditious offenses. Heretofore all of fenses have leen bailable, ami this new is considered to be a further precau tion on the part of the government to prevent conspiracies ami to shut off roy alist and native newspapers from too severely criticising the government. C. W. Wilder, eon of Vice-President Wilder, lias been appoin'ed consul-general at San Francisco, vice F. S. I'ratt removed. Minister and Mrs. Blount left for a short visit toNaui, ami though they w ill lie gone only until June 11th, rumors of impending trouble began to arise before the steamer bearing the "peaee maker," as Mr. Blount is called, had fairly got ten outside of Honolulu harlior. The royalists claimed to have received reli able information that the provisional government had decided to deport the ex-queen on the steamer City of IVkin, due from Chin June 7th. They pre pared to resist any such attempt and men were placed on guard at tlie ex queen's house to give the deporters a warm reception. It is stated thut Parker requested the British minister to move his legation to the ex-queen's resilience, thus placing Liliuokalani under the pro tection of the British Hiitr, but the min ister refused. Major Wodehouse, liow ever, says tliere is not a word of truth in the storv. The officers of the provi sional government say they have no in tention of taking harsh measures against the ex-ruler. The provisional government played its trump card June 9tli by publishing the text of the power of attorney given by Liliuokalani to Paul It. Neumann when he went to the United States to work against annexation. The annexationists claim that the execution of this power of attorney destroys the chief argument a plain oner oi rmv mi ue, ,,i,L, TMK iuim. miiii. j Wrl.lllr, with lioomliiir I'miiiim, I s rra...i wi.uii.. rtc. ! Nkw Y'okk, June 17. Those hardy j Norseman, Captain Anderson ami crew, j sailed into the port of New York today j with the counterpart of the Viking ship of old. and were uiven a reception far Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY ?Ur4H different from what their ancestors re ceived 100 years before Columbus landed on the shores of the new world. Tbe Viking came down from New Ixmdon. Pmn-in tow- sh? ,v,ih wvt h-v a B,''i,,u u.titj no u t'oiiiniiiL,; oi recriwoil oil board. There was a great blowing of whistles and dipping of flags, and tho bund played the Viking march. When the Viking passed Uncle Sam's crack Monitor Miantouoinah had hardly ceased booming her guns before a sound like a big fire-cracker came across the water. The Norseman was answering the salute from six little cannon. The Viking dropped anchor alongside the Miantonomah. Captain Sicard, of the Miantonomafi, paid an olticial visit. Then tho crew were taken on board the Laura M. Starin, where they were wel comed to America by a committee and many of their countrymen who live here. THK rot'ULIST I KANSAS. To Educate the 1'eople Into This Method of ltMlnIng; Kevenues. Topeka, Kan., June 17. Lieutenant Governor Daniels wiil at once enter into the organization of "graduated estate clubs," for the purpose of educating the people into this method of raising reve nues, and at tiie same time strike a blow at concentrated wealth. He pro poses to levy a tax upon all incomes as follows: One per cent on incomes of fl,000,000 to 2,000,000, 3 per cent on $-',000,000 to $5,000,000, S per cent on $8,000,000 to $10,000,000, and 10 per cent on all over $10,000,000. He estimates that such a tax will create a revenue of about $2,000,000,001), 'and thin reduce the taxation now indirectly paid by the poor people. Clubs will be formed in New Y'ork and Pennsylvania by the committee. It is alleged that they will get aid in the campaigns of thos-e states. Women I reimrlng; for a Campaign. Topeka, Kan., June 17. The presi dent of the Kansas Equal Suffrage Asso ciation yesterday issued an address an nouncing the opening of the suffrage campaign, which will begin in Septem ber. She appeals to those favoring this move to do such work as will carry the amendment in this state. The success, she says, will carry the reform from ocean to ocean, while defeat will give the movement a set-back which will take a long time to recover from. The national organization will assist in this campaign, directing the speakers as well as giving money. The campaign will be a vigorous one. The women are deter mined to carry the state, and will nse. every means known to politic?. It fthould Be In Every Ilouo J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg. Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Hubert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything lie ever ustnl for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial Ixittles at Snipes oi Kin ersly's. Large hot ties, 50c. and $1.00. Lost Luke. Mr. E. G. Jones, who lias returned from a trip to Ixst lake, reports snow five feet deep on the summit, and the lake still filled w ith ice. The boat w as taken out last fall and put in the cabin and contrary to expectation is all right. Those w ho know the country predicted the caving in of the cabin roof, but for once they were wrong. Ticiiic parties visiting the lake should take their skates. Glacier. Dr. M. J. Davis is it prominent physi cian of Lewis, Cass county, Leva, ami has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine at that place for tho past thiity-rive years. On the '.'tit h of May, while in Des Moines en route to Chicago, he was suddenly taken with an attack of dianhica. Having sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho a liemedy for tlie past seventeen years, and know ing its reliability, he procured a 'Jo cent bittle, two doses ol wind, ,'ompieieiy cured him. The excitement and change of w ater and diet incident to traveling often produce a diarriuca. Every one should procure a bottle of this liemedy lieforo leaving home. For sulc by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. F I I. r i i. i: i ' I