THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1893. Tkt MEMORIAL DAY. Largest ?uaibar of fatla (ialharad at tha t'aaaatary. Kar The body uf Joseph llooth was escorted hv eighteen uienihcr of the on lore ol the A. O. V. W.p the O. A. R. and the K. nf I'., from l'ort and to The Ihillcs, as follows: A. O. V. V. John tilusii John Murphy, tieo. Mcliain, John Crulor. Otto ItutuuieU, AV. II. Smith, Frank Ladow, Shephard, C. lVnny J. Worschel, V. Kabein, O. Mangold. 11. Sylvester, J. li. Money; li. A. R. M. J. Morse. John Walton : K. of l K. J. Sehade, 1!. li. llilnier. Messrs Kabein ami Mangold are former residents. The funeral of Joseph liooth was one of the largest which has ever taken place in our city. The ceremonies took place in the Methodist church, every foot of available space beinif occupied. The address by liev. AVhisler was a very fitting one. The cortege was preceded by the Woodmen, followed by the G. A. K. and flanked by the K. of P. Then came the hearse, with a long train of carriages, and citizens on foot. Arriving at the grounds the remains were con signed to their last resting place with all the honors customarily shown by the organizations to which the deceased belonged. The dav being also memorial day of the Woodmen, including the ceremony of unveiling the first monument of the order, and being the first ever unveiled in The Dalles, the attendance was large, and the cemetery seemed to be full of people. The organ had been tastily decorated with evergreens emblematic of the order and surrounded by trees to represent the forest, and the Methodist choir discoursed the sweetest music. The reading of the ceremonies was un dertaken by Mr. J. (i. Farley, an ora tion by J. L. Story and a poem read by Geo. liunyon. The unveiling of the. monument disclosed a very beautiful stone of a uniform gray color, peculiar r. i. , i t., ( i,;..i. .,.,i:i. .....l admirably adapted to the use for which it was intended. The workmanship is faultles-, ami represents a tree broken off about 8 feet from the base, and 1.1 inches in diameter. Parts of some of the branches are left, and the wind makes a very pretty monument, and is a faithful likeness. The inscription states that it is in niemorv of William Henrv Michell, giving the dates of his liirtl and death and an appropriate sentiment The dav was bright and beautiful. until the hour of departure was neared when a slight sprinkle occurred, but not severe enough to occasion any inconven ience. The largest numler of eople ever at the cemetery at one time, was in attendance vesterdav, and two hundred and eightv members of orders were in line in the procession. Misses Grace Marden, F.tta Story and Ileulah Patterson. KIMVIN HIHiril'K flMillAL. A Hlmpla t'ararauuy. Afar Which tha la Takaa to lloalua. New Youk, June (). At 10 o'clock this, morning the funeral ceremonies were performed over the body of I'M' in at the Little Church Around the Corner, on Twenty-Ninth street. Bishop l'otter olliciated. assisted by lr. Hough ton, the rector of the church, and Ir. llishuin, a friend of the great actor. The ceremony was simplo and the at tendance large. On the colli n was a simple wreath sent by Mrs. Grossman, Mr. ilooth'ti daughter. Shiloh's is what you need for s.Cppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. Itualneaa t'hauf. K. W. Helm has purchased the store formerly owned by Win. Floyd. The new firm name will be K. W. Helm A Co. The new firm will be under the management of Mr. 8. A. ltyrne, who is well-known here, and was formerly in terested in the; store as a partner. He is a graduate of the pharmaceutical col lege of Toronto, Canada, and is a thor oughly competent druggist, with a vast fund of experience. A complete and well-selected stock of all goods usually found at any drug store will ulways lie found on sale at the lowest prices at this establishment. M It Itl Kit. At the residence of Jacob Ohrist, Fair view, Sunday afternoon, June 1 1th, by Kev. W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Con gregational church, George Sherrill and Mary K. Obrist, both of The Dulles. STRIP, An KnglUh THE ELECTRICIAN. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Kaprefrentatlve Ioetora of tha Htate Aauaal neaalon. In The State Medical Assoiation meets tomorrow in annual session at the Con gregational church at 2:30 p. m. The meeting may not prove the most inter esting in the world to the general pub lic, but they are nevertheless cordially invited. The meeting will hold overun til Wednesday. After adjournment a supper will be given at Kellar's hall, Wednesday night by courtesy of citizens. Another plan of entertainment which has been decided upon is an excursion to Seufert's fishery at. 1 -.30 p. m. Wednes day, returning an hour later. An oppor tunity is here presented for The Dalles to extend its reputed hospitality, which will doubtless not fail toward these dis tinguished gentlemen. The following program has been ar ranged. Prefi-nt' xtdrw Dr. W. E. Klnohnrt ynrrnt Krlampma Iir. Harry K. I.lill" Technology of Antiarptlc tsunrery lr. Ma Whitney Laperotnmy for th rrnioral ol Inry ribroiil rompliaitefl with ectopic pnifiiancv. . . . It. K. ('. Frawr The rtholiryof Inunity. Iir. John W. (iivenn The ( ! ,r. II. roe MateriH MerilcH In ThenipeuUc Ir. K. Kiehler Lapvmloiiiy in the Nurthweat lr. II. K. Il..lme AppeiHiirui Iir. V. ( aiithorn Aluestlirsia in. i. M. I'. halmera ereoro r-pinal Merilnvitl Iir. K. M. K"tiinm t.hronic hinlo Mtri(i Dr. I.. Victoria Itetro i'liaryiiKeal Abaceaa Ir. I". K. Younir Other papers are prepared, which wiil be announced later. liK WIum lutelUgeara li Simply .Murvelou. Many people iu ISrifrhton, England, are interested just now in watching the clever work of "Strip, the Klectrieian." who, after laying ilown many miles' length of copper wire, for the purpose of electric liirhtin?;, in Loudon, ha lately come to l!rirhton with the same object. Lest Mr. Kdison should not at once recojrnizo the name of his "eollab- orutnee," sars the London .rapine, we will explain at once that "Strip" is a clever little fox terrier, the property o: Messrs. Crompton, the electrical engi neers, and t!::1 she is under the jpec:a! protection of that company's ni'ht watchman. Strip's method of workiin? is as fol lows: The workmen lav down in the de sired position a short lenrth of the stout iron pipe which is to shelter a cor responding1 length of the copper wire, along which the electric current will ultimately pass. The iron pipe havi::? been fixed. Strip is called, has the end of the topper wire fastened to her col lar, and, at the workman's sign, pes in at one end of the pipe "and comes out at the other end." says an intelligent nut too hast- reader. Aot so. however. The other end of the iron pipe has a bar across it, over which the copper wire must be strained to keep it taut. Strip, having entered the pipe with the wire fastened to her collar, presents herself at the other end to the workman await ing her there, who thrusts his hand un der the bar, unfa.stens Strip's collar, and lra ws it and the wire out. Strip, when she feels her collar gone. turns round, retraces her steps, comes out again nt the same end she went in at, and lies down on the workmen coats until she is wanted again. During the recent bitter cold weather Strip sometimes longed to shirk, and showed THREE POLAR EXPEDITION. They Ara riaaad on IIIRtraat Thaortaa tad Will Taka IHnVrant Koutaa. Three expeditions, based xnn differ ent theories as to the best way to n-ueh the north pole, and pursuing different routes, an-to set out for that destination this summer. Dr. Naieu Is to sail ulong the const of Siberia until he reaches a point off the mouth of the Lena delta, near where the .leannette was lost; and then go north till locked in the ice Held, which he expects will iloat with him uerosa the pole. Nan sen's ship is nearly ready, his stores and provisions arc being prepared nml his crew selected. His intended ussih-i-utes in the expedition among whom may Ih -Mrs. Nanscn are already test ing their endurance by sleeping in Nor wegian snow-drifts, and a depot of supplies is iH'ing prepared far up on the SilR-rian coast. It is here that some time next June Nansen will take op board his dogs and sledges; for his ex-iH-ditiou is to be well equipped for journeying over land or over the ice, should it Ihvoiiii' necessary to leave his ship. Nansen has incidentally con tributed to the eouinment of the other expeditions. His n-scan'hes. and those of the specialists who have lieeti em ployed in his interests, have resulted in several new methods of preparing food so as to obtain the must nutriment in the least bulk, and all future explorers will profit bv this work. Nansen goes prepared to be gone six years but hopes to be floated across the lnile and into water off Greenland within three years. The other expeditions are lioth to be attempts to reach the pole or near unto it over land. Lieut. Peary s plans art familiar, but not so those of Frederick Jackson, who is organizing an expedi tion which is to sail from Liverpool in June. Jackson sails at once for Fran. Josef land, which lies to the north of Nova Zeir.bla and to the east of Spitz bergen. Its southernmost point touches the eightieth parallel of north latitude. and the sixtieth parallel of east lougi t.ide bisects it. I low far It extends northward no one knows. Wevpreeht and Payer discovered it in August. IS".'! and went some distance into the in terior. Peterman's land and (Near land lie to the north, in latitude s; nod beyond, and measure the limit of ex ploration in this part of the Arctic re gions. Jackson thinks that Peary has Miie north as far as possible on Green land, ami that he will only cover the i 'i! ground in his coming attempt to go U' tlier. As to Nansen. Jaekson is con fident that his ship will meet the fate of th.e .leannette and the Tegcthof, by i -nig crushed in the thiel; ice. His '.vn theory i that Petcniian's land ex ten, Is as f;ir north us latitude s.", nt ' - i t. This would Ik1 within lioo miles if the pole: a distance which he pn-P".-es to cover ill Ixiats if hi" lind an o; mi sea. or on sledges if he final laud u-i e. Jackson's party will consist, of ten or twelve, and be provisioned for three years. Captain Sweeney, V. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh licmedv is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good P. ice 50 cts. Sold by Snies A Kinersly. Maklnr Ulad the Waste (Wolst) rinret, " That's what I call making jr'ad. ths waist places," f.iid Smithson, us he put his arm around a lady's waist, llut Lilly won't care, much for this show of affection If Kmitlmnu doesn't get rid of that disagreeable catarrh of his. Won't somebody tell him that Dr. Sugo" Catarrh llemedv will enre him. Ily iu mild, soothing, antiseptic, cleansing and healing properties, lr. bago'a Catarrh Kemedy cure the. worst cases of Chronic. Catarrh In the Head, as thouai U can testify. "Cold In the Head"U cured with a few applications. Catarrhal ileadaclin is relieved and cured as if bv magic. In perfect faith, the makers nf Pr, Baga'g Catarrh Uenindy the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Ituf- falo, N. V.. ofl'er to pay $"00 to any ono suffering from Chronic Catarrh in the llcsd whom they cannot euro. Now, if tho conditions were reversed If they nsked you to pay .VH) for a positive cure you might hesitate. Hero are reputable men, w ith year of honor able, dealing; llioiisauds of dollars and a great name hack of them. They believe in themselves. Isnt it worth a trial ltu'l any Uiul prefer tlo to cuui . a v VIGOR of UEfJ Eill. Quickly. Pcrmantntly Rttor4. WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY. ml all thntratnof vlig lrtrti(arljr rrtrwr ltr ftM-M, Uto rfulu ot ovrrMurlt, I c k ti , wirrv,rio. KuiUtrfitRiu, ilovetcpiiirnt aitl i. . aWfii lutry orKanatul ivrtinn of tli liv. ptnii. nrttnrnlmot hiJ. lfiiiti'tlt:fotiiimiVfiti,tit af.HII rfrTUt-. ihMlk, pTDlanntltiri ih1 prjl ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N. V. Seed E3 &t it l.'ik. .. . . aai, Chllilren'n lay. "STniP, TIIK ELKCTKICIA."." a moment's hesitation when told Ut en ter the ilark. cold iron pipe; but the kindness the true English workingmar is ever ready to show to iinimals used ulways to provide a bone or two everv morning to be. kept hamly for these moments of reluctance in Strip's work ing dav. With one of tln-so templing morsels the gallant little wurxcr was then encouraged mid rewarded, and all went well. 'I he illustration i.s from a Children's day was duly observed at the Congregational church last evening. The omniittee, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Patterson, in charge of the programme, deserves great, credit for the pleasing manner in which the chil dren acquitted themselves. I, . , . , photograph taken at Ilrightoti by Lieut, of the evening that we hope to see and , CoL K K. LV(, ,.,,,. wil()!(! . I.uo ! (,.,, a.w.n f..,.. ll'..ln I, : .'.... 1 c.,,, neavis nas lately l-en worUing. reciteu "Hie ianinng ol the nignms,' by Mrs. Hemang, with his usual mas terly interpretation. This was followed by Miss (irate llobson, who recited "The Contrast," by II. H. Jackson, and it was given in Miss Grace's own sweet, modest way. There were class exercises and recita- What a llllnd Man Can !o. An example of marvelotia industry and power to overcome adverse circum- i stances Is given by Max Mayer, who j wa born blind in Ilerlin twenty-eight years ago. lie receive 1 Ins fir-it instruc tion from a teacher of the blind and later attended the Sophieu-Keal gym na tions that were very good indeed, and 1 a scientific college in Ilerlin. lie tnanv names we can hardly refrain from Tas aI,Wi,'s among the best students in Mentioning-, but cannot .peak of all for ! . r";1 & i'm" . . .,, . i examination. He entered the ('niver- want of space, so will mention one other j gjty of Herlin a few years ago to study only. As it was Carl Hanson's first ap- mathematics, mechanicsand philoHophy pearance he should be congratulated on ! He took the degree of Ph. D. a few I weeks bis success in ids first attempt. The decorations in the church were very pretty, and eecially attractive was a bank of pansies arranged in the foreground. The committee on decora tioo i Mr. ;il,nj Mrs. .Murden, ago, preparing a dissertation upon the differential calculus which ex cited the admiration of his professors. Tiikuk are still norne men on enrth who keep the devil on the keen jump every minute. T3ctt, Vtju., and JLCGper CotU5, riir Cnntr'. n-Hro:ir..hor 1 tit out. nnl Awt.ini't " r 'itui;i.;i.i tt hm no r'.val; "tireI t!i-ju,ii'tt v.-hnen-i othwra fri.U'1; willrci.-K Yf'tT if t-iken in time. Hold by lrui;i .H in I,nij. I or l:i.e TUck or CtiVbL, uj tiini.' t'S i Liu cU. KILOH'sy CATARRH Imvr yiiu i uuirrii Thtr-nielT iniHntn tetnJ to cure you. 1'rloo Mcu. JuieuLur tr Fur aala lijr Mnlpaa A Klnoraljr. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lama Back, Ccc. Wht-at, Oats, ('orn, live, I'otiltlM'S, Is. 3E3 S('f( (lardon Grass " t'etLs in Hulk. T. H. CROSS' Hav, (Wain and Feed Store. W. E. GARRETSON. D1. SA ;-:deh's elected belt With Electro M.iactic BUo'LNSOii Utt I'ltrtilllllrH ! tr-vriMrnl- ! V;;if:.r y. ilho',1. n. '-IK iti-i s,i niiin rr-, i u" frv.-n ) !'l,'.tuif (if htl.lll Itt I V( fo'Cet) rrt -i;f rt i f i-.r.. r. i iu rvi'M tl' rty. n. .-'.if-ti.-.-i if,v.n r r(t-'Mii-ttif.i(t, i-!!,t-y, It ' .'-r n.i li(i"!'j.T ii-i;.m ii-l i-i t. , ) nc' "o. tt(.MLi'"i, N fVninff f ,ii,;. i. i i -H) h-Mllli, Ti.UJ riAllie iMV l'"lt. m iMwtrrfitl In pr.,vrisinU jvrr tl' '.'ti-f ' u:. Jit-iun-iy r.-t i,y w-afp oi' wt f. rf it $-,'(,;, r-,. v nl .-m.-;,n 7 U- n-vi 1ij.itiM-4 fr n (v. 1- 1"V" lattl hV ll.lH ITlBtfl'i!l illTffit, 'l " n,l M!ier I-' fflJctt. ftli. I f VlVf it-iUdrttld ii tf-Unt-n.iHl lit t Mm ;tii.i yi-rv frier i ,t... 'ir 'werlsil Imprtfvl 't( Ht M'KSOH M'i Vr-,Urpt h , r,i.rc( w. ik rn-t., r:il I all llcallr. itmrn trrttt! h U IHk'ttkHtin Vt 1 IWti5S to-M.IL.rJ 1 ij Pt'i 1 1 ' if i , il i : 1 I , ti ai n"i ( , m.ui?0 , li - q 8ANOEN ELECTrVIO CO.. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (IKNKKAI.HANKINfi W;hNKsK Leading Jeweler. MOI.K AliKNT mil TIIK CTfe' POLAND CHINA Hod I' .- " " 'l'W.JaA.W4V? Iran Mnil.h ,' THOROUQHbjJ 1 , .' I TlrtT v. - u uuiNABr. 'i ' , lllTu. I iI .111, - I r r" '. - per iinatl, or 'iiiiin.t tuu tlioni, or w rile. All lettem irmiiitly un.niintl EDWHRD JUDv ' There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at , leads on to fortune." The poot unquestionably had reference to th Clisirti Si ol at C RANDALL & BURGET'S Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ra MK'HKI.ItACH 11U1CK, - . 1,'MON KT. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DKAI.KHS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GU And the Most Complete and the ljitent i'attertiH uml I)eiii(,'iiii in r"l' radical 1'aintera and l'iiMr Hanirers. None hut the h..t ., ol it ill: it li' ... i ii . .. .... niitrwiu-" iinuiiin uiio u. . .iiaHiirv i iiiiiih iineo in all jur aork mid n the moHt Hkilleil workmen employed. .uenlM for Maxurv l.iuniii pini clieimcal roinliinatiou or oap mixture. A IitmI elaHS article in 1 rvhn order promptly attended to. Paint Shoo oornor Thirdand WashinctoD Sta., The Eallrj.Or Tin: DALLKS AND Prinkville Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. avii Th In1la at A a. m. TrT ilv. ar- riv. at I'rlnovllit- In tlilrty-nlx hmir.. l.HV--ii 'rluavll at A m. m. vrry iiav, ami arrlvrii at The liallaa In thlrtjr tlx liiiura. 'arliw thi C. S. Mail, I'lyeo'trs mi Express -Cohuk-u at Hrlu'-llla wltb- Stagos from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Korthern California and all Interior Points. Aliut niakfl 1iim. nnn"ttin at Tho liatlr wltli trim Irnin rurlluitit anu Kaclfin iuta. . Cosriessi dnrsrs. .' Good iccoiniEGiUuoiis a'onz lit mi. : First-class Cots anil llcisss t;cd. . Eiiics! Diticr MilU mil w:u ure. htaiik irrit r.H; From TERMINAL or ISTOllOR I, irttafi 8fL-nw. . r- vtT- ! if. -t . . r-a.r.-' :.,-i fc r Wit:-. K.LZZZiM, All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I3M HI.. Tha Ikalla. Or. -M.'HKNI.fc, Hrlilll II. M. Kitu. Ca. filer. First National Bank. HE DALLES, OREGON A (ieneral IEitiikiii(f Itnxinesn tranaacteil HepocitH received, "ilbject to Sight Draft or Check. Collection made and proceed promptly remitted mi day of collection. Sijdit and Telegraphic Kxt;hniiie wild on New York, Km FranciMco ami I'ort-Itiinl. UIKKCTOKH. 1'. TlloMCNON. JNO. h. Nf IIKM'K. ). ,M. W II.I.HMK, lKO. A I.IKHK. II. M. liKAI.I.. . Hlrhal A Cm. 'a M.ira. I'rlnavllla. I'matllla Hon, I'll Hall. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. old, popular ami reliable limine ban lieen entirely return intied, and every room hurl been rc in-red anil reiminlt ami newly carpeted throughout. The lniiice rontaiiiH 170 roouiHand in tnippliee with every modern convenience, llafet reaxonahle. A iool reetanrant attiich tf the hoiiw. Frer Iiiih to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. W. II. YOUNG, BiacKsmitii & wanon snop Letter" of Credit iHiied available in Kaflcrn State. he ARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM. f wholml Candies and Nuts .'Specialties TIIHAf'lll, llliA It AMI MWI-Kr lilllMKN 'ieneral l!lack'mithiiir and V ork floue promptly, and all work tiiaraiitef-d. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Stand. THE DALLES National Bonk, Of DAU.KS CITY, OK. Finest Peanut Ronstor In The Dalles 2? fStrtmt. J.FOLCO At right .(. MrN. iilnirr'fi rti"lniiiHitt. Siht Exchange and Telegraphic rranferHoldoli New York, Chicayo, St. Ujiiik, Sari Krancixco. I'ortliind Ori.,.n Seattle V'h1i., ami various nuint.n in Or. lfon and VVaaliinitfii. (olleetioim made Rt all tjoiiiLi? on fav. O'ahle terma. CLiAfl STOFY, Art Tkachkr lliinin Will (rive ln-sm,.. Hrttiiiten Iluilili "I, Tie i i r. I'reHiclent . . Vic-rrcnidcnt, (-'aHhier, . SC. F. Moonv ClIAKI.KM llll.TON ,M. A. Moonv General llnnkinc KusineHn Transacted. Sitflit llxclianifen Kohl on NKW YOKK, SAN KKANCISCO. CHICAtiO nml PORTLAND, OR. Oilleitionn ' nil eccf."i,li RAILROAD 1 tlir Una U Ink TO ALL I'OLNTS EST II la Iha lllnliia I ar If mm 4 llliiilrl Iraluaavary day la u paul and (NO CIIANOK oriAHS.1 ( initl ol I1 nl nit (an antumuaal man liruMrlux KoniiMrivrrnulUtailuttJ TonusT mm cuts rnl t hut run riMiitnjrtnl, ai gmtf lor huMtrmof Hrt mul hcrom! cl,taoj f ELEGANT BAY COS A (Nintlniimia Una. r.iunf.tlrir viUtTa alfuMlini ilirHit anil unnilfrriipuxncfio I'til Itnnii Hliviapr maarvallniii fantf"l in alanea Uiniugli muy axent of maw THROUGH TICKETS S-Stf KtiKi'iinl iil Kiiiiim tdit bt p'ircUMo tlfkrt uttHv uf tli oimiNiiiT. Full Infirm). Inn rmicrnidir mtm, ri trutiiM, nui mini uthr UrUii luriu'i W. C. ALLAWAY .m-nl l. I'. A A. Na. Cm, ltmllf 1'allra, Or., or A. I I IIAHI.TON, Aa't. (ia'irral raaam.r AttU. Horuaat The Dalles Cigar : Facto r FACTORY NO. t ....... k l III I k tiiiiuiifacinw 1 order i from all pnrtnol the wiiintrj on the shortest notice. The reputation of TIIK IAl"K. OAR has 1-ecome liimlv -HtaLli'h'-the demand lor the hoiiie iiimi"1 article is increasing every flay- A. ULmCH&S YOUH ATTEJiTlOfj Is oallod to the fact tht Hugh Glenn Dealer In (llnss, Lime, rlaHter.yv and ItilildinK Mulrial ol " -Carrlaa tha Mnaat I.I"" ' d; made 'on e poilili;. fnvorelile tfjrms 72 To be loand in the City rrlnehlnnton Stf'i aaaaj a J