The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 16, 1893, Image 7

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Lin takes precedence In this:
L, wa the flrnt man. According
Vm'b h manac mure iwyvt
M' . . . 1 --I anil
and hi" vlewa wero uruu
:,' Adam waa well versed In
Ll economy, but he wii too honwl
C:..i. ...Imlml to run after oflice hlm-
L..i.miililriforred to be chained
L by the oflice he wm willing to
L aiiid that thl ''" A'1"'" 0,",,
jti,, the ancient city ot Tl,e ,)u""H'
C ,.t.iries hk. when the founder,
b ancient burn found no pleunanter
line, than ri.linB on the backs ol the
bvo Million, using the Columbia at
timu uh a ort of '" ort.
- ', recorded tlmt salmon wore plentiful
ta'rjowdiiviiw'di'hi-ap; no ninny that
)' iih wit'1 roiiHiderahle difliimlty
J the water i" the Columbia could
jan to K" I,UHt 1,10 ulm,m on its
iiU ii to the w.
pinion were not only plentiful, but
jj' were awfully ehciip: ho rheup thut
1 proud spirit oi I lie nonie reu iiuui
fc:ide liim even dealing in that nort of
Ck. (Hi! It in even told at thin duy,
t.uiiii of our iiioxt reliuble citianii,
ninny aborigine!) came from afur
iitt ancient towimito, fcrr the Hole pur-
dI dfiiioiiHtrutini; the fact, one
,1,1 mifely croHH the river on suluion
.h anil without moiMteins hit socks,
wlitni they found such to be the
.ml that the Kockland ferry
by wuh prevented from making
Igr tnpK, those very Indiana, in
1 numbers, rolled themselves up in
und their red hliinketH, and riv
"n,.. ....... lii.t at the eoroii-
il to l!vfl. .
jury wuh ''llie.ii ImlldilB oam- .
r death by Btarviition induced by e
rc.nt hopes founded on tbo suliu'in
e luive direrfsed huiiicw hat ; let uh
afn 1 1 Aduin.
Juliun continued to live here ; in fart,
!fixr an we are able to truce his origin,
hm born here, or hereaboutH. He
traveled considerably In bin youth,
lliin plaen seemed to jiohhcss more
n'll'iiiH for him than any other be
nliered of seeing, and bo he eon
I to miiko The Italics bin perma-
jt residence.
1 rend history, one day Adam was
ill perambulating on Main street,
hi lie Hiidduuly encountered, to him,
luigu being. This was Adam
I t know it at the time, but
IJ it out afterwnrdH. Her Biidden
arnnee and ipieer attire seemed to
Adam off hi" bane, bo to Hpeuk,
icli wuh ouickly obHerved by,
quirk an lightning, "he handed
1 ..I . ....I. ml .!... ... t.lm mwtxmit
mh imileH. Adam took the tmit read
y. H bit, and seemed much pleaited
)th Hie flavor of the fruit ; in fact, it is
111 Atium ollured to take all of that
ml of frnit I've could furniHh, by the
i'on, mid at her own price. Apples
Jrft scarce in those days, much scarcer
fc ii aalinun.
might be well to note here that Kve
juHt arrived iu the country at the
flhe met Adam, and, having left
iii in a sudden treuk and without
h preparation for her future con ven-
determiuud to pool her intercHts
Kli Adaui, to all of which Adam
r-cd, and from thenceforth, and ac
ting to the articles of their agree-
bit, they started out, bo to siieak,
Wru life's pathway baud in hand.
a while their pathway was strewn
lit rotten ; life Heeuied to be covered all
Vr with bloHHonifl.
V'lain, however, waH amhitiouB. He
Vonireived the notion of annexing
rtballes, Grand Dalles and Thonip-
f i addition, and in case the salmon
vuld cimclude to emigrate, that he
"M I'nnKolidate the intureHts of this
with a good slice of Wanhinglon,
liuilding a good substantial bridge
hy nuch means bring ulmut a city
' would iiHtoiiinli the natives and
k!' the pride of the oldest inhabitants.
t Kve didn't seem to take much stock
fAiltiiii's project, and as Adam was
inning behind, and getting into debt
Hi IiIh grocer, Kve mildly exposto
''! with htm upon his extravagance,
plainly informed him, that if he did
uraw in the horn ol Ins city plans
r h little bit. the family excheipier
'i)d soon run fo low there would not
single bean left w ith w hich to buy
' liaby a pair of the commonest kind
'In.. Adam was in a predicament.
'act he didn't know jimt w hich way
ok (or Sunday, but he saw the point
I'Ve'i areument and determined to
nice act upon it, even if lie bad to
we the glim of every electric light in
city, order less cross walks put in,
he even decjded that the lire do-
rtmrnt should squirt no more water
CHH the boys were willing to do vol
lary siiirling a( their own expense,
I without charge to Adam or tho city.
'I no Adam with the consent and ap
'val of Kve, lamicd an order, directing
lt no mure street lamps bo lit, no
"e cross walks be built or repaired,
Inoro UHeless police force, and no
'" S"iiirting of water by tho fire do
rtnient, and from thenceforth everv
"liouhl furnish his own HkIiIb, croud
I'ltf. and do bis own pniiirl.ini' nf
Icr, freely nnil voluntarily and with-
any more charge oroxiH'tisoto Adiun
fliecity. ThiBoidor recuivud guuural
.u,-iion. and the people for many miles
around applauded Adam, and thought
be bad struck the correct racket, and
even the people of North Dalles, and
(irand Dalles, and Thompson'! addition
were of the same opinion, (leaving the
bridge between the two cities out of the
argument) while old Caroline w hooped -er
up" and offered to bet ten cents on
the dollar that such statesmanlike
views had never been promulgated since
she commenced peddling Snyder's
whisfty. There may be dog rackets,
and there may be cat rackets that figure
more or less conspicuously in the affairs
of men, but statistics show that no im
portant racket antedates the Adam
racket, whatever may be claimed to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Yes, we are going to have reintrench
ment. Don't you forget it I No more
street lamps ; no more cross walks ; no
more police force ; no more squirting of
water, and no more Caroline In ours 1
Wkakktiik i-koi'i.k, and by the Kter
nal, we do not propose to buy any more
cotton bales to catch British bullets!
No! Let Andrew Jackson hereafter
fight his own battles and buy bis own
breast works. We do not propose to
stand any more extravagance, our babies
have to bo shod. He w ho stays down
town after dark hereafter, does so at his
peril. Kve shall have her reward ; she
shall have her say in this matter, at
leant. Hut wo do not want her to flip
up any more of her old dried up apples.
Notwithstanding, however, she might be
able to catch us with straw ticrrieB and
As Adam seems to have satisfactorily
solved a very difficult problem, we have
concluded to say no more for the pres
ent. It would hardly be just to antici
pate the future, and bus idea we might
shoot wild if we attempted prophecy.
lteaolutlnua on the lalll of 4, Itooth,
To tlir Ch linnet lor Cntnliinmlfr. Ullir-rfc n(l Mel.V
Ihth ill I- rll'tlllnllli l.lxki'. No, II, K. nl k'. :
We, your committee to whom was re
ferred the matter of resolutions relative
to the death of our late brother, John
ll. liooth, respectfully submit the fol
lowing :
Whkukah, An all-wise I'rovidcnce
I hh deemed tit to take from our niidnt
our esteemed brother; and
Whkkkas, In the death of John It
Hooth this lodge has lost one of its old'
est and most faithful members, and the
order has lost one in w hoso every act
win exeiimlifieil the lik-h moral teach
iiiKH of our beloved order, and one of
whom it may be truthfully said, "None
knew him but to love him ;" the com
utinity at large has lost a respected and
honored citizen, and the daughters of
the deceased a kind and loving father,
therefore, lie it
llttuhrd, That this lodge extend to
tho daughters of our deceased brother
our heartfelt sympathy in this, their
hour of sad bereavement. And lie it
llr.nolvtd, That these resolutions be
spread Ukui the minutes of Hub lodge;
that a copy lie sent to the family of our
deceased brother, and that Baid resolu
tious lie printed in the local papers of
this city,
bigned, C. E. Bavakd,
John Gavin,
w. l. bha1n1iaw,
The Dalles, June in, 1S03.
Moru llaiMtnliiffn.
Mr. S. B. Adams purchased a lot iu
Mowry'a addition last week.
Mr. J. W. l'eddicord will start today
with teams to haul lumlier for his new
William Parish has moved out of the
City hotel, and Terry Watkius, who
owns the building, took charge of it to
day. Mr. Brown closed his school at Grans
Valley last Friday with appropriate ex
ercises and much credit to himself and
Mr. T. Brownhill and family of Grass
Vallev, were visiting at J. B. Mowry's
one day last week. Mr. Brownhill filed
on some land and purchased an or
gan. The musical association to be held at
Grass Valley June Slst-'J'Jd, bids fair to
be a grand success in every way. I un
derstand seven different quartettes will
sing in a contest for a gold medal.
There lias been a great deal of land
jumping during the week. County
Clerk Hayes has been doing a good busi
ness in land office work, although a
great many wont to The Dalles to file.
James Water purchased J. B. Mowry's
residence last Saturday. Mr. Slater and
brothers will build Mr. Mowry a new
residence on the wcHt side of the Street.
They will also build W. J. Teddicord's
new residence.
The east wind lust Sunday and Mon
day Ix'ing cool, did but little damage to
the grain. In some fluids the leaves of
the wheat commenced to curl, but the
cool weather since and the nice shower
of rain on Saturday lias improved its ap
pearance. The coiiiincneiiient exercises of the L.
T. I,, will be held at Wasco Saturday
evening. Graduates from Moro and
Wasco will receive diplomas. Don.
Mono, June 12, lS'.i;',.
T r.r Hii.-p a tt'iichcrtt' rovieAv
class, preparatory t i quarterly exaniin-'
ntum in August, heniimitig .nine :uin
and continuing five weeks. ( '01 i soon .1-,
once solicited. ('. I.. Gii.hki:t.
wL't Hood Kiver, Or. (
Tli CltlMvns AnoM Who Thcjr T.
Ir ta Narva Tham.
Three hundred and eighteen rotes
polled on the first ballot for recorder at
the court house last night showed bow
large and how interested was our towns
people in the men who are to handle the
reins of our city government for the ensu
ing year. The meeting was called to
order at 8:30 o'clock by Mayor Mays,
who stated the object of the meeting and
announced that the selection of a chair
man would be in order. Capt. Iwis
was nominated by acclamation, as was
J. S. Fish for secretary and C. K. Buyard
A motion was carried that the meeting
proceed to the nomination of mayor,
recorder, treasurer and marshal in the
order named, and that the two wards
select council men and water commission
ers Friday night at their respective con
vention halls. G. A. Thirman and J.
M. Huntington were appointed tellers.
Pursuant to motion, nominations being
in order, W. II. Wilson nominated Hon.
Kobt. Mays in a neat Bpeech. Mr.
Mays then rose and thanked tho mover
and seconds, but declined in favor of Dr.
W. K. Binehart, who was thereupon
nominated by acclamation. Mr. Kine
hart, in accepting the nomination,
thanked the convention for the honor
conferred upon him, and said that if
elected it would give him the greatent
happiness to fulfil the duties of the office
to the liest of his ability. More than
any other one thing ho dwelt upon the
importance of a good sewer system,
which he was gratified to say was so ably
undertaken by tbe last council. He con
sidered money well expended where our
lives 'nd the lives of onr w ives, our sons our daughters were in question.
Typhoid fever and many other forms of
disease were attributable to the present
state of our "ewers, and Mr. Bint-hart
pledged himself thtu if elected he would
pursue U!a vltal ut,J"ct t0 'tS U's"t'mill,c
For recorder the names were pre.- .'itod
of C. L. Phillips, K. N. Chandler, Hans
Hansen nnd Douglas Dufur. A motion
was carried, as the evening was already
far advanced, that the candidate receiv
ing the highest numlicr of votes lie de
clared the nominee of the convention
The vote being taken gave Mr. Dufur the
highest numlier of votes, and in a short
speech, Mr. Dufur thanked, the conven
tion and promised his liest services if
For treasurer I. I. Burnett and Louis
Borden were placed in nomination, re
sulting in the selection of Burgett, who
acknowledged the compliment in a fitting
The candidates for marshal were Iian.
Maloney, Chris. Bills and Geo. Beed.
Maloney was chosen and meeting ad
journed. Hr. C'ollj'rr's Kxplaiiatluo.
Koliert Collyer, who goes around the
country preaching Dr. Taluiage's ser
mons, which he creditably performs, hag
made an explanation of his peculiar ac
tion. We quote a paragraph from hie
explanation, as follows:
"For the past fourteen years I have
been engaged in ministerial and evang
elistic work, preaching and lecturing,em
ploying such methods as my judgment
dictated, and have always been supplied
with the literature I have described ; my
work has been successful ; in a large de
gree and thousands have been converted
under my preaching. During the paBt
year I have assisted in organizing and
building two churches, and during my
ministry I have organized and built
about seventy-five and the number of
conversions runs well up into the thous
ands. We are warned not to preach any
other gospel and the announcement has
gone forth, 'by their fruits ye shall
know them.' In conclusion, Christ is
my guide and God is my judge. Who
accuses ne ot preaching anti-Uhnst :
Lastly, I ask the public to take note
that it was the clergy who precipitated
these reports of plagiarism, not the
public, and, besides, my sermons were
more than one-half original as all must
admit. Koiiekt Collyeb."
('racy Muthar'a Daad.
Pakkkkshtku, V. Va., June 14. Mrs.
Kate Kirch, living ten tulles from liere,
having lost lier reason, poisoned two of
her children, threw two others into a
well, and then killed herself. She tried
to kill her eight children, but four were
killed by the desjierate struggles of her
14-year-old daughter. The family were
in irood circumstances. All five are
lod Job I'rlutlnf;.
If you have your job printing done at
Tiik Ciikomci.k you w ill have the ad
vantage of having it done with the most
modern and approved type, with which
we keep continually supplied. All jobs
under the direct supervision of one of
the moHt BiiccPWHful and artistic printers
in tho Northwest.
A "tire Cure for I'llea.
Itcliinir lilies are known bv moisture
like perspiration, causing intein-'e itcbinjf j
w hen warm. This form, as well us
blind, bleeding or protruding, yield ntj
onee to lr. llosauko's l'ilo Keniedy,
w hich acts directly on parts, affected,
absorbs luniotn, alwavs itchimr and e(-1
fiM-ts a permanent cure. f0 cents.
1 irugirists or mail. Circulars free. Ir.
P.iisuiiko, :i'Jl Arch St., Philadelphia,
I'll. Sold by r.lnkeley & Houghton.
Robert Densmore is in town from Mo
sier. Hon. C. M. Cartwrit'lit of Hay creek
is in the city.
Mrs. M. M. Saver returned from
Portland yesterday.
Hugh Farmer is down for a brief
visit with his family from Umatilla.
W. 8. Cram, formerly of The Ialles,
was ao east-lionnd passenger today.
P. Korick was in town this morning
and returned to Portland in the after
noon. Mr. Thomas Vanlandingham, of Rut
ledge, Sherman oounty, made this oflice
a pleasant call today.
Mr. Frank Pike, of Moro, called on the
Ciibomci.k today, and reports very en
couragingly of the grain prospects in bis
R. B. Wilson of the Northern Pacific,
Mr. Barker, special freight agent, and
Mr. Beckwith, route agent for the Pa
cific division, are in the city today.
D. Siddall leaves this afternoon for
Portland to attend the State Dental
Society, which is to lie held tomorrow,
and will return about Saturday the 17th.
Miss Wentz of Portland is a
guest of the Misses Schmidt.
F. C. Clausen, Dufur, made
Chkonici-e a pleasant call today.
Truman Butler is in citv to remain un
til the steamer Dalies City resumes its
Mrs. A. Robins, mother of Mrs. J. C.
Lnckey, will arrive this afternoon from
Fred M. Wilson graduates today at
the John Hopkins university, Balti
more. Miss Minnie Freiman. left this after
noon for Portland, where she will visit
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sarceant left the
city Monday for a visit with relatives in
Misses F.dna Moody and Lou Hirsch
of Salem returned home on the after
noon trau,.
Mrs. J. W. Wilson of Snohomish is in
"'- the guesi of Mrs. C. F. Steph
thaP.( - r, Dufur todav to visit
ens, ano. wi.'l w .
her parentis, I'r OI'd ;tfr. VanoVrpfioL
That prince of Bohemians and all
ronnd good fellow. Col, Pat Donan, of
Astoria, passed through on the 1 a. m.
Pullmnn today en route to the east a4
to "Dixie." Our bottom wishes for
tip top good time go with the gallant
Col., and may he live to write us such
an obituary as will make our eurviving
friends rejoice that we died in time to
become the subject of his remarks over
onr cadaver. The author of those beau
tiful specimens of the printers' and
authors' art, "Utah" and "Astoria,"
goes east to renew BBsociationsJwith old
time friends, and mayhap say a word or
two in his happy way of the merits of
this land by the "sun-down seas," show
ing up its advantages as none so well as
he can do. May his shadow continue to
grow until it infringes on the periphery
of that cast at noonday by the broacf
brimmed planter's hat, which is part of
biB customary adornment.
Miss Daisy Hampshire left on the
afternoon train for a visit in Portland.
Mrs. A. M. Williams and daughters
were registered at the White City, Chi
cago, yesterday.
Developing the South.
Governor William Fiehback is an ar
dent advocate of the development of the
south, and has taken what may prove
to be very effectual
steps to boom the
material interests
of all southern ter
ritory. At the con
vention of gover
nors of southern
states held at Rich
mond, Va., last
April, a movement
for the develop
ment of the natural resources of that
portion of the country was inaugurated,
also starting an immigration campaign
and inviting the investment of outside
capital in southern enterprises. Mr.
Fishback was born in Jeffersonton, Cul
pepper county, a., Bixty-one years
ago, and was educated at the University
of Virginia and then read law at Uich-
mond, Va. In 1838 he went to Fort
Smith, Arkansas, and in 1801 was
elected, as a union man, to the conven
tion which seceded. Three years later
he was elected to the United States sen
ate, but owing to the confused condi
tion of public affairs at that time was
not seated, but has been a member of
several subsequent legislatures. De
spite the fact that he made no effort to
secure the nomination for governor pre
vious to the convention, and that his op
ponents canvasred the state, urging his
record against him, of the 62S votes he
received all but 8S.
County lerk'B Notice.
All ......a. it. a Imvintf tvarrantfi in flip
nil prinunp .... . . ... . ... .
hands of the county clerk issued more
than seven years prior to July 1st, 1S(W,
are hereby notified to call for the same,
and present the same to the county
treasurer lor i. aviuciib niwnusiAiv uo
from the 1st day of Julv, 1893. If raid
warrants are not called for and presented
for as Bhove they will be cancelled and
payment thereof will therefore be re
fused. I'v order of the County Court.
Stm vlOje'S J. B. Cuosskn,
County Clerk.
The Pulles, Oregon, May sth, lS'.l.i.
;.. Olio In rremiunia.
Uttered bv Liggett A Myers Tobacco
Co. of St. Louis, Mo. The one (Messing
nearest the iiu'iiImt of jieo;lo who will
attend the World's Fair gets ",0')0.00,
the second I, OiM.OO, etc. Ten Star to
hiicco tag piititlu you to ii gi'cm. Ask
your dealer for particulars or Fend for
ciunilar. t7-28
tight Vcars.
Fossil, Obk;o, Dec. 4, 1802.
O. W. R. Mfg. Co., Portland, Oregon :
Dear Sir I wish to state to you that I
have been afflicted with rheumatism for
the last eight years. I bought a bottle
of Congo Oil from Messrs. Ijmb A Put
nam, your agents here, and after two ap
plicationB my rheumatism was knocked
out. No other medicine ever gave me
relief in such a short time as Congo Oil.
Yours truly, LYMAN BROWN.
For sale by all druggists. Price, $1
per bottle.
T w Cans.
Pobtland, Or., Dec. 6, 18!'
O. W. R. Mfg. Co., 315 Front Bt., city:
Gentlemen I recently sustained a
bad fall while carrying two heavy cans,
and my back wa severely strained. A
friend handed me a part of a bottle of
Hattec's Congo Oil, and three applica
tions gave me permanent relief. I
heartily recommend it. Yours Truly,
II. G. McGek, Portland Creamery, cor
ner 4th & Salmon.
Are you insured? If not, now is the
time to provide yourself and family with
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarru-ha Remedy as an insurance
against any serious results from an at
tack of bowel complaint during the sum
mer months. It is almost certain to be
needed and should be procured at once.
No other remedy can take its place or
do iU work, 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists.
Be it known to all whom it may con
cern, that the garden through which
Mosier creek runs is private property,
and that all fishing and hunting with n
the inclosures ia trespass, and will be
treated as such hereafter. 6-9w3t
Three nice furnished rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping. Inquire at Mr.
Lauer's store, Second street.
Spring Medicine.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills on
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired bra'n
and aching and worn out body. They
act prOiiif.tlf.fin lb "v:?"ki-ir-vV
drive out all impurities from the blood,
and malaria from system. Only
one pill for a dose. Try !.heIU th,iS
snrinir. Sold nt 25 efs a Imr v.,.!
& Houghton, Druggists, The Dalles, Or.,
A truly marvelous tale ot to-day.
$1,000 PEI2E 1TOVEL,
In addition to the prize etorv nf IK) pwres there
are . racy nhort ttories, nk'etchc. poema and
itti'isim from the old inMiex of Town Tones,
tlmt famous and spicy New York Journal known
wherever Entlish is read. No honk pulilinhed
this year will afford such delicious entertain
ment for hours of summer leisure and travel.
WljHt "The litflfptwieitt" says: -"Once ajrain
New York's fashionable society quarterly vol
ume, 'Tales Fmui 1 own Topics has made itsap
jiearanee. The tales are Kpicv and the topics in
exhaustible. Home of the tales skirt alone the
very edire of dimmer, but a firm hand jholds them
back within the bounds of a liolenouie sense of
All news and book stands or send price. .V)
cents to TOWS TOl'K'B, 21 West ld street, New
y-H.OO pays TiiRKK months' TRIAL sub
sciipuon p. Town Topic s nnd von will iret anv
back nuinls-rof Tales Kroin Town Topics FREE:-
Town Topics 4.m p, r venr.
LIKKKAI, CI. I B of r KK: Town Topics
and "Tales From Town Topics'' will both be sent
one year for fta.OO.
Town Topics, the irrent .f-' paire weekly, is uni
versally recognized as the most complete weekly
journal in the world.
Its "SaunUTiiitfs'' colums Arc Inimitable. Its
soeiety news, csjs.'clallv of thedoint? of the too
of New York, llostou, Philadelphia, t'hicaito. and
a1 orrr the world, is not equaled bv any news
laper. Its Financial l)cpar:ment Is aiithoritv
with all bankers and brokers. Its Alield and
Alliwt'' makes it the im st interestini; paper for
all lovers of sport yachtinK, fisit lull, roH linr,
shooting, lishniK, etc. Its "On the Turf" excels
all other racing notes. Its burlesques, rssMiis
and jokes are the cleverest. Its stories are by the
best writers among them Ainelie Rives, K.
Marion Crawford, Julian Hawthorne, Ktlvar
Kaweett, Jerome K. Jerome, (.llliert Parker,
Mary J. Haw ker ("ljtnoe Falconer "), Barry l'ain,
l'aul Bourget, etc., etc.., etc.
C'ured at Home In Ten Iaya by admin
istering Dr. Haines' Cloldcn SpeclHc.
It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of
ci'tt'ee or tea, or in fisid, without the knowledge
of the patient. It is aljsolutcty harmless, and
will encct a permanent and s)ssly cure, w nether
the patient is a nnsierate drinker or an alcoholic
wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases,
and in every instance a s'rf -ct cure has fol-low.-d.
It never fails. The system once impreg
nated with the savir.e, It oecomes an utter im
IsMisibility forthe liquor appetite to exist. Cures 4. page Issik of particulars free.
Address the (iol.DKN spaciPIC Co., Is.', Race Ht.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
To be delivered after shearing. For any Infor
mation desired, apply to
If. W. WEI.IJs,
Bherar s Bridge V. O., Or.
Or G. F. WFI.I.!.
las Uth St., Portland, Or.
Not. no U hereby (riven ItliHt tho undelfrnrd
hHs In't'ii nmvmnUil MlntfmtrHtor of tiie rHtate
of Jennie Mntlx'k, lutti uf Whmo county, ()reKni,
now (it-ei'iMfi.
All itjmU! htivlittf claims nirMitist xaM eptrtte
n heivty rfiuirot to present the mm me, duly
Terltit'ti, tonic it t the office of luifur V Mcnetee,
in i hmninn Mock, 1hIIch ritv, nvon, within
hix months from the date of thl notice.
I Med at Dulles t itv. Anril 4, WM.
Administrator of the elnte of Jennie Mttilock,
totk K hcrchy Riven thut hy an onh r of the
I'.re mmlc. the undersigned hnn h.
fM'intcd end is now the U)i!iri'd
tidniitiitmiitr oi the e-te ( oi s i:;n
dceetiM'd. All V"ns hn i Hit c!
the hI 'i e imiiicd lccci'.-'d no1 herd
11 inl nj
Hi I HClilllf
I i'.lUelHOIl,
notified to
r loin he'-
i,r-i-.'iit their cljiini,' with the (ir
to in-nt mv re-id"ee iietir Mtiniti:i,ore'.ui,
ii Mn ix month." from the d-itr of Hum n
And .ill luT-ni" iiidi I't' d to vi id - Mm.' ire heo-ny
rt'.iHind t settle mkIi iud tfice-i lortliw ith.
.1. II. II ii A N K
Aduiini-t h'.iT 'f Ktuteof Mimiu l I.. J'ulterson,
d.'-,'t.-e.!. ttw
tiDtiutirt, Or., June Uh, I.-'.;.
Far Bala.
Two corner lots, with five room cot
tage and outbuildings, a good well of
water, also city water, nice young fruit
trees, good soil, desirable location, and
remarkably cheap. SeeJocLG. Koomti.
In the JuHtlcc Cmirt fur Kt Pnlles Precinct.
Wmmvo county, Oregon.
Pan linker, 1
in. V
William Kllejr, I
( 'Mfiiint. J
Ta William Kilr, the alare namd drJnulaM,
In tho name of the Htnto of On-Koti, Yiiii lire
hereby required to .r before the nmler-KiKm-,1,
a J 1 1-1 lee of the l'ece for aald Precinct,
mi the :id dny of Jnlv, lh'CI, at the hour of 1(1
o'clock A. M , at the oltlce of Hald Jimtice in nll
precinct, to aiiHwer the above-named plaintiff in
aciWl ai tlou.
The defendnnt will tke notice that If he fait
toaimwer the complaint of the plalnlin" herein,
the plnintiil will tnkc Judgment iniliit him for"), and intercut thereon at the rate of H ier
cent, per annum from the 11th dav of June, pent,
and for tho further aunt of $(.iiii and intoreat
thereon at the rate of H per cent, per annum
from the l lth day of March, Iwio, and for his
ciet and diihurhcmcntM herein.
Thta Kunimoiia in at-rvcu upon you by publica
tion in pursuance nf an order made unit herein
on the 17th day of May, Intel.
8 l!ltd Justice of the Peace.
The IinfMirteU Helgtiiti
Stallion, OOOO,
Will Und for the b-tisn of lmci,
At Kfrhmond'M Stable in The Dullm on FHiUyn
nnil hittunltiVH; at Ike Yoiiiik m on Monday
ami TtifMlHyn; at R. MiUKlgriiMH', mile wtat
of iloyd 1. t.( ou WediiewlayH.
COlCCl W,,K lmrMrtM in IMsh by I. P. Htubhn
JJJJ v Soiih, of FatrTkM, Iowa, lie I a
Park Buy, with Murk I'nint, awl is rcKUtcrfCl
at Hnifst'lH hh No. .V,M, and in Ainrriro hm No. 1W.
I ) 1m uric of the fiit lrd Iftraft llorawa
in America, ia comliiK tt year old, and weigh
isoo pounds.
TKRMtf SJiikU KorvirellO; for thesen-Hon l,r;
to tnxuru a foal I'Ji; in club of rive or mora
marci to ono man, $10 for the season, or 15
to injure a foal. Hy the Reason payable k'to
her 11: to in -are, due and jmynMe'ns simid aa
the rnare ia known to bo in foal. Mam not
bn uncut regularly will be charged for by the.
M. W. & W. L. FREEMAN', Owners,
Iloyd, Wusco Co., Or.
ffllrVou want title to Government or
State T.ands call on
Late Kcc. I'. S. Liuid Office. Notary Puhllo
Qyer Sixteen Yenrs Experience.
600,000 ACRES
Unlmproveii FARM Property
Send for a Pamphlet describing this land.
Thompii's Addition to Tie Dalles.
This addition Ik laid off Into one-acre loU, and
fn defftined to be the principal residence fwrtol
the Citv. Olilv turcntv inf niitnoM waillr fnim Ihn
CHftirt bouKe.
Hn twit Mfpalrl trt iwvnaitl n la t
advice or information in all branches of 'our bua-
iiiebs iree of cnarge.
Settlers Located on Government Land.
Office in U. 8. Land Office Building.
vasco warenoose Go.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reasonble.
"W. -7V. Oo.
Orders by dispatch, mall or In pcrsnn tilled any
ouur oi me any or iitKni.
Pictures framed in all styles and sizes.
Place of business cor. Third and
Washington Streets.
Land Omrit, The Pullr. Or., Mch. 10, 1HM.
Notice is luTi-hy Kif tlmt the fcllowinf.
iihiihhI sottU-r hHs 'tiU-d ntitice ti ln'r intention to
inske linsl pnxif in supinirt ol lttr clHlm, and
tlmt sjild ir,stl nill le Hindu before the retflster
sin! rfcciver st The liulles, Dr., on ttliu-.Mlny,
Mil) J, lh;l, viz:
Jane Fer(nsn.
lloini'ft' sd A'ili'Htlon No. : .!, for the N W',
oi f.Ttion 10, 1. s., K. 1.' K. . M
Hlie loniics the follow in u itne.L's to nnve her
continuous reMdciire nion Hint eulth utioit of
Mild Und, viz:
Siiiiunl I., rnttorson, rlisrlts I.. Fryer, OUio
WelieiK iiutl H. K. leni-. nil of Wnnlnitiii, ur.
a-.' Ill JulIN W. l.KW'ls, UeKistcr.
XTOTH'K ii her--hv irhrn that the undorsi)riitil
1.1 litis Uvr. itiiiiited hy t!n. Hn. I iMinty
t'.nirt nt the -ti'h' ui ui-.x-'li. V
r ii-- i o'lniv ti
iiiiii citt.'n d on
W;l.. hv IMI I'l-liT 1 1 1 1 Mind
the llth il'H ff Aiiil. nd i
.i1iiitriitt-r t the
.-liiti'id W iltiain 11. IMin
. lal
m ft'ii, m t lit now dM't'MM'd
! I prr-iu's hn inK
t- lu i. hy r.itii d ti
i-rit I'd. r . if ill my
si. v itluii r"i. i'iith
n, I el hi ui iivi. I t Mti'l .-tii''
I .ir-' lit ttf Mini-. nifi-iT';,
i. .in- in iiis .i; ,
(i.tni tin- d it.- --I t.'.; i t;,
iMUd thi t illi d.i Til if.
N Tli AN U UK U.oN',
Ad mini-1 .. " t'.u nhti- t W i i .iuu it. I'U.iu,
ilii-l cd. A Jlw t
D. S. kiiil Attorneys.