The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 16, 1893, Image 5

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Se Weekly Ghroniele.
rrlilny'a Ixily.
- ..II- ...ntll Mini buck "" l"""'
t Tui ii-iHly etliut raiioilouiw
'," -iiiim-h with '". y """
" ? "We'll beneer friend", lliu mmui
I Willi III llllU'llllM'."
Hint""" " ' J mine's Ul'tary.
)i.,HH t..otii.g of F.pworth I-eague
Ire will be " t'rvi Sunday '
pliristian church.
C Iuly' l,u,,,, "" up,H,r 6Milo
il',rrU-t are just ripening,
picnic will he held on the Fourth of
; t Roselai.d farm on 3-Mile.
jCliiniion and Anderson shipped
' sheep across the river thin uiorn-
he river at Umatilla Iiiih risen one
hiiiI two-tenths in the IuhI twenty
fct hours.
I. I,. I'nw.ill on IMeHHaiit Ridge finds
T. . . .. .. i : I.. II
lilnck cup ritHpiMirnes ug quite wen
i place.
I Wurd is having alder wood
cl from the Waldron place to hid
i. The wood in flrHt-clitHi.
C. Tyler, Portland, has hied un ap-
Vtion at the treasury department for
V W of customs nt Portland.
U'. Phcltis on a recent visit to
o.sold five lieaderH, a number of
r truckM and numerous other
liuya roller mum are now iimam
... .1 ITl 1... ..a n
mi quality 01 Hour. 1 1"7
,y of wheat that w ill run them for
ii time.
HrHt cherries of the season ol
. i n W A
it' JfroW 111 were nerii luiuijr m n .
liv's. They came from the home ot
1 Irene AtiuniH.
M. llarriinun of 1'iiie Hollow ih
ing lino lot i young ciin Keim
i . . i ..I ; .1
v are Rose Coinh, ISrown leghorn
Light Itruhmu.
if are in receipt of un invitation to
ml (lie Heveulh annual commence
t of the I'niversity of Oregon, to he
at Liigeuo, June lH-22d.
nrv Simon ot i ine nouow nan a
young orchard consisting of apples,
nruneR. etc. lie thinks the sd-
r tlie best prone for hill land.
mil Bros, have jiiHt purchased the
lilile stock ranch of T. R. Davidson,
lillieur county, with all its appurte
lit aim l,mw ncaa oi came, juinen
I . . i l ..I T
1 left on the noon train to take
K meeting of all ladies w ho are inter
yA in the culture of flower is called
V tomorrow afterniMin at 2 o'clock at
V residence of Mrs. H. L. Brooks. At
Jr mreting the proKsition will lie dis-
xcJ of brining a part of the Floral
inch of the Oregon Horticulture
I'l'ty, to meet in l'ortland soon.
hiittiriluy'a Dull).
What ilmn tin- hlK Infnnta think
lit Wniliington. fommitb?
Anil ul tliut lull.' White House pink
The mull Infant- Until.
e Union Pacific has met the freight
pair of glasses found w ith tortoise
II rim. Inquire nt thin office.
u-re are several caHei of diphtheria
rted in the old fcarrison, und one
light shower vinilcd this section this
ning, which wan barely enough to
(III' (lllHt.
iirawberries are coining into market
y and lurgo quantities are being
& eust and went every day.
hi alternoon'n wind is from the
"it, and in the heaviest wind
the memorable Oth of Jnnunry,
P 'oil River in shipping over 300 craten
Itmw berries daily to eastern marketn
l week their export will average 600
'H mr day.
he renignatiun of 0. J. Mulkey, of
town, a hrottier-in-!aw of Senator
ll'h, iHclal ngont of the treasury,
r ciiiieil fur yesterduy.
I' ins Aimee Newman cave muglcal
'urmil this afternoon at 3 o'clock, by
1 pupils. As wan anticipated, it
l to be a very pleasurable event.
lie city democrats will select a ticket
'tilt. It in not probable that the ro-
Iicans will follow suit, but a citizens
"t will be named a few days before
r railroad is lieing agitated at (looms
r.v, to carry 3t!f,000 bushels of w heat
I of that section. Ilight of way and
'f is promised, in return for a narrow
':o to Arlington to co-operate with
1 transportation company at The
'.II. llrown, formerly of The Dalles
1 suddenly of heart dinenne in Al
i yemcrdiiy morning, llis remains
tuken in i-hiugu bv the (i. A. K. of
f 'land, and will lie buried in their
"lit growers have a new grudge
HHt the ruliiiiH. Not rnntimr. u-irli
I1 '"H Imrrv Piitchen iinil cherrv trees.
iir.!n have junt learned the trick of
liing the lady 1hi;;h, which nro doing
li work in ridding llionpiilo
"f aphis.
a, lewis broke bin sheep-phenrini:
'limaiii. l.iiMtMondiiv he sheared
J' Urien 107 slicep in Keven and one-
l.ulf hours, besides helping corral all
the sheep. TliB day was not very favor
able for sheep shearing either, being
cold. Iader.
There will lie no world's fair excursion
trains from the went before August 1.
Whether or not there will he any after
that time dcfiends on circumstances.
This applies only to the lines in the
Wentorn I'aHttenger Association.
Messenger Kurtz, of passenger No. 2,
took on lant night 400 crates of straw
berries at Hood River and 3"0 at Pen
dleton, from Walla Walla, for Montana
points. Junt think of the strawberries
and cream they'll have in Montana.
W. C. Dawson was thrown from his
. . Mi. i i
wagon hy a collision inurnoay. m"
team was standing in the road, while
Dawson was talking to another team
ster, and a man named Moreton, who
was driving a hack, struck Dawson
team with the above result, uawson
fell on a rock, bruising him and breaking
rib. Ir. Doane is attending to his in
A telegram from Ellcnsbuigh relates
that the bank of Ren hniis at that
place has suspended, although no alarm
is manifested. To a rejiorter Mr. Kin-
ersly, of The Dalles, stated that the sit
uation, only reversed, was similar to
the man who starved to death on the
urairie wit'i a pocketful of $20 gold
pieces. The money moou iur n guuu
,li.,il of food, but lie couldn't eat the
.. ... i
gold. Mr. Snifies lias projierty repre
senting a good deal of money, hut it is
not a medium of exchange.
iloiiilny ' IiHlly
The Oakland, Or., fire caused a Ions of
The young people's concert at the
Congregational church lunt night was a
very pleasing afl'uir.
Hon. Ringer Hermann, congressman
tor the first district of Oregon, w ill de
liver the Fourth of July oration at Rose
burg. 8altmarshe A Co. shipped sixteen car
loads of fine stock sheep this morning to
Chicago from their stockyards, which
go via the Northern Rai-ific.
A tight wa:t on hand this morning
before Judge Schutx over the granting of
a liquor license in Hood River. The ex
amination was postponed until the
21st inst.
A. M. Creed, who lias the largest
strawberry farm in Wasco couuty,
located on Mosier creek, shipjied thirty
three crates yesterday of the famous
"Hood River berries."
Rev. Geo. Hodges of Pittsburg has
been elected assistant bishop for the di
ocese of Oregon, by the lay delegates of
the state. St. Raul's parish of The
Dalles was the only one unrepresented.
G. J. Farley's horse run away last
night, with a buggy attached, taking a
very eccentric course for a distance of a
mile or more. Nothing was harmed,
not even scratching off a particle of
Two box cms and an engine tender run
off an open sn itch into a hydrant tank
last night in the yards, sinking in the
dirt up to the axle. It was a narrow
escafie for the engine and a number of
other liox cars.
Nine head of young cattle are in the
city pound. The holy terrors with bell
attachment that are warranted to open
any gate in the city and devour the
family washing, the rubber hose and
sprinkler, are still at large.
llond Klrer Nw.
Mrs. Rose Neuleigh, daughter of M.
II. Nickelsen, is very sick.
Mrs. O. B. Hartly was a passenger on
the noon train for The Dalles Wednes
W. II. Pugh left for his homo in
Sherman county Thursday, going over
land. Two hundred and seventy-five crates
of strawberries was the shipment from
this place Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart started
for Trout Lake, Wash., Thursday morn
ing for a week's outing.
Miss Maud Shepaid of Tacoma came
up on the noon train Wednesday to visit
her aunt Mrs. H. L. Crapper.
g. W. Curran returned from Sherman
county last Saturday with 60 head of
young cattle for his Viento ranch.
Mr. Chriaa Nickelsen and Miss Ger
trude Rigsby, daughter of Rev. Rigsby,
will be married at the Belmont, M. E.
Church on next Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bartmess left for
Lafayette, Indiana, their old home, on
hint Wednesday night, lieing called by
the sickness of Mr. Bartmens' mother.
The Portland and Spokane Telephone
company nro setting their poles alont;
the state road. e understand they
will string the wire in about a month.
They will have 40 poles to the mile.
Marriage l.lrrne.
The following licenses are on file at
the court house :
Christian D. Nickolncn and Gertrudo
M. Rigby.
Geo. Slierrill and Mary E. Ohrist.
I'.m-kli'ii'K A rn lea Halve.
The Ix st salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, hoick, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
und nil f kin eruptions, ami posi
tively cuii h piles, or no puy required.
U is gnniiiTitecil to cive perfect satisfac
tion, or money refuiided. Price 2" cents
per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin-fisly.
A l.til f Iki Hl(lam HlMk arlty
lilx-overfid r l.a t'wilM,
. Telegram.
M. D. Conway, who owns 40 acres of ,
land near 1a Center, Wash., which in i
near the Columbia river between The r,.tty fA,.y R(.ket filled with rows as
Dalles and Portland, has discovered a j tlie liea(i prizei But every lady was for
ledgeof Rclginiii black marble on his , UUI8U, j receiving a prize, for the
land, which will probably net turn a
fortune. Mr. Conway accidentally dis
covered the ledge while making fence
posts about three weeks ago. In driv
ing a nail he struck a block of marble
with his hammer and chipfied off a
piece of it. Thinking it was coal, he
carried it home and showed it to some
visitors, who pronounced it an unknown
specimen of marble. He was referred
to Rev. R. D. Grant of this city, who is
an expert geologist, for further informa
tion, and coming to Portland he showed
the specimen to that gentleman. Upon
examination Mr. Grant pronounced it
a fine quality of marble. It was tested
with muriatic acid by marble experts,
and they were convinced that it was
very valuable. Yesterday Mr. Conway
took the specimen to Mr. Conway, of
the North Knd, who polished it and
found it to be Relgiam black marble.
This variety of marble, he said, was
very scarce in the United States, and
this is the first discovery known on the
coaHt. The marble, when polished, is
of a greenish hue.
Mr. Conway says that the ledge is
only 50 feet from the Columbia. It is
20 rods wide, and is in sight for 100 feet.
The marble is said to be worth 00 cents
a foot. Mr. Conway purchased the land
a year ago for $800.
A Fenrful aluari.
It is bad enough to have cows wander
ing at will through the streets and alleys,
without the added torture of the bells
which they invariably wear, making
night hideous and rest impossible.
There is a jound erected for these va
grant animals, as well as officers em
ployed to rr.n them in, and this should
lie done. And they are not only
troublesome, but dangerous. The other
night a number of therrf were congre
gated in an alley, near Mr. Egan's,
where there are sick people, and the
noise made by the bells so wore upon
the sick ones, that a boy was sent out
to drive them away. In the effort to
do so he was chased by one of them and
some of his clothes torn off his back
while trying to escape. Loose cows
should be impounded, and a specialty
made of those wearing bells.
Th Concert Tonight.
The concert tonight should be well
patronized by all true lovers of music.
The following is the corrected program :
rBT i.
Overture . .
Heleetma. . .
. .Jirntrirf
.... iatuLt
Cornet Holu
Ou the Rhine
. H'(l.'(;
Overture -Vaui-rtfr
Clnrimu't Solo
Selection IHitrttr
Violin Solo
MendellMvilm Wedding Mitrrh
Doors open at 8 o'clock, concert com
mences at 8 :30. Tickets can be pro
cured at leading stores, from members,
or at the hall. The hall will be comfort
ably seated.
Lively In the Et End.
The East End of the city presented a
lively appearance this morning. Wool
continues to come in steadily. Mr. A.
Scherneckau, w ho has returned from a
trip to Mitchell and Antelope, reports
that shearing is not all done and will
continue for some time owing to the
fact that shearers are scarce. Not more
than half the clip has been hauled,
which is the finest stnple as whole
that bns ever been produced in Eastern
Oregon, owing to favorable weather con
County SvhooU.
Wednesday, a reporter of the Cmkoni
ci.k visited the Pleasant Ridge school,
district No. 20, Miss Charlotte Roberts
teacher. Five boys and eleven girls
were found present. Miss Roberts is a
fine teacher and her pupils are making
good progress.lespecially in penmanship.
George L. Riggers' 8-Mile school was
also visited on Monday. Out of 32 en
rolled there were eighteen present,
twelve boys and six girls.
To the Alum.
L. E. Farrington, a student
of the
university from The Dalles, was ex
amined by the proper authorities Mon
day evening and committed to the asy
lum, where he was taken on the early
I train Tiiemlay by Gainey Mathews and
Frank Stewart, lie is 2b years ot age,
and bis insanity is said to be caused by
overntudy and lack of rest. Eugene
Kuae Whlitt.
Roses have len aptly termed the
"queen of (lowers." Such was the ver
dict of every lady who entered the lsier
of rones into which the parlors of Mrs.
W. Iird w ere transformed yesterday af
ternoon. In every available spin e were
placed the choicest ol roses, the jUilus-
trade lieimr twined with them from top
j to bottom, and each lady was prcsei
i with one as she entered, by which she
wan ti tind her partner, whose rose was
of f he sniiie variety and color. After the
I 'gen'.lcmen'' had secured tln ir partnors,
1 whist us the queen's f.iorite subject
until the games were plaved. when
hearts, diamonds, spades and even
clubs, gave place to a more substantial
trump, aM Mich a lunch certainly
proved to be the "winning card." Af-
,(.r t.n Hmes l0re na.l been plaved,
Mrs. Mvers was ureHentmi with a verv
receiving a prize,
hostess, not content with the more than
admirable manner in w hich she had en
tertained her guests, bade them carry
away all of the roses they wished.
The following ladies were fortunate
enough to be present : Mrs. W. Lord,
Miss Ktta Ird of Chillicotha. Ohio,
Mesdames F. Houghton, J. W. French,
N. B. Kinnott, E. Schutx, J. Marden, S.
L. Brooks, W. 8. Myers, M. French, II.
Glenn, W. Hohson, W. E. Rinchart, A.
Thompson, L. E.Crowe, W. H. Wilson,
II. 8. Wilson, J. Fish, J. T, Peters, L.
D. Ainsworth, J. C. Hostetler, G. C.
Blukeley, A. S. Bennett, W. L. Brad
shaw, J. B. Crossen, Misees Virginia
Marden and Rose Michell.
A Fin Entertainment.
As predicted by the Chrosicli, the
concert last night in Wingate'a hall was
the musical event of the season. The
excellence of the orchestra, under the
unassuming title of "The Dalles String
Band," proved a revelation, even to
those who were best informed upon
what to expect. The poetry of music
cannot be described upon patter. It has
often U?en tried, but always in vain, for
the reason that the comparisons made
are always inferior to that to which it
is compared. The beginning overture,
"Beatrice," with its beautiful harmo
nies, revealed to the audience w hat was
to lie expected, and the promise did not
fail throughout. Mr. Benton's cornet
solo w-s a very difficult selection in
triple tonguing, every note of which,
even to the 32ds, was brought out clear,
sharp and musical. The clarionet solo,
a piece similar in character, and quite
as pretty, was faithfully rendered by
Mr. Long. The violin solo by Mr. Birg
feld was, of course, the best selection.
The violin is king of instruments, and
Mr. Birgfeld is a master. He plays
with superb expression, and can ex
tract from it every sound within range
of the gamut. Now tenderly sweet,
seductive and mellow, again bold, dash
ing and brilliant, Mr. Birgfeld awakes
from his instrument sounds that will
soothe or electrify, and commands an
attention that permits of no distraction.
A large house greeted the first con
cert of this excellent orchestra, and they
were repaid by hearing the finest exhi
bition of home talent ever given in the
musical line.
The encores were Messrs Benton,
Long aud Birgfeld.
Want More Room.
The Wasco Warehouse Co. are putting
in a gallery almost the entire length of
their warehouse for the purpose of stor
age of the wool clip that is coming in.
The ground floor and awnings now are
full and the additional amount coming,
compels more room. When this gallery
is completed it will afford a storage
floor of 500 by 50 feet besides awning
floor. The warehouse will then have a
storage floor of 300x132 feet.
A Sample of Wheat.
P. W. Knowles yesterday brought in
a sample of fall-sown wheat, of the blue
8teu; variety, which was raised on A. C.
Santord's place near Wamic. This
measures four feet in height, with heads
forming upon it on an average of five
inches in length. It is not selected from
a place better than the rest, but there
is fifty acres of it just as good as the
sample shown. It is expected the yield
will average 35 bushels to the acre.
Advertlaed Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Friday, June 10th. JH0.5,
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised:
Abbot J R Benrer Fritz
Bernard Nellie Canto Mrs J A
Davis Mrs Iander Davis Mrs Helen
1 1 ol brook Mrs Geo If Harvey Mrs Jack
Johnson B F
Johnson Andrew
Iwis Andrew
McConley Crist
McKelvey G W
Thomas Mrs Seth
Mixer C A
Me.Calvev Melvina
Robnett Tern py
Calwash Wm
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Home Flue Work.
The Cmiosu i k has just finished a job
of county printing which is a credit to
the Oregon art preservative. Iho en
graving and printing wa U done in
The Dalles. The engraving is a copper
plate from a photograph, buth by our
well-know n photographer D. C. Herrin,
and is a Iteautiful representation of the
court house and grounds. The Ciiuoni
i i k is able to turn out an fine work as
can be done in Portland, mid in fact
much lietter than the work ordinarily
turned out nt our metropolis.
Arc you insured? If not. now is the
time to provide yourself niul family with
n Kittle of Chamberlain's t.Vlic, Cholera
and Diarro-ho Remedy an an insurance
uirainst anv seiious results from mi at-
i tack of bowel complaint during the sum-
r months. It is almost . tertnm to be j
.1 and should be procun .1 at once.
No other remedy can tiik.' its place or
,i,.;KurL. ".-nind "i0 cent bottles ("M
i!o by Blukeley iV Mutiglitoii.drusrgisis.
The Bortjr ot mm Indian Woman Found
In the fiilunihla.
This morning while Frederick Wal
ther, an old man, was gathering drift
wood on the river in a small boat, he
noticed a bodv floating bv. which he
secured and towed to shore near the
foot of Federal street. Notifying the
coroner, Mr. Eastwood at once empan
lled a jury, when, alter listening to all
the evidence available, it was decided to
bury her. The verdict w ill be rendered
later in the day.
The body wa nude, with the excep
tion of some leggings which the Indians
wear, the clothes having been torn off.
Indian Wesley pronounced her to be the
wife of Jo Jo, and one of the tour
drowned at Arlington about two weeks
ago. Jo Jo is now in the penitentiary
at Salem. Of the four drowned, an old
man and boy, and an old and young
woman, all have now been found but
the old man, the young woman and boy
having been found at (Grants day be
fore yesterday. The fatality was caused
by the canoe careening and filling with
water, while crossing the river at Ar
lington during a high wind, all four
having been precipitated into the water
and drowned.
The body of the woman found here
was buried in the city cemetery this
E. W. Helm and I. A. Byrne came in
from Chicken Springs yesterday.
Chas. B. Wood, general agent of the
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
company, called this afternoon
New England!
Loan Associ f
msiness. T
W. H. Frazier of the
National Building and Loa
tion, is in The Dalles on business.
Mr. Henry Mayhev of Kinsley called
on this office today. He reports the
condition of grain as first rate.
Messrs. A. J. Sherman and Eugene
Looney of Mitchell called on us today.
They report everything as being pros
perous in his section.
Misses Mary Hamilton and Augustine
Guyette of Kingsley are in the city
stopping today, ansa Hamilton win
leave on the afternoon train for Oregon
City, having been visiting friends and
relatives for a couple of weeks at Kings
ley and Dufur.
Mr. Truman Butler it in the city.
Mr. Ed. Roberts returned to Portland
this morning.
Michael Deitshtenmiller of Mosier is
in town today.
Hon. A. J. Dufur sr., of Dufur came
in town todav.
Misses Moody and L. Hirsch of Salem
are guests of Mrs. W. H. Moody.
Miss Evelvn Newman went to Port
land on the evening passenger yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, parents
ot Balfe Johnson, arrived today from
Oregon City on a visit to friends and
Mr. Wm. Millican of Goldendale is In
the citv. He expects to move bis family
to Seattle later and make that city his
future home.
Mrs. W. G. Woodworth arrived today
and will assist in the musical part of
the ceremonies of the dedication of the
Baptist church tomorrow.
Mr. S. G. Blackerby of Wapinitia ar
rived in the city last evening. He con
firms all that is said about the fine and
promising condition of the crops.
Sam Creighton of 3-Mile made the
Ciikonici.e a call this morning, r-peait
ing of the fruit prospects, he said that
while the cherries had dropped off to
some extent, the setting ol pears and
apples is unexampled for good results.
Mrs. Naomi Fairfowl is the guest of
Mrs. J. Schenck.
Mr. Nello Johnson came up on the
train Saturday evening.
Mrs. W. G. Woodworth returns to
Portland this afternoon.
Mr. Frank W. Peasley of Contention
is in the city on business today
Misses Evelyn Newman and Myrtle
Michell returned on the noon train from
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent and
daughter leaves tonight for Chicago to
take in tlie world s lair.
Geo. II. Blakelev eoea to Portland to
night to attend the meeting of the Phar
maceutical association.
Frank Huot returned today from I
trip to the headwaters of the John Day,
where he has been on a business trip.
Snow is nearly gone except in the deep
Frank Garretson, M.S. Jameson and
John Booth took a rusticating trip to
Mosier yesterday, and succeeded in land
ing 103 trout, especially the two first
T. M . Whiteomb. of Lvle, came up on
the noon train today. The Sunday
school up there observed Children's
Dav. and a very fine programme was
carried out.
H. C. Rineharl. of Summerville. ac
companied by his sister, Miss l.ulu Rine
hart, and his wife, arrived today on
viit to his brother, Dr. V. K. Rinehart,
of thia city.
Mr. ieo. II. Blukeley und w ife left on
the 4 :20 p. m. passenger today fur l'ort
land, the former to attend the meeting
of the Pharmaceutical association, and
the hitter to iisit friends and relatives.
Reports from Jinl'a Fulton, nf Sher
man county, indicate tiuu i hi. J.j
Fulton's condition is much Improved and i
hopes are entertained that lie will re-,
cover from liU criticnl situation and be j
' able to be himself icain flwrtly. ,
Mart. P.mncl!. a y.mip man who is
widclv aii-i favorably known bonrciti
,i'ii".'hns risii'iied his po.-ii'"ii at Helm;
(Vs. driis; tore, preparatory to leav- '
ing the citv. lie will be Hieive.leil by;
Mr. Byrne, n t.riner partner i'i the
establishment. !
Miss Charlotte Huberts ielt on touay
4 :2J p. i. paseiv.gcr to attend the
mencement exercises at the state uni
versity at Eugene, which take place on
the 2-.M innt. Her brothers, D. II. and
T. M. Holerts, will be graduated at that
time. We extend our congratulation
to these young gentlemen in having that
honor conferred upon them.
D. H. Vundcrpool and wife returned!
to their Willamette valley home today ,
ana were accompanied tiy lr. W. I.. V an
derpool of Dufiir. Wliile at Dufur the
visiting brother, who is a bee man of
vast exiierience. entertained the neoDle
of the town by securing and hiving soma
wild hoes, which had been found in
tree on A. J. Dufur'a place, a mile un
Pine creek.
The Wool Market.
Messrs. Allen A Lewis say in regard
to the condition of the wool market :
"The market continues dull and de
pressed. Buyers are hard to find, even
at extreme low prices. Sales have been
made here of Valley in small lots at 14
cents. Very little has been done in
Eastern. Values range between 8 cents
and 14 cents."
This is the opinion of Wadhams A Co.,
who say:
"The market is not alone unsettled on
account of the tariff, but owing to the
stringency of the money market buyer
are not making any engagements.
Banks are not willing to furnish the coin
to even the most responsible dealers,
and consequently the eheepraisers will
have to hold their wool for the present."
The city democrats held an "enthu
siastic and harmonious" meeting at the
court house Saturday evening. The
following ticket was placed in nomina
tion :
Mayor S B Adams.
Recorder Geo .
Flrst ard J 1
Recorder Geo Herbert.
mer Booth.
B Crossen, water com
missioner for three years; Wm. Dunn,
water commissioner for one year;
councilman D C Ireland.
Second Ward Water commissioner.
James Harper; councilman Emil
The democratic city committee for the
ensuing year will be Dr. Rinehart, R.
F. Gibons and J. B. Crossen. Dr. Rine
hart announces that he will refuse to
Keal Estate.
Wm. Shackelford and wife to George
Anderson, lota A, B, C, D, E and F,
block 102, Ft. Dalles Military Reserve
Dalles City ; $75.
Dalles Land and Improvement Co., to
Lucy T. Taylor, lot 14, block 5, Thomp
son's addition ; $175.
Stricken Down with Heart Disease.
Dr. antes Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
flKTTLEMrn : I feci it mj duty, as well as
pfountre, to publish, unsolicited, to the world th
benefit received from pa. Mill' rTonTivt
trMCDtcs. I wis stricken down with Heart
tHmeamm and its complicai ions, a rapid pulse vary
ing f rom 90 to 140 beats per minute, a chokinsor
burning sensation in. the wind, pipe, oppression
srlon of tbe heart and below lower lib, pain In the
arms, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, weakDost
and central debility. Tbe arteries in my neck
would throb violently, the throbbing of my heart
ron Id be heard arrows a Urge room and would
abake my whole body. I was so nervous that I
could not hold my hand steady. I Aaee Aeea
mrfer ine treatment of omtnen phjBtflana,
anti have takra gallon of i"utis Iwtetne
without tho lensl benefit. A friend recom
mended your remedies. Siio Wa cured by 1)1.
Miles' remedies, lbuveukeu m n mm mm
three bottles of your hew I- M W J
Jleart Cure and two bottles w laa mmr
r-ervliie. Mv pulse Is normal, I have no mora
violent throbbimiof the heart, I a will
I sincerely recommend every oDe with symptoms)
of Heart Disease to ttK Mtr. jiuor Jl.
atrM ITmhmIIu aifltrf be ewreel.
Ovpsum City, Kaua. L. t. Claims.
ttl. liy nlitM A liini-lM.
P'o' l;.-ni-y for f :il.-rr'l I'
l.i-t. K.isi,-t t- l -c, ""-I lie.
I'J : -.-,,-
. or tt t'f ii.ui.
U Cut. i.. Y. h-v.ui,
, V tUTt-ia, 1