THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1893 The Weekly Gbronicle. WHOLESALE ill'KhKR. OFFICIAL i'AI'KK OK WASCO COfNTY. BY HAIL (VOSTAUS mXrAID) IN ADVAXCI. One vear l ..... ....... M Six moot k . Tureo month. Advertising rates rcaimable. and made known ou application. Aitiins all eommnnlrationj to "THE CRRON" H'Lt. ' 1 he llallea, Orexoll. Goeemor rVereutry of State Treasurer Bupl. ol Public Instruction. rauators The Telep-ain thus "ieuks of the ter rible casualty ttt Washington ij The iiiiiul ahrln&a in horror while -" J contemplating the ghastly cvne In Kntereu at the tt..rllce at The Dalit., Oregon. ; vahillKton tmluv. A tillililillg uaed bv as atvuud t'laas mall inalter. i , the government a- a storage for the war rH'HsiKirTloN KATES. ilepartment records collapses, burying in its nuns Iiuiutretls ot persons who art; the victims of suniebody'a criminal carelessness. The city otlicialsof Wuh ington and the government otliciuls are equally to blamr the former for not tearing the oh! building down long ago, and the latter for occupying a building which had beuu condemned ua unsafe for habitation. And then to add more criminality to their carelessness they permitted an excavation to be made un der the building when it was known to be in an unsound condition. One can hardly realize that such careless methods should prevail in any city governed by intelligent human beings. The persons responsible for this disaster should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The old theater was made historical from being the scene of Mr. Lincoln's assassination. It has never been used as a playhouse since. For a long time it remained unoccupied, and was finally leased by the government and used as a depository for the war records. Four hundred clerks were employed in the building, all of whom were carried down to death or mutilation in today's catas trophe. The indulgence of a sentiment because it had been the scene of Mr. Lincoln's assassination wan the excuse for permitting the building to stand af- statk ornuiALB. H. Pennover O. W. .MeHrlde Phillip MetM'han . E. H. Mc Klroy iJ. N. Dolpb )J. H Mitchell iv,,,,. IB. Hermann onyrnmen jv . K. KUn d tuts Printer Frank baker COUNTY Ot-PICiAl.H. Tountv Judge, Geo. C. Blaitelev Bheritl'. t . .T. A. Viari Clerk J. B. Croenen Treasurer Wm. Mtehell tJaa. Daruielle Commlaatooer. Kinoaid AaaeftMir Joel W. Rnontz Surveyor E. F. sharp Superfnteudeiit of Public schools . .Troy Shelley Conquer N. M. EaatvtoiHl HOW OLO IS MAN? Kvldeore that the I'arlrlo Coaat ilucea til Oltteel Iteiuallie. I' ro- The Hoston Herald estimates that the National banks hold alwit f 170,0tXl,CtX of gold in their vaults. Practically every dollar of this would le handed over to the secretary of the treasury in exchange for United States lionds. Many persons will wonder why the bankers do not use some of this gold to meet the foreign de mand, instead of calling upon the treas ury department to lind the yellow metal for them. There seems to be something Vt ' ttu-ti for the I'll kon it .K. In some articles in former issues of the Ciihomci.k, I have endeavored in my own way to give you a hunt idea of the generally accepted theories regard ing the formation of our fossil ledg and the preservation of their contents, the only records left to us of life in the past ages of our world. In speaking of ages in this connection, we cannot doubt but that the age of man Is now onlv in its iiifaucv. when we compare it with these past times, when even the scm hi a nee of a creature like man did not exist on all the earth. We have ubund ant evidence all around us of the long and now quiet past, gone so long that we cannot comprehend the time that has llown. The great ;question now is when did man antiear on the earth to wonder at the strange things that all these ages upon ages, under the direc tion of a Mighty Tower, have brought forth? There is no fluent ion but that man first existed in a condition, with regard to intellect, very slightly re moved from the brute creation, and in that condition he appeared .but a few centuries ago. when compared with the awful lapse of time passed before he appeared upon the scene. When we require food. Nature tells us by making us hungry. When we are in danger Nature causes us to fear. Self-preservation is the first law of nature, therefore it is most natural to suppose that the first action of man j ter it had been condemned by the local i after being endowed w ith reason was authorities. But that was no excuse for toward nlieying these imperative de permitting it to be occupied. mauds of nature. He did this by mak The heart grow-B sick with reading the ling rude Implements, and the remain details of this almost unparalleled of these implements are the first evi- calamity. Four hundred men, repre- deuces found of his existence. Tin radically wrong in our financial system. When the banks of Kugland, France or Germany are losing gold too fast they put up the rate of discount. On one or two occasions the bank of England has refused specie payments, and yet sentatives of good families from all parts in which these first remains are found IV) we not make a fetich of gold in our financial system? The proposition to establish govern ment warehouses or sub-treasuries where agricultural products might lie deposited money borrow ed thereon was denounced generally as preposterous, says tho Louisvilie Courier Journal. The dis cussion of the idea did not strengthen on the contrary, it has ceased to be trade in England was not paralyzed. , of the union, employed in the govern ment service, went to their work this morning with light hearts, und never dreaming of the terrible fate that was awaiting theui. Suddenly, and without warning, the walls parted and the floors gave way, hurling the occupants of the building into a pit of death. It was wholesale muader, and the murderers should be made to pay the penalty. a living issue, and has been almost for- History is said to repeat itself, and It 14 rttTilVl liiAi if u-llt I.-b erl nnnnar I et gotten. What the government refused il' 7 t . f .1 , f..... .... , 7 a , i lP'ents. Last year the berry to do tor the farmer it has done and is doing for the silver miner. Indeed, it is doing more for the miner than any representative of the farmer ever dared - Ma:. Instead of receiving the silver on deiMsit at the owners' risk, the govern nient.actuully purchases all the product ot the American miner with the avowed vmirpose of keeping up the market price. Since dollars are coined out of sixtv cents' worth of silver, says the Scientific African, it is uo wonder that counter feiters have turned honest and are get- ' ting out dollars containing the same - aiaomt of silver as the genuine, and VCTidistinguishable from the mint issue. In former times, when a silver dollar was worth 100 cents, counterfeiters had shippers rushed their products into Ilelenaand Butte, glutted those markets, forced prices down, and put the fruit merchants there in a position to under sell the shipper here in all the outside markets. The same thine is beinsr done j this year, and unless a halt is called the results will lie anything but gratifying. The union is a step in the right direction, but the independent shipper handicaps it. The small markets along the road must be looked up and supplied, to the end that Helena and Butte cannot con trol the market and dictate prices, or there is going to be a quick and heavy fall in values. Glacier. The question whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable lias finally heen ilo. to use baser metals, which soon led to cided bv the supreme court of the United their detection. But when the govern- j 8tilte9. " 8everaI yearB ai?0 Bonie inl. went itself gives a fictitious value to its , .,,.,,.. came thmmrh ,h n,,.. coinage, who is there to deprecate the acts of individuals who issue a dollar of the game value as the government? Of the many locomotives at the world's Columbian exhibition, English, Fren:h, American, the towering form of No. 9"J9 is particularly attractive by reason of the great exploit made therewith on the 10th of May last, when it was run at the wonderful rate of 112 miles per hour be tween Batavia and Buffalo. The machine weighs 124,000 pounds. There are four drivers. The cylinders are 19 inch di ameter and 24 inch stroke. Built at the shops of the New York Central & Hud eon Kiver Railway, West Albanv, New York. There is a big advantage to be gained in the large cities in the fact that the Chinese did not register. There are a large number of them who are well known as criminals, hut who, neverthe less, cannot lie convicted for lack of evi dence. Let the inspectors band in the names of such parties for deportation, and we shall be rid of a bad element, a consummation that alone will make the Geary law profitable. French painters are agreed about the absurdity Bnd bad taste of the art de partment of the fair in refusing to allow Anderson's "Woman Taken in Adul tery" to be exhibited. Artists claim that Americans have no right to screen a picture in a foreign section. The gov rnment has not the right to interfere w ith tho pictures in a foreign exhlhit. torn house in New York city, when the collector classified them as vegetables and collected duty accordingly. The im porter disputed this point and claimed tomatoes to be fruit and entitled to come free. The matter, was taken into the court; which decided in favor of the collector's claim that the tomato is a vegetable. On account of the depression in the wool market, which is no doubt the re sult of combined action on the part of therefore indicate the time of the true birth of man, for before that time ar rived he cpuld not have been classc with the true man endowed w ith reason Archeology teaches us that man existence is divided into three epochs named tne stone age, the bronze age and the iron age. The stone age is the only one w ith which we w ill deal, as history tells almost all about the age of bronze, and we are now living in the iron age. The stone age has been di vided into the paleolithic, or old atone age, but this go called old stone age is only as old a the mammoth, which also existed in the newer stone age These divisions in the epoch of man have been fully established in Europe but in other countries thev have not been. The South sea islanders are still in me stone age, and tins continent was likewise three hundred years ago. Science has had very much unreliable evidence to contend with in arriving at the proper conclusions regarding man's antiquity. The very earliest of even this class of evidence takes us back to the miix-ene period, or the middle ter tiary. This consists only of flint chip- pings and some scratchings on pieces of bone, which might have Ix-en done through some agency other than by the hand of man. The pliocine man's exis tence is not so doubtful, but that man existed in both Eurojie anil America as early as the middle of the quaternary period, there is abundant evidence. There was found in the terraces of the river Somin; in France, some years since, chipped flint implements, with the bones of the horse, mammoth, rhi noceros, hippopotamus and hyena. These relics were found in a gravel de posit beneath the river loam, thirty feet below the surface, where they could never have Wen disturbed. There are many other instances that might be noted in England, Germany, Belgium, Denmark anil t ranee, as well hd in Hrtpdilnrnra if u.-nnM wn 41.!.! lu. . , - ..,.,,, trc a l,.,,,.,- 11, n, !,, .....: .1. ..11 , . . i , t , , ..... . , ..., Din, ri uiiiiiiniujiuDiy mat good plan for our wool growers to also niftn Hf .... ,. ' . - - - -". . i . i j iiiti t; wui? found in a cave at Engis, on tho Meuse river, near Liege, Belgium, a humun skull, the great antiquity of which could never lie questioned. It was found as sociated with bones of qnarternary ex tinct species and of those now living. This skull is well shaped and evidently of a human lieing of considerable intel ligence. It was found beneath a heavy crnst of stalagmite at the bottom of the cave. There was found in the celebrated cave of Mentone, near Nice, a iew years since, the most interesting specimen of man ever discovered. It was the com plete skeleton of a tall and well formed man, and that he lived in the quater nary epoch there is no doubt. With him was found bones of tho cave bear, cave lion, rhinoceros and reindeer, to gether with bones of existing species. The bones of this ancient being were all in place, and within his reach he hail left his flint implements and the spoils of the chase the bones of the reindeer. Twenty-two perforated teeth of the stag were lound atmtit his head. These nrc supposed to have been his necklace. .Many other instances might be named wnere these relics bave Wen found in various parts of Europe, but the an tiquity of those mentioned are the most In Americu, the earliest no ils Wen found coast, the most reliable ones being fiiinl in Calavarns combine and ship their own wool. The leeches now in The Dalles, who have been sent out by eastern manufacturers and commission swindlers should not be allowed to purchase a pound of our wool A .1. t ... . a uireaieiieii lariu reduction lias no more to do with the price of wool than a Presbyterian assembly has to do with Christianity. 1'rineville News The Salem papers, frightened at the row they have stirred up in the matter of the soldier's home and fearing that an indignant populace will cause tho removal of the capitol, are throwing mud at Mr. Sherman who sued oat the injunction. The time when intelligent people can be deceived by a scape-goat has gone by. The people of Salem made the kick and must take their punish ment, if the people of the state kick back. Glacier. These iecimens consist of two human skulls and some mortars and estles, and were taken from the older gravel dcKsit underlying the lava overflow o( that region w hich Mongs to the pliocene period. If the finding M these remains are taken as authentic, there is no doubt left as to their great antiquity, for the present rivers have In some places cut through this lava formation at a depth of 2,000 to 3,000 feet. If, however, these are not considered at all, the l'acilic coust has produced from the more recent placer gravels of California, well au thenticated remains of man. Thep be long to the quaternary age, and lime Wen found with remains of both extinct and living animals, and among them, those of the mastadon, elephant mid the horse are found. It has been thought possible that these ancient people limy have come here from Asia, but they could have gone from here to Asia lis well. I have now mentioned some of the oldest and most reliable instances of the finding ot the remains of ancient man, and that they are old almost be yond our comprehension there is no doubt, but how old? The geologist can only count the periods, epjehs, ages, etc., but to count them in years it is very hard alter we once get into the dis tant past, beyond the reach of history. Geologists generally uppcar to concede that man first came into existence in Asia, but by w hat modi) of reasoning I could not say, as remains of man as old, if not older than any found in Asia or Euroe, have been found in this country. The age of man, in vears, has been es timated at from 10.0(H) to 100,000 years, but still the great mystery of the true birth of man into the world is yet un solved, and until that time arrives, if ever it does arrive, the greatest mystery to man will W himself. I.. S. p. Ilapliat C'hureH Doillralail. The ceremonies attendant upon the dedication of tho Baptist church yester day were successful and Impressive. Kev. linmsiilii of Bulfulo prenched the dedicatory sermon. Present were Iters. Curtis, of the Hrst Congregational, and Wliisler, of the First M. E. church of this citv. Mrs. Wood worth of Portland snug "Nearer Mv God to Thee." In the evening Kev. J. C. Baker preached The first to receive the rite of baptism were Miss Slut and Dayton Taylor In the baiitistrv. The church was bril liantly lighted with incandescent lights. Fifty cents Is a small doctor bill, but that is all It will cost you to cure an or dinary case of r 1 1 i-it in n I ' h t i if you use Chamberlain's Pain f 'it I in . 'fry it and vou w ill Ik surprised nl I lie relief it af fords. The lirst application will quiet the pain. f0 cent Unties for sale by Blakeley A Houghton, di ugists. Ural ratal. State of Onv'on to John l.enz, 40 acres in section .'.'i, tow nship 2 north, range 10 east ; fxo. Motivy in l.imn. I have money to loan on short time loans. Gko. W. Swift's $PUlik Tha eM tua. "dr from nr wanipa and -,.' snnafirutiAth7T" A aatonlahuw ik..w "! (,. .... phralxlanlaklU. TharauLT' LlnlMhlnhltJ " rrmdloata, Pnlaona outwardly abirlM fault of vll. dlaaaaaa torn within all potent km almpla famadjr. It a aa L " ".mi., up in. uui nu raauia.oiirwi all iiw artilna from Imnura blond or waaaaaad IT MaadfurairaaUaa. taamlnUi.urou Buokjoa i .vmtm rm ir;i If I II I f I A VW 1 aA.aaW- 1 l 1 -17. IJI I M I (ft Hi ,,,. JtmOOUta Mi It. DWirT 8PICIFIC Xrawr a, Atlanta, Oa. Ask your Dealer -roii tiik- No .'. Arrlrva " . . '(! ItT IN f.KANT. The Grant County Murderer Will Hans Other C'uurt Newa. W. F. (ialiin, jointly indicted with l.ina Shaw for the murder of Jl.. W Shaw, her husband, has lieeu tried ami convicted of murder in the first degree ai me urant county term of circuit court before Judge James A. Fee. In speaking of the trial the lluker City Itemocrat says: i"The prisoner is a large, well-built, muscular man, of powerful physique, but a glance is suffi cient to satisfy one of his brutal nature and .animal instincts. Throughout tlie entire trial, as damning evidence of his guilt was adduced by the statu, lie sat with apparent .stoic indifference as to the result, and seemed to lie satisfied if J he could only save his neck from the halter. Ilut his nerve deserted him when Judge Fee sentenced him to expi ate his crime on the gallows on Friday, the Hth day of July. Ho broke down completely. bile in the court room he kept his face buried in his hands and handkerchief, sobbing like a child, and between his sobs his heavy breathing ml inhalation of gasps for breath could be distinctly heard over the entire court room. The triul ef I.inu Shuw, the accomplice and paramour of ( ialiin, was taken up on Friday. The evidence directly barging her w ith being an accomplice in the crime was that of (ialiin, but as there was no other corroliorating evi- ence the jury, ufter a brief dcliliera' tion, brought in a verdict of not guilty. It is the general belief, however, tliat tlie woman is just as guilty as the man. TIME (rAlil.KN. liallruaila. I A ST anl'MO. II 4.' I', it Dt'iiaru II V) I' l ui r. m. Li, r. it WIST aot'ND. No. 1. Arnvca 3 IV a. h. Jwparta 3 In a. m " " r. n. i:jn t. a Two liK-ai frvltrhls tlmt carry iNisM-nirrra lrvv one lor m mi at 7 uu a a., and out' fur lite tat al V lu A. H. TA(.l:. hnr frtiiovilut, via. lltae Oven, lntvt dilly at ,i a. m . AiiM.iiw, Mltclicll, Canyon City, leayt' dully at t. a. h. (or Imlnr, Kcnr.loy. Wnnitr, Vt uliittlit. Warm snrnnrt sud lymi V alloy, Uvc dally (rxcepi allium ; ni n . (or tiiiMrtnldlr. Waah., leave every dny of the irivii nuiiiiiiY lit I A. a. Ulticva fur all Uuw at tliv I'liiatlltu ll"!i"v. II. t'ltOFK.SAHt.Nitl.. II. lilllDKI.lATT.IMSIIY.AT I.AIT- t.'nnrt hlrivl. 1 lie lull.k, OrtKmi. M'Fi;tl. PHASE MKNUril t'Kt K, MKNKKKK - ArtuaNava-at LAW KiMims l' and ti. ever riwt u.'ll.T iiniidiiiK. Kutraiiti-uu W anlilnn ton tltreut The iJalltM, uretron. IV I s. HKSNKTT. ATTOHNKY AT I.AVt . . fli"e in iM'lianuo a building, up ataira. oaiUM, truKon. Of The I t iiyt a. a.HrNTiNrrruN ii.i. wiuon. AVri, IH'NTIMiTON A W I IXON ATTna nkth at law tiltiriv., r rrut'ti a MocA over Klrat National liaua. ' 'i ' liallea. Oreffuii. If WllXIS ATTtiKNKT AT LA W - Knimi 'C and a.;. New Votft bluck.befrond street. rtie I'allva, trriiu. KSIIKI.V.AN (linn corATHiff I'KTmruii ami htmoKoM. tia kumwrml nrtMiitlv i y or mKiiL. 'Uy orciiuuiry. 17 CatmpuiMii btiick. to mul wU I)Ko It is stated upon the authority of the officers of the United States defense vessel Monterev that the double-tur- reted monitor will come tlown from Mare island navy yard on the 2oth inst., and after taking fresh stinnlies will leave for Portland. She will go direct to Astoria, proceeding up the Columbia ami Willamette rivers. The crew of the Monterey is being daily drilled, so that hen the vessel reaches Portland it will be well trained. Some folks seem to be surprised at j the recently announced intention of the It is a question of right and wrong and j Mohammedans to send missionaries to not of the moruliiy of the work. j the United States. They hove as much - i right to try to convert us as we have to The contract for the erection of the try to convert them in India, and doubt dormitory at the state university otEu-i less their success will be fully equal to gene City wsh H to Mer. HutchinsA ours. Southwick of Salem for tlo,"G7. Salern ' ought to try an injunction on it ami A strange coincidence is found in the have the money expended in that city. 'at that the Ford theater collapsed on reliable The state buildings "you know," belong the day that Edwin Pooth, the brother 1 peurance of man so far bn to her greatpe.a , ol llio man who assassinated Lincoln, on the Pacific 1 wa buried A question frequently asked is "What ' is a knot"' us applied to a distance traversed by a ship. It Is 0,fiHi;.7 feet. An ordiiiiiry mile in ",'Jvt feet, so that you cm c.'icuiate how much longer a knot is than n mile. . ,' i"'"' 1,1 I able iiiotintiiiii in Calif, jini.vew iom vtorm nas interviewed , These were said bv Jim Hill has announced a huge cut in rates on tho Great Northern, and Ore gon Pacific and the steamship compan ies have commenced the fight on the south. The Union Pacific and the Northern Pacific are most affected, and Portland is between two fires. Cleveland has just learned that Mur phy and Markley were recommending Weaver men for office, and lias conse quently turned them down. Cleveland has peculiar reasons for not liking Weaver men, especially those of Oregon. It in understood that the name of a town in Ohio Fostoria numed after ex-recreiary foster, has been changed to P.ustoria, since the ex-secretary of the treasury mail,; an assignment. Ir. M. J. Pnvis is a prominent physi cian of Lewis, ( ass county, Iowa, and bus been actively engaged in the practico of medicine at that place fr tho past thirty-five years. On the 2lith of .May, while in Ih-h Moines en route to Chicago,' ho was suddenly taken with an attai k ni diarrlio a. IlaW.ig sold Chamberlain'. ! Colic, Cholera rind Diarrho u pemody j for the past seventeen year-, und know- , nig us reiiiiliiuly, lie procured n isiiue, two (loses ol which . t). iO A N K rRYaiciAH and .ra dios, (mice;; roonia 6 and Chatiman tlvk. Healduii'-e: h. h. rerner court and rniirth atreiita, pee iml diair from (lie ruriinr. Oltice hour, v to U A. Al., i te 4 and 7 ill Mi ?ubai? Hand Made M. A. GUNST & CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, ORECON. MOCirTIKS. 'ASCO UHHiK, NO. IV A. V. A A. M.-Meet. nntaud third tlunda til rach month al T D.M.I.KH KOYAI. Altfll CI1APTKK NO. S -II .iU In Vanillic Hall the tlilnl Vieilneailay ol aaeh nioiith at 7 1. II C OKKKN WOOIIMKN OK TIIK V.KK1.I). lt. HisnI ( anie No. V). Mei-ta 'i uedaveven- Inxiif eaeh wrwk in rrslernlty Hall, at 7:au p. m. tOI.CMMIA I.OIHJK, NO. A, I O. O Mtvla every h rldnv evi-ioiiK at 7 :i i rli A . In K. of r. hall, coriier hei-ond and Court atrveta. noJournttiK bnitliora are welcome. 1(. ( uic.iii, her y. H. A. IIilui.N. (I. tKIKNUHKM' I.OIM.K, NO. ., K. of I'.-MeeU 1" every Mumlny evenilir at 7:!I) nrlirt, In shantu)'s bulldiiift, enruer nf Court and Hecoml treeu. tjojinirnliig meinbera am runlially lie "''-.. .. W . B. (-KAK. VV.Vacss, K. of ft. anil H. c. c. A MHKHHI.Y NO. 4S-.-7, K. OF I..-Meeta in K. i i ol 1. hall theais'iiud and fmirtli Knlna. daya of each mouth at 7 p. m. W'OMKN'H CHIIIHTIAN TKM CK ItKSCK " I Ml IN will ln.t everv Kri.l.. .l,r,..-... at t;iia-a at me ruailllie riaim narm.Ml lalxe No. mil, . (i. (i. weekly mretliiira r'rlil.v at A II are luvlUsl. T mliTiiltv flail L. ( . ClIHISMAN All are Invite,). VI. K. U'trular r. ., a' C. Flki.k, He 1-EM1'I.K MllifiK NO. 3, A. O. (!. W.-!Mt-ta In iTalernlly Hall, nv.-r Kfllrra. an h.ii,i trect. Thurxlay evening, at 7 Si . H Mtkm, Flnanrler. M W. I AH. NFMMITK fOST, No. f", (i. A K.Meeta J every uatunlay at 7 :) r. a , In the K. of V. 'nil. 15. "f ';. K -Meetaeerybiinlay afternoon In the K. of f. Hull. KHAN() VRKKIN Meets every .I eveiiuiK In tlio K. of I'. Hall. Hiiiidav IJ. OF I., V. PIVIHION, No. (!7 - Meet. In K.of I. Hall lh,. tlrat Mint II.I..I ui day of earn month, at 7 an r. a. TIIK (IICKCIIKS. S,':r,''SM.,:llr.Rr" -" 'thr llaos. 7 a 7 r. m. nRST faafor. Low Ma. evi-rv M, ,,!, .i M. lllun Maaa at mm a h v STFWrl ''"a'-'i'" H'r-et,or,n.wte 1 ' Filth. hav.K I). HiitcMii.. Hmi... J.:.., LOOK OUT presh Paint III rtiiiitiuirrif tiitvry I r lend And enMii if ht I in miiv . Uv IIm') tvw or Ik; thry lunny Thr tlmt for iwttiilhiir nnw Jua oust. Anil iviry ntH irir.ti bonw Timt iMk fn!i ami rUtiul nw. Am ii di h' lint mginni NtlMt emit 0. fniitlltir, fMiir. tiff und lmlnx, tm, W III nmk' uiir util h)MiM U1 H lh- will Uk. ,.iir wtrk cilhr way, lly IIm J.l r hy tUv tiny. If vni hnvr work ir-vr htm mil, llf 'll tunc your uniim, Inrxu or uuil Itrit-c't(iilly, W. C. GILBERT f O. Ilox Ni). 3, TIIL DALLKS, Oil The Snug W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 00 Bftcond 8rnet, The Sallei 0: This wdl known stand, kept bytbi well known W. II. llutts, long m (lent tif unco eoniily, has an extraord nary line stock of Sheep Herder's Dclijhl and Irish Distarbw In fact, nil the lendiin; bramlaoffi Winea, I.ionora and Ciu'itm. tiiva old man call and vou will come api J. F. FORD, EraniA Of Iea Moinea, Iowa, wrllea under A iliirell 1, H. I!. Mii. Mm. Co.. I'nfiir, (ri'(on. fVetiZsiu,! . On nrrivintr limne Inxt vtei'k. all W'ldl unil uiiviiiiiulu iia-iiitinff. & little ifirl. eit'ht. mul ooe-hulf year who hud waHted itway to IW jiotinilM nnv mtrnmr aiift vtm,enllH. atltt flcHhed up. H. 1!. Cotiifh Curf ha doj iUi work well. lUith of the children W it. Vour H. 15. Conph Cure liaa wrK and kept, sway nil boitraonesa tnm ? So uive it to every one, with grerW for all. W'ialiiiuf voti tiroMoeritV. e Your, Mh." A Mhm. J. '. Fi)'" if you wish to feel fnsih and eheorful.i",l'1',1, for the Hiirtujc a work, elenliM ymir ki" the Hailaehe and l.lver I lire, hy laAll'd r three dime each wea. Hold under a fHmttlve auarantt.'e. Mi cent, per bottlv by nil dnnilu -fY 3STEW 'Iitv a XehisiIK i;, X. :;) and 7 ;m r m. Hnmiuv Kvenlnn t'rayer uu Krldar at lIKKT Iiaitimt CIICHCH-H..V. o. D. Tat i ... "!''.. "","r ilornliiH .ervleia tverr Mnh "th at lh" aeaileiny at II a H. Hahlialh -s""l liiniKiliaieiv alter innriiliiir aervli-ea. rrayernieetinK rrnlay evvuliiK at I'nilor a resl f il"' ""wi'"m the Court hoii! at T 'ONiiltKdATIONAI. ( liritlH- lT. W. (;, vy 'mils, I'aainr. hervveveryhiinilaynt II a . nml 7 r, m bunihiv aller nnirulnv ai-rvke, rlraiiK"raiinliiilly Inviliil. Hi ata Iikk. M. IT 1 i I n UDoemkoi sma 1 , , . .... oriua. i coreu i,i,. i- i ..i .. ...... . , . i... i. i .. . - - "o"-, iii uu ..... ...... iiiiio) every iei,iisfr ol j t,artie. to havo been found in loiijji.-s-i lino nuns no wno ir:ictic.illv I eravel mini s of ray rcieai tne .-iierinan law ," and 1 S I noun of tin wi. .I.. , ".nil t-i i oie v ,.. ..i i excitement and change ! r,m,, K. lU'UCII -!hv. J Wmai.aa. ,.i..r heri-li'MN everv .lllllili, . lii.inO uu Ml I I ii ,,, I at 1 jn o eliwlc r M Kiwortli I'-llUtie .t , .U e. U I'l.iwr ... ! I cut i 1 '"II-.U) - eveniiitr at , :i i. It. Ac Iml In' voh'ioii la exti;nile,l hy i,ili ,.,, ,r and people i I I' lf Bill 9 -T ti il. rejiion, l.eti by tiinlil nflur they had been that WIMO llfle 'fit to tr.'ivpiintr n i.rodiicf. u di ,,, !,,, :,. i;vf rv ,... althonoh i-ininlil j roeure a lot!!.. ,,f (,jH ;,'..,lv SClelllnts c lore leinn,... J,,,!,,,., j',,r removed, bl i'.elev tv. II (V TIAN ( 111 l:( II i:.e. .1. W li.i.. I'ii-tiir. I'leiiehinir In IJ.e t i.i,.,!-....., ....... 1 I hllrrh eiell ,, ,My (lt r. H A), fioileilly IiivIIimI JMJINZ & NITSGIIKJ: llr'.AI.K.HH IN Furniture and CarpeK loiijjlitoii, driij :l 'ititH. Fvninj. l.nth, ran rhnreh, Ninlli .trei-t (lev A flern i.t,,r. mtvIi-.s t icm ,. Huni'liiv " V- "i. eonimi Kvlcome lo evvry j We have arhb-d to mr aoiimlete Ciiilertadintf Katitblisli .; mul iin we lire in no wiiv notiii'te the I'ndertukera' Trust, our rn'' , be low itociirlinttly.