THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JTTNK 18. 1893 JOHN SONTAC IN JAIL Collis nam wiin the Tniiirfllfe EVAXS ESCAPED TO THE HILLS Badly Wounded and Will Probably Ik Captured Sontng Shot in the Abdomen. Vwalia. Cul.. J"" 12. United Mate Marshal Gard and his deputies; Hi. Kapelie, deputy sheriff of Fresno 4-ountv; Freil Jackson, an officer from Kevada; and Tom Burns, who was with lila.-k at Camp ltaditer when he was shot ten days ao, did effective work last night 17 miles east of here. Sontag va shot in the right shoulder and the shot nossiblv entered the breast. t.- , .toi-tnt for the hills and the around is hloodv where he stopped He left his two cutis lying there, and hi hut nil covered with blood. Sontag lav behind a small stack of hay all w,m itnd the nosse who went out this f.imul him tliere. Hard and party were camped on a side hill, wait iug ior davlight, to see if the despera does made anv move, or if gone to fol I.-iw their tracks. Marshal Card thinks he iired the shot that hit Sontag. Son ta;4 s.iys he spit blood all niiiht. There is a glancing wound along his forehead, tud -one on each side of his nose. It is claimed he idiot himself in these three places, though this is denied. F. vans' tracks showed he started toward Visalla, jmd his house will be watched day and nUtht. Keing without arms or ammuni tion snd undoubtedly wounded, and his partner in crime captured, he must give up pretty soon. Sontaj talks freely, giving the j:;; is up and he eari-s noth ing lor the future. It is possible Son-t.-vg may recover from his wounds, the ciix.'tur thinks, though ho expresses no decided opinion. IMtANK KltOW Tlilll'llLE. CHRIS EVANS CAUGHT Arc Safe Bath the Train Eohhcrs in Jail. EVANS WAS SHOT THKEE TIMES Graphic Story of the FlRht the Posse Sontag Is Very Low. With duction of rates from the West by tne Great Northern. They Induced the lat ter road to withhold Its reduction tor few davs, but the new today that it had declared a $23 rate from Seattle to St. Paul was unpleasant, and knocked the wind out of the proposed proceed ings In the interest of harmony, u believed the Northern Pacific will meet the cut bv bringing down the through rate to Chicago. This will involve the other lines. Another llara.y Trial. Montreal, Quo., June 13. Another ltrigg case in the Presbyterian church has .loomed up in Montreal. Rev. Ir. Campbell, professor of church history in the Montreal Presbyterian college, is on trial today before the local presbytery on the charge of heresy, based on an ad dress delivered by him last February in Queen's college, Kingston. In that ad dress Ir. Campbell declared that he could not believe in the typical Old Testament of God. The meeting is being held with closed doors. Dr. Campbell is at present away on a vaca tion. lylnc l7 ThonaaiuU. Constaxtinoi'lk, June 13.-Thechotera has appeared in many districts of Asi atic Turkey, and is spreading rapidly. Along the lower Tigris and the Shat-el-Arab Iiiver people are dying by thous ands. Villa-res have been deserted by those fleeing from the pest. T'10 1 himself up. Deputy Sheriff Hall and panic has become so great that few fami- j j,gg,, then entered the room, and Hall lies wait to bury their dead or even to , gauj "(jhris, I have come to arrest you ;" nurse their sick, but llee to the land Kvmid repliecl, "All rigid. Pally."' VisAi.t v. Cal., June 13.--l.lje Perkins, -i... tiva in Willi) canvon iust east of where Sunday night's fight took place, arrived in town last night with the in- that F.vanB was at his house badly wounded and could be taken. A posse was immediately organized and left about midnight and hurried through the darkness and over rough roads and arrived at Perkins' houseabout 2 o'clock this morning. A llttlo boy ot tne Perkins family went upstairs and in formed Evans that the officer had ar rived. Mr. Perkins then went up while the pesso remained below and told Chris that the officers were beloT and ndvised him to give up the light and surrender before he was killed. Chris, despondent and Biek at heart, replied, "All right," and repuested that the of ficers come up stairs and he would give to shut the well In failed, and tubing . Mown Ideher than the dentin. This well outrivals the famous Karg, and the roar of the escaping gas can I' heard fur live miles. Hsupnor's fourth. ti..i.ubu Or.. June HI. Five hun dred dollars have been subscribed lor a grand celebration here the 4th ol July, which will consist of horse racing, tire- works, a balloon ascension, etc. A !Wulc-tl- Kalkm. Ind.. June 12. Mrs. Matia Holmes has set a precedent for wivn. .If. serted by their husbands thrxngh li e influence of mothers-in-law. .Mm sued her mother-in-law for $10,000 daman, s for alienating tho affections of her hus band, and the court gave her $1,00". Hot Waalher and No Italn., June 12. The heut w i intense in the northwest today. In parts of Minnesota, the Dakota ami Iowa the thermometer ranged from 112 in the shade to 100. At Milbaiik. S. !., the crops are slightly damaged. Pain Is badly needed. SAN FHAXCIS(H) East ijd, Seoogd St., Kiiat a! Wimt'itv Hall, Hint Tailor Klitr. The Halloa, Or, Gallery, ADMINISTUATllIX "ALE. OHl"t lllull tllO CnllltlV C lirt'i-I iu!P?fn',tfl If T"r KM.. !. .11111 V. Illiii, ,, II,,,. """I No.' It.',i.', Ill I l.i- i. nu..r , .J"') A. II. M."ir, HiTm-ril, I will, ..I, ti. . ' Mm . iwi, l tl'- hair ui 2 nVdck v u .i... .n ui im.i.i ,. . ill 111 l-"lltl Iii Iim. in 1 lie i. II . u " 1 1 ii) Mitf .ii. Ilm IiiIIowIiiii l''liiml i,.ai". la-limullll! I" ll - rMlll.- l.i A. II 11.. ... r'w .. I: I..t-7.K 1 1 1 hi I I, ... . 'Ovm iiir.wll.. ,. i, ll 11. all In li:, i. V. '. I...'- III..H A, 1.1 II.. I.. I,.. I. ii: Firct-CHcs Phot03. All W .ik l.imrmilfnl. ! ..,1. .. ... ...I.I I., II,., hi,. , . ' . .'v"'i I. .... . , ....... iiuui,.,. Ill It m" ll A. Ml.l.liK, , -h,.,. Iwtwll In- Hall. , u , .'...v li,, .vji " . Ill, I ,i ., NDTIl'I'. I i: l'I !U U'.VTION. towns to escape the infection. ! When asked if lie had any arms, he re- The fugitives from stricken towns nre . t,;eit j. lunl rt ,,;td tinder his pillow, spreading the epidemic with appalling rapidity. Letters from lSaseora city say that "0,000 people have fled from Cassora province, alone. Lo or :ir tit I III anil Fortune Drove Iter Crasy. Tolkim), June 12. One of the saddest cases of a woman broken down with sor row has developed in this city. The unfortunate woman is Mrs. John Her zog, once a well-known belle in society, Some two years ago she and her husband ouarreled. and a suit for divorce fol lowed. They soon adjusted their differ -e?, however, and lived happily to . r again. A few months later she was-'? r,'? ,,J 't'iirn "iat "er husband ; j.a(j etly obtained a divorce, which . ,ae flaiir wa8 witllout ,ier knowledge. r her husband ilieu, ieav- property ; but she was the settlement of the the attornev who ' Somd time i ing i-onsirlerabo 'astoni8hel tipor. flatf.'ff. 1,1 Imiii ' "f Mi pointed administrator, iruutrrous claims through ' The matter dragged along tot ' leaving her nearly destitute. To I her troubles. short tipie ago her (. ind had filed the courts. months, add to i nly (rrgou VVooUii i;rcgiarl. I Aliiany, Or., June 1:. The Albany j Woolen Mills Company, which was re- j cently nuarded the contract for furnish-1 ing clothing' for the Oregon National i liuard, today received a telegram from j the Indian department announcing that ! it was the successful bidder for the con- j tract for furnishing the I'nited Indian department with blankets sey and cadet coats. Having competed siiccessfullv with the largest woolen manufacturing establishments of the country, this speaks volumes for this industry in Oreiron. Keileral Appointments. Washington, June 1.5. The dent today made the following appoint meuts : Holmes Conrad, of Virginia, to be as sistant attorney -general. Henry C. Grady, I'nited States marshal for the district of Oregon. Daniel 11. Murphy, United States at torney for the district of Oregon. Thomas J. Black, collector of customs for the district of the Willamette, Or egon. t'AICKIAUE COMPANY tliasppeareu. Vighed.dowtl wifl. Jier sorrows, she has followed the step's jf Judge Millard all over the tity, be seeching him to assist her in the restor ation of her child and property. Today she was thought to be an unsafe person to be at large, and was locked np. Ar riving at the jail, she became violently insane. She is a beautiful woman, and highly intelligent. TKIAL. The CorrallU Factory Preel to the Wall hj an Overatock. Coiivallih, June 1;5. The Corvallis I Carriage & Wagon company filed a deed ' assignment last evening. Walter T. assistant cashier of the First Xa bauk of this citv, is named as THE IIOKDKN MlKllEli Former Stenographic Ileport of the Trial Excluded. Xkw Bedkoud, Mass., June 12. At the opening of the second week of the Lizzie Birden trial this morning over half the spectators were women. After the court formally opened the jury were directed to retire, and what promises to be a protracted argument over the ad missibility of the stenographic notes of Miss Borden's testimony at the inquest began. After the arguments were concluded, the court retired for consultation. Pe turing, thev stated that they had de cided to exclude the testimony. Dr. I led rick was then placed on the stand. He testified that from an examination of the bodies he believed Mrs. Borden died first. Policeman Hyde testified that he saw Miss Borden and her friend, Miss Russell, go down into the cellar shortly before 1 o'clock on the night after the murder with a pail to the closet and sink. The prisoner made another descent later alone. They had a lisht. but Miss Russell looked nervous. Ex-President llarrleun at the Fair, Chicaoo. June 12. ExPresident Benjamin Harrison arrived at the world's fair grounds shortly before noon. After a drive about the grounds he was entertained at luncheon in the adminis tration building by the world's fair officials. When his presence on the prounds was known there was a vigorous clapping of hands and waving of hand kerchiefs wherever he went. The Infanta F.nlalie also appeared on the grounds and breakfasted at the re production of the famou Txmdon White Horse inn, afterward going on a sight seeing tour through the grounds. raaaenjrer Kate Also. CmrAi.o, June 12. The lines in the Western Pa-sener Association are tin ?a?v on account l the threatened re- b. tional assignw, total assets", praised at $.'iO,0fK liabilities $57,572. a. signee's bond is flt'ptYr. m-iTl 1. pwinnt-il anfl alt n . I i , on hand made up into finish-. Several reasons are assigned for th cent turn in affairs, the principal onn . being the unusual lateness of the sea- son, which has caused work to move off; very slowly, and as a result some $20,- 000 worth of finished jobs have accumu lated in their storeroom on which there are no returns. In. 1..mii! in bed. Sontas is very lov. The doctors say the bullet in the lungs is very dangerous. About midnight ids friends, the 1'yrds, were iiltuuioued to his bedside, as he thought l.e was living- Crop-Wrmlx-r ISullelln. Weather The week has leen cooler than the preceding week. Thure has been less sunshine, and since Friday there have been frequent showers. Crops The weather has been most tates i iavoraoie 10 wic gruwui oi un i-:iiliuii. ker-jBnth fall and spring wheat are much better than they were last year. Re ports indicate an unusually heavy hay crop. Pastures are luxuriant, and as a result stock is in prime condition. Strawberries are becoming very plenli j fill and they are a good crop. Reports I do not show that the peach and cherry presi- I cr0j, w;i i,0 OVl,r one-half a crop, except in Douglas. Josephine and Jackson counties, where the prospects are good for an average crop. The prune crop will bo unusually heavy. The onion crop bids fair to be one of the largest on record. EASTERN OttKliON. Weather During the fore part of the week warm easterly winds prevailed for two days, changing to cooler and cloudy weather, with occasional light sprinkles during the latter few davs. esneciallv on j the 10th. The mean temperature varied j from 48 to t4 degrees, as against oO to 62 degrees of the preceding week. Crops Strawberries are ripening rapidly, and are very large and fine. The peach crop is not full, except in the Snake river orchards. The fruit pros pects are on the whole not the nioHt en couraging, except berries, mid they will ..I The inventory shows the including the plant ap- ,)e IU"V on average crop. .More rain to be $00,50(3, and the j would prove K-nehcial to the cereal i ... i . i . . . , soon as the as- crop, uui us aosence, wnn a coniinua- d, the factory j on of cool, partly cloudy weather will aterial now wrk no serious injury. work, j Bivers The Columbia, Snake and ' ,:t.... ! .. . re. inuuiary rivers are grauuauy rising and the prospects are for a continuous rise, jnsiderable danger yet exists and whll water is yet to be expected, yet it is no" The Kiwi In Portlaad. It was about 1 o'clock p. ru. when the wired news of the appointment of Mur phy, Black and Grady was received in this city. F'itteen minutes later every active democratic politician and many inactive ones were in possession of it and congregated in groups to talk it over. Kach of the patriots tried hard to convince himself and others that it meant a pronounced victory for his par ticular faction, but not one of them suc ceeded in doing so. It left them all in increased doubt as to whether Murphy ism or Tammanyism is on top in Washington. While the leader of the former clan got the district attor neyship, the collectorship of customs went to a full sympathizer with Tam many's constitution and purpose, and the marshalship was won by a man who does not know enough about Western Oregon politics to enable him to distin guish a tomahawk from a shillalah. Last night the t : probable that they will at tain a higher n tney nave in 1880, 1882, or 1887, When in each of these years the river was from 20 to 28 feet at Portland. SHE REMEMBERED HIM Mouii.k, Ala., June H. Twenty-four vears ago George Morris was shot and killed at Wholervillo, this county, by his friend, Rohert Hudson, The slayer lied the country, but ventured to return last month. He was known to no one, having greatly changed; but his voice was recognized by nn aged blind woman, Amelia Chatham, and the sons of the man swore out a warrant for him. To day Hudson was indicted by the grand jury. The BheritV has gone to Scranton, Miss., where Hudson now is. mid will bring bin: to Mobile, Morris and Hudson quarreled whi'.e on tm-lv way home from a visit to Mobile, and Slorris hit Hudson with a bottle. Tin' two apH'tired later at Morris' house, when Hudson's injury was attended t" by Morris. Hudson went home, bill shortly after returned with a gun. Mor ris went out to meet him. carrying an unloaded gun, ami saying that he didn't care to load it as he didn't want to hurt Hudson. As Morris crossed the fence and turned to replace a rail which had fallen down, Hudson shot him in tin back, killing him. Amelia Chatham and two sons of Morris, aged 11 mid II, Btw the deed. Mrs. Morris refused to prosecute, and would not let the sons do so. -She died about a year ago. Upon Hudson's return ho visited Wholerville, and was recognized by none until the blind woman cried out, "That is Bob Hudson." Hudioi t'iriied and walked away quickly, but his movements were noted, and ho was located at Scranton. Amelia Chatham is over 70 years of age, and the boys are stalwart men of middle age. The three have vivid recollections of all the incidents of the killing. f H l.jiNr. ovrii r.. 'I 'M-ball.--. r . Mnv :il. Wtl. N,.th i-I. In-lvl.. uln ii tV.l ll'e l.illi.wlliK llillii.-l .-ttl--r tm Ml . I ii 'll. - M lllli-illl"li i.. ,l... mini i.i... i ii. -n t ' ' el Mini, mill Unit ilil ir...-t v '1. i..' - i " ! ami iit.-Iht i.f I'i-' w l,ilU-, oi., i-u .'utj 1 1, I i riii.ii. i ,,r wmiiti- ii-. i ii the M- 'i M ' , " I' 1I--H i"l 1" 1 i ."I ' i i-, U . M II, iinim-a li- li.M.mi'l r.-minii'-u- ii'-iil "- " .Mil laml. v.4 . . 1 nr.. II- V. hi. rtl " " " ' '", ,, ... - W. I.t:u:-,. Ik t.ltl- I illl.- ' NOTIl Ii FOR PCP.I.ICATion l..iNi.(irnrit, Th- bmik .Mnv Iti tiL, Nnllre l Ih'tvIi) rlvi-li that Hit Itain! ai-tller hit lilttl liitllrt- nf In. tut,.,.''1 rniiiiiiiiti- mill iiihLi-hiuil i-riMif In mih,,h4,j t-liiliii. Mini Hint tttlil -riHf will M, (,1H(, . the,T mill rt-it-ivi-r nt 'lin. i J Mtliinlit'. , Jinn- , tv,l, vi,: ,u I'reatitn Kednian, lltilllt-ati-Mil Ali)illl-Htliin N). 41'.M, for tile V ee .!. S N.. II. II K. W. M, h K 1J j "' tuuH''1 tlt" ("Uitwlittr wltii-4ea tnpfm. 1 .1.1. ""HUH. . iti-i.v,- lilt -'. - Ilv-Hllull i-l Hit- tiKl-li-r I're nt 'lite .. .;.' I (or NN iT aif !.,-.iU" llltlili-u, AtiilrewJ. 1. Iiil, hi, John r-Hllllti-i ""n!"" " riniiTH-fc it n-Klllitu, all at j JOHN w. 1.I W1S, COMIT-G ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS Europe and America's Consolidated Jcnted Ttaj Positively the Most intensely; Exhibitions on the m i mmmk m, LLiS ! Grand international Aiiictl Shows .t -iM t . - a iv i.t k.-ii.r-.--t v.- t ..i ii in ii i . C f-Tt? RPS53 a W'lt.L K.N I II HIT AT 1 TUAT CIIWIIOV HACK. (lortraar IT WAS tCOB. The HrlBKH IiacUlon Wan Too Mnh for l'aiitor and 1'aopla. The sensation ot yenterday, nays an eastern paer, was the stand taken by Iiev. J. II. Kcob, I). D., pastor of the Second Prenhyteriun church in this city. It was known that he sympa thized with Dr. Brigg in his recent treatment by the general asuembly, but it was not not thought he would go so far as to withdraw from the Presbyter ian church. He took that step, and bis church will probably be with him and act independently hereafter, leaving open the question of connection with some other denomination. In Dr. Ecob's opinion now is the time for lilw.-ral Christians of all churches to come together. His sermon outlined the steps that led up to the final action of the assembly. "There is no hope," be said, "of do- boys bad decided to call ; (- anything by staying inside of the the day's appointments a prolongation ; Presbyterian church after that act. of the great and exasperating mystery, j rie minority was not treated even do and to hope for solution from the distri-1 t.UI,tly nd the majority is loo lurge to bution of the few remaining plums. j be overcome within the tanks. Urge Altall or Illinois I lira a I'rorlamatlon. BrntNcriF.i.D, 111., June 14 The follow ing proclamation was issued yesterday by tiovernor Altgeld: K.vki.ttivk Or-ru'E, i Si'itiNoriKi.ii, 111., June 13, lS'.Kl.f To Am, Orrii'KiiH or Tint Law: Being reliably advised that a long distance horse race, from Chadron, Neb., to Chicago, 111., a distance of over 700 miles, is about to take place, and that a similar race in Kurope a year ago for only half this distance resulted in the death of the horses used, and was productive of such barbaric cruelty to animals as to shock humanity, and hav ing reason to believe that this proposed race will be accompanied by equal or even greater cruelty and barbarity, which will lie in violation of the laws of this state for the prevention of cruelty to animals, I hereby call upon all offi cers upon whom devolves the execution of law, as well as upon all good citizens, to see to it tiiat no violation of the law takes place, and that any one guilty of it shall be promptly brought to justice. We will welcome the so-called cow lioys into our state and bid them come in all their glory and have a thoroughly en joyable time with us, but we cannot per mit the laws of Illinois to lie trampled under foot simply as a matter of sport. John P. Ai.tiiki.d. Tha :hlna faro. as it was, it did not represent the great ! majority of the Presbyterians outside ! who have no nee for a confession of faith made over 'J00 years ago." Oregonian. A Kow at tha llnrracka. Oiikoon City, June 12. At the fcaiva tion Armv linrracks lat night tome young rowdies were creating a disturb-, stipplj Ntrark. ancc. Mayor r-ullivan, while assisting Fimji.ay, O., June 13,-The city drilled Policeman Kelly to put out the toughs, '. in a i'O.OOn.iM.'O foot g.i well on the received a severe blow ltehind the ear. Creighton f.irm, five mile e:ist of the The reu!t of the fracas was the arrent of city today. When the gan us struck one Kiley, an 1 warrants are out f.,r the flow was so strong Unit the tools three othere. I were blown out of the well. An effort Portland is manifesting a decided affinity for Chinese immigrants. The Danube is a case In point. That steamer arrived at Portland May 18th witli oOl Chinese. The happy thought occurred to the health officer that there whs small pox on board, so ho ordered the Danube, with itsover-crowdeil, siiirocntiiig human cargo into quarantine. When, as might have been expected, no case of smallpox appeared on board, the Danube was turned over to Collector Itan and his deputies, who are supposed to have de voted twenty-five days to dcterminhig how many of the Chinese are entitled to admimion. How long will the farce con tinue? How long will the Portland pre maintain criminal silence? The whole all'air in tainted with stupidit yarn! fraud. I Pal'led lit San Pram isco and in the Sound, too Chinc-i- smugitiers have j found, in the heart, (f (in-gon, a place ' where the law i prm:' p ally nullilieil and j the doors are throun w ide open. Mr. : I.otan should ri e up anil explain how ' (filch thing tire po-edhie. Aslorian. The Dalles, Thurs. June 2fl UEflirallelefl in Crip?.. Couccpiion of PieeBl MmMst Double flton.-tc? Roman Oceenia fi Congreis Circuo, fflenagerie, Hippodrome, fiqtidrium, of Gioi'ld s All Nations'! ircat'.'st .tciiic lirpivst-ntativrs Scl'ctf.l tuiai f viiil r 3T Tic Rarest Wild Bsast Gallicraz lliat Evsr Invited Public AD The Only Great Show of Marine Wonder even rLnrLbicu run I nwvLL. Grand Convocation of Cunmi C'reatiou collecled at no eiiormotiN exHnv. An lU'ceptithle innovation in niiium-in'-nt n-volntioiiixiug the flt.irt.-4 oi otlr I'.vcry where aekuon ledged Great Keuture SIhiwh and Specially I-'.xbiliilioni. The very l't Artiitai of America, Japan, Kurope niid Arabia put topi A umptiiouit Wonderland f estival ! A rich, rare and Moral entertainment. A Century in advance of all Coiitemp trar I'.xhihitioim. Don't Forget the Thrilling Free Balloon Ascensic AND PARACHUTE LEAP DAILY". lie On Hand to See the Gram, Free, Spectacular Papr 0NE TICKET, ftrttc USUAL PBIRt Mmittto the GREW COMBINED JET One hour given In whlrli tn Imia-et tli- M-iiM-rl.- ami lli Mam Wunilrr pravlmia w l tnlit ui tie- l.lreiia mid II li" aln Miie M?rluriiuilM-e Two Grand Exhibitions and Performances Daily. - Doori Open at 1 and 71 ii.. -it i.i ji Chrisman & Corson, UBAI.KUM IN GROCERIES Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE Cor. Washington and iS!:oml 8t., Tin Dalles, Or. J. M. HUNTINQTON, U. 8. CummlHBlonwr. C. B. M'KINSm. Notary Huntington & McKinstry. hiii -.-"i.ra t-i J. M. lliiulliiKtiiii Co. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag't Iiuid 'aM'rs i f till Iviie l.i pp'piired. n . .....I I . ...:. t... :.!...... nm i iiiii i I.' -i iiun iu.--fi i.ii.i n nun ii ni'ii.iiia. . .i Alist.ra' t of Titl' M fuiiii.shcd at almrt notice, ua wir luive the on J altttruct laxiks in 'n.-o County. 1'nrt.ii-s liain U'-al I'.il ite for aale or rent urn ritiint''' our oil...... NO. i:w SECOND ST- THE DALLES. OS- i