The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 16, 1893, Image 1

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Horrible Djath or tlie Foreman of a
l!e Made a Strong Ficht for His Life
' nt He Cannot Live.
I Minor Mention.
1'iTTBHrii". June 8. Caged in a boiler,
like a rut in a trap, with fire at lioth
J ends. Richard Shav, foreman at Park
Bran. A '""I. battled for hii life
this uioniing. To remedy a defect Shay
crawled into ttie boiler, tutting a flaming
torch with him. He hung the torch up
tit l I'e mouth of the boiler and began
vh i ioiiK. A blow from bia hauimer
en ti . boiler dislodged tlie torch. It
tell iiml exploded. Shay wu covered
nl blinded by the Mliower of burning
nil, und bin cscupe wus abut off by a
pot of burning oil near the boiler's
mouth. With the lire slowly eating
into his vitals, Sluiy pressed himdelf as
lur away (roin tlie bent as oHMible, tear
ing oir bin blaring garments und truiup
liiuf them under his feet. U ' v took
about three minutes for the i.i. burn
out, and then Shay dragged himiielf
ever the hoi surface of the lioiler und
,,. ded in getting out. He wuh do
iadly burned that hecunnot live.
via ma; I.KUT I.AKKM.
mty l.w llete n feelmon Announced
l.y the N.orllirru rurlllo.
Astdkia, June ".The iiortbern Pu-tilii-
Ims put in force a very low rate on
salmon to New York kikI nil F.ustern
fKiinin, an against steamer, viu Sun
rruneiscn und the SuiihcI route, which
las, a rate of OK renin to New York, ex
clusive of iiiMuruiK-e, cartage and trans
fer expended, in effect. The tramp
ti-umer of the lleitrifk line, on top of
tliewi low ruteH, announced a ruto of $2
ler ton from Astoria to Sail Francidco,
w agaiiiHt f 3.IU) by the I'nion I'ucific.
Hi UK making tlie through rate to New
York H) renta, exclusive of iiidiirance,
tic; or about 71 'a centii, including in
uraiire, eurtuge, transfer and extra
aaiiinge. The rate established by the
Wthcrn I'ucilic via Duluth and the
kuttnir line and the Western Transit
Cuinimny make the charged to New
Yuri ".iceulH, w ith corredoiidiug rates
luutlicr Atlantic seaboard points. All
mil ruled via tlie Northern I'ucilic and
t'niuu I'ucilic to all Atlantic deaboard
pointH viu the Km (lire line have been es-
luhlidhed at K."i cents.
(latee Muet Cloee HuimIbjt,
Ci aoo, June 8. If the decision of
Hie Foiled States circuit court shall
prove effective the world' fuir will
clone on Sunduv hereafter. At the
opening of court this morning Judge
Woods announced that the court would
render a decision on the application of
the l' ui ted Stated district uttoruey for
un injunction redtruining tlie manage-
iiit-iit of tlie world' fair oiening the
.Ues on Sundays, lleduideuch of the
tltree judged would deliver depurate
liiuimid, at no two of them fully
vt'wil. Judge Woodd tlien gave bid
Minn that the injunction prayed for
li"uM issue. In la-half of the world'
"ir mi appeal wuh taken to the United
irtlate supreme court.
t''Klnu.y lienomlitnXrd for Governor
of Ohio.
t iii.UMiii'd, (.)., June 8. With superb
""liience Oov. McKiulcy today recciv
I tlx' laurels of nniTcwf. a lircsiitfe. tier-
f11!"-. of higher honors to come. The
k '.u priiici'liouiHt hbm in magnificent
'i m, it m! in accepting the nouiinutioii
Um republican candidate for governor
1 "iiin virtually outlined the declura
1 ii of principled by w hicli he may be
"''d ad a candidate (or tlie prcdi-iiuy.
... ..." :. . ..
vun iiMing-if Annul irver.
' mii'Auo, June 7. The Hurry among
'viiigii bank d'K.xiuiid almut run itd
nirnc tliia niiiriiiiig. At the Havings
'"titutioiiH, wheie there iadtill enough
1 u gathering to be culled a crowd,
ere wax no dign of the panicky un
"Hiining aliirin which beset deioHitora
!uidiiy, and before the cloding hour
afternoou it id thought tlie run will
've wholly aubdided.
4'rlinlnal Advertl.liiK.
Wahiiinoton, It. C, June 8, lM'j;t.
"Stickers" are giving the treumiry de
rtmeut a lot of bother. They are cir
cling hitd of paper with ndvertine-
1 ''it on the face and mucilage on the
k. Made by a lick of the tonirue to
"ere to the reverde dide of a dilver
'r, one of thedu little pluater id jitdl j
enough to lit inide of th milled
rim. They liuvo been coming widely
into line in tlie wet and douth. Kvery
time a iiieri-bant receive a cart-wheel
dollar In the way of budined he dlapt a
dticker upon it which read: "Take me
buck to lliiggd' cheap furniture bolide,
where you get the biggest value for
cadh;" or, "Keturn me to Snaggd, the
dry good uiun, and I will fetch a bar
gain." Thi ingeniou idea i copy
righted by a western man, who prints
and supplies the gum stickers to mer
chants at so much a thousand. His
circulars, distributed broadcast over the
country, suggest that shop-keepers
would be .wise to make haste to avail
themselves of this novel method of ad
vertising before a law is padsed forbid
ding it. Meanw hile dollars w ith stick
ers on them are flowing into the treasury
from all over the United Stutes. Bunks
and business bouses are w tiling every
day to the department begging it to
abate the nuisance, which in the west
has already spread aluriningly. Many
people are unwilling to accept the sticker
dollars, and so the circulation of Uncle
Sam's coins is interfered with. Most
hunks will not take them, liecause tlie
treasury has issued a notification to the
effect that it w ill not accept or redeem
them. It holds that they are defaced
and are not legal tender on that account.
It is true (hut they might lie restored to
their original perfection by removing
the stickers, but Secretary Curlidle hue
no up) ropriutiun for scraping thcni oil.
The muciluge employed is of so excellent
a quality thut twelve hours' soaking
does not looft'ii tlie imix-r fruin the
silver. Furthermore, the covering up of
one Side of the Coin renders it greatly
more dillicult to discover whether or not
tlie lutter is a counterfeit.
Fortunutely there id a legal enuctment
forbidding the defacement of United
Stated lnoiiev, und that law is to he en
forced for tlie immediate suppression of
this new iiltuck upon the currency.
Many district attorneys in various parts
of the country have already threatened
to pr mecute merchunls using the stick
ers, and the business will doubtless be
brought to an abrupt close.
Kl.'td Moderator.
The general assembly of the 1'reshyte
riau church, now in session at Washing
ton, has elected Key. Willi ti. Craig, of
McCormack Semin
ary, Chicago, mod
erator for 18'.U.
Upon bim will de
volve the task of
presiding over the
heated discussion to
which the pending
debates on tlie con
fession of faith will
irive rise. His elec-
ClfOt) tion gives entire
Like Dr. Young, whom be
succeeds, be Is a native of Kentucky.
He was born on bis father's plantation,
near Danville, Ky., on Sept. 24th, 124.
He was graduated from Centre college
and Danville seminary and be liegan hi
ministerial labors in Keokuk, Iowa, in
18(12. For twenty year he preached in
that town.
An Altdtrart of tho Krportd Mad to
tttv Controller of the Currency.
Wasiiinoton, June 10. An abstract
of the report niude to the controller of
tlie currency, showing tlie condition of
the national banks of the United States
at the close of business May 4 last, bus
lieen made public by Controller Kckel.
As compared with a similar statement
made March 6 lust, a net decrease in the
gold holdings is show n of $7,000,000, and
in tlie individual deposits of nearly L
000,000. There was an increase in un
divided prolits of $;!,900,000, and iu the
surplus fund of nearly $1 ,000,000. The
loans und discounts increased $3,000,000,
while the real estate mortgage
owned decreased $.",000,000. The legal
tender increased $13,000,000.
j limit the 'ron.
Wasiiinoton, June 10. The report of
June 1, based on the returns to the de
partment of agriculture, makes the
acreage of w beat compared w ith that of
last year S'.H'.l per cent. This is a reduc
tion of 12.2 points. Tlie states in which
tlie principal decrease occurred are Illi
nois, Missouri, Kansas and California.
The reduction of area In Kansas, Mis
souri and Illinois was caused iu the
main by the long-continued drouth and
tho extremely cold winter. A VBst
amount of acreage down lias been plow ed
up and put into other crops. The de
crease from the acreage of 1802 is: In
Illinois, 24; Missouri, ltt; Kansas, 3)
points. The percentage for the couutry
in the spring w heat area is 04.
Mm. J.ealle Orttittcri a llvorre.
Nkwiukoii, N. Y., June 10. Judge
Ilrown tisluy granted a divorce to Mrs.
Frank Islie from her F.nglisli husband,
W. C. K. Wilde, u brother of Oscar
Wilde, on the ground of gross und vulgar
intemperance, violence and cruelty.
Mi-i. l.eMe i n! low i d to ri v
TerriMc Disaster Ttis Msrninj in
Washington City.
Was Filled With Department Clerks at
the Time Large Number of
Lives Lost.
Washington, June 9. 9 :15 Ford'
opera house on Tenth street, in w hich
President Lincoln was assassinated, has
just fallen in. About X) government
clerks were in the building at the lime,
and a great loss of life is feared.
The first floor collapsed through
weakness caused by excavating the cel
lar, and in its fall carried down three
floors, and with them the hundreds of
clerks. The dead and wounded are be
ing taken out rapidly by the firemen
and police. All the ambulances in the
city have been summoned, and the res
cued are lieing conveyed to the hospitals.
It is feared 100 people have Ix-en killed.
The scenes are terrible. Some jumped
from the third floor. The walls are still
standing, but every floor is down and
every window is blown out. Tlie build
ing has been condemned as unsafe for
some time, but sentiment kept it un
changed. The floors were heavily
loaded w ith records of the record and
elision divisions of the war department.
Tlie clerk employed there were all men.
Corrected accounts bs to the cause of
the accident are now partialiy obtain
able. The exenvations w hich were the
immediate cause of tlie collapse were
being made at the instance of the w ar
department for the purpose of putting
in an electric light plunt. As already
t-Uted, the insecurity of the building has
been repeuledly reported for a Jong time
pust. Whenever a heavily loaded
wagon bus gone by the building seemed
to sway backward and forward, as clerks
descrilie the sensation. When the firet
rumbling warning of the collapse came,
the clerks on the third floor, to the num
ber of 80 or 100, rushed to the w indows
and jumped for the roofs of the email
buildings adjoining on the northwest
side. Many escaped in this way.
One of the workmen, a colored man,
who was employed in excavating the
cellar, and who escaped with only slight
cuts, said: "I told them yesterday that
the archway would fall, for every time
any one walked over the floor it would
bend. I tell yo'i I was scared, and got
out just as quickly as I could. There
were 20 men at work with me, and I
don't know w hat became of them."
The Late Milliard Match.
The match between Frank C. Ives, the
billiard champion of the United States,
and John Roberts, one of the greatest
living bilhardist,
0ened at London,
Eng., May 20, con.
tinued six day and
was won by Mr Ives
with the most re
markable score ever
made. Ives Is just
years oi age anu v
it is only three Vt
venrs since he. has ..
figured prominently Tka
In the billiard world. He was born at
I'lainville, Mich. As be has always bad
a lnncy for billiards, be bus given much
time to the study and practice ever
since he was a youngster. His first real
match took dace in New Y'ork citv in
1890. In 1802 lie defeated both Schaefer
and SIossoii in contests for the world's
championship. He was confident of
w inning in tlu6 match.
Of his oponeiit, there is probably no
man more widely known than John
berts, the F.nglisli billiard champion.
Koberts was Isirn
in Ardwick, Man
chester, Kugland,
in 1847. His father,
John Kolierts, Sr.,
was for many years
the billiard cham
pion of Kugland, so
be comes naturally
by his skill. When
only 1 1 years old be
assisted his father
at the Oeorge Hotel, in Liverpool,
which was a great rendezvous for knights
of the cue, and has lieen playing ever
since. Koberts has defeated every
player of note In F.nglaud, and for the
last 20 years has lxtMi the undisputed
Ylct-ft'rrnlrieat Mevenond Opinion on
the Hulijert.
Sckinokiki.I), III., June 8. Yice-I'res-ident
Stevenson, who was in this city mi
hii;n.Kd, ( Mi ! yesterday in answer t i a
question ns to what he thought of the
financial aspect of recent numerous
bank failures throughout the country :
"I do not think there is any oicasion
whatever for alarm in legitimate busi
ness circles over these assignments. A
great majority of these defunct institu
tions were not on a fhrm foundation, and,
of course, went down when the storm
came. I believe the standard banks of
the country ure ts safe as they ever
were, and that is as safe as they can be.
These suseneion w ill have no perma
nent effect on the finance of the coun
try or its business men. After thi
strain is over the nation will be in a
much better condition, for the weak
concerns w ill have been weeded out."
Mrs. Frank L.elles Divorce.
Newburo, N. Y., June 9. It is likely
that Mrs. Frank Leslie will soon be le
gally free from her husband, Willie
w ille. Mie gave
her testimony be
fore Keferee Grant
K. Taylor in New
York May 20. The
charges made of
acta in this country
are chiefly of drunk
enness and utter
wortblessnees. Mrs.
Leslie charged that
Willie had violated
iiis marriage vow In London, the wo
man in the case being Teresa Laltruche,
better known in London as Mme. Car
men and testified that Willie had been
intimate with her. This is the evidence
that will give to Mrs. Ieslie her di
vorce. Iteferee Taylor riccoinmends
that she lie granted an absolute di
vorce from her husband.
Mrs. Wilde is of French descent, and
married at an early aun in New Orleans.
At the death of her husband she took up
Mr. Leslie's work and not only mid hi?
debts, but made her ow n fortune besides.
4'hlef Talks About Ills
Xkw Y'ohk, June 9. The World's
Nicaraguan correspondent interviewed
ex-President Sacasa at Leon. The
fallen chief, aftir
reasserting that he
had not been de
posed, but had
withdrawn for tlie
good of his country,
and expressing the
belief that tlie new
government would
carry out all of its
pledges, said: "It
is my opinion that
the canal will eventually be built, and
by Americans. - The canal, when it is
built, will make Nicaragua the most
prosperous Itin-American country on
this continent." Sacasa refused to say
anything about a protectorate of any
kind, though he admitted that a change
must take place in the status of all Cen
tral America.
Remains of the Victims of Friday's Ac-
The Coroner Engaged in Making Prepa
rations for the Inipiest,
Resumed Tomorrow.
Wasiiinoton, June 11. The remains
of the victim of the horrible wreck of
Ford' theater have nearly all been dig
posed of. Washington was today a city
of funerals, and all day long mourners
huve gone about the streets. Everyone
knew what the sad processions meant,
and the sympathy of all was extended,
albeit unexpressed in many case to the
sorrowing ones. Inquiry confirm the
statement that none of the victim were
men of property. Most of them lived on
their salaries, which furnished a means
of livelihood, but left little for a day
like this.
Deputy Coroner Shaffer was engaged
today in making preparations for the in
quest, which w ill be held tomorrow. He
bus subpu'iiaed several witnesses and it
is his intention to secure all the eye
witnesses to the affair he can.
Dr. McGlynn Gone to Home.
New York, June 9. Dr. Mc Glynn
w ill probably be in Koine Saturday or
Sunday. He goes to the Eternal city in
obedience to the order of the papal
delegate, Monsignore Satolli, who rein
stated him in his priestly office. Mr.
Stephens said : "Dr. McGlynn goes to
Koine. He simply obeys the order of
the pope's representative. Ho will
come back, we firmly believe, fully and
absolutely vindicated in his course, so
far as the land question and politics are
concerned. The known leaning of Leo
XIII to democracy, strengthened by
the attitude his holiness ha assumed
toward William II of Germany, makes
us confident in that respect."
For Grange Consideration.
Hunpended Through a Kun on the Rui
lyn Branch.
FxLENsBfKoH, Wash., June 9. A
uotice was posted on the doors of the
banking house of Benjamin A. Snipes &
Co. this morning that the bank had
temporarily suspended owing to a heavy
withdrawal of deposits and the inability
to realize on securities amply sufficient
to pay $j for $1 of indebtedness. A run
on tlie branch bank at Koslyn yesterday
precipitated the closing of the parent in
this city. There is no excitement over
tlie suspension, and the bank has the
sympathy ami confidence of the entire
Nipped III the llutl.
ManauI'a, Nicaragua, June 9. An at
tempt to Jassassinate President Machado
Nicaragua was happily nipied in the
bud, und, though a few persons wen
killed on both sides, much bloodshed
was averted, ow ing to timely warning.
Minister Kaker is apparently disgusted
w ith the Nicaraguans' lack of good faith,
and ho is loath to lend himself to fur
ther good otlices in behalf of either side.
Should the entire diplomatic corps hoid
aloof from the struggle, it is more than
lfkely that there will be more lighting
in Nicaragua.
Oakland. Orrgim, I (turning.
Oakland, Or.. June 10, 1 :b a. in. A
terrible fire is raging here. Most of the
town has gone. The Haines have reached
tlie sjstal telegraph ollice building, forc
ing the oeratur from his key. No esti
mate can he made at this time.
The Borden Trlnl.
Nkw Hkdfokd, Mass., June S. In tlie
Lizzie Borden trial today the testimony
was that the accused, after the tragedy,
and after a search by the police, bin ned
what she said was a pint-sta:ned dress.
The prosecution seeks to show- it was
blood-t 'ai ned.
The following circular letter ha been
sent to each subordinate Grange in the
TtBNKR, Or., May 27, 1893.
To the Secretary:
Please read tiie following resolution to
your Gyange at first meeting :
At tlie twentieth annual session of the
Oregon State Grange, Patrons of Hus
bandry, held at The Dalles, Or., May
23d to 20th, 1893, the following resolu
tion, presented by Molulla Grunge, No.
40, was referred to the committee on
resolutions, and the committee reported
tlie same buck to the State Grange with
out recommendation, and on motion the
resolution was referred to the subordi
nate Grange for discussion and investi
gation, to wit :
"Iiewhed, That we demand the adop
tion of the system of direct legislation
by the initiative and referendum, as the
best und quickest way to secure imme
diate relief from Wall s'reet and the
At the twentieth annual session of
the Oregon Statu Grange, Patrons of
Husbandry, held at The Dulles, Or.,
May 23d to 20th, 1893, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted,
to-w it :
Hesulied, That a memlier of our order,
i residing near Oregon City yr Portland,
be apd(inted a committee to confer
w ith like committees from the Alliance
and other orders, in regard to direct leg
islation by the initiative und referen
dum, and with advisory power."
1 The master, lion. li. P. P.oise, up
pointed Hon. W. l. liaie of 1 li li-l..,i.
as such commit tee.
I hereby certify that the lnregoimr is
a true and coirect copy of the record ol
the action f tlie Mate ( irange.
W. M. HllUAUY,
Svv. Oregon S!:iu dr.inge.
All Holiest lllill.'lll l.elll.
The honest soul of Archie Lawyer, an
beieditary chief of the Ncz Perces,
; passed over to the happy bunting
grounds of his race lat Friday at the
l.apwai r-'ein v. lbs was ulune at the
time of his death, the fatal atllietion
being some sort of heart trouble. Law
yer was about oO yeurs of uw, a superb
H'eimeii of physical development, over
six feet tall, weighing over 200 pounds
and measuring two feet across the chest.
His mental qualifications were no less
admirable, considering the limited op
portunities of his tribe, and reflected the
true wonh of an innately honest man.
In all the conflicts between white and
red men, in the dreadful days of 77,
Lawyer was a staunch friend of civiliza
tion and by bis giswl counsel and sturdy
arm rendered loyal service to the white.
He had received a good education and
was a Presbyterian minister of the gos
pel at Kamiuh when the grim reaper
came. Lewiston Tribune.
I'leaiant Itldge Mchool Iteport.
Editor Ciikomci.k: Tlie following is
a monthly summary of school district
No. 20 (Pleasant Kidge), from May 15th
to June 9th, 1S93:
Number of boys enrolled, C.
Number of girls enrolled, 11.
Total number enrolled, 17.
Number of days taught, 20.
Number of days' attendance, 321 )',.
Number of days' absence, 1H'S.
Number of times tardy, 4.
The following baye obeyed every rule
of tlie school during the month and are
on the weekly roll of honor: Jennie
Powell, Florence Wolt'e, Charlie Obrist,
Oscar Anderson.
Considering that the pupils from two
families are motherless and do their
own bouse work besides attending
school, that one pupil rides four milea
on horseback, and two little girls walk
two miles to and fro every day, we think
the above an excellent report.
The school was not closed on memo
rial day, there being no cemetery in the
neighborhood ; but in the afternoon
each pupil and the teacher prepared
boquets of beautiful wild flowers and
laid them on the grave of M. L. Powell's
infant child in loving remembrance of
each one's own departed dead. "Shall
We Gather at the River" w as sung, then,
we talked about the meaning of memo
rial day, and each child went homo hav
ing learned the a b.c of patriotism.
Charlotte F. Roberts, teacher.
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, give freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cure constipation.
25c, 50c. and f 1.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinersly, druggists.
Another Challenge From KohertH.
London, June 9. Roberts, the Britwh
billiard champion, ha challenged Ives,
the American, to another contest of 0000
or 12,0011 points with the same table and
the conditions a before, except that in
case where the balls are jammed, they
shall be spotted and the player continue
to play from the balk line.
Klectrlo Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular ss to need no
speciul mention, All who use Electric
Uitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
Is guaranteed to do all that is churned.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent ns well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Tat
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and f 1 pet
bottle at Snipes fc Kincrslv's.
Last of the Famous I.elnnil Itrotherfl.
New York, June 10. Warren I.eland,
the last of the five brothers who made
the name of I.eland famous in the hotel
business from the Atlantic Ui the Pa
cific, died at Port Chester, Thursday.
It Nhould Ite In Kvi'l.v II.
J. It. Wilson, 371 Clay St.. Sharps
burg, Pu., says he will not. be without
pr. King's New Discovery fi.r consump
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his
w ile who was threatened with pneumonia,
utter an attack of "la grippe," when
'various other remedies and several phy
sicians had done her no good. Robert
ilarber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
King's New Discovery bus done bi:u
more good than unythiuK he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial Iwttles at Snipes it Kin
ersly'. Ijirge bottles, 6'ic. and $1.00.
Highest of all in Ixavcrunj rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.