THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1893. THE DESTROYER." Ibe Lata Joha Mailt from iaaa uft by Krutaon. Shortly after Cnpt. John KricsNtin had built the original Monitor unci her sis ter pnntiouu, he conceived the it lea of inventing another retel that would he Met.) tit-mulish hUt earlier crenMons. With this end in view, he tpc nt nitieh time und money over avctoel carrying u tmhnnirinc liattery that tinullv met with his ideas, hut. says Harper s Weekly, the oltl mau died before he reeeived any fa vorable response from the government Wu.shiii'ton. The authorities, however, approved of the plan of the boat for the testing of the system, and the work was earried on by the Krics aon Const Defense company, under the "l r taion in r.utriueer . 1 . Lasso, CITY COUNCIL. Aft.r the Owim of I'rmy Vault. GOLD MINES IN THE SOUTH. V- per page . s i.;si . . l.-hi .. . . ,no .. .!.". KXTERIOB VIEW r 'TnE DKSTBOTEB." and others, who were closely associated with ("apt. Ericsson for manr years. Improvements in the boat were further made, ami the vessel, aptly named the Destroyer, now lies at the Itrooklyn navy-yard. She is V.O feet in length, with 12-foot beam; draught 10 feet, with a displacement of U."0 tons. Her bow and stern lines are exactly the same, being straight and very sharp. The upper deck is low, with no rail, anil from amidships rises a long superstructure with no openings, so that the vessel, if required, may run with upper deck submerged. At a distance of 32 feet from the liovr a heavy-armorexl bulk head, which is inclined at a ver tical angle of ." degrees, crosses the vessel. This is intended as a protection to the engines and boilers, and permits the boat to run toward the enemy bow on. Eight feet under water is the projectile, 27 feet 4 inches in length, and weighing l,5i pounds. It is of steel, with a heavy bursting charge in the forward end, whi' h is exploded by percussion cap. This charge is of SOU pounds, anil ! the diameter of the projectile lu I inches. A tube runs the entire length I of the vessel just alxive the keel, and is j fixed with water tight gates at the bow. j Only :;J to U pounds of powder are re quired to prooel the torpedo, the muz zle velocity of which is 54s feet per sec ond. A series of trials took place near New York recently, and the results were extremely satisfactory. The mechanism of the gun showed no de fects during the firing, and the report states that had a vessel 100 feet in length, with a draught of 20 feet, been stationed COO feet away, 15 out of 20 shots fired would have struck her. The Destroyer is more effective than a ram, although the projectile has been termed "the detachable ram," for it is able to achieve similar results at a distance. "Golden Medical Discovery" cures those diseases which comes from blood impurities scrofula and skin diseases' ores and swellings. But does it? It's put np by the thous ands of gallons, and sold to hundreds of thousands. Can it cure as well us though it bad been compounded just for you 7 Its makers gay that thousands of peo ple who have had tetter and salt-rheum, eczema and erysipelas, carbuncles and ore eyes, thick neck and enlarged glands, are well today because thev used it. buppose that this is so. Suppose that m quica-wiueu man was far-seeing enough to know that to cleanse the blood was to cleanse the life. Suppose that by many experiments, and after many failures, he discovered this golden key to health and that his faith in it for you is so strong that you can go to your druggist, buy a bottle, and if it doesn't help you, you can get your money re turnedcheerfully. Will you try it? The remedy to have faith in, is the remedy the makers themselves have faith in. PhI nunlj I'lonenra. Dallas, Or., June 2. Special The meeting of the Polk County Pioneer As sociation begins here today and will continue two davs. The promptness and certainty of its cures have made Chamberlain' Cough teemed? famous. It is intended eapeci ally (,r rough, colds, croup and whoop ing coughs, and is thu most efTectua remeny Known lor ctlieae diseases. Mr. C. D. Main of Union City, Pa., says: I have a great sale on Chamberlain ougti l.emedy. I warrant every bottie and have never heard of one failing to five entire satisfaction." 50 tent bottles lor sale by Ulakeley A Houghton, drug- lm Karl Clover Iioot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation tc., ouc. and ll.iw. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggist. ripi.xsijro wheels are not altogether things of the past Go into Cornwall or Wales or to the Scotch Highlands and you will find plenty of cottages where the spinning; wheel is as much piece of useful household furniture an are the scrubbing brush and the kitchen broom. Shiloh's enre, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five lows, only 2."c. Children love it. cold by Sniws c: Finerlv. The regular monthly meeting of the city council convened at the council chambers Saturday evening, June lid, present Counciluien Ilaight, Kreft, Joles, Williams.. Wood and I-atier. It is a noteworthy exception when the mayor is absent, and quite as notewor thy when the lull council is present. Mr. Ilaight presided as mayor pro tern. A petition of the Oregon Telephone and Telegraph Cotasking that a fran chise be granted tuiil company to ervel poles and string wires in and along the streets, alleys and public places of Dalles Citv, was referred to committee on streets aud public property. Hid were received for printing the ordinances, as follows Ciihonu-i.e 100 copies "J(Hl copies 100 copies Times-Mountaineer 100 copies 00 copies HOC copies .1)6 The bhi of the Times-Mountaineer being the lowest, the same was, upon motion, accepted for 300 eopies. The judiciary committee reported that they" were of the opinion that the coun cil could not legally proceed to elect au assessor at the present time and recom mended that no action lie taken. The report was, on motion, adopted and placed on file. The select committee appointed to recommend districts for sewer purposes were granted further time. An exhaustive report from the com mittee on health and police, which de manded numerous water closets to lie connected with their respective sewers. the names of the owners thereof being fully specified in the report, was read. and, upon motion, the recommendations of the report were adopted and the re port placed on file. On motion the recorder was instructed to notifv the proiier parties to remove he barn standing in Federal street south to Fulton street. The committee on fire and water re ported that they hail a new liell tower constructed at the engine house anil had the old tower removed to Mt. Hood hose house. Ordinance No. 272 entitled "an ordi nance to define the duties ami fixing tin compensation of the marshal,'' reatl and passed, also No. 273 same f r street commissioner. Judges and clerks of election were ap pointed by the council as follows : First ward, judges Geo. A. Liele, Hugh Chrisman, J. K. Page; clerk- E. II. Merrill, Henry Smith. Second ward, judges E. Jacobsen, I. I. Iltirgett. Geo. Kuch ; clerks II. J. Maier, E. P. Fiiz gerald. The following claims were allowed: I r .neneiee, recorder fioo ( Dan Maloney, marshal loo tx J F Staniels.street commissioner 7s IN eo J brown, engineer hre dept SO 00 J S rish, hre warden 12 00 L Korden, treasurer 2" (Hi John Michell, printing 1 ;in Dalles Water Works, water rent 32 00 Da.les tlectric Co, lights offices 3 tM " " streets ".",('. .Ml Burham & Robertson, team hire 3 00 K Morton, labor s mi K E Teague, hauling 3 i .Maier & iienton, mdse Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber . fi filthy Tay Was Worked Rafularlr lle- for tha War. Few persona have auy Idea of the quantity of gold that exists in the western part of Georgia, South Caro lina and North Curolina. The majori ty of these mines were known forty or fifty years ago, but have been aban doned. In almost every instance a very significant amount of ore taken from them has been used. A short time ago Mr. C. It. Warrand, of this city, visited one of the most interesting and valua ble of these gold-bearing qua.'tx dis tricts at the foot of the lilue Kidge numutaius ou the banks of the liroud river, in York county, 8. C, near Smith's ford, and he gives an interest ing account of his visit, suys the Savan nah News. Forty-five years ago and up to the war. he says, the mines there were worked regularly with slave labor. A shaft was sunk on the velus, which vary from three to five feet in thick ness and which are almost pcrpcudicu- lar. The quartz ore was roasted on the spot to make it more friable and was then carted often for miles to some water power, whore it wos run through a primitive stamp-mill. With slave labor these mines paid well, though less than one-hulf of the gold was recovered, probably twenty-five per cent, of the freo gold being lost; the pyrites or gold sulphurets were en tirely thrown away, being considered worthless. Still, with cheap labor it paid, and thousands of dollars of gold were sent to the I'nited States miuts annually. Since the war a number of spasmodic efforts have been made to work the mines, which invariably end ed in a failure. As a rule the capital employed was entirely too small ami lubor-suving devices were either lie- yond the means of the operators or were unknown at the time. Lately this state of affairs has changed and the brilliant success made at the Hale mine in Kershaw county, S. ('., in working up daily hundreds of tons of ore containing only two dollars and fifty cents of gold at a cost of forty cents pjr ton, and recovering ninety five jht cent, of tlu gold by the coro nation process, seems to nave demon strated that with proper skill and mod ern mechanical appliances aud suffi cient capital many low-grade tires can be profitably mined. Such a substan tial proof as a surplus of fifty thousand dollars accumulated iu one year by the Hale mine is certainly a very convinc ing argument. The time is near at hand, Mr. War rnnd believes, when the value of our southern gold mines will be recognized, giving employment to thou.undn and adding daily to southern wealth. Gold mining in the south never will be in the nature of n lionanza. but if it is carried on like uny other business, with only moderate expectations in proiiortion to the capital invested, and with the hvilp of all improved metlnxls and machinery, it will lie found safer and more remunerative than the major ity of ventures. Pi 1 n for B II Thurston, foundation bell tower A S Cathcart, hauling K Morton, labor W K Brown, labor C M Fouts, labor K Riggs, labor Jos T Peters, wood and cement! A M Williams & Co, rojie Maier & Benton, mdse Mays Sc Crowe, mdse W II Young. blackMinithiiKT Geo J Brown, cash paid for saw ing wooti Farlev & Frank, Joles Bros, mdse J P Matlock, hauling' '.'.'.'.'.'. '. lalles Electric Co. lights iir department . Ir II I-ogan, medical attendance K V iibons. nitrht G C Bills, night watchman L matiila House, feeding prison- cr" 12 ." Adjourned to meet June 30th, lSfC 25 no 3 00 10 00 10 no 15 7o 10 (Hi 9 70 on 4 00 7"i 4 0o 1 50 75 4 85 2 00 0 40 2 Ml 75 00 02 00 PEOPLE OP MANY NATIONS. PnKsniENT Nunez, of Colombia, has refused a pension of SiO.000 a year. Little Alfonso, of Spain, will at tain his seventh birthday in May, and then, according to court etiquette, he will have his own household. Tha room's In disorder. Tut cnl's im (he titbit, Thoflnwer-stuntl uisM't.uml t he misctilof to ray: Ami .lolmny Is cnu.unug- As liiutl s lit1 'a nhle. For nothing- gtmt rwut wucu Ultimata's sway. What a scene of dlvomfort and con fusion home would be if mamma did not return. If your wife is slowly breaking; down, from a combination ol domestic cares and f enisle disorders, make it your first butiness to restore her health. Dr. Pierce1 Favorite Pre scription Is without peer us a remedy for feeble and dubilitntcd women, and li the only medicine for the rlitsa of mala dies known as "female diseases" which Is sold, by druggists, under a potittee auamntft from the nianuiuciurers uint it will pive satisfaction. In every case, or the money will be refunded. It is a positive cure for the most complicated eases. It's an Invigorating, restorative tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine, Impjrtlng tone and vigor to "e wnoio svstem. It's a lep t mats incut cine, too oairfuilv compounded hy an experienced plivslclsn, and adapted to woman? neural organization. VIGOR of MEN Easily, Quickly. PcrmaiMntly Rtatara. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, nrt all Ihr tram of ktIu fmnititriy f rmrsnr lur rxovMc. Utt results or tivrurk, li'kutN wurnr.rlc. VulUtRiimli,!upiiim ami ti.nn lMl I" ry i.riinn nd Pxrllnti tr tlw Imp!, nntuntlmatlio'l. ImmtiUiitolmprt.ven'eni. n. KMIurlmM-lll. a.inl rvft.rt'm-ra. rxiitanntlnn anil prtjufa ouUtstl taeaiad' frcv. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. V. POLAND CH IN A Hog " ' ""N. 1 Mtn furnish 1 1.,., I A '7 TH0H0TJGHBRQ) NVVx--vdlK v' YJ 1 ' " " '""ma' """" "if a nVii;V-' I'l-'i-e, 2() per head, or , ' fW-Ciimi- ami hv them, or write. All h'ttcr. iriu.l!y n.w,.n.(l, EDWHRD JUDV CENTERV,LLCi "There is a tide in the affairs pJ men which, taken at leads on to fortune." The poot unquestionably had reference to the -UDtttit -Fiiifs & Cum at CRANDALL & BURGET'S Who are sellinil these crrd nut nt cmmti,. .j .' - . , Duucea rates' jiirin:LiiAi:ii r.KicK, - . rxiox st. Seed Wheat, " Outs, " Corn, " live, " PotatfK's, (larden Seeds, Crass Seeds in IUilk. 23 -AT- T. H. CROSS' May, Grain and Feed Kturw. 1: r W. E. GARRETSON, (ii mmm m$ J6W" Mj'p.Zffi AiirsT rim nir tLOO Per now W' -H I ' Stii, Il.i:ir .- ..!-,.... -ilt-trnt. I jO'X-3n--??35' I i Vrtltlll,;-' ntid Atli'itni. 1 riviil: ttMiMi-fi .:i fall.- I; wiM kcrr. y by l.'ruv'S:; en orCMiUUKti'lW pl lirr Coilir!i .0.-1 it hm no f-.i.Hl, wui- r.ll union r in time. f.;il r..rl."n.cluiik ''i. HJLOHSy. CATARRH J'rKv oiiuu. ti.r (rK Vnr aalahjr Knlea A lilnrraly. Town Topic. The midsummer number of "Tul from Town Topics" ha just Hwent over the land with a cool breezine that very grateful to a warm anil huiKtiorom public. It m a remarkably itav fort iiinnt of Hhort gtorieH, sketchen, ait-niii and witticimiiB culled from the New York nociety journal, ami contains, in addition to this ulla pwlrula of repro duced material, a complete and orijrii novel, entitled "Six Month in Iiade j fiance arene liiij,'lian. The tory iwK tne prize of 1,(H)0 in a conteHt in ntituieu by the publishers of Town ii'iucn, aim 1 a reniarkahlv iniren out ana well constructed tale. For a num nor B.itl. I ' . -n,, hh;ii lo wime away a lazy afternoon, "Tale from Town Topic" i peculiarly attractive. Town Topic, 21 West Twenty-third street. ew lors. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.. San Diego, Cal., eay: "Shiloh' Catarrh liemedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me anv imod " Price 50 cts. Hold bv r-nine A Kiner.U At Ilurnt Ilnnch. Orpvnn. rw "i:ii. h'.r.',, James Martin Thorn fittnn aif I'll;., . , . f" r,. wi B.' till" mrirn, potlanl. by dr-iwninif. years, 10 months and 10 dav. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, ac. A? As M 33. SASDEK'S ELECfirVC CELT ...M.l "-r ah 4,1 iyf it-stiTH'-n V!th Etectro-Mr.nnnh H I I ft I PNI I laMf I . . a .- iiitf on ; t.nsjii iiwwlwnn,. rr,, Ul," ..' : k','"'"T' tvr -oil l,niii-r frnt l.-m h-tiiii, T Mvtrt- iifl ,,., 1,, . m. ln,rrsfMi 0T ell t,UT 'lfr i.' it :I-I.'ti'Vw r'r 'T '"rf"'t A.tUM.Otf. in.: fll.,f itr) n.-.Vrt rllwaM-tt f,r rni MV 7 1 1 ' "r. rr tiiiN mt-v-itijt iri-tin 'n ... oi innu "rT l iner tt , , " . . mar, aim ait . 171 lkr4 Ntrrrt, fUKI LAAAI OILK. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. AliK.SKUAI.BA.VKIMi BCslNKKi, '" " 1 iiiiiii naa ma PAUL KREFT DKALKns IN & CO., PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS And the Mont Complete and the Ijitest Pattern and IesiKns j "W AXjL paper I'metical I'ltinters and Tbimt Ilonppra. Nona bm i. 1 . 1 . Ml..., ,..u-;n;.. 11 it- m ' . .. :1 " . . ' wranu ' . " . iiiitunrv b 1 mills useti in all jnr ar.k ....1 . . - ' 1 , 1 IJ III II! the most skilled woiknien employed. cliemieal combination or soap mixture, order promptly attendej to. Airents for Mam.ry Liipjid 1'aint. ursi ciass article m all colon. Paint Bhoo corner Thirdand Wahineton Btt., TLe Halls. On the Dalles AND RI NEVILLE v Stag Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. Th Il!mat6a. m. eviirv duv. ami ar- rlvn at I'rlnevllla In thlrtr u lioum. Imvn rrluevlli at ft u. m. rrrrr tlav, anil arrKr at ilia Iiallca lu tblrt; au liinirit. Garlics th C. S. Mail, Passengers and Express - Connaru at I'rtiflllr with Stage from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Alwimaltncliipi. nmnr'tl.m at Thr Dallra with trlna In 1111 rortlauiJ and KaaU'rn imiiiia. .' Comieooj irirtrj. .' (loo jc:oiiiicilaiions amsz itt mi. : Fust-class CoacUss M Mia tsel .' duress oilier tidied win special care. From TERIKINRL or 1STEK10R Pold Tim I -ll Tl . nun ni "TAtie orriikK; M. Hlrtipl ar i'.ii.'m St:r, l'rlurlla. t'niatllla lltiuae, ill Ilallt... All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I Haeonri Mt.. Tha llallna. Or. n. Ht'HR!(-, rmiileiit . M. IHtAU (Jaaliltft. First Rational Bank. 'HE DALLES. - OREGON A General liankitift linaineH tranmu'tetl Deposit reeeivetl, snbjeet to Higlit Ih-aft or t hei k. Colleetioti matle anil proeeedH promptly remitted on daj of eollet'tion. Ki'ht and Telegraphic Fxrliuiufi- aolil n New York, San Kraneinco and I'ort-land. UIWECTOKS, l. T. Thompson. Jno. K. St :hkm it Kit. M. W'll.l.lAMH, tiKO. A 1.IKHK. H. M. lAi.i FACTORY SODA WATER AND ICE CEEAM. The St. Charles Hole!,! PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable bonne ha been entirely reliirniHhed, and every rixnn ha been ro papered and reiainte and newly carpeted throin;lioiit. The houne eontaiii 170 ph. ma him) in iippliM with every modern convenience, liatei reaMonable. A irootl rtntanrant attHchit' to the bonne. Frer Imih to and from all tram. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. W.II. YOUNG, I'nHnmn HIhpit nMnrNtlniii run br m In )TaiM UimuKh uny mti'l of Utt runL THROUGH TICKETS ML! KiikiniiiI nf :iiriia. can be Hin?tiaaail ticket tifllc 11I Hie cnniHiiiy. full Intiirniatlcm emipeniliL ratta. tralna, roiitra and oilier drUlla luruUM a.illialliin Ui W. C. ALLAWAY, Axent P P. A A. Nar. t:o., Kurilauir itt' I ia I lea. Or., or A. Ii. fltAKt.TOS, Aaa't. Ueneral I'aaafhier AL, fnrtland. I The Dalles Cigar : faetofj FIRST BTEEKI. FACTORY NO. Iff niHtinfiictnnv- order from all part of the rniintrj on the Mliortent notice at whitloaala lutilatlttna. Candies and Nuts s;w;wSpecialties Letter of Credit iaanetl available in Kanlern Staler. he Aged itfht Dxchanire ..! T..I. i.: rranW-rdstildon New York. Chic,,,. M ' xiii, Sn Kranciaco. I',,rtl,....l t !ltt!e WnHh.. and vri.,n. ,.;..i- ' yon nd W anhinifton. ColU-tj,,,,. made at all point nn far. O'Rble terma. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalle 21 Street J.FOLCO right ahlt. 1. lllairra rua tan rant. ieneral RliickHinithinir and Work done promptly, and all work i.iiiaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street opp, Licbc's old Stand. THE DALLES Notional Bonk, Of DAIJ.KH CITY, OK. F'remdent . Vli.. president, Canhier, - . Z. F. Mooiiy C'ii.M' Hilton M. A. Mooiiy CliAFA STOY, Art Tkaciikk Hm .1, llftdmpn lluililuiii, III flVi 1 i'1 1 hiir-ilnyn cf l'1-ir. i. General Hanking liusincs TraiiMcUd. Hinht F.xi;haiiK' Hold on NKW YOliK, f'AN KKASCISflO, C'lIICAf.O and I'OUTLAM), OR. ('ol lection inniln on fuvnrehln term Ht i' ni-cepililc pfiin'w Tl. r ,t..t;,. f tiik DAl.LEf 1 'iAlt lout lurmiir fir ml v etnlilil'l'j the demand for the boine muniifa1'10" article i increamntr every day. A. ULRICH &S0N YOUR ATTEJUIOw Is called to tha fact that I RHILROHD j la tha Una tti tea I TO ALL POINTS EAST AND Ij It l tliK liliiln far Routa. It mm T'f Vaalltiuletl Iralnn ever; day la tlKjtJ pl panl and Cfe INO ( IIANUE OF ( AM. Compoiwl ot I '1 11 1 ti ar Cara . 1 rjianau J ! man lirawin Kiaini Mwnatkmtiquipa mm muss cars Beat that can be eontniM, ana t tatf ..iniiitiip an. Mtin riw ana tvrsaw nir uiiiiivraiM rirat aua HtnunaiaiaTlaaaT ELEGANT EAY COB A rnntlnumia llin, pnnnartinr wllbt altiinllng rtlrw.t and uiinilumi.ll amm Dealer In (ila, Mine, Plaster, and lliiildiii(r Material of ol' -Carrlaa tha rilieat l.ln o" icturc Mou ldio To te foond Id the City. 72 UJamhinrrton StP'