The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 09, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle,
Rev. Whisler, who claims the Ohio
Wealeyan university its his alma mater,
has been shocked at the late sensational
rorl8 concerning the hazing of girl
students, and leaves the following state
ment from the faculty, as published in
the Christian Advocate, whieh contra
dicts the Associated Press reports:
The report that the young ladies have
engaged in hazing is not true. There
has never been a simile case of hazing
among the girls of the college. One
evening some girls foolishly nmrueu
themselves and three or four of their
schoolmates with burnt cork and chalk
One of the girls had a two ter rent solu
tion of nitrate of silver, which had been
procured at a drug store. She tested it
on her own arm and found that it left a
slight stain, but was perfectly harmless
Four of the girls were slightly market!
in the palms of the hands and on their
wrists with this solution. This, how
ever, was not done against the will of
anyone. Two of the girls washed off the
solution that night, and it did not leave
the slightest mark. The other two left
the solution on over night, and were nn
able to wash it off the next morning be
fore breakfast. On their wav to the col
lege grounds to recite they stopped at
a drug store and asked the druggist to
remove the nitrate, which he did with
out any pain and without leaving anv
mark. No young woman at this college
baa ever received any bodily injury
from another student'; nor litis anv
young woman in connection with this
matter been guiltv of conduct toward
another student which the parents of
either party would disapprove.
The action of these students lias in
flicted disgrace upon the university,
upon themselves, and been a cause of
great mortification to their relatives.
They are deserving of little sympathy.
We have a perennial sympathy with
youthful energy, activity and high
spirits. Nor do we oppose practical
jokes if they regard the rights of prop
erty, person, and reputation, and do not
infract decency. Ingenious and ingen
uous minds will have no trouble in in
venting practical jokes within the
limits of nioralitv and refinement.
In a country like the United States,
where famine is never known and good
crops are the rule; where no standing
army, to speak of, is maintained at an
immense cost to the taxpayers; where
the per cent of crime is small ; whore
resources are unparalleled and wages
are uniformlv cood. It is a matter 01
be made Inoperative. K they succeed
In all these small jobs they may turn
their attention to the eradication of vol
canic outbursts in Japan, and to con
fining the orbit of comets to their own
system and not be heavenly vagabonds
any longer;
We are fast growing impervious to
calamity. The "gold reserve" has been
surprise that such widespread hard times j trenched upon and has retrenched, and
can exist. The causes are difficult to
The city council at their lust meeting
inaugurated a system of sanitation that,
if perhaps heroic, is one of the wisest
measurers ever attempted by that body
of men. The stench of outhouses in the
summer time has been a nuisance fur
many years, and one of the most pro
lific causes of disease. Typhoid fever,
diptheria, two of the severest diseases
known to mankind, are nearly always
traceable to polluted air and water,
caused by carelessness on the part of
citizens. Scarlet fever, small pox and
allied contagious diseases are better and
more thouroughly perpetuated when
gamage ana uecaving vegetation are
thrown anywhere, and when open water
closets are alio ved to exist in thickly-
populated portions of the town. In
stances are plentiful where otherwise
admirable citizens have been indifferent
to laws they knew existed and occasion
al specific orders, asking them to con
nect their privies with the sewers, which
would have been but a trifling expense.
Bach people, and all others who are now
directly to 1 asked to remedy these de
fects will do so uncomplainingly, since
they are aware, as well as others, that
their course has not been one for the
best interests of the general welfare.
assign, being almost as varied as there
are exponents to assign them. The
republicans say the universal stringency
is due to the anticipated lowering of the
tariff, while the democrats as persist
etitlv claim that the tariff as it now ex
ists, has brought the present troubles
upon us ; the labor leader assures us that
the centralization of capital is alone re
sponsible; the religious bigot that Jusu
its are a tremendously disturbing cause.
No conditiou, fancied or real, escapes
the reasoning of some men as being di
rectly responsible for the present strin
gency. The silver lining to the dark
cloud ib found in the fact that its sud
den appearance may be as quickly dis
pelled. If the Sherman Act Is unwise,
as it now seems to be almost univer
sally conceded, it will not take long to
repeal it, as congress meets again in Sep
tember. Our resources are so vast and
varied that a few millions one way or the
other cut no figure ,in a national sense.
The next congress will certainly legis
late in a manner to ease the existing
condition of affairs. If they legislate at
all they will do so. The uncertainty as
to just what they will do is the most
palpable cause of alarm, on the princi
ple that it is the unknown which terri
fies. It is not likely that the new con
gress will do anything nearly so sweep
ing as the democratic platform, taken
literally, would require. Most men,
even among the democrats, do i ot favor
free trade to the extent as there stated.
There will vet be ample protection on
all commodities that need it.
Locally, the money market is easier I
than it was a month ago; collections!
has retrenched and been trenched iiwn
again, but we are dead to the agony
Nothing ran stir up the cockles of our
heart, or cause a single hair to stand on
end short of a scissors trust or a gum
arabic combine.
The Languedoc ship canal, in France,
by a short passage of MS miles, saves a
sea voyage of 2,000 miles by the Straits
of (iihraltar.
The office seeker Is the unri states
man, and theenances of his being nipped
in the bud are numerous and painful.
Thubsuay, June 8. The tone of busi
ness for the past week has !een quiet.
0erations in most departments of the
merchandise market has been more of a
hand to mouth character than for some
time. I'riees have been maintained
throughout all lines. Money has been
firm, although ts easier in tone than
reported a week ago. Collections were
more satisfactory and deposits larger,
ilusiness, while somewhat quiet, is con
ducted on a more satisfactory basis.
The credit system has been, to a large
degree, curtailed, and consequently a
healthier condition prevails in all cir
cles, the produce market is quite
steady. Straw berries are coming in
freely, and with a good demand (or ex
iort, prices ranue from 10 to 12 cents
per box crated, (iooseuerries are in
fair supply at "' cents per gallon. New
potatoes and green hmb are in fair sii
ply. Other garden vegetables are plen
tiful and prices are nominal.
A Frenchman states that there are
61,000 breweries in the world. Germany
easily leads with 26,240, which produce
4,750 million litres of beer yearly, a litre
being equal to about l?4 pints. Eng
land comes next with 12,874 breweries
and an output of 2,600 million litres;
then the United States with 2,1500 brew
eries and 3,500 million litres ; Austria
with 1,942 breweries and 1,300 million
litres ; Belgium, with 1,2!0 breweries and
1,000 million litres, and France with
1,044 breweries and 8U0 million litres.
In Bavaria the annual allowance of beer
of the population is 221 litres; in Berlin,
101 ; in Belgium, 169; in England, 143;
in fcwiUerland, 3i ; in Denmark, 'J3;
in the United States, 31 ; in Sweden. 1 1,
and in Russia, 5. Thee are not offered
as temperance statistics, because 'neer
is not the principal drink in all coun
tries. The Bussians are not a beer
drinking people, nor are they an especi
ally temperate nation.
The laat number of the Goldendale
Sentinel bears no comparison to its im
mediate predecessors. The adolescent
youth wtio has been promoted to the
less arduous duties of the composing
room fired his parting shot at the direct
ors of the paper upon which lie was
working In the last issue of May, and
Hugh (Jourlay, well known in Wasco
county, as a man of education and dis
cernment, and withal an incisive writer,
took charge of the tripod. The Sentinel
has acquired at a single leap all it could
rain in twenty years by the slow process
ai educating its youthful editor through
the fiery ordeal of competitive comment.
While our neighboring state across
the river is suffering financial reverses,
and the closing of banks are a daily oc
currence, no bank failure will be re
ported from Oregon. From dispatches
it has been learned that Portland banks
are thoroughly sound and can stand any
draft, sudden or long-continued, and the
same can be said of all banks throughout
the state. Oregon today is better pre
pared with ready cash than any other
td'e i:i M't .trier..
r I 1 ..(-it i u nn i'Iiu ti mi in i . -r ut.jt
are better and a general convalescent I i.,, -....i,.., ,i.... .i. ... ....... . f
i iiiiivci v ' t , 1. 1 1 m I m Wilis ui
tone is noted. The lessons taught in j daily receipts.
the east will prove beneficial to our; ti.u ;.. ....,( ti.u t ........... ..
the coast i it limit change. Eastern
and fnreign markets are more or less un
satisfactory: reiiorts from the era in dis-
oser to the cash system, while curtail- , v..n .m j,,,,:,.,,,,, ,
crops and a prospect of the usual average
fur export.
Our home market is quiet. Some
Klickitat Valley wheat is coming to i he
Diamond .Mills nml .f2 to .Tm per bushel
al merchants, and they will restrict
the practice of giving credit upon in- i
sufficient security. Thev will stick i
ing and hedging in ull reasonable ways.
The greatest cause for the coinrestion
here lies in the fact that the wool is lied
up on account of an indisposition to sell.
At this season of the year a million and
a half of dollars are usually disbursed.
As an illustration of the accuracy with
which the new fast trains K-tu n Chi
cago and New York keep to t!ie iijiunv- !'
time card, a writer in Chi
cago Herald tells of the meeting of X t
two exposition trains on tiie Lake Siior.'
railroad in the course of the first run :
"At 11 :55 o'clock Sunday night, when
No. 10 had just flashed past Kipley
Crossing exactly on time. Western Pas
senger Agent Wilber of the Lake Shore
quietly remarked : 'Gentlemen, we pass
No. 41 in exactly two minutes. Won't
you step to the back platform and see
it?' With every nerve strained, the
members of the party huddled into the
rear vestibule. 'We pass her in thirty
seconds,' said Mr. Wilber, stop watch
in hand. The confidence of the man
was sublime. He had received no word
from No. 41, not even that it had started
from New York. 'In twenty seconds,'
said Mr. Wilber, as calmly as if merely
reading bis watch-dial. Not a man in
the party doubted the statement. 'In
ten seconds,' spoke the prophetic voice,
and that tingling, hair-lifting sensation
is paid. Oats and barley are fine at
former quotations and have a fair de
mand lor home use.
' The wool market is full storked with
trie grades of wool and is lifeless.
1 lovers and fellers are apart on prices,
o.ierings range fiom .09 lo .13 cents.
Siime few sellers are disjiosiiig. Eastern
markets are still weak. The Boston
Advertiser, of the 2nd, t-avs: '"Fine
fleeces are duil and almost entirely nom
inal. Some old bus might le picked up
at quotations, but no one believes that
new wools will command any such figures
as are now quoted. Shearing is going on
in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and some
idea of w hat the new wools are worth
will be known soon. Medium clothing
and combing wisila are dull and nominal
in price. Delaine fleeces appear to be
closely old out and quotations are nom
inal. Unwashed and unmerchantable
fleeces are dull, and sales ruling are
mostly at inside quotations. For .'4' and
?' blood fleeces the demand is quiet,
with spot lots moving in a slow way at
about 22(23c for choice parcels. Sales
to arrive of Southern graded wools are
l.,.lu,l )...!..- . 1 II... ..IT. 1
which the patriot feels when listening to I " ' ' '7! "
. .... ..acT..aii niiyiiD mill III7H
here Iwing made, with buyers still hold
ing oil. Some business is being done to
! arrive in these wools, but buyers are
very conservative.
Territory wools are very dull and
quotations are entirely nominal. Sales
have been confined to small lots as a
rule, and prices have taken considerable
miivn Tutm ...... i . .
. : i p.- - -""in u'c ii 1 1 1 1 aim iiuiii-
After careful examination of the many j ,,,H 'ared up leing mostly on
models presented, the United States ' l'rivale terms, which probably means
army, through its recognizable head, i v"r- ""'''"rnia and Oregon wools
has declared in favor of the JCraif-Jor- "re ntl featureless, with
martial music electrified the sronn.
Five seconds four three two one
ibesdue.' Whirr, crash, three times
three and a tiger. Both trains exactly
on time. It was the apotheosis of rail
roading. Astronomical exactness ap
plied to a time card. 'Good night, gen
tlemen; I am going to bed,' said Mr. I
horses, Uulou Stock Yards, Chicago,
ays :
With moderate receipts and consider
able Inquiry for special sale of horses a
fairly firm, though by no means active
market prevailed this week. The tone
is, however, fully up to the firm close of
last week and if receipts do not come In
too freely and largely in excess of re
quirement an improved market should
be In order for some weeks at least.
Good strcelera are in better demand
than for some time at prices $'(" 10 bet
ter than late quotations, and smooth
chunks and draft horses are much
sought a'ter, but common workers and
coarse, thin draft horses drag at low
prices and hard and slow sale.
As usual for some time handy to bet
ter class of drivers, roach and saddle
horses are scarce and selling well, and
have fully maintained first place as
ready sellers.
Daily inquiry for branded horses is
made and the first extensive sale of
these will he held Wednesday, June 7.
Whkat 62 to 5tc per bu. Prices are up to Do to $1.00
cents per 100 lbs.
Oath The oat market is stiff and of
ferings are light at $1 AO to $1 60 ceuU
per 100 lbs.
MiLLSTi-rrs Bran and shorta are
quoted at 118 00 ier ton. mid
dlings $22 60 to $23 00 per ton. Boiled
uariey. no to iL'4 00 ner ton. She -
ed corn $1 2.' ver 100 lbs.
ri.oi-K Salem mills flour is o noted at
$4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at
$3 60 er bill, per ton and $3 75 per bbl.
Hay Timothv hav ranees In nriee
from $12 00 to $i." Isper ton, according
to quality and condition. Wheat hav is
in full stork on a limited demand at
$10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There is no
inquiry for oat hav. and urices are off.
Alfalfa hav is not much called for, and
is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton.
These quotations are for bailed hay ex
clusively. Bi'Ttkb Fresh roll butter at 40 to 60
runts per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quoie mi 10 40 cents jtr roll.
Eooh Good fresli eggs sell at lti and
Potn.TiiY Chickens are quoted at $4
io f.j jut uor.en.
P.KEr a M tiros Iteef rattle, are in
moderate demand at $2.50 jier 1(H)
weiirht gross to $2.75 for extra good.
Mutton is quoted at $3 60 and $4 60
er head. Pork offerings ure light
and prices are n inal gross
weight anil 7'., rents dressed. Cured
hog meats am quoted at 12'.. rents hog
Copfke Costa Pica, is quoted ut 24c
per lb., by the sack. Salvadore, 22c.
Arbuckles, 25c.
Si'uaii Golden C. in libls or sack .
,5 60; Extra C, $5 75; Drv granulated
fi 60 In boxes. D. G., in 30 lb boxes,
$2 50. Ex C, $2 00. GC $1 85.
Pick Japan rice, tV"c; Island,
rice, 7 ct.
Bkanh Small whites, 414(it5'..c;
Pink, c per 100 lbs.
Salt Liverpool, 501b Bk, 65c; lOolb
sk.$l 00; 2001b sk, $2 00. Stock salt,
$13 60 per ton.
Dkikd Fuimth Italian prunes, 12c er
lb, by box. Evaporated apples, lfKu 12',
per lb. Dried graes, 7((Hc )er pound.
Potatokh Peerlees, Buffalo whites,
Snowflake ami Biirbar.k seedlings quoted
at $1 85 to $2.25 jier 100 lbs.
Gkkkn Fbi ith Good apples sell for
$1 75a$2 00 er box.
Minus ami reus.
Hums Are quoted as follows: Dry,
6.U.C lb; green, 2r2'a ; culls 4c lb.
SiiKKr 75frf 100 ea. Deerskins,
20c Ib for winter and 30c for summer.
Dressed, iight $1 lb, heavy 75c Ib. Bear
skins, $8m$12 ea; lieaver, $3 60 Ib;
otter. $5; fisher, $."ifl $5 50: silver gray
fox, $10($25; red fox, $1 25; grey fox,
$2 60.$3: martin, $lr$I 25; mink,
60cf55c; coon, 60c; coyote, 50c(n75r ;
badger, 25c; polecat, 25c(45e; com
mon house cat, 10cKf25c ea.
Wool, The market is reported 13 to 15
Wool bags, 35 cents.
Blakeley & Houhto,
175 Second Street, - The Dalles, 0re
A full lino
of all tho Standard 1'aU'nt
lru:s, Chemical, VAc.
and Mail Orders w ill receive prompt attention. '
Miss anna peter s co.,
112 Second St.
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalless, - - - Oregon.
tlt (llClt'Kt, hirgfKt. Mini t)..ft rvint.r.
IlOUMt In St- liool HooIih, iiud UeW
MunU'IiI IllKtrUtllflltM, WutclltSM
Jt'Wflry t.iriil Sporting Goorlt.
Agi. nuiiiDurg-Hreiiien ISti-Mnlii
i i,, una rrorri hCuri
Pmomit Attkntion. l.ow Piiu xs. I'r to tiik Ttats.
Amin We Greet You
WITH A n n. I.I X K OF
Garland Stoves and Ranges
Sanitary Plumbing, Tinning and
Metal Roofiue: a Stecialtv.
" r -
Groceries, Provisions, and CordWotf
ALL lllti:i I-KUMI-T1.Y 4TTCMtl Ttt.
Maikr & B i:tq
i nominal.
J We ijnote
mnrkct for
(rensen magazine riflo, and the manu
facture of the new arm will probuldy
goon lie commenced nt Kiirimrlield
armory. It is eomethiii); of a Mow to :
our national pride to I coninelled to I ()l'io and
confeB inventive 'inferiority. Tlii nn
accountalile discrepancy for our inven
tive (renins in far ahead of that oe(.ed
ly all other nation) will undoubtedly
soon he wiped out, but fur a year or m
the United States army and a lare pro
portion of our national guard will shoot
with what, tiiouti a foreign product, n
now believed to I tho highest type of
modern rifle.
the selling prices of the
leading dencription as
Penn. fleeces Xo. 1 fleece.
:!"; X and X and above, 2(ic; XX and
XX mid above, '.'Sc.
Mich. Wis, etc. Mich. X. '.'.'; Mich.
Xo. 1,2V; X. Y..X. H.nnd Vt. X, 21c;
X. Y. and X. II. Xo. I, 27c
(iiliforiim wuoIk S
Hprlns Maillflln.
Ir. Gunn'a Improved I.iver Pills on
account of their mild action are eseci
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
and aching and worn out body. They
act promptly on the I.iver and Kidnevs";
drive out all impurities from the blood,
and malaria from tho system. (Inly
one pill for a dose. Trv them this
spring. Sold at 2." cts. a box br lllakely ! w I- f 'ivn wtpi. lt
A Houghton. Druggists, The llulles. Or., I M " 1 STKKKT
wl-l i
No. 07 Washington tkkkt. . . The 1u.b
Wholesale and Retail Healers and Manufacturers of
Building Material and DinnsioD Timber, Door, Windows, Jloldinp, Douse fmoi
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and f
Boxes and Packing Cases.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered t!
any part of the city.
Parley cfi?
(Successors to L. I. Frank, deceaswl.)
A Cieneral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wbotalc anil Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wbips, Horse Blanicts.Ec
mil Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped.
r ISortliern, lHfn
21c; middle ro. ir. l.V17c; Southern
defective, 1 lf 14c; free North fall, I.W
lHc ; trouth do, 1 0i 14c ; defective, l( 1 lc.
Oregon wools fastern, fair, 14rlGc:
- choice, 17rMHc; valler, lHrlc"
Edwin Booth, the most famous traye- j The live stock market is steady,
dian of the nue, died ut 1:15 yesterdav Ileeves for the Mock are minted nt '2'.'
morning in New York. For many weeks ' to 2 on foot, with a fair siij..It in
his death was a foregone conclusion, anil sitfht. Mutton sheep are In lartfu snj
the only surprise was that he lingered fily at fl!.'.'.")'" 2.K per head.
so long as he did. This deprives Amer- stock cattle.
ica of her Rreatest actor. There is none j The oflerinK of stock cattle is confined
today upon whom the mantle of Itooth to owners of. smnll hands, and 1() to 12
can he said to appropriately fa. ,,Pr 1(,B,j iH f,,lolw M t(P ruinf
for round lots.
The Presbyterians have mapped out Stock sheep are quoted at f' f.O per
for themselves a hit' con tract for the next head in bands and does not "include
few months. Starting in with oustini? Ian. I,
nr. isritrjrs and making a hiy row in the
church they proceed to try to close the '
world's fair Sundavs or break it up, and 1
demand thiit the Chinese exclusion liur !
limine horses are offered at flf. to $18
per head in round lots of all ares.
hlragn Horse Market.
J. ti. Cooper, commission salesman of
In The Dalles, June fith, to the w ife
ol JJert Uimpbell, a 10-pound boy.
Two 4 una.
1'okti.and, dr., Dec. C, ISil'J.
O. W. K. MfK. Co., :ir Front st., city:
ientlemen I recently siiMtuim-d a
had fall while carry iiiK two heavy cans,
and my back was severely strained. A
friend handed me a part of a bottle of
lluttee's Conifo Oil, and three applica
tions gave me permanent relief. I
heartily recommend it. Your Truly,
If. (1. MKiKK, Portland Creamery, cor
ner 4th A Salmon.
cvi"if 't
New - Umatilla- House
TIIK DAU.F.S, i;i:(.ox.
ii. aei ami l.aKK'i Olln e of the C. I". I;. ;. Company, and olllcc of the
I'nion Tel. trraph Olli. e are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
KO tlQ f,Tr'.hFi:vorl" "a
" wV lorthu lttnniJlJretn.ieuo.
r, ..: i,r Hnl,. 4 kiu.I,.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise
Dry (JimmIh, Cluthinc, Gents' Funiishin" (Jm1s, '.x'ts,
.Shws, Jlats, Caps, (inwrieH, J lard ware,
Crfn-kory, Hay, Grain, Vwtl, Etc.
300 to 3?1 Second St.,
The Dalles, Or.