The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 09, 1893, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Tunuliiy'n dally.
'nliitnhiia aliiod n H an
Knur Iniiulml year- mi".
Ily .llulitly b'eiikluK '
A lmil Irlik, ! know; v
Anil Mi. I'nUer I'Hliiii't now
Hm t" III" I"-1 "f'l. , .
in tlrlvlnir alrahihl "" '''
A bt'tf ulrwoUy bored.
A " - kan.m City Journal.
Oireuit court adj-urned yesterday for
in term.
The Portland idly cnniwll now nand
x dmn .rrviH, (our republican and one
, Salmon Ik tettinjru'oreplentlliil. Mr.
Horn reportt letter cattdi last night
hnn he I""1 ,ur thi" """
i 1m t1B unit l Floyd v. Monahan, (or
In rewvi-ry of a home the jury
endured verdict for the plaintiff.
I j(,v C. Huchliir of Portland will
Breach in tho German Lutheran church,
pii Ninth treet, thi evening at 8
The commencement exercise of St.
lury'i acnduuiy will take plare In The
lulled on Thursday, June 15th, at 2
'clock . in.
The lalmon pack for the season to May
Ut, according to the most reliable
ni'i-es of Information, in almost HO, (KM)
,, it atiout 24,0110 rase short, laHt
itr- ;iacK lor inn same line wuiig
A V"ln of coal four feet and twoiuchoi
lick linn been ojiened lip eight mile
ruin Alba in the Camus prairie country,
'orthind Kiltie are interesting them-
Ivcm In the Dcwly-dmcovered coal
Win. Walker and brother of Sherman
smnty called tin morning an-' report
proHMct very iiiu-uiirugiiic;. . y Bay
tlml the wind have not injured grain
to nr, and since cooler weather in pre-
lilictt-d lor next few day day tlie crop
Will tie entirely out of danger.
New Cornell almost daily of the
llnmiiini.' of liHlierinen at Astoria.
Bl,rii individual tike foolish chance
incnime their ciilch of fish and thus
liilcii liwc their live. The lesson seems
In- lout Umiii the remainder, who take
Ine Rime dcMMTRte chnnci'S with angry
lives ii h their InckleH preditecHHur.
Pit Kiue of Pendleton raised twoliogs
rn lust July which weighed 1170
uimIm, and two oilier ti-'iO pounds.
ie other day he sold couple that
a Iille more than a year old and
lo-iuhed !.")() pounds. Cannot Home
AYa-co county bog raiser furniHh The
K'iikiis icl.x with a report a good. The
ll'ciKlieton man' statement is not
I accutiianiad with an allidavit.
Tut high wind tmlay lashed the wave
lt tlx Col it m bta into a fury, and the
Jilllc mil Unit tossed over them like
fCtirki, making the sport of boat riding
Anile exhilarating if a trifle dangerous
J Senator Cogswell' bill, making it ole
iViitory upon the part of stockmen to
tecord their brands, provide that all
I'ninds of cattle shall lie recorded In the
unity were the owner reside or where
Inch animal usually range; and no evi
dence ol ownership liy brand shall tie
Wimtted in any court of this state on
br after Nov. 1, lH'.M, unless such brand
all have leen recorded.
Wediiwdiiy'ii Dully.
He mw ring to aet tier niiuiey,
lllillileutiiDy the Klrl:
lie wh Roller to be a limtey
As lie couldn't lie an earl
To roine rlirht down u fact.
He Krt It where the niileken got the ax.
-iwnrun rrw rreaa.
TV rnn of salmon i very good today.
travel from the east i very light
lei(Uv. There will lie a reaction in
lis full.
Tlie fourth of Jnlv will be iiostpniied
ymr on account of the Chinese
A new Ki1on"ic is established at Pen
'. Crunk county, with Byron J. I'engra
Tliefl.mrinj mill Is running full time
" Klickitat wheat, which in Wing
miled In daily.
Ianie Friedman ban been apiiointed
""t master at Mount Angel, Marion
' "iity, Oregon.
Probate court was in session today in
it lo consider the 11 mil settlement of
t't linger estate.
The Wasco Independent .Academy
'"miem-eiiient exercise will lie held
"-hc 1Mb of this month.
tomorrow evening a camp meeting
'U I "rin at Ihifur and will bo in ea-
sii ns to cover two Sunday.
The Astoria Herald I agitating
"ii-i nsii iraps, whteu it claim are
"lawful and tinneeesmirilv destruct
r. C. K. Clirlsman of this city bus
M viHited Rogue river valley and has
"ixised of a I a rite niimlier of his cole.
'.'ted fmit-dryur to the fruit grower
that Miction.
The magic lantern exhibition In the
"''onicuc ball Monday night for the
elU of St. Tanl' Sunday acbool wa
l"te well attended, and a nice program
we! carried out. A Unit U'6 ticket
re sold. The ninirlc lantern used Is a
y fine one which wa bought bv
r erul of tlie Kastern Oregon Kpiscopal
'""y scIiimiI. The entertainment
fH ""'t(ed by Kev. Pototwine of J'en-1
dlcton, who wa on hi way to Portland
to attend the Kpi'opal convention now
In session there,
A young lady in The Dalle laving
asked to define the duties of a chap
erone, said, "to keep her eye abut at all
The Udy of Anion Ililla, who wa
drowned in the John Day river May
:i0lh, wa found on the lieuch thi morn
ing aUmt a mile and a half atxive town,
and identilled by Win. Meter. An in
(piest wa held at 2 :.'10 o'clock thi af
ternoon by Coroner Kustwood.
We are in receipt of the first number
of the tirat volume of McClure' inaga
zine published simultaneously in New
York and Uindon. A a literary journal
It announcement promise excellence
of a high order. It corp of contribu
tor are beaded by Prof. Henry Druin
monil, W. I). Howell, author of world
wide reputation. The content of the
first number is an evidence of ita liter
ary merit. Hammond' article of
"Where Man Got Hi Ear," and Tho.
A. Edition ' "Edge of the Future," and
"Count DeLessep Today," by II. H.
Sherad, are of special Interest. The
magazine i Illustrated and it terme are
$1.50 per annum.
Thursday's Dully.
1 pleaded limn tor the whlswred "yen,"
Which alio Ioiik Willi ho Id, but oh,
I slxh to think how her mnuc i d bleu
11 she d only stuck to "uu"'
Saturn will bold the place of honor
thi month a evening star.
Arraiigment have been made to test
the legality of the cigarette law In Wash
ington. The U. S. Land office official in thi
city have been a busy a it i possible
for men to be for the past few day, re
ceiving filing on the overlap of the
Northern Pacific land grant in thi dis
trict. There will be a meeting of the Alumni
of the W. L. A. at the residence of Mr.
L. E. Crowe this evening at 7 :TO o'clock
sharp. A full attendance is requested
a there 1 important business to come
liefore the meeting.
Thut road aUive the Methodist
church, which baa la-en the subject of
so lunch talk, Is in an almost impaspx
hie condition. It would improve it
somewhat if the loose rocks, old tin
cans, etc., were thrown out.
Eugene A. Prackett, who wag in
dicted by the grand jury in (iraut
county, quite a while since, for the crime
of cmU'zleiiient, wa convicted of the
charge at the recent term of circuit
court there. He wa school cJerk of
Canyon City precinct mid absconded
after having squandered several hun
dred dollar of school money. Gam
bling wa hi ruin.
According to a law enacted by the last
legislature it is unlawful to shoot upon
or from the public highway. Another
law not so apparently useless, is that
perilous driving stink along a public
highway, leaving such road obstructed
with stones, earth or other debris, leav
ing same to remain for twenty-four
hour, is guilty of a misdemeanor, w hose
least punishment is $-00.
The semi-annual session of the Sher
man County Musical association will be
held at Gras Valley on Tuesday and
Wednesday, June 20th and 21st, 1893.
The day session will be devoted to dis
cussion of beat method of teaching, and
other subjects relating to music. An
instructive and entertaining programme
consisting of songs, recitations, etc., will
lie rendered each evening.
Will Urn ritil-Clm.
Tlie concert to be given Friday even
ing, June !Hh, by The Dalles string
hatyd will undoubtedly lie the musical
event of the season. The entrancing
strains of the violin, as interpreted by
Prof, liirgfeld, are well known to all of
our citizens, and it I just a well known
that there is no dearth of talent to
make a fitting complement. The high
est class of music will be rendered ; in
fact, nothing lesa is ever tolerated by
this orchestra, and the concert will be
equal to the U'st in any city.
The following program will be given:
Overture Restrict
helii'tnm Kmist
l.iirnct rlulo On tlie Kliine
Overture Nmivette
I'liirionet eolo . heli'tiim (rem (lit' ette
lulin ruin Meiiilellnnuhll' Vt eliding Miliell
will be followed bv a
The Coinlnic Man.
"tint a pin?"
The reporter looked dawn at the ur
hin from whom came the innocent in
quiry and there met n look of solicitude
that prompted him to ask what he
wanted of a pin. "Why, then you can
see our show," said the little fellow.
He w a the spokesman, and the largest
of a number of little Ikivi ranging from
4 to 0 years, all of whom had more or
less pins sticking in their pinafores.
The pin was produced, and the show
exhibited, which consisted of a numlier
of picture pasted In the bottom of a
pasteboard Uix. Who will say that we
have not In The Dulles grow ing business
Ileal Kalate.
E. 11. Don to A. M. Kelsey ltll) acres
in Sec 15, tp 7 south, range It! eust
W. M.
Go to N. Harris for fine print; 20
yard." for !.
John Booth Has Both Badly la-
Yesterday morning Jos. Booth, aged
65 years, and employed a a carpenter
in the Union Pacific works, met with a
terrible accident. He was engaged at
nine work in the yard when a heavy
transfer table came, in his direction,
striking both of hi leg. Onewa com
pletely fractured below the knee, and
the calf of tho other wa o badly lacera
ted thut it bore the appearance a if it
had been chewed by a dog.
Mr. Booth suffered intense pain, and
was conveyed to fct. Vincent's hospital
for treatment. He is a w idower and has
two daughter living in Alhina. Tele
grain. Mr. Booth is well and favorably know n
in thi city, having resided here for
year, and 1 a member of the A. O. U.
W. and K. of P. lodge of this city.
From the report It doe not look possible
that he will survive hi injury, and if
not hi body will probably be shipped
to The Dalle for interment, as his wife
is already buried here.
Latxb A dispatch from Portland, re
ceived by Frank Menefee, states that
Mr. Booth died last night, and that his
liody will be shipped to The Dulles Sat
urday night, the funeral taking place on
Hood Illvar Vmmt.
Monday was the warmest day of this
Frank Soesbe is clerking for A. S.
Blowers St Co.
Mrs. L. H. Adams of Portland is visit
ing at her father's, Mr. Pugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Port
land are visiting at Mre. Stewart'
father's, Mr. E. L. Smith.
Mr. S. T. Howe has let the contract
to Lafayette Neff to build a summer hotel
on her place one and half miles south
west of town.
One hundred and forty-one crates of
strawlierries were shipped from hereon
Monday at an average price of twenty
cents per pound.
Hon. E. L. Smith left on the noon
train for Toronto, Canada, to attend the
supreme lodge of A. O. U. W. On his
return be will take in the world's fair.
Messrs. J. P. Watson, M. Rigg and
M. Cogsdon started for tlie west fork of
Hood River and Lost lake Wednesday
morning to l gone till Sunday on a
fishing tour.
Iiee Morse ha the contract for getting
out 3,600 telephone pole for the Port
land and Spokane Telephone Co. He
and hi men went to work on them last
Monday on the west fork of Hood River.
The warm weather for the past week
brought in the berry-pickers. On last
Saturday there were some 200 arrived
some on the boat, some on the trains,
others afoot, and some on horseback,
and we noticed three on one horse.
Oregon Mtdleml Association.
The Oregon State Medical Association
will hold their annual meeting in this
city on next Tuesday and Wednesday.
The trustee of the Congregational
church have kindly tendered the use of
that edifice to the association. Dr.
Rinehart, president, anticipates a very
large attendance, coming as they will
from all part of the state. At the last
gathering of the medical profession it
w as decided to change the place of meet
ing from Portland, where they have al
ways met, to point east of the mount
ains. Our city is famous for its hospit
ality, and she will cordially receive this
association, consisting, as it does, of
men of acknowledged learning and abil
ity, whose capacity of appreciation is
parallel with their influence for good.
This meeting will be one of the most
important ones ever held here or in the
A Hlncular Incident.
The old wood barge, which has been
at Chenowefh landing for the purpose of
piling cordwood UKn for steamer use,
broke away anil drifted down the river
unobserved some time ago, and it wa
thought it had gone over the Cascades.
About a week ago it wa found in a lake
near Viento, having in some mysterious
way, w ith a favorable wind just at the
right time, pushed Its way through some
w illow s and thence to the upper end of
the lake, w here it was concealed from
view from liny point on the river by
large trees. It is one of the most singu
lar incidents ever recorded.
A Friend of Mr. t'lirtl.
I am quite sure you will find that the
Kev. James Reob, mentioned in your
dispatches and editorial of yesterday, is
Rev. James II. Ecob. He is an inti
mate friend of mine, and this action is
perfectly consistent with all" his antece
dents. He is a thorough scholar and an
able preacher, and is loyal to the Scrip
tures and to our evangelical faith. Con
gregutioiialists will bo more than happy
to welcome him back to our fold.
W. C. Ci KTIS.
Washington Cirange.
The opening exercises of the Wash
ington State G range took place this
morning at White Salmon. One of the
features of the occasion w ill be an old
fashioned barbecue.
Those who left from here on tho Reg
ulator thia morning were Mrs. C. T.
IVrt-cIl, Mrs. M. E. French, Mrs. Van
Anda, Mr. M. Randall and daughter
Edith, Mrs. Isaac Joles, Mrs. C. W.
Dcitzel, Miss Crist, Mr. and Mrs. If. A.
Deitzel, Judo I.iebe, wife and daughter
Tillie, Mrs. Maier. Pertie Untts, W. H.
j P.utts, W. C. Allaway.
A ioort thane to Maka Money Wllh
Kmall Capital.
A cold storage warehouse would not
be a bad investment for some enterpris
ing capitalist to engage in at The Dalle.
These have leen fixture in the east for
many years, but only lately ha the w est
taken to them, a notable example near
home being Portland. Thi is one of
thi mo9t universally prosperous institu
tions that could be found by the most
careful seeking and gives many other
persona of yet smaller capital a chance
to gain by the fluctuation of markets
between summer and winter. For in
stance, a man with a very little capital
can go into a butter, eggs, and cheese
speculation. He buys from the farmers
and ai, once ha tho butter, eggs and
chickens sent to the cold storage ware
house. He goes to the owner of the
warehouse and get a loan of 80 per cent,
of the value of hi storage certificates on
payment of the storage and the broker
age fee for getting the loan. He gives a
note for the loan, which the warehouse
men endorse, and deposit with the
storage certificates in their bank. With
this money the buyer can go back and
get more butter, egg and chicken un
til he has enough stored to feed a coun
try town for six months. Tha bank
carries the loans on until winter.
Then when the rural supply of batter,
eggs and chicken begins to diminish
and the market price increase the pro
duce man gradually unloads his holdings,
making sales from sample. Aa fust as
lie muhes a sale he gives an order for
the goods on the cold storage warehouse
man. The cold storage warehouse man
receive the money and takes up the
storage certificates from the bank.
When all the loans are taken up the
produce man owns absolutely the rest of
the things he has stored and he can do
with them what he pleases.
Some produce men enlarge this specu
lation by making contracts with their
customers by the year. They agree on
a price from month to month, and at
those prices they agree to furnish a fixed
quantity. The market quotations may
be higher or lower than the agreement.
The produce man's profits come in the
I difference between the prices at which
ne ouys in tne summer, p.'us Ins ware
house bill and interest charges and the
price be gets.
Occasionally perhaps, a man who tries
to carry too much would fail, but w here
he agrees to deliver future eggs and
chickens, be should have them in hi
cold storage warehouse at the time and
make the price based on the market
quotations of that day and the storage
M osier Kevi.
Mosier, June 5, 1893
As the Mosier tide seemed to 1 re
ceding, I thought I could come in with
out danger.
The weather is very pleasant now, and
many beautiful fields of grain are wav
ing in the breeze, which is a joy to the
owners, causing them to wear a smile.
A little over a week ago there was an
ice cream festival at the bouse of .Mr.
Mosier for the purpose of raising funds
to procure an organ for the newly organ
ized Sunday school in district No. 52,
which was quite a sackfull ; soon there
will be another one. Instead of ice
cream there will be strawberries. It is
not expected that the guests will get fat
or rich. There is much musical talent
in some of the children in this district
anil it is desirable to give them an op
portunity to improve it by placing with
in their reach an instrument.
The Rev. Frank Ireland has moved
into his new dwelling on one of Mosier's
sightly bluffs. This part of the city is
settling up w ith some very good people,
which I an honor to any neighborhood
or community.
The Rov. Mr. Stark, superintendent
of the Sunday school, an upright,
straightforward man, bids fair to lead
the Sunday school in paths of peace and
harmony. It is hoped ere long to have
a large band of Juvenile Templars,
equipped w ith all the grace ami refine
inent that go to make society attractive
and agreeable. X. Y.
Th Fruit Crop.
Now that a large fruit crop is as
sured, there should lie Immediate action
in the matter of providing a first-class
fruitdryer of sufficient capacity to dry
the surplus product of the entire county,
to be located at some point easy of ac
cess to the greater number of farmers of
the valley. The establishment of such
a plant w ill prove one of the most potent
factors in the future progress of the val
ley In point of development and settle
ment, and there should be no delay in
(he matter. Democratic Times.
Will Maka an Kxample.
Mr. Win. Floyd went to Hood River
yesterday to take jHtsscssion of a steer
which had been stolen from him. The
brand had been altered and the steer
was sold to a Hood River butcher. Mr.
Floyd will bring the guilty party to
time, he says. These suits cost him
something, but it is due to the commu
nity that these thieves be prosecuted.
Tha Field, aa Covered by Oar Rpeclal
Mr. Edinburgh was buried at Wasco
last Friday.
Mr. Muuro Flora has rented the
Farmer' Hotel.
Mr. Flora' brother-in-law, Mr. Slater
of Lebanon, ha moved to Moro.
The east w ind has been blowing for
three or four day, but the grain la look
ing fine.
Mr. E. D. Fowle, the wide awake life
insurance agent from Seattle, i spending
a few day in Moro.
Mr. Karnes Moore gave the band boys
an oyste- npixr at his father' house
Saturday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Thompson's sister, who ha
been visiting with her for two or three
weeks, started for her home in the east
last Friday.
Mr. Frank Peddicord and family from
Emigrant Springs, visited hi brother
W. J. Peddicord and attended camp
meeting Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Davenport, our genial dentist, has
purchased two lot in Moore's addition,
opposite the Baptist church, and intend
to build a neat dwelling house and find
a nice housekeeper, we presume.
Camp meeting closed Sunday evening
with a large attendance. There were no
conversions that I heard of. Mrs.
Golden of Goldendale was in attend
ance, also quite a number from different
parts of the country.
Mr. Louis Hulbert is quite sick and
waa moved last week to the residence of
Mr. Smith, where he can be sure of good
care and medical attendance. By the
way, Dr. Smith is putting up a good
barn, and to judge from the numerous
calls (not professional) that he makes to
a certain house on the hill, we think he
will soon build a residence aa well.
Mr. S. E. Lindeey of Salem is stop
ping in Moro for a few days. He ia sell
ing trees for the State Capitol Nursery.
Mr. J. B. Mowry gave him an order for
one thousand prune trees. Mr. Lindsey
abo invested in one of Mr. Mowry'a
lart'e town lots just north of E. M. Les
lie's. We like to see men from other
parts of the state come to Moro to buy
town property. It shows that they have
confidence in its future growth and pros
perity. There is room for more.
Every one is in excellent spirits over
the late decision of Mr. Hoke Smith in
regard to the military land. Messrs.
Messenger, Mowry, and others have
gone to The Dalles to attend to the filing
on theirs. More anon. Don.
Mobo, June 6, 1893.
Crop and Weather.
Weather The past few daya have
been the warmest so far thia year, and
have been as warm as it usually ia in
Crops In the Willamette the peach,
pear and apple crop will not be up to
the average. In Southern Oregon a
good fruit yield is expected. Some sec
tions report fall wheat heading. Sheep
shearing continues; good clips are re
ported, but there appear to be no mar
ket for the wool. Hops are growing
finely. Strawberries are ripening
rapidly and the market will be over
stocked within the next two week.
Weather The fore part of tho week
was cool, cloudy, and brisk winds. The
5th was the warmest day of the year so
Crops Fall wheat is now in boot.
Spring grain ia about six inches high.
Volunteer barley and rye aie heading.
Rye wheat is nearly ready to cut. The
corresjiondent in Tygh Valley, Wasco
county, reports his rye aa six feet high.
This is quoted to show the growth.
Wire worms are reported aa yet doing
damage In several counties. The pas
tures are fine and stock are in excellent
condition. There will be no difficulty
in securing an immense hay crop this
year. If unfavorable weather conditions
do not occur the harvest of cereals will
be very larv'e. Fruit ia about an aver
age, except peacbes and cherries, which
will be somewhat short. Early cherries
are ripening ut Hood River. Strawber
ries are riie and very plentiful.
Rivers During the week the temper
ature over the country drained by the
Columbia, Snake and tributary rivers
has been about or below the average; as
a result tho snow has lieen gradually
melting, keeping the rivers at a stand
still. The warm, weather of tho past
two days will cause the snow to melt
more rapidly, and tho livers to rise.
While a flood is yet possible, it is yet
imt probable, unless the present warm
period should continue for four or five
days longer.
Memorial lay.
Memorial day of the Woodmen will
be next Sunday, at which time ser
vices will be held at Sunset cemetery
and the beautiful monument in memory
of Win. Michell will be unveiled. A
choice program has been arranged.
Ilr.tlunn'a Onion Syrup,
This remedy is a sure cure for all dis
eases of the Throat Btid Lungs, caused
by taking cold. It will stop a cough in
one night, no matter bow severe. It
is just what its name implies; an onion
syrup, compounded in such a manner as
to do away with the unpleasant taste
and odor of the vegetable.
When in need of a cure for a cough or
cold, try it. Price 50 cts. Sold by
Blakelcy A Houghton.
A. A. Brown,
Keel a full aMi.iiimeiit of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which hort..Ti mi a Figure.
to Cash Buyers.
HiihEst Cash Prices fir lui anfl
other Pinto.
RIVETED Clothing
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Calif.
thb GoiumDia Packino Co..
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building;, The Dalles. Or.
Imported English Shire Stallion
No. 142, Lnnt Iluwkc, IWHT. Brown, fouled
1KM. Bred by Mm. :iWHrrt, WonuTnluy, 1'onte
fmrt, Yorkshire. Importi'it Inxh.
Hire, K Inn of the VhIIov, ;1174: he by lH-vnn-lilre
1-Hd, Wi.'i; lie bv Cuiuueror, .VW; he by
Hertford, NW7; be 1iy'Hoiiet Turn, liwa; lie m
Hertford, l(t.
Ham by Waxwork, 22M5; ho by Waxwork, 2272;
he by Hlaek U-tt, 144.
(irnnd Dallenby llonent Torn, IliiJ: he by Enir
luiid's Hero, 7;"; he by IierlivKliiri' Hero, he
by Derbyshire, 60; he by Derbyshire I'iKKott'sJ.
Having purchased the celeliratad Stal
lion, LORD HAWKE, he will make the
season at W. L. Ward 'a on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednnsdaya ; and at Du
fur on 'Thursdays, Fridays and Satur
day. Charges for the seanon, $10; to injure,
The best of care will lie taken of ani
mals, but no responsibility for damages
will be assumed.
Iord llawkewon the 100 premium at
Ilexam, England, in 1SS8.
The pride paid for I-onl llawko was
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the BestQual
ity Always on Hand.
Wo have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm seeurity.
Tlie Dalles, (Jr.
I. AMI OFFH'K, TllO IIhMi H, Or., (
May I'.. I (
Notlee If hereby lven that the foilouiiiK
liMtmit iteltltT hits lih-d iixtieeof bin intention to
liuike tinnl proof In nHrt of bin eliiini, Hint
that mild proof will be niHite bel'ore the Kint-r
mid iti-reiver ut Tlie linliee, Oregon, on Tlium
Jnly btli, 1MM, vii:
f'liarleN K. Hanrtos,
H. itiientend niiplic.itlon No., for the I-ot 3
of Sii'tioii 1.1 mid lot 1 of Mectioll II, I p. 1 N.,
K. Ii K. W. M.
lie minus the following tltnewn to prove hU
coiitimmii residence upon and cultivution ol
mid liiiiil, vl:
t.erioin Nvin, Alexniider Iliiifiienin, I'eter
I. riniHii. mid Al'li'iiire i-mnl", all of The
ImIU", Or.
tii jo JOHN W. LFV l.-i, K sifter.