The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 09, 1893, Image 2

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A Sensational Murder Case Cammcnced
Accused of Murdering Her Father and
Stepmother at Fall River
Last August
Naw l!kUKOHi, Mans., June 6. The
trial of Lizzie ltorden of Fall River,
charged with murdering her father, An
drew Jackson ltorden, and her step
mother, Abby lur(ee Borden, an aged,
wealthy and highly respected couple, on
the morning of August 4th, 1S33, began
here this morning. The most minent
criminal lawyers of the state are eui
ployed, and the trial promisee to be
most interesting and probably sensa
tional. The evidence is purely circum
stantial. On the day in question, as far
as is known, the only persons in the
house were the old couple, Lizzie and a
maid servant, Bridget Sullivan, who
was outside most of the morning wash
ing windows. Borden was out in the
morning, returning between 10 and 11
o'clock, and it was only a short time
afterward that Lizzie, after a short visit
to the barn, called to the servant to run
for the doctor as her father had been
murdured. Shortly afterward Mrs.
Borden was mis-svd, and a search re
vealed her body in an uper room, she
Laving evidently been killed some time
before her husband. In both cases
ueatu resuiteu ironi blows lrom some
heavy, sharp instrument, probably an
ax, but the instrument of death has
never been discovered. A certain dis
crepancy in Lizzie's stories and some
other suspicious circumstances led to
her arrest some weeks afterward and
subsequent indictment.
the law on their aide. Russia it taking
no part in the discussion. The forgeries
In the American case were so promptly
disavowed and withdrawn that they
have uot prejudiced our case at all. In
order to decide In our favor the tribunal
will have to put in the law some new
principle of International law, and
think there is a very fair prospect of
their doing this. The new law formu
lated by them would undoubtedly be
approved by all the nation. F.ven If
they should decide against us, they will
probably devise some means by which
the seals can be protected and preserved,
such as a closed season for instance."
Hpokaji Kuk Clou.
Spokane, June 6. The bank of
Spokane Falls temporarily closed its
doors this morning. The suspension is
taken quietly. There is no run on the
other banks.
The Bank of Spokane Falls was organ
ized iu 1S79, and is the oldest bank
north of Snake river. It has always
been considered the strongest and safest
bank in Eastern Washington. The
hard times of the past year or so in
Spokane, it is thought, has placed the
bank in a tight fix for ready money. A.
M. Cannon, the president of the bank,
was an old-time resident of Portland,
and has been long known and identified
with the welfare of Spokane. lie has
many and diversified interests in that
country and is reputed to be a millionaire.
Bascomb H. Bennett, the cashier of
the bank, and son-in-law of Mr. Can
non, is also well known in this city,
where he was raised.
The bunk has a paid-up capital of
$l."H),000 and a surplus of $125,000.
There has been no statement muile of
the liabilities and assets.
People Celebrate the Eicnt far THree
There May Be a Renewal of
cutties Through Lack of
lleU'KUtt'n to tli Annual nnvtntiiin of
tlir T. 1 Aa.oclall.ili.
Toutlani), Or., June 6. Special.
At the regular monthly meeting of tiie
Oregon and Washington division of the
Travelers' Protective Association the
delegates elected to represent the Oregon
division at the fourth annual conven
- Cion of the Travelers' Protective Associa
tion of America, to be held ut Peoria,
Ills., commencing today and ending on
the 9th, as follows: Thomas Murray
Spencer, of Fleckenstein fc Mayer; J.
A. Waddle, of W. J. Van Schuyver &
Co.. Portland. Delegates E. B. Moore,
J. E. Aiken. Alteruates-at-large Ben
C. Irwin, Will B. Glafke.
The delegates have been given special
instructions to do all in their power to
secure the convention of 18!-J for Port
land. The meeting at Peoria will prob
ably be the largest gathering ot travel
ing men that the country has ever seen,
as twenty-seven states are represented
in the association and all will send del
egates. On the evening of June 9th, as
soon as the convention has been ad
journed, the delegates will go in a body
to Chicago, where, on the following day,
June 10th, they will take part in the
festivities of T. P. A. day at the world's
fair. The exposition management has
made special preparations to make the
occasion one of great interest to com
mercial travelers.
Ir. l.jmaa
Abbott Preach I pun the
it rig; Caw.
Xe Yobk, June 5. Rev. Dr. Lyman
Abbott, in his sermon on the Briggs
case yesterday at Plymouth church,
Brooklyn, endeavored to prove that Dr.
Briggs, and not the general assembly,
during the last two years had defended
the true Christian faith, and that it was
not Dr. Briggs who was heretical, but
the general assembly was the one whose
logical result was infidelity. Dr. Ab
bott spoke of the battle which had gone
on from the days of Moses down to the
present between ecclesiastics and the
prophets, the one maintaining that the
institution is the essential thing and the
other that the individual personal life is
the essential thing, and there could be
no religious institution without. lie
exclaimed: "Heresy! What is heresy?
rorone tiling it is to declare that God is
not the father oi all mankind, and leaves
no door of access to himself save the one
door of a w ritten word that was not com
pleted till the human race had lontred
cried and prayed for their father for 2000
Kiin vn Chicago llankt.
Chicago, June C In spite of the
fact that the Illinois Trust & Savings
bank remained opeu until S o'clock this
morning to give anxious depositors a
chance to draw funds, a new line began
to form before 8 o'clock this morning,
and at 10, the hour of oiHming, between
1,200 and 1,500 people were waiting at
the doors with their savings books. The
crowd was several times larger than at
any time yesterday. The bank is con
sidered absolutely sound. The assets
are figured up at over f'-'S ,000,000 and
its stockholders are estimated to be
worth fully loll ,000,000. At the other
savings banks the runs which began
yesterday teem to have increased in
World' Fair Kataa.
Chicago, June 5. The opinion is
steadily gaining ground among railroad
men that they have put their world's
fairrates too high, and unless they lower
them they will stand a chance of losing
money. Letters by the hundreds are
pouring in upon them on this subject
and it looks as if there would be a
change before long. The meeting of the
Western Passenger Association was
harmonious today, and the adoption of
the agreement will probably be settled
if the terms of the Atchison & Topeka
are agreed to. It wants the Colorado
roads to come into the association, a
plan for cheap excuroions to the world's
fair, and a definite arrangement for the
redemption of tickets. A committee ia j
now working on this matter.
Nkw York, June 6. A dispatch from
Managua says: "After three days
given up to general rejoicing over the
downfall of Sacasa, whose departure was
hailed with joy, the commercial houses
have reopened and business is running
along as if nothing had hap)eued. It is
feared, though, that there may he a re
newal of ditliculties, as grumbling has
already begun regarding the method of
dividing the offices. The conservatives
have assumed a threatening attitude.
The canal question is an all-a!sorbing
one and will be brought liefore congress
immediately after it assembles. The
agents of foreign syndicates here will
try to wrest a concession from the
Americans, who, they assert, are really
doing nothing. The existing govern
ment has not money enough to pay otF
those who fought for it, and they are
engaged in robbing. Outside of the
towns property is not safe. It is
rumored among the revolutionists that
Sacasa has taken more than $ 1,"00,000
in cash out of the country, part of which
he sent out over a month aito; another
part his family carried away, and the
rest he took when he left. Tho report
is ridiculed by his friends. The advo
cates of annexation to the I'nited States,
or of an American protectorate, are
daily increasing. This is one of the
questions that will soon be brought be
fore congress."
Bogran will make an effort to become
president, and as he has not much
strength with the people he will have to
do so by means of a revolution. lie is
aid to claim to have private and official
backing from the I'nited States.
Lord Rlaiiloy's fluraoMor.
Recently appointed to succeed Iord
Stanley of Prestoffas Governor-General
of Canada, will assume his new position
sooner than was ex
pected owing to the
resignation of 1-ord
Stanley, it Lord Ab
erdeen, who Is
a comparatively
young man, was in
1WU5 appointed by
Gladstone to be
viceroy of Ireland
in which capacity LORD MIRDU
he was exceedingly popular. He and
I'tiolograpli Gallery,
East rd, Seoorpd St.,
Kal ! Wlnsaia Hall, and oppiMlta W
Tailor ahoa, Tha Ixlla, Or.
First-Class Photos.
All Wiirh Ouaraataad.
Niitlrala harvliy Rlvai, ika, ,,
uialor mini , !, :..,, '.".f""!,,
A II M...n, rt.a, J ,"T '.'L :
")' ini nmir nf
il th.
lay, wll al nutilli aull.ii, , ' H j
niiinty court Ii.hih .'. ""laO
tr.-K..n. Ilia fi.ll.iwi,,, rtrai., Lli 3
baluhKln. to tl, .aula nlT II M"
Ilia an .hie ol l.,t li i7 IM. J"
llll'l Hllltt A it'll Mull '. "."" UJJ
Dulnl Tha liallr. Mr., Ni.v J ""ttki
a Jlliio IUW!
('. H. I.anii Omen, Tin1 Hullo. Or., Mar HI, li.
.Ni.llr la tirrW.y iMvimi lluit tho liillnwliia;'
luimril attt!ir nan iiutlrc nf lila lnttttliiii
to make hunt t.rtMil In .-11 it 1 .(' hu claim, ami
IIihI Mid fir.Mif will lie hti.ii. ti-i"i the n-MUiar
him! rwivar ol thp I'. h. ,uit oltlra ul 'lhv
Hullpt, dr., on Jul) 11. l-'il. w
riillllp M. Ul.lo-r
I ol Wainic: iiiiiiicii iiii i.' iir.ii Vn. :wm for
i l'u M ' Nr.', ol Htclioii "' M. NW am.
Ijidy AberdtHin have been very active iu I J.1 ! K's "'' :' -". if . K u
Mr iiiiiio-H tho folloivliin uiliio.-n- In tirova IiIm
p mtliiiiimt rfnlili'Mrc iiimiii aril c li III vullnii nf
me preparations tor the Irisli luilustries
exhibit at the world's fair. lie is a
member of a number ot religious and
charitable urgauiiations.
f . .
i.nuwFriri1Thi.iiL !
Notlra la hn ,y ! that J,. ,' I
llaiiirtl aotllxr ha. fllr.1 ,,o,v f I, 1 VS
roiiiuiuia and maka ilnal .rmit li, .,.
! aim. ami II. .1 .il ...... . .. .!. """'tt"r I
lha ll.l.u-r and rH.var r .... '!!" J
kiiIiI lanil, vl.
Iirnll.. Win. Karl"
b .',7 II
.1 sw Ml. I..
I . ill I ol V. rttiih', i
-'"UN W. l.t I
. Haiuual
naiuniay, Junu ti, latin, vlj.
I'raatoa lUdman,
Itomrati-ad Amillratlon No. u ,.
iwubm HKIdall, Andrew J Mhttiii i
lli imih.-a tha liilliiwlntf win,,. , I
l'oi Len'i Fel,li.,ioaa f.lvoa ICIaa
Kpcrulatlon aa to Ilia Kurvrmnr.
Tiiere is much speculation as to who
will succeed Pope Leo XIII, who ingrow
ing verv feeble. Among those men.
tioned most promi
llallpvea tha r:iiEllh-Hiiaklng Wurld
Will I'nlla and lla Hupraina.
Andrew Carnegie predicts, in the June
nuuiW of the North American Keview,
issued today, the union of all the parts
of the English-speaking world, and sets
forth the advantages that would follow
an Anglo-American combination.
Mr. Carnegie argues that all influences
are now working toward a reunion of
the separated parts of the English
speaking world. The Americans, Mr.
Carnegie claims, differ less from the
Briton than the Irishman, Scotchman,
or Welshman. Tim marvelous develop
ment in recentjtimes of the facilities of
travel, he says, tends to bring into com
paratively close proximity countries
that are separated only by water. The
delegate leaving Liverpool or South
ampton for a conference at Washington
would reach that city in just almut the
same time as the delegate from the Pa
cific coast, or uh long as it took mem
bers from the nor'.h of Scotland to reach
Ixindon nt the time England and Scot
land were united.
The factor which Mr. Carnegie deems
most important in rendering political re
union possible and in his judgment in-
Europe and plena's Consolidated Tcnjel-
Positively the Most Intensely Interesting Exhibitions on ttt
Grand Internationa! Allied Shows
nently for the place
is Baphael Monaca evitable is the telegraph, which
I lib' years of age, hav- munication. Without this
riv 'TljP, 'ig leen born Feb- might be doubtful whether
V ruary 23, 1827, at authority could act for all tl
V 'i Aquila. La Valletta parts, but with it, time is tu
fi.A VP: 'si
rr-'.'l lai
r.-r .a., I. ...
ft . : M
r4 r-f JU
li i , m mi .I
z The Dalles, Thurs. June a
La Valetta, Cardi- the most widely-separated centers of
mil Bishop. lie is activity into almost instantaneous cum-
liG years of age, hav- munication. Without this agencv, it
one central
the scattered
nil I m n 'mi" tn
SSTv : is the dean of the be taken into account, and distan
Sacred college, and means but little when all can i
has been bishop of "tantly hear of everything that hap
Ostia and alletri since lSS'J and cardi-
nal since 1S0S. Being of French descent, Canada, he says, would undoubtedly
his candidacy would be especially pleas- favor reunion. The I'nited Stut
ing to rreucti Catholics. would be favorably disposed toward it.
"Let men say what they will," savs
A 1. ii . r a. .. n I ff
" "" iiJ.ra.umi. .nr. urnegie, i say inai, as surely as
Xew Youk, June 7. The largest real the sun in the heavens once shonn uikhi
estate deal pvr miiiiiniinaidil ;n I Britain nml tmitml m.
York was put through yesterday after- i It one morning to rise, shine upon iSD TflG RarCSI Wllfl ECOSt GatHBTiDC Ml lift WlH FDuIIC i!&
nwu, nen me committee appointed anu greet again -ine lieumteu Mates. '
for tliat purpose bv tiie trustees
TTninrallRTpf! in Opinim! Hnnnpiifinn nf Pra-pminpnt rTninrip,, p.J
flrOllpd DUbIe fflonstep oman Oceanic 4 Congress
UltdltM Circus, menagerie, Hippodrome, Aquarium, of Qortfi
All Nations'limitest An-nic IJcprcst'iitativ?s .SlwwAloEj'
Tha linltod
Made Good
Mtataa II aa
New York, June 5. The Hon. Jef
ferson Coolidge, ex-minister of the
United States to France, arrived in New
York yesterday with his family on the
steamer La Bourgoyne. Leferring to
the Bebring sea tribunal at Paris, Cool
idge said last night to a Tribune re
porter: ".Mr. Carter opened the dis
cussion for the I'nited States in an ex
ceedingly brilliant speech, in which he
claimed that seals were not really wild
animals, Jnit that they could he
just as oxen can bo herded, and that
they Jive on our property all but a fe
months in the year, and never mixed
with other herds. The English, on the
other hand, rest their caw on the old
three-mile rule, and feel that thev have
rireinf from Cholera.
Constantinople, June 5. Keports
from several cities of Asiatic Turkey say
that the cholera has appeared in many
districts and is spreading rapidly.
Along the lower Tigris and the Shat-EI-Arab
rivers the people are dying by
thousands. Vt hole villages have been
deserted by those fleeing from the pest.
The panic has become so great that few
families wait to bury their dead, or even
to nurse their sick, but flee to the next
towns to escape the infection. The
fugitives from stricken towns are spread
ing the epidemic with appalling rapid
ity, letters from Bassora City say that
iiJ.UUO persons have fled from Bassora
province alone.
The Anti-Trust Asaoclation.
Chicago, June 6. In the anti-trust
convention this morning a number of
letters of regret were read, tieneral J.
B. Weaver, of Iowa, delivered an ail.
drees. The committee on resolutions
reported in favor of the formation of a
permanent association, known as the
Anti-Trust Association of the I'nited
States, consisting of three representa
tives from each state and territory, and
the organization of auxiliary associa
tions in each state and territory.
Wheal Loaar Than For Years.
Chicago, June 5. On the board of
trade wheat worked oft" more than a
cent, touching the lowest figure reached !
in this market in very many years.
Large receipt" in tho northwest, flat
cables, Increase on ocean passago and
fears of further failures ure the princi
pal causes.
It was a wild day. Failures and ru
mors of failures followed each other
thick and fast, causing a nanic. mnonfr
traders. At one time July wheat sold
down to Go?,, cents, a decline of nearly 3 others
cviii. At, me close mere was areac
tin,, ,.f !
I J K(il 1(,,M,I'A
examination of Aitllranti., Or., Juno 0. Special. ) The
supreme court will examine applicants
for admission lo the bar in the supremo
court room at the state house Tm.dav
n'. VJ o clock. June (IK,.
of St
Luke s Hospital sold their entire Fifth
avenue projierty for the sum of $2,400,
When the first trustees of St. Luke's
bought it about 1855 it was In the out
skirts of the city and cost but foO.OOO.
As a hospital no taxes have been paid
upon it, so that tho profit of tho sale is
upward of nViOO.OOO to the vendors, a
remarkable instance of the rise in 40
years of real estate values in New York
Lpi' nentence to Ba Anunllad.
Pakih, June C L'Fclair states that
the court of cessation, to which Charles
de Isseps and associates apealed from
the sentence passed upon them for cor
ruption in the management of the af
fairs of the Panama Canal company, will
annul the sentences, and order the re
lease of the defendants. This statement
is in accord with the rojwUi current for
some time to the effect that grave errors
justifying the annulment of the sen
icnces nave ueveiojiea tn connection
iiii the prosecution of the Panama
Tha I.ojral Lesion.
St. Taui., June 7. Special.) The or-
uer oi the Loyal Legion of the United
States, holds its seventh quadrennial
congress here today
and tomorrow. Bear
Admiral John Jay
Almy Is the com-
I 1 .aSkal. ' Zi
KinO Gtoft'ct
fi" l. l',ll
King fiaorg-a'a Truuhlea.
The disturbance between France and
Greece is said to be very serious, and a
revolution and the overthrow of George
I., of Greece, are
fenred. The ene
mies of the mon
archy have seized
upon King George's
well meant, patriotic
declarations that he
would rather abdi
cate than allow for
eign control of fi
nances or a reduc
tion of the coupon,
as a weapon against himself, and pro
claim that he is individually responsible
for the financial situation. King
George is the second ion of Christian
IX., of Iienmark, and was born Iteceni.
tier 2, IM.j. In IHKS he was invited to
accept the throne of Greece. In 1867 he
married the Princess Olga, daughter of
the Grand Duke Constantino, of Rus
Caught on Traatle.
CiiABi.KHTowK, 111., June 5. Georer
V alters, a rich farmer, and hiadaughte
- .it- .
ieiue were run ciown on a trestle near
here yesterday by a Clover Leaf train
while on their way home. In their en
deavor to save themselvee they jumped
in the creek below. In the fall the girl
was killed and Waltora was badly in
The Only Great Show of Marine Wonte
Grand Convocation of Curious Creation collected al an enormous ex ieine.
An acceptable innovation in amusements revolutionizing the effurtiofot
Everywhere acknowledged (treat Feature Shows and Sm ialty Exhibition).
The very best Artists of America, Japan, Europ and Arabia put typ
A sumptuous Wonderland Festival ! A rich, rare and Moral entertainment.
A Century in advance of all Contemporary Exhibitions.
Don't Forget the Thrilling Free Balloon Ascens:
he Vn and to Sec the Grand, Free, Spectacular PapA
One hour Riven in
Two Grand Exhibition! and Performannes Daily.
hlch tn Inwt the Mi-namfK- and tho Mnnv Wmiil.Tn ir-viiiii IoCobbH
ii.-iiii aim tiipiMMiriiint. pvrliirinaiii'
Doori Open at 1 ui 71
Chrisman & Corson,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
mander-in-chief of
this organization Th a11" '" C'attih
and is now 79 years rA!' rKANcisco, June 6. The hark
of age. His name Nicholas Thayer has arrived from Kar
has been on the 'ul canneries in Alaska, after a pat-sage
naval list, active and of 21 days. Captain ' Peterson reports
retired, over 04
iusimal ALKV years. He entered
the service as midshipman when IS
years of age, and has cruised the w ide
world over. During tho civil war he
commanded the gnribont Connecticut,
and distinguished himself by running
down and capturing four notorious
blockade runners and destroviiur f,,.
llHiikriiptril l,y liftvulutlon.
Honduras. Juno I;
Tiie country has been devastated hy tiie
revolution, and a financial and commer
cial rrjfliH is imminent. Jiiisiness in nt
a complete stnndHtill. a j doubtful if
the present government will he ithle to
maintain itself long. It is known that
salmon quite plentiful and the pros
pecis most lavorable for a successful
Married Itlrh Wldn
Chicaoo, June f!. Mrs. Henry Field
widow of a wealthy canitalist of ),;.
city, was quietly married at noon today
to Thomas Nelson Page, the well-known
Southern writer, rd the residence of
Hon. T. II. Ilryan, at Elmhiirst. Their
f jturo residence is Washington.
Tha MiprniMn l.Mw.
Sr. Lotus, June 6. A circular to nil
correspondents lias Ix-en jailed jointly
hy nil the state faying l.nuU nml trust
companies in tlii - ci;y mcii,K immediate
action to wcnic a repeal id the Sherman
dilver law.
Cor. Washington and Second Sts., Tho Pallo, )r-
J. M.
S. Commissioner.
C. B
wotnry Put1
Huntington & McKinstry.
Hiiicsaora to J. M. IliinlliiKtini A. Co.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag
Iiivtid I'upcra of nil Kind pre pan d.
lteiits collected and tuxes paid for iion-ri-MilcntK.
AliHtract of Titles furnished nt liliork, n:i we
aliHtruet ixxikx in Wasco l-'ounly.
have tin' on';
nested to
j iirties imving i.eai inline inr kiiIc or rent lire reiitu
our oiiice, NO 139 SECOND ST- TIIE DALLES. 0B