THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1S93 The Weekly Gbronicle. VY MALI 1M-.T.4 r: x li..,:it Ynri-v months Adr rrtlsiue ciu al'lilieittl. .Vidro u!l rommnniratlon.. h JVi.F..' Thf iMt! Li. Uhlli'U. Tin: i;i:a.;k. The twentieth session of tin Sure iillTlos Kilt's. ' Orange, held at The Ihtllc, is niunl'ered rat rmi i ai sck. nil the events ot tlie fast, ana me . . It ' 1 member, in framing t tie customary MOSIER MUSINGS. A KlU'k of Nrwft from rara M.I. TO In r.,000 i-ussvd mainly ty .1 T .lolly, W M mi liary . J.ilin, I' V Underwood, 11 i: Hums. Mm A Ciititield, K I Noise. Mr Ticurt ami Mr Coleman. Thin i "Sail'" head, but 1 under- Tin Norlhw.-st I'a.-ilic Far r was stand that it i" not copyrighted, and as adopted as the otlirial puer of the ..... i . ... .1 k : it in lurw'o enoi'irh for two. 1 u it with- order. resolutions, were kiini rnon-u w i.mna. , - t ....-. rea.nai.U-. and made known ! the iople of Tt. la!le.or considerate , " perm.ssion. ! treatment. Incidentally, the Ci.uomcl. 1 " .T I'rs.lirtoa that the THE i Klu.N- -...ieiaiiv thanked for the attention ! '' """l l,uM '"' ua.v lr"Jiu -- ! civen thetn in its column. TheGrange htate OFFICIALS. i iii a vonnv institution, hut is making a steady rather than a phenomenal j K' IliR'""'. Ambroee l.ieree, Ma.ljr d,V!HT10l r-s'rctury ot state Trva-iuivr ... ftupl of iublic luatnietnm uaton Cougreanmen tunc Frinu-r Frank linker ... .it. FennoTer ii. . M. nriiii-; ... . . vi ; n... l... m;u... rhiiliP Mi-tx'hun ' growth, and is already a power in the!'"1"""- -. --i" iJN Illvh"'5 ' land with promise of attaining all legiti- j Mark Twain and William Kdj.-ar Nye U. H. Miirhell ! wale,.,, flir whii-h thev areeoutend- " each attained boiiio literary fame, !' u.T.uI"1 ! int thromrh education of its member. ' I guess that it is left to Mosier, I Joseph CaHo, A S Kolx-rt, A 0 Jen niiip and others "ike of the necessity a I oi larmers tannic irinniuii w'vi literary geniu. Th nius has ap- 1 that are friendly to their interc-ls. peared, and his sun is gradually risini;. kvkmm. mmon. Theeveiuii sesMoii was devoted to rhe MH-rvt wortofthe order. All parties present enjoyed themselves greatly. Aswasgaid last evening at the court Wao county, Oregon, to prodat-e the ! honse by a speaker, they are not a par- tisan organization, restricting no mem 1 her in their right of suffrage. Relieving nevertheless that thev can best attain COrjiTY OFFICIALS. Countv Judge. UfO. C. Blakeler (iheri. T. A. Wart t'lork J. B. riwn TrMsurer W m. Mirhetl . Kim-aid tieir Kini8 throuce the ballot, they exer- PiTrevor . .. " . . '.K. f. shsrp ! cise a certain moral suasion that, as fur o"to some of these plaivs i 0.M.neJ to frw nav till C. .w.... ...... !.... sl TV... iliIUl' I ... . 1 : 1.. 1! .1... tL' ! .. t . star of the l'aritic sloie. The liolr land had its Nazareth, Indiana its l'oser county, Illinois its Fgyt, Jerusalem its Hades, and Oregon has its Mosier. Your readers will remember what came FUIKAY MOISMMi. Th it is the last day of the sehion. Op'tiiiig roll call showed iienrlv kI! delegates in their seats. Among several resolutions thu: were passed this morning, was ontt instrin'i ing the members of this order to do s!i in their power to have the Columbia The M'ht of a horse roast ini; down a loii hill on its hjiek in a hh'd and itt liirs wnvini? wildly n I lie air vtudly el i i.' I n mimls'ri'f eitiensut WimhKi.m'U, re., recent ly. The sled w as an impn x i..-d out lit. without i.liafts. Ileaehin the crest of the hill, the tlml ran iiainst the hois-'a heelx. The animal reared and. slipping, fell over backward iisin the shil. The driver lvaa ufisit mid (Jot out of the way. Then were h i'li st:i!,es in the sidew of the tded, and these held the horssi in. The hied started .nn the hill at a lively tilt and iuii strain'! t and fair to the. fimt. where it I'ronu'lit ip on the railroad track, when the Makes were rvtuove and the horse rolled quietly off. IURFI Y a vegetable rr,m., made entirely of root anJiZ?1 cathered from the C.Biircri.i and has H.n t,l V... .i 1 . " V. - . " " 'T Dllllir It lA rwiril with thm 1m.k a t -1 - .... - - .vauus. CUrrxiuer N. M. coDrerneu, is j equivalent to a pledge. The hoie of se i raring allevintive legislation by any iiamuii i ,,1-riiii t iiiv I iu sui'iiti. ,,ia w . ""'"' ...v, ini-rtj was a resolution passed cennr world, and, not irreverently s-aking. illR I'reBiaeut Cleveland for settina Abraham Lincoln, w ho spoke nniversal i a(lillo a VnileJ States law that was made liberty. How, then, can Mosier, the!,,, r,.RUttte nlim.,t. immigration, and prosiest of all, fail to produce its genius? , ,,, ,.ul!ig U((on v,.,.rn avernors to Well, tliis is enough uixin that isiint, ! i.w,i. ,,, ,i. , The report of the Ke-o.iition Coiumit t.,u 'ii,..,,k;.,.. ,i.. i.. ..i ti.u ii.. One of the insane ideas of the nge is the Columbian liUrty bell, cast from j B'Ten class has almost always proved valued relics of all kinds. One of these elusive of attainment, bat the farmers, is & i.nld elusn Iwlor.iriiip to (lenerallif any, can accomulish this end. I-obert E. Ia and Jefferson Havis, and ; Among the labor classes their Joshuas ; i ry 10 give you some news. Sirs. Klie, of Cincinnati, sends a silver I"-ov recreant to their trust, if elected, ! It has been discovered by a Mosierite ejioon belonging to her mother, who was ' d the political leaders of any class, it " was mat struck i.uiy i attt rson. , gI1(1 tll j,rtl,i ,.SKH.ilviv the Ciiki.mci r, a J.-ousiu of t.eneral Lee. Heirlooms bas almost invariably lieen shown, w hen Th'B question, you will reiiiemher, has , fir gont.roll(, treatm. r.t ..f us dur aud valuable relics of all kinds are to be ! once inducted into politics, are readily been one of the most perplexing ones of j il)k. llr tljol,ril . ,!., Bns ed for this work, the value of which ! cotitimated with the di-sire for pelf, the last 4S07 years, and no one seemed j ,,HH.d uuanimouslv. will lie practically destroved after it is ""d mnuence. The agriculturists of the ! 10 know , w no woiuu swear 10 it. lour country, if any, ought to be able to ! rorresiKinuent was iiiioruieo, 110111 an choose men from anions? them w ho w ill ' authentic source, that it occurred on Antique fhurrh I'lat. St. I'eter'a Kpi -opal chiiri h in Al bany has a silver coir.m.ioitrf M'rviee inic hundred and screnty-eifht year old which is u companion set to that hi Id for the descendant;, of the M hawks I'.v cliT!,' mini in l aniida. It seems that (,'ueen Anne sent two nerv ier over, one for the Mi. hawks then living in the New York e.ihmy nnd the other for M. I'eter's, Alhany The Mo hawk serviee f i:lnv. cil the Indians into exile, and has Is'eii carefully pre served by the persons to w horn it has liecn intrusted by the councils of chiefs r. TIME TAIIl.l . remeUevl. Their individuality is lost f jrever. the thousand cbances of exhibit ing them to friends and the pride of tosses ion all gone. I'.csides there is omnipresent the tormenting fear that jHThups thev didn't get into tl table edat ! not betrav their interests and since Mr. A rep irt that was laid 011 the yesterday was taken up and di-eu- considerable leinrtli. Noah -S ark. the SUtli day wit. Hilly j The duties of certain rtlWr, were e- Hayes, the lecturer of the State tirange, ! "n talking loud at the supper tuti. ,a-ij. to enquiring parties, and then has said that the nation cannot survive1'" remarks were frequent . though j tl. , iru , ..........i 1. 'reritatmn. 1.11 i the present conditions of centralization "ricf llIul reilecteJ discredit upon Mr. ' t,r A s j;(1iH.rtli stri.heiisoti W. M. llillarv. iiii.) II all mail . liT B. ii Ml , Arn II li I'. M 1 n.i f. a. it cm so Is'iuirt, I! Mi r. 1 ; . r CUEE5 AH manner of Wood diseases, frnmrt. pestitcrous little boil on your tioneil the worst casea of inherited blow taint, aurh as Scrofula, KheumAtiu Catarrh and Timtiison Blnnd and Skta rlww bat. wirr Arkiiric Co, AtUnu,u 1 Ask your Dealer -rii Tun- so. 1, Arrirtw it 0.1 a. M- I)mru 1" 4 H. " T. " 4 J r. M. " 4 T Y. X- To 1ikh fnurlit t arry pN'M'iirt'ni linr nm' ir ihr w-t nt T v a. m , unci tm (ir tin tttat hi 9 l- a. u. General in i after all. The whole scheme is as rank I of eapital twenty years, many of ns will -oan. me ow ner ana proprietor ot if ( Miss Orla Lup-T & proposition as the offerings of the j live, if his Btatement is true, to see bow j vessel, when Ham, Mr. Nouh s son. I vl)M Ta heathen to their idols, the ior deluded the change is to be accomplished. flapped him oveiWrd and be wae The twentieth annual mortals believing that they are-necessary for the sustenance of their g d STAOtS. I'riiK-vUc. ila Ilnki. Mili'lie'.l. (nun I'M li- .t.. wae j con- the which are appnpriated by the priests through concealed doors. t ireeun .Krnr i ; n ...... ..1. 1 .. ..... .. : i . , ... . ... .i ,.iui.,r i ui-ri iii mini o.r- but i The Hood River Glacier says: Oregon necl ftna thout!.t ! dliv. Tie e,.stinjl Us bN.n ,,arnioI.i()U(l j high,' has outgrown its constitution, and needs j f More tbe flood, but they were all j throtigbottt and the n,emU-r will go a new one. It was made to suit the n neu aim m.s case wr.s fmf , Lome to ,,,,;.,,. .rttllr ,.. wants of 20,000 people, and is not large b? tbe d.stnct attorney for want of tes- j C0IIrap.d to work , vr fr , enougtilor 400..kki. n,e niuddie ove. success of onr creat educational ....,1 Ann it on forniatorv ii.nvfn.etiiii AM from the Indiana Journal oN :,,,.,i ,i,,l:- i,. :.. ,1 ... . ...v , nimii rmi lt INC I , J IB I For in. Kur A uii I'M' dut'v itt ii i. i j Hutur, k inirslt.r, V nmn .Mini, V.rm nrnii sua ivitu .i.y, iinvcantir nxiri.t it , lito r at t a. a. l or oulili-iiilnle. W imti ns'k cxts-pi hutnl'ir t ' Udii'v iur ail Uihh at tti I luatUU llcunv. ti . leave rvcry dttjr nt thr the Soldiers' Home emphasizes this, i That the constitution says that all Btate ! buildings should be located at the state J capitol, is beyond question: and that Tlie next congress will contain twenty seven citizens of foreign birth. Ireland is in tbe lend with eight Clancy, Cair;pbeli, Cochran, Graham, und Kyan, all of X Viirk. t..i;.,.,r, tii; .!o. Meadock.of Michigan, and McAleer, of ! ) locatl"e of Bn- Bta,e ''8 y Pennsylvania. Canada is next w ith i "ate capttol is unconstitutional ve-Tavlor, of Indiana; McMillan, of ! " U"Je"' able "f The consti Llichigau; McClearv, of Minnesota-' tUt'!1 btt8tbeen trampled upon and ig- -Ga-linirer of New Ha.,bir ...I' "urru UIleu ost resjct White, of Union v I have ben reading "An Railroads May 8th, IHL'7, that would be of interest to your readers, but the paer looks so much like a smoked ham that it is hard to get the full meaning of the writer. He says railroads are of two kinds, the tram road and the iron rail, with a turned up edge to keep the w heels on tive city of the Jnlnnd Kinpire, and speak highly uf their treatment at the hands of our citizens. Astounding Oonfeealons of Fraud by Profoeslocal Bubjocta ' n . . v... I , , . . t, . . i . .. . : . i i . , ' and force. The people have acquiesced ! t''e track, and that a horse car can draw; fieruiany has four ,. .. . . . ' ' , . 1 ' . t . .,.. . i .i j- . Kiefer. of Minnesota; Itartholdt of "eameni o. u. i nere is scarcely , un uin , Missouri and H , a cjunty m the state but that has had a roaii- I "om the same paper that ( of th -fuh " of Uunbu- Mm- f, ' . debt in. Lngland has three I'asco, In and iiainer. of Nebra'ka one Hen.Ierjf.a, of jowa J. C. Kghert, , in conversation with a ! Ciii:o,mci t reporter this morning, stated in direct violation of the constitu- i'uell A Ihmn of Crawfordsvilie propose tion, and we believe Marion countv is in ! to poods lower :hau tho same qual- cares little for ! ,tv of eoous bas ever been sold iu the located eke-'Btute' "T "l'y in band." which means where, and the suit was brought not to ; "I01 eRBl' ! that they w ill pay the l.igh- prevent tne location of tlie Soldiers' ! e8t Pr""e for country linen, beeswax, coon skins and feathers; thev m...r.n ............ : T .. an EM'n 11,1 1 1 II tl r T OM cl ... I a I , .!-. 1 Scotland haf t . - . h. i.ri . i.;..i, .1 .1. . vit-vii. 4b mni xjui worK. 1 lie Hint-. ...,.1, ..,i.u mr, iuiu loeitiseives nifty be delaved, but Salem has to sell at the Cincinnati rash prices. The of Florida : Crisp, of Georgia, and Jones, ,7"' "'"J MTU of Nevada; Norway has two-Boen. of fat ' C?? .d,t,,Tn; C Minnesota, and Haugn, cf Wisconsin. 1 17 6U,e7 ,Ii0me belc New Brunswick has two-Simpn, of I where'"d the suit w as I Kansas, and Stephenson, of Michigan. . ,oc"l,UB ' U,e oiaar8 1 1 , ' Austria has two-fiold.ier, of Illinois, ' "T' ""u - th f , T t ,a st..; .. . . t- 1 the branch insane asvium in Eastern martsta In KDniM flow m Mun Appai-ruUr Ilypnotlwd lr Tnlrpliuu. iter nifty be delayed, but ' 1 -I . , . I . : . 1 . . . , . d.i Ltri a cvuiiaraiiuu luui IB now oe- nrrival and departure of the yond her control and the matter is going n,ai'B to and from Indianato!is are pub- I 1 1 .1 wi. 1 1. ' liuliUil ua frk!litM-B L'M, .... "'.. : 1 1 I iu iK, aim eeiueu right, even vw-c. num!, v....i. ;. i i i .a - . . : on rntnr'Inv ft n m lt.afa i(...A.i: year throughout W asc-o county ts , - ' j ate, . from I5rookr,ef rriv(,8 M(jn. pr.giou,. and w ,11 riot W realized un-1 ! day and Friday, departs immediate! ; t;!i toe as'ssment rods show in black. " frr v. ,,!... ti....i . . ' and I'liim n,. ;,,. ,.f ; ..,!' Lawver Bilker in the Snhli.W ITr.., i " ' " v" x " J1" acrea. Home He save there are hundreds of cai BcoreJ Governor IVnnoyer hard fur email farmers, to eay nothing of whole- belping set aside tbe provisions of the eale planters, who have pl inted young constitution reijuiring all public insti trees tiiis spring and las-t fall, nnd who ' tution9 to be located at the seat of gov-aj-e nlanninc to set out a creator nnm)ur ' ernnient, yet continually demandinir llllitiiiviwf'.un.mln. LM 1 , " t he i n r,ln fli i, i on t ,f Pp.miflui.1 t...... I g'en . . vi.i.ii ian. inc iiuiiureu i M vi ivo u viv,t?-. iirn yi uuv iim are growing ' lauure io er.iorce Olilv a RtatuW. tins year than last. The grape planting ! Salem Journal. The Salem fools are Las increased as well, and two years "'ready beginning to be known by hence there w ill have been at least "oOO,- tl,eir comparative excellence, as Big", i-igger, Biggeot. Princeton, every other Thursday; from Washington every week. The offire will not be opened on Sunday. Portion ex pecting mail should bring the iswtnge '.money) witli tlieui, as no trust can be Truth to t more plants from present orders. The volume of fruit for the coming year bids fair to be something tremendous. Dr. Jacob L. Wortman, recentlv ar- poiniea to the chair of Mllltfa encampment. PnUnl.l...:. J 1 1 ... 11 - T , .. . " t .. "-""fc'c, .rw jersey, is an Ore- ana a lormer pupil of Prof, j is a tacit admisnion of its great evil .uv., v,, university ot Uregon, from which he gradnateu in 1878. He afterward rraduated from h P.n.,t- rania collie of surgery and.anatomy, The state miliUry board bus decided ana soon after was apj-ointed anatomist i to appropriate 300 each for 13 infantry in the Army Medical Museum at Wash- j companies, the Uttery and the troops to iQgUm. He ,as written some fine O into encampment. The troop and W u ZDtil i" "'"Pative Anatomy ' company D, of tbe Second regiment of the Teeth is a standard authority stationed at Ashland, will camp together . nleuct,. tu uc-e8 i on Klamath, provided the com hows what Oregon push and energy j pany is willing to accept the .i(X in full CaD J of " Per diem and ration allowance and , j'" jib own transportation. Th Clay bas been epoken of as tL probable Whig candidate for the preaidoicy in the coming national flec tion. "General JacksOii Is CtJticised for the lack of civil and diplomatic attainments to t him for the presidency. "The Kankakee Indians, on tbe Lead waters of the Illinois river, are said to be in a state of wretchedness for want I rid themselves of th linn., v....!. ' '-""". " their dogs , ..,,., ouu ana i It is said Ir. Keely has amassed a fortune of 20,000,000 from bis liquor hub stiows how earnest is the de- cure. engage vessels iioiwb 10 keep trom starvaiir.n j Governor Cass bas ordered supjilies for them." ! A ciiizen of Mosier Las a flint lock niuskat, a British piece, made in 10HL' 214 years old, tound in 1HV, on the plains near the Turtle mountains. This gun will be exhibited at the next countv . Biioiiiu nave oeen sent in the i wrrgon exiumt to the world's fair Mosier, May 2", 18TO. int., businessof raising sunken 7t of IS oy a novel method. Ijinn ...1. I . ... " """"""M ber bags will lie placed in timllirt?trrnWl'0nUnd'mt ',oint thesunkenvesJsoy will be connected bv a bose with .;, ."-- oi tne com- pumronfioatsat uAXe anS a i f' 7 "" pumped into them. As llbZ'exrJTTt Cn'panie.". --Wy be it is expected thev will expel Sy all ! " vm t,,e, mi ita l "4. th, water from thebold andgiveb sun ! ti """J" KIe'"' "'P- ken vessel sufficient buovancy 11 , 21 1 A" itii,....i A.. 7 Ctt" depends upon tbe waivinir of , ,t Oregon, sunk ofTFire island. 11 , r each company. The mmm Hiird regiment is so Scattered that no euort will be made to bring together its Colorado Chinamen were the only j companies this year.-Salcn Journal. Mies w ho were cute enonirh to r,rr.f) l... -be Geary registration law. Thev not W1,ile Mr- T J- Kichey of nly registered once, but several timet. ' travel'Dfr n Kansas ind tlien sold the duplicates to the Six Companies, to place in the hands of new reports, all of which shows that the mining of tbe Six Companies is inferior a the aggregated intelligence of the holies. If all tlie Chinamen bad done Jis the population conij ave .n oubied. They lost the chance of a life me to got all their relatives oat here. Altona, he waa laaen violently ill with cholera mtrbus. ue called at a drug store to get some medicine and tlie druggist recommended Chamberlain'i Colic, Cholera and Iliar-rhi-ea remedy so bigldy he concluded to try it. The result was immediate relief, and a few doses cured him completely. It is made for bowel complaint and 1T Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. lw STATE GRANGE. Th. Twmtlrth Anno.l a. Adj,n, Tixtaj-BaslnM TranstM-Uxt. Afterntjon session riimni.,1 n o'clock. A little important business w as transacted, and then Mr. W. K. i-p. of Milwaukie was invited to address the patrons on the Swiss Initiative and lie ferendum system of making law s. He de livered quite an interesting and instruc live address. The Grange will ap,KJint a committee to confer with similar .,.....;.. . . have already len appointed by tbe rarmers' Alliance and Knights of to meet and discuss the merits of the Initiative and Kelerendum svsi...... A resolution, introduced by A. I) .,.Kn,u,i,K uie iree coinuge of 'woiuiion, that was presented ,, the finance committee, caused consider- auie discussion. Considerable time was consumed in offering and considering various amend ments to the original resolufion. Some amendments to our by-law. were offered but were not thought of enough U,. nee to ! adopted. The proposed amendment were dis- Ilypnotism has Wen bavins a hard time lately in London, 1'nris and Eu rope penerally. hut espcrially in Lnir lund. Confessions of professional sub jects have become common. There in, indeed, a very stronjr disposition to reject hypnotism entirely and cousign it to the limlto of exploded fakes. The London Times had a scries of letters some time a;o from an eyewit ness and alleged investigator of the re markable doiiifH of i'rof. Charcot and other less, noted doctors in 1'aris, de scribing in detail tlie 'desensitiza tion" of tiulijects. the "mind transfer ence," and all the woudrous thing's, made familiar to us of late yean,, und hfttinj? np a seemingly strong case in favor of ull that hus been claimed for hypnotism. This luduceu Mr. I.abouchere of 11 of an interview he bad vt ith one of the hypnotic subjects most before the public a khort time apo. This subject g'ave undoubted evidence that he humbugged tho doctor throughout, and tnat by practice lie and Other well-known auhjecta, whom he named hud fhltivated the ability to eat candles and mn. and to drink castor oil und pepper m-e when "un der the influence." smuekirrf their lips 8 if catintr cuke und drinkiMr wine. as -KUfgested" to them. He pc-i1t- t-id needles to ! thrust throuirh !i ears nnd checks, nnd thoroughly HUtia hed Mr. I.alK.pchere that he could bub- mit to ull the wonderful thintfa com mon in hypnotic demonstration. J Ins seemed to hurt the mesmerUt Lu'dnchs, mid apparently the subject were thrown out of work. Thev have turned to and Uelured the land with confession. Some ore astounding1, all arc amusing. One man tella how he traveled for a Venr, alotlif with five other subjects, with one of th(T lxrst known traveling me,h.erhtM In the C'mntry. The man was rally able to mesmerize Mtople and perform some of ' lie aciuul wonders of the remarkable at'eney; but he did a vast amount of lukinir. One time lie declared to i committee of lo:ul doctor in a provin -un iown that he could a easily hvp hotize a roun over the telephone ' as luce to ruce. ... i . j ue proiessor went elKiut a mile away, culled up his desired subject to wic veiepnone lixed on the stu(re, and told him to fro to sleep. The man promptly complied, and the doctor jitooca pms and needles into his flesh pinched him, pulled his tongue and poked his eyes. The man wn in ik,s wssion of all his senses. A dozen times he wonted to jell but held out. know "ijf thut the professor was driving to the bull a fast a a horse could l.ri Finally the subject was pine, d d feet on one chair nr.,1 I.;. neck on another, and two fat d. tor sat on hi chest. Hi backbone wo just pmnc- out when the professor rushed breathlessly into the hull and released hn. nli(l suvlj(M.t II. jri:oFK.MOSAt.. H. IilIHt:iX-,rT,.!tv T I.w-irhc-4 ourt stnt-l. 'J'tiC ltnlir. ftrrRitll. in rv. tutl ii,irti t Kl K. .k MENTFEE ATTisv T LAW-UiH.m 1J Mini 4X f"fr 1'iM.t ort.i r HiiIMiiik. tutrnTi.u 4w.ulrfiou btruvt Tlir Iln!Ui, uregou. I)' I s. KKNNKTT. ATKiKNEV AT LAW. . f,i- In si't.annu bullillliK, til. stMlm. f. Tk iibarj Hand Made M.A.GUNST&CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND. OREGON. .'Mi.., tlrecun. T nir Bt rrriKdTo. . . whjkw. AS, IlfNTISliTnV A W ll-SON ATTO sr T l.i l ill, !. Fnnii ti t.lixn.ver llrnt NhUimihI llank. I'Mllv. U- II W IIlN-ATTtlKKV AT LtW - Kiomi .1.1. Nrw V,t UiiK'k.Meiiud suwu I aw lnUtr, i.rva- LOOK, OUT pvesh Paint! HiitJ hi iMiKdfi. ( miim aunwfr- iinmtiith , CCUf ttl. ik Mllll ; 1 iltiT 1 17 i li Imt or uttrlii, I'liv or country 57 1 bjiDtiUi bltH k. wlf -rHTNiriAK inn pt K O l, VA N r- ukoh nu. HMttna b wurt A Miaitmnti ("Mirth itMiu, 'lid d'Mr trmn Hm- rnTnrr. OUut huurV tu 12 A. M.. -i u tt ml 7 U f. hi. w r. a. ! :t i.. AsCO liI',E. No 1.'.. A. Y. A. M -M..-t II ml and tl.lnl Muu.Uy ol au ti mi.iitli l 7 I M.l.l.S KDVAl. AKl'll II A 1'1 K Ml. 1 llt-'ti, In Miiw. un- Hail th Hi 1 rtl Mnluumliir Ul CW4-I1 UHllllU 411 i r MOM'.RN" WlKlliMKN K Tit K Vi (ilil.P. Ml Hiwwl f Bnn Nil M't 1 ui(tiit i-ven liiKufim li s'k In rruu-rmi) tu , m. COI.fMlltA UllK.E, NO. S. I ). O F-MurU evi-rv hrl-liiT rtttiilnc at .:iaVI-k. In k. of P. Imll, riirner s.',.inl and Court atrtwtj.. H'.iiMiriiltiK tiruttiera arv nctri.iut. H. t'LotiiU, iw'jr. It. A. Uiixji.N. li w r. (.u amr hmhr rt.da 111, ri m.; i m,til fi,r,.r rK-t)d AuA eiie?;, il he I. it, any lie tl.4') tt-w ot In- titer tnaiiy. Thr tlmr (,,r ,uii,tln in, haa rmm, And ,.. i.f... .1, .(.,., a li.imr 'J lint ,i.,k, f.-,li ami rl.n and rt-a Aa iii.i.t- but a g,Hl immUT ear tfa rnlTitltie. jMit-lnr r!n!tig. ka Hill n,it- , ,ur i,i,t I.Mti-,- l.M.k iimtr an. Mr will liiki- v.iur wi.ra ) mi-joli i.t t) t!,i dn. If vmi hv ,,:k r rr tilm a rait. Hf'll tk y Mir ni-li-r. ,nrj(r or aluall l:.M-t(iiiiv, W. C. GILBERT, i' o iini Si., a. T1IL DALLKS, Oil. him. with lratriil'jr Hall. L. . l Hum k.v.n The Snug! j W. H. BUTTS, Prop. iKo. DO Becond Ereet, The Dallei Or. I Thii aeil knoan stand, kept by the 'M L ..... tt' II If....- I m uMl. Mttjuumtnf u.vii.1""- arv CTlially In V . . ,." "" , "w. B fiiir J dent of W a o county, ban an eitraordi- narj une iock OI Sbftp Herder Delicto and Irish Pistnrbiiift. Iu fart, all the leading brand of line Wine, I.iiinor and C'lifar. (jive tl old man a call and you will come airain. J. F. FORD, Evangelist under datr l F'RIENllHtF IlIM.E. NO. .. K. .l P.-Mwti tvvrf M'.iiiUy rvtiuiiitr at 7 ;i n t-Inr-a. In Suhnrno a bullilinir, tinner of t;nurt and s.'tnid tr.!U. vitxl i'. W.Vafsa, K. i.t H. aiut S. t. C. AKHF.MH1.V ftO. 4SJ7, K. (IF 1..- yta In K. ( '. hall the aw.nil and li.Sfth Wednt- dajra til cacn runnib at p. m W'OStrX'R TIIKIHTIAN TEMFFKF.M'-r M I' MUX will ni rvvrj FrliliiT altifiiiKUt at So'ciia k at the rvadlui; room. AH arc InvlUid. farninn Inl(rc No. .'ail, I (. (. T.-Ui-cnlar Mi Iiiie'.lnrn Krl1ny at P. a., a All are Invitid X. K. I. Fl.K'-K . he TEMPf.f t.0!iF. NO. , A O f. W.-MsrUi In hraU r v;y flail, i.vrr EelUrn, mu becinid "wi, Jiiurafia'y wmrUiga at 7 : W. 8 MTffc, Fh.l.i-lef. fact .rrr. M. I AH. KKrtMITn KKt Mt. 3'2. i. A. K-M.-U ' ever, saturilar at : J) at . In iua I. ul f. Mali. ' J OF L. F.-Mi-turrf..-, atternram lu ia UlC K. u( V. Hall. JEHANH VFHFINM.,.ta , "wry buaday M rvi'iiliii In tlm K ,,( i. ii..n or l. r. niviKioM, s. i7- m mi dayof tatri, month, J ;,: I f lira Moltirn. linta, ante Manii lli: H. i. M(. Mro. f'o., Piifttr, Or'i?on. UrnlUmtn : , . On arriving borne last eek, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. " little (jirl, eight and one-half year old. who iiad wasted away to W pound," now well, otronit and vigorou, and well fief bed up. K H. Cough t'ure ba done it work well, lloth of the children like it. Your K. I', tlonjrh Cure !ia cured and kept owav all boariwiie Irotn me. So give it to every one, with (rreetmir" for all. WiKbinu yon proprtty. 1 our, si a. jviH. j . we are J'. Fcikh. THE C III HC-ltEH. If yon wlali to fori tid rhiwrfnl. and caty or tin- si.rliiK a work, rU-aiiar a.UMii wlio the ll.'nilw'l.f and r, by lakll.K " T. r-KTFRM rHf'Rf'H R . . m, m, , , rainrr HnoRa y at "-ra at I CT. fafij f urm-ii Kllth. k.T Kl, It Kl 'virysillKlay at 11 a. thrrn- diau-a uaeli wia-k. Hold uudrr poattlvv fiiaiantrr. M cnta a-r la.ttlr tjr all dniKlciat". " ANEW Fnlon Strive MtileliMi. Kwtor. ?-h.H,i A.m. Kivn..". pr. v j::"?1"' ' HI to .""IKHT MA PT1HT flllltcil i.a, rumor jioriiiii. . U Tav '"th t , ai'nili.iiiy at II a m ki iii 'rarer m.,.tln, Fri.f.y I v .,.1, , f t: ;i i. no,. , u.: Atnil'.T, Captain Sweeney, IT. S. A., Kan Diego, Cal., Day : "ribiMa f:.i.i. Kemedy I the firat inedi. 'inn f l,..K ever found that would do me any Rood " Price 50 cU. Sold bv Knit a. k ...... u k.niT-rni j, rjuWribe for Tn Ciihomci.i. C?ri.Tl.OSAI "" ' H-Kr, W". r .. H'-r..kHr.oo,iiiy7vi't."u7; lnriif at H a, ,.. . r ":. '1'worili 1 ,.ry r;., 1 l. every U.alV;"1 " "" 'lh P-to, .d ,.pie Vitrrh-H 1 o&wjz rr::i r.ati. I.nthrran ohureh, Ninth atrrrt k a "hlaViS T-STT ". ' " ma.1 ai .! P at. A eurdml wcko,,,, Uj ev.rJ ye, iikD? Kstablhhment! -bFALKKH W fe Furniture and Ca Ve have added to on ntis-intm oitiplete rndertading Jjtablihmen arid a we are in no war oonne.'teif wTkh t!i Undertaken' Trut rmr price wil be low aecor ilnglr. a t,