The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 02, 1893, Image 2

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CcnscmtiTe Estimates Place
Crcwis at 200.000 People.
The White City Was Taken Possession
f By Those Present in the Same
of Toilers' Day.
irJtr of thing can continue long, dif
ferent local passenger men estimate that
not more than 15 to persona have left
Portland daily on all the line to visit
the fair, and numlier of these would
have gone in any event, aa they desired
to go east, and would have done eo even
had the fair not been in progress. Tel
egram. IB SOW MKS. BILL.
Mr. Marl Slavlne Klwlae
Marries Her
Its DflTDilina te Event oT the Dai at
tttc Great Wfcite City.
After the Exercises the Montana Com'
missioners Entertained Fiiends and
Fair Commissioners.
Would' Fair Gaoixns, Chicago,
May Fully 200.000 people
came to the world s fair grounds to
day, and with soult freed from care,
drank in inspiring music and feasted
their eyes upon the artistic and natural
beauties of "the White City." while
their ruiuds were improved by studying
the works of genius and industry. It
was the first ojien Sunday, and it was a
success. The day of rest was but two
hours old when the people began to
come into the grounds. All modes of
transportation brought their quotas,
and from the hteamer piers and railways
came long lines of people; but the mas
ses did not arrive till after noon. Fe-
ginning about 2 o'clock, the multitudes I wedding trip in this country, Dr. and
Xbw Yobs, May 30. Mrs. Marie
Nevins Tdaine, the divorced wife of the
son of trm late James G. Blaine, and Dr.
W. T. Bull were married this morning Chicago, May 30. Montana"! famous
in the South Keformed church. The j golid silver statue of "Justice" was un
father of the bride gave her away. No i veiled in the mines and mining building
attendants. The ceremony was followed , today. It is the statue for which the ac
hy a wedding breakfast at Mrs. Blaine's , tress, Ada Pehan, stood as a model, and
apartments. Only intimate friends and : foT doing created great contention
relatives were asked to the ceremony.
Sot more than 50 people were present.
The wedding is the happy consumma
tion of a romance begun when Mrs.
Blaine was snriouslv ill three years ago.
That she would be a cripple for life was
the verdict of the physicians w ho at
tended her. Dr. Bull, however, gave
among her sisters of the profession.
The unveiling of the statue was the event
of the day at the White City, and the
great building in which the statue stands
was thronged with pec pie eager to see
the magiiittcaut work of art. While
the crowd was assembling, the Cincin
nati band plaved national airs. The
floated into the ground? ut every gate,
and by 4 o'clock 110,000 people were in
side the enclosure. The people kept on
coming the entire afternoon and over
flowed into the Midway plaisunce,
w hose every show was crowded until the
attendance mark had leen elevated to
100.OK). After dark the grounds were
lighted up, and this, together w ith other
features of illumination attracted still
more, and when the crowds were alout
ready to go home a conservative esti
mate placet! the number ior the day and
eveuing at IW.iHK).
more hopeful assurances, and it is to his j opening address was by Major Martin
efficient skill that she owes her com- j McGinnis.
paratively good health today. After a; When he finished. Mrs. Ilickards. of
Montana, stepped forward, and, taking
up a small silken cord, gave it a gentle
pull, and the stars and stripes which
enfolded the silver image of "Justice"
Mrs Bull w ill sail for Europe.
I'realdent of the Santa Je.
. ,K . , ... , , , fell awav and exposed the statue for the
president of the Atchison, Topeka and .- T. i
41. ?i biuic lu ( . . . v ... ........
gave vent to wild cheers, while the band
played "America."
Santa Fe railroad
I : v. .
company, is ono of ;
the most successful J
railroad financiers '
of the country. He'
has had a long ex- '
iierience, hnvinc ,
Trial ml Ir. Hrlsf
Washington. May SI. Before pro
ceeding to vote npon the question of
sustaining the appeal from the judgment
of the Sew York presbytery in the case
of Profesnor Briggs, the Presbyterian
general assembly this morning engaged
iu half an hour's devotional. Rev. A.
Selson, of Holly Beach, N. J., conducted
the eiercises, giving an exposition of
Rth Romans, the chapter describing the
intercession of the Holy Spirit. Then
the assembly convened as an ecclesias
tical court. Fifteen minutes were ex
hausted in a desultory discussion f the
order of procedure, as a result ui a I ich
the assembly ordered (with evident con
fusion, and lack of understanding of i
JUSI wnai nicy were, ...r m.. ... , i(( . H out to ,
becalled. The commissioners, as cal!. d,(lrilliHiul ()( j,,,,. ,,,.,. j, ukru
were to give their reason, for their votes. , jn (1( compwnv ,, ,.v,.r
Speeches were limited to three minutes, j mv l,ti)Vr(.( , v
While this preliminary no lutUu.lwr Htui VMttult ,VIIIIUM1d
tied, Brlgg. quietly came In and t.H.k a; Uie n of mhiph t,((
seat. I nder the call of the roll, each i ;....... i . ,. ... .m. ,. ,i,.
M ii.i t: tMA.
Aa KaplaamllM.
Tub, June 1. 19.1.
F.ihtob Chkosu i.b : In the Chkoni
tit last evening I noticed an article
condemning A company on account of
its failure to tnrn out at escort to the (S.
A. R. and claming them aa "graceless
scamps." For the lienent of the eleven
men w ho lid report for duty and were
ready and w illing to go on parade, few
aa they were, let me say that oar failure
to show np all rests on one man, onr
coiumander, whom we are sworn to
obev. At it was, we were marched
down Second street long after the pro
cession had left and ere of course made
the laughing stuck of the town. Out of
U'tween lift v and sixty men eleven luen
will be so
meu who
member rose in turn and stated w hether
he voted for or against entertaining the
appeal from the Sew York presbytery,
which acquitted Profe?ir Briggs, and
his reason therefor.
Rev. Anthony C. Jukin, of l.os Ange
les, said every doubt had been scattered
to the wind by the admission of the de
fendant. His error, in the speaker's
out of which grew tiiot of the errors j
Hrm lbs World's ft air t aw t'lftwa tenia.
1'iMin receipt of vour address and fif
teen cents in ptistagr stamps,
mail you
of the
Phnfnffionli lit
Eajt fyd. Second St.,
East of Wlritato Hall, and opauu,,
Tatl.w attoa, Th. D, Haa. (,.
First-Class Photot
Notics la hcml.r Blven thai by an i I
itv l .miM i.l Ui. sutr ..(..rriHT 'f
..r maUa. Ilia uiiduniliriiHl ! T
.llilm and la n..w Ilia qualinil I
nriiiul.trau.r i.l lbrUtai,l aimicrE,1
dnwaiwl. All tK-nmua faatlna rlalm. J
"ul their elaliiia with ll,r i,n,,i "
tiimaalmjf r.-i.l noar W awinti.
llhlll alt month, (mm llir datr ul ti,i
Alul all tN-raii lliJ...Ud I,. .1 a.U,'
mtulmi Ui aeltl aurb ludrtitKtimu I.JJJ.I
AitmliilalraUirtit Batate of ttaiauJil'LsiiL'
nis in Hisisi.-e siaiiipa, we win in matr niiai iri in airfiiairt ha F
u ,.r.-,id our Portfolio j l','?,' .rl!-,
World's Columbian Fxposition, jtwii. .. Juir tt, i u. "u
.iinp sr. Kl.taar.
ilr: n..m!tvad a.,!,n ( M
4 Nr.1, i.l fxi'lii.u -.i. nhi ),,
f. s I.ako drn. a. Th li.ll, , y .
Si.lli-a la h r,-l. !!,. n,., "
1. all. .il arltlrr liaa lAni lining hi.
In lliNkr tllial liriHit In am. ..f i.. "lit.
You will find it
of art and a thing to lie pricd. It con
hev. John T. Hopkins, aUo tif Ixis i . ... . .
Angeles, said he was obliged to vnte to
Hie ri'nlnr t.riit ia tiftv n.ntH. lint aa u-e I
U'liiif t-iill Y.t I, all-a attiaa MM lunv aa lliaa .i - v l-
. i . i: ... v . iw. .i., '"f : r r
was ine aoccnm 01 naiuiuiiMin, i , ..... ... . i .,, -Ud
t lit ititiiitaM tht f4llotrlia m lis..
. I Ul Hll HIIU llllllV UI 1FT 111 ll'll. 1L It'll .a...
now amirtinr; tlie rhurrl). , . , .. , I p.iitiiMi..u n--i(.. ho- u ii
" (lllllB 111 I lllliaa l-iuiaa nl M.n I. Il l ' 1 1 A .1.. a ...
Ntll IRIIU. tf t v "Rill
H JOHN W. I.l. UN. L-,
titutulit .... ,.,.n,., l il . . .'4 iu niijtiini piMrui u. i k fjisi
1 u.ittt... I .it t. it . . ..a : a :m
ened disruption, end Profstor John M. " ' - "
' ... II... I ... .I..I.H. I.. I ...... I .u... l.U
I ui"..'. iiiv PL.ut.j'r miu i., . J iii
I ii'gs, with descriptions of same, and is
irwea It. tnn .
and ruluili
. I llraLau.
'roa aud M'fathrr.
Kertilutluuinta lt.nianfllnc Karngaittuli
b)r S'nrrlfn (roTFramraU.
liiaSAHA, Sicaragna, May "T. The
United States cruiser Atlanta arrived at
tli rev town Thursday. Lewis Baker,
United States minister, telesraphed her
commander it was not necessary to land
marines from thecrusier. Two hundred
and fifty armed men from Matugalpa to
day joined the revolutionary farces.
The revolutionists are now claiming
belligerent rights and demanding recog
nition by foreign governments. Preper
ations are now being made by the insur
gents to march npon Managua and
j-ive acasa's government from the
rnguan capital. A force was sent
tga t the government forces stationed
so tfjs- j, laz8 Tipitapa, after the bat
tle in "Tuc P88- They were 800
. . i . .
atronc hait rclrt:BMfu towara .nanagua
iors tfee ac
The Oregon state weather bureau, in
entered the railroad co-operation with the weather bureau oi
business in the United Mates department of ajrri-
The new president, culture, the central olhce of which is in
who is a native of ' Portland, furnishes t!ie following crop
NrPittsbtirg. IVnn., is and weather bulletin fjr the week ended
a man ul line ap- j .'lay m:ii :
pearance and strong ! s tki:x okeuon.
As auditor of the Sew York,
Weather A higher temperature pre-
West Shore and Buffalo Railroad he ori- . vai'.cd lapt ueek than in the preceding
ginated an acconntiiig system that has j week ; yet it has not been np to the
been adopted on many others of the ! normal.
larger roads. In lSS he became con-j Crops The a father is very favorable
nected with the Atchison, giving his at- to the cereal crop ; heHt, oats and bar
tention to its financial condition. Un- j ley have exoeiiect growth ; in a few see
der his supervision as vice president a j tions early sown fall w heat if heading,
financial reorganization was effected, : priiie seedine has been about mm.
ted ; sheep shearing is licine pushed
d!y and g-iod fleeces are ceueraiiv
placing the comjiany on a sound basis, j pleti
He succeeds Alien Manvel, whose death : rapi
recent! v occurred.
rgent forces arrived.
KclalrraHll of tha Itemalna of the t oa
red e rate Chief.
Richmond, Ya., May SI. Jefferwin
Davis' funeral train arrived here at 3
o'clock this morning. An Lour before
its arrival the ar-
I tillery began firing
I. -Int.. ..A
t - i cm iun.o, awu vwas-
,. . ! tinued till the re-
SL-A-fTLi, WasH.,X r1 , i mains rested in the
the CflH..NicLi.-TlK exercl8ef ' ,0" capitol. Thev were
v j . ttisfactonlv to . , " A.
day have passed off verf a. : j escorted from the
all. The services were f I depot by R. E. Lee
The G. A. R. and Son Ht
marched in together w'rU.
- -wv"'-""i s:i ins, ana other c
ni CHicerS. The only dieagreesbre v
ture was a sligut Biiower of rain wblCL
damjiened the plnmes of the elate
The appointments of Judge Brinker
for the position of district attorney and
Mr. Ihrake for the tuition of U. S.
marshal meets with great approval
cainp, and the First
Virginia regiment.
Winnie Iavis an
the rest of the
being obtained.
Fruit prospects are not good in the
Willamette valiey; while in Douglas,
Josephine and Jackson counties the
prospects are above the average. In the
Willamette valley cherries will be aUiut
one-half a crop. Prunes and plums are
generally reported iu good condition.
Apples will be a fair crop. Strawber
ries are ripening in the southern coun
ties; they are generally reported as a
! big crop. They are from three to five
weeks late in rijiening. The late cold
rains did the damage to the fruit, for
since blooming there have been no in
jurious frosts.
canteen onr.oos.
j Weather Frequent light raint oc
i curred during the week. The temiiera-
among all the well-wishing and good
citizen whether thev I democrat or
retMib'.iean. Both are men of un
questioned ability and will make efficient
For two days the steamer Haytian
Republic has been anchored in the har
bor, undergoing a search by the custom
officers, who have been informed that
the has opium on board. The Haytian
Republic is a beautiful ocean steamer,
and is a decoration to the Sound trade.
On Saturday evening when she hauled
in at ocean dock, the U. S. officers were
then ready to seize her, and since that
time the officers have been at work on
board, both day and night. So far but
little opium has been discovered, and
that which was found on board is sup
posed to belong to some of the work
men. Various telegrams and letters
found in the office of the steamer made
it appear for a while that she had on
board opium, but a further search re
vealed that the communications,
in cypher, referred to coal and not to
opium. Jnst what will be done on ac
count of this wrongful seizure, is not
yet known.
The Alaaka Toarlat Sleaeow.
Sas Fkancibco, May 31. Special.
The steamer Queen left yesterday for
Alaska. She will stop at Fuget sound I
ports and start north June 7th. The
demand for accommodations for the
opening trip has been unusually heavy,
cne of ti.
The decora
capitol, whei
as well as elsv
1 simpie, but iro.
; ture is below the normal. Winds brisk.
family went to a hotel where Mrs. Davis ! Crf.j The peach, cherry and pear
stopping having arrived last night I crop " 1,1 short. Peaches have curl
x Sew York. The reiuterment j leaf "n(1 tt,e ,rui dropped from the
miesbave attracted to the citv ' herry and pear trees when the biossoru
- , . . - ,l,.. ...... 1 Tl . .
e largest crowds ever seen here. . "e urn straw lierries were
tions in the rotunda of the "bipjied from Hood River on the 7th.
1 TT. .
e the remains lie in state, U1I,e report is au error. The first
where in the city, are 1 "raw berries were shipped to Portland
-resive. Black and ,rom A- ieiu t lruit and dairy farm.
iling colors. The ! ner Ti'e Dulles. 1 Wool is coming into
vill start at 3 p. tlj warehouses ; but there does not ap
ices will last I Iar w w n.T e ir it. Stock hat
! I .... ...
e exercises ; eWJU K " tueir condition has
il thons- tly improved.
ine ioiumtjia and tributary rivers
ue ia;,en e.igtitly during the week,
lugh they yet remain above the dan-
Tl,o . ,
gf ill. " "Mr,iure is increasing
over the t unlry 0r'ned by the rivers,
and a risfje "cted thit week. Warm
weather withld th- next ten days can
yet produce flood Ct Tart proportion,
though every day of cool we'tber lessent
the possibility for a flood.
Coyner, of the same pn-ubvtery, suiJ he '
would do the same.
Elder William H. Hamilton, of Oak
land, said he haj come to Washington
absolutely tnnprejudit-ed, but he was
afraid the church would lie in an uncer
tain condition if the appeal was not sus
tained. The liur Jen of the remarks of Rev. J.
M. Seaull, of San Jose presbytery, wasi
that if lr. Briggs was sustained every
preacher, proiessor and SunJiiy school
teacher would lie privileged to preach
any views he pleased.
Captain Jacks, of San Jose, said that
all over the land there were young min
isters from Union seminary, eteejied in
the fearful doctrine taught by Dr.
Brip.-H. If the professor knew, he said,
of the damage lie was doing, he would
stop this thing and would have done
with it forever and stop bringing ruin i
upon the young minister of the church, j
As one after another of the members !
briefly indicated his position, Professor
Briggs beeauie weary of the talk, and
asked and was granted permission to
retire. The call of presbyteries by
states progressed as far as Kansas, w hen
a recess w as taken till 2:30 p. in.
Washington, May 31. The trial of
book. Address, II. K. Bn Ki-KN & Co.,
Chicago, PI.
ClQv Ep
'.;- J
! V..IW 1. I..T.I.V clir., !!,.!. ...,,
, i.l dit lr..m ll.r I ( ,..,irl ,,l t!,r atau-,j
,11. f..r ..., ,t. . ,,n t ,Urt,
i Ni-ivmia-r. lii ll.r n.:iit i.f ti, m,
.-Li, 1-... hi irir iit.ur III
J.JSMA VS i!. li
' 1
1. M il al .iil,llr au. II .,. .v. al tl.rdi.tu I
t-..iiMl c..'l l.i.iiw In 1 iir ., Mamemp I
lrT'H. Hi .li.illi trni .,,.r 1
ta-LillClllB n llir ralatv d M. 1
b 11 f.t. . 11. M ni,d IJ. and lias ,,. . I
llir tt aidr "( I d 11. all In tn. i 1 l-. I
. 1111 liiun A.l.l.ti'.ti l.. miN 1 it, , iirff.,ii M!
pr Ma-rt i ti lw id lii llii- bmlical biddit l.if ra.
Iu liatiil.
SI(4II MimiI'.K. Alii.tMralrl
t Iiatt-d Tlir liaUi-a. i ir . N. In, Iwi.
t Jlt.K. lUt.,
s l.ASti urni .
1 i
ADairrfuhi. IxatlVf and N l.H fc. loN IC
Si. id r? liniKiriaimir aetii It mail dc.atJc.,
nd 1 1 i l"r ui kajrr. rampira frr
irfl rVn The Favorite tom KTin
1W It V for tha TtvtD and lima tu. bo.
For aala by r)B)lpa At
Imported English Shire Stallion
; t'.imi.laiiil tiar iitar hifti rntrrad
PY Wallai 1;ihim. axaltit lutijan
I aiid.tiiu.a lit H..itii.lFad I. lit
Tha lullra in
ti-rad at thin nfr
nun rini.u
laiid.tmi.a In Na 1
dHt1 li'l.rnnrv 1-itli, l-'i. tli"li llir lW r
wmui . 1. an. int. 1 h..nth, l.miirr IS ,
miiiiIi, iotjui.. with iiirablha
rvi latum id .aid fi,tr , U,a aald Mir.r art km
u in m. ,!,i-l ., al tin. i.rli, In.
day ul Juiii-, Iwii, at Hi nrl.rk A M . h
l-.oo ana uiri.ixi utiiuimir nuiifruim J
No. Ml. I,rd llawkr. ; Kniirti, f.lixl
hrrd lit Mra. t'naard. Vt .micmla-y, I'mib.
frai't. nrk.lilrr Itiii.irtd lwa,
tirt?. kina id ttir Valiii. ;;T4 ln l.v iN-viin
phlrt" ld. ,. Ii br I .'.a.- l,r ,T
rtl.ird. lta. he by Hi.urat 1 uni. li.': br i.
ailtved aliaiidutiuiriit.
4 JSaf.l
Pain hjr Vt aiwork. !&. I if lit- Waiwnrk,
I . Ill-..k I in
Ir. Briggs, concluded todav, and a rote ; t.raud Paiii hi n,.i,r-t Tmn. ni.' hr br r.n
to tustain appeal carried by 3S3 to 110, ; WltiJrZ..
thus finding him guilty of heresy. Having imrchad the celelrraU.1 Stub
i: I. .i.f. tf.if.'i. . ....
tion, lArivi' ii n nr., lie w ill make the
season at W. I.. W ard a m Mondays,
Tuesdavs and Wedneadavs: and at I in.
The rirat Work HprrlAed In tba Con
trart bone leaterday.
Cascade Lot ks. Or., May 3(1. Spe
cialj The first train load of stone nr
rived today in the yards from the Her
man creek quarry, lieing the first
itir on i litirsduys, J' ridsys aud Sntur
; days.
J Charges for the season, f 10; to iu-ure.
; 115.
The bt!St of care w ill lie taken of ani
. mals, but no responsibility for dainais
Work I wlu lK naaumeu.
ornrc. The Palla f
N'.itlne I. hi-rrdir alvari that n.I 't'.,"?
! naminl .ttlrt liaa Illl m.Utt. id hi. Inln.ft,
. mmr- iiuai ir,,i Hi auhfawtrf.
, i .7. ,. . 1,lUW w-
i IVeetaB KeeJnaa.
) ll.iumtiid'ati"n N
! m li N , i: ui
II' nanm tlir I . .1 i-. 1 1 .(T IIMBik.vnnl
j eii.tii,u,iiiK riKidi-iM-e umui, and cultivauuti
aald laud, i lr .
i . ... .rv-p Knld. il. Andn-w J Untun, Ji,nt la
nlhrl'.ii and rr.-Ui-rti k ail
liatiil. ir.
i JulIN W. t.KW'ts, t.ea
done which comes under the stipulations j .,'r1 ",.H k "on tl" c 100 r'niiuin at
of the contract and for which the con-
TtlU l,ri,l liuill fur ly.r.l II.. 1. ...
tractors w ill receive y. The town is 2"(i0.
w hite are the prrr.
parad to llolloywwyl
m., and th memorial f.
about an hour. Including
at Gettysburg hill, wlrere wf
and Conferderates are bnriecl.
A continuous stream of people JJrv
through the room in which the coffrrt
lay all the morning. Five thou&nd
school children viewed the casket, each
dropping a flower on it. By this time
the mass of flowers on and around the
casket amounted to several wagon-loads.
Mist Varina Davis, youngest daughter
of Jeff Davis, accompanied the remains
to Kichmond. She is a beautiful young
woman, rich in
physical and mental
charms. She is
called the "Daugh
ter of the Confeder
acy," a title which
indicates the time of
her birth, when
North and South
were engaged in
strife. It
f deadly
... eaidth
Takes Juat I.
New Yobk, May 28. At exactly 3
o'clock and 30 seconds thit afternoon a
24-bour semee between New Tork and
Chicago over the New York Central was
inaugurated by the departure of the
first train for the west from the Grand
ienirai uepot, ana tue simultaneous tie-
jubilant and the locomotive Early Iny
and steam whistles of all kinds here are !
making all the noise possible in honor j
of the event. The round trip, including
the loading of two cars at the steam der
ricks, was made in forty minutes. Two
hundred feet of stone cutter sheds have
been constructed, provided with travel
ers, on which traveling derricks can
transfer the rock to the different work
men. There are alto here tome power
ful engines, having compressed air as
the motive force, which are to I used in
dressing the rock. An instance of the
benefit of contract over government
work is to be found in the fact that the
3(10 feet of sheds, two-thirds of which
has been built, w ill cost 12,000 lest than
2o0 leet of the same work cost when
Major Handbury was in charge, the ma
chines being much better besides, which
;re included in the estimate.
Memorial liny.
Tomorrow it memorial day, and will
be fittingly observed by the f. A. K.
post of thit city, who will hold the usual
memorial services. Tlie post will as-
of Jctimr Muti'M-tv, Utvol W bhpv rmi.itr,tm
UW (1-T-kSw1
All iriMiii Um lug rlslm faiti. mJ4 tr
rr hi-fi t.y r-.jult'tj l. ytiTi Ur Mra,r,
wrUrA. W. ml Uf nfiif iif iMiMir Herrrf
hi hKittnan tt.tM-a. l'aii i Mr, rtw, "lU
l tiKtutli fttiiu ll.r dtfif till" If Hint
lUtKl al la!i ( ft . Ann) 4, r
1 A.lnilntsitrmt.rf if Uw tUtr c4 Jinate Mmltoil
I can funnali a Btinibr of
Male or tVmale, miait stir ajrn
I'rice, 2tl i.r ),ead, or : per pail.
All tetter promptly aiiawrrvd.
CtTutat and ace tlirm, r write.
Chrisman & Corson,
aemble at their hall at 1 p. m. aud the
procession will form on Second street,!
partnre from Chicago of the east-bound ! ril,t resU" on Coort Bnt n,ove l 1 ::t0
ouuer escort oi a vo. intra licgiment,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
train. The trains in each case consisted
it : of four new Vagner palace cart drawn
that her father by one of the great six-wheeled Mogul
relied on her almost 1 engines.
entirely in arranging statistics of war, a
work in w hich the delighted.
Coast Clerk's Kotlee.
persons having warrants
Rprlng Medietas.
Dr. Oann't Improved Liver Pills on
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor-
and the Pacific Coast 8, earn ship Com- j-ftl't , -i'JS Tv
All persons having warrants in the
than seven years prior to July 1st, !H9;t,
are hereby notified to call for the same ,r"" '1 .7 .ou ' '-'vrana Kianeys ;
pany has only a very few staterooms re
r. . ,.. . ir uccui itubiiiru 111 tan tue name. Il- . if . . ..
mammg. from fconthern California ; aU(1 'nt lhe Bame to the ! drive out all impurities from the blood,
there will be a large delegation, and tue treasurer for payment w ithin sixty davs 'nd ,.I1'lla"l ir0'" tl,e 'vtern. Only
.. :...:.i i 1 lr,..n il.. 1.1 . l T1 um u . .A a 1 ,ie J"1' '"r I(W!- Try them this
O. N.O. Citisens are cordially invited ! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODTJC1?
to join the procession and participate in I . w a llu"
I iparta a rail.
iiiiu iiic ini ua, isi auiv, 10.7.,, 1 BalO 1 t i i . . . - , .....
' for as above they will be cancelled and I A lUUKhu"' I'roBK""", fbe lilies. Or., . Rn(1 ,K,or of ie VPRtnljlB
the memorial services. Ilusiness houses !
are expected to close at 12 o'clock and
remain closed during the balance of the
y. I
lr. Ouiib'i Onloa Krrnp. I
This reinody is a sure cure for all dis-j
eases of the Throat and I.nngs, caused
by taking cold. It will stop a cough in
one night, no matter how severe. Jt I
is just what its name implies; an onion 1
.I'riln i"rlM l .f.aiwt...l !nu.,..l. . . '
rj i i."'',u.:, an n.ii.ii innii iti:r HI '
to do away with the uniileasant tiwie
Cor. Washington ami Second St., Tho L)alloH, Or.
U. S. Commliilonsr.
i- a mvinsTRYi
Notary PobM-
tS.OUO In Prrniluma.
i payment inereoi win tnereiore oe re-
The established rates for world't fair fsel. P.y order of the County Court,
passenger business arc being main- i hltwlM J. 15. Cicossks.
I I . .v . . ' Conntv Cierk.
tamed, contrary to the expectations of . The Dalles, Oregon, May r-th. WV,.
the general public, and even of railroad i ev t "
men. The a'tuul numlier of world's!
iair jmPsengors pr-Jbly due- not ex- ..IT":" 'lo 'rptl'ln at '"'y- i" M
,' ' , ...... i I " ' TJI Ir week. ri-iid self,
ceeaiperaonsieroaj ou.o! ioru.tnu.,atan,,.d envel.., for reply. Atldre. y-ur d.aier for particulars or send lor , remarKa.ily cheap.
i. in i;i'4 iiiuuiit, iiuwcui Lima hud j t, ti bii'iii, .uiriiunnKU, Jii'j. Circular I-.?
, in need of a cure for ft rotijrli or
rtild, try it. I'rii-e r0 cln. bold ly
i-i. i. ..!.... ir i .. .. '
AiMr.uirj ci j l oiji 1 1 ill .
Huntington & McKinstry.
rt(?Maira to J. M. lluiitliiKtuii aV Do.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag'ts'
for Sale.
Two corner lots, w ith
Liuid Papers irf all lvinds jirepnr-l.
llents ciillecU'il niiil taxes paid fur tion nuiilents.
AUtriM-t of Titles furnihln il at hliort notiif. i
have the oti'j
Offered by I.iggi-tt A Myers Tobacco
Co. of M. lxjuis, Mo. The one gneHing
M.rr, lMr m,,,r, , T-llll Wlll 1 WO C'lHier lOl f , Willi llV'C THOln COt
atteiiu the orld s iair i?"!s J i.miO.Wi, i Lii.'" and outbuililinir. .a..i ..n ..i nlmnM I...U ;,. U',... i.
tlie second f 1.(KK).00, etc. Ten Mar to-, witter, aino citv water. nu voting fruit !
la- i 'i tat. entitle yon to a guest. Ask . trees. soil. leairui.: ,...i I n .... ....... .
r-eeJoetU.Kt.osT. I J"'1"" "'r or " r,"r
wu our cilice, NO 139 SECOND ST- THE DALLES. 0B.
tueated to cal