THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1893. RABBIT KOUXIMTPSL How tiio Ouiifornia Vineyard Is ta Do;J with tho Poets. Al Annual C.athrrtnt; at Which ThM lutli uf Jm k iZaMitta Are Cor ralled and l:xtrr. nilnatr "The people out ia Fresno count . Cal.. are pvttinjr ready for their annual Muin'.-up nr. J biuhtor of j.wk rab-biU-H" siid a leadinirvincyarditof Frvw n to a New York Sun man recently. "If it wasn't Uvr this early hpriiiR sya tcnustie raUl upon these destructive pests we would have scarvt-lv a vine yard or an orehard left in southern aUif.iraia. On one day in V areh. pen- j orally between the loth and 15th. the jrrupe and small-fruit growers collect ' topvth -r in their respective districts anil leat the country thoroughly to j drive the swarminp jack rabbits from their hiding places into immense wire inch wed corrals, where they arc at the mercy of their pursuers, and are knocked in the head with dub by the thousand. 1 have known fifteen thou sand jack rabbit to lie slaughtered in this way in a few hours. Mure than that, these rabbits are such prolific breeders that every one killed in March or April means that there w ill lie twenty-five or thirty less than there would have been if the rabbits knocked in the head in the spring had tieen permitted to live until the fall. These round-ups are the only means we have ever dis covered by which the jack rabbit pest has been kept down. "The rabbits are unusually fond of the younjr shoots of the grapevines, when tliey make their appearance in the spring, and of the tender bark of prune. plum and other fruit trees, when the sap starts. I have known twenty acres of vineyard ruined in a single nipht by the chopping of the shoots by these nniniuls. and whole orchards of valuable bearing trees killed by the rabbits gir-ihsi.' thein. Poison, traps and guns failed to kill off the rabbits fast enough, and fruit growing in that part of California could necessarily have been to a great extent abandoned if a Fresno county genius hadn't evolved the corralling idea Cve years ago. The rabbits are driven into the great wire-inclosed pound by hundreds of people men. women and children closiu;r in around them and pre- I veniiii. them from going ia any j Taa rap u4 rilrl. j Rons, May 20. Special. Pope Leo J I received today 800 Catholic pilgrim TKRT HTHONO WORIH. l'raioyit Ita-maaiW ta hanrnl f ITralUval t'lavaland. from Malta. 1 Governor Pennoyer, Seliiit; to a Kurklrua Anoca "alva. ; Portland reporter iu relation to the The best salve iu the world for cut. ; president' attitude toward the Geary bruises, Bores, ulcer, fait rheum, fever law, said: gores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ' "There can lie no doubt whatever that corn, and ail skin eruptions, and posi-, a complete registration of the Chinese lively cures piles, or no Jay required, would have been had if Mr. Cleveland It is guaranteed to give perfect tatisfae- j had informed the Chiuese minister that tion, or money refunded, IViee 25 cents , he would have obeyed hi oath of cilice per box. For sale bv 8uipes A Kin- by a strict enforcement of the law. In stead of doing so, he entered into erely. The creat quantity of drift wood about Astoria makes fishing dangerous in the river. The promptness aud certainty of its cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It is intended especi a!ly for conghs, colds, croup and whoop ing coughs, and is the most effectual remedy known tor these diseases. Mr. C. II. Main of Union City, Pa., says : "I have a great sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 warrant every bottle and have never heard of one failing to give entire satisfaction." 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. lm A Southern Pacific train arrived in Portland yesterday consisting of six tourist cars from California, all the oc cupants of which are bound for the world's fair, via the Canadian Pacific. Karl' Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c., 50c. and 1.00. Kinersly, druggists. Sold by Snipes & The governor has pardoned the follow ing: James MeGuire, I. V. Moore and Chas. Pierce, Multnomah county ; Frank Fradburn, Umatilla county, restored to citizenship; Sam Horn, sentenced in 18!0 to serve ten years for rape from Portland; Chas. T. Michels, sentenced l-i five years for murder lrom Clatsop. col lusion with him to disregard the law. The result. is the time for ri-pistratioii is past, and under the law the great bulk of the Chinese are subject to deporta tion. "For this state of affairs, Mr. Cleve land is alone responsible. Perhaps the first time in our country' history ha dared to violate his sacred oath of oftice, by refusing to enforce a law of congress. "If this high crime is permitted to pas unrebuked, the end of constitu tional libertv is close at hand. The great Question, therefore, whether we are to remain a republic, or become an iuiierial government, will be decided by the next congress. If no rebuke is given to the president, his action will liecome a precedent for others and liberty will become lost. If, however, congress will do as it ought to do, impeach and re move him from ofhee for his grave of fense, the w holesome lesson w ill stand forages yet to come, a notable narnilTg against the repetition of so grave a crime." POLAND CHINA HOG I run fnniuh There is nothing I have ever nsed for muscular rheumatism that gives me as much relief as Chamberlain's Pain Balm does. I have been using it for about other direction, excel the one I IWO year loar Dot t MM in all as ocea- that lead.; them into the corral. ! sion required, and always keep a bottle Different districts have different days ! of it in my home. I believe I know a for setting out on the round-up. nnd the ' p!)0d thing' w hen I jet hold of it. and slaughter ?.K S .m through March and j Ilalm j, lUe best liniment I have April. It ia sale ti sav that one liuu- , A . , . j i .v i i ii ,u 'ever met with. . B. Ieunv, dairv- dred thousand jack are thus . killed every spring in that part of the i "'!,n Lexm.ton, Ohio. 50 cent state. Ak fit that, season of the year j bottle for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. this big rabbit s Cesh is in e::oeiieut j - lm . condition ::nd the animal is hiirhly es- j An Astoria fisherman, speaking of the teemt-l as food a twofold benefit is de- ;., i !, ,i, ..; . .. ........ -rr:J. nr n n . J I , rived fmui this gn at yearly slaughter. "The California jack rabbit is the big irest rabbit in existence, one five feet long beinif not uncommon. They are as fleet as the wind, but will sit still on their f irms, or bv the roadside, until I until yon have almt grabbed tbera by their mule-like ears, but before you have closed your fingers on them there will e no rabbit there, but if you look thir tr or forty yards ahead you will see what you think is another one humped np in a fluffy bunch, waiting for you i the same way. But it won't be another rabbit. It will be the same one. They are swift and sudden as the fleas that swarm on th. as soon as the summer comes. These lleas get so thick upon the jack rabbit and are so ravenous that they have actually reduced the long- eared, four-footed jumper to a skeleton by the time watn't f r reaon that the immense quantity of water in the river does not compel tle salmon to come inside, as thev in gi i all the fresh water thev aunt ont-ide the egs are riie and thev arr ready to spawn. In addition to thin il fiph are certainly growing scarcer. While Mr. T. J. Richer of Altona, Mo., was traveling in Kansas he was taken violently ill with cholera morbus. He called at a drug store to get some medicine and the druggist recommended Chauilierlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy so highly he concluded to try it. The result was immediate relief, aud a few doses cured him compietelv. Juki lgjgat Nupfiffda lilmnad. Washington, May IS. Theannounre nient of the appointment of W. II. Ii-1 mond to be superintendent of the Uni ted Mates mint at ;an trancisco w as I ini-orrect. He is the present incumbent, and has tendered bis resignation. Hist successor was appointed this morning by the president, in the person tf John Leggatt of California. Governor Pennoyer has made the fol lowing appointments of delegates from Oregon to represent this state at the I anti-trust conference at Chicago, June 5th and 6th : J. B. Eddy, of Portland ; J. W. Lewis, of Sparta ; E. M. Waite, of I Salem; J.J. Pair, of Dallas Pendle ton Tribune. Got ripit to the tyx one of Ir. Ficrce's Pleasant 1 VI leta. They do tho right kind of work when they pet there, too. No violence, no uitpTcasantncs but a mild and pernio cleansing and regu lating of tho whole system. Sick Headache, Bilioua Headache, Dim ness, Constipation, Indigestion, liil ious Attacks, and all derangement of the liver, stomach and 1kwc1s, aro promptly relieved and iiermanontly cured. "They're the liest Liver Till ever made. Purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, easiest to take, and always fresh and reliable. Gently aperient, or strongly cathartic, ao cording to size of dose one tiny " Pellet " for a dose. They're the smallest in Bize, but the most satis factory in result. They're tho cheaixtt nill von ran buy, because they're ffuarautetj to give saiuii action, or yonr money is returned. You only pay for tte good you . ri , i - eu t,in you aa more J THOROUGHBRED POLAND CHINA Hon Price, $20 mr head, or f:tr, f afr-l omr and mv llivui, i write. A il lettcn ,r,iin,l'y annwrml EDWHRD JUDV CENTERVILIE .! "I here ts a tide in tlie affairs cj men which, taken at it,. leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the -m Mm & at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ntt MlCHEI-riACH BKICK, . . UMOX KT. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALEKS IX- iConipleteMantiooo AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT M N II A mrdtral work that tells t)it rail, EdfMTriiHv the riln-ts, puintH tl,t. rKmniv. s-Mint'.!ically tht mi vlilil., rti-:i. I ranr lursuxl ln-au(llul ninllriti Inmiil el u ratir H liuliluilisd: 11 ki, every imer lieurinc a jl lialf-toiw filustrulinli in tiuu. Kutmi-i- M jjtrnatiHl: Nerviiua In-IhIim, Imitiii'v . J M Husband, TIum InuMiditiB Mnrnatr. eu, J, jl th Plum Iltr Vi firertf ami Krtr Ittt (I euvmea , MtrdtaU Sxrnt urn nvt4tA fu )ltr M M ryf ir-mhl utim f;r ,u ;;,. Stmd annrf fulHTr ytmilt thnuid imr fur thu y VtiSDf KtTL LlTTLt: htHK. ,t j It will hr aent trm. under arat. wtillf il,- q M mitttin Lists stuti. g or aititl AdUtv lUv iiubluer, I a tHIE MEDICAL CO., It is made for bowel complaint and the fall ruins set in. If it I nothing else. It never fails. For ale these retrular fu'.l rains the b-T blakeley A Houghton, drujrt'ists. liu and tX pur Eolo. riirm rorrtiS nohrHiit-M,burn 'M Uruat. C--Mup nrnmpi.;': r cvof tVlicmpitit Colicti ftml Aatinun. F -r l'uanm!tifn tt hna trv r:vrJ: haaeured tliouaands irtn-Trall other wiii cent t iirtuisrn Int rn-. fviM by lrvfrgis nr a -i:r.-:int-. Fur I.itcir ?tark orLHeat.uaeBmi.oli s I I.Asit.l Zj cu. Ulf fiH'crATAnsw iiwar- Wrn rA I 1 II 11 !remedy: llave yi'U i l.llllrtl ? Thtinml la aiiann. teed Uj cure you. trx iccta. Juaxtur Um For al by Snlpsa at Klnrraly. Seed "Wheat, " Oats, " Corn, " live, Harden Seeds, (irass Seeds in liulk. PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS And the Most Complete and the I-atest Pattern and IVsiCn in vv Xji rLfr Prsx'lical Painter ami Patvr l!nn,r, v.,n. i.n .i i. . . .... ....... r u fuipHMru. -(rents mr slaSbrT Llguid Paint chemical comlm.ation or sou,, miiture. A first clas anile in jl cohrl' ortlers proiiijilly attendel to. "urs. Faint Shoo corner Thirdand Waihineton Bts To D.l.t. 0 AT- s destroyins- tje nil.uit pest, for the rib- IVe ,1UM,ireU n,ore Chinamen have bits eoutd nut stand out mnv davs arrivetl iu Portland on the Danube. . .... , . . i longer aiirt t:ie a.s. aiLs c: tue livelv parasit.-s. ilut the fU rains are fatul to the fleas. The water kills them and .washes them o3 tiie rabbits tni the lat ter pitch in imr vineyards and orchards and grain with sharpened appetites." CELTIC MANIFESTATIONS. Shiloli' Vitalizer is what you need for js-ppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or I kidney trouble. It is cnarautecd to ' eive yon (atlffaction. Price 74c. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. 'IwM u Lau. Joys and Korroara of the lik aa r pnaai il la Tbetr Moalc In the Irish dirp-es and laments thi-re is jrrcat similarity to the music of the West Highlands.' only the Irish m us )c tiarnifr rie?n written "You never lose anything by being j polite to the ladies." j "Yon don't, eh? Well you're not in it. , The proprietor of the new restaurant ! down town lias just i.iircliased a fine in most lnstanc,-. ' i t . r . r. .. for the barn iwhi.-V, .ll I """" """'"" - Ia., .Mad!- tbe voi. ei is a mnsic of full and sweet j K"1' Ind" tl,e eame 1 " advertisnd in harmonies, and has not the omissions "'e The Ciibomci e and I was and delicicncies of the pentatonic scale ! p"!ite enough to ask my lady friends up in which all music f ir the pipes was I to take a drink and the soda was so all WTittcn. While the melancholy of the j fired nice I lost a a hole dollar bill be Celtic people finda inadequate expres, fl(re ! et Ito.. . nv. thing by ioliteness, eh? "Well, it detiends on whether there is a Chapman & Co. soda fountain around or not." ltdaw aion in these laments plaintive, wail. injf airs, somethin(r between recitative and melody another and not less char acteristic side of the Irish temperament ia Very truthfully illustrated in their aonmi of hnmor About these, say the Saturday Ee- I Tlj P'dent has appointed John M. view, there is an inimitable raciness, a j J"es ol Idaho, receiyer of public fresh and sparkling wit, a spontaneous i moneys, and John G. Brown of Idaho, ring- of chaff and fan. with a das h of ' rtvimu-r nl tl. la, ..I ii...i...... IVfllviina ....... - .. A . -,... 1 .. u. uuiiii uh uu iii uirj, iirnv- Idaho, Mmm wnicn (rive to tnem the unmis takable Hibernian accent, and to which there i no exact counterpart in the song of England or Scotland. Rheumatism, Lumbago. Sciatica Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. &c - V . v J. H. CROSS flay, Grain and Feed Store. W. E. GARRETSON, II uti um rK thi Leami Jeweler SS. SASDEI'S ELECT"fC BELT With Eteetro-Macnetle aJaTMaORV. I mtmmt lu f l.i Vmir. vitlK m-s-1n ail ni n oT"mIioii of Srmui nm, f orvim : rif T1"- Orrooa dtMlttT. ptii mm p"1" "1"T, asd imnfr mrnpiaii la I wur iTMll- sutawr. "" 1'imfmo, aeaaUnt, .11 Irmmtr niaii JT1 '". -.". c T .m lw-lric bait CHita 1 Sapi in fTt-r ail MMn. f-nrrrat A band of poisoners i believed to lie at work on the railways in the North west Province, says a lUimbav paper. There have been during the past few .months a large number of deaths in carriages among the native third-class passengers traveling on the East Indian railway. The btxliea are handed over ( by the railway authorities to the police, who dispose of them as expeditiously as possible. In most case there is little or no property found on the bodies, not even railway ticket, and generally they are found in an empty carriage. These facts do not appear to have wakened the suspicions of the police, r perhaps they have recognized their innimlliM tr .M.n .i... ..... . 1. Tk V , . i 1 , : . , , - - i" -' - . nil- ii i luv iivniiciu i acnic seems to ue i tie crimes. As. however, the native passen- j favorite route to the world's fair. Their gers contribute oer ninety per cent, of; lwiiger e(nipmeiit is excellent. The coaching receipt, it is high time some I '"""si sleeping cars have liee eff-iri- were made to aflfnrd thern pro-1 '"iistered and are very comfort Section their life and prtrpertr. I ' . " ,rBlr" "nu m"!T inioriiiation call at j ie J.ejrniHtor ollice. -'tdewtf, Nat Taalad Vet. Laura What a quiet young man Mr Timpkin is. flora Have yoo invited him to din ner? Laura No, not yet. l . SKI a xiora men do, and get linn to go with us to Harlan and get him to order a soda fountain of Chapman & Co., Madison, Ind. I see them advertised in the i i. We can then draw Lira out while we drink delicious oda at his expense. They do say that soda is so good that it really makes yonng men who pay for it pleasant and talkative. 2t-duw Malt flla.D - ''T wrr or i.ieii ,t.Baii.aM, ami iT" " iw par Tu.. , 1 b""1 " ma'tal'-ii (nim..n an oth-r rro' faiiart. and wa an, fauaumla o Intini.nm ,a 0".'i'Tr"1 imin4 iu'tim. siarrnnwf tsa r''!. '"ii Tt wm inn,, rara wf h ail L. -."T?.? V" rat Ul .Ullllll la VI 1 aaar faeml fr li,iia il l .mirf i aiaMMU ai.iail. Ua. SANOEN ELKCTMIO CO., a. ITS St lra B)lra, IUK1 QUE. Tin: Dalles AND Prixeville Sta V Line J. D. PARISH. Prop. If Th I'alloa at a. m rrcra da; and ar rlr .1 I'rlnrvDl. in llilrtj all bmira. la ITluevilla at k a m. e-vrrr . a and irniM il Tb. laiira Id tlilrtt six lioura. Carries the C. S. Hail, !'escDftrs ind tcprtss onnarU at lnn-lllr wltll Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Point. Alan malm rimr ninnaeliiin at The Iiallm with Ualua lruiu I'urtl.iid aud all eaateru axilnta. .' Ctcneom Irntn. ; Gcoi a:ccaa:ioci ncij ; mi, : Firsi-clan cua:Ln tat Icwi ux. : ujrnj mwti mm w;:i art. A .1 wl.hllil puaare moat wavhlll al nf la-drrr twk lu caaaarr. otti.-ra HI ih.1 -rreeWwl. Kirpaa mual be lilllrrt al ul!,-va iif tlio Htarr 1 ii will not L rratB.ualtilr I lia rmitiy sill take n on aiunrr tranauut tl I'arliriuar atl.' rlavn to drlitprnx ripmai matlw at ITliirviln. and .11 a.nll,rrn piinia in nrr. hi. and lvanra rhargr. l u Hild by Ilia ennpanr. TAoe orrirra; H. Hlrhvl a. M,.ra. I aaatllla llnvaa. I'rlao.llla. 3h I,,;!,,, Froa TERM IN Alt or ISTK10R Pd -Tiir.- Nnftoi Pi RKILROHD la lb Uu Ui lata TO ALL rOLXTS EAST AND S ll ia in iHiilnr Car Hntiu it nn rJ ' jnuuaaaarjr oaj la laraai St. Paul and & NO c HANOI or c.t i Cnninnael of IHnln Can Ti-i-jumid. M man l'rawlltf ktaim OM9raraallalaata(UtaBa7 T01TJ5T SLEQ'INS CBS Brat that ran b ecmatmrtad, an m arrotnniialatiiilia ar tmtta f par atiHTaa lor buldi-rauf f lrat aud laamilid claa Iaa ELEGANT DAY C01E Sa4t-W a-.'.' I. '.-- ... All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. IS Haaond "I.. Tlia lallM. Or. W rld a alr. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. TI ..i.i t .i , . i, i(iuir aim rename lionse nas i?en entirely return islied, and every room has lieen reered and repinte ana newly carpeted throughout. The nonse con u in a 17d momsand i snjtplit with every niolern convenience. Hat reasoiiahie. A gofaj resteorant att:ir to the honse. r rer hns to and from ah trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. YOUR ATTENTION Ia called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer In Glass, T.lme, Plaster, Cement and Bnilding Material of all kind. Carrtaa tha Flaoat Mna af JPicioreMoyldinirs ihe Ixinis, ran h rancisco, Portland Oregon ! 0 n tip- i Seattle Wash., and varions points in Or To '"Olid ID the CitV. rti'i'ie .egon and Washington. ' FflEtfCH & CO., BANKERS. IRANSAfrr A GrNKRALBAKKlKU KraiKEMa letters of Credit issued available in Eastern 8tates. Mtfht r.xchaiiL'e anil Ti. .1 i.iinicinni.iii .r 1 OrK , tll ICSgO, a. hchssck, rmMnii . M. Hliu Caabivr. First National Bank. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATIE AND ICE CEEAM, Candies and Nuts A ci.ntuin nia Hur, emuHvUnc axoaSal an-.ruuif dirrrt and unuilprniiid acrt Pu'lman SlrraT ri ai rvatimn ran fer an IB aaa.iic UirutiKh auj acnit uf Inrsaa. TUDniirU TirlrTP To and r Mirianil and ruMiw i.'an ur uurrluaan a ti art uruuv ul Uia ouupauf . full Inli-matii.n rtinrrrninf rana. s trama, rfntlra and otber d1aiia lurulaaa aiUf:aU!D to W. C. ALLAWAY, Arretit P P. ai A. NaT. I.O.. RrjulaKir liailra. Or., nr a Ii r lf ahl TOl. Aaa'L Ovnrral faaani art Al.. PnrUaat I at w hxlraal ajuutatluaa. TOMA(. ; . H. A Its A l : r.t liKBKN Specialties .HE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted .Deposits received, snbjeet to bight Iraft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly reniuuxi on oa; ol collection. Hight and Teletrraphic Exchantre wjld on few lork, ban rrancisco and Portland. DIKEOTOKS. P. P. TlloMmoH. Jxo. H. Kl'HKMCK. Ed. M. Williams, Go. A. Liana. ll. M. Bkall. Flnat Paanut RoastwrinTh Dalit - .3M rftl p AtrlKhta Kir rr a rnalaurauL W. II. YOUNG, General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, ami nil work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tliinl Street opp. Licbc'soldStaiil THE DALLES Notional Bonk, Of DALLE8 CITY, OR. President . . . Vice-President. . Cashier, . . - Z. F. Moodt Ciiaklks Hilton M. A. Moonr tAiliections ma' ornh.e terms. e at all poii-ts on fav. 72 Washington Street. General Banking Busincsa Transacted. fcih'ht Exchantres Sold on NEW YOKK. HAH EKANCIS(X). CHICAGO and JtUSTIaAXD, OR. tillections nm.l on fuvonble terms at all accessible ilnU. The Dalles Gigar : Facte FIR8T STEEU FACTORY NO. 1 nm A 11 nf the Best B Vl JJ ltJ inariufarturei-'j onlers from all parts of the coantrj on the shortest notice. XliA miinl.tiim t.t TUP DAlXE' GAK has liecome firmly estalili'"1 j the demand lor the hum inSliUl"'! article ia Increasing every dsy. A. ULRICH & SON A. A. Browri Kacpa a full aaaortmut Staple and Fancy and Provl-lons. which bs offers at Low fl"1 SPECIAL :-: PRIC( to Cash Buyers. Hiftet Castt Prices for M other PaTodncB. 170 SECOND STREET II