The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 26, 1893, Image 4

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vl K JitKTlJKliill r. pension expenditure for this fiscal car, j
At the time of the framing ot t!ic ami II wa anticipate, a oc.n i. .
Weekly Chronicle.
, daus in the constitution that all tut of that amount wou.d Lave to t pro-
.. . :. - : ' ;..:,...;..,. j. .snt.l 1- l...,.!.sl t sAm. I vi.ltl for at the coiiiir.i: session of con-!
the proviso was thi.t the seat grvss. The average number of original
of government I located al Saleui. ' pension case passed on each month is
The whole plan was originated and was 1 eilected, however, to t only ab.iut
engineered by m ire puller of Salem and one-third what it tu under the former j
' its immediate vicinity to the end that j administration of the pension bureau.
Salem would thereby have a political j and that instead of a deficiency there
(and financial prestige assured. The will be a surplus of about toAAl.C. ;
" - I measure i outraeoitslv ur.ju-t and el-!
c vtr ornuuj. . g.h Mj . w in .j, thinning. The
rJudrt ... 0C EUkrifT I (, .-, t iv,;. ...
P-y the -ft
Popularly Known in England
the pooplo'a Polly."
. l!i iillTIOS KATtS
tT iiL trvvTii.i, is ifuvi
v vr II W
s- x uj-.i.i - . . . T
1 r.-ve months .V
A tviru:i.c rales rea.iiaMe, and initlr Ldoti
on :. icmU.'U.
A Mr,-;, ai! fitutiiumcaUou lo-THE t'KP.OS
lv'l. fc..' I iie lssl.e. Orepoti.
Cs m iti cm rs
A ssewaor
tKI-ennieadenl of Public Schools
A.iornT N
... T. A
,...J R. -'b ; ,eDver are now dead or, if living, have
W m. Jkli M-.l m "
.'. Wrmooe ; long survived the.r osefulne, does not
'fi' V.1? i the less prove it an oniuslice, and it i
and are therefore, being unfairly taken, it ii not fitting that ! to hT vyal demands.
K. V. Sharp ,ar tlniA r thi esist u'tii srhi.'H.
Trer hheoer
M s-nsro.j ' ha since become popu.ated et of the
; Cascade and south of the Culapooia
A OL'.iam eoonty paper petition it J ranw should assert their rights. It wa
readers as follow : we;j ,noUfih when Saleui had the
'We resiiectiully ask all our realer b;noe c( po,rr to enforce it to decree
to patroniieonlv the business men w bose I . , , ,
advertisemenw appear in thi, paper. th,U :i este UtntioM should be lew
Ky not asking for the patronajre through ! "td at Saleui, but now that the birth-
tne ivx-ai lper, it is proof that they do j right ol tastern and Soutiern Oregon is
noi warn lue iraoe.
not deserving of it."
A newspaper that will promulgate
euch narrow-mindevlnes as this deserve
to hare all of its patronage withdrawn.
Le not tich a iaper ever pronounce
opon the evil of trusts or the curtail
n:est ol liberty of any kind. A business
douse that doe not advertise should be
,.iowed to die -acab!y. Bntihere may
l-e reasons of a personal character for
not advertising which is no business of
Mrs, Lease say that science, will learn '
to concentrate the lif force found in ,
corn, wheat and fruit o that small .
vial of the extract will furnish a tuan
uliistence for many day. It appea"s
to os that comethicf of the kind is a!- i
ready void in flanks and small KUu"v j
The Moihrr at I'rlnrm My M h Mm
! Marry th Iuk of C lrft Mm 4
May IX IM OnsMi of th
The ducheM of Tcck. after the prln
ces of Wale. i tlie popular mem
ber of the royal f.imily. ami. what i
more, he has always Ik--ii p,'pilr
throtiirh a perind etenlin over fcfty
five yean.
Horn in Hanover. IVitn--v M-irr ef
t'ambri.lire did not come to n I till
she hud enteresl the domain ol .r'.Iio kI,
but the m.Miient he ilul (nuih1 sli.- t.ok
v rv heart by st,T!n, MVS the l .im
l:iH-.rL She was known a the lv
I pie's roily, and wherever bvr
TV., i.i.m. v-,,i.i:. ..... )...,i l
... . . i of a.t:u:ration ami prair-.
that in this democratic country her j n fcni, ,Yitlo, Mj4rv
roya:ty wooM pass nnotserveU. t.ut li.e; nianv m'svinv The
Year wei.t
the be IV f
nnifti wa i, i
way she ha leen flattered and feted and ; wrUl in the dutiex of state anit lit r
toadied must prove eminently satisfying. younjr household, and the Jm-W of
he I ajiiiirntce an.l her Jauirhter r ri-ent-
they should calmly suffer the infliction.
Tj regain our rights, then, a constitu
tional convention should be called in
the near future, looking to a revision of
is good enough to express herself a
ed rvva!tv in tontlon H. ietv. I'.uilt. an
graieiui lor tne courtesies exienoeu nrr. ,
the general public, but whom this paper I
It is said that Secretary Carlisle is de
al! objection! feature, and, independ-1 ,eruuneJ reujc've vtrT
ent cf the present party lines, an issue bolJinS offi noJ,,r the department in
made bet ween Salem and the balance of j th eut' ot Wfbir.gton.
the state whether it hall continue to
hog evervthing or divide more fairlv. Patting 1,X1 cents worth of silver in a
Whether', indeed it would not be betr I d,,!Ur K'u:e tlie Cn-n,-
for the state to locate the c--ital itself ' 001 na dJ :l
odJ make a catspaw to fulfil its petty
ej'it. This is disgraceful, even for a
oo'jatrv wetklv.
at Portland.
Salem i the canital of Crezon. and.
'according to the constitution of the
.-- , siate, a.l public institution must be
hict distingsishe located there. This rale has not 1-een
alem has taken step
The uniformity
the utterance of republican and demo- followed, and so
,. , i Hons at the seat ol
O rover t .eve.and action on the Geary , ve who p,v tbe ,
b;;l fc-:ves additional glitter to Mr. Wea- of Oreg-m have some
The Infar.ta Enlalia is in Washington,
P. C.
A freight rate war i on between the
cratic papers of the Pacific coast anent i l? 0021 f1 tlje location of nch institu- Union Pacific and Southern Pacific.
nuns si lue pniw government, ine . . . .
be Uses and the voters "" v--.r. . .u ,
: Oregon have some feeling in the mat- i operation after a long period of i.lness.
vers candda.-y in Jijo. Even Tom ; t" nd it is probable that Sclera will I Saginaw. Mich., jfTe.e! a distrou
Geary himse.f would have come out as . and " bM .ade "ry unwise i fi ,
-, , ... .. , move in attempting to t:r up this sub- I D" wees, tne loese L-ing esma.ea
a popourt if he could have anticipated An iEjun,ftlon to prf.veLt the loca-! t 1.5.t0.iVV, with inmraw of :0.0n.
Jlr. Cieyelan P suspension of the pro- tion of the soldiers' Home at Koseburg ! 0icr. of the Eklvn Unmade I
visions of h:s bid. Taken in connection " "e erst step takf?n. tne to defeat , ... ,. . , ' . ,;
w::h the fact that the Gery HU was ' ft of the legislature in locating a cwd,t,r ot L charfh. nd j
tever a a. .ic-in.';.,n r,.... : 7 --,,UUJ on win, ....
knows. n a rcmroua
many were the harmlev. jokes
and remarks whi h 1'ie younj? .Iun.
j lilie prinees forth. At one time
u uvm ut In- akeil: " by i the;ueen s
first cousin lite a certain le!uegtl
town?" The answ er w as; "Utvsuse slie
is So-vaxt-a-i' ill."
Thert was onct a proposition niaie
of mwrryin? Prin-ess Mary to the
brother of the prince c.nx rt. but d
voted a she n j, liritnin an.l ;
the KngJUh she c.'.l l n-.t b.-ar the
ideaof kittling ia!jr. At hist.
t evcrvbule's -m at si:q ris.-. her en-g:in-Tnent
t the iliile of Tei It was an
Counetsl. t; short. y "t. r ther were
lu.irried e. it'i jsmip. in tile little
church of Ken. r. here i.- , lor..' a
In y eeh tiT-Hi',-1 their silver w -Ming.
Since their ir.i.rviiig'c tlie duke an.l
duchess of Tecl; have livtsl a simple, un- ;
affected family life. lth workiL? hard
rVld Artln4y CuTrnJ y the - TM
I 'All the world s stage" at lens
in the eyes of the born dramatist T
the mind if the !orn philatelist" it
eppcar to pr.-M-nt tlf a:i a vast Col
. f r the exercise ef the enctyivs of th
' ptaof htamp colhsftor. I'rom tl
j new monthly of the Philatelic society
, of Iondon we gather that the vice
! president of that society, accomitauUs:
by the honorary secretary of the
; sK-i t ne other enthu
' sia..ti.' nicmlvr of the latter Kxly. i
now- on a tor.r anvmd the world in
'.i.-st of these cherished tritles and
i.i.-ctin,? with sympathizing sou In iu
variou parts.
Mr. Castle's latest letter desTiptive
,f his mission is dat-d from lotulay
which has, it ;.oci.;. a Mictyof iti
own, and has left on t.'i.' Minds of Mr.
Castle and hi comiianio:... " the most
tavorable philatelic i::ipr.'ssions-
Meanwhile numeron. oiler philatel
ists, as will be fc. n, are over
Uml and ocean w rjiout rv-t." imp'l!td
'y the same alwvorbin'; paviin.
'ne chivalrously stajils i -r h in de
fease of lh-imv lliwar.l i .l.m! from
the unmerited mntempt i the ind
lent philatelists who have sivken dis
paragingly of its postage stamp pnv
ductiveness; another takes Piji in
hand, while a gentleman who has ex
amined the great work of Mr. Tiffany
and his associates, just complete!, on
the subject of The stamped En
velope and Wrappers) of the I nitrsl
Slates," repirts ttiat the list includes
no fewer than sixteen hundred and
fortv-threv varieties.
In many countrie the raintxm is
spoken of n a srest li-nt pump or sy
phon t-ilv. drawing water fn :n the
earth by ni'vlianieal men ns. In parts
of Pi: sia. in th. I-n country . and also
in Moscow and vicinity, it is known by
a natue which is equivalent t- "the bent
water pipe." .
r nor Ei ai..
jL00B i
ON 1MB Hi r..
CtTBAlbXtlMfl , . -
bkwd poo. r4 th 9mty worst tv i.
w w. a. mwnu, ikuw
jPTT"Tl cur c)oruu rw
I scsosrt In lot, aj rs
STsSpta nlirrly Irom it t. uT '
- - . - nu
knrttn o4 S. S. S.
C W. W
1 1 -.-. ' '
uatt rtiBsrt. .... I
Tiwabw rnood sixl FU rw .
Swiri brsciric Co, Aii "1
i I"
your Dcalci
f bit n
1 . .i -Is.
If H nit'Iiri.tATTOHSIT T l.W-lfiMSf
Al mrt slrrjl. TlK ls!is.
to bar tne illegal im- , be maie
i an attempt will probablr . torv to loth
w,.., .1 ...1 f . ' . . . -' . i uiuio: l-t. 1 1 L"Ol . i - . . . . .
coolies, the failcre of the ' t" Monmouth normal school, the state ' ll 1 aci"e "M!Ul nd tft 1 n""-
university, and tne several charitable ' road tiave settietl their d.Sicultif ., and
institutions scattered throughout the the rnati.a rai 'road w i,l withdraw it
tate. The result will t Saiem will lose
A laler re;r.rt from starbutk r lace
We can assure the West Side, a well ; damage at cot more than f2".0. as
ere, hut sin.
P'Ttation of
aiaiicistration to comply with the con mandate with regard to the
enforcement of the laws of the land
places Mr. Cietvland and Mr. Carlisle
oa the defensive.
it state capital, and
land. West side.
it will go to Port-
X y 4-e
were ol!v
'. - i a all other eectioa of Oregon interested, 't if eaid the locomotives
It seem that Got. rennoyer is that the PP' of tbia part of the tate igbtly damaged.
T-iorooghly aroused over the action of ' ""S worked cp to a white heat over , Advices from Japan say that the voi
Pretidect Cleveland and intimate that t" Jtge taken of P.oseburg by an cano Eandaisain has become active and
h-will be a prime moverin animpeath- ttEttsdiIuvUn clause of the constitution, that widespread disaster has Wn
jaeat trial, before the next regular ee- racn uow a unjust a it l impolitic. , caud bv
eiin of Tbe assumption of Sa'eni started a leak that will en- i
CevejiEd tas evidently brought down Kn- em. Marx tne proptiecy. ; . -
- , . ; rir tia
The world' fair wa closed arain ves- marK l"e r"1II:' 01 fl" ho have C!ed
d the i
m K
kl'KVk. t MEN EFT E - ATtob. 4T
I Kur. tj td i.i, ovtr lt
r. mats s a srirTimTos a. . wiijoi.
AYS. HfMIL.T" Ilf iS-Atn.
T t lit oCit-si. Frvntii bksinrer
I NUi.i.i bsns. ' liilxs. onvu.
H WIljfiN ArroastT it ut - IUbii
.V. sill IU. SW Vt li,l A. Mtxmd BUSarL.
I the, urt'Ki.
m chkhs ,r tick.
O iK
its eroptioc.
ejen that functionary' devoted head !
-u-ore Uj3h the thunderires of the rress. i
knd between Li anxietr in the dav t'M-T' lbe tEcgement
time and Lis comitr tribnlation". P:!ed ,D1 hauled one way a;
qt i.i!it, my ureuutrr.
( . : 3T t ajniMl bii A.
in one war or an. iher. 1 he ducnes u
! absoiui-'r inh fntrnl'le. She and her' I ) I" A S F. - rTri o ra-
of .
i on the land within the pa?t two month. !
The boiler of a locomotive at Imenau,
M nee
jo Ue . - f ( lrs-ru-e. -p,.-nI
f s-v'n wa- h wn k iu fr
kmd of nubile ilutv. and
oft-n at CT :it i iiusiiivenieiice to
t h-ms-!veK.
DR. FsHft VAN :HA..f.ri
mu4 Sl'a-.AOK. 4 sj.m
r i
mo, rirnnn
S'X. m mn4
! - " k K':'U lit1 .
fourth ptmrta, 1m1
' Utt- Dour yWUA.ll
6 T (nm f n? r- ru-r
Hand Made
i ... . . i imrn fT rt i-vr t t,-''. i
tLronghout of the night Li ' tiie uiierent powers iuce a ra Saie- eimar, Germany, eiploded, in- j Winhabited the slmiwi t- apr,-t'v ! '
peae of miud is det:ne-i to undergo a Bt tb 1,ort of Pa:r of Biscbierou ; wizuCv killing fire per..ns and to sen-! oid f.Wiione l !. l,..uv ia Kichtnoiid !
severe w-rench. ; h-i --.. .-uuvui vr uu wu-- vusit r-fui ottier U;t taey I prk. V. have U-.-n the theater .f 1 -
change from that preced'ng. ; are dying. ) the scene w hen- Jennie l,-i.i, -'j.l. ad.-d i W
: I f .A 1.1 I'sn"T. i.w nren lor t.i
t.slru.M fAtrsetiii rf its-lli. A.w ter'.b
i rt t-i s.i:iuiui;ra t'd!e. K-srtn. tlnul
. T..a. swsij eirL
i nested a
..... , me ci-sp-mt- eauv .i her
- -e iwiore vuevti I urn
lair w a decJ.cated yesterdav. The ded-
invited guest caj of :r.t.g tea.
! ont U2ar or cream.
Tbe Washington hotel are severing 11 ls tliought now tliat it will remain
thU snmmer tl.rjcgh the loss of s large c' 3 for the season, as Gen. Olney said
triEfitnt costom which they usually to Tetary of the United State
c-j jy from the great number of tonriyt Christian Endeavor Society Saturday visit the capital annually. They tbt tne wppropriation by the sot
are Utkici in the world fair at Chicaira ' eTnaieDt to tlje fair were on condition
instead. From iprisg cctil vioter. Bsn- : ttmt th fa5p ibonld be closed that day, Parr.ell' widow has applied for a
ally, Washington is full of these travel-, !t w tbe dat7' ol ttie national cum mis- eozn n.andate to compel the trustee to
f r, and it has been the special objective ,ion to tliat tii wa carried out. ! distribute the funds due coder the
point of newly-married couples. Josh Two th attorney-general in- ; O'Shea settlement. The court ordered
sLad bride will thi summer Uke ia Chi- k the district attorney at Chicago tJje m oceT PJ tt-to cc-urt, the appii
cago and will in turn be taken in to an : ecDr 411 injunction restraining the ! cnt to revive her share forthw ith.
eivct that wUI prove a revela'Jon. management Irom opening the jate
sister t.
.w." a.'aan. it was
in the ria w iiii h is n.jiv t!,e iuc!n-ss'
ication consisted chieflv in servir.g tlie j bond'.ir in thewliite hie. tiiat It I
Sot I ET I LA.
s U!h,K. So l A. F. A M - sr
List auit Ibinl Mouilsf ul eiM ii tiiuutll st 7
IjOOK out
Fesh Paint
" r l.uiftl h rr,r m-:l
HKr-mp liurnt. t. rvrtT ln. lnl
A nj riu rt, v- i hr ku at, ,
h Uwy Irw lr I tr.rr B:sny.
Tb tlmr for ).lrtl:t u,,m hmm
AiU rs.rir ,.i l.os l,m
1 hl I-.... Ir.s mi.,1 ci-.u m,,4 nrv
A w,n tml s (.1 4i,ir, '
1'!Mj: r. f!Tinr r;4 clmi-j
1.1 I: l U!1 .! hollar i,t-rw
Me tii tk rot:r M'-ra riiiMrva
by tl. joi. r bf Cm- lt
If y
He ;
la'sion. ,"7"" ue eate The execution of the Hebrews, Iloeeni-
.ruauay. jr. tj.ney eaid turtber that ; weijf Plank took u'ace twlav rear
K-jsebtir? want t V- ia.ital
0 1 , v j .v.cililiJCiil ClUi JIL SODld MS r LM.1 tl'i'1-.l T- T -
. in;.. . .. , :.. . . , . . urriiir, j a. mm
Irom Salem to AJbina. Azainst which that day, and that the national mm,
e greater crudgeT
land Telegram. The state ha bad to
were the first
II ..l T" . ., ,.
pia.-eLait the greater rn,,W-PH. n,.M.l,u. : " ' " " penalty.
. r . . i . ' "P'-.not only in the United
.-M isou iirrw in r.u;'!iir pi::n of
breaking the enemy's line when diiiin;.'
w ith I.rd si.imoath. then the raiigvrof
Kichm n .1 pari;.
Although the duclies has two ladies
in waiting, her iwsl faithful coir.Daa-
ary is hr on u dauif ht'r.
1 J
V..-l n VI':iu H.i Hit luiri il;.rCaj-
n moiiiu si , r. x.
tl hst irink t.rr "ilir ttsu,
i lmr ynt or-lrra. U'.-rtmAit.
1' O. Hoi No .
MOI ! kt W'SilVKS
Vl H'J I amc.Sn. Vi.
K TIIK WiiKJ !).
!'l 1 ui.ti f?rfl-
n.f o(su b e-A iu fraiertot; llsil, at ; m p. tu .
-'OLrVBIA IiIx.F.. Si. S. 1 . O
A . I II k
'f P. hsil, erf!eT,t si.i uurt Atrwla
! stummt brptriers mrt Hirf.
iH.iuuh.sti. H. A. Biixs.X. (i.
every M'm1y rvrianf
. -l. :..i. f i ""'
n 1:11 u , lanilft in atrM-la
li. n.' Wid- !
klatiM U.. ln
tioa would be closed br at'Dlvin? tn the x- .l. " -i '. . '. .
cmn.iwithPKr.Ii.u " " " . z ney niuraerea Jacoti
cetber tnuZrZZ T ' "-. Mark.. . peddler.on IU-h mountain, j -sand the Ad.i.-tonc Villas Hm
dictation from tliat quarter. Salem : ? mmi
Journal. The probiiitv i that the cues- It Mx Companies will withdraw ail
tion will he a prominent one before the Ch'"8 tbey can get from the vinevard !
ion ted Ms-rri
I rincess ..lay. siie tukes down a groat
many of hi r mother's b iters from !ic-
iif iu ir.iis-rio;i: inem ii:i. mriM on
the little wntiti' lahh
a cjmer if the duchess' sjtiir;.r!n. I itd.
Among theeiiaritie in wii li the two
ladir take thi- k.s- nest inter.-st are the A BeKMELY SO A'.r. K. OF L-NvM In K
Sicietv for the U. lief of Iistrese.J Irish I " ""' "! siid l.ninn W tdut
I sdi.-s. the Xs-!;..wrk .1... liov. w "fta aiT.isj P m
al (amlirirlye Avlum fir S
. K. of P -MU
It 7 W 'r!m, in
kKurtil:,f luerabrra s-r r-ifliaily ta-
l. W'.Vacss. K. erf R. i.d . c. C.
Tlie executed men I
for Pristmers (. hildren. The latter in
stitution w as rea'!y started by the ducb-
. it . ....
j ess suiu iH-.r iu-r came. J.-Mde. a
The will of the late General Msj-.nj-l ' large and ever rlr ! nf
in March, 1-2
'were aieo peddler.
tl-OMFS fftklsTlA!. TFMPFftF.VCF.
' I MOS wt.l mt rrrry Fn isy tllrnioi
t I o ck A al ti rossliuf runic. Auaniuritol
Hamen Irfr No. il l. ! O. ft. T.-R.Ti'.sr
-lr ii.tii,r t 4 at r. w .
f nlrnult fia.l. All art In.iwl.
Let Blsa'aX, C. T. ii ( .rit'l.Ht
omen from Syria
remind them that the reform move-
sueu. u -upping oec a ward more
Tivpi e u-irv-.F. so , A o r. w -M-t
In rraU-rnltv Haul. itt an .rl
at 7
Kal.-L k irrr
M Mtibs, F1oa&elr. ii w
next general election, in which we will i nd "fwrie of California and assemble Gonzales, ei-preident of Mexico, gives i friends, the duchesn and her daughter
a-iiate jan. , ume acros ttie border in j none ol hi Tat estate to Lis w ife from i - P"Paiar wun otli- r memfwrs
l Mexico or BriUsh America. They ex- whom be Lad been separated for several ?f V' r"ya! fa,uil v- lAke thv princess of
It.w discouraging on the dree re-! kTt clamor will ru:t for their ytri. Sb .ttempted to care recoo- ' t) JL.V t IT. r?ful
formers to . ; c..:' return. In thi thev mar be surr.ri ciliation wit). ..t-j ''tner. and th f rxt visit her dangl.t-r
JtZM f''' -treatie. were tin- i liered U, have Us- d that whichThe pW 'VUl'ilmVi 2 AtiZ?
id me market, many of whom would I heeded by biin, and be would not even u li" 'lieen just before her enTijre- ! -'!
ora, inougn not at the ean.e wage , permit her to Tieit Lim during hi laet ! n"'Dt 10 the " jl'e u Clarence was an- i I or I. z
ui m vuinaman Goes, nn ie cornr. V.oA H ne M, .,r.ut 1 u'iuoto
; oy narration. But w ith
The Snug
W. H. BUTTS. Prop.
No. 90 Second Sreet, Tb Dallei C
Thi well known stand, keptbrt
well known W. . Butt, long a r?
dent of Wasco eountv, ha sd eitrsor
nary fine to k of
In fact, all the "leading brands olb
Wine, iJfjoor and Cigar. OmS
old man a call aud too will come ajsz
idly in Syria than it ia
forward j
may he ;
in thi country. Tbe same
eaid of Japan or Persia, and of in- 7 iut w ith a scarcity of ney to contert the will in her behalf,
numerable semi-civilized countries, i ioorer toe market price would raise,
Everywhere the common-eense drew ,nK'eEting, in turn, the price of pro
of women is giving way to the mode of ! duct" Dd UlnDlartore, and it i. poesi
PaHa. ; ble thi would retolt in a new era of
Sl, t... ,r.u .i- i nou need. a. iik a
i x-ing mu li of the jut-cn's elo
quence and clearnevt of eniirwist ion th.
The report, of the committee on tem- j duchess on the many o-aioiia on which
peranee of the Presbyterian Assembly, ! ,he. h" 10 'peak in public always
now in aession at Washington, con tem - i d,liT,"r tWotighly apropos, little
Plate, with .Lame the spectacle of a 1 r,rch"!l- h.' r bTTitJr and f""d
"vt natna. grog shop-at the world". ; j .
fair. It farors fl.s ..t.1.1 .l.,. il ..i . 1
' - - ' o u u jt-u l i;t uiurr ai'irr fir ols i m ii,.i ... . .
- Matseterjr Kundar Bfteruoni la
f y. Hall.
filMMi VFP.KI!-W.ta rrery
aJ Trtun la tl K. ol p. Hall.
1 or L, T. MVIsIo. so. lirr-M-t. in
a K. 4 P H.1J th. first arid tbirt Wl.,
Uayot ta t munia, at 7 to T. SU
j I-wpenty, turning popular sentiment
Tbe law concerning the location of all j winrt ln re-esUbliahment of Chinese
Bie lusuiuiion at Salem promise to ""r' "D1 Jeaving tae Six Companie. , . . , , . ,,r lmm imporiani person- r-r
be harder to enforce than un,rT.,.. , care indefinitelv for their .b.ri;w. i 7 6 . '"" commission lo -k are eaue.j upon to atUnd pub- I ' J s.t Part..r u.w M
on.. ti . i lu'juuc i-uanminr tne lliuor traftie ; " """"'.
ot' .n . ' iunc IB now on. a nrac i ns I ... - '
r 1.1 . ... .
or ia. a oi a umcient annroDriation. "-""ab. ioere is now on. a practii
Will ."jmebody please figure op what it I tr' Chinese against American wit.
fa-l1 JTt . . 41 . . ... f -
-... iuvic me portage roao at toe
Cascades, which i. a Kate institution, to
riaiem. and report before the next aes- ! otnn who fe'J in love with Carl vie W
toi su oi iw lee.siature. ; n
It is reported that the annexationiet young man
TI V ' e . . . . .
nuQuj.,u nave considerately decided name, ia My one of mvriad of in.
lo eobside for the present and await the : rtanoe which Ur.d to prove that women !
u,uu UI lne united Mate. Ti well. ! bold out poor inducement for virt
i would ie anseemly indeed for Hawaii men. Exehanee.
to annex herself to the Pnited Slate " -
such a has been provided for in the bill
passed several time by the senate, but I
The inan,.,. defeated by the liquor interest
--,. "uoouie young ; house. The
I 7 a.
I tr
fKTF.RS (HrR' ll
SI 1U .J a
Rr. Fath'-r Ha,sa-
aas rirj r.i..1r at
eallTa al
ean.ceremotiie, even a. the impudent The readjustment of the pension .v..
jersey mlit annexe, himself to the j tem has begun, and it i. calculated that
neck of the lack Jer-erman. Tnbnne under ti,. ..:!-.r . ..
-siiuiuiai.rBi.ion a check i
' Is aterosBlvm.
Within ten years the nurtiW of J...
n the , 'u Jerusalem has tn-bled. half the nns. :
report emphasixe. the ' ui population l-ing of that race i
alt ulunnix - I I. f Ailitt, 17ut I., a...'... '. -i s 1
, . "w s.s.4aJT ij v ,aj4l luo vnurrn ig not a m " iu ivuinm J;uk- 1
ibrok. W rj . ..Mt0d' lHic.l organiraUon.but if the que- ! ""d ,-m.a"ia '' many
..uitiii win a warttiv I f .n v ... . .... .. . ' :o-s "n u) larms in I'lio-sSn.. .,...
nd plighted her troth . -
on that account from dealing with it. the Palestine exploration com piny '
The report also protest, against the ys-1 lh,r now two tliousand Jews tilling 1
Um known as the army canteen, in!tl' ""'re there was not one V n
which it i. claimed officer ,nA .1,1; 'eara ago. It is strane V hear ..r '
ar detailed a. -.W.n.t '"inc iignts and telephone faetrn I "-r..,er comply lu.itwj. r-.ulrwi
. I n4 WuUr wks Jerusalem. . ','T 7"u',l7n"uZ . .T
.. ... . . "l'-i very s.iiKlay mfifiilnicat II a. in.
nssi aw Miaauas. , S'li.Oay noli.,.! at ); M 0n,.. , ',-.
toe in
I SSTl-':At'I-f ' -VM.m Str..-t,.T,.-i
' rilta. Kr. r.ii t. iti ;it wsnr s. rvl
! ll?J "'i ' " " " r " Sinrfar
j A. M. fc.euii,, prayer on Frlnar at
Jsirst BAPTisJ t Ifl Ki H-1t. o Ii Tat-
U'B. Pa.UT. Moriin, semes ti esb
'"01 ! '" s.-s4..,r at II .. B. aairfanh
"' Imnn-disu Biter morn i;. s.fn-..
Pforr H'.-rt,r,it Pr.ifay evening at l i.-t..r. t.-l-Jeie-.
I I; leu aervl. Iu tlw Court Uousa at 7
f 'ON'.PF.oATIONAI. ( lit K Il-Rer. W. V.
J I I Tia, )'ator. s. rnsi ttrrr snuday at II
1 i r. m. Hiimlav seh.ail slta-r
Look Orr lr Cauoty VA arraoU.
ffs-.tnia Ia . . . .
President Cleveland, the Duke of tln .wlZS t 17
ton Herald Weil b.Tdlyl it'tTe
lTp.S yUr J t!;l hat the .UKt .ppropad
' j would bout 115,000,000 short of the
All county warrant, registered prior
. I An American paper published in Paris " ' a. Prayer m.stinr ery
to Jan. 1. 1WW. will be t.aid if ! rtMy containe-l the folhm-inir unioue it.u.'u .Aw-ded V Uk Lu7. .Zi , .V-
t ,l -.. : ...... '. I.. . ' - r -
enuxl at my office, corner Third and
Waehicgton street. Interest cease on
and after tomorrow (10th of May).
The Dalle., May 9, K1.
W illiam 5Iicmell,
5 8-2m Treasurer Wi County, Or.
rs llmim, Iowa, wrif oiJ
Narrh A
S. B. Mii. Mm. (V,.,
Ihifur, r-gon.
(itulUmrn ;
On arriving home last week, I
all well and anxiously awaiting.
little girl, eight and one-hall yea
who had wasted awar to V&
now well, strong and vigorous, aos
flestied no. S. J5. Couirh ( urw list
its work well. IVith of the chiMna-'
it. Votir S. Ii. (Viutfh Cure hs
and kept away all hoarsene frm J
ro give it to every one, witn grr-.
for all. Wishing you proserity.
lours, ,na. x .vias. j. r. i
Kt.w '..h t.l fre.h an4 rberrfnl an"'
f'f Ilie siiritif a work. Tirana v. sir " "
tlie llisvlaclir and liter t urv. by Ui"4
tlir ltmm wn Bis-A.
Sold aii4er b no"lllr (iiarsnU'r.
Mi nu per botti If all ilnii'U
-A. UEW "
lodertakog Wwm
alTertiM-roent: "A young man of agrey tu"L
ble presence and l-i.;r,..,t , ""
married ,H iu. , T K ' H"71 ' Hl R' H ' k" -!.
married would like to make the ac-, Vj Pastor. pr.-.. i,i iu i.,. ,.wu,,.l
fjuaintanee -f an aged and experienced " h""'h "'n fsy at r. m. All are
gentleman w ie-scould duade him from i Vuli.
taking the fata.1 Step." I r.van. Lutheran rh.irrh. Ninth A
Horn. itor. M-rvier at il ii a. iu. similar
aclio.,1 al :!.JU p. ot. A ontisl wcUoiu to r
tins. '
liEAl-F-KH 1!
Furniture and Carped
U- -.1.11 s nnr mifWD'
viiiplete Cndertading J-UAblisbW
anu as we are in no way r
tne LnderUker.' Imst, our
be low accordingly.