The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 26, 1893, Image 2

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tfce CCE-
Sriss EiLuM Cl:ssi ty
br C. M. Cnironi, livery. One I
d 6fty horse, mere burned to
an J the retire lot of bug gies. phaetoi.s,
other vehicles, harness, etc., were de- i
stroveJ. On the second floor Jauiea . J
ynmn, foreman, tin wile ana eight ctUi- I
dren slept. All had narrow escape, ex- j
cept F.ddie. a 7-year-old boy, who wat j
fatally burned before he could 1 '
rescued. CrumnTa insurance is $-3,000,
Es Mais
Will 8;:n
The Swiss Commissioners Will Offer a
Resolution to all Foreign
Tkt AbwIcu Araltratan.
At one of the two American member
of the IxjarJ of arbitration which is
meeting in Paris to settle the Pehrir.g
' sea controversies,
Chicago, Mar 22. There is a big row '. mow tjn usual at-
in the world's fair, it rame about in
this way. Saturday afternoon customs
officers arrested P. P. Neniitx, spent for
a number of S iss exhibitors, for tell
ing a diamond brooch contrary to law,
all foreign goods being under bond for
the payment of duty before sale. The
ofceers then took into custody the f wise
exhibit. When the Swiss commissioner
heard of it he became angry, claiming
tettio-n now centers
upon the name o
Justice John M"
Harlan. He as'v
born in Boyle coun-5
ty, Ky.,in 1S33 and
received his educa
tion at Centre col
lege, irraduatin : Jl
17. He earlv entered
aW T.M , j
Limit of Thirty Miles Around Breed
ing Stations, and A Ten-Mile
Limit Off Alaska.
Nearly a!! the telegraph and telephoue
wires art) doan. It is feared there i
much damage done throughout Michi
gan and uianv wrecks on the lake. It
is known that there is great damage at
lr. 4'araaliaa Mra.
Arrested on suspicion of being impli
cated in the Panama canal scandal, is
ilvut 47 years of age. 1 1 is Imsincss was
to a in over to the I
scheme men high in j
authority, such a ,
cabinet ministers, j
senators and ! u-'
ties. It is ri.. .1
that l-.'.."vHiO'
francs found their
way into his hand.
through bis comuf
tion w ith the enter
A Tri3 cf PrcmiEcnt Orcicmii Dcn.!)
crats Wta Want Office
' prise. Keports concerning his history
1 are conflicting, be himself saying that
also declare a limit of 30 . torn at Ivesancon, rrance, ot
the northern breedinit t;ern'"n parenti, who afterward re-
It a. . . 1. a. . Jar m. . a
u,.oopn 0alCe nau ' r'g , W ! Then thirtv rears of age was made attor
arrest tne owning agent, tier had no MvDe of Kentucky, and on Peoem
JWht to take pojtn o ft he enure ex- ;b10tls- took hi( on U). .
Libit. He therefore at one closed the preme Wnch of the United States. He
exhib.t and tephed the Swiss mm- ( -f M M hvi rvpJ nnJer
wter at Washington suting his action. r.n.; Tu.n,. ,,. rank r.f
A meeting of foreign exhibitors will be
held this afternoon, at which the Swiss
commissioner wi'l offer a resolution that
all foreign exhibits be closed till the
question is settled.
Sac seat Hla aa reader.
Sew Yokk. May 22. The suit which
William. R. Laidlaw brought to recover
f.V,00v) damages, for injuries, against
Eur-stil Sage, was called for trial this
niornir.g in the supreme court, -art
third, by Judge Patterson, and marked
rea-iy for trial. As soon as there is a
vacancy in one of the trial terms, and it
is reached on the calendar, it will be
" ? . ". , T-He n academic education,
ca.-e on the calendar, there is little prob- , . . , , . '
, .... . . . . . . , 1 aiterward studied law and was admitted
abuity of its being reached for two ,,v,k..: ik- t ,c-, i !
. , , ... , . . to the bar in lS4o. In lStd he was a
or three dav. L& was a clerk in . .v. . , . .
.k i.ut " t t,. , 3. 'delegate to the etate convention which;
rising to
Senator John T. Morgan is the other
American member of the Behrir.g sea
arbitration board. Besides this he has
the distinction of
having presented
the Hawaii question
to the senate in a
f' N w ay to secure its at.
tention. ile was
I - Vwt
Sn FavNcifcco, May CT. There is
mncb rejoicing in local sealing circles
over the information which has reached
here in a dispatch from Taris that the
deliberations of the Behrir.g sea tri
bunal, now in session across the ocean.
will result in throwing Eehring sea open
to sealers and sealing vessels ot all na
tions, and will
miles around
a anl nf )ir!h Cnx i t.H il. movea to itie i nited SUtes and were
public life nd rnited Sute1 anda jiaiit of 10 mlet i naturaliied, lie thus becoming an Amer-
offth mainland coast of both Silieria .' ICn- He was arrested at Bournemouth,
and Alaska. At the present time the ; England, on a warrant from the French
modus vivendi is in force, and Behring Pvernment. He is under guard at that
sea is closed to all sealers unJer . ueing 100 ill to le remove!
itt provisions, and nearlv everv
vessel in the e?a'.ing fleet had express
nnlmnn ct.rtin,, m t.r ..-.c ! 1ostok, May 2T.. President McLeinl
from Behring sea. The fleet "is com", s tn"'d bl wiP",in to tll A'W-or?
posed of alwuti0 vessels this vear, DJ , of tb Boston Maine railrvad today.
nearly all of them are oiT the Japan !
cvart. Beparts from thvise waters are
that sea's are very plentiful this year i
and the sealers are like!y to make big
Bstok, May .President
Dislriet Attornrw. District Marshal
' and rost master at Portland Arc
' the Offices Sought by Them.
AhHisoTos, May IN. Three men
alio were prominent in the last cam
paign in Oregon lio to t rewarded by
the present adiuimir.iti on, and are
seeLu.g o.'tH'es hich lJ W given to
Oregon men. !an Murpliy ttantstobe
!itrict attorney, Ji'l-n M.trk'.ey expect
to 1 made district nnd Chas.
N. Wait postma.'ler at Portland.
niard (. th rmldnl.
The dinner giwn on the d ly Presi
dent and Mrs. Cleveland to Intanta Ku
lalie was maile an occasion of much
ahite house conservato
ries were fairly de
pleted to furnish
ko no szsssf
Frank Jones ill t
, d'gnitv. The
Photograph Galler
East l)i. Secoijd St.,
Eat of VliKili Halt, and opp, wj
TalUir th, Tb I1, Or.
First-Class Photoi
All Wsrk OunaiMi,
un from tlw ( mint .mri ,J i!,- JT7tl;
: r-ll. I..r MiMvtniuiilr .
rarenoaer lor the i., it,;.Ti.4
de-ation of the " frT"1, 1
"at. 1-1.1. at th nnr .4 1 i.m J"
table and apart- i a at .ui.iir iM-ii..n al t V
- .1-I nu"" "1" .b,.'V 1 .. a.J
t,x i v- .ai win- tmwm. ire I 1 1im n m ft.... i . , -
v'u. ijc u ;
iwrn ai Aiiiene, ( mil tht VrxUU nml -r KoTit l int !
ri ' - ..... j -
"Vbut since he was Wasiitst.TON', Mav Ir.
tYv nine ver ol1 l , mith. who until recentlv has ln rec
JRCANI "i i Alatmma. cigniied as the representative al Wash-, nounces his came "Mcle-od
irg ton of w hatever
aV . iaaV .1 kr .
... V J . . , J I it":VJ J 1,,e lrP U,e din' ! "" H M. all U,U..k niCLi
I r " iSs'.V. ifendsoa makes v .v--s( S l " ,.,,,... , ! ;it.i; " I
I A- -5vfflK ! lai.T f in lid.- taftelUiiT arraniied. I
A his home at the i T, , , . , ', ' I
jf fUV'-a " iu;.. i i . i The entire lower flot of the white hou-ie! iNrOrTTrir I
Mot,' i Wi-bUadelpI, Mr.i" ." ,0- 1 r. a Laor.. . r, -L, ,J
, ' J . . . J- .. . , . l!e main tiall was the mar n ban.l .r.,1 : ... T . '."t
vT LtU J -icieoi wno pro- . ,, . 1 , . , , t "i"1 '
') legan
Co., bankers, on Broadway. He was ia
base's office at the time of the famous
dynamite explosion, and was injured.
He assert that Sage used Lim as a
of secession and '
served in the w ar as a confederate, l.e ;
was elected to the senate to succeed Geo. !
Goldwaite in 1S77 and Las
i"uuiii surveyor m Hie emti nr r.1 ...r i . .. oml, -. i . there , the Northern Pa;5c. Little was heard 1 j .1 , m,rcnw ! rr"'"' T."n,i"i 1 "". utart.1
, . -i ... c " D-iown the private corridor to the state "-" "winr . ..r... .;:tl lllr fc ,
maybe at Hawaii, of him until be becam. eener.1 n,.n.r , . . . ... .. ' uw lo u" .,.,, ,,(., Mrt
In rpimn iK. oftli.rimir. . i ! , uin'ng ca.i, w nere coers were laid. ' i"i" t.. .., r i u. .r ,w ta. v
Las returned to the ( ot ttie i.lmira, Cort.and and Northern, ; . ,v ,.f . , i ut . innr. i... at w ,.rt a m
C.ral Mlarra' Srlk.
FTrrip.rBc, Kan., May rj The in
dications are that the coal miners strike
will spread all over the Southwest.
c:als of the anta Fe road who were
expected to bring the matter to arbitra
tion are reported opposed to the plan.
They are dett-rmiaed not to recopniie
the Miners" Union. Five hundred mi
ners in Cherokee and Crawford countie I
quit today, also thoee in Yale district, '
and all the strip miners w ill quit to-'
night. The miners in Indian territory i
ar ready to go out when ordered. If ;
this fails, the entire Suclhweet, except
Arkansas wi.; be ordered out.
! t Want Tr-r W
ax A.vTo.vio, Tex., Mav
been twice J J y! x'rlD Tliat
. j 71? '-' provisional
!- I I r!BtlJ iWT.U '
22. L. E.
Eayne, president of the Tera wool
growers' association, issued a call
for a meeting on June 1st, to 1 held in
. san Antonio, for the purpose of perfect- '
icg a more thorousrb orranitation for the '
protection and promotion of the wool
interests of Texas. Mr. Eayne sa
lexas leris.ature is onfriend:v ta the
wool interests of the state, and coctem-1
plates such action as will he injurious to
the wool-producing interests of the I
United Mates. Free wool, the Texas
woolgrowers assert, will sound the death
knell of the woo! industry; hence the
, necessitv of united and organized e3ort
j of those engaged in the industrv.
city and continued
the unofficial an
nouncement that
nr:on was
bv the
nient of Hawaii as ; controlled it, has becou.e the rival
its representative at Washit.gton. At sect. Is as the United States.
! the same time T'r. Smith was in'
' a qanndary. The United States, m Ir. I leioet That way aaH Traai.1
i"m;m s opinion, i.aj nevtr osicuuir
rec.rgnired the provisional g'jver
now ruling at Hawaii. It is true Min
an objure and unimportant line, but in ! . . T ' '''itl'''""-' -
the management of which he rained 1 r;y, .,, ;, ' .... . .! - JoUSw.itwts,
rnni'aa r.n
gained .trf-t. ..i
vast amount of valuable experience. I mJ rrin 'AntoIlio. 0'
i2 H ? Austin Corhm as man- tbe ,wiJeot md inw '
ager of the Beavlir.g. then almost tank- ' ,ntm ,;,.. . . ,
tRAlnJIS L,n If Hawaii a. Z r,Zl h. Ji'..-. ., '! f Atco ,l"rt"- The other,, in the
! order named, were Senator Sherman j
and Mrs. Bissell. Secretarv Ilertvrt and '
, Mrs. Johnson, the Spanish minister and i
1 Mrs. Fuller, Secretary Ijuuont and Mrs. i
C.Ii,. .. -.i . , . I Oilier. Secretarv Mnrinn m.1 Mi,.ll
ment . so... Mmj An inci- , . , , . ' ..
aeut that may lead to a government in- v anu ruiier anJ Mrs. I
! wf i itter Stevent recoriized the new C,Tern. ! ui" U r li" clj'an,. Secretary Carlisle, .nd Mr..
V,Vb,;men:, but from what Commissioner j lhe Mllii C :'T ' '"T': and Mis. Ben.
I ork. Captain Johnson, which arrived ui"' ' u ,c,nj -Mr., lar-
Blount has made public it is
( mulirated.
Iriak IDBbCfft rat Ion.
Losdon, May 22. The demonstration
of tbe Irieh National League in Hvde
Park vesterday was most enthusiastic , x- ,-.
. , .. , Mrs. arciwa hite kmnev,
A oaarter of a mi.iion riefrne were rrrea- ,.-.
1 1 .M. J . Kinnr a aa mnn
: in Astoria, has been solicited to de- ; proposes.
difficult to
understand whether the present ad
ministration has recognized the provi
sional government or not. There is a
belief that Biocnt is now United states
minister to Hawaii,
but the appoint
ment has never
been c?icial!v pro-
. Smith is tiierefore
wife of!1 a loss as ta his
cacner, living i future conduct. He
lirep an mAAr in V , rl... TV.... ' - 1
, , . r ... ., . . . . . .. wu.bub iJuiitj-, - .tiuiFiuu aj - . a
, ... , ,. , . , ! og of the wond s lair, her name Laving nves here as the
o. .ng .u agricui- : 0 hf. Qf m
tural labcrrs.aDdotber we.-knownmen.i lU conjnjh.rt. Mrf
this morniiiff from Panama, en rout tn ! A'torney-Oneral Olney and Mr.
San Francisco. On the i-assage dow n I s'ai,ln 1 ostmasterH-eneral Bisseil and
L urnt a, Ts ba le, fit.
I Mi ill. la
N'Hl-s it hrrl.r rlrm that I
: natural wtUrr baa f.W-l rv.llr ,4 b. ll.lrMm
! -.intr.ul aiHl maar l.tiai .isr( In aulfrtw .
i .rui ii, .1 t,, ak an
lt 'lt-r aird rn.-irr al 1L Iraiim. Ot
j batuMal. Juur :i. l-M, ML
Prvatoa Krataaaa. ATi-ltraU'ti No 1J4. h t! t.
j . i r . 1 . n i r., a .
II- tiamra ltr t..H,.an. illnmrit.
j rirtitinurrua mu.V'Ur ui.n, aiJ rultitatM
j aa.'il laud. 1 ir
-.rrr KiWI, At,1rpw 1 Ilr.t-.n.
aai aiul nl.-rl. U traniau. K ,
laj .-, itt .
"-' i'JBXW. LTirii.,.
the steamer did not touh at San Juan'
i ray. Secretary Hoke Smith and
delSur, because of the revolution in "1 1M""ro4' n-Miuiater to Sj
Nicaraeua. Knterinir the t,rt ,A (Virint, Curry and Mr.. Iavis. IVrn Pedro To
I tlrf l lim-N KlrrnlTh.t thi:
" Jtitaa Vfall.a-., Ut .4 a
ect w ith delegates from all branches of
the leagne in the United Kingdom, and
Laving nves here as the 0"L.5Hla$
tomen selected ' minister from Hawaii, to Introduce
t:,:nt:n. -r .,,..,..,r. ' - auulr; I'" ..fian umiiani al Lit tOC-
Gladstone', home-rule plan, and ac- fD"D ?frn 'Ut i throw up Gresh.m the re-
ceri it as . statement of the Irish CI " " ? T TY?.' ? mh0t the Vniu
r- .-w ... ..v. v. -i I - -... m u.uiisier irom
! liawaa.
Frances Willard.
Kwaata la IlamtiCr4.
New Yoex. May 22. It is said Easeia
it dissatisfied with the impression made
in the late naval review, in comparison
with that of Great Britain, and will tend
over three of her largest ironclads to re
main here a couple of menths, to give
the Americans some adequate notion of
the Russian narr.
rop-VTaathrr Kollrtln.
aarmarr arfth rntH,
The secreury of the Trans-ML-sisMppi ! easties ottoo
congress, O.W. Crawford, was U.rn in j Frequent showers, tome heavy rain
Columbus, Ohio, in 1K1. He wa, edu-! cool temperature, and lack of .nn.hin.
cated at the Su , Lave marked the weather for the week.
University of Mis-j The rainfall varied from OOtoI.-Wof
-ouri, read law and , inches.
aata Be
A -ar Marhiac a Will
Professor 8. P. Langiey is the inveDtor
of a scientifically constructed Eying ma
chine that will Cy. It was bwin about
two year,
has been
It i. now finished, ! but fi
and will
t tried
tiie passenger, were amaxed to see s-J
dier. training big Krupp gun vessel
from the government barracks, ail ready, !
as was afterward learned, to touch otT. 1 it in direct contravention of inter- !
national courtesy. Government ofheert i
then boarded the vestel to search her, j
the supposition being that she had !
touched at San Jnan, w here the revolu- j
tionists are in control, and wat bringing
revolutionists to aid in seiring Corinto, j
which it very weak by reason of the
able-bodied nien being with the arinv ;
on the frontier. It it further learned 1
that the same gun had been trained on ,
the an Jose, of that lint, on the up
voyage. Imring the search there de-'
barked the new American minister to;
Nicaragua, Salvador and Costa Bica, j
Hon. Lftuit Baker, of St. Paul, accotn-
Tiamlt 1.1- t.ta t v n il.nsl.lnM 1 . f '
come on from Panama.
I and Mrs. Curry, and Commodore Ihivit
m,.A t ti . x-. . , "n
- "tii-- room, wiiere terifwd. w. n,- .1 Ur r:. Kiuta ni
Al! tat I tip rlalit.a artfaar mil rr.
a.'rt. n.,ur t., t.r-ar :r iirM a.
t:ie preanletit ana g'lests reiairtsj after """"" !. i..ra irm.iiaii
was decorated profusely
S3.000 la rra-mlwaaa.
'ill t.'.r dalirt li.:i
Itjj i l'.W-d at Ialir t nr. At.rl) 4. 1-1.
ki.HtKT I. iUJHH
I tr( )W rtu J.-ntii 1M
I .1.
Offered by Ligrett A Myert Tolwci-o
Co. of St. Louis, Mo. The'one guesirg
nearest the numlvr of aw.ile w ho will
attend the Wor'd't J-air g-it l"i,000.(n,
the sex.nd etc. Ten star to
bacco Uga entitle you to a g je.. Ak
your dealer f -t particular, or end for
circular. t7-2
I The origin of the tvmbol "cV
huiidrcsj weight, ia a. follows: C
initial letter of the Latin word "w
torn, meaning a Luiidred. and ri r
the first and last Utter, of tb.
, ''weight" and are uaed as a cootrar.
1 lor it.
The ra ' r, ku.. r ,.
1 me p-ii ia tne conai-
nererition, but there ia an aWn
1 are
In a terrfie wind storm at Cleveland
, yesterday four men were killed and
I many injured, some fatally.
The Beattr glass works. Tiffin, 0.
soon in
Washington. Pro-
as admitted to the
bar. He
practiced law, the , shine and warmth, which
rouune or a law ; lor the more rar.ld -r..ti. . a.
-ofEce being too lame 1 velopment of vegetation. The wheat ; t-tur'ir evening, the 2.h inst., John
lor Li. eperu ative j prospect, are excellent, and if no hot i C3rk' in mt I:aker Ci,7 on the
nature. He re winds shonM nrvnr ; . mi ! charge of murder, potnnnttnrt am.-;,! v, 1
, - re.u m,i oei .- ' " j
luoreaio lexat in . phenomenal. TUr. t,ni.. 1 cutting Lit throat w th a raior.
rr, and V'iHtw'UJ ntK 1 k at- f ...
r :. v viaaium increase m tbe acreage of cereals The
lm t in ! hat been aevntn ; t. i . ... 1,,e
. - -. . w , i - i. u 1 1 J ll a l . l nm an 1... . J ipi , ........
tate businese. and ,. i'rt .' ... , . i 1Ije 1-iJU.tW.
persons are thrown idle.
loyeu barely e.apnd with
The lost is fully covered by
Ute busines., and ha. never received ! They are considerably injured about The xTundi
W . deWnd78"-Ue l1" Milton." Tl!e strawberr ! Many
wn a and developer of proper- about The r!l. .A ir t,: '.v.:- 1 .
. . -
an advertiser caused him to be elected
feseor S. P. Lander ' tecretarr of the commercial rink M
is at the head of the ; Houston, Texae, which he resigned to
frmithior.ian Insti-1 ccept the position of general agent
tution' at 'WadLing- j "1 mantger of the Brazo. Biver Chan
ton, where he it ' nel and Dotk Company and Texas Im
looked oo i migration Co. Mr. Crivfnrr h.a
at the greatest fountain of knowledge : b!y the Urgent list of personal aequaint
and ecientific lore in country. All j ncet of any irson in the Trant-Mit-of
the favored few who have been al-; iippi country.
lowed tote the "Aerodrome" or "Air-1
Runner," as he has christened hit new p Half lu araa.
machine, declare their oninion em-1 Fi"A- May 23. Advices from Nic-
phaticallr that it will fj ewesefuHr J in regard to the battle between
ties TI,rY.;i; i- . r.iver are ttieir lives
net. lhe recognition of hit ability at rlwnimr slowlr. r!n. m
I ' " ? a.-; uvr Vi wa KrU ; laVUTlUlT.
Itunshine. Wool it being hauled into! Tl,. a, ,t A . i. . t
; the warehouses. I. of excellent ouall.r ! . llL ' tbe
and aar.U ti .i " ("""""If Jnoian, w no mysterious y di
ana tjple. Sheep .hearing continue. ; .r... i i.-. . .
as w u'JUtc VM HJ"T t U I aVl
The fairy craft it intended .imply for
the government force, and the
lup reservation a week ago, wat found 1
experiment, and tiot In any sense for i VJf't. BW MaMr yesterday tay tlie
practical transportation. It it said to i , lIe 12 bourt, and eventually j
look at first glance not unlike a huge
eying l.fti.
vue government troop, were driven from
the field. Counting deeertert, dead and
wounded, the
V x, Ii . , ,U "WT- Tbe are dralized and
Lorit, Mo., May K.-A fire at dishearr. on . .
midnight dertroved 200,000 worth of four now remain lorj to President Sa
oroprty and caused . low Lum.n casa. and he it Wlleved to U y to
A few nunntee Ufore 12 an alarm treat for turrender. Tbe removal of the
"Dt iB ,rom, Chan- Pacific Mail tteamship rrice from Mn
avenue and Locu.t rtreet. The Juan to Corinto hat disturbed the plan,
wat of incendiary or.gin. It com- of the revolntimii.t. t.
-.t- A, . .1 ... . 7 ' -uaiotlS lO
'J vurwr-eiory trie maintain relaUont with
-lock on the comer mentioned, occupied j world.
m progress. In the interior counties
tt, lrr,l .A- . ... ,
ST. tU W 1?: io the Puyailup river.
The stock have g xxl range feed, and ... ? ,,M Tetoe1 lbe n'lir bountT
they are generally reprjrted to be in good ' , 10 en,ble th arintendent of
condition. The year promites, from the ; TeX" Initntil'' to accept from
present outlook, to he most successful ' funeral rernment bounty on
liivxss. iugar raised on convict farms. He de-
The temperature over the country i noUDJ tb ar bounty of tbe United
drainer! . tl.. rv.1 i.; i. ., . tatet.
; wmuiMia iu'j inouiary i """iawa
river. Lat been llow the norma sin. Jak Kafka, 9 yetrt old, remarkable
last Thursday. At a result the rapid ! ,iJT Li dim'native size and bright mind, : M- HUNTINGTON,
njelting of the tnow Lat ceased, and the d'11 .terday in Portland. He was 5 : u 8' Comml.toner,
0 Lai i . . .l omrr Larn. PYOV kTrxT VJtr-c . . nt.
The largest aixl only strictly cornini.iori lealer in horses
41.. 1 1 W a .
uiv uww, win now ins lir.-t ezti-neire salo of west
ern f.rande! horsi-f fur season 1803, on
Entries should be made at once.
Chrisman & Corson,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
Cor. Waslun-ton and Second Sts., The Dallef, Or.
weight '
the outside
nvert are falling s!iiht!. I ia ... , mchee high and hi. iniiimntn
Ictel that they will continue to fall ! 14 PDnd- He quick at rer.r.
thghtly nntU Saturday, when they will i n'1 bit mind wat far in advance of
nave a tendency to rise again. The ex-' P"."loe. Ten had tbe latter been
ireme Ligti water for the rear has not normal. Jt is related that on one oro.
been reached yet.
Mack Uaaift at brtralu
Detroit, May 23.-A terrific wind and
rain storm broke over the city thit
morning. It continued to increase in
violence. At noon it wat blowing 00
mi lee an hour. The streets are almost
obstructed by broken thade tree..
Huntington & McKinstry.
Kuoonatm to 1. M. 11 until if ton A Co.
! Real Estate, Loan and Insurance M
j sion an uncle from Sew York visited hi,
srriji. ana nn nmw lui i r a i
bandsome r,ld wat, h from hit test . bud P.,-r. of all Kind, prepared.
Pket. The child expressed much. Iiei,U crll-t.W aud Uxe. ,i,f ffr non reaidenta.
pleasure at seeing it, and hit oncle AUtrac-t of Title, furnkhwl at abort ii.Hioe as we have the ovij
promised to tend Lim one auon LI. r.. i aUtract Ijrjrjka in Wian I'.inniv
V.. -l. r ... i '
wi. vaaereiiir "n
J nir-a navinir icui . t i,.m ..i.. . .....r.wl w
turn to Nei
never mind ; I don't need it My mamma
it my waUh."
or rent are request
our cflioe, NO 133 SECOND ST- THE DALLES. Ot-