THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY IP, 1893. CIST SCARE GERMANY and Els Eitt Eaci Man THE TEUTONS FEAR 0 WAR Probabilities Are That the Ann? Bill Will be Hancin? Many Months Sensational Newspaper. Beklis. May 13. Th ferst week of the electoral straggle end without any of the parties knowing where they stand and without any of them having any thing reliable from w hich to forecast the . L . ... i lH . o. n.e corner .or reichnac. Members of the social demoe - racy alone seem to reiaiu a thorough p-ip upon their organisation. They can reasonably secure 5i seats, a pain of 19. It is thought over HVt second ballots will be necessary to decide the elections and it is therefore highly probable that the end of summer will have been reached before the house is finally constituted. Most likely it will then meet only to hear the emperor's speech at the open ing session and then adjourn until the period of opening in October. In the meantime it is evident that the parties will be reconstituted on platforms in which the army bill w ill have almost a secondary place. Kach party seems de termined to expend every available re- r. i n mnMtinr the districts where it has even the remotest chance of suc cess; Indeed, in some constituencies each of the eight recognized parties ha." a candidate in the field. The contest is further complicated by class interests, which are demanding attention. Government organs carefully repro duce the reports in French papers as to how France is rejoiced at the rejection of the army bUl, adding sinister rumors re garding the designs of the French gov ernment. Tbey also publish doubtful telegrams from S:raibure reporting that the French garrisons along the frontier have already been or are being rein forced, and that the granting of fur loughs to all French sol jiers and uffiir't has stopped. The alarm which the--organs profess to feel not spread among the people. Every one know the rejection neither diminished the de fensive nor added to France's power. I Outside of Chancellor Capriri'f organs it is ridiculed that France and Eueeia will attack Germany because the reichstag re fused to grant ail the government de manded. iGXATirs non'uii srato. Tit Cryptt:rantt Baa Kea Defaming aa Editor". Character. bT. iArt, Minn., Alar 13. Ine war between the two factions of the Min nesota farmers' alliance reached a climax last evening when I. Everett W. Fish, editor of the Great West, brought suit against Ignatius IXinnelly for lu'5,000 f jt defamation of character, and api'tnt". George L. Mongliton, editor of the Lep- resentative. for criminal libel. In the issue of the Representative yesterday Donnelly said over his own signature: 'I plainly, distinctly and nnquavi-r- ingly charge Everett W. Fish, while editing a pa;er called the Gre:it West with having at different times, and ei- peciai.'y during the political campaign of 18i0 and 1S92, whiie pretending t support tue reiurm licKet, taken large urns of money, amounting to ihonsundi- of dollars, from officers of the republican state central committee. I make ttii? charge deliberately, and invite Everett W. Fieh to begin proceedings again?t m- for libel." It Woald 'ix Par. Tstw York, May IS. I: is reports that the United States and Brazil steam ahips are permanently retired from the South American trade nndr the old management, tince Mr. C. P. linntin? Un tiok bold of this enterprise an'! tried his be-t to keep it r.fluat, he hu-adram-ed nearly tTiSi.OtiO in each. Itork'a Labor. EfGEXE, May 15. -rial. M. V. F.ork, state lecturer, Iteming a two week alliance work in Lane eonntv tudav. An Illinois conductor tells the follow ing Btory: "We pulled into Alton one day, and. among other passengers to (ret aboard, were two very large colored people of the common 'persimmon class,' and very ignorant. As I came by taking up tickets, the old gentleman dug out two tickets from the deep re cesses of his tattered Test, and, as he handed them op, said: One of dese is foh me, the udder is fob. her.' I looked at the tickets critically, and then, turn ing sharply to the old fellow, I asked: 'Which is yours and which is hersT The old man began stammering some thing, but the old lady cut him short by hitting him a terrific whack with hr fist on the aide of the head, ex claiming: Dar now, yon ignunt nig gah, I done told ynh yuh'd git as into trouble, and now yah see ynh done got de law on us."" The way the world wags is illustrated in the case of a waiter in a New York restaurant, who, having applied for a divorce, was compellnd to reveal his real identity. He claims to be Count Alexander Kajonskouski, born in Rui suan Poland of noble, but impoverished. Parents- There are aunnosed la l. large number of these wreck of nobil- ; ity in rrwUaranU or on ranches in r J S in I adcr ' I America beginning life anew iu' ' ea CHICAGO'S -NEW MAYOli. Carter H. Harrison Elected for the FiJUi Time. A foedrnard of th siewtjr Mid t blrl Urrutln of lb World' ir t'ttjr frm l trd Aboat HI Ilt. Carter Henry Harrison, who hM jest been elected mayor of the city of t'hi vafo for the fifth time, was. Jorn iu layette county. Ky.. February 15, J.S25. He was pvaduated at Yaie in 1 -., read law, enpajjvd in farming, traveled for two years in f.iretjrn countries, ana. I after reeeivinjr his decree from Tran ! sylvauia law school. Lexinpton, Ky.. i settled in Chicago, where he en;rasevl in real estate speculations, and acquired a j fortune. After the great fire of 1S71 he I served as county cnmniist,oner for three I vears. After returning from a second , journer lhrou,b Europe, in 1S7. he was ; CAKTEB HEXT.T HAKRISOS. I elected to concress, as a democrat, by a j clou? vote. He was reelected, and when I his second term was ended, in tC9. was chosen mayor of C'hk-airo, in which of fice he was evintinued for four biennial terms. After settling np his private af fairs he started fr a jour aey around the world, returning tv t'hiessjo just in time to run as an in leivnient dem cratic candidate a?-iinst Iv U'itt C. Cre gier. the regular nominee, in 1S1. He was defeated, but dr-acvi his opponent down with him. A few m nths airo Harris. in arain became a candidate for mayor, received tlie rett'.ar democratic nomination, and was elected for the fifth time to rule the destinies of the greatest city in the west during the period f tile world's fair. Mr. Ilarriviu's principal opponent dnrin? the nivnt campaign w as Sam uel Vatr Ailert n. the republican and citizens' candit;ate. who ret-etved almost !." votes to Mr. Harrison's ll.'i.oji'. Mr. Alierton was Kirn in Armenia. Ilntchesn county. New York, sixty-four yoars come May. Hi stock is the stnrdr stx k of aa old New Enirland family founded by an erui grui t oue I-iac Alierton who came over here in the Mayflower. Mr. Alier ton spent his boyh-.KKl in th-.' cucrtrr. and when he was only thirte-a year:- o." age ln'tran to dereloo the rt-:.u-:. tacked which has made his Eame known throughout two continents. He fir,! attracted world-wide attention by p-'D-ly charaing that the gun-makers who supplied the (lerman army with rifles had grossly swindled the government and that the fighting weapons of the army were absolutely useless. These statements caused a profound sensati n. but Ahlwardt was unable to sustain his p-jsition and was convicted of libel and impris ned. A few davs ago he arrain made himself conspicuous by declaring in the reichstag. of which he is a member, that large sums of money ttelnnring to the government had lieen dishonestly paid to certain Hebrew s peculators during ISismarckk occupancy of the chancellorship. The erplosi in of this bombshell fairly shoik the German empire, but Ahlwardt a rain faiied to sustain his ra.-.a statement and was laurhed and hissed out of the reichstajr. In the judgment of many the man is siightiy unbaianeed. WoDderful Snake harmtux bj aa Old Kexro Vxxli Woman la Lonkiiana, An ared peeress of great repute as a "voodoo," or witch djctr-ka. among the negroes of this section, writ a corre spondent from Terre Ilonne, La., ac cording to the Clucago Times, is attract ing much attention, not only from those of her own color, but from the more intelligent portion of the com munity, and the way in w hich she does this is to apparently swallow a num ber of small snakes of a variety un known in tliis section. They are of a dusky color, nearly black, pied with a dull green about the Cat head, and of a dirty white in the belly. These rep tiles remain secreted about old Nance's cabin until she gives a peculiar whis tling call, when they will come to her, wriggling in great haste over the floor, up her dress, and run into her open mouth, hissing hideously. Thev disap pear and remain hidden ffimetimes for minntes. She asserts that they are con- .1 i ., . "'"'7 "m P0"? ou I to wnthe at-ont her kcravrry neck and :i v. - i coil in her bosom. .... , , nere the anaxes reallr ro vhra I they vanish in her mouth is a mystery and has puzzled all the physicians i alwut, many having come fnra New ! Orleans to witness the oh 8jme realiy tielieve that the snakes do go down into the sviraach. while others arc convinced the witch is simply play ing some sieinv-oi-uand trick on them, but if the latter is the case it is so clT erly done that there is no detecting the performance. The witch presents a mowt ertraprdi nary and hideous appearance sitting with the snakes darting their flat heads in and out of her toothless mouth, with their little W-ad-like eye snapping as it in fury all about their mis-r.-ss. As nearly as they can 1 couutl there are six or seven of these reptiles, though old Xancc says there are many more, but they are all so much of a size aml color lllt they cannot 1 identified. -r"T protraWy of a liarmle " ' J jifruiiirn natur0 though old 'anee l-:arcs they arc fcrhly p'iivmotiK and no ine nit,:.- to experi'n.tif r rl. PAPERING Or WALLS. A m lusMuil ( hlnra Mlhc of Itacotmt- UV1I ninths were little used u- rv.jH- Wfore i'ic eightivnth century. thoucU they had Invn Ion., before that a-'-lnsi to i. nix- diHiralion by tlie I'hi-iilv-. Th..e that were trxt uuu.ufae turxs.. in the w-st were adaptations of tu-t.ij.-n froia Ibtliuu brocages, and at tiret they were ustsl in an uuobj.vti.n aV.. uianuer, just u-s hangings of the co-i.itr liiattTud were employed, tiwuciyt It. ti l tietween ibvious Mnu-ttiral Hue.; und. so applied. n o--j.vlion cou.d lv uiatle U their use. On ' t lie contrary, the iuveution brought it v. i;hi; the means of every lKius.-holder Ui fill blauk wall sjiaees with agreeable traet ry and harmouious . color. . The cornice, frieze and dado remaiued intact; were protected with nu.l.iiiig or plaster work, and the in mate wight feci that In- was living in a bui'.t rvvim and not in a bandbox. lut gradually the wall features disav jK'aretl; paper crept over everything ex cept window and door ojH-ning-t, even into the very angles of the walls, and it is nothing uncommon now on enter ing a saloon of considerable pretension and proportions to find the walls close ly covered with paper from floor to ceiling, save a narrow skirting board to protect the plaster from the housemaid's brooin and a cornice reduced to a meager molding. To ltva in M Saved. A biT lear chased Peter Hanes. a man of sixty yeai-s, through the woods in Clarke county. Washington, the other tly and was close at his coat tails w hen hc'i-ur. into the clearing of a neighbor named K-Coy. A lt'th nettred the house the ,l'Kr opened and Mrs. Mct'oy arpeared with a rifle in her hands, promptly let drive at the bear and liow-lrd him over dead. Then the un crateful Peter claimed the hide, as the tinder of the liear. and insisted on hi demand until as a cornproniise it was agreed that he and his rescuer divide the proceeds of its sale. A woman to whom the ordinary, dust collecting, moth breeding carpet was an abomination and who could not afTord to have all her rmms re floored in hard woods, adopted this expedient for mime of the seldom used ones. She selected at a paperhanger's heavy wall paXT, dark in color and conventional in de sign. She laid the floor first with brown paper. Then she put down .he wall paper by first coating it with paste and smoothing it down. hen the n r was all paper she sized and varnished it w ith dark blue and common varnish, w hich deepened the color. When it w a dry she scattered a few rugs about, and her paper carpets have lasted for years. V7w. .'.- 3 ljt ..".' .'-ev w - i-M-6t 1 s: H t wtri it per Battl. Croup !-:;.-: r? Vtt(xf!tij; Cva. end AwiiiUt-w 1 r totnn."iK-n it ! v riViii; haeurd Uauf uti tift all other f,tir!: v.llcx'KB too ;f Xe'r.ra to timm. b V.-i by IrTjivmwcp h'.MtTr::-. -r Ijtrut Tifatic SHILOK'S CATARRH iiavf yu ..irrr. f Th" rmrfT In irttsnia tneti 10 curt you. I'riu: &uct. luvxx. In Tut aalo by Bnipva A KlarralT. ?heumatlsrria Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, ac ..v- V lV 33. SiSDEM'S ELEC CELT l;-a 1'iU.U! ls4 IsWlkftlslnU XV. ir wrttvnat frlft(k all Wsssi tsi -iiiy frn v, Utm tft trrxm !--- I'm) r-s iT.d;. t--to. M arrvnom tVt'ihtT. iwi-wisiiwji, UlT'r'.t'--IsftlKlUTO. kirliM-J, ll?r ftOd Ul'iT cnminain'i' ,fM-fw hcir. i-imfitufu, tnuUm, all fa-ntai ill tetaiSn. Tuft a-trar ilea xmit.j """t" lii isBieia o9r aii otrrw. fiirrvtit t ji.-'-.i.T f-.t tr --r or f'-rl-tt anil w i rui- m.i of lb a r dwell or to pm-. Tl.-u-.-fert ha bwn rw.f jw tt.M tnarriwi In-rnni ' n '"r 'J rw-m-.!isi faiasrtl. and itia luiauraist or t rA nun , m u tn arrd mf-y Kr t tmr resawfal fc-si sUJUTRM IM rrrffKl V (-"to sv.f r.fT -T-1 r-a lYi-r rv.f t wltbaU '' Hswita ea4 lsjn iMt-Msvtfc ttl AluvrUKttttt fc fW-T WskH .... a--, ... r.tJ... mmm jfV UkHOKH CLECTPIO CO.. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. it- oid, popular and reliable bon ha. len entire-v refurni.he-1, and everv 1 V .J rrt" - ,"T7ii itti p nTi anj reiitiiiH i .1 , ' . ... w I ai Llir'JllJC IflUt. J lie Imnw nmHli,. nn j ;. with every modern conveniem. UaU rea - onabie. A (rood retnrant atla4. to the house. Krer bun u and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TaASBACT A 0ESKALBAKK15O BI SlSKiti, Letters of Credit issued available in Eautern f-tates. Le riijrht Excl.anire and Tel.yraphic ' TranHfersay;don New York, Chiea.rn, t-t. i Iinis. han Fran:iw:o, Portland Orejron, ! Seattle Wsh.. and vari-iun p'lint in Or-1 V"n and WaJiinjrton. O.llections maile at a!! joints on fav. ! o-sbje tern.g. . ;N?s "WT -Af (MX i I i : v. w i .' i n.-, A unmans aim is to look her lcst hut she'll never reach it without perfect health. For jicrfect health, talc Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. All the funo tional irregularities and weak' nesses that make life misers ble to women, are cured by it Tte 1 T-d- . trf 1 il ini-iiTArTtinn tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing -down sensations, un natural discharges every thing that's known as a "fe male complaint " it's a posi tive remedy. It s the only one that s rmiraniced to give satisfaction in rtrry ease. It costs you nothing, unless it helps you. You can afford to try it, on these terms. Can you afford to neglect it ? : Complete ManlioeS N AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT 2 a A madlcwl wnrk that U-llr the on, jj k dtwrrilie ttie efttK'tA. Iioilils tit retlieil. H a .Nieueiaallv tin me! vtiluable, arttcti- M a callr thr must b1ii1 Ixx.k. rtvr , H published ; W pwn, every ikt tiearilic .t n H lia.lf.lona iliiistrutina in tiuu si;(j, ; N jf trmted : Nervou l lulirv, lmiMteie. , N j, Surillty, IkrvnlnrmuM U VarinN-ete. 11k U Uiinbajul,Tliaae lulviidiuc Jlarraw, etc. k M Crvrv Man wkd-xtutl tnm the Oruni J rut 4. m J) bW 1on rartm. Ihr Ikd Srrrrti as.1 AM" I u j, k immM of JfrdimJ Smw as njnJml tn K.,r M M rwd I Aft. mrka womiH Um f,r jt ..J.,.-, M and amtd futwrr pitniu ttld mtr W tu,e n N vusi-rKrt-L iJrrj. :. i M It will be sent free, under arai. whll t!e Ncditum luu Mu hick, ami it u-irri. d t a ur aius-la Addrt-M the puiionliers, I S ERIE MEDICAL CO.. I BUFFALO. N. V. Sd "Wheat, " Oat-. " Com, " Kye, " PutaUx', Garden Seeds, Graes mt Seeds in liulk -AT- J. H. CROSS' flay, Grain and Feed Store. W. E. GARRETSON, Leaning Jeweler. SOLE AOK.WT rB THE r t'r; 4 : :tj j All Watch Work Warranted I 3S aoBd t-. Th IBllsa, Or . M. lilau First National Bank. HE DALLES, - ORECON A General Eankinjt Buniness transacted leposits rH:eived, anlij'ct to tigiit lra(t or Check. Collections made and proceeds prom pi h reumuxi on aay 01 collection. Wtrht and Telejrraphie Exchanjre sold or Iew lorx, han Irancisco and Port land. DIHHOTOWS. P. P. Tbokpsos. Jmo. 8. f HENI I En. M. Williams, Oxo. A. H. M. Bsall. YOUR ATTEHTIOJ. Ii called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, I.ime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of ail kinds. Carrl.. tha rineat l.ln nt Picture Mouldings To t foand io the City. 72 Washington Street. POLAND CHINA HOGS SsWfc-rr."' g afinr and ae Ihc-m, ur write. All l. llrr. irnmiljr anrrl EDWARD JUDY, CENTERVILLt, WASh. "There is a tide in the a fairs leads on The poet unquestionably had reference to the Nit Si 11 Mllil k Cni at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHK.UIACH HR1CK, PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALKKS IN- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and the WALL Practical I'aintera and Patx-r Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Maaury't paints m-isl in all ur work, snd nona bg the niont killd workmen employed. A prut a lor Maxurv Liquid Paints. A chemical combination or soap mixtnre. A first class article ia all eulors. All orders promjitly attendej to. Faist Ebon corner Thirdand the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. Iavr Thi In at C . Tn rrrry day mtA ar- riTe at Pfliwrrille In tltirtyii botira. I rt i'mirv.!! mi U i m. rtrr tax ai.d arrive t Tt Imllra tu thirty i hi-ura Cirries the L S. Mail, IWcftrs ted Express -:onrnrta al I'nii -ilie with Slapet from Eaitero and Bonthfm Or egos, Northern California and all Interior Points. AIm tnakf rUiarr.riinwti'in at Th ballea with trailia frtiui t'tirtland and all raatrrn fHiluta. .' Cccnercs truri. .' Gticw iztiz:ticn Her it! mt : rirs'-ciin cca:Li nt term tnl ,' Eijta it'M luiM will care. KM prrw,na wt.lilnc trftMutrr muni watbill at nf fiiti br-fiire tftkms Mirr. nlhrrn iJri'tlir rr-lTl. Ei)rm niut tir ii lii;i1 at uB.r tit Ma In Will Tint br rl!!ltiie 1ft rtmijiariT a ill ta&r iio riMk nit mmtry Irariarml U1 Kartlniinr atu-titum Ktven to dt-iitrnif 'iff" miu at ITInevlii and all at.utl.rrn lu:.U iu Orcvim. and advaner rharfja wilj Ik jid Vy tltr rtimiiaLy. TAOT Wlrhvl A t . to. frlurrlllai. orrnrsj r. t Rtatllla H niw. 1 ha la'la. -ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATIB AND ICE CEEAK. Candies and Nuts l'ttl4ua. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles aJeetJ.FOLCO rlifl:t !! i. ' mrr rntturaitt. W. II. YOUNG, 'jeneral Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guars n teed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Ttiri Street cep. LicSe'soliM. THE DALLES Notional Bonk, Of IMLLE CITY, OK. President . . . Z. F. Moonr ClIARI.KS liltTOX M. A. Moody ViiT-President. . Cashier. - - General Banking Kusincis Transacted. (itfl't Eichaii(es f-'ji on NEW YOHK. AX EH A NCI CO, CffK'AGO and I 'OKI LAND, OK. Collections ii. lulu on favondilu tcrtr.. t ail aci encihlt) iitits. I can furuith nu:iitir 44 THOROUGHBRED POLAND CHINA HOGs Mule i.r Iit.h1., iu.t any tft l'ri. !'- Ir head, or tt cf men u-hieh, lalen at to fortune" its &. BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rate. UNION PT. AND GLASS Ijitect Patterns and IVaijpn in PAP Hsneers. None but the bert branda nf tl. Wuhit jton Su.. To SaUat. Ote'si i From TES1INBL ok INTEBIOB PnbH THE RKILROHD la tha Una Ut km Trt ill rvitVTV net ivn cnT' IV ALU hM) Lmu It la the tMnltif Tar Hrmtr, It rniia Tknaa Vaautm mi 1 raiua ervrj da? la tin jaw a $1 paul and ISO CHAKfiR OF UMJ t arn jafi nf IMntnr Vmn ormirn ii j yXL- mma Urawti.f Kium Ptmreritf -ri'ji'piiTnt TOURIST SLEEPLNS CAES Beat that ran b. rmti.trurlM, and la SI arimm-fil.ti.T. arr butb t rw and fvnm lur tiuldcraul t iral and Mrou4-r. TU-uaS ELEGANT DAY COACHE A nntlmioui 11b. nmna-Uni wlib all S-a atr.inlibf djrta-t ai.d anlularruiiicd aerriaa Po'ltnan H!nrr r-wrv.ttmt. e h. tap In adTaun Uiruuft ao ajrrtit ot lur ri. THROUGH TICKnS To n4 from t tml til in Aim ftitCiantl aitj turi'tw i:au bm mttrlim rd stf tK Full liilnrmaU'in nmrrniliif nw. Vo train., and othrr detail. furnlid a snpiiratioB to W. C. ALLAWAY. it P. A A. Kif. Co., KiajulaViC oBios, ua.iea, nr., or A. I) ( iriKI TClN. Aai'L tiet.rraJ l'air Art.. F inland. The Dalles riE8T STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. --" a wnrt ..I i. timt Rraca VylljAKo manufactured, J frdera frnm all rrftrl. r,f tliM ncrtintTT a-1 on the shortest uoti-e. i ti.- : ,.a th f hi I I CI- GAB has heroine firmly estahlifl'W' the demand for the home maiiufactnr artitls is increasirmt every day. A. ULRICH A SON A. A. Brown Kava s full aaaorunenl of Staple and Fancy Groceries nd Provisions. which h. oflts at Low fir"' SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Hiirtat Cask Prices for 13 $ S Ml Pal i other PrcJEce. 170 SECOND STRECT