The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 19, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle.
official Farta or wasc ivrsTY.
a bicycle boiild be taxed, and the
Ui should be paid by the owner,
whether it it necessity, like a wagon,
or a luxury, like a pleasure boat.
IiitM at ihe ii.'ftioe i The I'1. i-t-.
a :: -..
The true story of the intervirw lie
lirrn Secretary Carlisle and tde New
York tai.krrs !. leaked out. And it
! C 1 uiiJ- n.ely (or the credit nd
Tt-v!n'i.'n of the administration. Ill
fiend of llie lau.kee haviuc all the say
. the diiati-he rn. thev liad very lit-
i M head. 1 ork onvniiir are
j and price are nominal
The decision of the supreme court of
the I' cited State oo the tested consti
tutionality of the Geary art puts Orover
Cleveland in rathrr a sorry attitude:
and, to that extent, make Governor
Fennoyer" admonition that the presi
dent ehouid "attend to hi business"
forceful and sensible. That the mere
motion of an attorney for the Chinese
should Lave the effect nl port poning the
execution of the act i simply another
instance of "the law" delay," but has
ao real bearing in the rase.
The court has passed npon the only
question which could properly come be
fore it, and declared the act constitu
tional. With the sentimental side of
the matter, or the threatened Chinese
retaliation we have nothing farther to
It may be a hardship imposed on the
Coolie to rut off his splendid pasturage j
in the field of American labor. Doubt
less many of them will go bark to China
aa poor as they came thence, and their
comfortable competence of four or live
hundred dollars to solace their old age j
be denied them. Bat what is their loss I
will be our pain.
t is a singular thine that the two
prominent democrats on the supreme I
bench, Chief Justice Fa'.ier, and Justice i -
Field of California should be the only
strenuous opponents of the purely deni-
The Eugene Journal of recent date
savs : There can be no douU of the in-
; justice and bad policy of having all the tie to do but to sit like a park of naughty
; State institutions in one rity. uch a school lmy and tufce ttieir meuicine.
' concentration of interests and the large The secretary o;-enrd and closed the
appropriations to carry on ail the busi- w ho'e conversation. He went over the
' ness of the state could not lore fail to entire gold business since the election
build up a ring of combination that ot Cleveland and told theui how in J ;
would control the state. By scattering w l.y the gold tide bad ellied so rapidljr. j
the institution over the state thev are ' He warned thera that he understood the '
among the people and do such coiuhina- whole matter and ail their schemes and
' tion can arise, for one balance another did not intend to allow their avarice to
and each holds in check any undue ad- ! force him to issue lotids. That the
vantage sought by any one. The rapi-' Sherman law was at the root of the evil
; tol or state house was located at Eugene and would lie wiped from the statute as 1
i by a majority of the votes of the people soon as congress met. That to issue
in ISoO, but a person or persons resiJ-' bonds was In admit that the adninis- -I
ing at Salem sent to Southern Oregon 1 tratiou as too wek to contend with .
I and induced certain county clerks to fail ' them and that tiie New York hanks'
to send in the votes of their counties nn-i were not yet masters of the treasury.!
I til after the time prescribed bv law. He said that there was lots if gold in!
tiering are light
gross ,
- 1 1 - . I - 1 '
weigiil ana j ccm. urvss-.i. ur .
hog meats are quoted at 1 -1 cents hog !
round. i
sTtri x r.KiH iuu.
Corn Costa Kica, is quoted at iNc i
er lb., lv the sack. !vdore, "'.V. (
Arbiicklrs. V. j
Si has. Golden C. in or sack . j
A .VI; Fxtra C, l-" ": l'rv granulated
f M In boxes. I'. ? lb U.xcs, j
t.' 50. Fx C, I- HL t.C 1 N. j
Svat r 12 IW.a S 00 pr keg. i
Kut Japan rice. f'Vu"fi Island,
rice, 7 cts.
Bkank Small whites, 4 i .'..-c ;
Pink, Vp-rHKMl.
Salt ljverjxl. ,Vlh sk, vV; lOOlb
sk. $1 C; ISDlb ek, 00. Mock salt,
$13 .SO er ton.
Dkikb Fafirs Italian prunes, l?r per
lb, l.y box. Fvafiorated apples, lo-tf l"ks
per lb. 1 hied grapes, 7 u'S: per poond.
VKGrrABtcs ad rat" its.
Por atoks Peerless, Buffalo whites.
Snow flake and Burhank seedlings quoted
at $1 75 to II per 100 lbs.
Gates FariT Gixxl apples sell for
(1 752 00 per Ux.
Hikes Are quoted as follows: Pry,
Blakeley & HouHiton
175 Second Street. - The Dalles, Oregc
j A full lino of all th Staiulanl Patent
! lru:, Chomitals, Ku-.
! TCountry and Mail lnlert will receive prompt attention.
Miss anna peter s co.,
Kine Millineryl
f li h iii o .t . .,n- j u. i
Shxip Pklts 75, 100 ea. Deerskins, j H2 SeCOnd St.
-tie ID lor winter and JOc for summer.;
This nullined the election, and delsyed the country and the people wouid rai.y
the location of the seat of government to the national support w hen necessary.
t . - - . L ' : T"V, I? I v an.) isi r- i B I.
luur rr, w 1111, m. iiir ri. ivu 10 ur ix.i , vim ... "- . ,
1 1SH, the increase of population at Port- ' ready led the advance and he scornfully j 1kJa r es : )
jlandand in the northern part of the ': advised them to folkw their "'r'!'-1 otter ,Vi ; fisher." ':xnr'sil'ver gray i
1 state gave it to alem. This located the . That the eoveriuietit was in aaiiy re- ; fox, 10$J5; red fox. II i'5 : grev fox.)
, capitol at Salem for 20 vears. which has ceipt of otTer of gold aud the londs 1 - o0$3: martin. lia$l 25: mink,
I long since expired, and is now subject to would never issued ; tcanse it would ! ,.a' 0'J" :ie '
removal. The clause in the consiitu- j be a blot opon his admii.istrntion, wnd i mon noaseat.Ociv ea. " X'
t ion, which was put there before the ' foU P 'J produce a serious ! w ' krl"',, " ,
capitol was located, declaring that all crisis. This strong, manly, independ- Wool bags, 35 cents.
the other institutions of the state should ent, patriot c stand completely upset,
be located at the state capital, was
rrong. and has been reparoled as a dead
i letter for 20 years. Cnder that clause, ' special pleadings.
I in the earlv vears of the state govern-
ment, the jenitentiary and the insane
' lirlrm rr mnPMl f . . ... P.tpiUnl ,
ocratic measure, fatherod bv remocrat i c .. , ,
. . .; . alem. This was a crave mistake, for
the plans of these plutocrats and they
came to their kn-es without further i .; is. t-peciai.
NxwBtao, Or., Mv IS. Special. 1 '
It makes the Ameri- i iu" enl aay session of the lreg(.n
can spirit prood to know that no set
Tom Geary and emphatically endorsed
of j Sunday school convention opened with
rich men are able by any scheme, how-'. trigni sunshine, the beautiful weather
ever deeply laid, to intimidate or affect j """tinning throughout the day. At the
the government. Never again will the ' morning session C. W. Was,n of Che
hanks try scch a rjya! bluff as that. i m,wa "'rintendent of the Harrison int'tnte, spoke for thirty minutes tpon
? 1 raining lor .service." H
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalles, - Oregon.
Tl tl.ift, liirneKt, mid Iniht itintiMger
NliiKictl IiiHtruinentH, Witcltew,
Jewelry ntnl iSrx.rtltin GikkIh.
Aft. Uiinttitirn-lirertteti NteiritKtilp Co'm
Tlckvta t. t nil from Kur-x.
Powrr ArreTin. Low ln t. t'r rn thi Iiitt.
I V 11. , 1. a . m, ' 1 . . . -L. I L
. . . . i ..... u'w uuruirtc v u rr iu uir
vr m ueaiocrmiic nouse u representatives 1 . , , , .
L- l x j , . , '. . , i constitution was soielv responsible. It
which had a two-thirds majonrr of his , . . . : .
. ,. ,. . , T . . v," . wouid have ln much better to have
fellow disciples. It it nouceabie, how-', ... .... . , ,
: . . kept these institutions at Portland e-
ever, tnat uetr ODjections were pure.y ; .a,,T WDli which ,f meT , 7.0 and $-u,v f-r extracting Kl, ef, j cause of Christianity
wem.uien! wou naa no weigt.r wna ! lr , ba2e work.ilo! .nd oncht to be at t,alirl- tl e u"lk;n? 45 Vi,llt- nJ me toP' wrn
majority ol tne bench. . ,,.i ..t -;.. i the l.lter 2ti. Mackay next went to ! G. II. Col.ier
' the removal cf these two institution. Chie- M thi P;a iv r of be " 01 th" Sunday School
more r.f th K i, ! -' r the year is out. i t. Biair, Salem
ceased, l-v
is a verv
Mackay s t physicians charged : entertaining talker, and earnest in the !
Other i merest -
What it Cleveland going to do about
it? He already stands arraigned before .
the bar of public opinion for obstructing :
the operation of a law, regnlarly enacted '
and was endorsed by the court of last
resort, as far as the written law is e-.n- '
eemed. In that higher court where th j
nnwritten law is even more potent than
ny legislative enactment, Mr. Cleve
land will be convicted of malfeasance iu
office. Who but be should have knoa n
that the Geary act was not in conflict,
with the provisions of the constitution? :
And, even if he d job ted the validity of :
the law, what excuse can be nd for,
suspending its operations? The fact
that the money appropriated by
the Geary act is entirely insufficient to
carry out it provisions as to deportation
of the Chinese laborer cannot have in
fluenced him. The great mass of the
democratic party is in sympathy with
the anti-Coolie agitation, which pro-
the location of any
i2..i'i.i ,-ns at 7-a.em ceaseu, l-v com
mon co5rr.t, and ail tl.e institutions
since t!.e:i t.ave teen located at Engene.
Corva. kb and otLr places. Tnis policy
should I a::d will be continued, w::li-
oit any rejir 1 to a clause in the con
stitctio:: ti.iit has been as dead f- r a
quarter of a century as the r'.ai!
scribicg that none htit '"free w-.ite tuuie
citizens" c-u!d vote. And if any'tmdv 1
insists that this clause shall be revire-i. ;
at this late day. and every pui ln- uil I
ir.g and all the appropriation- c.r
on all the buinesof a great L!e s .n'
he dumped in to Salem, it will not t.-. -
tuken I
by Bev. J.
g t.ri.te t!ie year is out. t. Biair, Saiem. The question box con-
Ma. kay is surely getting reckless, and Uined a good many leading questions,
we w ill next hear ot sul-criptions being . which were spicilv answered bv K. W.
l-:!" j Alien of Portland, who is very quirk-
. witted and always an admirable hand at
Jrertee. Temperance," by Mrs. A.
R. Biggs, was well handled. 8he is
' modestlv-cuiet. thon?h frrn-fnl kr
T. .i .
.:e;ije;... in le-ivania irie ies
f pro;-rty is ieldes railway
tritfi;c i stir;4-nded to a lare degree.
IiSa-trju 3 iois are expected in both !
isiianuy. utlier interest-1 f X w T t - - -
, "The Teacher; by M.jCORD W OOD Ajkwfl
, Lupene, and Manage- LKAHAPPLE
lv t:
At C
I'er.r.'j Ivania have l-eeu
r heaviest rains known for
r-vrini ;'- inches have
t'.iraj continue
tion. Thi country and ail - u:!if.f 1,-r.
will vote solid for it, and so wiii Eis-r.,
(regon and the northern end of the Wil
lamette vailev. Purely Saiem ought to
be satis6ed. and we have no doubt the
ith the
"i'nysician, heal thyself"' will come
: i..lnd in conne-ti'n with tiie failure
! Ir. Warner, the sate cure man.
; -i-ral supposition was that he
was well timbered
with statistics. he mentioned bow
Rusaia would I vastly more prosperous
if ber grain were used to feed the hun-
! gry instead of being converted iuto al
jcobolic drink. ''Sanday School Fi
I nance, by Iv. H. L. Bates, did not
show, claimed the author, a large a
sum in the treasury as be might well
Th i
j nope lor, sti.l every pressing debt wa
" i .-u. i i''.r,i., pf-nk guv aioiiev i increasw
of euM.lie. there was htt to
in 'peculation, instead of keeping up his regret in the past and much to hope for i
advertising tae future. j
j fight to be made against the location of
the remainder of the state institutions
T : : r ' j i l : - . .
. " . . ." ( miKintv of her cit.zen are
It i. hare'v risible, a. rv.!r,r. H.r,n. r.f t'e asylum and the penitentiary
Tacoma says, that the esiorcement of
an act of congress has been interfered
, " . m- l ii v J outside of s-alem, thev will find that the
legation at W ashington. If such is thei . -
; proyc oi wiuri isturru sections oi ,
; the state will be delighted to taken;,
i the challenge, and when that time comes
i Saiem will be f rtnnat if she retains
what she now has or any part of it. j
A Bar far tww
Governor Pennover ha easilv dis- , , . ., , , 1
, . , ,, ' Itching piles are known by moisture
tanced the 6e,d as the winning ; hke .U, caoain, intJne itching I
presidential jsjs; hi: ity in lJ by his when warm. Thi form, a well a
spirited resentment of Gresham' insult I blind, bleeding or protruding, vield at I
to Oregon. It will now be Pennover or i0", to l- ,' Pile Kemedy,
Llewellvn of Kansas. ! ".L! direfljr a..7rU
.uuimi, Aimia iLCUlug ILU ri-
fTiuiaiirui i j re. .j cen ip
THrasiiAT, May l-th. The condition
of the market h been quite ati fac
tory for the past week. Business has
been more brisk and price
, an American mav wren take excep
tion, and rejoice in the decision of the
opreme court; for, bad the detisJon
been adverse the Chinese would Lave
uau occasion to revrara tnem-,ves as ! torr for the past week. Business has While Mr. Hannah Hogan, lady 60
masiers oi me ai.uauon. WA pjirjg iBILJTIE" ' n morf tritk "n1 Pri teadv. j year of age, w a walking pant a brick
What wiH be the consequence? Time, t " i There have been no cl.ange in qoota- boildinr, which wa being erected on
which "at last sets ali things even" wiii j The present shape of our relation ; tion n '-I jrrw-ery and provision line, j Market street, Kan FraDcisco, .he wa
teU. In the meantime let n preserve j wi-h China has reached a critical point, FtTm PocU continue to arrive, ! struck by a falling iron girder which bad
' ' r iiiiu w.renuy a vision oi war witn that " ,ku "c c.truuuu oi imiaioee, wiaicn i oeea improner.T tiracea. and wis in-
Cor. third and union
Tinning and Plumbing a Special
No. 07 Washington tkkkt. . . The Dallu
W'bolesvale and P.etail iK-aler and Manufatorer of
Mint Hiierial ud Diafusii TiEbtr, IWs, Hitdtiis, Mgldkn, Hoik Firiiiir
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and F
Boxes and Packing Cases.
f actory nd aJVimVior Tarcl at Old IM. X3allaa
fett a tiermanent cure. 50
Iniartiets or rnsil. Plrenlara Iraa fir
Kosanko. Z;V Arch St.. Philadelnhia. i DRY Pine. Fir. Ofllr and RlaV. rxmnri Tkli-natA d
a,.!J 1.. OLLJ.. 1 11 I. ' ' ' v. " WaL 1
vj .a u ijvni(uwR
any part of the city.
JOIUU Llif ua allSl 11 18 LIT UUIJ Ol a.l
good citizen to obey the law of the
land and heartily co-operate in its en
forcement. The supreme court of the United
State baa allied itself with Governor
Pennoyer of Oregon ia bidding Presi
dent Cleveland "attend to bis bueinees."
C'MBtr t'lerh's Uc.
i t 1
power ig, according to the Latest advices, ; are nd price are higher than : tant!y killed.
a prospective possibility. Ac yet, how- j lMt "eek quotation. J
ever, tiie re is more sensation than fct ! 1-W are plentiful on former market.
concerning the apprehension. If w ar is price- j All person having warrant in the
declared China will be responsible for I Butter i more plentiful, and dealer band of the county clerk issued more
;? r,,mnU...t -. ... . . Irs Uth m Mr : than seven vear pri'r to J ulr 1st.
ilWrtiU,,..,.,..!..! The rreat .i,n-r;. i. i ,!" hereby notibed to. all lor the an. i
" " l " ' vi vi in iijc ; Mn ijaujuru, t jqq
L Riled suites. 8int-e tie Gatt ct ie
(Kuoiisjr to L. I). Frank, dereaswd.)
rpifi - SiS
A ie. rrl Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
although there is a light movemeut in , treasurer for payment within iitv dav 1 REPAJEINO PBOMlPTLr .! NEATLY XtOTSi
TAX TIIE Otr.V;.v.
declared constitutional, no nation Las : arrival. Foreign and eastern advice from the 1st day of July. 1H93
I the right to question our ow n law, or i indicate easy market and a light de- ' rrot totca.l.-d for and ireiu
Albert A.
I n .1 . . . n,.,..l iur aaFw niev wi i is cancelled ana
to ai-eent to the extent of irliun,n,ani man a. t . -, .,, ., , .
w. .. . , , , . . ... - innTii luereoi win tnereiore be re-
Pope, the bicycie maker, by the force of arm. The United h late The wool niarket ituation continue fused. Pv order af the Conntv r..nri
ha written c a letter, arguing against ha been most liberal in the matter of nrjebanged. The market quotation are StmjlOjelW J. B. C'jsa.
tie pro;ioeal plan to tax individual permitting Chinese to settle among n 1 nominal and lifele. There areonlv'-. County Clerk.
owner of bicycle. He claim that thev l withont icr.mir. eif;..r,. t i.. : two or three bnvers on tf.e m..v.i .a lue Oregon, aiay bid, ikjs,
are a neceseitv
becoming citizen. It ha ,wo w three buyer on the market and
to the better clas of final lv become expedient t mrtrit r,.r. the interest in traie i in a sinrr
workmen in the citiee, enabling them to j ther immigration under these Condi- i conditi-in.
Py cheaper rents. Mr. Pope argue In ! tions, and to that end an act ha len
a narrow groove. It will be Lard to j formulated requiring those already here
eon vince the vast majority of the people to register. Through incumfetent ad
that bicycle are other than a luxury, vice the Chinese pid no attention to
The bicvcle that are bought to save rent thi unpie requirement. This is the
cannot amount to more than 10 per cent, j whole story simplified, and it should
of those old. For instance, there is not j not cause any great amount of trouble.
a Dtcycie vi tiie imrty or tony in l tie tor diplomatic reasons t
Whiat 62 to fWc per bu.
EsaLrr Price are op to
cent per 100 lb.
horta are
Q noted at 11 lul rr ,.n ;j
MS I 1 AOO r. n . - a.-, fJl . . . .
1 V I 1 1. . .-. per Mm, JVJlieq
Fi-r , u-ji iu,i-rw riveu'i wie unit lor registration, i tmney, ZS (Ml to t-4 00 per ton. Ihell-
oi-uer kj u in vsregvn save r on. ana ont It does not Riuow that the govern- wn Ir IU0 .
m ttu probahie. it i equally aa prob- i ment
For !.
Two corner lot, with live room cot
tage and outbuilding, a rood well of
, 1 water, also city water, nice young fruit
oii-W tree, rood soil, desirable location, and
. rtliirk i:rl.i-n kaa II L' . .
Osrs-The oat market i. .tiff and of. j ' " " t"'
ferings are light at tl 50 to $1 6i cenU I
per luO im. j "
MiLLaTTPr Bran and
Wlvcteals and Retail Mm in Eamsss, EnClcs, fairs, Eine ElEilsli 5
Full AssErtEEnt cf Mm limn Plaii cr Slcijet
need recede from its trarnose.
ble that more than 75 per cent, of the bi- 1 The apprehended troobie over indigui
yele ased ia Portland are owned by tie to American in China might occur
partieawbo do not buy them to save tin any case, as daring the time when
awssary walking, bat are a luxury, jour relation with China were most
Wage worker cannot afford to bey bi- j friendly, it ha been related that Ameri
CTcle a a role, especially married men . can settlement were at time eoin-
witb families. The other principal ar- polled to defend
gnment advanced is that it would he a i from on ignorant rabble. The diffusion
hard matter to asses them equitably. of the late news throughout the empire
KotataX Any aseesamr who ba judge-j may have the effect of increasing the
tent enough to as the value of a j rancor on the part of these irresponsible
wagon, i capable of pronouncing upon j mol, bet the Chinese government must
a bicycle, with a tmali ootlay of inquirv. he held responsible for this, which it
Mr. Pope believe the maker ehouid be the only cause for immediate alarm,
taxed. We do not know whether it i ; .
aa easy to escape taxation in Masarhu-i John W. Markav, the California irii
setts as it ha been in Oregrn. but we liocaire, is in Chicago for a fortnight's
ar certain.' y not in favor of paring Ma- sightaeeinp at the fair. It i said Mrs.
achnsett bounty in he shape of taxes , Mackay has rented a mansion and wiii
jrhen we can kp the money at home, t entertain here daring the ta'r,
Fi.ot a Salein mill flour i Quoted at
M -to per barrel. Diamond brand at
i 50 per bbl. per ton and 3 75 per bbl.
Hat Timothy bar range In price
from 112 0M to $15 ui per f.n, aerording
to ouality and condition. Wheat hay i
in full t.jck on a limited demand at
I0 Ulto12l Ti.. :.
. . j - - - - ' ' " . ' V J a i.
- no inui , innnirr lir Ml hit anil rw-aa. ... -ar
. , . " " - f" " - " , V VU.
Aiiaua nay i not much called lor, and
is quoted at 10 W to 112 W per ton.
These quotations are for bailed bay ex
clusively. BrTT Fresh roll butter at 40 to fsO
cent per roll, in brine or dry salt we
ju ne oo 10 vi rent per roll
Imported English Shirt Sullioa
So. I. I.m H.wkr. jr7 B-,,wn, llx
IseA hrwl hy Mra. I ....nt. w ,numWi,
W.-l.lrr In prlMl Iwv.
Kin Kiiw ,4 the Valte,. 3174: he hy Dernr..
be tf B.l lorn. lw.-. Ur bf
H-Ttf.srd. Ie
Mert.;t, lit
3xA fresh ega-s sell at 16 and
are quoted at M
Por Chickens
to to per dosen.
i.rrr a :urrro- lieer ca'.tle are in
I mcsierate aemand at r jiKL
; w-tnui rr'jm to lor extra g'sjd
Mutton is quoted at 13 50 and H w
be b W. 144
i br M.a-t f,m. Why be bv Kns-
. . . . ' "7 a-ru, ailir fier.1 ia
by lsrbysblre. 6s; be by 1-wbj.ulre lr-r.t ,,.
Havinr porrhaaed the ce'.elaUd Hal
lion, LOKI HAWKE, he wiU make the
season at V. L. Ward on Mondav
TueSKiays and Wednesday; and at Iu
fur on Thursday, Friday, and r-atur-day.
Charge lor the season, 10; to insure,
The best of care will I taken of ani
ma . but no repoiibilitjr for damage,
will tie assumed.
Lord Hawke won the r loo premium at
Hexara. England, in
ii.erile paid for Lord Hawke wa
New - Umatilla- House
Ticket and Eaggage Office of the U. P. II. U. 0,uui.v. and ,;. of the W1
Union Telrgrapli Office- are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise
Dry G, Clothine, Gent' Funii-liii)g CmU, I'W,
Show?. Hats, Cajff Urocer'u', Hani wart',
Cnxkery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles, 0t-