The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 19, 1893, Image 4

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. . . , A There is every prospect that the m-i-'atiKAT SATIRAL
ThO WPPVIV Cnrnnin ft J.rvx.:v arrangements with Brazil and;
a, w w a k w ,
J w uh
.i'iM.vr ...
pain, so ur as v. ui an j run n.u-0 hp --
are concerned, will 1 terminated a j Pallw is full of luriutarc that a man
, wl,:r a invisible. Under the treaty I ufaetared in lirand Kapids, Michigan.
j The e-lueihle M ill IT.l.l.lJ He lb
ItlrbeM m Upfnnl This tr.
- : ; ith Brail reciprocity
! vimIm.) l.v ..iflier ,,-irti: II non c:V:l)i7
iim niiitr. : month' notice; a ith pain the mnt ual ; tiranJ l.apu.s,
. .. . ( agreement of both -ow. U rcce-sary.
inoutrv mio liie workings oi mu ti
ith tluw cvHintri. was instituted It Hut supplies Grand P.apid with this, A circular letter was issued fnum thin
immediate! v
inav I termi- Thousands of other store in the west j The following is a o( mlorma-
. i t . . . . . : i... i t . a . .,l v.
three i contain turn.ture tnat was maoe in iioii eonceroiiis p"".r " -
Mich. The power ued I Columbia and" tributary rivers from the
for all the va-t manut'acturiea of tirand weather bureau at Portland nn.ler tlie
Kapids, Mich., is water. The stream ! date of Mav 1 1th.
j ei- i hui.tDi miti.e.l t r u er ivaer 19 u'utucu w mi Mm i;miic tu.-e mi u .-ii, iei e n vm
'"'. " . '". . ... ; . I.- v.... 1 . .1 - f! ! - it-: i.- ....... ,t ; rtf
his assuiiip.ioa 01 tle ot ia;e, unnu oak a uu uijn ui.ii..M.,.rgiiji.iii,iuu,. ....... .
M' i and is aia to have (ievelowJ aa uiik-U-! creek U now, and has but IS feet t'a'.I. I Washincton, Orepv n, Idaho and M.m-
r.utiie. aiiJ madr known ! f . . vrsum Joinir I The Colnaibia river a few uii'.efc aUive tana, w hich are drained by the lV " -
buines with Cuba and Torto Licolhere ha a thousand linses as ; ma, -nate, ana inouiary ri-
s-i bn k:ition k ate.-
IT Mill. !"0"TAtt rBCrilD. IX iVj
the uiiilfrfiiiel nit'ii.l r of tl
ei-roner's jury, enianelel to invent ial
ti.e death of Itrra'tlah Ma'ey, fom d
dead on the tweltli day of Mae, lS;;;t, at
the reidemt of S. 15. l:iver in Wamie,
lreinii, f:n l that ttie deeesM came
to li. deatli from a cunrliot 'in d in
flitted !)' Ian oau hand, and further
Cud that no other panic are in any
wie r dtv'e'" I " 1 I !u fvr the death cf
'4 1 rx ui);.ih
on ti'V-iCMUtiu.
A l- tl t."THF CKKON
1 L.,' Ttir Intiits, vrv'frtn.
U10 t. Ht
CU NTT orriciALft,
Judm Gt?c 0. BUkeleT
I cvmpUia that ttie mproc:ty provisions burse power; the IV Chutos river ha? j for ictWmation oomvrutnj tiif :'. . u.t
j of the trtmty arts not olervei tr thf f a hnn!rta tinivs a much, aiU Mi. I
El, Tiff..
"-k .-
T. A Vkri
J. B. ?TWMn
U m. Michfi
Jrnm. Immirltr
' f Friii k kimJ
Affair Joel W. kinU
SiirTfv-or E F hr
mjr.uUjutitMit Public Schuali Ttt Shf.iey
u-;t:ht N. M. Axi
liX-al official of thooe countries, who in
sist upon maintaining practically pro
hibitive duties upon articles that should
be exeuipt. Complaints of Braii'., while
le!s numerous, are of the same character.
VVhen the telephone patent expires,
as it will soon, it will be one of thepreat
est blessings to the rural popnlation
that has ever yet been known. A prxd
telephone can be made for seventy-five
cents, and the cost of the necessary
wire is only a small amount of several
dollars. When the telephone monopolv
A reporter of Tm Chkomcle sought
a leading: lawyer of The Palles today for
lijTtit upon the icira! probabilities and
posslbiltiesof the injunction suit now
pealing. It wa? this gentleman's opin
ion that the ininnction suit would be
r,ft.,:n.-t ... ... ...1, .1 - co. :.. 1 t o. i different viliases caa establish their own
. te:enhi"r.e lines, and hrinp :! the d:!.tr- I CP. re
w , . ,- --
creek, for the tuot of the vear, l as ten
times the amount. Smie day this vast
waste of jower will lie utilized and our
furniture made at home and save the
vast profits of freight, as well as keeping
the money at borne. We will then lie a
producing community instead of a con
suming one, which is the sure founda
tion of ail wea'th. Times will then lie
nniform'y prosperous. All seasons will
then le alike, and nat, as now. lie Cash
durinp the wool and wheat shipments,
and lu'elets the balance of the year.
With thousands of operatives receiving
I is killed, co-operative eecieties
i yv the law in question could scarcely 1
;'.iliier. He did not think, however.
tint the Ea-tem Oreiron a?v!um won
the good wages, profits of trade invented at
home, and vast establishments hui.t
prosjiect is surely flattering.
ent farmers within ten miles into
such ;
j . re;auonsinp as o oe ao.e to i.i.t wi;ti ;
oo:ue under this caterory, rea?ouing ' each other at any time, even when thej
ti:3t the mere fact oi the buiidinff is not " " g'o"J as 10 pre-
ti e inszitutLn. The state wcul 1
t'.e ri;ht to build a supreme court
have ' Tect "".em irom getting out.
I bined w ith dailv de.ivervof mails
i. i.. i ... : nusf tae conntrv a more
... . ,- . . , r'ai-e to live in and tend to r.reve-t the ana various otner native wakks. e
i-i.:atioc ot the Kastern lre:jn session, 1 ' 1 "J 10 i'"--'
... , . . . , i voucs? men f-om leavirp the farm for are te Mecca of the wool producer, anu
. ' i, A . n .n ,i i : : with the Tast w heat rro.inion. w e are
a-Mn a LrrSM!!" infi.t r.f rr,r n. "' "ul """ uiwi i-
o:.e. In tiie same manner a branch
ifrium could I located a a ay from
"alt;in. a iart i,f tije n(
Salem, havins the same lard . rection cannot lie arrived at owing to the
dirertors as at Salem and aotic,
r.aJer tueir ins;ructions. In other
words a Lnil.K::" is not n imirirnrwin
Lat rather ti.e r,l.,.;; V , ' "'id bile the citizens of tiie .' them in person or by mail. Mrs. Cleve-
r . .... the menus to lfi pn.l Th. ar
'Ijes not l'.ieve it advisable t. in,.r.. ! P" with them, they are. of course. ' since election day with an appalling
preventea py intematior.a! l3w, from in- ! rnmoer of app.ications lor cilice, cue
. terfering in their favor. There are mar.y 1 you::g woman, the wife of a new sena-
Cubans in Florida, who are anxious to tor, recently suffered a danrerons attack
' aid the cause, bet are prevented by the of nervous prostration, brougf t on by
, vigilance of the United fnitix! Mates nothing but the heart-rending ;rvna!
Tiie ret-ent piuic in Wall street was . authorities from embarking In ar.y cuiii- i suj piicatiot.s and letters to which the
the result of iaie of the trusts a Uch j or transporting arms and ammuti-' had been subjected. She was very ten-ccr-e
the country. In a few, and a very f ti'Ja. Cuiia might by making the proper der-hearte..i, and tried to ktten l to ail
lew ca-s. tru-ts may be honestlv man- overtures, he accepted by the I mted the apjiea.s tnat came to her. Of course
eg" 1, their originators aiming to exclude I "'-es for annexation, bat the fertile she broke down under the strain. Mrs.
Ijgewi and fa r competition laid thus ex- island seems to prefer a government of
tort encsj-i.ed protlts from the consum- I '-9 can, and we would be glad to see it
r.. In ai.Mt roses, however, ther crae- accomplish that end.
ire the aj !i;i'-r.a! fraud
We have rower enough w ithin t.iteen
miles of us to run all the stationary en
gines in the United States.
Besides the question of power we are
on;j threshold billions of feet of the finest
deslra'ole ! eufar pine, fir, white and yellow pine
The inside facts of the Cuban insar-
capao.e ot upp.ying stie.ter ana
! raiment to the w orld, if demande.1.
The oSce seekers do not confine their
efforts ior endorsement and iriflance to
public otTiciais alone, but ti e female rt-1-
, strong fight for independence, however, atives of the latter are also besieged by
is certain, and while the citiiens of tiie ,' them in person or by mail. Mrs. C
United States would be inclined to svm- land's mail has leen burdened ever
e 1 That the revolutionists are making a
er i
the number of patients at one point and ; Pf international law, from in- ! number of applications for ctTlce.
ioe dt-?;r
vork in p
asviam. lie
r another
injunction with the
located elsewhere.
asylum, to
enormonsiv i
over-ciipitairzirig their combinations, is
Fxng st ks gi-eatly in excess of the cost
rir tiie value of ttieir property. As these
ianipnlators know the ficticious value!
s: ttiese stovi and ttieir capitalization
"trrj- naiara'iy unload when the lea-t
I nrrv ciiies. Iu grjcb case, the in- j
The intunta Falaliehas thrown an eti
quette bombshell into the camp of com
mitteemen. f..r her reception in the
United States, and it is learned from an
authentic source that the infanta has
sent word that sne will not stop at the ,
Cleveland does not interfere in any way
with the letters of this character that
j are addressed to her, aad most of them
, she does not even see. They receive at
tention, if at all, from her aim nuensis.
I There is one kinj of oSlce-set kers who
' rarely trouble the wives of official.
' They are pretty girls, who prefer to n
' ert their influence on the husbands
themse.ves. i et, if they oily realized
it, a pretty woman, with an unhappy
of suow now in the mountains a id
probabilities for a June rise in : i t
rivers. The letters ere most th iroiu'.'v
and intelligently answered, and i.omi
every correspondent came about ;.; .
same reply, towit: "The snowfall
past winter has been heavier than it 1
been for many years. At the pn--r
time the snow is melting in the loci
foothills but several feet yet remain 1
higher up where, at this date in May, it :
is usually bare. The small streams are
rising rapidly, and all persons in this
vicinity anticipate high water." j
The cool, cloudy season has lieen very
favorable to high wtter, but no serious
flood, but the snow in the foothills has !
commenced to mea and it is fluaing to
the sea gradually, though already tilling
the smaller streams luu.k full. A con
tinuation of temperature lielow the i
normal to June loth, ahii h is hard y
possible, will, to a great extent, csen :
the height of the water ; should a warm.
Jieriod vur, the snow w ill lie melted
more rapidly, and in that event a more j
severe flood wouid occur, rhere is yet j
an immense amount of snow in the C'ns- t
cade and Coast ranges of mountains, and I
this is liable to met when the Columbia
rises, in which event the proliable tl ood
condition in the Willamette, at I'ort
iand, would 1 intensified. It should
l-e borne in mind by all those liable to j
1 affected that the snow conditions now 1
in the mountains make afi od risible :
and that a flood will probably occur. t
The following statement of the height j
of the Willamette at I'ortland in feet!
and inches since 3 sCS will in this ciu-!
nertion prove to I interesting. The :
rise from January to April is due to the
con i'oions existing almost entirely in
the Willamette valiey, and the rie from
May to July is almost eutireiy from the
rise in the Columbia and consequent
backwater in the Willamette.
:r KiKF. ai 1;IL i
n. svAi.t.
A. .!. Smrr,
V. i;. Cantkill,
t;. M:u r.K,
V. Mini K. KD.
!". t : :.
krf tm mm
at IitMomjr l.lvrs t
Ancient I'arxli.
The exUteni-e of n tiiarr c: labyrinth
l.ii'issu. I retc. i. lim- i-t y the
t legend of Thei-w hlnyini. !" ','notair
1 in it hc.rt t . ti c help .'runlne,
; who gyve him u t:ir'al l. ;; o:t le
htnd him a a clew, in rn-netratiii; its
i rii'i-M'v and Ko by the f.i.1 that old
I coins of I'rvto exhibit the figure of a
lat'yTitith. Suae tf tfie uiax-s of thx
I iMins an' c'.rvulor, others rci tarnjuiar,
' but, aeeordiiii, to the l'hi!:li'iph:a
I Keeord, the internal arrangement i the
same in ail. and consist of a round
j alK'Ut path hieh leaves the traveler no
f' pS
Mr .T.C!.Jonsof Fult-in A,
trac.ri aM n.u.l.,.1... . . '"SM
without any relief. lalsoJ'
rial aaJ iHtab, retnedu, H
wwrul resnltN but which brooA.
aiuu-K or mercun I r.samju,.
made my life one of aony.
ennjf iimr yewrw i jravo Up all ,v-
ami commenced usinir K k. r
Ukinjf kereral bottdoa, I mat 0
ptinvi an.i able to ruru work 1
- - - i i'iwi M"-"funj to
Treatise oe HWm.1 n.1 ftt rnmi
Ask your Dealer
ro tii
Gsnl Mi
a rria mav i
Vnr Imtf He:i:I.t l!r
1-" . .lnif 'i
!"" . Jloir t, in
i- r s .'Hn. i r. 4 ju'v i.
. -i. fell 7 1 T !! t.
. ii Msn-ti t 'J ? Jiitr I :
!-.! 1' 7 fell J. .1 1" J tl IM- 1 ,
t '-" .1 - Jniiei'.
I s s II-. J u s: I
!-. .. it 1 f-ti 4 J".U J'ltir le
ir . r t- !. I i i t Jus ji i
I ... 1' i. f-ti 11 1- -1 Jntir Jl j
l-'i .... I" M.r-Is u leu Mrt .' i
.. ' f-ti .". Ji I Mr-.-
11 I Van h (l June 7
1'-'J . '.-.I JH. .' l'.'.J Juiit.'li
choice of route or chance of error.
Hence Uiihard Inwards has s.urraied
that the device on the coins only shows
the clew or key to the ri-ht path, and
l"aves out the wrong cues. ;v takim?
thf maw u shown on the coins unl
treating the circular tiiridir.g walls as
double, each mi. taming a pttvsaire of the
same vt iilth as tlie nad sh-m n on the
coins, he obtains the genuine labyrinth,
aa heen in the accompiiLy ing figure,
which is diSicult to explore to the
center even w hen ht-n at a plance on
pnisT. 1 he coin device is fcimpiy each
alternate circle of thia one. To jrive
the key in brief avoid every alternate
circle or path. s-U'-h a labyrinth lu-lpe
u to underttaud how useful the col
ored thread of Ariadne might lie to
Theseus, lK-eause on rt tuming1 to any
place he h:l passed be would fnd his
own thread and lw able to make a lct-
t . r . t ,-: i t ..
Hand Made
Fresh Paint
Hotel M aidorf and occcr.v rooms for.
; 'ateJ stov-fcs eii.k to tK-ti.ething like their nier'.y otrnpied by a subject. In fact, ta'e' " fc;ie 9 Te3-'-? P'JJ end true, is
real value, ani those who held thern she refuses to be fjuartered in the jr-st oue to "P" oman'e sym
u .?n the fall came are badly hurt. Uu- j hotel, much less occupy rooms vacated J ,,2t! -T ind en''f 1 IiPr e:T"
r.a;aril iufiatlon to pay high dividends, by the duke of Veragua. The members i -
w ith no actual value to represent many j of the committee are in a quandary now j The enterpri"e of railroad builders has
a crusti mnstcome, to know where to get suitable aceouioda- i overreached .itse.I m try mg to lay a
tions. The infanta is very particular,
and such petty methods as these to make
her royalty stand out stiff, like a hoop
skirt, should le frowned dow n bv the
; citizens of the United Slates, who are all
! kings, as well as subjects.
if these trust stocks
r.nd the stronger will then control the
weaier. f ispttch.
President Clarkson is cndonbtedly a
tmart man and a pood republican, but
tie make a sxr argument for the su
periority of republican management
ten he says that the recently inaugu
rated administration has shown an ad
News of fresh bank failures comes ai-
verse balance of foreign trade in the last dat!-T troza tLe c!tlp of tiie Mile
four months of vj.cJ0,fs against a e" wnere u'e conditions of extended
favorable balance of ITJ.OjO.CKiO in the , cre'J;' dependent upon renewal of loans
rt four months of Harrison's adminis- 'n euorl tniervais, are more prevalent
trait across the faya..up reservation,
and the fivernment has put a summary
stop to the w ork by ordering out troojis.
No trouble is anticipated, as when the
projectors understand that the govern
ment means business, they will drop the
scheme and direct their efforts to some
other quarter.
t'hesteet Stx-lal.
A very pleasant affair was the surprise
tendered the Alki club at tiie residence
Tiie public can gauge their opinion
relative to high water, by the tetujiera
ture condition from now on. If the
temperat'ire shouid be high, or even
normal, higher water may occur from
June 10th to July 10th than if the tfin
jierature should remain bebiw the nor
mal. In any event it is iierfectiy safe to
say that the river, at I'ortland, will 1
by Jane 20th, up to the 12-foot mark on
the river gauge at the foot of Stark
street, and may be higher.
The Columbia is rising rapidly, hav
ing gained nearly -ight inches last
night, and all the experienced river men
here predict the highest water known
for 20 years. B. S. P Afire,
Local Forecast Official.
There is ri' thir g I I. live eer used for !
lijuscr.'.ar rheumatism that gives U;e as !
much relief as ChaiiiN-rlain'a 1'uiu I'.ulm !
doe. I hae Itfii using it for atout 1
two vear fitir'es ia as ocea-!
sion reijuired, and alwsy ke ji a bittli
oi ii in u:v iiouie. I ieiieve l knuw a
go-sl when I get hold of it, aad j
Pain Ba'.ui i the Is-st liniment I have j .
ever met w.tti. . It. I e;iny, dairy
man, New Iexingtan. Ohio. '') cut'
Vittle for ale liy Illakeiey fk If..t:ghton. I
r (.IOHT ln-rrliT ar-tiit,
Hl evittii'ioiienu l-i every lrletk4
And ejietnt II !,. tM, fcnr
J4e Uiejr lew ur lie tiw j uianr
The lime f..r !ntir,K tv.w h, c,,
A'.il e' err ei.e il.;n m horiie
TSnl li.A tn-.h ar.-l rtmn ani
An untie t'Ul t .,.1 .niI.l.T I
f'.iMmr, juttTini roirnix tm
;.! mi )."" ' ' .eiMiar.
fo- wr.l Ink.. r..i.:- i.iii e.tie-,.),
l! l),r ,f ti.e dill.
I? ."-j hciie ..rk r' r tiitn tKU.
lir J Uifcv yi.iir'r. late or eiiall.
iV. C. GILKKir,
I' . IV. No. ,
The Snug
A ov:t stick-pin shows a Isjw of
e I l.r, i ,.r.,......l i.l. 1 BO
' " ..Mi... i ' . . II Jit'UUllUl IIID
tainicg a fine thamomL
W. H, BUTTS, Prop.
90 Second Erect, The Pallet t
A Mllllei
tl, i- tl.- o, Tl :. ,l..t t T t ti t n iotii'j m iirrru in m
trstioii. i!e time in both instances is ' u ' urw prooi oi a. j eiers paiuraay evening; . . .
t-i,..e. ifl. i i :.i j 'that constriction o! credits dm, m tm. ! br i nnmlvr n( tl, rn, A.lana no1 llJn one Ul
euvi . fc" ' uc I IJ 1. 1 1 1 rZ'A l, duller HI. 1 , - - " , . " - - . . . Ji. .1 I , , . .
- .i , . . ... . . . have found lust such a
ministration ot her tban that made re-l' ,a''J lu lue enaurmg soundness ( enon musical program a chestnut I ... . .
muni.;, i-. tr ir: . i . 1 of our national ccrrenrr . wh irh i. tv, hunt tu imintm.1 in i,nj...i i KinK discovery loi
o..,,. ; .1 a most conspicuous and alamnri tuenn chetnnt f,MH.n l,r, .. .,..... ouns, ana Oi'is. 11 you
unuauir, ill ll,li;iillli;ill Ul UCUimTaLlC " ' . " i -" - - - . r.s.i . i uuum. ;
iignment of democratic
party are truer .though there is nothing j tLe Prnt equation. This cocstric-
1 ' . 1 . . ., ' linn m ti it rftafenat mov I rt.'' ..A .
iie i..T original in mem. ttie netrro 1 , .i-u uirju w.
'jneetion esiieclallv line time-bonored I conUnoe lon8 silver purchases awarded the lady 1 prize. Messrs. BaUe
and threadbare. i contmne and to bear growing fruitage of i Johnson and John Booth each found an I
Mis Kate bell aft found the largest
number of any of the ladies and was
This well known stand, kept btt
The tiromptuets and certaiidv of its ' we'1 I""1" W. JL Butt, lonf a e
cure, have made Chamberlain. Cough i V:' ! ' lf ' bM "
! l 1 ?. . , . . u"rJ llnr '"fa oi
... , ji i iiucnueu etic-: ot. n j n e n j t -t r.-ji
allv for col . - I. i f -P Dfrftri Ptllfht tli Ifli Ili!OTr
ine comrh. and i. tl.- ..-, fr-.... i .?n th 'ldmc brandsaf
C. B.
friend indeed I re'euy xuonn lorti.ese disea-es.
illioa people! l' h- Main of Lcion City, Pa., says : !
friend in Ir. 1 IiBV" great sa.e fn t. haiiilieriain f i
Consumption, j Cough Keuiedy. I warrant every U.ttle
have never i na ""ve '""''''f iieaM of one failing to'f
f iiinora atiif f'iiara i,i,t
I old man a call and yon will come apt
used this Oreat Cough Medicine, one iVe rnUT sutistaction. ' W tent bottle
trial will convince von that it ha. 1 f,jr "!e l,y Blakeley 4 Uou
wonderful curative powers in ail
diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
.erjual number and had to draw lots.
- j Booth drew the lucky straw and re-
Some of the revelations of the census cived the prize. Lancing was then in
will startle a good many iieonle. For'dulged for a time, after which a deli
cious luncheon was served. Those
Lach bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at fnipeg & Kinersly's
drugstore. Large bottles &0c and 1.00.
business failures. Oregonian
t mail. .a county will henceforth have
a new element in their elections in the
Indian. There are a good many hun
dred of them who will be entitled to instance, there are now more than 500
eucrage, as they will aoon be full fledged 000 almond trees bearing in the United , P"rsent were : Mr. and Mrs. J. T.Peters,
ctizens of the United State. The al- J States ; there are hundreds of thonsands i Maybel Mack, P.utU Cootr'
1 I'rriPnt tJ tl...;. l-cl- . l. . ! a I . -
. ' arTr irrai i t 11H , OI ueanriZ COcoacnt trm: thPr Aimi Uaiai IWilb. I.nn . ti,. rk-i
U-en approved, and next June they will j more Uian 250,000 olive trees, bearing ! Thompson, Nona P.urh, Nelhe Michell, I Portland and Astoria Navigation com
have a right to cast their ballot. If fruit eqn.1 to the best Mediterranean I K,t IHuff, Etta SUirv, ra Will- p,,-f ttm Ue, City the privilege
ton, drug-1 S
lrn I
Moitie. Iowa,
Mro. Mro. Co..
Iufur, regon
fjftitltmrn :
On arriving home hist week
A False Hepert.
Owinf to a refusal of the dock owners
they har.g together they will hold the j varieties. There are more than MsO.OOO j im'- GrJ- Marden, Jessie Iown, Min-
";,u 01 f-ower, ana prolessional wire- j bearing banana plants, 20,0OO bearing Ri LT- Lay, Mer. John
..j. .i-r , uu eomeining noroic . lemon trees; 4,000,000 orange trees and fJta, John Byrne, Balfe Johns-jn, i.
i capture u,ein ; marrying a squaw, 21,000,000 pineapples
pernap. or at lewt dandling a pappoose .
aad aseuring the motlier of his excep- Since Lr. Tanner, several years ago,
11 nai pretoeiiy, as well as remarkable 1 cor sum mated his famous 40-day
beauty. numeron ntber lio f,.u-i t...
i.bili'y to sntKrrdinates, of
I to laud at any of the wharves, she is
anabie i'j ismrrj any of the freight offered
I to Of from Vancouver. fr!dend.le
if. hoowden, JL II. P.idde'.l, .max Vogt, J Courier.
M. Ifocnell, H. French. . Tlie alsove is a mistake, as the V. P.
A Zealeo Faster bead. j end A. N.Co.'s teamer lands passengers
Anothor zealous faster has starved to 1 n4 ,rhtla morning and also In
death. Hi. name is Samuel Yai.V. U,e ,ren,oon ea, h d' without hind-
ranee at Vancouver. JheUfunersliouId
1. ,.. . . ... I or shorter trioH in ll I . l : :
roiumguie respoo- . , . ' lie was a shoemaLer. fiernmn 7? n..r. I
" - " '. -. rrviii. r: si bo. t '
n.ijjrT uuw-wkerj, win tiot d.'ap-i,. . ,
isoiut them much. As far as he is con-
rxmed, he I. as. on the whole, nmver . "' '
rtther l t. Tl.. r,r,n.r.. i ''v ciiance to Complete his stipulated
departments w ill be more responsive to J Ut rsfjnal nv.ienc or
the wishes of their constituent, know- I "U ,enng'
ing them better, and the gory ax will be
kept ewinginir with a vior l,mf ntumrf
One thing the
full power could
party that is to have
do to obtain a er'eat
every informant, as, in cast like the
foregoing, an injury is done.
Dfwnltn Fralse.
of Portland has just died after 1 10',"1 t't f Mount
thirty davs, and he will now I .'', ' believer in "faith
iiicr-, nu jmrv 01 ins creei
ig. He had g'jr.e 30 of the reg-
0 day. without partaking of for year, we have btn K-Hing Ur. kidnei trouble '.
. when he succumUd to tne , King's New Discovery for Consumption, give you satisfaction. P
IT jlfr. King s New Life J'ills, Bucklen's , by Snipe. & Kinersly, dr
We desire to say to our citizens, that ..(ppepsia, torpid liver,
Jnk . f7 '"r,n' ,n f I,ack j little g.rl. eight af.d one-half year-
trunk is to ret h,s wife to do it, who ,.,y to y, ,-,j00?.i
Ir fcome of our heads were not ao hist now well, strong and viuorons. and
our hearts would hold more love. I fleshed un. S. ii. Couirh Cure ha
I iu wirk well. Both of the chil'tre
While Mr. T. J. Licbev of Alton, it. Your S. U. tVjiik'h Cure ha. c
Mo., was traveling in Kansas he was r"J kept away all hoarseness Iron
taken violently il, with cholera morbus. ft .ViPt
. ..... y. m un. num iu k.v mime ; I our,
medicine and tlie druggist recommend j .,, wh t.,,. (rh .drlrf..l.7J'
ChamU-rlain'. Colic, Cholera and Liar- i " ""''' "rk. yut 1
-, , , . 1 , . ' iiiiiiM'im mii Liter 1 un, 117 wi
rlio-a Kemedy so highly he cfiueludet to three mm wt.
try it. The result wa immediate relief Hoi1 ""
and a few doses cured him corupleuly! " wnU bu,,l h' " ,ru"i'"
It Is made for bowel complaiiit and!'
nothing else. It never fails. Jorsale
by B.akeley A Houghton, druggists, lm
A I. apt in Ifudcn, 'J'enn., appeared in
church In a hoop,kirt. A gentleman
made trims rude comment, which m
k . .1 1. 1 . . .
iKcreu i.m; iaoy inai ner liutoand av- I
tacked the fdlcndcr. Several ponons
took part In the quarrel, anil black eyes
and bruised faces were numeroua.
Shiioir. Wu.itKT is wliat you need for
i 1 w vwuii m
It D but le l.tiafnei In I n...ul ... Ill . ... . ...
r , un, OI credit, and that would be to re-
peal half the law. we now have, instead
A convict say. hew., aent to prioB I AVe
for beimvt dhihoneet. enrl 1 ' .lh lw and too little jostioe.
- -r J lie we ca
compelled every day to dye out piece, of
pasteboard, which are put between the
inner and outer sole of the shoe, made
there and sold as eolid leather.
Tiie expulsion from a Jhouth Carolina
church of a telephone girl who was
obliged to work on Sunday remind, the
world that the Pharisee, are cot all dead.
Karklee'a A re lee Mai
The best salve in the world for cut.,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain.,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cure, piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refnnded. Price 25 cent,
per box. For .ale by fcnipe. & Kin-rsiy.
yellow skin or
guaranteed to
rice 1 tc. hold 1
druggists. J
Tiirnr art Jvo or three frrasa crops
in Sw itzerland every year, the first in I
the Upiniiinff f-f May, the aecorid at:
the end of July and a third often at'
Mr ee r
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee tliem every time, a. we stand j tlie lnd f ' ' tobcr.
ei- riw tn Mfn.J 1 1 , ... ' '
..... jiurcnase price, if Karl'. Clover kotjt,
'""' ""7 reeuu oo not loilow their
use. There remedie. have won their
great popularity purely on their merit..
Snipe. A Kinersly'. druggist.
Furniture and Carpets
1 iie new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
ti t ii , . ... niisinfS
t e nave ao'ieo 10 - . ,1
thecjtupleiion and cures constipation. ' '''P1"1 L'nderUding tebuu
. 1 i enrt u m ... ... ( win nut IS 1 Tl 11 1 r :i
Wr. and lf0.
Kinersly, druggist.
Sic.. Mr. and tirM U..IA l. u.. a. we ,nI,l'
. o, , utur, U i fl.a I -wi ue Ir aa I Pi list OUT .
I be low coriirtfiT