The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 19, 1893, Image 2

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.-lire nun o! the machinery d
. on exhibition : Chicago,
r:u to Chili and return tlietu to u
; Francisco free of charge. Tne f.Mjil i
litis hoped through the exposition at
j Santiago that American machinery can
I ii.trvxl-.nvj into the mine of Chili.
lVstuvn, Miv l". Sei d Pack. as
Hat Be Intended t Influence
lhe Ccf. one of the leading Chines merchant Senator Mitchell Gists Hi Vies n
Election Anoticr Battle
ii Rraiil.
the Subject The Law Sbauld
Be Enforced.
' and the best-informed 1 hluaniac on
! American a-air in Portland, a ked
ioT bis o: luion on the matter. On being
assurred :t was a "good iaw,
, " . " . ,, ti.irking at first that the reporter wa ; WaH:cto. Mar lfi.-The outlook
Berux- ! VTbI "''.v Ne , SiS remark! : fot . , ith Chini i now regarded in
Agency assert on semi-otfccial authority j ..Weil, tUt wt:le. it, T suppose, naval circle aa Dot unfavorable. It if
11. lire . nw ..vr , ... v, ,,ieJt ujDoutt lg IM uaj nt . . . ... ,, ,lt-
; the la U good. I don't think we have M;JB r hed bv the U!.ren.e
anything to say. It rest with the Six lrti ,nJ n; is!ae , decree enforcing
vu,(.ii.- t.u -w - trict rule acvinst the entry of any
will be done. 11 tbeysav resist, n; j Americana in China, and t-roUbly !
the t. nines wu resist- ; onlering tle removal of oar miioi.arie .
-If the Chinese resist be-in neat ; , hi. torrItory, nnJ;r t;ie pain of
away. toe nierenant eaia .miung. Jopdi,;e deportation. Meanwhile there
"there will pronably be a Chinese war. ..., f ;...,; , f chine
against mhite immigrant ahich the
Andrew fllackUtone, ex-comptroller oi
the city, whose character haf la-en at- i
sailed by the even iiijr paper at xarioua
times. Mr. l'.nuoard skull aa pretty '
badly t-ruised, and the skin c'verini it
laid 0-n.
1 thk Howrm I a Hit i..
HutM mt A'ommmm. j
London, May liv The oomuioiis re
sumed consideration of the Irish home- i
rule bill in eomiuittee today. Hon. M.
J.ihn lioderii'k
nioveil toau:-n I ;!.
Quietest Tim fct It ttc
Tune let
4 v .
iWf action f Railroad ! " " - -gjj
stauoneil on the eastern frontier of
FrajDce is prvHveJ-.nit with method and
regularity. The French poverctuent.
acconiir.j to the sauie anlhonty, is like-
is extending and strenftheniug i:s
tuiiirary lines adjoining the iVerman
i rentier, j lacnir.g with a view to prompt
a:ij t5ective rontractim. The barrack
sit the entrenched can:p have been
bill so a .i.-
p.wer the i r u. ia
resrnce to an ad
dress by the in. i-r-ial
parliment, t re
train the Irih
parliment. Pr.ue
Minister tiladttote
opposed I'.e
said that just a
British legilaturv
restraint throngh
the intervention of the croan, o the
arts of the Irish legislature would be (
, subject to restraint on intervention of
amendment. He
act of the
were uhieot to
VI holcsalc
Trrpcitv In Surbuck, Wash..
Miuor Mention.
Aa -- t ly sr.
QitxTwN, May is. Special.)
The Campaiiia i.f tr- ('ui.f.rd line baa
broken all rvc'd" ( :..t voyaging
acrm the Vt'anlic by al.ii the trip
In five tUv, wrrsiivn hour and -4
minutes. The pa-riit,"'rs ! i-red en-!hu-iutica!!y
on cuiiin in:o the harbor
i.d the rrew of the (.auipan'a showed
Ui'.ich jubillaii-m Ok-r th-ir .-vafce. j
TDK ( I il I II UltlU
nO J I ui p.-r imr kms. em m
rr aal hf Balpa a a -.,J
Photograph Gall-
barracks bcii: and an addition made to
the farris-m. On the same semi-ofhcial
th?ritv, it is stated that men are at
crk cicht s
ra:.s on tht
Tii'. way, between F'.esr.e ai;d lievigny
order u hasten the mobilisation of
The Frankfort Zeitunj. comnientLtg
; the viceroy. Balfour snkvested Uiat the J
UiiIm ..! kM 111 aiamd r '
rail Ilk the Cahaaa.
i mere are aooci o.iv laoorers minis
' a I t V n j n ' an.-t Ivd new i , , 1
- - ( c:tr no will come nnoer tne uw. i -i :
v .11. 1.- , K a n ) u rrtrA T- n tn.ia a r. iT . . . , ... .. . ..... ..-p.--.. w , , ...
I:' '; .,.;::.:-l. mese, taken togetr w.ta ti.e; fi(;4j o( . . be deferred " promment .
iwi.ujM 10 in. i outbreak which an attempt to enforce ., , . , -,, v. leafier of the Cuban patriots in the rev
! F.eardlnc a telei-rar.bic dispatch from .;'n.It" '"' ,u n tl" bul- ..!...; ..'
- . . . ..-i .. .... u.f u!.. .-t,E, rc. jsjkj ttu nioniiiic. t t tbs i v . .1 ... . t .v. " "
line of the Paris A Nancy ; c, " Mrernm. WOQ-d .e br , " . '1. 11 1 that t!,e ia'rial
deivrtlr "mericMs from that tvuntrr" ",w . T. T ... . " , ! parliament remain ondimini.-he,! by
if'.tromuat cv untry , . v,-. The di-.on ,s a great a, l,mlLA.rnV
leij l-acs sail UM suca wouia i .,;-..-, rhlnes letion her, liber ' , ' ... .
lmi-P i ,u- --a,, .).... ;f 1 . ... , , , , Luaostone aecaned to consider the
. s-rea.y t t.e case, ana si any jt ij t hoid down to the last , . . .
! bloodshed Has srvilt here the Americans -.J ... I "n"w,MM- eventual agrvea to
the forcing and others with of-; i8 woa!J T dw iu i nnron.-i-ii.iwai ; accept it oa condition that it, place in
ticiil new dispatches of eitutlar charac- " I ! oacons.i.u.KMai. i the bill W determined by the govern-
East d. Sceoijd St!
Eaat c4 Wlnrsle Jlall, and ol,)Kk
Tail. ba. Tb Iall, or.
First-Class Photos.
All Wash Caaraat4.
ter. states that reports oi this kind are
oVrioasly intended tj inStience the '
electors in the c-Jiuins; eiei-tion for the
riichstag ia favor of the candidates who '
it-.'I! scp;t the army bill. !
I tr XT. l-eck.
Ferd V. Peck, retvntly elected first
2 f - . . i .
tii-e fresiueni oi me aoria a f
exposition, aas born in Chicago, in
M1, tie as one
of the fr?t grad-
i UMIOll llt( Ull l . Ulv
I ment. Th
I proved.
W. . T.
amendment was then ai
He is an txjeri
en.d leader in
horn the Cubans
have great faith.
.en. ( iotnei is a '
native of San IV
mingo. He was
lrn iu lsi, and
inherited his hatred
of S-panish rule. '
..t-i- i hervt.y r n tht. in
i.rr lr.m lb- .Kint c .-urt ol u JST"
t. l arweumv, f,a !,;..
N....:Srt. . 111 llM. L"
A H M .l-enwed. I a HI. ..n is. ... .
0v. --.I .1 Mir aurtl.Ki Mir. .1 u 1
r.i. ui CHin n.u- l.i 7 nr i.,
4r.Tt..n, thm l'tii..ail,c .lr-.!.f
n. a.i in 1.,.. ... .
fl.i tin
W lie s L
JiiAtlr Brwer fiiarata.
Va?h:-.t'n. May 15. At the concia- j
si on of Jnsti.-e Gray's opinion. Justice '
F'rewer announced that he was eom-:
:r'le.l to di?etit from the view of a !
ruajority of the court. He read his :
views at s.iui length, declaring in scb-j
stance ttie act of was encon- t
f tltDtional : that if upheld there was no j
v-arjintee that similar treatment might !
not be accorded other classes of our pop-1
. vi"' mect oi Lis immense estate.
.a oi me supreme court in tne first . c:ribnteJ hit knowle-ige in I
iiuuci .uc ciciu-wa ac., a. so reaa a v. v,.-.i';
c.ssecurg opinion. He he. J there was
If 8
! H Tklak lridral Clrtrlacd'a Artiua
... . , i. i . ia .aaairaiia.
1 x.errrbrB,ible. :
I Foe tla sr.. May UV-nator Mitchell ',Cii'; A'-0' Ma-T 1--!!.;-
! was vert decided in his convictions that Ark,TDin ' !'n'.''. !
.ra.ia, is ext-c;ea to arrive I. the se- out in he y iD()d t!l .,atri,.t (l)roe,
sion today of the i omen' Cocgresa. .. . n,; ..... i. . i.:. ..;n ... j..:
he soon rose to rank and imrortanr.
. l.a:J.
l.t.i 1 tr
IN i-l
tioa of
the re vol u-
Y'ara broke
law should j
er.l reed, as
w k : . t ,i . . - .
he expressed tbetn in an ictervie w ith ! w tw " nio. uuiSue persona
' rJI . . . . the dearv resristrstion
. . . . , . , , be immediatelv and trm
iii,:a ecaooi. Alter
comp.etmg Lis pub-
hool course he
udied law, and re
's reived Li d-vree
from the colie-re be
fore be had attained
1 .1 ... .1 . - w lis i - - 1 T ft . . .
""L 4 ' cleans precept, of law. and nv-st pror i mBa- ln"m' v ,UM' aaa 'u0
nrt-er pracu-ed. , The authoritv of ! re- -e ha. never receired . penny
however, but ntu-; ... . , "... I from the organization, but her excellent
1 i : . i .... l i - coiigresa kj ii sucn .aa is ungues- .... -
ued t. Wgi knowleuge u the cianage- ! . . . . ' ...... .. 1. ,.! abilities as a eneaker have lor ne her
a Telegraai re..rter this after&oon.
regard to the action of the
court the senator said :
"The action of the supreme court in
sustaining the constitutionality of the
Gearv law was in accordance with the I
ttie. ho will I present, by birth a 1Ie toaglt ia neikTj trx Uttle of the'
Tifttira aF k. ......
sisr-reme i
iKitrcianwi in sj.ini, ana t :e a.: tor-
ma women sent r er out in ISS. to de
velop the white ribtion movement in the
tsandvich Islands, Australia, New Zea-
.''he is capable and evolution from the trs't to the
l"p to within 30 dav be ha leen living -on
In lave totacco plantation, in a.
place called Monte Christi, fjcing the ts
ls.and of Cuba.
V Eeatjrf :
Mr. Peck
of large a?airs to other bis :
! r
wide di-erence l-etween the
enterprises, more public a character.
; to pi such ia is utiaues
I tionahle. The great ciistak was made
' bv the pre.-r.t administration in creat-
lnij.resioti that the law was
cr.Cocstitctiona.. and that there wou.d
be no occasion for enforcing it. , Vnrh or tSe nnmr.mA .( fV
of iasmigracts and the deportation of ' Chic aaditoriTrm i .In- .-. v- Pf.
iTien residents, and characteriied the : ener.Uc management. ' i
s.-t in the strongest language as i ! brutal and a violation of the con- ! rkir A.iirtr Explatnrd. j
Fittition in every section. He regretted ! w.h.;t.,,;.i J
tj say the decision of tbe court, to his i t-, r'.r.'.n,ltm,,.i 1 Chinese of this country need
The a.-
tion of President Cleveland i:i this re
, spect is most rej.reheiisii.le. He cer
! tainly gave the Chinese at
j Washington reason to bt.ieve that tiie
aw was cot constitatuna.. and the
not be at
tuind, was fraught with the crarest dan
. rs to constitutional liberty.
. .tgr the cosrt concluded the an
ii..tsr:cnient of the opinions, Ashton. of
e teasel f :r the Chines, moved a rehear
ing and an argument li'ore the full
lcch at the text term. At present
r;je conrt stands 5 to 3 ia support of the
law, Jcirtiee Harlan being absent- The
tjcrt took the motion under advise
n:etit, the t-Uect of which i? to jostpoDe
rocee-iices under tjie 'Udgtuent an
nounced todaT.
country Lome. The s-tar ears the mem- :
all alarmed. The Chinese minister
alor; ; the iople have rallie-l to her
side, and she may justly 1 called the
mother of the Australian W. C. T. t". of
which she is now ..resident. While in
Chicago .he will speak on her six year. ' w-.smatd.
observations of women in Asia. Africa 1 mn.oom In
jaad Australia, and aill also hold confer-
j ences in the interet of the j, World W.
J C. T. I". Miss Ackennan iil remain
i to participle in the World', and Na
I tijna! W. C. T. I", conventions. rtrin-
Hair a Nlllloa I .t.
SrAttiirr, Wash., May 1. Spe--ial.'
The roundhouse here burned last
night, with nine locomotive. The loss '
is estimate.! at half a million dollar.. !
It has not been ascertained bow the tre I
v J.-.- '
! cing ' toler 10th, in c-mriection with
hasgea la tka Navf .
. ..... .... i ;t.- i . i ti i 7 . .rrt ... i ... it-.titmc.
Dersota.etamuy are look.? forward to ; ' ,n, , ,, r the Columbian exposition.
an interesting event, to occur, it is'-
stated, in Jul v. The expected ever.t ex-i BtrUrted tl aine" throughout the
plain, why President and Mrs. C;eTe, ""7 not to register.
land Lave been somewhat anxious to get ; n ,-x,,ll.Et c-.xr.DiNc a.
into their own country Lome for the ; ''I believe that the hesitancy of the
summer. i president, and his manifest intention
not to eniorce tne law, and l. is open
contempt of the constitutionality of the
oearv act, inspired tne lliinatuen in i
,1 ;A ,.t. . ... r J . . I ...
T r lint.
Offered by Liggett A Myer. Tolcco
Clo. of t. Louis, Mo. The one gnewsing
nearest t he n u m her of (arorle who wiii
atu-nd the World lair g-H $-".W. ..( i,
the second 1. inu.ou, etc. Ten Mar to
bacco tags entitle yon to a guess. Ak
your deader for particular or semi for
jciivalar. t7-'JH
i c
;. -:.-ii
... '
Saaday Krko.l Caa, ratio.
N'EWESEr., Or., May 17. ;.;ieciai.
The eighth anneal convention of the '
n-wtk tr DM Jruw. f tt ftaca atl-r
Jacksonville, Or., May 11. Old
Jennie, the last of the famous tribe of
.0ae Elvers, died here this morning
siter a protracted illnee., aged about Co
year.. Oid Jennie, it will lie recjem
fred, anticipating her death, prepared
with her own Lands, in the most costly
elaborate manner, her burial robe, the
materia! of which U of buccskiii Land
comely ornamented with many colored
lads. sea shells. Indian money, beauti
ful transparent tbblee, etc., the whole '
weighing nearly 30 pounds. This death
nua. l-i u 4 .... . ,, . . 1 . . I .air aiienaance. ine aiternocn ' i . . i -i , .
I . ... . Wjd that Le won.d ecione the law, as
j session yesterday opened with praver bv . ... i i i .i i-.u-
. . . -. . be snouid Lave done, the Chinamen
t.ev. u. s. roUng of Independence, t ... ... . . , .
T, ,, . , , . womd have ad been reg.stered br the
The address of welcome was delivered , -.-
. ... , .. . ; time required, lou cannot quote me
by F.ev. Thos. C. Brown of Newberg. . , . ... j
. . '' too strong. t on thi point, continued
and response by Eev. T. E. Carp of ., . .... ....'. . -
n.- j ti . , iT i the senator, "that I think the adminis-
r on .and. The enrollment shorn ed a . . ... ... ,
. , . . . ' tration ha!T exceeded iu auibor-
rnttirying increase in membership over i -. ., , , ,
f 6 . . , v lty in suspending the law v far, and
ast year. Interesting speeches were ' ,v" . :, . , , , ' , - ..
made. Sl.OWirv r .'..r. r.f IV.1
church, the teachers, the officers, and
Wsii:,n.v, May 17. It ha leen
settled t.'.at Bear-Admiral (..herardi a ill
command the New York navy-yard. He
wilt relieve Com
modore Krlien, who
wiii lie given an
acting rear-admiral's
and sent lo the F.a-
i ropean station.
This i known to be
the admiral', choice
of shore commands.
I the pupils to the punday school euc
ceeive!yby Lev. Hoberg of McMinn
jTille, Pv. I'ollng of Lafayette, Lev.
j iJoogherty of Portland and Lev. Denton
I of McMicnvllle. In the cveninr the
best topic discussed wa. "The tun dav
.loae. the last set in the .ad drama of an 1 r , Z . I ' 1 T . i
Tka AlM.r1la Cm.
Pout la m. Or., May IS. 'j.iecialj
Charle. A. I-j ker came up for a second C
trial today. He is charged with the
crime of manslaughter in the Helen
Wilson abortion case.
6 s
vsr 23 h C:i 3 :r.;Siihf
- m - - . m i ,w.
and the authoritie. fcaUUuitM
appear to Lave fully
determined upon the relief of both Kear
Admiral Gberardi and Acting Bear
Admiral Walker. It ha also been set
tled that the Baltimore i g-ing to China
a. the Cagthip of the Asiatic auadron.
With thene exception, the contemplated
change in command, and destination
Bum W laaeapoli. Slaak.
M:sEAfoLi, Mav 15. A run on the
Farmer' A Mechanics' having, bank !
began thi morning, chiefly by small
depositor. It is Consi'lered one of theSjaj'SD
tronitest bank, in the state. There are '
no fear, of iu aafetv. .'aigy-rrg
r?-?r'-r: r? tx'Ti.y
E.s.;9Sj 'z ::j c;a.
- - - IN3V."
Listoric tribe, than ahith no braver or
more de'ermined ever confronted and
fell before the superior force of civiiiza- j tj.e
tion. .a Jennie was laid to rest in her
licrial roi this evening.
to do eo."
Washiscto.-:, May li. The Chinese
question occupied the entire attention of
fK. M.inf .lit. t..f...
,v. n - t .- r i of ship, are .till unsettled,
tne cati'.net meeting. Chief Justice Ful-
ler, who dissented from the decision of
the supreme court, cal!e.j at the white
house and Lad brief talk with the
CTk I president. r-nbeqaent!y the chief ju-
( Trial Trlfi af tb Christopher Colaabaa.
j DnrTii, lay 18. Special. The
ahaleback pasaenger steamer C"hristo
! pher Columbus start for a trial trip
i r l l.. : : ; i - , , tice Lad an interview wtrti Krrftarv
. a . ji.ou. an lore.g. lands, i ... . . ' immwliatelv thi afternoon. Th. .
. Cirvr Can, t'.VO.V 4T0CA" YAKlS, Ckfojo, III.
Tlie largest and only strictly romniission dealer in hor
the world, will hold hi first extensive pale of west
ern lira tided horses' fir season lOU, on
WlEZDiESIDlrr, vJTJ3sTE 7?
Entries shoald be made at once.
reciting the trial, of misatonarie and !
increase of conversion dirin. tK.
"I- i toe
j Gretham. It i. understood the conclu-
cursion will be tor the benetit of the hos-
ast year especially.
.ion reached bv the ral.inet rii Ikil
law could tot be enforced, for ? ,unJ w l"e AT-
Th. W ia Rrmxll.
VALPAaAtso, May 15. Two stories
have reached your correspondent con
cerning the result of a battle which took
jiace Saturday near Ichanduy, between
the Castiihista troop and revolutionist,
ia Eio Grande i't f-xi, Brazil. The ac
count of the er.gagement received from
f-an Eoenie say that the battle wa
indecisive. General Tille and a large
tr-dy of Cast'.lhista troop, are now en
catnped near Stnta Ana. which is on of
the rebel str-ncliolds. Ife I ehort of
the reason that there wa no money
for the purpose. The
carries an appropriation of
t-ecretary Carlisle .bowed
i act only
Mmm rl tb. Lata $;OD,Xj.
.1 ... ... ... .
luai irj. io'jre man o.iriu oi II. at sum
that it would
nese now in
not con: plied
ith the law more than H.000,000.
.c the struggle between the Ciothing . remained. It is ei mated
Manufactur.' Association and the cut-) coet, to deport all the Chi
ters' union, of New York, in which the ; the countrr who Lave n
"nw, i-oi :rien,i io attack tie town -
"'-1 1'7J
the.r a ly
aod then join io tlie regular Cght to
etroy Tavarea and Salgado and
troublesome rerolutivnarr ancr.
unionist were so w
Company. The Columba m ill leave for
Chicago Saturday rig'.t, accompanied
by the ferry boat Superior and Iu!uth, '
which will be a part of the Henry yn- i
dicate Ceet. Capt. Alexander MclJoug- j
all and William Johnson of Kngiand will j
: be t!-e only pasaenger. on the trip to '
... . .... .
v.i.ica?o. jir. wonnson n funding
1 wha'.el-acki in Fr.glir.d.
Chrisman & Corson,
succeesful.the rtrik-
EATTLr rirtBt.
en were ender the !
leadership of CLm. J Cmtmw M t,tMtrnk .f
F. HeicheT. Mr. Eaclaa Bralaar flrwla
Leicher i. the gen
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
rr. i
a nr. Tb. faa,aaa Hara. Ku Th. Ia
.rat mt tb. . I. MtM,.
Srv-riat ' ' TK. wmiAnt rj . L t ...... L. , i. I
r . - t ' ' " vi luc nvKU'iriTD
ment Workers.
also conducted
Boston Cght.
Th. Itaaaiartv. .task.
M iw.rrr. WI. V.. w 1 - ora iOaO-Ut.
i utwT iaw const. tuiiona . I. as created
thejbut little exciteo-ect Lere an.ot.g the
Chinese. It i trenerallr -.ifA iV.t
f gured prominent- j tb order l r ih 'nr, of iU
He was a , treasury will not ' reriea'.ed until con-;
j native oi i-rook.yn, and J year, of age. ' gres. meets aai La. aa opportunity to
I He i. of German barenlaze. and it a retal It. TK t r ,A tv. .1
clothing cotter. When Le was 17 v-r the treasury d;rct. no action ! t
!old be wet,t to Europe and visited all taken by anv custom houae officer nn-il
deposit, far exed the w;thdraal. ti. j abroad, jrotii iyl to , furtMrr orders, and it i thought tliesei
n-vrting. 1 be worked at Li trade in Brooklyn. , further order. ill not be f orthcoming.
: f Inc teat titue Le ha been artive in Tr'TnU.t-.. ' a.,,,1
nank'ingV?n ltk opened aa hocr er- than c-ia,i th. m-wTjitj. There .
was bo renewal o Satcrdajr' run, and j
the Curry aeetn entirely rnbei.ied. The
: fine teat time Le La been attire i0
tiit protaotioti of la'jor interest.
, May 15. A recoeet La i
bn made by Chilian riiiaeowner to '
ti. tOTetT.tuett to send a Iran-port to I
ran i raniro Kw t!e pcrjoae of bring-, The trial of J. II.
iattli. Wash.. Marl
rCTt!i'7f 0f?'", cf '00 of the .upreme Vo.ty, hich held iu fifth tongreM at!
.;,!", ,-''r'iCOQrotthernitedf-tate.declarir.g the hprinj-Seid. Ohio, recently, i. Mr. P..!
i'CilfirT .aw rt rt.1 r. . . . 1 1 . . I .. .
xonner. lie tne i
founder and former j
editor of the Newl
York Ijedger. He i
La retired from ; J
builnes, leaving ,
t!e conduct of the ;
Ledger in the Land
S(tl Li on. Hi1
t I' intereett chiefly
center in Lis famou
il.. ray-ic staU. anH
yesterday erenir.g wLen a new re en-i w the toaa.ion ftf
rlne which Lad been pcrcised for the , uch record breaker, a Maud r and
city unlortunately ran backward into cnnol, continue, to keep him prorai-!
ir.M.,v.uafL4n. itwui t re- nentlrinU tmblicriew. Hi. u
Hot. Wahiiiton and Sxond .?t.f The Dallpf,
S. Commissioner.
Notary r-
Huntington 8c McKinstry.
u xmmin W J. U. HuntjtifVD A
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag
ir-g exhi!-:u fau ti.e Cited '
BaabtM' Trtai.
PorLAD, Or., May 17. '.fcpial.
Hasklts, fadicted covered, ljeri
Land Paper ot all Kind j.r-jrwl.
InU collecV-d and taxes paid for non-reaiderita.
Alotract of Titles fumikhwl at fc)Krt notice, a.
Itave theotJj''
late, to fettUizllcg tC.O from the Bent'oo
ti expositio wLicL wLU be Leli at . County nocring Mill, company bega
?mtir next year. H u prcpoaed UtVAt.j. He entered pie. of wA rsi.ty.
conspiruonnly associated with the early I 'tract book, in Waato Count
Alitor l-raicard, of th F.venine Pre-. Listorr cf al,ii.;n in thi.
rinw, wa aaaailed last evening and Mr. Bonner', wealth La been estimated
pumtne ed with a cane, wielded rf Mr. I at million d jllars.
Parties baring Ileal rUt for sale or rent are requested 0
onr ofLc, - NO 133 SECOND ST THE DALLES- 08-