The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 19, 1893, Image 1

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    fTy if
yoh. in.
mm (Mr mux
m m PboiIb From tbe Worlfl's
Pair Tesicniay.
. n . dinn Tliinnu tA Pin.
jsh Work and Decided Progress
1st Hiing Made.
,.. Mir 11. I.owerinir ikirs
!j U1t, pouring rain this morning had
?,f effect of keeping many person away
om theworld'i lair ground; but an
V day wo on tne lou'1 thinned, and
it- prospect seemed ttf r for a pood
L,., dance- The committee investigat-t-
charges of favoritism by the de
,. ,lof music, under the chairman-
y i, I'. lJimiuon, oi iJian uy,
lunwt it work thi morning. It ii
h knewn what tne result will iw.
n.,.n said thi morning that the
remittee would make a reort to the
jiioiial coutiiifiun this afternoon.
L question a to w bether the council
Ldminirtratum or me national cum-
ion ha jurisdiction l u'-ettled.
L termer claim the commi .11 hai
n.,.r in the premise, while many
liuWraof the commission aay that
;v tint only had jurisdiction, nut win
irise it. Under sharp order from
1 thief u( the varioua depattuienta,
ibitors art furiously at work putting
,r exhibits into ha, and decided
ress in being niade.
If MllMlipl l;ier I Again on ihr
keekvili.e, Mis., May 11. Tiie
Fk in the levee at 1 o'clock this after-
n on the Arkansas aide wan over 700
it aide. That portion of Arkansas ia
ier water. It in reported that Ar-
l)a City will le under water by
;it, u the levee there cannot bold.
il'iiriiis.Tenn., May 11. Early thia
truing Uie levee on the Arkansas aide
ave ar. There it a break -00 feet
Me, iucreaning hourly.
Vtm Oeulam, Mar 11. The levee
ke today at Lakeport, Ark., and
trr it BUinr on tl,a Tenaa liasin and
f'-k rim. Both are aaid to be low
W a We to liold the water.
ia In charge. The failure waa mused by
that of the Chemical National bank of
Chicago, which owed the Capital Na
tional flOO.OOO. The Capital also car
ried a large amount of the Premier steel
work paper. The latter went into a
receiver' hands Friday. The official
of the bank have made a statement in
which they ay the capital atork ia $:!00,
000. The bank baa done a profitable
business. It was run on a conservative
ham, and there waa nothing in the
bank' condition to cauae uneaainesa till
Tuesday, when the failure of the Chem
ical National of Chicago occurred.
position at home.
A famous Lut Mine round.
'"iTAiiCA, Mexico, May 11. Newa
lied here todar that the famou and
veloimly rich lout mine in the Chi-
uoa mountain ha been discovered
Martin Ijuiier and Frank Potida,
American w ho have been aearcbing
Hie property lor .several month,
nt twenty yeara ago Lanier and hie
er and brother were traveling
nigh the Chihuahua mountain and
(-d on the reservation of the Chi-
biua Apache Indiana. A memtier
tribe showed the Lanier a iium
ufg ild nugget and directed them to
lwt from which the wealth waa ob-
M aud worked it for a few week,
; H out eeveral hundred dollar'
r'-i (old with pick and hovel.
'' Iuiliani one dar made raid on
r camp and killed one of the broth
and uKJk the other brother and
'f priaonera. The two aurvivor
! r;-al upon promise to leave the
nation immediately. The father
!' drew a diagram of the loca-
f f the mine, which he kept in hi
iud until a few month ago, when
Ilia on immediately fitted
n "pi'dition iu Texa to aearch for
'"t mine, and found It without any
Bank tal larva.
."c, May 11. The Columbia
Unk of thia citr failed thia
U had a capital of $1,000,000,
(1,,Kit, uf 1 1 .400.000. Rumor that
in trouble have been current
J week. It did buainca with
1 "JUntry bank nioatl. and waa
" "teeui among the other city
Mid the cause of the fail-
poor collection on loan. Thia
l'"eand that in In,Iin.,,i; nt ti hm!
'""k of 2,'i cent In the t.ri.-e of
t here.
""iMOToi., Del.. Mar ll.Thean.
"" "lent of the failure of K. K. Itob-
IO., banker and lir..!,, ,.i i
May treated a profound aenaa
Knmor of the failure of tt.t. -n.
n (inn have boon r,n ti.o
".va, nd buaineaa circle were
"' The h'abilitMta in ..;.... j
,0 ikwi.
. , aaaeta not to exed 100,-
- -nCrin anizea alt property of
Ind., May 11. -The
national liank of thia . It. i.-.
. - - - U
The atate bank examiner
(iiTniiir r Kw Hoath Walaa.
Iximon, May 11. Lord Jersey' up
cessor a governor of New South Wale
ia the Kt. Hon. HoWrt W. DutT. He is
the firet nntith d governor of that colony
under the present
conntitution, which
date hail to 1805.
Premier Dibbs hag
expreaeed himself
rationed with the
ae!e'tion. For
many year, how
ever, it has been
customary to ap
point a peer, occu
pyineahigh aocial
It ia not that the
coloniHta care about a title per e, but
that they prefer to know that the aocial
function at government house will be
administered by one w ho ia a person a
grata at court. It ia therefore net cer
tain that Sir George Iibba' opinion w ill
conciile with the opinion held by the
people of New South Wale.
fcacJUh A rgunirata.
Paris, May 11. Hon. James B. Kaatia,
the American ambassador, was present
today at the session of the llehring aea
tribunal of arbitration. Sir Charles
HuNsell resumed hi argument, which
waa largely devoted to the tec hnical fea
turea of the controversy. Sir Charlee
argued it waa iuipo-sib'e that there
could be property righte in the aeals in
Behrirg aea, and he supported his con
tention with quotation from American
jurists, and in particular from Professor
Wolseley' writingaon international la a'
Sir Charles dwelt on the far-reaching ef
fects upon international righta that
would enane from conferring the power
claimed bv American counsel in tiehalf
of the United Statea to seize foreign vea-
sela iu time of prace. Sir Charles
claimed that Great Itritain represented,
in thia controversy, the right of nation.
Chinese Eaelusluo.
Warhinutos, May 10. The special
session of the supreme court today to
hear argument upon the constitution
ality of the Geary Chinese exclusion act
upon an appeal from the judgment of
the United Btate circuit court for the
southern district of New York, attract
ed an attention that more than exhaust
ed the limited accommodations of the
courtroom. The visitors included umny
prominent members of the bar and a
large number of ladies.
London atoek ftachnnao.
LoMTNf May 11. The Ilauk of Kng-
land today advanced the rateof discount
from 3 per cent to The stock ex
change ojiened Intensely excited. Diffi
culty waa found in arranging the ac
count. Union Pacific, Atchison, To
kaii Santa Fe and other American
shares declined up to 1 per cent.
A Drouth In Italy.
Kome, May 11. Heports to the gov
ernment from all parte of Italy show
the drouth ao damaged cropa it w ill be
necessary to import 113,000,000 bushels
of grain more than usual. It ia believed
the imK)rt duty on thia w ill cover the
deficit in the budget.
A Comlug Labor Leader.
F.iigene V. IVba, the promoter and
president of the American Kailway or
ganization w hich will henceforth 1 such
a factor In laior
affairs, is a man of
rare power with the
tailoring men, and
it is believed that
in the next few
year hi name will
become as familiar
to the readers of
newpaH?rs as a la
lior leader, aa that
of Powderly or Gom
pers. He helped in
the formation of the Brotherhood of lo
comotive Firemen, lie held undisputed
iway in that organization for ten year.
However, he considera that the useful
ness of the brotherhood is over and is
being strongly censured forhiscritirisuis
of the order. leba ha served in the
legislature, and for two term he was
city clerk of Terre Haute, Ind. In a
quiet nay he rendered the Cleveland
cause rciiini kuljle aeiYico last fall.
Onitci States Troops Will End tbe
Trouble at PnyalluD.
And from Tacoma Will Go Direct to
the Reservation and Stop the
Railroad Building.
Vancouver, Wash., May 11. The con
tinued intrusion of Koss and his rail
road party from Tacoma, and their de
termination to build across thePuyallup
reservation at all hazards, culminated
in a telegraphic order from the war
department to forcibly put a atop to the
railroad building. Thia afternoon Gen
eral Ruger isaued the necessary order
from headquarters, department of the
Columbia, and Captain Carpenter and
hi company of the Fourteenth infantry
were selected to repel the invaders.
The troop were issued 40 rounds of am
munition and tent equipage and rations
tonight, and are busily engaged in pre
paring for field service. They leave
Vancouver barracks about 5 o'clock to
morrow morning by steamer for Port
land. On arriving there they will
march to the Northern Pacific depot and
take the 9 o'clock train for Tacouia, ar
riving there at 4 p. m., whence they
will proceed at once to the Puyallup
reservation and enforce their orders
againtt the intruders ou the reservation.
Captain Carpenter was selected for this
service because he is one of the senior
officers of the regiment and has a fine
record for field service.
dierg Orphans' Home. The rcpubli
can voted for Falkner, the present
incumbent, and two populists for a new
man. Mrs. Lease, having the casting
vote, declared that Falkner never would
be put out by her vote. "Ho was a
meaiber of the famous bucktail regi
ment," she said, "and stood beside and
cared for my two brother who died on
the battlefield. He is a republican, but
for that deed he deserves my everlasting
love and support." The populists
roundly abuse Mrs. Lease.
Election Manifesto.
Berlin, May 12. The conservatives
publish this morning theirelection man
ifesto. It savors in every line of agrari
anirm, w hile protection and bimetallism
are avowed boldly as the foremost party
principle which must lie reckoned with
by the government if it desires a firm
alliance. No unequivocal word is
spoken concerning the army bill. In
fact, anything that could be construed
a a definite approval of the measure is
carefully avoided. The manifesto hints
at the desirability of a large tax which
would fall most heavily upon Jewish
speculators. The anti-Semitic senti
ment of the party is not iecially con
spicuous iu the manifesto, but a spe
ciously worded paragraph aay that the
'profession Christianity must lie ade
quately impressed upon the life of the
iieople and the action of the legislative
bodies and the administration of justice."
Two Stories From Nicaragua.
Washington, May 12. Minister Guz
man, of Nicaragua, has received advices
the exact opinwite of those sent Gresham
by United Statea Minister Newell. In-
etead of the revolutionists having things
all their owu way, Guzman says his ad
vices are several day later than those of
Newell, and that a big decisive battle,
which doubtless would result in a per
manent victory for the government, was
exjiected to lie fought today. Infinite
new of the result will not be known for
a couple of days. The X'nited States
warship Atlanta will leave New York to
day for Greytown, Nicaragua. A dis
patch to the navy department from San
Francisce says the Alliance will sail for
Corinto, Nicaragua, today instead of Sat
urday. The Itelirlna; Hen Tribunal.
Paris, May 12. Sir Charles Russell
continued his address in behalf of the
British case before the Behring sea tri
bunal of arbitration today. Sir Charles
discussed the rights of Kussia in the
Behring sea under the treaties between
Kussia and Great Britain. Sir Charles
contended that the treaties in question
recognized merely territorial rights. Sir
Charles then went into an analysis of
the American statutes relating to Beh
ring sea, aud argued that the statutes
in question were territorial in theirchar
acter ami not applicable to foreigners.
A Test Will He Made.
Washington, May 12. When Senator
I)olph was informed that naval vessels
to iail to Behring sea were to be coaled
at Departure bay, B. C, he secured a
reversal of the order. The vessels are
now Instructed to load w ith Puget sound
coal, and a test will lie made, of this.
Senator Dolph hopes that the very best
coal will lie furnished these vessels, as
it may determine the supply of vessels
in the future.
Mm. Lease ehona Her VVoiiianllueso.
Toi-kka, May 11. Mary L. Leaso is
president of the statu board of charities,
which consists of three populist" and
two republicans. A vote was taken yes
terday for siicrintc!iderit of th" Sol-
Want to llae the Capital Itemoved
From Ralem.
Koskiii-ru, May 12. Since the in
junction proceeding enjoining the
Sold'er' Home commissioners from pro
ceeding with the building of the Soldiers
Home near Roseburg, because of the
constitutional provision that no state
public building shall be erected at any
place but tbe state capital, the citizens
of Roseburg have been holding number
of impromptu indignation meetings and
the sentiment is working toward creat
ing public sentiment throughout the
state to remove the state capital from
Salem to Albina.
The provocation if so much stronger
than that which caused the removal of
the capital of California from Sacramento
to San Jose that the citizens of South
ern Oregon would certainly have the
eupport of the entire state, because of
the greediness of the people. If this
injunction should succeed, then, of
course, all the towns and cities through
out the state that now have pub
lic buildings would have to give them
up, and then the building, of course,
would have to be erected in Salem.
The citizens of Roseburg with good rea
son think the next legislature could be
induced to pass the necessary law to
place before the people of the state a
constitutional amendment, taking that
right away from Salem and also chang
ing the capital.
Enough Or In Night to Make the Dis
coverers Klch.
Baker City, Or., May 12. One of the
richest gold strike ever made in this
section of country, not excepting the
now famous White Swan mine, which is
yielding fl ,000 per day with a 10-stamp
mill, waa uncovered yesterday. The
lucky finders of the rich gold deposit are
James and Samuel Baisley, the latter
one of tbe discoverer of the White
Swan. The new find is situated about
three wiles south of the White Swan
and Virtue mines. Over fl, 000 in gold
was pounded out Jyeslerday in a hand
mortar. Tbe ledge in which this pocket
has been found ha been uncovered 100
feet, and prove to be a pay chute for
that distance and varie in width from
two to ten feet. There is enough rich
ore in sight to make the owner an im
mense fortune. The city ia greatly ex
cited over the find and the people have
been leaving all day to be on the ground
and stake off extensions. Sample of
ore, one piece weighing ten pounds, and
containing over fl00 In gold, have been
placed on exhibition at the Baker City
National bank aud have been viewed by
hundreds of people. All say that it is
the greatest find ever made in the North
west, and from all indications the mother
lode of the Virtue &nd White Swan dis
tricts has been found.
The Cuban Insurgents.
Key West, Flu., May 12. Everything
is quiet in the Cuban colony. Large
quantities of arms and ammunitions are
here, destined for the Cuban insurgents.
The federal officers here are instructed
to prevent the shipment of these at all
hazards. The cutter McLaue's officera
insiect all vessels leaving this port, and
customs ollicers patrol the south beach
at night. Every precaution is taken by
the authorities to prevent an expedition
leaving or the shipment of arm from
here. The Cubans here do not believe
all the insurgents havesurrendered, and
say the Spanish authorities have sup
pressed all the news unfavorable to
A Itroulh In Kngland.
London, May 12. The drouth of the
past eight week baa caused a great losa
of farm and market garden product in
tbe south of England. Grain, vegetables
and fruit are withering throughout wide
strips of country. Caterpillar are de
stroying leaves and blossoms In the or
chards. In Hampshire, Devonshire an
Cornwall the stream and well are dry
ing up.
London Htock Eanheiige.
Iaindon, May 12. The advance in the
' rate of discount by the Bank of England
I yesterday to 3,' j per cent, rendered the
! regular fortnightly settlement accounts
! on the stock exchange very dillicult, and
seven small banks failed. A liettcr
feeling prevails in the market for Amer
, ieun securities.
Supreme Court Declares tUe Geary Act
The Author of the Bill Is a California",
and Says He Knew What He
Was Doing.
Washington, May 15. Special to
The Chronicle. Interest centered to
day in the Chinese exclusion act, com
monly known as the Geary bill, and the
United States supreme court room, as
well as the galleries, was thronged to
hear the discussion. The decision, as
finally arrived at, was that the act was
constitutional, and the roar of approval
that went up from the throats of the
listeners effectually precluded anything
being said for several minutes. The
judge had to rap sharply with his gavel,
and several were ejected from ihe court
room before even comparative Bilence
could be restored. It developed during
the argument that Geary of California
upon formulating his bill, had sought
the best legal advice obtainable and was
pronounced constitutional by leading
authorities in the state, including the
judge of the supreme bench and the ex-
governor of the state.
Outside of the judicial halls, however,
there is manifest a good deal of anxiety
aud those who have taken a prominent
interest throughout professed serious
alarm, both as to China's conduct to
ward the United States and the sever
ance of friendly relations with that
country, which will seriously afreet our
trade relations.
Official information has not yet
reached Portland, but a bulletin posted
up on the streets is attracting crowds of
people and the general sentiment is of
Records of proceedings in the federal
courts in New York on Saturday, in
what are known aa the Chinese Exclu
sion cases, were Bleu in the
supreme court by T. D. Riorden of San
Francisco, counsel for the Six companies.
These are the cases in which petitions
are made for the issuing of writs of
hapeas corpus in behalf of the Chinese
arrested and held by John W. Jacobus,
United States Marshal for the southern
district of New York. The petitioners
are Fong Yue Ting, Wong Quan and
Lee Joe. The record in tbe case of Lee
Joe show that it was intended to test a
separate point in the law, or at least a
construction of the law made by the
collector of internal revenue in New-
York. The collector refused to accept a
Chinese witness as to the indentity of
Lee Joe when the latter applied for a
certificate. The law required the evi
denceof a white witness in court, but is
silent an to the nationality or radical
characteristics of witnesses before the
collector, and this point played no un
important part in the proceedings,
which finally decided the point against
the Chinese.
A Life Insurance Decision.
Newport, Ky., Mayjll. The Ken
tucky court of appeals has handed down
a decision of great moment to insurance
companies. The court decides that a
policy taken out by a wife on the life of
her husband, without his knowledge,
cannot be collected in case of death, as
an Insurance contract is a personal con
tract. The court further holds that
w here a w ife has used her husband's
money in paying for such policy he may
recover by civil process.
Cuban Hyniiiathlsera Malm That riialn
lias Not Yet Conquered.
Key West, Fla., May 13. Advices
from Cuba to the insurgents hero bid
them not to despair or give up. The
province of St. It) go is virtually held by
the insurgents and they can not be
easily dislodged. The Cubans tonight
had a parade and speech making. It is
staled that 500 of the 3,000 men in line
are ready to embark for Cuba. The M as
cot t arrived at 8 q. in. She brings news
of raids in the province of Havana
by revolutionists. Notwithstanding the
reports of Spanish authorities that
everything is quiet, federal officials hero
have reliablo information that there are
large quantities of armsand ammunition
stored on this island, destined for the
Cuban insurgent. Every precaution
will be taken to prevent shipment.
General Mertz, it is said, has collected
$15,000 since Monday for the Cuban
Marriage Koyal.
London, May 14. It is thought that
the engagement of Ixird Rosebery to
Princess Maud of Wales will goon be
formally announced
The Earl of Rose
bery, secretary of
state for the foreign
department was
born in 1847. As
secretary of state
for foreign affairs in
Mr.Gladstone's cab
inet in 18SC, he won
general approval at
home and abroad
for his firmness in conducting the diffi
cult questions connected with the Servo
Bulgnrian war, and that of Greece's de
sire of a territorial indemnity. In 1878
he married Hannah, the only child of
Baron Meyer de Rothschild, who died
in November, 1890.
Princess Maud of Wales is the third
daughter of the Prince and Princess,
and is not quite 23 years of age. She is
said to be a very charming young per
son, whose grace and accomplishments
might well have commended themselves
to his lordship even if she were not the
daughter of England's heir apparent.
She inherited from her mother grpat
skill in needlework, and in her pretty
rooms at Sandringham, the country
residence of the
prince, may be eeen
the sewing machines
on which so inanv
bales of clothes have
been made for the
poor of the neigh
borhood and where
quite a number ot
the dresses of the
princess and her sis
ter, Victoria, have
been made by their own hands.
The Klppejr Jury Illnagree.
San F'bancihco, May 13. The jury in
the case of Wesley C. Rippey, charged
with assault to kill John W. Mackay,
were discharged this evening, being un
able to agree. It stood six for convic
tion as charged, five for guilty of assault
with a deadly weapon, and one for ac
quittal on the ground of insanity. The
second trial occurs in June.
Designed the Isabella Coin.
Miss Carrie Peddle who designed the
model for the "Isabella" coin provided
for in the last world's fair appropriation
bill, is n Terra
ilnute, Ind., girl,
the daughter of C.
Peddle, general
purchasing agent of
Vandalia railroad
company. She grad
uated tit the high
school in 1M!7, when
years old. For
ycjVjtwo years she was
i' liV-Af under the lnstruc
MiSi PtODit tion of St. Gaiidens
n the Art Students' Leaiine. During
the w inter she was at work on a design
for a statue of the Virgin Mary, for Ixiuis
Tillany of New York. It lias been com-
Dieted and indued of such surpassing
merit as to be worthy of a place among
the American sculpture nt the world's
fair, instead of among Titl'any's indus
trial display. Miss Peddle is modest to
the deirree of self-depreciation, and has
avoided public mention even at her
Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Irouii Cure, is for sale bv Snipes & Kiu-
ersly. Pocket sle contains twenty-live
ises, only 25c. Children lovo it. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly.
The trial for tho purpose of testing
the constitutionality of tho Geary law is
In progress at Washington. It is at
tracting wide-spread attention, and ap
proachec In Interest the famous Dred.
Scott case in the latter half of tho pres
ent century.
V5a, l
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.