THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1893. The Weekly Ghroniele. OFFIflAL rAI'Ek OF WASCO fOl'STY. Knit-red at the ixmiortin- mi The Hallirs, onicmi, Iletween The Dulles and Aiilelone j there in but one guide hoard (or the in i formation of the traveler. As there are several important roads leading oft" from i this il is necessary that other should lie lint ill). All through the count v the same fault inilit be cited. Our county roads are often traversed bv iieoiilc ii- noraut of the country through which Mr. I'llount will leave the Hawaiian ' they tire traveling, Hnd us in many islands about June .'ith uud will set sail j places farm holmes are miles uuirt, it for Washington, expecting to reach that results in a good deal of doubling on the city about the 17th. It is stated that same track, which, as all those who he has thug fur pleased Secretary Gresh- have had to do MARKET REPORT TiunNiiAY, May 11, 1S!W. The actir itv in the markets is marked with an improvement worthy of notice. The volume of trade has been more satisfac tory of late. Larue ordVr have lieen re ceived from the interior and were tilled nromntlv and shinned. Iriee remain - - ii - steady and all lines are In good supply. An exception is made in smrar which ! lias advanced another '4 of a ing the past few- days. The : ures, w nere they are otr in any wav. I Texas and Southern wools are yet iioini 1 nal in price, w ith oll.-riiips small and : very little present inquiry. California wools arc attracting little attention and . rule nominal. Oregon wool are quiet ; ut alNiut the sitiiie price aa territory ; grade for good lots. The situiition in foreign wools is steady, w ith a fair demand ruling. Aus tralian wools are in good supply, but , the market here is not on a parity w ith ' ti.u ;. .i;.... .. . i ...i ,i.iu t,uu I . .1 I I : I 1 1 . . . cent uur- '"" noun t iii.iiHposcu 10 sen except . . . Hi lldl l.rifetl I In f ). ,.t)i.F I.U...I ntM oi. iiion ;1 i " ''" ""Tl ., " , . ... . 1 ! importers wtio see a profit on their wools , .. .. i prevails lliut tHtit erades w-U ailvHiico to ... i....;.. .i i. . uc u wins iur pieaseu c-ccrviarv i.resn- iiac nan vo oo mis Know, is uiohi lor- " mlv irin nn-ui ri-n i..t....i mt-r am. w ith the exception of the indiscreet menting. A recent law makes the plac- ' ' '"nl8 JM,r iM,uni1 -' ll very near , cannot replace their supplies at present admission made by the commissioner on ; ing of these guide a duty of the j Ztu uplntn oT an"? the occasion ol his reception of a dele-, road supervisors, and as the law pro-! th outUx,s- 11,1 -n opinion of an ad- . .aU,g . y . onlv akiout " (KK) a ho came to vuieg mat tliev shall not lie allowed ! "ies iteing taken tor tins country at the li s restora- their pav until thev have proven to the T1,e ,ruri!io" is well supplied, last report. Caret wools are tirin. with .eir memori- ,' countv court that thev have placed these ",J Vriev tor ,'r8 ""haiiged, w ith 'rcity of "'. B''":rH.v , . . , ' 1 , , . . . a nood sunnlv on band flutter is in 1 M 'HrtlH- The business here is quiet at iddress said guide-boards, it ought to I an easy "W on ,,,lt,Pr ' ,n ' present, w Ith light otlerings in tirst to his gov-: matter to have them all put up within a ,H,Uer i,,r,pl-T 'na r,'M lower-1 hands. . . ! . ' l,t.-mm am .t;tt ....1 - ........ i ... iBlakeley & HoimhS druggists. 175 Second Street. - The Dalies, Or ' A full lino of all (he Standard Patent Med;,.;. l'nis, (Micinicals, Etc .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS-,' &CUHtrx ond Mail ttrdera will receive prompt attention. " ' gation of Hawaiian women w ho came to pray tor (Jueen l.iliuokalam s tioa. Mr. Blonnt receivel their mia anil in - 1 1 c . . ikm. l.u. V... u..... 1.1 a, . - : . . . . 1 . 1. iiv .uuiuBuuuHi tueiu 10 111s giv- 1 murr ui nuve ilium an put up w ttnill a 1 r ernment with all other information i short time. Tit Cmhonk-i.e i.ihh, :. i Potatoes are .till scarce and have gathered during his mission, but he ' will not be necessary to touch upon this was not authorized to take any steps j subject again, looking to the queen 's restoration. This, little conseauence he method of killing murderers .. r 1 t 1.. 1.... : ranta tuir 1 ui 11,. rr uiicrru llKirv irrt-i, Lrufc t .v.. riiiv Tl.u . . L... i ...:r 1 in ill . I .1-1 B HUH Mllll would have been of little conseauence but for the practical effect the incident adopted by Xew York state v'by electri has bad upon the queen's party. So j c'y) may prove to be unsatisfactory, long as Commissioner IUonnt was Blip- j A tent is proposed at the world's fair, by posed to have authority to restore the which it is hoped to lie shown that the queen they were quite willing to leave ! human body can stand any number of the whole matter to him, but now that volta. The theory is that man is a per they understand the real situation, and ! 'e,'t conductor of electricity, and given believe that weeks, and perhaps months, I projier conditions of as free passage may pass after the commissioner leaves out ' "ie body as into it, even the the island before the United States gov-: lightning bolt is harmless. A sensa ernment shall indicate its intentions ! tional story w as lately circulated, under with regard to Hawaii, it is only natural tl,e signature of a French physician, that they should feel like taking the ! that electricity does not kill under any matter into their own hands and mak- circumstances, hut reduces the body to J ing the most of a favorable opportunitv tate of coma, which counterfeits death 1 to start a counter revolution. dinnoiues9 o closelv as to lie tierfectlv decenriv i lnP the provisional government and restore , This is perhnps purely sensation. inough the matter should lie investi gated, and the fact of death established without a doubt. Public sentiment is growing against death as the extreme punishment. firm teudancy. Poultry quotations have not changed Oats are very scarce and may 1 quoted at $l.tU) to $1.75 per cental. Hur ley is more scarce, and good clean liarley is quoted at $1.10 per pound. The wheat market is quiet, although there is Home moveaient. I Vices have varied from 63 to 58 cents during the week. The Kastern and foreign mar kets are not active enough to give any interest or stimulating influence in the markets. Portland quotes valley at $1.17 to $l.l-."o, and Walla Walla at $1.10 to $1.12's, with a light movement. The won! market has not ouened here yet, though some buyers speak of 10 to ! ij'o as tne prouauie pru-e lor an open Wheat 52 to fwic ir bu. lYices are up to Ho to $1.00 of- the queen. It remains for Mr. Blount to please and satisfy the other tw.OlO.OOO people of theUnited Putes over his eon duct while at Hawaii, which is quite an undertaking for one of Mr. Blount's age. The cost of discovering America by Columbus, says Prof. Kuge, in the "(JlJ ; bus," was 1,1-10,000 maravedis, or about $7:. of our money. The monev of Queen Isabella, of course had a higher purchasing power than the dollar of to day, l if the sum named. Columbus re ceived nn annua! salary of $Jl'0. and the two captains each $!)2 jer year. Each sailor, in addition to his subsistence. re- Judge Bellinger deserves tha credit of already doing one good thing, says the E. O. In sentencing three men, con victed of selling whisky to Indians, he placed the fine at $25, instead of the usual $10 imposed heretofore. A fourth victim explained that he had been led unwillingly into the commission of the offense, a job having been "put up" on him, for when he undertook to uroeure me whisky for a suffering, thirsting . ceived $j.- per month, or one ducat i.auil ,t tnnrA . I, .. J . t ' iuuuu iur iciiu in company with a deputy marshal on his return, and on handing the coveted tire-water to the man, the marshal at once arrested him. This looked so mnch like collu eion that the court suspended sentence and allowed the prisoner to go at large on his own recognizance. The court ! will not look with favor on any such business or attempts to entrap unsus pecting or ignorant persons into the com mission of the offense of furnishing whisky to Indians, and if any one is proven to be interested in such a scheme he will be made to suffer for it. This is gratifying news in this section where selling whisky-to-Indians hat been lenngs are light at $1 50 to $1 00 ceuta Hr 100 lbs. Mn.i.sTri-rs Bran and shorts are quoted at $1S IK) iter ton. mid dling, $!. 50to$l':! 00 per ton. Roiled barley, $j:i 00 to 1M 00 per ton. Shell ed porn il "', ttu. liul n.m fi.ofu Salem niilln flour is quoted at $4 -'ft per barrel. Diamond brand at $3 50 per lib!, per ton and $3 75 per bbl. letail. Hay Timothv hav ranges In price from $12 00 to $15 (JO per ton, according w umny ami condition, w heat hay is in full Slock on a limited ilemuml .1 $10 00 to $12 00 ier ton. There is no inquiry for oat hay. and prices are off. Allulfa hav is not much jMed for, and is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. These quotations are for bailed hay cx- tiuHiveiy. Bl'TTKH Fresh roll butter .1 Jfl r.n cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we quote :i0 to 40 cents jer roll. Eoos Good fresh eggs soil at Hi and l'l'ttC. Pori.TkY Chickens im nnnlj -. i to $." jier dozen. BKEr Mi ttos Beef cattle are in moderate demand at $2.50 per 100 weight gross to $2.75 for extra pod. Mutton is quoted at $: 50 and $4 50 per head. 1'ork offerings are light and prices are nominal gross weiL-lit and 7.. wnii ,1 i i i hog meats are minted hi i-h . .....,- i..... - 1 ... - . il in round. STAI'l.K (.KlH EKIKH. CoPKKE ClWta k wr lb., by the suck, hulvadore. 2lV. Miss ANNA. PETER.5 CO, Fine Millinery; 112 Second St. THE DALLAS We give the following clipping from the Boston Advertiser of the 2 ult. which is a Iceur statement of the wool l statement of the situation at present. I THE Wool. HAKkKT. I The total receipts of wool at this port j during the past week comprise 7.0IHJ j bugs and bales domestic and 1.301 bales foreign, against 6,-S." bags and bales do ! mestic, 7,035 bales foreign for the same time last year. The total receipts since Jan. 1, 1S!K, comprise 1.'!4M bugs and hales domestic nnil S4 ?KI h:.!. f.,.Mi..n ngftinpt 1 1.'!,4."7 hngn and hales domestic ' and 81.475 bules of foreign for the sume time iii ls'lj. 0.-0.t:00 Ihi. of domestic fleece and pulled I '."T U'", ''-V and 704.1)00 Ids. forep.-n. innL-in. t(, I Arliuckles, -'. wwk's transactions fi it np 2.754,000 lbs. against 2.12M.500 l,s. for the pre vious week, and 1.40! .tNMl lbs. domestic, and 7M.(KK lbs. foreign for the corre sponding week last year. Thorp i h (lull ju t.. .I.a .1.... J the ojiening day, us near as he llie sales reported are greater than m wt-tt. il UirTl IIOl IO.lOW lliai tllC I 1, til present demand ha inmrnrwl ' . .,,KA!", """"i whites. of the larger sales recorded, are the r- i 1 ,nk- ' 'r ,,M suit of former transactions. The present situation is very flat taken aa a whole, and holders of domestic wool are anxious to s"ll where they can get any fair bids. KefKirts from the new clip are coming in freely, but buyers at this end can give Hie grower little encouragement. East ern buyers who are' generahy doing a large business in the country at this season of the year, are now at a com plete standstill. They are not inclined I. C. Nickelsen, The Dalles, ... Oregon KSTAHL1SHKI) 1N70. Tlio oklettt, 1iTLiewt, uud lit.Kt lliuiwiged tlOUMtt In SclltKll KlHlltH, llt.fUS, MllMiCMl ItlHtrutliL'tltM, NViltcllfM, Jewelry unl Siortinn OikkIn. Agt. Hmil.urK-Hrt rtit-ti Stf MiiiMltip Co 1'lc'Uasta to irt! from Kun)w. PaoMiT AnitsTtiiN. Ixw Pun eh. IV to tii k Times. Superintendent Tucker, of the depart ment of admissions, gave out the official statement that the attendance at Phi. cago on could ascertain, was 315,000. "The methods of getting at the nmi.W t,t tickets used by deadheads are v.-rv crude. There were no turnstiles .. aid n. I have put dow n the number of free ad missions at 140.1100 leaving the nninl-r who paid 17o,0ii0. This I regard us a conservative estimate." St'dAR Golden C. in bbls or sack . ?50; Kxtra C, $.1 75; I'rv grauuluted 50 In boxes, . (i., in :"l0 lb boxes $2 50. Ex C, $2 00. I,C $1 K.5. M ure $2 (HI...:; tK) pr keg. Kirs Japan rice, 7c; laland, rice, 7 cts. 1 . ut 5 I .. r followed as a regular business at the ex-1 '"'t. He has a suggestion of bis own wnicn ne tninlts g-io.1 and practi cal : "Assuming that the i.Tiai;,, - - ..iifc in n i Mr. Ionard Courtney, who is one of the convini-ed bi n.etallisis art.,. ... , , ,. ' "-"'"tr i.ieie siannsuii. inev are not inclined -Mne.eenth tentury on this interminable Pv w ithin several cents iter iKiund of nV.. ti- i . .. ... .!..,. n...;- . i ... r ' . pense of Uncle Sam. The following doubtful excuse for Chi cago is taken from the Spokane P.eview : Complaint in made from the world's iair grounds that it is "pav, pav, tv. fcet value of silver showed a rutin tween it and gold of something ls-tween 23 and 24 to one, he would provide that the mitn receive silver bullion and from the moment vou enter tha fuir grant certificates therefor m l,;,. I, .i,.,i.i until you leave." By all that is thrifty : 1,,?al tender at the ratio of 25 to one. and economical, what An tlm rw.,,u ! Five years nt-o I ii.ii.e,! . ... . . pect to encounter there? Any person of ' '1-precating any attempt to establish Tssion o7 rZndw"! makeTd" ordinary intelligence ouzht to ex r.t ; " international agreement for th I cided difT.-rt....- in .i. . . 1 i .. hi meir w(joi cost last vear, and as a result, are not doing much, as they fear to name a price, they w ill give, in 'most cases, but prefer to wait. The outlook af present is not encourag ing in any direction. Lutest remrts from Washington say that the president has announced his determination to call a special session of congress Sept. 1st or earner, and at that session the tariff will be revised, fbis announcement will settle the rumor that no tariff revision would be attempted until the regular that sort of treatment. If immunity 1 coinage of both gold and silver as stand-1 . -"""iim agreement lor the free i ciueu Oitlerence in the plans of wool i buyers. The mills nn i.... ... irom ton is uesiretf, Chicago is the wrong rn money, i have advanced with' i" uiey nave covereU a place to find it People desiring that reflection, to the ..lief thLt such WlnM ill inn Iff oaoIp Ulna n. , mi , in acrrtin.unr tB . i .1 . . - a iicii - . ,u pviiic vast) wiiu- ; ; ir m .T- utfHirpt.. anj ttiat Jrini:ipai want hereafter will le to iur- ""i Buii.c iunuiesc contiguity of " ai compusiieu with the mini- nale, which will be found incomnara- ' IIiani change and w ith ereat ,(,.. b!y cheaper, and a deal more comforta-' '"t to ttle empire and the world on the Die in July and Angust chase woo aiminsr nen U ..i , . . . .OUCH, , ..u ii, is saie to predict tliat under pn-s Salt Liverpool. 501b sk ILV lnntl. sk.fl 00; 2001b ek, $2 1)0. Sto k null, $i:t 50 -r ton. I'KtKii Fkcits Italian prunes. 12c per lb, by box. Kvaixirated atiplcs. Kii'flL"., perlb. lried graies, 7. he per pound". VKIiKTAHI.KH AMI Km ITS. Potatoks Pirless, Buffalo whites. Snow flake anil IWirliHiik -el!i!igs quoted at $1 75 to f2 ler l(!tl His. j Uhkks Kat iTs ( iiHKl apples sell fur ! $1 75i.!2 (Hi jut Isix. j lllllKS AMI ft us. Hiuks Are quo-.ed us follows: Irv, '. lb; preen, 2"' 2'., ; culls 4c lb. SiiKK.e 75tn Iimi en. itT-kins, 20c lb for w inter ami :!,. f. .r a..,,, .....i- Hressed, light $1 lb, heavv 75c lb. Bear skins, $s,!2 ea; benver, $:i fiO lb; otter, $5; fisher, $5ki $.' 50 : silver grav fox, $10f..$25; rwl fox. $1 25; gr-y fox, 2 ij$:t : martin. $lm$ ; ; mink, 5(h''tt.Vic; ciAn, :w ; covote, 50cm 75c ; badger, 25c; pulei-Hi. 25ci4iV; com mon house cut, l(W25c ea. Wool The market is reported 13 to 15 Wool bags, 35 cents.. MAI BR Sc BENTON DEALERS IN - - PyORn Wnnn Kik, Pine, ; . wAN1)CK.AjAr HARDWARE TT-jJ: RANGES 133 SECOND ST. FINE GROCERIES, Com. THIRD AND UNION. Tinning and Plumbing a Sped i M UALLKS. OR. for Two iMirner lots, with five cot tage and oulbuiidi.iL's. a ,,.-,.1 u,ii waUT, also city water, nice young fruit THE DALLES LUMBERLYG C INCOHHOKATEU IMMfj No. G7 Washixoton Stkkkt. . , The DkJ Wlnileaal.. .,..1 t'..,..:i T , 1 .... f ... t.B,,.,, aa .iunuI tunTs of Buildin? Mdtcrul and DimtDsion Timber, Doors, Windows, Muldiiiirs, House Fust. Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit Boxes and Packina Cases. ' dumber Yrcl t Old It. D.i DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliver any part of the city. John Ruekin ha been proffered the position of poet laureate of England. Kuitkin has been a verv nonular writer. ! conditions I have mitrsreated. Writhrral Bik. ulni, The following in the : oloyical report for April by Vol. Ol. j and ent condition-no one will care to buv a ' treeH, (rmil noil, deHiral.le location. Fiouna more wool than ii alilntely j remarka.ily cheap. Kee (i. Kikintz ... ... um hi once, a revmion j 4t of the tariff means low er prices for wool. ' . -.. ... aumuun 10 una a verv dull trade until the market l-comeii settled to the orw oroer 01 event m r-j of iiiriniarnnmrnrn luaiiuiflbiuicii : Imte. 1 . a.m. le ..I 41 M tbouifh bi phyairpse ha not been in j K- X- Staehr, at Kake Oven : conwnance with hi; mental abilities. The position of poet laureate, with a stated salary attached, is peculiarly EoKlisli, and sin li a piace in the United tate would seen, Very ridiculous, and, would lie rendered more so by the frail tenure of jfovernment positions in iren eral consequent upon chan(re of administration. -p.m. j, m The editor of the Farmington Forum has been sued for liliel and required to five bonds in the sum of ISDO to appear before the "uperior court. In comment ing on the case the editor says : "The time for the trial by the superior court has not been set, but we hope it will not take place for some weeks, as it would ' be doubly severe for us to go to making jute sacks while all is life, beauty and gaiety in the outer world." I Twenty walnut trees standing near j Goshen, Ind., were soW recently to a j lumber syndicate fur $4,000. A transac-! tion of this kind excuses the wildest! Tagaries of the forestry enthusiast who ,' pleads not only with the "woodman" to epare the trees, but to the agriculturist to plant and protect them from yandal-ism. :il :ii S M :; Jit I.. .".1 Ii. I.". II M, It lit I.". e :ti l.t e. .Jl Ml I" t" ! 41 II. !." lWer dllli.a nn ... :.. . . t. . . . ' a-nin llifl, W l nH ! auow clotniers to hold entirely ut of i the market until the revision on the tar i iff goes into effect, however, aa thev have got to have some ,food on fund all !c the time They realize this and have l placed very free orders for all goods, hut the tendency will be to purchase no more than they are absolutely obliged , to have. Whatever the alter effect on 1 the market w ill l.e when the trade gets 1 settled down to the new order of things j there is no disguising the fact that w hile I the chanire is being brought aU.ut.busi- "T". seriouslv impaired, and : this is what wool dealers are obliged to ! bear stronvlv in ,;.,,! . i .. " , nukine their fall purchases in the "conn-1 , trj'. W ith clothiers not ordering goods j ami manufacturers only making upi w hat are already ordered w hile prepar ing for the change, the outlook is for a small consumption of the raw material I j and ,,mj,.r conditions it is more I than probable that values w ill hove to j nut; verv lr.r tn ....... .: W. a VV a ti;ooT 3tJ I qi, CS,.: IT wiii HOT r.w. H AnsrreeBi.i Imtiv.- at.l N KKVfc I OS IV. will by liruHViatnor aent l.r mall. Kctuc . ml fl.Ui it puckave. Mmimi frae If O Hfl Th F"""e WCTH KTZti m0 1 a V tortlieToett. and Urtatu.ioo. "nr sals by Hi.lp.a Kliieraly. Parley eft? Fi?elti1& i ruiTefwur to L. I. Frank, decead. ) OF ALL A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAI1JIWO PROMPTLY -r.,i EATLT w umcsi m man ucaicre id Harness, Eriillcs, Wfcips, Eorse m FdJI Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stampei F.COXI) STKKKT, . . . pAl, Impnrud Enclihh Shire Stallion LORD HAWKE. I'KHIGKKK. When .hi ,:r- b 11 .. l"; . S. u:. N.rr, wk., . , .. the if.deknowwUttolTl l- i , ,1" '. 'I the .illev. :ii . l I,.. .... ... i ,r.'vn.i. M" l.v l.,.iM.l..iri.r. :. .... .... iy li.ilnnt 'li.ln. Ha.j I... .... ' - I : lie aire. Kli.u if, ,vi I llHrtr.ini, lu-17 im, I I'ain iy Wnxw.irk, I he l.y lllnek i ii ; hr hy Waxw.irk, yesterdar made land for selling adulterated unlk. The trouble is not that we lack for good laws, but men to enforce them, and Mr. Luce eems to be an agreeable exception. HOKTHI.V St SMART. MnTlmt.m . . . ... . . ........., iemi-rt.,re. jr,. rti nth. , me market wi sett e itself to ita " "' mwntim the pr.,mcts are far from No. clear .iv.j: trtiv 1; ,n4y ,. 'encouraging. U llV" Uy'"a whl"h '" w m,m Pr" vuil., i General stocks of wool here are small I'rHVAlllriv HMMl.. i- j I UUt flt till ttMlllt- fitr.u .;,u. - . .. i.u..,i n; n v", "-"""" ami w.t. ' .,nn,i ..t x..:,:."'r ""'." 1 .: ,:, ! Ternary wrnils are easy i price and i lion. LOk 11- i"'1 ht"1- ikffs are planted alon the alopes favors the buyer, where the-.n at W. I . of railroad cuU and bank, in Austria i tur cn ' '."l,lc!l purchase. New Tuesdavs and i , h' m' . n.i tn -..I,... .i . i wools are nn n ... i ,..... " emu sciays , and at fu. l -"T wvaiiawe in "ir on i liurHdavs. I ri.l... ...i -e,-u,. oi me c ill nt rv n,l 1.. .1.1 , av. J " "vur- ers of old wnnla ... .'. . I J,,' mind. Some t.i Z,r L 'n lor the season, I0; to insure. tin flnrtncp i . i ana in other places where them L room. A recent statement shows that these plantations include about 8?o,- H. ft. T.netf tl.A - .... f 1 . . n.Dic iijuu com- meae iiiauutiionn include atmut 8 7 0 i h ...n er missioner, is an ener,retic officer, and 000 it trees and forest trees. Heane.1 nVwi". 'I.'""1 yesterday m.Ie several arrests in Pm. : i.'.? . S "f d.".r""' '."- 'f Ltufx tiTOUT. aired ele ven vpftn. ram a quarto temperance paper, called the Midffct. in Ohio, set a great deal of the matter, and edita it all. Her father is a newspaper man. was New - Umatilla- Hou THK HALLKS, OKF.GON. SIIMNOTT &, FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and I'.aggage Oflice of tlie ,, j., ini1.n;f ,, o(,i(.eo( , j Union Telegraph tflice are in the Hotel. j Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuab i J-iAIJj KT : AND : FIN K.ST : 1IOTKL : IN : 0B ! The Dalles Mercantile Co. JOHBr.K AM) I.KAI.r.K I General Merchandi Dry OooiIh, Cloth inc. dent' Furnisliin (hodJ MifM-s, JIatH, Caps, (irwerivH, Hardware, Crockfry, Hay, Crain,, Etc. I'M I'.mI I ' " " "" i; A. J. McHALEY. 390 to 394 Second St., The Dalles