The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 12, 1893, Image 1

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Secretary Carlisle Orders a Stoppage
of Procccdiis.
n-itc of Arrest of Unregistered Chi
oese rstonc(I---Keasonn for
This Last Move.
U'ahiiinoton. May 4. Tlie text of tlie
order instructing Vliitfd State officials
not to arrest the Chinese who have not
registered telegraphed from the treasury
tlupartiiiflnt today as loiiows :
Washington, I. C, May 4.1
H, time within which the Chinese
ll(..i r". required by the act of May 6th
IS'.U i procure certificates of residence
ill t'kiiiru on tlie 6th day of the present
inciiitli, and it is evident from the par
til reports made to tiiis department by
the collectors of internal revenue that
in Home of the states and territories
lnrR iiiiiiiImtm o( such persons have
failed or refused to make application as
required by the law, hut until couiplete
re.KirtH are received of the ii!',"i,s and
residences, those who have i.,:U!red
slid procured certificates, and wlio are
therelure exempt from arrest, cannot lie
officially known. The collectors of in
ternal revenue and collectors of cus
toms sml all customs officers of the
I'nited Slates are therefore instructed
to ri'ffain from making arrests under
tlie provision of the sixth section of
the set approved May 5th, lSlCI, en
titled "An act to prohibit the coming of
Chinese iicrsniis into the I'nited States,"
until further orders and instructions
from this depurtinent.
J. (1. Cakuhi.e, Secretary
The attorney-general supplemented
this circular by instructing the United
Hiatus district attorneys to defer pro
ceedings under the act of May fith, IMC,
except under an order of court, until
the necessary arrangements for the ar
rest, imprisonment mid deportation of
the iierwms accused can be perfected, of
which due notice will I given.
iiatwrnor flower Hw United the Ap
lillcatloa -for Oeniency.
i.iianv, May 4. Governor Flower
fias denied the application for clemency
in the case of Carlyle W. Harris, the
young lutKlical student, of New York,
convicted of jioisoning hi young wife,
and whose trial attracted so much at
tention in the New York naiiers. He
will he electrocuted next week.
NuKKoata Another World' Fair., I'a., May 4. Jesse K.
I'eyton, known as father of Centennials,
suggests the idea of holding a celebration
at Jerusalem, to commemorate the
2,000th anneversary of the Christian era.
A meeting will be
held next month at
Philadelphia to dis
cuss the advisability
of such a celebration.
CI. Jesse E. Peyton
was the first person
to suggest the event
1870 in commemora
tion of Hunker Hill,
also the exhibition
at Philadelphia, the
erection of the York-
town monument in 1HH1, the New York
celebration in memory of the inaugura
tion of Washington and the establish
ment of the government, and the world's
fair nt Chicago. Col. I'eyton is about
76 years of age.
and a professor from Chicago, com
position hsd proceeded so fur that all
ordinary means of identification were
impossible. It was learned that in
Omaha Ir. Slomiin had hail considerable
dentistry done, and that the dentist hail
made a chart of the teeth, and complete
notes of his operations. He was brought
to Detroit, and yesterday the body was
exhumed. The teeth were examined,
and a chart and description made that
were identical with the records of the
Omaha dentist.
Advertised the Pair.
No one questions but what the world's
fair has been thoroughly and completely
advertised. The one man to whom
credit is principally due for this Is
Moses P. Handy,
chief of the depart
ment of publicity
and promotion. Mr.
Handy has long
been a man well
known in news-
y "i'.' i'afr ''rc'es and
' Vll' the hearty co-ojiera-
y lion ne nas reeeiveo.
from the press of
rAoil.4 P. Ha the country indi
cates in a measure the personal popular
ity of the gentleman in charge of that
department. Mr. Handy is a newspaper
man, and made a reputation in that line
in the eust prior to his appointment.
He is in the prime of life, a man of great
ambition, executive ability and capacity
fur hard work.
An Inrreaae of Thirty-two Tboo.and
Hurlnf tli I'sst Mouth.
Astokia, Or., May 5. During the last
two days fish have been running well,
and, though the stormy weather has
prevented a heavy catch, the quulity all
around is very superior. Yesterday's
average was 13 fish per boat; today it
was a little over 12. The highest catch
recorded today is one of -9 fish, weigh
ing (- pounds, winch tigure in tiau
weather is excellent. Thirty-two of
Kinney's boats this afternoon brought
in 4.IH tisti. During April ttie total
catch of the seven canneries on the
lower river was 28,124 or 24,038 cases.
Cohan lurleln; (Iter.
Maiuiiii, May 4 The news received
here from Havana yesterday that the
chief Cuban reliels had surrendered was
received with an expression of profound
relief in both political and financial cir
cles. Spanish funds rallied 1 per cent
today and Cuban stocks 4 per cent.
Tlie official dispatches continue to rep
resent the separatist movement as com
pletely checked.
A Vary Active Volcano.
Kan Fhancihco, May 3. Advices from
Honolulu state that not for years has
Kllnticn, the big crater of Hawaii, been
seething, boiling and bubbling as it was
at last reports. Just liefore the Austra
lia left Honolulu, Peter Lee, the hotel
rnan at Hilo, came to the city and re
ported the volcano was disporting Itself
In a truly awful way. The lake of fire
that for some years has confined itself to
an area of about 12 acres in the inner
most crater, has risen fully 10 foet, and
now the whole middle center, of about
120 acres, is a mass of molten lava.
New Method uf Identification.
rKTnoiT, May 4. The perfect indenti
flcation yesterday of the Isidy or the late
Dr.Engcne Sloniun, of this city, bids
fair to become famous In medical
jurisprudence, as 125,000 insurance de
pends on the result. Dr. Hloinan was
drowned in Oinnha lust July. The in
suiimco company demanded the privi
lege of investigating, professing to sus
pect something wrong. Tlio work was
inducted by three Detroit physiHians,
Kail road Kulldlnf Stnpntid
Siocx Falls, P. !., May, 4. Work
on the new line of the Sioux & Yankton
road came to a sudden stop this morn
ing iu Turner and Lincoln counties, 100
teams and 200 men lieing driven olf by
farmers through w hose lauds they were
working. The payment for the right
of way is not satisfactory.
Tht Afternoon itettle.
New Yokk, May 6. The afternoon
battle slacked off a trif e in intensity.
There were spusms of riotous bidding
and Belling, however, for a time; then
the actum again became more rapid.
Itarely, If ever, iu the history of the
stock exchange were such w ild fluctua
tions witnessed. While this con
dition existed, dazed brokers were
throwing over stocks regardless of price.
Foreign houses were quietly picking up
dividend-payers. It is estimated that
up to noon London'! purchases aggre
gated fully tiO.000 shares, consisting
mostly of St. Paul, Ixiuisville & Nash
ville, and Wabash preferred. This in
crease in foreign exchange caused a drop
in sterling rates to 4.85(i 4.H9, but
money continued close at 11 (it 12 per
cent. The confidence displayed by
foreigners caused the home operators
to take courage and a general rally
Soon after the ojiening there was a
renewal of yesterday's rumors that S. V.
While ("JH'acon") was in trouble in
connection with Cordage, liefore three
quarters of an hour after the opening
the slump in that stock became too
great for him to stand and he went down
before tlie storm. The fact of the fail
ure of the grain speculator, whose going
to the wall year or ao ago in a grain
deal on the Chicago board of trade
caused such a sensation, was known on
the street and found its way into the
stock exchange room liefore .the formal
announcement was made therein. Ac
cording to his own statement the Cor
dage deal is the chief element ill his
failure, but he Is also interested in Chi
cago (las. Cordage strangled him, but
( ins suffocated him. He is unable to go
on nt present, though lie might get up
later on, he said.
Three Failures Yesterday and Three
More Today.
Today Closes With an Easier Feeling,
but the Uneasiness Not Allayed
Owing to Other Disastrous
New York, May 5. Special to the
Chuomclk.) Wall street today is more
violently agitated than it has been in
history. Houses of world-wide fame
and accredited responsibility are totter
ing and fallingon every side, no less than
six having failed since yesterday morn
ing. Tliose of yesterday were Henry
Alden & Co., who have large branch
interests in Chicago; B. L. Smith A Co.,
and Schuyler Warden. The feiarkct
closed with a decidedly panicky feeling
and this morning there was a flurry
when the Stock Exchange opened.
Three failures were announced, those of
W. L. I'atton 4 Co., S. V. White and
Henshaw & Co. of Boston.
12 m. After 11 o'clock the excitement
in the Stock Kxchange abated some
what, but fluctuations continued wide,
and frequent buying offers appeared.
Prices jumped three and four points at
a time, but any pressure to sell was im
mediately followed by a break. The
cIob was easier. One of the largest
houses on the street is said to be in
trouble and certain to fall.
The panic originated from the re
markable decline in the National Cord
age stocks, sujierinduced in part by the
recent heavy exports of gold. All stocks
have felt the drive, some of the best
railroad dropping at a remarkably rapid
gait. Northern Pacific fell to 14'..:, but
rallied a little at the close.
till fund, to the Indians of that trilie.
At the request of Senator Mitchell, and
the advice of the Indian department, the
amount has been increased to f.'.'i, w hich
will be paid the Indians In a few days.
Kipoaltlon May Be Open on Mundaya.
Chicago, May 5. A local paper de
clares positively the world's fair will be
open on Sunday. It will be opened
without formal action or formal an
nonncement. It has been the rule to
have them open Sunday, and Chief
Tucker, of the bnreau of admissions, re
ceiving no orders to the contrary will
continue the custom. He has made ar
rangements accordingly, ordering all
ticket-takers and guards on duty.
Carlyle Harris Will Die tiy Electricity
at Nood.
Haved br Coolneae.
Jackbo.n, Miss., May 5. The court of
Brookhaven yesterday morning was to
be occupied with the cases of ten white
caps in jail there for shooting a negro
and burning his cabin several months
ago. The court had just opened when a
mob of 100 men rode into town and sur
rounded the court house and jail, threat
ening the life of Judge Chrisman and all
officers who dared to oppose them.
Thev would let no one leave the place,
and it was some time before the citizens
of the town knew of the disturbance.
The citizens finally went to the rescue,
and the judge, knowing what was com
ing, used a pistol and led the charge
against the mob. Tliey retreated to the
suburbs, and the town was in an uproar.
The band of outlaws awaited the attrrk
in ambush. Sheriff McNair telegraphed
Governor Stone for guns, and w ith Ad
jutant-General Henry he went to the
scene in person, carrying with him 40
Winchesters and 2,000 cartridges. Since
his arrival nothing has been heard.
Frank Peyton, court stenographer, came
up from Brookhaven at 5 p. m. He
says that when the band took possession
of the court housean important case was
being tried. Lawyers, witnesses and
auditors were horror-stricken. Judge
Chrisman was the only man who kept
his senses, and it was only through his
coolness that the attacking party was
repulsed, without the loss of a single
person. But for the timely arrival of
the militia companies from Wesson and
the city of Brookhaven, Mr. I'eyton
thinks Judge Chrisman and several
others would have been murdered.
Kattle With the Yaqula.
Ciiiiicaiiua, Mexico, May 5. A cour
ier arrived here yesterday, bringing
information of an attack made by sev
eral hundred Yaqni Indians upon a Oo
tachment of 150 government soldiers
who had been sent against them. The
tight occurred near the Chihuahua state
line, west of Sahuareha, and resulted in
a number on both Bides being killed and
wounded. The Indians were well armed
and fought deperately, compelling the
government troops to beat a hasty re
treat without carrying off their killed
and badly wounded from the field. The
Indians have sent out word that no
troops or strangers will lie permitted to
enter their country, and, as the govern
ment will send a large force of soldiers
against them, a bloody campaign is ex
pected. The t'inatllla Reservation lloanltal.
Washington, May 4. The interior de
partment will in a few days issue a pat,
ent to the statn for land on the ceded
Umatilla reservation for the location of
a state hospital. Secretary Smith made
the matter special today at the rennet
of several Oregoiiians.
Some time ago the president set n-i lc
per capita to lie paid out of the I'mti-
A Mother Writes to tha Spokane Re
view In Warning.
To tub Editor It has been definitely
ascertained that there is an organized
company operating through our country
who have taken a contract to furnish
the brothels and hell houses of the city
of Chicago for the season with 25,000
fresh young girls from the country. The
greatest diligence roust be practiced by
parents and the greatest possible cau
tion by our girls, for these vampires will
come to them with soft speech, winning
manners, and oftpn wearing the livery
of some benevolent organization. Very
often they will appear in the somber
hues of mourning and open their in
trigue by appeals for sympathy in their
pretended afflictions. They will not
hesitate to use force if there is any
chance for it. They will advertise ex
tensively. There will be seen "Girls
Wanted" in many of our papers, "good
pay and light work." Girls, beware!
Yes, you are wanted; 25,000 of you!
Fathers, look out ! Your daughters are
at a premium. No man wants his own
girl made a moral wreck, no matter how
many other girls he has helped to wreck.
Most men have still honor enough left
not to want to see their own flesh and
blood degraded, even though they have
not honor enough to keep from degrad
ing other people's flesh and blood.
Drugging will be extensively resorted to.
Let no girl "take a drink" even of soda
water or lemonade with strangers, or
answer in jierson an advertisement that
has not been thoroughly investigated by
some personal friend whom you know
to be trustworthy. This alarm should
be circulated through all our country
press. Wiil cur editors give it atten
tion. A Motiikk.
After His Separated Parents Were Bade
Goodbye He Devoted His Time to
a Review of His Case.
. The Army Bill Lnit.
Bkulin, May 6. The army bill was
rejected today in the reichstag by a vote
of 210 against the bill to 1G2 in favor of
it. The rescript signed by the kaiser
dissolving the reichstag was immediately
promulgated, and the reichstag is now
dissolved. The result of the vote on the
army bill caused no surprise to the gov
ernment. Caprivl attempted yesterday
evening to rally the wavering members
to a support of the measure by offering
to reduce the peace effective even below
the number proposed in the amendment
offered by Von Huene. The offer, how
ever, did not gain a single vote. The
last attempts at compromise having
failed, Caprivi refusing to sanction the
proposition to make two years' active
service permanent, the kaiser became
impatient of further delay, and proposed
for a decision by the reichstag today.
Hence a vote was taken at once, instead
of being postponed until Monday. The
failure of the army bill makes it neces
sary for the kaiser to defer for the pres
ent his projected reforms of the higher
military commands and of the posts iu
the war office. Chancellor Caprivi has
gone to Potsdam to offer his resignation
to the kaiser.
Hurriedly convened meetings are
being held in Berlin and other populons
centers tonight. The promptness with
which "the reichstag was dissolved im
mediately after the defeat of the gov
ernment was announced has taken
everybody by surprise. Social demo
cratic leaders are alone ready for an elec
toral campaign. Beliel, Singer and
Liebnecht will leave Berlin tomorrow
and begin at once to stump the country
in behalf of the socialist candidates. In
every district in which the socialists
have a fighting chance candidates will
be nominated, and the party expects
with reason to have an increased repre
sentation in the next reichstag. The
emperor will not allow the dissolution
of the reichstag to interfere with the pro
gramme of his coming tour.
KlKhty Live Lout.
Viknsa, May 4. The town of Kowal,
Poland, 80 miles south of Warsaw, pop
ulation 3,500, was swept by a conflagra
tion. One hundred and sixteen houses,
incl'iding the hospital and asylum, were
destroyed. Three hundred families are
homeless and destitute. F.ighty people
perished in ihe flames.
Subscribe for The Ciikonii i.e.
Pino Sino, N. Y., May 7. Carlyle
Harris has said farewell to hit parents
and friends and all dear to him on earth,
and now awaits the messenger of death.
The last act in the strange drama of his
life approches, and while he shows a
nervous apprehension and a full appre
ciation of the terrible thing that is to
come to him on the morrow, no signs of
breaking down are visible. He adheres to
his oft-repeated declaration of innocence,
and he passed the best part of his last
day on earth not in communication with
his spiritual advisers preparing for the
great hereafter, but with pen and ink
and paper, reviewing the past and seek
ing to place himself right with the
world he leaves. He was a trifle more
nervous than usual today, the situation
having its effect upon him, and the man
who allowed no sign of emotion to
escape him during the scenes of the
past months is at least showing that he
is human. The prison physician saw
Harris twice today, and said that while
he was a little more nervous than usual,
he could discover no signs of a breaking
down. Mrs. Harris remained at her
boarding-bouse today and did not go to
the prison.
She took her last farewell of her boy
yesterday afternoon. Ihe scene was
one of the saddest which has ever been
witnessed within the grim walls, where
all is sadness. The younger brother,
Allan, also said good-bye yesterday.
This afternoon Charles D. Harris, the
father, accompanied by young Allan,
went to the prison, and father aud son
met for the first time in years. Mr.
and Mrs. Harris have lived apart for
some time. Afterward the father took
the train back to his home in Syracuse,
leaving Mrs. Harris and Allan to wait
here until all is over and they can carry
away all that is mortal of their beloved.
The last farewell to relatives having
been said, Carlyle Harris devoted his
time to writing a review of the chief
events of his life and of what has been
done by the courts, judges and governor
in his case. All preparations have been
made for tomorrow. The electrocution
w ill take place about noon. State Elec
trician Davis has tested the dynamo and
apparatus and found everything in
order. I he apparatus is the same winch
was used in the last two electrocutions
I). W. Hoaklna Murder Ida Itennett and
Spokane, Wash., May C D. W. Hos-
kins, a demented man, driven mad by
constant brooding over his unrequited
flection for Captain Ida Bennett of the
Salvation army, shot and killed her yes
terday atternoon at 2 '45 at the barracks
and then turned the weapon upon him
self with fatal effect. His last words,
pronounced after he shot her and before
hetook his own life, were: "I killed
her because I loved her, and I am as
well off dead myself."
A deafening report followed and Hos-
kins fell forward on his fucv. Four
members of the Salvation army saw the
deed, but were powerless to prevent it.
The weapon was a 44-caliber revolver
loaded with Winchester rifle cartridges.
The first shot penetrated the woman's
heart, entering below her left arm as
she stood with her left side turned to
ward him.
The suicidal bullet did its work with
awful certainty. The muzzle of the
weapon touched the right temple as it
was tired, and the leaden ball made its
exit just above the left ear. The con
cussion split the skull as if with an axe.
Blood and brains were scattered over a
snace of 10 feet square, and as the man
and suicide, for he had sjient the fore
noon writing letters expressive of his
Intentions, lie held the revolver con
cealed under his coattails as he went np
the steps. Lieutenant Augusta VVech
ter, Berna Kirstlans and J. C. Finstad
were standing in the front of the au
dience room. Captain Bennett had en
tered the room at the right of the
platform to get several copies of the
War Cry. Hoskins walked straight for
the platform. Finstad attempted to
detain him. but he said, fiercely:
"Don't lay a hand on me, or you'll drop
dead." .
Captain Bennett heard the words and
opened the door, standing in the en
trance with a bundle of War Crys in
her arms.
"You wronged me and you know it,"
Hoskins shouted at her.
As he spoke, he fired. The ball
missed. He shot again. The War Cry!
fluttered loosely to the floor, and Cap
tain Bennett fell. When Hoskins fell
forward his life-blood dyed tlie papers,
and formed a thick, red jool, extending
on each side of the bod v.
The women did not even gasp. Her
eyelids moved slightly, and the
breathed her last.
Attracted by the sound of the shots,
a morbid, curious crowd collected at
the foot of the stairway, and before a
policeman arrived to keep them back,
many persons gathered about the
bodies. The sickening sight seemed to
have a strange fascination for many of
them. Coroner Newman had ditliculty
forcing his way to the place where the
tragedy occured.
The woman was removed to the
morgue first, and orders were give to
have the body embalmed for transpor
tation to San Francisco. Hoskins will
be buried at the expense of Spokane
county, probnbly, as no one das showed
any interest in giving .him a private
Spokane, May 7. The funeral ser
vices were conducted at the Methodist
Episcopal church this afternoon under
the auspices of the Salvation Army.
The streets were thronged during the
progress of the procession from the bar
racks to the church. Several local min
isters took part in the services, which,
were very impressive. Many allusions
were made to Captain Bennett's devo
tion to her work, and sobs were heard
all over the house. The crush in the
church was awful, and in the midst of a
hymn the edifice began to settle and the
walls to crack. Hundreds rushed oat
into the street, and there was almost a
panic. The church is built on an inse
cure foundation, aud the building set
tled four inches owing to the great
weight. '
Granite For the Cascade.
Major Handbury, United States en
gineers, has returned from a visit to the
granite quarries of Day & Co., at Ray
mond, Fresno county, Cal., 200 miles
from San Francisco, from which the
granite for the locks at the Cascades is
to be brought. He wished to see w hat
progress was being made w ith the work
there, and found that there was a vast
amount of granite in sight, and that
some blocks had been quarried out.
Derricks were in course of erection, and
boilers, engines, etc., were being got
together preparatory to doing a large
part of the drilling by machinery. The
spring has been backward there a.s well
as here, and consequently not so much
progress has been made at the quarries
as mighi have been had the season been
more favorable. Mr. J. G. Day Jr., who
has been at the quarries, returned to
Oregon with Major Hiindhury. Ore-
Six hundred and eight Chinese at
Portland and aboard the Danube, wero
not permitted to land.
HtrrllKlll " Health.
If you are not feeling strong ami
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "hi
grippe" has left you weak and weary,
use Electric, Bitters. This remedy acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you arealllicted w ith
sick headache, you will find speedy and
lay iu his own blood, the greater part of j permanent telief by taking Electric
his mangled brain oozed out on to the
When Hoskins entered the barracks
he was an avowed would-be murderer
Bitter!. One trial will convince yon
that this is the remedy you need. Irge
bottles only 50c. at SniM-s &. Kinersly'a
drug store.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report