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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY' CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1893. sv: i..v - . .-- vx. W, . T-: V f:i; ;V..:' s:,v..r . U per EotUeW1?. VS (HIT t-lft HWI , IM aW I IIHI. Cr.ii) prompii; r! tV'M Vlioupini: Couli ami Atinu:u '!' r t intmifn 1t no rival: h curil itmu .ml" win rruli oilirs failt!; wiUri'Na Yr: u cikcu in tunc. Sol i by lruTX't-i4 o:t n tr?fmir.;it, fVr I nrueliuck or CtK-:u uso tiU t tw i .ami i iw SJcu. S HILnK'5 CATARRH total to euro you. i'rUvtucu. lukx'tor tiw Fur Ml by Knlp.a tt Klii.raly. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of PAU.ES city, or. President Z. F. Moody Vice-lVesident, - - Hilton Cashier, M. A. Moody PRINCESS MARIE LOUISE. The Inoi Laily W ho to Marrf FT tliiamt of lltili;artift. 1 tie eoinitijj marriage ol lYmw t or dinatul of Iiuhraria und Irinoess Mario IiOiiisi' of ltourhon excites much interest n broad. Tin- priiii-e.v., who in all probability will he a ticcn Mime day, recently celebrated the twontv- third anniversary of hor birth. She is thi oldest daughter of the dulto of 1'arnia. who, with his family, ha 1'ved at Soilless Sohwarzau. in I-owor Aus tria, for tlu" lai.t four 3'ears. Tho princess is tiotod among hor relatives and frionilsfor her striking resemblance to tho famous duchess of Horry, tho mother of Count do ChaiuUinl. A portrait of the duchess in hor youth, preserved at Frohsdorf, could woil pass General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchangee Sold on NEW YORK. SAX FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. 1 r T ... . . (U(lAu HMO ! tftVE YOU TEE2J B3K6S AMD FJULEB ? TO KIND A ITI1K nil ; RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCSATSCA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDEO ! COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-EVCITy ir. Du. HirvH ri.Fi.Ti.'ir n mm r.ii.rir, 'II 11 u tl M miri ll fin,- woliiur rnixcEag marik loi isk op vovrbon. Collections made on favoruhle terms at all accessible ioints. A. A. Brown, Kccpe & full Assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which heoffen at Low Flgurm. SPECIAL :-: PfllGES to Cash Buyers. Sinhest Cash Prices for 1m anfl oilier Produce. 170 SECOND STREET. COLUMBIA Candy Factory, for that of the younp bride were it not for the difference in costume. She has the same preat blue eyes and the char acteristic Hourbon nose U'litf) VL'iui prominent feature of the duchess. iTineess .'larie is a clever younfj woman una takes an active interest in all that happens in the worlds of litera ture, science, politics aud art. She is an artist of no mean talent; is a lin fruist, commandinR' a half-dozen lan puafres; is witty, and a poxl ami enter taining talker. She is proud of her Voice. Which is lovolr nml mift in ,n.mb. in(j and of pood soprano quality in siuir- inp. For manv vears the nrinii,t hna Kiutn in chartre of an English Mary Fnuser, who has become with the passage of years so popular with the members of the family that she has been promoted to the rank of lady-in-waitinfr. The princess is so attached to her that she will nmh.-iliK- tnlm h. t Sofia when she pries there to share the mrone 01 liuljjana. Tho bride has hwn -,i.,rm ,,n simple fashion, as her parents are averse to undue pomp and formality. She will win the hearts, it is firmly believed, of the pallant Hulparians, who lonped, when lrince Alexander was their ruler, to ee a princess at his side. for yean tho offer thntH luado ly the Jirojiriotore of Dr. Sagr'n Ca- t.irrh lii'ini'ilr Tl'u ixl.lrnwuiwl ., m. - you, if you liavo Catarrh. It's a rowaru 01 it they can't euro you, no niatU'r how had your enso, or of how long utamlmp an offer that b made in pood faith lv re sponsible nieiu Think what it mean t Absolute, rontidonco in their Kotnody, or they couldn't afford to take tho risk. A long record of perfect and perma nent cures of the worst cases or they couldn't have faith in it. It means no moro catarrh or $500. If vou fail to bo cured, vou won't fail to bo paid.. lut perhaps you won t Iiehcvo it. Theu there's another reason for try ing it. Show that you can't bo cured, and you'll get $.r()0. It'u a plain business offer. The makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay you that amount if they can't cure you. They know that they can you think that they can't ff they're wrong, you get the cash. If you're wrong, you're rid of catarrh. I''.. iG' i "A r ""(' all Hi"'. ; .1,., ?-':,'f.--' " iiaJvO'A lr l"-'-- . "V ' ! cb. saneeh's electric belt : T .. V .'"''. ,V''V"; '' . 'I'i Tf llnllii,Liili"f10".'i. i4ivn''ii.M ... W . -SjCI ' ji -J- ti ''"' t I'" K . . t -Jla ""' . J fUL'j- ' 'r yniii'iiv.imiiur iM.rv,. r.r, . vl. nS.-i-L.-?!?.: mm-.rr jfll'f!2'AU riiu. iH.ii,ri,ilin,.,. I , , . t737;?-C '""f-t " J ,. i Ji ' !" nIMliiii. ilii.inr.1. 11 11 .. ; j fc.wrir, & ijinri'il for viKoi.uiniitr.-ii.i'i, i 1 NrA.-, m N I "" -' C"' Ti'iiiiivn I hn iii it. 1 1 nun In ;ilt li , " t . 11' " 'i - I MOM. 0OSIAH QUlNcv iimiHhlit, About til Vrw Aw. rtnry of mifc Jofiluh Qulnov, the now n, . soeretiiry of stiito, is Vw . . " fiativoof Miiiu' .: "i.ii t. - - - KUlhli,.,! . v.lnwo hliitorv has nlu, . noctoil with that of .. ""I the f.mtidalion of theiro.,,,.. ' '0l C'llin'V is a luwvor I.., ... prnduute of Harvard .1 1,.,.'' man of (.-rout ability and f ,.,,,. but in recent years has U...u. cut. F.ipht y ars upo Mr. Ouir Into public life. H6 la mir ijlmi mill tri'uttiKti.l . irtiiirunliiH a ouro nr ri'ltttiil 11. utr Onr inn nasi, hank HTIIltPI rl.kHHVM nV MFV " .h.u.Nl ho r...,l 1, .vr .,.. mi,IUItMiril anil tiltl man. aunt aoalfil, fro. lr. HfaiiHu'a i:iirirli 1m no ni!'ii.ti. u . an wo liav.i rMntoriHl IIiiiiihhiuIh to rolimt IiiniIiIi anil vlaor. aft or all (it liar treiitllii'Mtt lalli'it. nm -ii, t homi by liumlriMla of canon thrtiuirhoiit tlititaitil othar Si al , ho won til alaiOjr Limtirv. imillluxii Juan) ux wUoiu wu bavuatruun ItiUara iMarttijt tuattuuiuy tu tlmir racuvary ailur uaiuif uur iinU 11 C uakr riiotn Tu etc bt tar rau 1 r r, r vami tor,rva.wrkai'in.a. wa.tmownaBlWWi nryrmL rtirnii itv ritpi.'n. iiucl.pu .Lnnupnoi M i t r .iuiiot. ('!., Auuu.1 H. 1HK, S I I r .11UIOT1. 1 Aiuut M. VK, lT. A. T. Han-Ian. Iharhlr Haloral ul I a a traubl.d wuti loat viitnr. viutl .ikM, ami aliuoal aeoniiilrtto luaaof powor. 1 woulii ut U Willi ttri fualiua. Ihibm aoiilna, auj.ialnow ualua 1 h ., taa of lif . Inuwaujor lit-, b-Bttartti in 1 Jiavw (ortau Mr. tiaat. 1 liamltia mno.t c.intliU:icn In tour trrtatno-nl. Y-mi cmi t-nl-l-u tit'a -itauiiiiNut. hImi bA-roolhara wrtioor c-ill nu ttla. Irulf tours. 11. A. HljWt.N. atiauii it TuikHl. uffnMl ha-l not RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. w . . .l''ir lnu.l. on(.ii. Alirll Is 1-J "T. A- T. Hanilan. llaar Sir? 1 aotona. f jour lMit. mo wki uu fur rhunirmliAni. fnmi Hliii-k for wmral v-mraL t'onhNitutui mnnth. b4MnH.h-tt.tfiw rku ..ur b-Ti hM i.:c-mi tun In -mimmC w.7u1""'h''i at lM. tik now H.-.11 it-nin.lli. AI. lu iil-UlIKH- Pr,u.rlAUAil ulAfi.ali.tnAi NERVOUS DEBILITY-LO88 OF VIGOR, ir. a.x riandAn, KMr hirf I krm Ih-itu uMiutf four Flolrio halt for xnrl n-rmo. .iwbUltr. antt uU im twttor thtkit 1 htT (or n?o yMri. 1 bnt Mrtl nit ill tlcwd&Uj.-miiil m atntriK lit vtarr iMrt, Ktiunimutuilr, OUAH.MTKTRA. LAME faACk Alun hmetiimatirm. - - rwi"1'"- rirr- ntnrlllfia,airii'-:.i nan- work m.l.ul with ihn straiii cMtuiiUM frui ilm ;4r tif hii Mityiov, nnvlt.t twvnrt rMMut (titii (.. from Hlilrh 1 for tTnu yr. 1 mm !.. I 1 oouUt nt tniuil my tmek. V m m)1 J.i..lill i (. wit It. 1 baitiatUt onn nf your bulla, H I "lt n In.nln nf l . liana .! I ... t I. ... ruuuili, iMtniri parNw-lljr eurl. Thnt wtun ti ..o, Hiitl 1 am iwl loriar mm 1 r rnw iu u y ilh. i Hinw)ur ImiIi w-.ll, aud I kn of . r,. ih, biiiii) .iiataj utnMi u, hnn ,i t ha tamiiil lm 11 ttiak awn..i.l t.l I. l . . - .1 nm wmm nmmiy in m world. m iitritlft P"rmAninU-,atMt will lmifUl to talk with aUiUUvwau I waMk. to Inmum aImhi t litlU.KT ltl-UUKUEnMarllrttal I'mtluati. LOST VITALITY AND STrNrTH, Ir. A T. KaWtllat-t Iks... Mi- .. . . . H it 1 haw Immii wraail ttannliUMl . I fl n.v r1f'l ir'tirn lt'urHni,u'lllMi( a hiiu lur-ail inn -V" 'UniUI IWIIini. Jl at for Iht. hotter. 1 f m niucll itnin.r tlm .-lnr twin- ihm ball, Voura tiui. HJ.M.V hUllLl.1 A HILAKV A. HEriutiRT. Campbell Bros. Proprs (Siccesars to f . J. craa.) Manufacturer of the flneat French and Home Made C J 2T ID X E S, Eaat of PortJmd. DEALERS IX Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these gxxxla at Wholeaato or Kctau AFRESH OYSTERS-W- In Eerw Htyla. Ice Cream anrJJSorJa Water. 104 Second Street.The Dall. Or. Tlie Aiabnnm Btl.m, Who la Nnar Secrot.nrT fit til Kavr. rion. Hilart- A. li.-rliert. of Ala)iriin. was horn at I.utin-nsrilie. Ala. Who:: r. ehlltl his fatlu-r moved l t lirii-nv::i:.. Ifutler eouittv. Ala. lie at the r'niv.-rsity of Alaliarna and tin- f mvors-ty of Virginia, stuilu-d law umi was admitted to the har. Unentered the confederate erviee as captain and Complete Manhood: H AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT M J A tinliral work that tcILi the rnn, !J U (lOMTlllf III lfl-tM W,1IU O... ......l.. n (, .-i-iontiiii-aliy the linwt vuluuhlv, arlisi'l- tt w callvthemtistUnntiltilniiilH ul InMiken-r S N P" 'hshed : 11 m. every wuu U-ariiiK :i ., u liuir-Uine illiistruiioii in tutu, r-tthn i ts ,; Lrrontoil. Vuw...w 1...1.. n... , ... "I rt . .-v..w .uiini, iniiiiiiiuM , i. ti.n It- li..v..t..n l ..i . '. n. M jjHuiibttuiJ,Thi liitettUintr .Mnrrun.i-.eio. J! I N -m t traomiJ, ivuraat rn.r... i, th llain i-f. Ihr old irerrlt an. I An,- in., u Eeormetof Xnltcul Siriem at ariJird to u ",d 1-tft. trao uttmt fiT r,u fll,r, Z mkil xt.l .. .. . J .. n R . r-'i'i-M, wwmm arw ror iu, u WOSUKUFVL UTTLT. HlKlK. j C -j . "IU."' tree, antler nenl. wlillo t h- nniuion luaui rntt aire, nml It uiurrlei r v. iiiitic. Auurcae uw publuhini, 8 THE DP. QAMinrM n rniA rr. wj. . . . ' -tmmmrmmiw aabWliTIW KkblaB ewnphatw tmrran lo battarjr. tnada Into a bait ao at tub. aaallv worn ititrin w..a mm . M " " rVint a t""m tn.t.-t h.m r ,'r.n n,.', '.',, fcV.a ""uuU 1 " SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St., PORTliJiD.OnECOK. POLAND CHINA HOGS. 1 ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. j rrr "y.TpjJj I enn fumlah a numtwr of vr" :M-& THOROUGHBRED 4iSftoJSt POLAND CHINA HOGS, -'-i---r a - V. .(t;n(it ur f.t jHr jmir. ('onifaitU aev thorn, or write. All lottera promptly nnwi'rtU. EDWHRD JUDY, CENTERVILLE, WASH. Socd Wheat, " Oats, " Corn, " lve, " Potatoes, (Jardt'ii .ft'ds, Grass " JN't'ds in Hulk. V' There is a tide in the afarspjienirfiMitali-n at its flood, leads on to Jortunc. The poet unquestionably had reference to the WIN. JOHLaJI QUI-,, neoretary of tint then newly t i .. . 1104 ...iuih iiiim iu, 4 arm i.otiirm U Sinee thin time ho ha Ut-n erp," in tho doinoorat ie party of hi n'u, him Hervod throe ternin in the an representative of tin. .-itt- ,. and he ran an a candidate fur aJ in tnn. no iH-t-aine Tirotiiiuont n . : I I :. 1... .1 in-nm .1 .tun iiurmjf inn iant t-umu a chairman of the committee ,,a J J)aijrn literature at national ili-mnr4 iieaotiartorn. N. thw Itmllroada. There in uu urniv of m.-n nn,K uinin the railroatls of the t " nitnl s. I . - .... un tinny or tm.ihhi. Tliey are m, fTUK'oil in idle iiianenvoni, drew, rur, harractc tlrilln or prepurntiniia for. fare, Imt ly their diliouoo, fiirrr:. toil rontrilitite imuioiiM-ly tothenti wt-11-lK.-inir und dovolotitiient o( iniiiiii ,, uir. inu-n-iiaiife ol It r' ut'th, the tlifTiihioti of information mo prompi iraiiritKirtation of vatt Imtk of pawenon. with a remark.. low peroontap-o of euHiialtion. Thi-iJ her of piu,neut,'orH carried lunt yuir. &:iu.ihmi.oim). The numlN-r of nu.J i.:n ...i W. E. GARRETSON, Leading Jeweler I.E AOKNT FOK TIIK All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Hacond Bt.. Thm Or. The St. Charles Hotel, k PORTLAND, OREGON Tl.:n old, popular and reliahle hotnte tan been entirely refnrnished, and every mom llfltt KAn . . I . J and newly carpHted throughout. The contain 17U roonnand is nuppliet with every modern convenience. Jiate. reawinal. e. A ri ..... . , . ., 7 v. cnu.urtitlt BttAcrieC to the iioue. Frer butt to and from all C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. W. H. YOUNG, BiacRsmiifi & varjon snajj General Black.mithinft- and Work done promptly, nd all WOrk Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tliird Street cup. liebc's old Stand. H0.T. HILAIiy A. HKIU1ERT. was in a short thn n...ui .v. - t-. -iii t, nW colonelcy of the Eighth Alabama toI- unteers. lie was tvotindi-d at the Imt tie oi the NildoriK-sH in lxiu Aft. t.. . ... . v. , ml. war he resumed the pra-liee of law at wrceiivuie, Aia., until 1ST.;, when hi moveu to Jlontmimi-n-. ivl...r.. i... 1 since practiced. He was elected to the Forty-fifth, Fort.v-i.ixth. Forty-seventh. Forty-eifc'hth. Forty-ninth, ' Fiftieth and Fifty-first congresses and rw-leetetl to the Fifty-secontl contrress oh a ilemo. crat, receivincr 10.011 votes. Gil votes for H. A. l'illarv. iiide....n,l.-nr Mr. Ilerlwrt hu t wi.-.. Lw.n ......... ,01,. uu tne house naval committee, and is eu n tt-i to administer Uie oflleo of secretary of the navy. Th Scotch Clergyman and Ilia HnnfE A ScoV;li clergyman, much addicted to snuff, resolved to abandon the habit and preached a sermon iifrainst it. Nime little time afterward, during the course of a sermon on another subject one of the elders, sitting immediately untl.-r the pulpit and within reach of the preacher, took a comfortable pinch. Which so sorelv tri.-.l tho self denial that ho . . ".-.-...14 I.UI inn hand anil, seizin the U.x, thus ad dressed the the sermon that I o lately 'preached against the vice of snuflin'r. I uu venture, mir. tn fl.i !, : ... the hd). and this (opening thels.x), and this (takmc a copious pinch)?" and then handed back the box to its owner. Tli. t.luhth. Cleveland is tho iiMh n;.t... i. .p,..v.. i nttvtt who hrui hmrn o1i..-t...l ... v. ..a. . . v,.., llrz KJlltKV mr a sec- ! ond term, his predecessors in this dis- ' ;....: i . i ... . . . ( naviiiif (..n rsninp;ton, Jef-j fervm, Ma-Uson, Monroe, Jackson. Lin- j vuiti arm trant. AT J. M. CROSS' Hay, Grain and Feed Store. S Mat k Garnets at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, 9 r- i r:' tl.iti: goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MM i A I'-UICK, . . UNION HT. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TBANHACT A UKSEliALBANKINO BOHINKhh Letter of Credit issued available in he Eastern fstates. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Mont Complete and the latest I'litteriM and Ihjsijtns in Kirrltf IV v..l. ........ . f , r ......K nun leiejfrapnio rransferssoldon New York, ChieHtfo, St. 1U1H. r-HIl Frnn..iH..i lv.,l.,n.l eatt e aah. n.i.l ,,;...,. r.. , T ro.i in vrr eifin and W aHbuitrton. Oilleetions mutie at all point on fav orsble terms. Trn.l ica.) 11.1. r nml I u , Tln,......u X t... . .11 .1 , ... c, : , ' , . ,; n" ..oi.1 out ine ih-si orHliils ol tfie Hherwin-W illiams and J. W . Masnry'i I'liints nwxl in nil .mr work, and none but the most skilled workmen mimliiv.,! A......u ... -.. t .. . I 1 . . . ". 1 " . ' i".nurj l.l.llll ItllltS. fit) . i . i.:i. I. i ui, Huon or soap unxiure. A lirst elass article iti all colors A' riiltlin .nl...ll Mlll.-IKIC.l IO. Faint Ehoo corner Thiriland WashinRton Et The Dalle. (Woe a,; ol OfS r pnrf CJd J, l-rliiilng. If you have your job nriiitiiur ifc Tiik CiiiiiiNifi.K you will haveth vantaife of l.uviiijr it done with the modern and approved tvm win. we keep rontinuully supplied. All uiuliir the direct aui-rvi-;.. the most Rliccesnful anil un!-.;- mm In the .Nortl.wi-Bt. A bill axkine for the ani-.l.,i 1 receiver for the Toledo. A. j,j., North Michigan railmsd ra filed in tJ I luted States court at tH in.tanr. . the Craig Shipbuilttiii); Cornvsnj. Klfintrle Hitter.. Tliis remedy is boeomin ti known and so js.pular as to sti coial mention, All who use Hitters sing the same souk of prw A purer medicine dts-a not exiitu. in ifiiaranteed to do all that ii did I.lectric Hitters will cure all diHH the liver and kiduevs. will rrc pimples, boiln, suit rheum and Hllcetions caused bv iiimnn. blw ill drive malaria from the atiiem prevent as well as cure all nam fevers. For cure of headache, co potion and indiLiMtion trv Flectrii tors. Entire ustiMfuction irniirsntf. money refuiided. I'riee oOc ami I bottle at Snipes A'. s. sesswea. fmnieiit U. M IK 1.1 Caal.ler First national Bank. "HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Kusiness transactett m.-eiveu, HUDject to Siaht Ih-aft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sitfht and Telegraphic ExchariKe sol.l on .-i i ors, nan r rancisco and Fort-land. UIRKCTriHM I). I Thompson. Jno. H. Srnnrr. M. W IU.MMS, (,ko. A. Likhk. l. M. IS. ALL. YOUJ? ATTENTION Ii called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dearer In (lass, Lime,, (Anient and HutldiiiK Material of all kinds. Carrie, tl.e Flnat l.h.e f- I . ' i i r iii I 'm urn ah r inn j jviui v liiuuiuillud Tn k .... J 1- .t To fce foand in the City. 72 CUoshington Street. thj: Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. Ijfttfvm Thn Ii.ill.. i - ... . ti... .. ii . . . " "'l arrive, al ..mir hi oiiriy .ii iiniim. Carries (he L'. S. Mail, iWnrs and Express 4'oiineru nl l'rlii-llle with 8tage from Eastern and Southern Or egon, iNorthorn Ualirornia and all Interior Points, AiT.l7.Tlr "'''"'"''tiOtl Rt The llllll,.. Wth irslna m.m l'i,rtlu, a, aj e,,,,,, p,,un : ConritoM drivers. -' Hood accornmodiHions aiciu Us real -' Firsi-clau eweiss and fom mi : Ettress ndiier HmJieJ wiii cjre II.!.' "in",m" "l'nnl? ,..u.-aK,. Inl,t Wllvi) , r II...- stnw t: ,v .... ."' " mil tj.,. . . rl ..... ' "I"'""'""-. ' Ii'-U-l. I'..r,l.,,l.,r , '.'. , r kVv.'.VT.'.I Vh.""-"1-iii-ill-r t l'rl,,..' V H ,1 L ;; '''lt l-H'l I.V tit.- c.i.ipn, ,y, K W'" M- ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATEE AND ICE CEEAM Candies and Nuts mUW; tun. (i A tCH A Kit ; Specia (ties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles Al rlirht .1.1. Mr. tllirr ri'.(.iinnttt STAflK (IfllUiH; M"rs. l;.tlll II 'l l.s lls'.lfia. I'riiin.llln. 2 ft H I rni r e j2StrtJ.rULLU Mrs. S. A. Orchard, Carpet Weaver. a. "'; Mr The Dalles Gigar : factory FIEfiT 8TEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. nm A I "f th Brand. Va Its iimiiiifiicliired, anil orders from nil parts of the country tilled on the shortest notice. The reputation of TI 1 15 PALM-IS CI UAK has become firmlv i-Htablinlietl, and tlie diminnd for the Iio'iiih iiiaiMif.ict.ured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. Pig slides bsve occurred tin the C tral l'ocilic railrtmd near Kevelt-)b (-., which carried awitv the trad a trestle briile. No truiii luurum from the Kiist since Monduv. I.i.ok Over lour i ounly araa All t-oiinty warrants roifiatereil'' o .Ii I, lSHli. win be paid i' Honii-d at my ollice, corner TliM U'liHliii.eton' stre. ts. Inten-st frrf and ufter this ilute. The Pitllos, March 31, IHIKI. W illiam Mii-iicM-. 4 7--M Treasurer U'useo 0"lT (HlorH of gold in exclmiige f'' tender notes are still Isdinr receive. the treasurv tlcnnrtmont. The t(. gate runs into hundreds of thou' PuriiiK the past week tillers hv 1 made anil net opted from Kan Franc; KoHiioke. Vs.. I 'itt hI.ii nr. VVsnliinf St. IuhiIm. Ili.ut.... v.. -I. .ii- V.i to- bus, (.in., riiilitdelpbiaiind XewOri" l.eports from New York iiidii'Sl very little, if hiiv, gold ill go t"i"or' and this, in connection with Hit rate of exi-hanee. in n.-.-.-ni.-il liv tn1' olliclals as a most encouraging f"1 1 an Indication that if the gold title i not actually turned it has been iW j m ior tiiH jirt'Hniit. The Snuq W. H. BUTTS, Prop-- Ko. 00 Second Sreet, The DH This well known stand, l.ept If well known v. II. ItiitlH, m". J dent of Whsco county, ha an ettr nary tine stock ol Sheen In fact Wine, f ..i i ii . i : 1 1 S" line stock of , Herder's Dcliirlil ami IrMi Vim fact, nil the lending lriin'lJ s, l,iiiiors and Cignrfl- ufJ 1 .. , . . ... : M S. win iimti a cmi nun vou m