THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1893. The Weekly Ghronicle. SI HM KlI'TION KATES BV WA1I. (rOT.l.Oi PKItr.lllJ IS AWVNl K llll . . II V : si t 1 the vKK.n fmu. Chicago limy well l proud today. A city that 1ms attained in fifty year a growth that entitles it to entertain the 1 guests of th world lias reasou for self ,' congratulation. Tliat the world's fair A.lwm.m rat.-. re.emMe. ami mmte known n,11P,l ,.lllv is the i?reatest exhibit Ol. lU'l'iU'nlluu. ULi., nil roiiiin.iuie.tli ho Pal.e. unvt'ii. ii lo-THK I'liKON coi ntv urnntu. I'onnry Juoxv f IHTUi.. ;!. Vtvuutvr Blatrlfv T. A. 3. H. IToMfii . Win. Wu h.'ll t.ln. Ptimtel.e ' l Krnnk klucaid Akkosvh Joel W. kitmU turv..:r K. V. Shall inufK'n'.ittfudout ol Public Schools . . Trov Shelley Jo: luutwoui heart at Chicago. Chicago has been over made in tlie history of the world in certain. Never K'fore has there been aggregated at one locality somanv grand and curious things, all that is notewor thy of invention in an age of inventiou ; and certainly never before has there been so much rapid transit of millions of tons of exhibits and humanity as in the last two rears has returned in the count Kverylaidy knows that the lest tune to ell farm products, is during the w inter season. Then is wheu such products are in demand, and then is w hen they bring the best prices. Hut just then is wheu they cannot lc hauled to market liecause of bad roads ; hence the farmer living some distance from Ida borne market or shipping point, is compelled ' in The Italics today. THROTTLE AND CAB. MmU Moravia of Nwa anil (loaalp fur TmhiiHM. Hello there Urns, you have my job. Who conies next for a position in I'liiatilla? Hugh Farmer accepted a jolt hoMling 4'hrlatlaa Kntlaavur Mima 4'tniillitu. Or., April to wait prices. for lietter roads and poorer The San Francisco is said to be the lliu'St battleship of the Vr.ited States rquadron in the naval review yesterday, and ii: respect to armament and disci pline superior to any ship of the exhi bition. This cannot help but create a high lespeet for the capabilities of the coast throughout the east. In regard to the review as a whole, advices state th:it there have been naval review s of an in ternational character before, but none to striking 118 'his. There was one at I imposing Few people realize the immense amount of money brought in by the M)ultry of the country, says a corres pondent in the American Farmer. At a recent session ol one ot toe trade asso- less iron arteries and veins to the great ciations It was stated that the egg of the country were worth f.'OO.OOO.lXiO each year, and the poultry Bold for food pur poses each year half as much more. This makes an aggregate of :00,0lK),m0 to be credited to the poultry of the I'uited States each vear. uptlv called the marvel of citv building of the world. It seems scarcely credible that on March 4th, lS'.K!, it celobrated its fifty-sixth an niversary as a corporation, and that in this half century it has grow n from a little village to the second city of the country, w ith a population, according to the t'nited States census of ISrtO, of ljSOS.CtiO. The sky-scraping business buildings, palatial residences, great manufactories, magnilicent streets, and public institutions will at Genoa, Columbus birthplace, last year, Ht which vessels representing 13 nations participated, hut only 27 vessels were in line, mostly second class. The iron clads of Great Britain, France and tier many have made imposing demonstration!- in the Kuglish channel and off fpithtad and have teen passed in re- iow by the crowned heads ot Kngland nnJ oertuany, and t!ie powerful Bussian l.eet has more than once flocked by j jtsels in the Baltic in rjviow before the mperor of all the Bussias in a manner to excite the apprehensions of other powers ; but as a je:icoful demonstra tion tiie naval review eclipsed all in in-tere-t. It was culiarly a manifesta tion oi sentiment, not force. Yet some of the fleetest and most formidable ves sels in the world were there. once impress visitors with the true greatness of this metropolis of the west. Yet the purpose of the world's fair cannot le said ito be merely a love of pomps and vanities. Commercial ri valry is not less strong Among nations than it is among individuals, and that ambition to excel, for substantial re ward, as well as for honor, possesses and animates the integer, just as it does the i fractional part of the political unit. The I utilitarian spirit of the age is toward commercial gain, but w hile desire for I greater riches is a confessedly powerful motive, the underlying ambition of nations that most largely prompts these displays is a sincere boie, crystalized in effort, to advance and improve the social condition, to educate, inspire, encour age; for in these (ambitious only can national glory be attained. The daily rejiorts of Booth's condition indicate that he is a very Hick man and probably ho will not see the end of the' week. I loot h was a most painstak ing actor, though it is said he possessed less natural talent than his father, whose brilliancy was thought to be due to a certain per cent, of madness. Mississippi is now almost a prohihi-1 tion state, By a new law in that state : the electorate is confined to persons of intelligence and capacity. It is found that the liquor element belong to the j 1,0111,1 ll" tlle BHI" thing every day. ignorant class and are disfranchised and . .'o Keedy is now running the The boys are having a grout game of chaw and catch for jobs. Engine Mil has liecn laid in for re puira. She in now ready for duty. Dallam and Harry are lucky in curd ing the helper. Harry says the hel-ei can't be I wit. Geo. Avery, who lias liecn in I'miiti'lii hustling for about a year, is now til ing the S IS for Sherman. W. H. Congdon accepts a passenger run, us seniority dislocated him and send.. Ii tut from I'matilla. Mike Nolan accepted a job in Uma tilla hostling, as seniority deprives him of his position in Tho Italics. rap rower who has lieen under the weather for some time, has taken Mont gomery's run while Monty is Fast. Montgomery has taken a leave of ab sence, and Hugh Furiner is doing the reverse lever act in his place, "the merry Farmer boy." .loslyn and Pouglas doubled the road. so nicely last Friday, they seem to think if they were given half a show thev 44;! counties that have formerly now go "dry." gone "wet C'urxentluu of t'lirlatiaii t mleiir or. PoKTLA.NI), Apt 11 S. YY ' since Htislani took the I1S4 for helper. ; Joe says that he is satisfied, for be can pull more with tho 44o than any or j dinary HOO. foster looses his run with Mr. Slier e were a little late in arriving at the man, whom ho has been firing for a long One notable particular wherein the World's Columbian exposition differs j An article in a Salem paper relates frum the previous world's fair is the i uow "ie hni insane asylum would do . rua:nence of women in its manage- j 'n case of fire. The enterprising Iioctor mem. There will le no separate exhibit ! Rowland has inaugurated a regular weekly fire drill, the alarm is given and the patients hustled out in very quick ot woman's work, the board having de cided that to le inexpedient; but in the woman's building, which is designed for oruer. ine doctor is wise in lnangurat- aduiinistrative ami otiier purposes, w ill j 'n tu'9 drill, as it might mean the sav Ia a showing of such things as women hundreds of lives in case of a fire, are particularly and vitally interested j e 'lave rea f insane asylum hola it, and which do not properly belong to ! causts in the last year or two where Ihu general competitive classification. ! niorc than 9(1 per cent, of the inmates The lady manager have invited the were burned to death. It is one of the I l. i; i .. ...... , . were unanswerable. (.uurcii 10 aueiiu (no sun rise prayer meeting, but a hundred Christian Kn deavorers were there on time ((1:30) and the consecration was very manifest. At P o'clock a service .of song was en joyed by all. From l :L'0 to 10 reports of county and denominational secretaries. Then followed reports ot the societies of the state; two items from each society namely, numlier of members in the so ciety and any lines of special work taken up by the societv ; The Dalles First Con gregational society reported a total mem bership of 54 with no lineof special work. 1 I whm vour readers could have henrd someof the reports, they were extremely interesting. j At 1 1 the convention sermon by Iiev. I. I). Driver D.I), of Fugeno whose i subject, "Inspiration of the Scriptures" j was very helpful. His arguments were I tune. Sherman and Foster got along splendidly together, inn! worked agreea bly to each others interests. Jake Florin has taken a leave of nh : eence to attend the world's fair. He passed through The Dulles Sunday. Jake is held in high esteem by the lys, and it is hoed he will not have occasion to regret the trip. ; The oLt) came in w ith her happy little crew Saturday evening from Viento. The boys say they enjoy coming to the city of The Dalles once or twice a month ' so they can keep track of tho improve j ment-i of the city, as the growth of the , city is astonishing. j H'ainlr Nanra. ivomen of all countries to participation I n,ost difficult things in the world to do j :a the exposition. Numerous foreign committees, comprised of women, have alrea ly been formed, and are now in to save the lives of insane j numberless doors are all locked, and At noon a fine lunch was served w.esuuuenoiuDreaKing ot a tire. The the lecture room of tl. , -.i.:..i. Wa.mii;, April "U, J.S03. The business outlook for this year is exceptionally good. The telephone people have all of their business definitely arranged and expect to have the line ready for use I'outi.asi F.lll TOK ClIHON'U'l K ; i The dclenntes to the Christian F.n- deavor State Convention from The Dalles arrived in tood time by the D. I'. v, A. Co.'s lino, after a delightful ride , 011 the l olutnhia. Ho were assigned places in upper Albion. j Thursday evening the devotional sor- ' vice was held mid conducted ,y J,,v Thomas lloyd ot Portland, ami very I ininressive. Pastor G. V. Gue of the It nice M. F. church gne a line welcome 1 to the church and city. Prof. Thomas j New-line's reply w as ver pleasantly put, I that we expected to get ns well as do gooil. ! Stale Secretary W. i I . M 0 i'oi a report ! was then yiven and iiiin.i niiier things, ! showed that there had been 1111 increase of four societies of ( l.riiinu I'.mleavor I in the state durin;r the laxt ik mouths, and now there were teu thousand t hl istillll FlldciloreiH in U:e;.ni. State Treasurer I'. I;. i'im.Jv showeil that over three bun. 'rod dollar had lieou received and diseiised w ith during the last half year, with 11 small balance still on hand. The annual address by the state presi dent was very helpful and enjoyed by all present. Portland bus opened her arms mid hearts to the Christian F.ndeavor society and tho vast nudience which filled Grace M. K. church, showed by their enthu siasm, bow much they enjoyed this opening service. Captain Sweeney, f. S. A., Sun Diego, Oil., says; "Shiloh's Catarrh uemc.iy is the hist medicine I have ever found that would do me any (rood." Price oO cts. Sold by Snipes Kinersly. My wife was connned lo her oed fur over two months with a very severe at tack ol rheumatism. We could ket nothing that would afford hi r any re lief, and as a hist resort gave ChamUr lain's Puin Halm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application, and by using it regu larly she was soon able to get up ami attend to her house work. K. II. John son, of C. J. Knutson A Co., Kensington, Minn, ol) cent bottles for sale by P.lake ley A Houghton. The Chinese throughout lihoile Island have generally complied with the pro visions of the Gearv act. Pimples Blotches AKKFVmRNCB That tk, tloot U wrong, oh J that naturt it tHiuZ. epng to throw off 414 impuntu, Aolhihg it to beneficial in auisUn', naturg at Swift' Sptcjjic (S. .y. A t it a ttmpU vtgttabU compound, ii iiarmUst to tht most MUalt child yw it forctt th poison to hs turf 04 thmiHuUs it Jrom tht blood. 3,CVl? Tk I contrvtcd amre caas ol blood nni. that unhttuU ma lor bunlnaaa for (oura TT tuitau, Ailuaai. TiAUae on Illood and Skin Dlwam nTufed A? vour Deal LT -KOK TIIK- am write it down till everybody board. in July. your delei':i row nti,l..,v-...K.,l .. A 1.. ! Tl , . 1 :t 41 t t f I " v....v,ulvu iu niiiMtv r' '-vij j tt uiiiii; iiavt? ur- Euc-sfu! co-operation with the official tl the Babe, of excitement of patients, (justice. Iganued a union Sunday school The ami u.e a.arm natural to the feminine, At 1:30 denominational parliaments 1 -'lool meets everv Sunday at 10 a. m. I nt' TCeS a7t,ln f I 81 ',,ich tin,e thu denominations ! Martin Wing, the patriarch saw mill almost a total death rateof the patient,., met in separate parts of the church for nian. has been slashing away for two In a Ia o test however the patients i consultation and the election of a de- '-'ks or more. Ho makes good lumber HVUn in tho tm hint ri..f ...... a I I . . ' tre lurneu nmniniit iiM.i a.... i- . o.l 1, of i Lal'or-iaving inventions are being perfected so rapidly that there is little inducement for one to iearn any trade, it Using much safer for one to practice the peculiar arts of the Jew for depend ence for a livelihood. The printers are being superseded by type-setting ma chines, and now telegraph operators are threatened with the telautograph, which reproduces in lac simile at one end of the line what any individual may write st the other end. It is suggested that newspaper men, after fitting themselves Cp with the machines, encourage the raising of goats which can subsist on the exchanges and furnish the cream of the tiew3, and the flying machine will solve the question of high passenger rates to Chicago. The extent of the shortage, says the Indiana Farmer, indicates fair prices for this year's pig crop. Probably not so Mgn in the coming fall and winter as the i-aat season, but four to five dollars cro. This is the present outlook, eon eidering the decreased supply at home and abroad. Why cannot more farm ers raise pork and stop the importation which is constantly arriving from the i-ast. iiome cured bacon is the finest in the land, with but little prospect of tx'ing cliolera stricken. The Catholics teach that a large1 part of mankind will go to heaven only through purgatory. Put it is thought there will be a mitigation of this in the cases of tho: who go to the Columbian exposi tion, endure the torture of extra charges for side shows and other things inside and escape with their lives from the sharks outside. nut in tlm vnrtl at .1.....1 .f ...:.ln!..l. 1 .... ' , " ""u""'- gationlists elected Key. C. 11. Curtis a hose dragged through the hails within i Portland for r the most picturesque ohl two minutes of the giving of the ala A good ileal has been said alwut Ore gon being such a slow state, but the fact is she has spent many thousands of dollars in advertising for immigration, and has been measurably successful. If as much attention was paid to them upon their arrival as is paid in endeav oring to get them here, the per cent of stayers would be much larger. The Do minion government has set an example, judging from the following letter of a Palouse farmer who has removed to Al berta, B. C. : "This government certainly does more for their immigrants and is more attentive to their wants than anv of your people could think of. Even lights and wood are furnished, and all preparations are being made to furnish temporary shelter and accommodations." At the symposium on the pledge was given, dividing it in the following divisions. The state board of equalization, in a circular to county assessors, advises those officers to follow the law and as- se's property at its true cash value. If this were done all over the State, the trate of taxation could be decreased ma terially and still the same revenue be raised. The crank's bullet has lately sought Gladstone as a target, and it seems only failed of its mis-oii on account of a sud !"n weakening of the intention of the crank. Gladstone has lived to be an wioxenarian and has world-wide credit for a life of self-sacrifice for the interest of others and sad indeed would be his death by violent means. Tho penitentiary stove factory will be t'irned over to the State this week. The price paid for the plant is $40,000, leaving f.'.j.OOO of the appropriation for the State to inaugurate business upon. a. b. c. d. i e. n my absence From 2 :o0 o'clock to 3:r0 was called the missionary hour, and we started with the home missions of the great west; visiting Hawaii and learning something of the social and religious life of the people. We then listened to Mr. Joe Hawk of Quon Tong, China; Then Mrs. Akerman told us of her trip of 90,000 miles -in the interest of the Woiuans Christian Temperance Union, the coming home by way of New York. Hev. W. B. Floyd gave us a talk on C. K. evangelistic work and city missions. Attorney General Olney was the chief ! tor us "Tell legal adviser of the Chicago. Burlington 1 " "C ' & Quincy Railway company and also of I "' renIeredI. . Ikloat,:. the JJoeton S Maine. Mr. Olney has mills in Christendom, a regular "artist's delight." The I.use & Woodcock saw mill will start up in a few days. Tiiis enterpris ing firm had their entire plant destroyed by fire last year, but they have come up Phomix-like with a larger and bettor mill than ever. I would like very much to be able to Kemeiuljering the prayer meeting describe all of tho grand scenes, the Our willing service. Prayer and Bible reading. Supporting my own church. My duty in every prayer meeting. been holding office under President Cleveland for six weeks and he has not resigned his legal positions with the roads named. On the contrary he has been consulted by them in the last few days. Mr. Olney's nv position should make him invaluable to the corporations named and they should increase his salary. It cannot be said that such en tanglements will add to bis efficiency as the attorney general of the United States. Miss Mabel Jcnness will lector., in various coast cities on dress reform. She is reported to be handsome, refined and graceful, withoutany of the extreme womans rights mannerisms which give a man the cold chills. She believes there is room for improvement in woman's dress; that woman can be at tractive and beautiful in the eyes of man without making herself uncomfortable or feel that she is in danger of bursting suiy ana scattering herself around promiscuously. A Hkyryclo. A "ekycycle" to fly through the air from Portland, Or., to Chicago is one of the latest announcements of attractions coming to the fair, says tho Chicago Tribune. The wings and rudder are steered or changed in position by Un hands of the operator, and he is left at perfect liberty to look over the country above which he is traveling, simply keeping his feet in motion. When high up in the air and desirous of slonin downward he tan cease pedaling and ! enc""r8K the different turn the wings in such a manner fl.t i e,i''H arn ""trated, and in the near with the momentum already attained I ''e"ter "f ""faction he gracefully comes sailing down like a i bird that stops fluttering and floats down I Ki katat.. with extended great material wonders, and that almost limitless menagerie of wild animals be tween here and Mt. Hood. A short letter, such as this is intended to ho, will only answer as a hint. Our enterprising fellow townsman, Mr. 8. A. Broyles. is making nrenara- tions to open a first-class county hotel neru. mis is un establishment very much needed. Hereafter tourists lo that great "wonderland," including all of that "untamed" region between here and Mt. Hood, will find at the Hotel Wamic a delightful anil safe headquar ters. Mining ntrat In Cirant nnntj. Mr. C. S. Miller of MntumiAnf tmvi Thk Ciiko.nk.i.k office a pleasant call to day. The mining interests of Grant county are more interesting than for years past. New discoveries are being made and developments aro proving very satisfactory in the different sec tions. With tho immense body of snow in the mountains this year it w ill ena ble the placer mines to be worked with more vigor anil better paying results than formerly. The quartz discoveries We' sees it Till everybody is sick of seeing it Till everybody knows it without see ing it That Dr. Sage's Catarrh Pemedy cures the worst cases of chronic catarrh in the head, catarrhal headache, and "mid in the head." In perfect faith, its makers, the World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation of Buflalo, X. Y., oilers to pay I'iIMi to any one suffering from chronic catarrh in the head whom they cannot cure. Now if the conditions were reversed they asked you to pay $:00 for a ositivc you might hesitate. Here are reputable men, with years rf honorable dealing; thousands of dollars and a emit name -back ol them, and they say "We can cure you because we've cured thousands of others like you if wecan't we will pav you JoOO for the knowledge that there's one whom we can't cure." They believe in themselves. Isn't it worth a trial? Isn't any trial prefera ble to catarrh? Tho drouth in Texas is causing heavy shipment of cattle to the northern pas tures as fur even as Wyoming. It Nlionld 11 In Kvar llouan J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that It cured his wifewhowaHthreatoned with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Pobert Burlier, of Cooks(ort, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial Unties at Snies & Kin ernly's. Largo bottles, iiOc. and 1.00. Ailmlttori to I'ractlue. Washington, April .'S. On motion of Senator Dolph, Judge A. S. Bennett was today admitted to practice Mure the supreme court. Hand Made M.A.GUNST&CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, ORECON. LOOK. OUT Fesh Paint! ni.H.BT hereby w.inl Ilia r,ii,i,,i1i..1,ln li.evrrv Irliiuil Ami riii-im II he Iih ant -Hi- they lew or itr they mull) . The (o. h- ler .ninllnu new ha come Anil everv nit,. i.r, a home I nl hik lr.-h 11ml rleim ami hew A mint lint a itnnl .nmli r cmi iln. ' r.illltlliir. m-rlnir nu.l fliiilng. ,,. W 111 iniilie v,,iir ..III I,, .11... :,, ,,it.. ,, le will hike v.,ur work either Win , lly Ihe jwl.iir hy Iheilay. I' v"" loot- nrk (rive 1,1111 a e.ill, lb 11 Inke your enter, hirue or Mini I! l;.ft!Uli W. C. GILBERT, I". i. Hex jin :;, Till. DALLKS. OK. -A. USTIEW 1 1 1 1 II 'mam VlllSZ k NITSCJIKK I'KAI.KUH IN- - Furniture and Carpets We have added to our oiiHine a somplete Cndortading Kstublishnieiit, and as we are in no wav oonnected with the I'ndertakers' Trust; our prices will be low accorJinclv. From TEfJIYIIfiAIi or INTERIOR Points THK wings, (ieo. Miller, a brother of Joapiin, and Fred Merrill of! Portland are said to bo the inventors! who will make the trip. The tale lacks ) confirmation, and we give the Tribune's story for what it is worth. I The more Chamberlain's Cough liem- The mile or more of road beyond Mill creek bridge, made under the direction of Mr. Staniels, reveals a good deal, and is a uetter argument for good roads than all the newspapers may say. Kvery farmer should take an active interest In this most important work, for the rea- ..... . mrmers, aoove all other sale hy classes, suffer loss because of bad roads. gists. II. C. Coe and wife to A. S. Blowers, lots 1, 2 and 3 in section P., Waucoiua '.100. T. Ii. Boberts and wife to Mary A. Dean, lot 3, block 11, Thompson's addi tion to The Dalles; fm. Patent to Oscar F. Angel, 80 acres In edy is used the Mter it is liked. We ' mrl,,,n tf 1 """th, range l.Teast W M. unow ot no other remedy thatalwnva' It is good when you gives satisfaction. nrst catch cold. It is koo.1 when von. Kilain. ive a K. C. Miller and Clara Mili..r r 11 cough is seated and your lungs Bre sore. Millf.0 'ree in sections 1 and 2, tp 2 n, " goou in any kind of a cough. We Ta"W n e; ?.;ix). I atent granted to Alex. McUod for 10 acres in tp 3 1, range 13 n. Kdwin Booth's condition is reported unchanged yesterday. Hi, physician aid the tragedian was sleeping com fortahly and resting easily. have sold twenty-Ove dozen of it and every bottle has given satisfaction. I nieaman & hnedman, druggists, Minuo Isota I-ake. Minn. SO n 1,1. . Blakeley & Houghton, drug- The iron work for the observation tower, 2!0 feet in height, which is being num. uy Messrs. I.uutz and others of' Buffalo, opposite the entrance to Pros-! Iiei-t I'nrk Xifionr l'll. I . . . I --....... j iln, ,mn arrived ami is being rapidly placed in position. It n oAjn-cieu mt. inwer will he ready for iiso June 1. The iron parts are fit feet in length, and tho;tower w ill U M n sections. Tho elevator will K up to iieignr. 01 '.0 feet. Theron .Mack and James Burns, the young mon under arrest for tho murder of the Chinaman Chin I.i nt Mulino about three weeks ago, confessed nt Oregon City of having perpetrated the crime. liiflklaii'a Arnica Malta. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever ores, tettor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and jmisi tively cures pie, 0r 110 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per ho. For sale hy Snipes A Kin ersly. ' RAILROHD In the Hue to take TO ALL r()LTS EAST AND SOUTH It 1 the IHhli. R far lmt It runs Through etlhnlri 1 rain, avury Uity lo tho yanr lo $1 pauI and Chicago (NO t llANOK OK t AUH.I l'ornHiMt ol 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; Cars lliinr..-t Pull man 1'rnwlntt iioollitlleeperol latest v.lll.ineo t. TOlTiLST SLEEPING CARS Heat that enn be, n ml In which atTonimialilloiia are laith fnv an. I Kiirnlalutl lor hulikmol Klrt anil iwcouil claaa Tlekula.aml ELEGANT DAT COACHES A rotillniiona line, rnmiwiln Willi all Hiiea, afloriliiiK illreet anil iiiilnlttrriiileI aervlee. I'liMmaii Hh-ier reafrvallima ran la- awn nil In ailvanea throiiKh any axenl til the mail. THROUGH TICKETS riiKiaml ami Kiirota. ean 1 ticket tiiUee tit thu company. To anil from all Dolnl In Anierlm. be iiiirtiliuavil at any Full c.ineornln rate. Ilrno of train. r.MiU-a ami other debilla liirnlihnl tin application lo W. C. ALLAWAV, Anpnt f). P. A A. Nar. Lo., HuRtilator orllce, The Dallea, Or., or A. II. ( IIARI.TON, Am t (ientral l aaaouger At., l'ortland, iro-