The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, May 05, 1893, Image 2

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the Papular Sisbts.
with the fuintim: ohm, and a battalion
of United Ktates regulars widened the
space, pushing the crowd back with the
butt of their muskets. Meantime the
, . . T ni.;j; rt f MrooeeuiniM enueu una serious uiihuut
Tte Ecurcdnchaa if La Rabidi One of : Jvas awrtea.
G. V. Calhoun, executive of the
,,,.,, Washington commission, wired the fol-
"Would not advise any one to visit
the fair for the present. Nothing ready,
Hotel Charges Doubled and Open In
solence Responsible for Advice
to Stay Away at Present.
Chu'ai-.o, May 1. One of the most
popular sights on the grounds today
was the reproduction of the convent at
La Rubida. This in a fac simile, as
nearly as may be, of the historic struc
ture in which Columbus sought refuge j
after being repulsed in bis efforts to gain
the assistance of the Portuguese court.
The electric age aa ushered into lie
ing iu this last decade of the 19th cen
tury today, when l'resident Cleveland,
by pressing a button, started the mighty
machinery of rushing waters and re
volving wheels in the world's Columbian
exposition. The president said :
I am here to join my fellow citizens iu
congratulations which betit the occasion,
rnirrounded by the stupendous results
of American enterprise and activitv, and
in view of the maguiticent evidences of
American skill and intelligence, we need
not fear that these congratulations will
be exaggerated. We stand today iu the
presence of the oldest nations of the
world and point to the great achieve
ments we here exhibit, asking no allow
ance on the score of youth. The en
thudiasui with which we contemplate
onr work ha intensified the warmth of
the greeting we extend to those who
.have come from foreign lands to illus
trate with us the growth and progress of
human endeavor in the direction of
higher civilization. We who believe
that popular education and a stimulation
ef the best impulses of our citizeus lead
the way to a realization of the proud
national destiny which our faith prom
ises, gladly welcome the opportunity
here afforded us to see the results ac
complished by efforts which have been
exerted longer than ours in the field of
man's improvements, while in apprecia
tive r turn we exhibit the unparalleled
advancement and wonderful accom
plishment of our young nation, and
present the triumph of vigorous self
reliance of an independent people. We
have built these splendid edifices, but
we have also built the maguiticent
fabric of a popular ; government whose
jrrand proportions are seen throughout
the world. We
Eatiiercd togiiti.
beauty and products of American skill
and invention. We have also made
men who rule themselves. It is an ex
alted mission iu which we and our
guests from other lamia are engaged.
ana, its we eo-oi-er.ite in tlie inaugura
tion of an enterprise devoted to human
weather bad, everything confusion and
The daughter of the lhike of Veragua,
Is a tall, dark haired, dark eyed girl of
eighteen. In Spain
she is called lona
Marie Pel l'illar,
but her family
name on her fath
er's side is Colum
bus, and while in
this country she io
generally called
"Miss Columbus."
She is just begin
ning to speak Eng
lish, and is delighted with America.
The senorita is a very accomplished
girl. She paints very well indeed, loves
books, and is a good musician. Sho is
also very fond of out-door sports, such
as tennis, driving and hunting.
It Magnitude Iteeocnlxed hy tlie Opan
lah Government.
Key West, Fla., May 1. The schooner
Lille arrived today from Gibira, Cuba,
and reports the Cuban flag floating over
the fortress. The revolutionists number
1,100 and are in possession of the city.
A schooner arrived there from San 1 k
mingo April -0th, with men and ammu
nition for the revolutionists. Expedi
tions are being fitted out in Jamaica and
San Domingo under the direction of
General Quezadt for the southern pro
vinces. General Iiulof is here, and it is
believed he will direct the expeditions
from the Florida ports for the northern
provinces. The Cubans here are enthu
siastic over the news, and it is believed
that many of them are anxiously await
ing an opportunity to get to the Hand.
Spanish papers endeavor to suppress the
magnitude of the revolution. One Ha
vana paper admits that 1,500 men are
in the revolutionary army in tiie province
Tribunal of Arbitration Resumes Its
An Animated Discussion Results in the
Decision to Argue Rights and
Regulations Separately.
1'aius, May 2. The liehring sea tri
bunal of arbitration resumed its session
today. J. C. Carter, of counsel for the
United States, maintained that the rights
of the United States in Iiehring sea were
absolutely unqualified. He argued again
that the United States government was
justified in protecting its rights in these
waters in times of peace as at any other
time, and he claimed the United States
had a right to seize vessels caught in
pelagic sealing.
World' Pair Workmen Are Again lluej-
at Work.
Chicago, May 2. Work on tho un
finished portion of the world's tair was
resumed this morning, and thousands of
men were soon busy putting the finish
ing touches on the great show while
other thousands were at work putting
tho exhibits iu place. Teams loaded
with wonders from the four quarters of
the earth passed iiere and there among
tho buildings, and locomotives with
tobacco and sugar crops aro deserted.
Thousands are probably ready for ad
Iu Hu.i.rt
Frederick Conderl
of Mr.
l'Aitis, May 3. At the meeting of the
Iiehring sea tribunal of arbitration to
day, lion. John W. Foster, agent for the
United States, informed the tribunal
that the authentic report of the speech
delivered by James C. Carter, of counsel
for the United States, would bo pre
sented this week. F. K. Coudert, ci).,
of counsel for tlie United Ntu:.". H.e.i
spoke, giving the outline of itron.t n:s
which he proposed to oll'or iu support of ; Senator James K
Mr. Carter. The defense of the sealing ! was iu town
industry in Iiehring sea by the UimiimI
States was, Coudert declared, Impera
tive, and an attack on the sealing indus
try was an attack on the United State.
The United States raised seals at Priby
loff islands in the same sense that Aus
tralia raised sheep, and it was impossible
that the nurture and culture of seals at
PribyloflT islands could exist in common
with pelagic sealing. The seals at I'rib
yloff islands, continued Mr. Coudert,
were absolute property just as cattle and
sheep were absolute property.
Sir Charles Russell, of counsel for
(ireat Britain, here iutoroscd with the
remark, "Certainly not." Mr. Coudert
admitted that proof as to ownership was
impossible. Some propositions were
self-evident, although they could not le
demonstrated by proof. However, when
the seals were at the islands they could
be branded and their ears clipped.
Tho Ilritish commissioners recognized
that the seals were American property
An Erroneous Construction Placed Upon
'r.ii.Wi, llulletlu.
WfcBTMtx (.UK., O.N.
were several days of 1
loaded trains puffed and steamed
through the grounds. In the midst of I when they said that a guard was inefll
all, throngs of sightseers strolled through I cieut to protect tho seals from raiders,
the grounds, mostly engaged in getting ' 1" that statement the right of the United
an idea of the architectural splendors of j States) to protect the seals within certain
the exposition, which so far as outward
apiwaranees go are complete. This
alone is more than can bo accomplished
in a single day. The immensity of the
work grew on tho spectators as they
moved from point to ioiut and found
tne amount ot exertion necessary to
merely walk around the great structures.
The mere sight of them does not afford
a fair gauge of their size, because all are
so large that nothing of ordinary di
mensions is in eight to furnish a stand
ard of measurement.
limits was recognized, and it was ab
surd to say that the United States was
unable to protect tho seals outside of
that limit. The seaU, Coudert argued,
were not fern untune.
of Vuelta Abajo and 2,000 in Santiago
Tile llturtan--e 4uleted.
ISiifssKl-s, May 2. The disturbam-e
province. A council of war was called in Belgium which threatened to end in
by the captain-general yesterday and 1 u revolution, has been quieted bv tho
manifestos issued promising pardon to
all who will lay down arms within ten
days. Spanish troops are moving act
ively enough to indicate that the Snan-
have maile and here j 1811 overnmeni oeneves strong measures
r for object use the I are necessary to suppress the uprising.
iroops wnicu lert Havana tor I'uerto
Principe received their month's pay in
advance. Cubans here believe every
province will join in tlie revolution in a I
few weeks. The federal officials here
are nsing every precaution to prevent I
I any expedition from leaving here. The;
passing of tlie Nysson suffrage bill. It
i9 eaid that the deputies were moved to
Noeel Wall 1-aner.', May. 3 Jonathan Stan
hope is a wealthy farmer of tho section
known as the "P.luo Lick Hills," in
Wayno countv. He Is H4 veurs old, a
widower, and very eccentric, Recently
he went to Richmond and presented his
check for ?:!.-00 to Postmaster Jenkinson,
asking that Columbian stamps lie given
in exchange. The postmaster was una
ble to fill the order, but Stanhoe in
sisted upon leaving the check and tho
stamps have been ordered from Wash
ington. Mr. Stanhope said lie had de-
Wbat Was Said.
New York llnnhcM Will be Illumed by
the Counti) tor the Position
They Have Tnken.
New Youk, May 3. The World says :
.lulus of Arkansas
lasi (Inferring to
, tho conference rcceiillv In Id hy Sucre
I tary Carlisle with tlie New York bank
ers, the ArkaiiMiu s.ii.l ;
"I apprehend nn erroue.m instruc
tion has been plmeil upon what the
n'cietary told the hankers. According
to the reports, which pcilin;- they cir
culated ihcini- vi-s, he ib clari'd It was
his i it ton t ion to render Sherman's silver
law so obnoxious that public sentiment
would couiHil congress to repeal the act.
Of course Carlisle favors a repeal, but
be is no', tho kind of u man to go to j
Work deliberately to make this or that '
law unpopular. Tho conduct of the
New York bankers during all this scare
of gold importations has been at least
unpatriotic. They have tried to force
tho secretary of the treasury to issue
bonds, but ho has bravely withstood
them. I know throughout the country
there is the greatest resentment toward
the 'ew York bankers for thoir refusal
to come to the aid of the government,
this action by King ! cided to paper the parlor of his home
with. Columbian stamps of 1, 2 and 5
cents, and he has estimated it will cost
fliSOO to carry out his project. Word
was sent to his son, who lives in Kansas
City, and young Stanhojie is ul ready at
Richmond trying to prevent his father
from carrying out his purpose.
Iopold'g threat to
dissolve the cham
ber. Leopold II is
a Queen
Victoria, and suc
ceeded to the throne
enlighteumcnt and in the undertaking
we here enter upon, we exemplify in
tiie noblest sense the brotherhood of
nations. Ret us hold fast to the mean
ing that underlies this ceremony, and
let us not lose the impressiveness of this
moment. As by a touch the machinery
that gives life to this vast exposition is
low set in motion, now at the same in
stant let our hopes and aspirations
awaken the forces which in all times to
come shall influence the welfare, dignity
and freedom of mankind.
i.r.s. MILES.
General Nelson A. Miles, a prominent
figure in the world's fair opening exer
cises, was born at Westminister, Mass.,
in 1833. He entered
the volunteer ser
vice in lSlJl, as lieu
tenant of infantry,
and in 18452 was
commissioned colo
nel. While with the
army of the Poto-
$T fanr Qj' mac he was several
times injured. He
was brevetted brig
adier - general for
meritorious conduct
at Chancellorsville and in the Wilder
ness. He was mustered out of the vol
unteer service Sept. 1st, 18ft), became a
colonel of the 40th regular infantry in
18CC. In 18i;7 he was brevetted brigadier-general
of the U. S. army. His
campaigns against the Indians Lave al
ways met with success.
During the dedication ceremonies
there was a fearful crush in the crowd
in front. Tboe in the rear pressed on
those in front to get within hearing dis
tance. These in turn pressed harder on
those before them, and so on until near
the front the jam was terrific. The Col
nmbian guards were utterly unable to
tue with the surging mass, and those
in front were pushed into the reporters'
quarter. Finally came cries of rage
and jin, and then the head and shoul
ders of a woman in swoon, with ashen
lips and disheveled clothing, was up
borne above the heads of the throng;
then the fainting form of a boy held
aloft in the sinewy arms of a stalwart
negro. It was becoming a serious mat
ter, and the blind insistence of the
eaper throng threatened death and a
panic. The attention of the people on
the stand was attracted to it. President
Cleveland watched it narrowly. Finally
a mounted cavalryman made a difficult
passage through tlie throng for egress
cutter McLane is the only government i
vessel here ut present. I
A Hingular Accident.
VNl j. . ! .( '"NV ceeueu io me inrono
upon dotttl' of
NCl0for7. In
and they are not likely to hear the last j ()f tti, j,,ch
of it for some time to come." 2Sth, hut
"is it your opinion the Sherman law from ii.
is resH)nsibh for the largo export of j
gold? ho was asked.
"It is not. The balance of trade bus
been against us, und that acrounts iu a
great measure for the exportations. I
don't anticipate a rciical in the next
session unless a satisfactory substitute is ,
offered. I opposed it when It was i
brought before the senate Itecunsn I do
tot believe in making a commodity of
silver. I would suggest a return to the
Mand law, if a compromise is to lie
made. I hardlv think the free-silver
hill will Income a law the next session,
or during the administration of Cleveland."
...... r,,.,, VB l.rjj,
warm weather tho pHst week iui
mean temperature 4H to 61 degrwu, t)((
total rainfall has been lees than oi,e.,,J
an inch, except at Ashland, 0 m
of an Inch fell.
kofh, KTl
The ground Is thoroughly suturm
and on the low lands it cniitiniu t
too wot to hi. worked. Some danism
has been done to tho peach bloom by
the continued cool, wet weather ; ml
the prevailing opinion Is that there will
lie a lurge fruit crop. The major ,Jr.
tlon of the spring seeding is (ne
Wheat is rooting uud stoollug most sat
isfactorily. The grass is Browing mucj
lietter thun any other vegetation. li(yt
in I.inn, MurionandCluekaiiiasciniiiti,,,
are from 1 to 4 feet high and aim.)
ready to tie. The hop acreage has gen
erally boon Increased. The hop lit.
have apimared at Needy, ClnckaB,u
The lambing season is about over, saj
has lieen fairly successful. The tajj
will be extra good, being ronuriitily
clean and of good staple.
Weather: There lias been mi Im
provement in the weather condition!
during the past week ; but it still rt
mains cool, cloudy und backward. Vert
heavy rain fell in Sherman and Wata
counties on the 2ilth and 27th. The let.
son lias been very wet und cold. Knot
full in Klamath county on April 23d,
24lh and 27th. The precipitation for
the past week ranged from 0.10 to 0.3V
Heavy frosts occurnd oa the
no damuge is rciiorlad
years ago, when lie
as 33 years of age.
Kmc. LaOPoYo. In 1853 he married
tho Archduchess Marie Henriette, of
I Austria-IIungarv. As a ruler King Leo-
New Y'ork, May 1. The case of Missjpold is generally liked. He strongly
Mary McCann, in the Memorial bos- J urges the abolition of the death penalty,
pital, in Orange, N. J.. is attracting
widespread attention among medical
men. The girl was on a South Orange
electric car, near the Orphan asylum, at
ailsburg, April 13th, when she became
frightened by the speed of the car and !
and said that "not a dropof blood should
be spilled in tho kingdom with his con
sent." ' i
The Cuban Kcare
Mamiid, May 2. A deputation of
iumned off. She was pvI ot ,i ' Cuban senators and deputies, includ-
bruised by the fall, and was taken to the ' lng soveral autonomists, waited tijion
hospital unconscious, and has remained i Maura- minister of colonies, today to
in that condition ever since, fihe seems ! prote,)t aSfainst the Cuban revolt. The
strong and takes nourishment naturallv J ,nInlate reP'v'n8 assured then, that
but all attempts to restore her to con-1 the government would not hesitate to
sciousness have failed. Dr. Thomas W. ' nmke an3r 8acrific0 u maintain Spanish
Harvey thinks a blood vessel burst in rule ln ulja-that unless the sltua-
her brain and a clot of blood formed.
He thinks this will be gradually ab
sorbed, and that the girl will regain
Four Killed.
New Y'obk, May 1. Details of a riot
on the British island of Dominica say a
bailiff endeavored to eject defaulters
from taxes whose property had been
bought in by the government, but was
tion became worse he considered the
colonial army strong enough to conquer
the rebels. Ileinforcements, however,
were in readiness to depart on the first
intimation from the captain-general of
Cuba that their assistance was required.
Hwarma of Emigrant Cumins.
New Y'obk, May 2. Steerage passen
gers on all steamships leaving all foreign
ports on and after Mav H will . ...
resisted The Ilritish warship Mohawk jected to the new system of questions on
arrived from the neighboring island of
Antigua with tho British governor, Kir
William Haynes Smith, who conferred
with the rioters. Ho subsequently
landed 20 bluejacket to enforce the
bailiff's order. A fight eusred in which
four rioters were killed and many
wounded. Captain Bailev. of the Mo-
their arrival, and will come under the
control of tho new board of inspectors.
To forestall this, many have already
taken passage, and they will lie hero in
swarms next week. Ten thousand Ital
ians left Marseilles on 11 steamships
which have just sailed from that port,
the Bvlirravia brimrinir 1.400. T!ir.
hawk, four police and many bluejackets are 1,300 more bound from 11
were nurt.
tiambled a Fortune Away.
K.noxvillb, Tenn., May 1. Leta Jack
son, a daughter of Kam Small, tlie evan
gelist, has brought suit against Arthur
and Luther Wright t recover $10,000,
which she alleges her husband, James
There is an emigration from other
ports equally as large.
II liia Opened on Molil llnnila.
OitHooN Citv, Or., May 2. Bids have
been opened for the issuance of $20,000
gold bonds for tho funding of the float
nuoiniiu, MtalllCB 1 la it . .
Jackson, had lost in cm,,,!,!; m. in dobt ot iUo city for 20 years at ft per
and Mrs. Jackson were married about a I . tuur werc delved Irom the
year ago. Soon afterward Jackson's' t ! E' C-Jf'ne"'A Co.,
mother died, leaving t,im in ruvi i i Jie"r ork. $17,500; H. C. Burkhard.
cash. He began going the pace then I reKn City' IOOO comnii.-
and U now nearly penniless. The!!'0": Htli,!tzr I Co., Toledo, O., $20,-
uw, less n per cent. ; De Van A Rutleire.
ly penniless. The
couplo have not lived together for tome
Action of tue Hpanlah ioernmnt.
Madrid, May 1. It is announced
officially that three columns of troops
are pursuing the Cuban rebels between
Kan Augustine and Lastunog, and that
two Spanish gunboats will cruise along
Cheap Kate to California I'olnt.
New Y'oiik, May 2. The Trunk Line
rate commission met today for the pur
pose of figuring rates to California jioints,
as well us to Chicago. Tho Missouri
river lines having named $45.50 as the
rato from all points on the Missouri
river, a rate of $10.50 from Chicago to
Kansas City, first-class, was named and
will be used in liguring through rates to
California. If the ideas of the Trunk
I lane rate commission are carrieu out it
' will null C.K0 li. tlin fuir .r
- " ' r, , e
through to California and return to New
In Heventy Hoar.
Tacoma, Wash., May 3. Assistant
General Superintendent Dickinson, of
the Northern Pacific, left tonight for the
Last. He goes to arrange for a new fast
train to leave the Sound in the early
morning and run through to Kt. I'aul
from Portland iu 70 hours. The train
j will be largely to accommodate the
j world's fair travel, but if the govern
ment will send tho mail by this route it
will be made permanent. The mail is
now sent big Union Pacific on account
of the fast time made.
Mipprealnn Mexican Newapnper.
City or Mexico, May 1. The govern
ment lias begun to suppress all news
papers in Mexico which are pronounced
in thoir opiiosition to the Dior, adminis
tration. Nearly 100 newspapers, in
cluding El of the leading
dailies of this city, were forced by the
authorities to suspend publication lost
Pioneer Dead.
Mr.i.KOKii, Or., April 30. Wilbur llee-
j son, an old and resjiected pioneer of this
i county, died at his home at Talent yes
terday. He leaves a wife and several
Republican Capttre Spokane.
Spokank, Wash., May 2. Tho election
hern today for mayor, comptroller, treas
urer, assessor, city attorney and five
members of the council, resulted in an
overwhelming victory for the republi
cans on all cit v officers.
ld Nugget on the Columbia.
Umatilla, Or., May 3. The excite
ment over the gold find along the Col
umbia increases every day. About 100
claims have oeeu staked out, and the
river front for seven miles U'tween here
and Stokes station is all taken up by
eager gold-hunters. Tho Portland Amal
gamator company bus hail un expert
here for a week, prosjeetiug with a view
of putting in some patent gold-saving
machines. It is said the prospects are
flattering. Several nuggets have leen
found in Huh locality. One worth
f " ! lllld thto. roiulitioi.H u ill Iu 11
was picked up ly a remlletoii man on
! The ground is thoroughly soaked sal
I is iu good condition for spring work.
spring plowing and seeding lias beet
almost completed und tho acreags i
generally increased. Within the nt
ten days all spring seeding will be dun? j
iu mose sections where ttie fall sown j
wheat was supposed to have been btull; f
frozen out during the past winter, It it
now found that a very good crop will h
hud. The grass is obtaining good grtmti
and Ntock Is improving. The lambin,
season is about over, and while full it
ports are not at hand, sufficient is knnwi
to say Unit 85 per cent of the lambs liar.
neon saved. 1 lie rams have kept tbt
wool clean, so that the clip will be (Mr
of tlie finest and best nn record
The cool weather ha been detriment..
i.j too (.i-ui u i roji. i eiicnc, pearg aal
apricots are generally in full bloom clt
to the Columbia river. South and aui
of the Blue Mountains no bloom it ret
to bv seen.
The present atnionphericcaaditioniilo
not indicate an immediate cIotuii of
the weather, though warmer weMhri
with fewer showers mav bo expeel
the Bhore of the Columbia.
The Bichmond (Va.) city council
has appropriated $4000 to defray tho ex
penses of the reinterment of the re
mains of Jefferson Davis, May 31.
favorable than a sudden warm dry apt
More siiiishino would be of great benii
to the vegetation.
Father Bronsgeest returned from
trip short to Portland today.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., S
Diego, (,'ul., shvs: "Shiloh's CalArrt
I Pemedy is the first medicine I bin
a , ever found that would do me any good
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes A Kinenly
Chrisman & Corson,
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
Cor. "Washington and Second Sts., Tlie Dalles, Or.
U. 8. Commissioner,
Notary Publl
Los Angeles, par and accrued interest on
the full amount.
Havana I Cloaaljr Guarileit
Nkw Yoiik, May 1. Tho Herald's Key
West dispatch says : About 50 refugees
from Havana arrived Saturday. Ha-
V&Ilfl I rlruu.1v .,,., .l,ul ....I i .
the coast. The creole societies have have been di. r.' ZTSITS S r.JL
J.4l.1y,. . j. iu III V BUUU1 VISUM t . ' . , ' ' " " " ItH-H . Jl . , IO
visited he Cuban governor and assured to prevent aid from the outside. The EiSL? .I !:l,u,',',"!'
farm laborers in Cuba are all idle. The , jw,t J(,"N w' 1 J w,w'
P. P. Laud omcc, The in 11,.,. tir .,)
April 1.1, lu;i. j
Comnlsint hnvlntr l-n et..rerl at till. r,m.-e
by VUllae Koiim. Mnani.l limjamln h in ill. r
ln.loiili,ir Ma ll,..t,.(i Kl.lrv. tin. am.
MImI rvlinmry lnh, llH, the KW r
J'ti..n J, l.,n.lilp 1 hoiitli, lunve 1.1 Heat, J,,
W av, .,rti,ii-, or.-., with a vl.-w to tin- ran
dilution entry, the aaiil partiea areherrhv
Huntington & McKinstry.
fliicCMiaor to J. 11. llmitliiKton i Co.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Art
Lrfuid l'apem of all Kinds jiremred.
Itenta collected nnd taxes paid for non-residents.
.Almtrnct of Titles furnished at short notice, as we have the only ft
ulwtriict liooks in Wasco County.
Parties having Kstato for sale or rent ore requested to call
our odice, NO 139 SECOND ST. THE DALLES, OR
Louis J:
him of their fidelity.
Any and all Kinds of Iron Work attend! to
promptly and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Shop, East End, eor. Seeond and Depot Stre