THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1893. i ( i a r C v t n P PKorKSftlONAI.. HH. HlllKt.I. ATTORNKY AT I.AW- Ottiee s Court Mreet, The Dalles, On-Koii. I. nnTCH. ?ILHX MKNSFBS. klU K, t MKNr.rKK ATtohnkvs- ST- uw- K.m U mid tl. over iiisi Otllov iintMtiot. Kutr.-iuceou Wasiilniitou 8tret The lalle, urviu. I)1 . HKNSKTT, ATTOK.NKY-ATl.AW. litv ill h 'iaiuio it bmuiinit, up stairs. bauies, Orwcu. A tu tu Tile THE STORM'S PATH Twenty-One Lives Lost in Full View of Thousands. F. r. M4V. . Hl'NTlNOTON. H . . W ILSOK . f A YS. lU'NTlNiiTON A; WI1 SON ATTOs nfys-at-law -oihres, rrvneh blis-k over Pint National Uauk. ' Untie. Omtou. H. WlljiOS ATTtKNKY-AT-LAW Roomt M .Van..:.!, The Lllw(, orejrou. TAR. ESHKI.MAN (Hom xovathici Fhysicia 1 ami humiKON. t n awervu irtT or liivht, citv or country. S7 Chpmn block. promptly iNo. 3u Allit wu D K. O. 1. POAN K THYSICIAN AMD BUIV UtoN. Odlct: rooma A aiid 6 ihapmaji Rinok. Kealttviu' : t. K. en,t?r "ourt aim Piwrth atrveta, w mi door from the corner, Ottee hourtt 9 to 12 A. M., i u ft and 7 trtiK M MOCIETIES. 11 'ASCO LOIH.E. SO. 15, A. F. & A. M.-Mete V v Unci and third M outlay of each month at Meets In Mssonir Hall the third Wednesday OJ aca mould at 7 I . at. IfOHERN WOODMEN Ivi OF THK WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. W, Meets Tuedayeveil tag of each week iu fraternity Hall, at 7:a) p. ni, "tOLFMBIA LOIHJE. NO. S. I. O. O. F. Meets W every tTiilav evening at 7:30 o clock, tn k of p. hall, corner Second and Court atreeta. sojourning brother are welcome. H. Clouuh. Secy. H. A. BlLXS.N. O. FRIENDSHIP LODC.E, NO. 9., K. 0( P. Meets every Moiuiav evening at 7:;sJ ocuvt, in tVhanuo's buiUliiiK, comer of Court and Second treeta. sojourning members are cordially lu Tited. W.S. ( BAM. V. W.Vacu, K. of R. and 8. C. C. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF U Meet In K of V. hall the second and fourth VYedues days of each month at 7:30 p. m. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE 1 f I'NION will meet every Friday afternoon at to Clock at the reading room. All arc Invited TTarmon Lodire No. SM. I. O. J 1 weekly meeUngs Monday at 7:iJu r. Fraternity llall. All are invited. T. Regular H., at TEMPLE LODGE NO. S. A. O. U. W. Meets in Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, en becoud street, l n u rsday eveulags at 7 : au. Paul Kmrr, W. 8 UTIkS, Financier. M. W TAS. NESMITH POST. No. !. O. A. R. Meets r every Saturday at 7 :30 r. at., iu the K. of P. Hall. T OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the K. of P. Hall. GESANO VEREIN Meets every eveuinir In the K. of 1'. Hall. Sunda OF L, F. K. of p. day of each month, at T OF L, F. DIVISION, No. lCT-Meet in 1. K. of P. Hall the first and third Wediiea THK CIU KCHES. CT. PETERrt CHURCH Rer. kJ SkksT PasMr. 7 a. . 7r. it. High Ms Father Hrons- Low )Iasa every tundav at i at 1U:3U. . Vespers at IMTOSSIHLE TO KESCl'E Til EM A Fierce Gale Sweeps Over Lake Front-Names of Drowned. Chicago tbe ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EliD.Sutc:ii)eKecuir. Services very sundav at II a. h. and 7:.W r. u. t-uiidav 8chool9:j A. H. Evening Prayer on Friday at niRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. I. Tat F LOR, Pastor. Morning services every Sali- oatn at tne scs.iemy at 11 . hahtwth bchool immediately after morning services. rrayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi deuce. Union services in the court bouse at 7 r. u. CONfiREOATIONAL CHURCn-ReT. W. C. CCBTie, Pastor. Services every huudayat 11 A. H. and 7 r. H Sundnv ichool after morning ervloe. strangers cordially invited. Seau free. ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whislch. pastor. Services everv Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Sunday School at Li:Ju o clock T. h. Epworth League at p. M. Praver meeting every ThurMlay evening at 7:.T) o'clock. A cordial In Titation is extended by both pastor and people to ail. inHRISTlAN CHURCH KIT. J. KJ Pastor. W. Jknkins. Preschlliff in the Cons-reirHtiniiMl Church each lymis liay at 3 p. M. All are cordially invited Evang. Lutheran ehnrch, Ninth street, Rev. A. Horn, pastor. Services at 11:; a. m. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to every syne. Rheumatism. Lumbago. Sciatica, Kidney Complaints. Lame Back, &c D3. SANDEN'S ELECTS CELT With BtctrtMaBntlc 8UotfN80RV WTTI Mir-P witiKujt bpMIHiw all Wi.mi rwi ituin from -pr-tsmuCion of brain nerve forrt cireiMwa or insist errtioo. aa acrvnus Ootiny, atoepiMWDM. lajiruor, rnrafnatiaai, kiliryt ttvtr and Ittaul )tr eompaaintii, mmelmek, tumUattv. aoatkv, ) fmat com tainta p-neral HI bMaiUi, Tuts lctno Belt c.ntaiu rfmi Im prrmf ver aJi otijn. torrent la fctMaotir fHitbr war?r OT wm forfeit $&,60U.U, anJ Will cure all of Um anxrwm dttwaaM or Du mv. Tliou lhu havt been fnrM br tiw marralotis fnvenUon iter ail other rvrn-Mt-Ba failed, and wa mv buAUxotia K tttimonialaiji titWarwiverf other Hat. Our renij lmpr4 1LFTIU 81 rf 1V)Y , tM Umt Uk-q eer otfrred wik. men, ru .r wllW il aaf .tend rw UioaM funpfliet, maiiesl ,atoU, U . 8AN0EN BLECTRIO CO., lrK IT -Vlra itrt, JOUTLAAJ OE The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. lo. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or. This well known atand, kept by the well known W. II. butts, loni a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary tine stock of Shwp Ilcrder's Delight ad Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, (iive the old man a call and you will come again. W. II. YOUNG, BlacKSiiiii & Wagon Slop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TIM Street, opp. Liebe's eld Stand. Mu.wal'kik, Wis., April 0. Lake Michigan is being swept by one of the worst easterly gales ex perienced in yearn The sea is runnlug very thigh and all craft are unable to venture out of the harbor. A small vessel is ashore ut the head of Juneau avenue. The worst feature of the gale is tho probable loss of 20 lives by the washing away ot a house over the crib at the terminus of the new water works tunnel. No men are in sight, and it is believed that they were swept away, but they may be in the air lock below. Five or six men can be seen clinging to the machinery and tim bers of the water works crib. The water is sweeping over them. It is thought that the others way be dead In the chamber below from the lack of air. The life-saving crew has beer. unable to render them assistance as yet. It is now known that twenty-two men went out to the water works crib last night. Vnless rescued soon, all that may be alive at this hour must perish, as the crib is submerged by every wave. It is reported that five of the life-saving crew refused to obey orders to go out in the life-boat. The tug Stark left the harbor at 9:30 a m., but was forced to return. The sea broke in the pilot-house windows, and cut Captain Chris Miller quite severely. There is talk of man ning the revenue cutter Johnson and going to the scene. Captain Davis sig nilies his willingness to make the at tempt if men can be secured to man the ifeboat. The small vessel ashore at the head of Juneau avenue is the Ixirena A tug is now on the way to the scene with a life-boat and men on board. She is making slow headway, and is fairly buried by the sea at times. The tug Welcome has returned from the crib. The life-savers found one man horn they rescued. He will probably ie from exposure and exhaustion. As there are no signs of any of the rest, it believed the twenty-one men are either swept awav or dead in tne crib chamber. The man rescued from the wrecked water works by the tug Welcome and the life-taving crew was so exhaii'ted when taken aboard the tug tliut he wu unable to speak. He recovered Btifli ciently just before being taken to the hospital to be able to tell those about him that his companions were all in tin air chamber below the crib. It in believed they are all suffocated. Two bodies were seen floating around in the well of the crib by the life-saver who reached the crib. His name is Oleson, anu ne was uauiv nana lea by the sea while performing his noble work. Cap tain Feterson of the lifesaving crew, wa badly hurt about the head. It was an anxious crowd that stood on the shore and looked at the crib this morning. The sight was the most awful one anybody in the vicinity had ever seen. Waves fully 15 feet high dashed over the crib with terrific force. All that was left of the crib was a couple of posts that supported the house and one of the pumps. The two large boilers, the en gine, one or two pumps, the air com pressor plant and the 20,000 brick that were on the crib bad been washed off. Twenty minutes after the house was washed out of existence, the entire machinery, and whatever else the house contained that had been left, was lifted directly into the air, apparently by the combined force of the wind and waves, and everything was hurled into the raging tea, many feet below the level of thecrib. One of the most pitiful In cidents in connection with the disaster was the spectacle of the aged father of Engineer Dwyer pacing to and fro on the beach, vainly trying to see through the mist and catch a glimpse of the poor boys clinging to the crib. "Joe is Lome sick, good for him," he said, "but Mikey is out there, and I wish he was home sick too." The following are known to have been in the wrecked crib: George Gregg, lockman; Michael Dwyer, engineer; John Mcliride, engineer; Eben All, cook; James Miller, Wiiliam Priestly, Joseph McCarty, George W. Holly, William Presser, Joeeph Pretznold, (iustave lacomitu and Fred 8 nanner. miners. Jamea Miller is the man who was rescued. The doctors say he will recover. Karl's Clover Loot, the now blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. 8old by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. With apples selling at from four to six cents a jxmrid as they do In Portland during tho winter, it should certainly pay to rnbe them. Look Orep Your County Wnrrants. All county warrants registered prior to June 1, my. will In, naid if .. sented at my olllce, corner Third and ashingtoH streets. Interest ceases on anil after this date. The Dalles, .March 31, I03. WlLMAM MltllKI.L, 4 -2m Treasurer Wasco County, Or. TO CLEAN SPECTACLES. I'M llsvnk Hill of Lir Iwnnmlnatlsm, nil lis Happy. "H'a the fnvatost Idea in the world." said a truest of a St. lionis hoUd, rub- binir his irlnMca with a tlftv-dollar bill, according to the (iliibe-DcnuxTnt. "Now, I can't sec ton feet without my glasses, and glituM. have a tendency U become blurred, you know. "Now, 1 have woru spectacles con stantly for over twenty-five years, ami I have, in a small way, mnde a study of them. A linen handkerchief doos tint clean them well, and a silk Is always sure to leave a thread sticking to the frames. "Paper is uo account, aa it leaves specks on the gloss. Cotton is sure to leave a lot of lint Udiitul It. Chamois La too thick, and kid don't do at all. I've tried them all, and 1 know. The thing to uho, my loy, is a bonk note; it cleans the glasses) bcuuUfully and leave, noth ing behind it "Of course, it tan t necessary to use a fifty evory time, but I happened to have this one loose in my ptx'kct and I m ex pectiug a friend along iu a minute and 1 wanted to make an impression. es, they say bills carry disease with them, but I lin t afraid much. I ve never caught anything from them. You can use a one as well as a fifty, but use a fifty if you can; there s mora money in it." Nothing Fussr About It. Homebody says, remarks an exchange, that a wagonmaker who was dumb for years picked up a hub and spoko. Yes, and a blind carpenter on the same day reached out for a plane and saw, and a deaf sheep ranchman went out with his dog and herd, and a noseless tUheruuin caught a barrel of herring and smelt, nd a defunct hatter was tenderly de posited on a pile of hair and felt, and a fortv-ton elephant inserted his trunk into a grate and flue. " Beauty without grae Is a hook without a bnlL( That's what the French think. Whether It be trus or not, there are many American women who do not even pot-iess the hnok beau ty and nttractlvenrsa are denied them. Why 1 Ilecause they're languid, cross and Irritable.. They know not what It Is to bo without pain or discomfort half the time. That's It; suffer in silence misun derstood when there's a remedy Ir. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription at hand that l-rn't an experiment, but which Is sold, by druggists, under the guarantet mat it you are uiaapttointi'd in any way with It, you get your money back Dy applying to IU maker. A signal service to weak womenklnd Is the finding of lost health the build lug up of a "run-down" svstem. Noth ing does It so surely as tlin "Favorite Prescription." None like it ! For overworked, debilitated women. teachora. milliners, seamstresses, "shon- girls," nursing mothers on aud aii are cured by It. Mv wife was con lined to her tied for over two months with a very severe at tack ot rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford htr anv re lief, and as a last resort gave Chamber lain's Pain lialm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application, and by using it regu larly she was soon able to get up and attend to her houe work. K. II. John son, of C. J. Knutson & Co., Keimington, Minn. oOceut bottles for sale by Illake- ley & Houghton. jComplete Manhood AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT A merifcil trnrb tiM trtlU 41.- ...... H dfwerllxw tlie, elta'U. uoints tin- rcineilv! )t Nrioiitiiirally the must valuable, aniMi- Q u cully llic mini tM-uiiliful niclii-ul iuaik ever j uuiMiaiieo: wi uttra. eery pMKobeariiiRii Lj half-tone llliisiruliun in tints. K, pulilislieil : Imlf.toiia I jlreateil: Nervous Debility, Imrntviiev , U (Sterility Development, Varicocele, The 2 Husband, Those liitemling MurriuKc, etc. J ' - k.i-m , mutw ine i fninu imrn$. u IS ttlls !. thf (Mil MrrWs ami Krw H jj cwmn nf Mrdtcai Seitnc as nrpluH Ut Mitr u Lift, trhn trnvlil atusw ,r ut follin u tni ninl ftitura (WMiIa. Mm,U ml Air l.i. ii woxnKitrvt, Lirri.t: hook. Ii It Will bo snnt t nw r, u I 1. 1 1- 1 1... ........ wan. nimB ltK. Ullll II OUATriCll or siuiilu. Address tue publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUI-FA LU, N. V. If the elforts of the Medford company to put the carp of Lint river on the mar ket are stict-essiui it win open a new source of wealth iu Klamath cuuntv. POLAND CHINA HOGS asei""" , ' if can furiiisli a tuimbur nf THOROUGHBRED , P0LAND CHINA HOG, f -s"-H'. "'vV ,V M'liiMirti.m,,!.,. mostanya,,,, wls-iU ,,riw'. - 'r head, ur f.'J, pr ,)liir XH7'"im- anil see them, or write. All letters promptly answered. EDWARD JUDY, CENTERVILLE, WASH. lK'riirri it n in tin' nfiiirt nf m.ti inlii,i tnh.-t, n -j. n - - " 'y ... ....... ut H5 jloot leads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the c IP l Sale hi p Fiiitm & Car at CRANDALL & BURGETS, thttc goods out at greatly-reduced rates. Ur llir; lil l.I Av r.nicK, UKION ST. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DF.ALF.KK IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the latest Patterns aud Iesigus m W ZE Xj 3LP jl X3 llueklen's ,Arnl- Halve. l lie best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapmul hands, chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price '.'.") cents per box. For sale by 8nipes & Kin- erslv. The breaking of the $100,000,000 gold reserve was unaccompanied ly any financial disaster. Scot! Wheat, " Oats, " Corn, " live, " Potatoos, CJ anion Seeds, Grass Seeds in I'ulk. All Pres. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who nave not, nave now tho opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free. (Send your name and address to II. E. Uueklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King s New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instrnctor, free. All of which is i guaranteed to do you good and cost you notlitng. hold by Snipes A Kinerlys. WIIOII, WOOD, WOOD. AT J. H. CROSS' Hay, Grain aud Feed Htore. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A HUHINKSh Practical Painters aud Paiier Haneers. None but the liest brands nfn. J Mierwin-u iiiiams and J. w . .Masury's Paints used m all jur work, and none be. me most skilled workmen employed. Airmits for Masi.rv Lion id Paints. K cnemicai coniiiination or soap mixture. A first class article iu all colon, i. orders promptly atiemicj to. Faint SboD corner Thirdand Washington Bts., The Dalles. Oreni! A. A. Brown, Keeps a lull assnruiient ol Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which heoflervatLnw Flxurw. SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Hintat Cast Prices for Im and other Mnce. 170 SECOND STREET. ARTIC FACTORY I BODA WATEK AND ICE CEEAI Candies and Nuts ;S7Spccialtit: Tl I H W Flnaat Peanut RoastarlnThe Dalkvf buh-.- I rni pn "im 3? wtr,,tJ.HJLLU "zjos'l W. E. GARRETSON, II Leaaino Jeweler HOLst AGENT roll Tilt Letters of Credit issued available iu Eastern States. West irrades of oak. fir. and sUl. ivinl wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. I'eters & U. (t)llice (second ami JnA'r. son streets.) I bight Exchange and Telegraphic I Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, ht. The savage patience shown in the Louis, han Francisco. Portland Omnm. iieauty with which the negroes of Africa Seattle Wash., and various points iu Or am! the Indians of Alaska ornament Kn.BI1". v ""ngton llieir weapons also mark to some extent the negroes of the south, and a southern negro's lishiug tackle .is sometimes maue in a iaslnon to excite the envy of the most enthusiastic northern sportsman. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. H. BOHSWrx, Prmlilent H. it. Hsau Caablsr. eu par Iiottlo. WyWW First Rational Bank. ."HE DALLES, - - - OREGON A General Banking liusiness transacted JJeposite receivetl, subject to bight l'ralt or (Jlieck. Collections made and proceeds promptly rciuivmi on uaj oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new iork, rsan rrancisco and 1'ort- land. CllM CoilRhs, IIoArs.,11.-. sroitnrompuv ana issiunia. t4n 'A liroitt 1" P Criiiifif iiritifin 4r 1 it uiwninnfiiwirnai I ill J at t stv-tt ill mrnw viivt ii ri iridi i i . Oil B ffl Ilirit ntll Is'rsi- I s- . a Il. ..b QHI LO H'Sy CATARR H llareyiiu lauirrh? 'i hiarerumlr la smrao. tesxl UJ euro you. ITloeWolsj. luJecCr tratv r"r 7 Nnlpaa Klnarslj. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old. Dotitllar and rnlinlvU ,..... has Is-en entirely refurnished, and every room has been retiMrel and rnni,,iu and newly carpeted throughout. The iioiise contains I7U roomsand is supplimf with every modern convenience. ItaU ri;ii-.inali!e. A goxl restaurant attach to the bout-.). Frer bus to nd from all trams. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. UIKBOTOHS. D. P. Thompson. Jko. fi. SciitNc. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likiii. II. M. UkALL. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and liullding Material of all kinds. Carries the Plnast Una of Picture MouJ dings To be foqnd In the City. 72 LUuohington Street.' Mrs.S.iOrcliari,Carpf?fte OfTt'm lirr iwrr wivt'ii wt hur C'tiriHumi) a. to nil who with ran i In me uu ulufl, COLUMBIA Candy Factonf All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Orcr. 1SH Hannnrt Mt.. Tim llulUa, Or. the Dalles AND Prineville Campbell Bros. Propn (Successors to W. S. Craa.) Manulaoturars of thp flnoat Fraucb sso Home Mwltt CANDIES Eaat of Portland. HEALS KH IK Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tokt Can tnrnlah any of thessi gmsls st Vi'bol r kotaii l-W-FRESH OYSTERS la Rverjr Htyla. Ice Cream andSoda Water. 104 Second Htnwt.Tbe Dallea. Or. Stage Line J. D. PARISH, Prop. lsav Th Iisllcs nt S s in ..... .i. ....i rlvHsat I'rlniivllii) in t,rty-slx Innirs. I.-hv- trmevlllv at ft a. i.i. .-vry ny H1 arrivaa at The lal!t In thlrly-slx hours. Carries the I S. Mail, mnm aud Repress (.'oiiuects at I'rliio-lltt srlth- Stages from Eastern and Southern 0r"- egon, northern California and all Intorior Points. Also makos (losef.iniiwtlim at Th PhIIks with sins iroin roruanii ami all raatitni poluus. .' Coartecus drivers. .' (tood accommodaiion5 atonic tin read. .' rim-class twlti and torses used. .' Eipress matter Handled who cure. All persona wlshinn pnsssa-o must wnvlilll nt of '"'' lief ore Ulkiior ms-iii', otlM-rs will not Ik-rw-ftvwl. K a press Inuil Ui sf olln-i-s or tlin Htmn- l o. will not lo n t.Mimllile The company will iiike no rl-.k on immey 1 1 i mn 1 1 Uvl. Harfleiilnr atti-litloil KlVell In ili-llverlnv xnross lii.ill.-r at I'rliievllle ami nil sniitlivrii xilnts In OriK-io, nnil iiilvnni-e eharKos will he pnlil hy the coinpHiiy. IT AO IJ IIITICKH! M. Nlelicl ft V,n. Ntore. t miitllU Moose. I'rluavllln. j ,e lMa. The Dalles Cigar : faetorj FACTORY NO. 105. niC ADC"' tint est BrsnA lllliV i, orders from all parts of the country fl" on the shortest notice. Tim reimtation of THE DAIXKfl C UAH lias IsHtmie firmly established.": Hie ileniaml lor the lioine iiianii'H"1" article is increiising every lay. A. ULRICH & SON THE DALLES National Bank Of DALLKS CITY, OK. President Z. F. Mood' VicH-l'rcHidniil.. . . Cmill.KH Hll'1"' Uaslilitr, .... - M.A.Mooo Triinscl - Sight Kxchaiiges Hold on NKW YOliK, KAN FUANC1S0O, and 1DUTLAM), 0 Collections tnadit on fitvorehlu ton" at all HccesHible points.