ten V Ml IS 0 MOTTOtlt VOL. III. TIIK DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 180X NUMBER LU MURDERERS AT LARGE Darini Escape of Two Men From Sim Siui THEY riiPI'EKEDTHE GUARD'S EYES Invited Cnrlyle Harris to Go, but be Refused Some Victims of tbe Cyclone. cIN(1 Sinu, April 21. Roehl and Pallis- ter murderers, under sentence of death, escaped from prison last night. Both men are under sentence 10 ne eieciro- cutt'd (hiii. Guard HtilHe caul lltal hi 7 o'clock last night he passed supper In to I'lill'ister, tlie condemned man, who ! tir,..v a handful of irlr into li in eyes. llnlw un blinded and pullistor rushed iini hi..., revolver awary, and uu- iili-r UiriMiH of death forced J I nine into l'lillisU'r's cull, first taking his keys from l,iu,. He then locked IIuIhc in the cell, land unlocked tlie coll til Murderer Frank l!iHhl. Tlie two murderers un- lucknl the cells of Carlysle W. Harris mill murderer Osmond and invited these wu to ecae with them, but both Har- i I....J T..1i: . ....I ITU UIHI imillUUU i-iwnru, m.i niiu lluelil waited until U o'clock, wU.. guard murphy came on duty. A Murphy en tered the corridor l'allietur preHented a b i.'lol to Murphy' head, and taking his ftcys troin.him lot ted mui in i;im i lull. Pullister then took Hulse's shoes auul cup from him and put them on him- fcnlt, threatening to kill the guards if Jliey made an outcry. The two murder fra then cliuilied down into the yard and amide their escaie, whether by the river lir over tlie wall in not known. The ter ribly utonny night facilitutad their e-i'iiic. It iH supjiosed that 1'alliHter nin Ifi'ii naviug the pepper given him ,ii!y with his meals with the object of n etuie in view. A IIIIOTIIKK rilOM UKItUANY. Ni Yuuik, April 21. In connection i UU the wcaie of the two condemned li unlet it leuked out this morning lliut a brother of Roehl arrived iu tliie jtity 10 days ago from Germany with , T,000, which Roehl inherited. The fcbrothtir, upon hi arrival here, called Vlon (.iuMlierg A Mclaughlin, prison rt rouniHil, and informed them that be 5 wan going to (miii King. After a stay of li w dart Uiere he returned to thin city Jirf win! lie would immediately return fciuroie. He ii believed to have re miiied in the country and assisted Lis lro:lieriem-a). It is believed Harris' i iusmI to lake advantage of the oppor mty to escape will have noma weight tli Hie governor in deciding hi cane. I'roapenla of a Hate War. Chicago, April 21. On and after May . the Atchison will no longer be a 'Miilier of the Western Pussunrer Asso- jhtioti. Thin it the only delluite result II four weeks' protracted meeting of neral manager! and general passenger nts of weatern lines, and of four mtlii of work put on the proponed, it ntiw rejected, agreement for ud anno ition. World's fair ratea on the basis 2QN'r cent, reduction from ratea V"l Wn agreed ujHin for the territory p'toltu MiHRouri, but this agreeinont k not now liinilinir mikI rntxa nr t tl fcwy of ny line which wiohea to lower n'lll. N'o wiirlil'a fnir rntna Iibva luwtn rued to from trana-Miaaouri or trans- iitinental terriUiry, but tboae liuea are in auHHion diwunsing the (lUeHtion. r-"ngr Trallic Managtir Wliite.of the ''"imn, eUmtrifled today's meeting 1 lie gave notice of withdrawal from ''Mociatiiin. The.action was e-.tiroly "Xpected, but tho AtchiHon's com- lltom freely acknowledge the justice lmies reasoning and concluHions. F w"l liii line could not secure protoc )n the world's fiiir rates west of the f un river, where it did the biggest r-llieu. Tim ltnnwr A, Vir llrnnrl l.aa to ! tin Mm AM.tfrM!tifti miliiaatta f'd troniii... .UK n..i i- t:.i , v Wltll liib yuiurutiu iUlU 'i li 6 Buttlwl Tlia ltni-liiifrl.,11 or, I f 'k Wnd had taken tbe stand that 'Kfwmient west of the Mi MtMllirt WAN Hwsible without tho Denvor A KIo """. This u. rl... ...II !... 't proved an edectual one. Atohi jple say they withdrew not with "itontion of euttlno Pat ita l.tif ttn. , n hP vmv mui- 10 protect their revenues. trlk at lloffalo. t '""au., April 21.-Builders and con " Bre Utieasv over th .!.,. ,.i "ntent in the lai . VIa,alnni,iuiin. anrface appearanees thera I. ..!.. ,? B?nur'11 "'flko of the buildina- unions unless the demands of the 'rers, bricklayers and JWnloU. All the plasterers except ""lrike'or3-60'y,an ad- "'cents. The br eklnv i "8 "truck for eight hours a day with the prenont wiiyes, .'5.h0. Carpenters are talking of ilemandii.g higher wages, and uii1chk the bosHea and em ployers get together and nettle their diU'erencos there is likely to be a general atrikc. HAS FIGURED IT OUT. 1'rof. Tuttcu Kay. the World Will End In 1MIIK. "The world will come to an end ere this country lias parsed into history," says Prof. ('has. Adiel lwis Tolten. He has figured it out that the advent of the Messiah, the restoration of all things as they were n the davs of the prophets, will occur about 1899. lie dis claims any intention of poking as a "crank" of the type that predicts storms and earthquakes, saying there will be an end of all jieople who have not fol lowed and literally olieyed the word of (iod. Prof. Totten was compelled to sur render the chair of military tactics In Yale on account of his eccentric theories, lie is extremely nervous, and bus the eyes and forehead of a pronounced TV- ligious CIlthllttiuKt. too Mien ivii.izatic". K.gultnanx at tlix World1 trlb. Fair on a Ciiii'aoo, April 21. After several week" of murmurinps and threats, the Ksquiinuiix who buve comprised the I'.(uiiniuix vilhtfe in Jackson Park since lunt winter, have packed up their queer-looking lielonifingsand taken their departure. They are tired of lieing coui- iclifd to weur henry stali-kin clothes in warm weather, they say, and of being restricted to the extent that their man tigers demand, and they have determined to revolt and run a village of their own John Sugarloaf, w ho, with his four sons, cleaned out a dozen Arabs in a street fight the other day, is the instigator of tlie uprising. He proposes to rent ground near Ja ksou Park and set up a new village. Owing to the decision of the court not long ago, it seems that the men w ho put up the money to bring the Esquimaux here from Labrador are IKiwerless to prevent their leavetaking It is said that the managers of the con cern are out about (IIO.OXK) by the opera tion. In favor of Annaiatlo. W, II. Wilson passed through Port land today on his way to his home in Seattle, having just returned from Aus tralia via Honolulu, leaving the latter city only aUut 10 days ago. "The people there, eavs lie, "are generally in favor of annexation. I saw ouite a nuinW of white residents of dlilcrent nationalities and they all favor annexation to America. The intereste of tbe Inlands are essentially American, and financially the country can be called American. The natives also favor an nexation or want to be let alone. Of course, they stood by their sovereign as long as the monarchy existed, but the government has always been a white one with a black bead. People gen erally w ant annexation or want to lie let alone." Telegram. Two Eutlrely Ilflrriit Mtorloa. Kansas Citv, April 20. Official" of the Union Pacific road say the strike on their system is causing but little trouble. The road is not crippled in the least, they say, by locomotives being disabled, for they are all in good repair. The strikers, on the other hand, say that, in spite of the statements made by the company to the contrary, the road is sulTcring from a scarcity of locomotives in good repair. Irtlm. of tha Cyclone. Bahnktt, Miss., April 21. Over one iiundred houses are iu ruins, as a result of Wednesday night's cyclone. People have been either killed or wounded by tho score. The house of William Kisher was carried away, and his family of seven have not been heard of. William Parsin, wife and four children were killed. At Quitman, the havoc, wrought by the cyclone was more severe than at first rejiorted. Though few were killed outright, several who were wounded cannot live. May Come to a Hettlemunt. Omaha, April 21. A mooting looking to a settlement of the strike on the Union Pacific will be held at 2:30 this afternoon. A conference will be held at noon between General Manager Dickin son mid tho advisory comiultoe of the strikers and plnnD for the afternoon ar ranged. It is believed the strike will bo declared otl. liirliuiiiit IxhMh. Cokvam.ih, Or., April 21.- The Oregon Pacific pay car weut over the road and paid all etnjiloyoa 40 per cent. glim FINANCIALSITUATION Secretary Carlisle's Statement Causes Much Discussion. WALL STREET IS DISATISFIED The Cabinet Discussed the Matter This AfternoonRepublicans Fired Lp to Date. Nkw York, April 21. Secretary Car lisle's statement on the gold situation was the genera! topic of conversation on Wall street this afternoon. It was not favorably received, on the ground that it was felt to be too indefinite. Most of the bankers seen expressed themselves un able to comprehend the secretary's in tention in reference to the treasury notes. J Edward Simmons, president of the Fourth National bank, said Mr. Carlisle bad announced no policy ; his words mean nothing so far as the situa tion of the question is concerned. Some of the foreign exchange dealers are again allowing'a premium of '2 of 1 per cent, to those paying for their remittan ces in gold. Itnssell Sage said this morning. "I believe that if the people do not lose their beads we shall weather the storm, and the currency question will event ually be arranged satisfactorily. It is a pity, however, that Secretary Carlisle does not take a bold stand upon the subject, and give us an idea of w hat he intends to do." At the eub-treasnry 12,000,000 in treasury notes werel depoeited against the withdrawal of an equal amount of gold. Of these notes 1400,000 were treasury notes and the remainder gold certificates and United States notes. Cashier Muhlemann, of tbe sub-trea-ury, has not received any word from Wash ington to make a change in the method of receiving payment for gold. Av.trla Kafuava to Receive J add. Vienna, April 21. Count Kalnoky, the Austrian premier, has given notice to the American minister than the Aus trian government will not grant an ex equator to Max Judd, of St. Louis, ap pointed by President Cleveland consul- general of the United States at lenna Count Kalnoky states that his reason for refusiug the exequator is because Judd is an Austrian by his former alle giance and is engaged in the iminigra tion business. Tlie Tunnel Crib llorror. MiLWACEKE, April 21. The bodies of two victims of the tunnel crib horror were picked up on tbe beach early this morning. The steamer Burroughs went to the crib this morning and secured ten bodies. Foreman Barber, of the tunnel construction gang, says there were 15 men in the crib when it was over wbel rued. HOME WEAK 1'OINTH. irter Vontlnuea 111 Henrlng Sea Argument. Pakis, April 21. J. C. Carter, coun sel for tbe United States in the Behring sea tribunal of arbitration, continued his argument in behalf of the American claims. Carter criticised the weak points of the case presented in behalf of Great Britain. He admitted that the United States asked for a monopoly of tbe seals, but a monopoly, he argued. could only be injurious wheu artificial prices were induced by it. In the pres ent instance that was impossible. On thecoutrary, tbe monopoly atked for by the United States would eucourage pro duction, and be beneficial to humanity the same as the laws providing for pat ents and copyrights. Carter proceeded to refute the British argument thatseals devoured tbe British fifh in the waters of British Columbia. The fish in those waters, Carter said, were the property of the world. Carter quoted from the joint report of tho commissioners of Great Britian and the United States, appointed to investigate the condition of seal life iu tbe North Pacific ocean to sustain bis position that pelagic seal ing was wrong. The Unitod States, Carter said, would tolerate the right of the Indiaus to pursue seals for personal sustenance, but not for commercial purposes. Submarine Torpedo Ileal. Wasmintoon, April 22. The navy de partment has invited the submission of designs for a submarine torpedo boat, authorised by the last congress together w ith an additional appropriation for con ducting experiments with the vessel. Bids will also ho received from builders on plans submitted by thuni, but designs unaccompanied by such bids will bo carefully considered. The boat designed is required to possess such a renerve of bouyanry, as to make certain that she will rise to tbe surface in case of acci dent to her machinery or otherwise. She must also carry an ample supply of air for the crew when submerged for the maximum length of timeintended. The strength must be ample to resist without leaking, the water pressure to a depth of 150 feet and for a considerable period of time. A submergence below a certain depth must be prevented by automatic means. Arrangements must be provided for quick rising and lowering, for re maining stationary and for going on a straight line backward and forward when submtrged. This displacement of the vessel is not to exceed 150 tons, and it should lie capable of carrying five automobile topedoes, fitted to fire two at a time, w hether on the surface or sub merged. All material for the boat is to be of domestic workmanship. A Case of Leprosy. jort ayne, JnU., April 'Z'l. A case which several physicians, who had an examination, unhesitatingly pronounce genuine Asiatic leprosy, has made its appearance in this city. This afternoon a Syrian woman, giving her name as Schantznes E. Onchlet, called at the office of Dr. Stirgis for treatment. Her face was yellow, shrunken and bore dis gufting blotches, such as unmistakably mark lepers and distinguishes leprosy from any other disease. When the woman held out her left hand, it was seen that all the fingers had rotted off as far as tbe first joint and the index finger bone protruded where the flesh had sloughed off. She said she did not want any medicine, but asked the doctor to remove the dead bone, which interfered with her business, that of notion ped dler. The bone was removed, as it was already rotten. Tbe case was rejiorted to tbe authorities, who immediately took steps to take care of the woman. She arrived in this city three weeks ago from the Pacific coast, and states that she passed a year on the islands of the Pa cific ocean and contracted the disease on one of the Hawaiian islands. She will be sent to Syria, w here she desires to go that she may die on her native soil. 8an Franclaco Wins. Washington, April 22. The string of continuous victories by the crews of the cruiser San Francisco in the recent boat races at Hampton Koada has caused tbe naval officials to put on their thinking caps to discover the reason for so much glory to one particular ship. One val uable lesson is taught by the results, according to the views of the officials, and that is that to much attention can- not be given the subject of calisthenics aboardship. Commodore Sampson, who commanded the San Francisco before she left tbe Pacific coast, says that special pains were taken by the officers of lht vessel to give the men plenty of athletic exercise. The result of the recent races he attributes largely to the care taken in this direction. Another reason assigned for the many victories of the San Francisco's crews is that there have been practically no changes in the complement of that vessel since the men joined her at San Francisco three years ago. None of the other American ships, thedepartment officials say, stiow sucti a Homogenous comple ment of men as this vessel. Tbe changes have been so frequent on other esfels that there were necessarily a number of green men in the other crews. Tbe department officials also consider that the superiority of the American small boats is fully shown by the recent contests. Mecrrtary Herbert and Mr. Manning", Mkmphis, Tenn., April 22. The Ap peal-Avalanche's special from Washing ton says the gossips of the capita are telling a pretty story about Secretary of the Navy Hcrliert and Mrs. Manning, widow of Daniel Manning, secretary of the treasury under Cleveland's first ad ministration. The story is to the effect that these two w ill be the contracting parties in a wedding soon to take place. The presence of Mrs. Manning on the Dolphin, now at Fortress Monroe, as the guest of Secretary Herbert, gives color to the rumor. Secretary Herbert is a w idow er, and the honors of his house are done by his daughter, Miss Leila Her bert. Ha. Two Vear Yet. Wasiiinoto.v, April 23. Dan Mur phy tins been informed that Collector l.otan's term will expire at the end of four years from tho time li was ap pointed, unless charges against which cau be sustained, aro made. This will mean that no democratic collector will be appointed for two years. Probably when an appointment is made it will be a dark horse and neither Black nor Myer w ill be named. Myer leaves for home tomorrow. Henry Grey feels quite sure of being appointed collector of Alaska. His hopes are based umn a report that Col one! Lar.e had withdrawn from the race. REDEMPTION IN COLD President Clmlaci Declares tbe Fi nancial Policy of tne Goyernnot. PAYMENT OF TREASURY NOTES Their Redemption, Except id Gold, Has Never Been Contemplated by Any One at Any Time. Washington, April, 23. To a repre sentative of the press the president said to night; "The inclination on the part of the public to accept newspaper reports con cerning the intentions of thoso charged with the management of our national finances seems to justify my emphatic contradiction of the statement that tbe redemption of any kind of treasury notes, except in gold, has at any time been determined upon, or contem plated by the secretary of the treasury, or any other member of the present ad ministration. The president and his cabinet are absolutely harmonious in the determination to exercise every power conferred upon them to maintain the public credit, to keep the public faith and to preserve the parity between gold and silver and between all finance obligations of the government. While the law of 1890, forcing the purchase of a fixed amount of silver every mouth, provides that the secretary of the treas ury, in his discretion, may redeem in gold or silver the treasury notes given in payment of silver purchases, yet the declaration of tbe policy of the govern ment, to maintain the parity between the two metals, seem so clearly to reg ulate this discretion as to dictate their redemption in gold. Of course perplex ity and difficulties have grown out of an unlortuuate Iinancial policy which we found in vogue and embarrassments have arisen from ill-advised financial legisla tion facing us at every turn, but with a cheerful confidence among the people and a patriotic disposition toco-operate, tbe threatened dangers will be averted, pending a legislative return to a better and sounder financial plan. The strong credit of the country is still unimpaired and the good sense of our people, which has never failed in tbe time of need, is at hand to save us from disaster." The president's only visitors today were Secretaries Carlisle and Lamont. Mr. Mouth Moch lletter. New York, April 23. Dr. Smith said, after a 6 o'clock call today, that Booth was much better than he had been at any time since bis present attack. At midnight his condition bad not changed. Tbe Ann Arbor Trouble. Toledo, O., April 20 It is probable that the Ann Arbor strike, aided by Judge Ricks' decision, baa proved a death blow to the Brotherhood of ljco- motive Engineers. A new association is being formed in this city. The new organization will include, aside from the engineers and firemen, such superinten dents of motive power as are desirous of joining, and may also be open to all em ployes of the railroads from the highest officials down to the trackmen. Theob- ects of the new organization will be practically the same as those of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, with the same insurance features. The management of tbe new organization will be placed in tlie hands of the older and more experienced railroad men, and will provide for general arbitration wiien it may become necessary. Shearing Too Noon. One of the mistakes that sheepmen make is shearing too early in the season. This is a very backward year. There is so much suow in the mountains that every breeze coming over them has frost in its breath. The air is chilly even in the day time and down in the valleys, while up in the hills it is still colder and at the night inclement. The desire to get wool into the market so as to secure good figures before the glut comes on, and often the dire necessity too raise some money, induce the sheepmen to clip to soon. The consequence is that the sheep are injured and many of them perish. Democrat. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSQWTEVf PURE ELECTRIC FLASHES. It in announced that Edwin Booth's condition is unchanged. Ninety-five fourth-class postmaster were appointed yesterday. Of thepe 84 were to fill vacancies occasioned by death and resignations. A cable meesage received at tbe shite department says the emperor of Russia, has signed the extradition treaty l-o-twecn tlie United States and Russia. Portland scholars are afflicted with a contagion resembling scurvy. At lenst 500 children are troubled with tbe disease. It may cause a suspension in the schools. Advices of the Associated Press at Morrillton, Ark., state there is do trouble there, nor has there been any of a lawless nature since the lynching of Thornton. The Earl r-nd Countess of Aberdeen and Lady Arnott are passengers on the White Star lino steamship Teutonic The countess is greatly interested in promoting the success of the Irish exhibit fct the Chicago Columbian expo sition. Franz J. Harmisch, who was so ser iously injured Tnosday night by beiag struck by an electric car on a trestle over Johnson creek, a short distance north of Milwaukie, and knocked from the trestle to the gulch below, died at St. Vincent's hospital, where lie was taken Wednesday morning. About Sheep. Sheepman have had a tough time for the last couple, of weeks in tho Lone Rock district, moet of them beinijoblisej to work with their sheep day and ni'ht. Tho lamb crop will be somewhat lighter than usual, but very good, considering the bad weather. At Contention sheepmen are not hav ing the beet of success. Many of them say they will not have over 50' per cent of lambs, one man saying he would not save more than one-third. The back ward spring has proved unfavorable to the sheepmen. A fierce rain was general throughout Eastern Oregon yesterday amounting in some places almost to a water spout. How far south it extended cannot fce learned. A report comes lroui Wasco to tho effect that all tlie bridges between that point and Biggs have been washed out. Talking of patent medicines j-on know the old prejudice. And tho doc tors some of them are between you and us. They would like you to think that what's cured thousands won't cure yon. iou ii believe in patent medicines if they didn't profess to cure evervthina and so, between the experiments of doc tors, and the experiments of patent medicines that are sold only bemuso there's money in the "stuff," you lose faith In euerylhing. And you can't always tell the prescription that cures) by what you read in the papers. So, perhaps, there's no better way to sell a remedy, than to tell the-truth about it and take the risk of its doing just what it professes to do. That's what the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo. N. Y., does w ith Dr. Pieivo'a Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's F'avorite Prescription. If they don't do what their matters say they'll do you get your money back. An up-river canneryman says that the boats of bis cannery are averaging five fish, but thinks the average w 111 bo de creased as soon as all the men go out. At F'.lmore's ten boats brought in thirty- three salmon, while amon the other canners news of small catches per boak is the rule. Astorian. See the World'. Fair for Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in postage stumps, we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian F'xposition, the regular price is fifty centa, but as we want vou to have one, we mako the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It con tains full page views of the great build ings, with descriptions of same, and u executed in highest style of art. It not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let yott keep the book. Address, H. E. Bccklen & Co., Chicago, III. fi H3 a 8a(WK Reader