THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1893. t The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL iAPKR OF WArtVO t'Ol NTV. Kuh-rcil at tin- poi.trnllo- at Th- lMr, Onon, an mvnnU-t'la! tmtll umlUT. A mmttiiiK of citin U urgwl for to- aml art upon MCRSt-KirTIOS UATKS Y MAIL (rOhTAOK VKKIWIll IN ADVNl'K. which .fleet tlu. ,.n....t time and the rROSPKVTMVi vr.uv. rising generation. The out jiarty oi i.m- - .1.. 1 ... im .tvll tit llifa ' It ift ro il miu i""i i - , , . , ,i:,tll. 1 . . . i i .... i: morrow liikiht to oiaoUHt di.t.vered am n.angi. anu ,y ! fllrlllllllill8 ,,,. for the rery pore. We want a hauiaritau V. oKWon. Fifty tl.ouHand biml it up. to h,al it, am to aavo it. labl m l(e Thi b . f- country and we are tree - utiil utm nttwt I'hiMWtM. I ..... Now come, the ...ore delict rt and ' tha world . fair vital question, i. ., who can he that l so On year htx lnoltt ' . . . Tliiw uioulh . Ailvrrtialnn rati niixmnl'li". anil iiimli- kiuiwn UI NpllilHUi)U. Aitrtrw all roinimuiteattoii. tn"THK CUIiOS K:.E," Ihv 1'allva, uwu. fount' Bheria Clark Treasurer Commluloners county official. Judire tieo. C. BlakolcT T. A. Wari J . B. Ctwuwu tin, Mu-lu'll (Im liarntelk' (Frank Kincalit Aaaeaaor Joel W. K.wnu owror -f"frp Superintendent o! Public School Troy tthellev Coroner N. M. Kaatwond KEPUELICAK PARTY KEEPS A GOOD SAil A RITAS'. The following correspondence by Thomas Harlan upon the political eitua tion is a true resume of the past and a prophecy for the future. The points enumerated are all within the domain of fact, and the conclusions are their legiti mate outcome. Mr. Harlan is a well known ex-politician of Nebraska, who ia as well known to the Nebraska press. In naming Robert Lincoln for the stand ard bearer of the republican party three years heuce it is believed lie coincides with the present general sentiment of republicans, who, though now so de moralized, Mr. Harlan believes to be again destined to victory. Mr. Editoh Having been requested by a reporter of your paper to contribute something concerning the political par ties of Unlay and the cause of tho defeat of the republican party in the last na tional campaign; also something con cerning our hope of success in the future, I have to say that I do not feel able to make a post mortem examination of the remains of the once "grand old party" and tell everv cause of its demise. One leader? A leader whose views upon me tariff question are known to have been extremely liberal is the only leader who will do. HOIIKRT T. LINCOLN is a broad-minded, liberal republican of the Maine style, known to be conserva tive upon the principles of tariff and reciprocity. He may not lie the ablest man in the party, but he belongs to this generation of men. He is of the right age, and has shown enough ability to prove that he would make a good presi dent, and the fitness of things points to him as being the man now in sight that it would be in the power of the republi can party to elect. Lincoln is not a politician ; he is a statesman that can be supported by all. With Robert T. Lincoln at the head of the republican ticket in 1836, the repub licans would sweep the country. Not because he is the son of Abraham Lin coln, a fact that Robert would scorn to take advantage of ; but because he is a modest, unassuming, able, capable man. In fact, as above stated, the republi can party has lost no strength. Fairly managed it is stronger today than it has been for the last twelve years. And Of all the plans for advertising our state and securing immigration this seems to be the most sensible and feasible. This book is to be no gaudily-covered affair on cheap paper, nor even a brochure, but a haud, large-sued book of the best enam elled paper, filled with half-tono Illus trations and choice reading matter the nearest example of which we cun think, but which is yet better and larger than the one In mind being "Astoria by Col. Pat Donan. As notwithstanding the immense edition of this work, it will cost iu the neighborhood of 40 cents each, it will lie seen that it will be a rare treasure, and will not be subjected to the careless indifference of the thousands of publications of like intent that will undoubtedly he circulated during the great fair. It will reach the family and find a place in the library or on the eon ter table, and throughout the years to come will do its own work in inducing settlement and immigration to our state, Astoria has already subscribed $1,000 to the enterprise, F.ugene fSOO, Salem $1,800 and now it is Tim Dulles turn to see what will be done alniut It. Tun Ciiiionici.k does not Mieve The Dulles will be unrepresented, when we have attractions to oiler second to none for , . i a. .. upon a platform framed according to the j Immigrants, am. as long us our t. . . wishes of the republican voters; with a j fruit and grain interests are in their new set of men at the helm young ! present undeveloped state. Let there men the men of todav, it can take con-1 he a full attendance, notwithstanding trol of the government at the close of ! the fact that our board of trade is de this adQiinistrntidn and hold it indeti-1 funct. nitelv. Thomas Haulan. VIOLATED THE LAW. The Ciikoxici.x does not believe, ! Wool men have doubt less observed that through rates to the east from Kan Francisco are now reduced to 75 cents per hundred pounds. The way to avail themselves of this big reduction, ae liiintttltr hui'unuu It id u nituiBitniwr tfiut it has any right to publicly air the i PMy Jmve also ; an , a.U.tely ob- .rrierai.. nf anv of ib. individual n.em- ; "veu, is lo snip uy v. , . bers, nor has it done so. It is within its i province, however, to expose any act of 1 il: i : i nml.mlm riiut rut iim nf t lit nit v. fount v or ' .... i,ii, ,..v ,.,.,t ! state officers, and this it has fearlcsslv Bml tl"rd l,cr .K,,lm1' HH " ,uml W 1,11 vnucv hod. tuv iviiuuumu t" . -- - - , , v . , ,. - ' , i i ;.. .i .,. .,.,.1 ii 2.40 to cents uncom anu urunt ueiungeu iu is m-au. v., cn " ... Blaine, Logan, Oarlield, Grant and Lin-1 do iu the future. Neither has Tiik coin are dead. Cmkoniclk so fur said unytliing uiiont The mass of the people are always the impossibility of securing an item of Co. to Sun Francisco, by which means the total cost for carriiure from The Dalles to Jioston will not exceed a cent er pound liereuilor". : This means a saving of many thousands of dollar. right. A large majority of the Ameri can people are republicans in principle. The party has lost nothing in strength ; but they will never put the republican party in power while it is .controlled by by the present political bosses, who manipulate its conventions and domin ate its actions in the interests of spoils hunters. It is an army without a gen eral. Give it a good general and it will win. The managers of the party may publish calls for conventions, and pass resolutions that the party still lives and that the people will know more and be wiser when they are told more about the McKinley law ; but they are gener als without an army and have no power. As an existing fact the old party is dead. There was no other way of getting the old leeches loose. The machinery of the republican party killed the party. It bad become a disgraceful scramble of mediocrity for spoils. Thousands upon thousands of republicans bolted Harri son in all of the states because he was the machine nominee, the nominee of the spoils hunters, many voting for Cleveland, a few for Weaver, and many not at all. Ingersoll was silenced, or rather kept silent ; Greshan. went over to the other side ; in fact the heart of the old party was torn out of it. The party without a heart then became close communion. Weaver had no real fol lowing. There was really no third party, and there is none today. They had no principles to follow. The demo crats gave Weaver the states that he carried to keep Harrison from carrying them. The disaffected and disgusted republicans went everywhere and any where to get away from the political hyenas, and they will stay away until the hyenas are properly disposed of. Of all the republican states Nebraska bas suffered the most from republican misrule, and yet Nebraska, fairly man aged with an unpacked convention with the old professional politicians laid Aide, would be overwhelmingly repub lican. The same is true of Kansas in a less degree, and pre-eminently true of Colorado and Nevada. None will doubt that Illinois, Indiana, JllchiHn, isconsin and Connecticut news at the county clerk "s office, ul-' though the law is plain that reporters, 1 in common with any private citizen, may learn upon application of any real ' estate transfer, incorporation, marriage I license, etc., which events have ! do . with this department of our n uiity of ficers. Fortunately, through the effi ciency and vigilance of The Ciiiiomci.kV corps of reporters, it has so far got the uiost important of this kind of m-us from other sources, lint let this go. It is of a flagrant violation of luw we would llallry (ialanrt I !. Skattlk, Wash., April 10. Bailer Gatzert died at the Rainier hotel at 2:.'I0 this morning. MARKET REPORT. Tiii'hhoay, April 20. The week just past has been variable in weather and likewise in the volume of trade with our business men. There huve lieen fitful spurts of activity among business houses which evidenced an improvement over the former week. Quite a numlicr of )cak, a case of pure pull, without uny u.alI,B liave couie in from jnterii.r towns show of palliation or excuse. after freight and immediate supplies The Ciihomcle is the ofliciul paper ; w ,ich Ims given a stimulating influence of Wasco county, wus so declared by the ; jn business circles. county court at a regular meeting. This : jn the proiul.e IIiari,et there is the decision carries with it the exclusive ' ,,.t1lli :.,... vB -nntinn tn .,.. served right, after believing they are to re republican states, if fairly managed. swindle others. It is probable that sev The principles of the republican party eral of these letters have been sent to are as good now as they were in 18"8, The Dulles, but it is extremely unlikely when the martyred Lincoln sounded its that any one would pay any attention to principles in his immortal words, that : them. Yet they must once in a while this nation "cannot exist half slave and catch a sucker, else the business would balf free ;" that "a house divided against be dead. Itself cannot stand ;" and later when the j J flag bad been trampled ujion, that "the j It is a w ise law they have in Michi union must be maintained between all gan, allowing U0 days grace for banks to the states if it should take a drop of pay savings depositors. The banks of ngm to puunsn ail omcial reports which int0 umrKet sparingly, and 13 cents per are to be paid for from the county funds. a,)7en j the ralinK 0U1)tllti,m for today. The Chkonicle was the only paper j imter jH ,llore pictiful and 40 cents per which complied with the law requiring , ro ig taiti to 1)e the )ripe ,,ai( for R,jWjt the newspapers who wish to compete for ioui try is ,,.,.,.,, in t)ll! markL.t wjlu a tin) county printing to file with the ; t)eUer n,)uiry, iulBtces are steady at county court a sworn statement of their . i-30 t0 1-&0 ter m circulation, and was declared the official groceries, mgar bus advanced pair of Wasco county. Hence the ; qlmrtBr of a tMlt on Bn gra(le8. Cofre semi-annual statement of the county ! remains steady on former quotations, clerk published in tire Pun of the 19th -eani) ,iaYe declined 3," f a cent per lb. inst., was illegally given. The Chkon- ! Htock salt has declined, likewise Liver icle will pcotest the action. pool. - j Mill feed is steady at former prices. A letter has teen received from New Rolled barley has advanced in conse Jersey asking us to handle counterfeit i quence of an advance in barley which is money. The letter encloses a purported becoming- more scarce as the season ad clipping from the New York Times, tell- vances. Oats are difficult to get, and ing of its remarkable likeness to genuine j owing to the increasing scarcity, the money, and the great trouble it is al- market is very firm with a strong ten- reauy anorumg me authorities. Jt is dency to higher prices. The wool market remains in a dor mant condition at present. No one cares to give an opinion of the market from recent advices. The cereal situation is far from satis factory. The future prospects for repetition of 1801 in an over production is not expected, judging from the report from the U. 8. department of agricul ture, as the present average wheat con dition shows only 77.4 per cent, of a full crop. Oregon's standing is 00 per cent., while California bus 67 per cent., and other prominent wheat states average 80 per cent. 2 to &0c per bu. are up to 90 to 05 needless to state that this letter is as in sincere as the nefarious scheme it sug gests. It is also one of the oldesl of chestnuts and has been exposed :n newspapers and. books for at least thirty years. The victims who it attracts go to New Jersey and give np from t"00 to fo.OOO, thinking they are to get ten times that amount in spurious bills, but they get sawdust or blank paper. They cannot well complain to the authorities that they have been swindled, and the best thing for them to do is to maintain a discreet silence. Of course they are blood for every drop of sweat that had been wrung from the brow of a slave." The modern democratic party, like the wreck of the republican party, is a party o spoils hunters. It is already going into factions over the distribution of spoils. It cares less for principle than for office, and will be worse divided s the administration goes on. A new generation of men has come upon the stage. They know what is the matter. They must have a now, clean, and fair nianii?emnnt of affairs, Lansing have just been subjected to a panic, w hen they took advantage of this provision of law and thereby saved them selves from bankruptcy and their patrons from loss. A solvent bank is often short of ready money and in case of a sudden and nnustial draught upon its resources could not meet the demands. This has caused the collapse of hundred of good banks in the past, but the Michigau law will decrease the per cent, nma.ingly. Subscribe for The Daily Ciihomcle. quote 80 to 40 cents per roll. FaiiiH The egg market Is In fair supply and good fresh eggs sell at U.c. l'oi'l.rav- t'hlckens are quoted at 4 to ! 'r doxen. ItKEr a Mi-tton ItiH'f cattle are in moderate demand at f'-'.aO per HK weight gross to 2.7." for extra good. Mutton is quoted at I1 fiO and ft l per head. I'orW offerings are light and prices are nominal Kross weight and 7 cents dressed. Cured hog meats are quoted at r." cunts hog round. STAI'LK lilUH'KKIKH. Coffee Costa Rica, Is quoted at 21c per lb., by the sack. Salvadore, 22c. Arhuckles, 2oc. Si-oak Golden C, In bbls or sack , ." J."; F.xtra C, V, f0 ; Drv grunuluted ll Jft Iu boxes, D. G., In 30 lb boxes, 2 U- Fx C, 2 00. GC $1 So. Syki p 2 00(.i3 00 pr keg. Rice Japan rice, ti'e'e; Inland, rice, 7 cts. Heans HiiibII whites, (WiT'i'e; Pink, (!t'tc per 100 lbs. Halt Liverpool, 501b sk, (Vc; 1001b sk.fl 00; L'OOIb sk, $2 00. Stock salt, $13 60 per ton. DniKii Fhimtm Italian prunes, V.'c per lb. by Imjx. F.vaixirated apples, 10(f 12'u per lb. Dried grajies, 7f'8c per pound. VEOKTAHLEH AM) KUI'ITH. I'otatokh 1'eerless, ltuffulo whites". Snowllake and Itiirbank seedlings quoted at 1 40 tier 100 llw. 1.x tra good fl.Wl. Onions The market quotations for A I onions is $1 M) (u 1 40 per 100 lbs Grkkn Fruits Good apples sell for 1 l'.r)(n$l 75 per box. HIDES AM) rOIK. Hides Are quoted as follows: Dry, ti.c lt; green, ; culls 4c IU. Siikkp I' ".ri(n 100 ea. Ieerskins, -0c lb for w inter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light Jl II), heuvv Toe lb. Hoar skins, ItliuIlL' ea; beaver, CHI) lb; otter, fo; hsber, fom $ no : silver gray fox, (I0i$l'5; red fox, $1 2.r ; grey fox, 2 50.nCl: martin, $lr$l ?,'); mink, oOcdihoc; coon, 3oc; rovntn, liOec fc; badger, h: polecat, ".(!' 4.c; com mon house cat, IOcic'-'.'ic ea. Wool The market is rejiorted 13 to 15 CONDITION OF WINTER tlUAIN. The first report of the condition of winter grain makes the average condi tiou of winter wheat on the 1st of April 77.4 against 81.2 last year, and that of rve 8,").7. The averages of the principal w states are: Ohio, 87; Michigan, 74; In iliuna, 82, Illinois, 72; Missouri, 70 ; and Kansas, 02. The average of these six states is 74.2 against 77 in April, 1802. It is BS in New York, 87 in Pennsylvania, 80 in Maryland, 87 iu Virginia, the southern states ranging from 83 in Ten nessee to 100 in Texas. The Pacific stutes show a favorable condition with the exception of California, w here too much rain is reported. Seeding was late in the Ohio and Mis sissippi valleys because nf'widuly preva lent drought causing ssr condition of soil and retarding germination, and in some cases wholly preventing same, as in Kansas, where the reMrts show a total failure over considerable areas. In the Atlantic, Middle, Southern, and 1'acilic states seeding conditions were fuvorahle. The plant entered winter, in the main wheat-producing stutes, in a low state of vitality, caused by persistent drought and early cold weather, w ith the excep tion of California, where excessive rains produced similar effect. J )am8ge from Hessian fly is noted in parts of the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. Snow covering has been general throughout the East ern, Middle and Northwestern stutes, but, notwithstanding, the rexirts show much abatement from the Uinelits of the protection thus afforded la-cause of the excessive cold of the winter and high winds, the alternate thawing and freezing in the latter end ol the month of February and through March. A Sur Cur for l'llaa. Itching piles are known by moisture like inspiration, causing intense itching when warm. This form, as well us blind, bleeding or protruding, yield at once to Dr. Kosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on parts affected, absorlm tumors, always itching und el h-cts a ermanent cure. M cents, Druggists or mail. Circulars free. Dr, Posuiiko, 320 Arch St., Philadelphia, ra. hold by lsiakeley A Houghton. wly ADMINISTRATRIX HALK. WllEAT- ISabley Prices cents per 100 lbs. Oath The oat market is stiff and of lermgs are light at $1 &0 t ents per 100 lbs. Millstlfes Ilran and shorts aro quoted at $18 IX) per ton. mid dlings $22 50 to 23 00 per ton. Rolled barley, 23 00 to 24 00 ircr ton. Shell ed corn $1 2o per 100 It.s. Flour Salem mills flour is quoted at 4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at 3 75 er bbl. per ton and 1 00 per bhl. tetail. Hay Timothy hay ranges in price from $12 00 to $15 00 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There is no Inouiry for oat liny, and prices are off. Alfalfa hay is not much called for, and is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. These quotations are for bailed hay ex clusively. Iti rTKK Fresh roll butter ut 40 to 50 cents er roll, in brine or dry salt we1 Notice U lirehy glvn that, In iiurnmnre of nn ntlr from III ( iiiuitT Olirluf tin- Ht.ipif lln son, for Wawncouniv, made on the Milli dny of Nnvcnilmr, I.', In tlifl nmttor of tli Mt.ilof A. H. Moore, ilis-Muatl, I will, on tlie vsitli ilny of II ay, at tlin hour of 2 o'elrk I'. M. ol nalil lay, w-ll at nuhllc auction aula, at tlirrionr of tha ronniy court notn in 1 na oau- a, niwii eoiiuir, ir-K"fi, Ilia iohowiiie flaai-fllwil renl prowrt bcloiiKinK to tha entale of A. It. Moor. iLi-chu'iI. to-it: Uita 7, a. 0, III ami l'J, and l, lift ..It the wt nlile ol lot II, all In Mock l. ol IjiiikIi Un a llluir Adilltlou to Dalles Cltv, ( innon. nld nrorsTiy to be aoid lo tha IiIkIukI blililur for ciinh III haml. HAKAIT A. MOOPK, Ailmlnlatrati Ix. Datul The Dallea. Or., Nor. 1 IMrj. 4 'iltoft I'.m.'i Jersey Ball. The Jarsey Hull, NT. LA for the anMon at the BKKT, wllULinil Columbia Feed Yards. Kor aorvl ami iMirtleulara aiply al the ynnla hear the lirevrery. lwl HII.AH MHIKIKNK. SAN FliANX'ISCO Photograph II I Al UIUM East fyd, Seoorpd St., Knt of Wlllft'lte ll.ill, nil.l Ol.poslt.. Vt T.illnr Hlioj,, The , ()r. First-Class Photos. All Unrfc DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Q A lull lint of all tho Standanl l'utciit Medici. Drills, riioinlcals, VAc. . .".-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.,. MaC'outitry and Mall Orders will ricive irnniit attention. Miss anna peter sea, Fine Millinery 112 Second St. THE DALLES I. C. Nickelsen. The Dalles, - - - Oregon. KSTAHUSHKU 1M7I. Tlio cildoKt, liiroKt, ftlnl letst lliFtlwiKtjrl Iiouno In Sc IiodI litxikt-i, lul I)i.-Kkai. NIhmIcmI liiHtruini'litM, Watclifn, Jewelry nud Sjxirtlnu OocmIk. Agt. Hntiiliiri-Hivniei Ste.ln tl il i Co'i Jf K 'I U Ueta to und front Kwrop. . A KH. ' t 'komit Attkxtios. 1'kh ih, I'p to tub Tiwt MAIER & BENTON : DCALCM8 IM - ' - . Cord WooDffi HARDWARE STOVES RANGES 133 SECOND ST. FINE GROCERIES, cor. third and union. Tinning and Plumbing a Spec THE DALLES OR. THE DALLES LU3IBEHING INCOKI'OHATEUlNia ISO, G V ASHINCITOX bTUKKT. . . TllK lUlA Wholfitalti and Kctull I)ealrm and Munufiwtnrcry BuilJiug Material and Dimension Timber, Pwrs, Windows, MuMiiijs, Doasilmisfc' Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit a-J Boxes and Packing Cases. Paotory aazid Xiumber Vtird t Old It. J4 DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivd any part of the city. rnanuiaciure Farlev cfi? Frctnld ( Suix-iKWira to L. 1). Frank, dit-t'iiMHl.) A (tpiieml Linu of Horse Furnishing Goods EEPAIEINO r'XiOIwirTI.Y and NEATLY DCl Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wtips, Horse MA, j Full Assortment ot Mexican SafltUcry Plain or StampL KKCOXli KTKKKT, .... THE 17 New - Umatilla- Hoi TIIK DALI.KS, OKKtiON. SINNOTT &. FISH, PROP'S. Tickot and ISaKKnifi' i,f tlu i:. V. 11. H. C.iin.any, and offiioltb' Union Tidcjfiaii OMU.c are In tlie Hotl. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valua LA1UJKST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : 0E The Dalles Mercantile Co. -IOIIMKI1H AND DKAI.KIIM IN- General Merchandi Dry (Jomls, Clol.liinir, ( Jenis' Kurnifihing Goods, P SIiooh, Hats, Caps, ClrneoriuM, Hardware, Crockery, Hay, (Jrain, Foud, Etc. 390 to 394 Second St., ;'$rhe Dalle1 ri 'o rn i y. o(