The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 21, 1893, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghronicle.
I 4X A1. AND I'EllltnX!..
Tuesday's Daily.
Home go to ehureh t" take a walk.
Mourn go thcielo laugh ami "
Home ki there to i"" 1 ,r' .
W hlle others their ' " apenil.
t.,nir (to there a fHiilt to cover:
While others go t" '' a lover ;
Home go I" I"" '"' l rvijlloii.
And others go to luoka speculation.
Home go there to rtiue mill nod.
Hut the K'xxi K" " worship Oho.
"Deestrlck Skule" tonight.
pun Marshal loft on the noon train,
U'lng culled on account of the ill iitua of
hid lather.
Huntington A Wilson yesterday
bm',,im1 their" fine bred trolling stallion,
"Sum Randall" to Baker City, to make
the season there.
The meeting of the Lndios (I lee Club
hat be"" postponed from this evening
until ni'xt TueHday evening when It will
meet wilh li- K- Huntington.
The city court In quiet. Ilia lionor,
judge Moncfoe, complaint of a dearth of
business, an only two commitments for
drunkenness have been mude tor this
The street sprinkling contractor did
not come to time yesterday or today.
Wirt's the matter? If he Intends to do
anvtli'nff, It's time now, as real entitle is
movii.. lively this afternoon.
The foundation for J mine Rradshaw's
new limine is completed, and the work
iiii'ti are now sinking a pit for the chim
ney. They find they will have to go
down six or seven feet before striking
hard pan.
Mr. T. J. Burford of Klickitat, is in
the city today, lie informs ns that
farm work is progressing, alth'-'Th the
weather is cold and the ground . quite
wet. The seeding and the spring work
will utl he done practically, within the
next fortnight.
Wiilnesdiiy's Dully.
Make inf a new Joke," the fund faMior said,
Tim lookiil Ht his Worn nlHUH with lull,
"Ilim mu I '" lie wilil. "The lse mini spoke
'There s ll"tlllng Ili'W under tile sou.' "
".Miwier Musings" nnd other interest
ing local mutter on second page.
Miss Trumble arrived on the noon
train and w ill speak tonignt at the con
vention. The numlier of school children in Linn
county is 7,"i)2. The amount appor
tioned' in April was ll'O.StX).
Mr. Means of this city, has received a
letter, stating that Iauil Hodman, a
veteran soldier, is entitled to a pension
ol $S a month and fl'IK) back pay. The
man Hoffman is unknown here, so fur
a can he learned, and he cannot be
Frank Hickey Bowen, who is accused
ol killing Col. Clayton, of Arkansas, is
believed to be the Individual w ho whs in
The Indies at the very time of the mur
der and today C E llaight made affida
vit that llowen worked at his restau
rant at the time of the killing.
The lndica of the Good Intent desire to
thank most cordially all thone who as
sisted in making the "Iteestrick Skule''
such a pleasing and laughable entertain
ment. They desire esjieciully to remem
ber Mr. C. L. Phillips, who tilled so well
the difficult position of school master,
also the Mandolin and Guitar club.
Thursday's pallr.
Tell n, ye winged winds.
If lor a time yuu'll iMiiM',
Whether toiluii uiir IIhiiiiuI aKaln
Or creep Into our game.
A fine, warm rain visited this section
last night.
Wasliingtou sends 1 HO cars of state ex
hibits to the world's fair.
The railway commission came up last
night and left for the east about 7
o'clock. They are on a tour of inspec
tion. The cherry trees are generally in bloom
and in a day or two will be .fully flower
ered. Peach trees have commenced
lien Husky, in Thompson's addition,
was this morning kicked by a horse, the
force of the blow breaking one of the
bones in his left arm. Dr. Hollister is
attending to the su Merer.
The mass meeting for the purpose of
getting up a subscription for the "Pros
pectus of Oregon" will be postponed till
tomorrow night, ow ing to the fact that
Mr. llogarty will not arrive till morn
The Portland convention of the V. V.
C. T. U. will occur in Portland from the
27th to the 30th Inst., at the Tabernacle,
There will be present among other
notable sneakers J. O. Wollcy. Miss
Trumbull will also spenk.
Ciov. . Pennoyer and Phil. Metscham
will arrive by 8 teamer Regulator this
evening. They will be met at the Cas
wules by Judge Condon and K. F. Oil)
ons, who will accompany the distin
guiahed state guests to this city.
The Literary Club met at Miss Aiinee
new man ' last night, and w as a very
"'joyaoie atlatr. The subject was
"Pope." The next nioetina will be held
at Miss Tinright's, when the same sub
ject will I continued.
At the intuiting of the Union Whist
m..i i . .
v niu last night Mrs. Hilton won the
I'rst prize and Mr. Crowe the boobv
The latter was of such a character as to
temporarily disconcert that young gentleman.
Business is Hill on the increase from
apix'urances. We notice a brand-new
expressman on the streets this morn
ing in the jxrson of Henry (iramman.
A Knnr-Year Old Keeps Ills Head lur-
Ing am Kxcltlnc ltunaway.
A country team ran away last night,
starting from Mr. Farley's house, and
had quite a spin before they were
caught. In the wagon was Hilly John
son, a 4 -year-old grandson of H. B. Hood.
The team ran down the street, where an
effort wus mude to stop it w ithout suc
cess, but turning it in the direction of
the brewery. Vp the grade it ran here,
and gaining the top of the hill ran along
the street until it reached Mays'
stone house, when it struck a tree, throw
ing the little boy out. lie had up to
this time clung manfully to the seat,
and had not got excited in the least.
Men rushed quickly to the spot, expect
ing that the life had been crushed out
of him, but imagine their surprise on
asking him how ha was, to receive the
answer :
"Oh, I'm all right, 1 guess; I haven't
lost (feeling in his pocket) my ball, and
here's my other things."
Any other little boy of his age would
have been frightened nearly to death
and jumped out of the wagon with ex
citement. GOT HIS MAN.
A ln Introduced to tha American
Htyla of Hatal Banners.
The hotel runners of The Holies come
nearly worrying the life out of a passen
ger occasionally, and it will not be sur
prising if some time, some poor indi
vidual will become so befuddled as to
turn out a raving maniac. Yesterday a
Dane arrived on the 4 o'clock train and
lie wus immediately surrounded by run
ners. He didn't know a word of Eng
lish, German or French, w hich were all
tried without avail, but by heroic ges
ticulations Kkihhe secured control of
him and his grin. I'.ro he could go a
dozen feet lie was hemmed in in front,
in the rear, and on both sides by run
ners of the other hotels, all shouting,
and gesturing, and vociferating as if a
murder hail just been committed and he
was the assailant caught In the act. In
fact the poor deluded devil did turn
i white in the face, and abandoning his
grip to its fate, started to run. He was
caUL'ht aimin and shouted to, with
Skibbe walking along in front hotel
ward, with one of his irresistable-smiles,
and finally emerged from view within,
when he was given up it was a close
rub for kibbe though.
A bloomy Outlook.
It is manifest that the present depres
sion of trade is exceptionally severe, and
promises to lie enduring. Some attrib
ute this depression to the injurious ef
fects of the Mi Kinley and other protect
ive tariffs instituted in foreign countries
and in our colonies: others to over-
speculation, and yet others to the trades
unions, which have increased the wages
and diminished the hours of the work
men. Hut these appear to be secondary
aud minor causes. With scarcely an
exception all our correspondents speak
of a fall of prices greater than that which
can lie attributed to the normal prog
ress of industry the introduction of
labor-saving appliances, etc. Many ad
mit that the demand for the special ar
ticles w hich they produce is good, w hile
insisting w it b a curious unanimity upon
a general and continous full in prices.
Turn Out Everybody.
A mass meeting of citisens w ill 1 held
at the court house this evening for the
purpose of making arrangements for en
tertaining ttie olunteer fireman s As
sociation of the stuto of Oregon, w hich
meets in The Dalles in September and
for the additional purpose- of determin
ing whether a hose tournament shall be
held on the Fourth of July. Fery one
is requested to be present.
Tlie I'liynli'lnna.
The State Medical Association will
hold their annual convention in The
Dulles some time next June. This will
lie the first meeting of these gentlemen
ever held outside of Salem, where they
have met heretofore for many years.
The trustees of the Congregationul
church have kindly volunteered the use
of the church building.
Killed llliiiitrlf.
This morning at 7:25 o'clock in the
Portland yards a man was observed
walking near the truck in a desultory
sort of way, but they were horrilied a
moment later to observe that just before
the switch engine reached him, he threw
himself in front of it, and was cut to
pieces. The renmins were gathered up
and taken to the morgue. His name
could not lie learned.
I. O. . t'. Kxcitrslon.
Columbia Lodge No. 5. I. O. O.F.
of this city will celebrate the 74th
anniversary of the Order by nn excur
sion and basket picnic by Steamer Leg
uUtor to thu Cascade Locks, on Wednes
day April 'J'ith. lure for round trip
7,")"cts. Children under twelve, 00 els.
, "V "' .
The rrrfiirmane Last ttvenlna; .rtet I
ly a rll Hnua.
The "Peentrii-k Skule," as presented '
Ml ingate s hall last iiilit proved to he '
all that was claimed fur It. A a repre
sentation of the old-fiiHliioneil school it
wustrtieto life, and t'10 odd, original i
answers of the children were as mirth-1
provoking as were the local hits and
puns. Following is the
Mlki ) Klvnii
H. I., (trunk
M. I'sUi'i'tuui
W. '. I'lirtln
Ali-X Hmnrt . . .
Timiiilty 'I ruck .
h lvii.t-r I'eniioyi r
C. II. Itrimn
. . I'ruf. i.hvIii
lir. HhiiiIits
l.. ll. HiiiiwiIi-m
. . .rims Ijiy
. . John I'Hrrot
I' I.. I'hililm
llnywanl Klililull
. . ,l rs. I'slti-rsnn
. . M m. HrimkM
.Mm. Itrown
. Mrs. ,HrrrtNoii
IiiiIm. Kurh
. . M rs. H. rrviic-h
. Mrs HrifTKK
... Ktta Story
... M i . Taylor
. Mrs. KU-vi'tm
Hose Mil-lull
Hill Join
Ike Hnull.nd
Tom Haw ytT
.Ii.lm Mitt
'ili-klHh lliineyniir-klc
I lillllllltti'lllHTI HlMII'VKUI'k le
I'ntli'iirr HrlM'illH lli'
t'oiiifiirt Mi'tihltuth Kiliitli . . .
I'nrliMky Hoii.urk le ...
Kli'iiom Hiuii'yMi'-k l . .
Mioiuiiithn Ann itutti-rwnrth
K-thi-r ArlnilntK l.ittli
riiMirtuMV llonpyinii'klc
Mi-hltiilile Alili n . .
JituhIia Ann kime
Hal I v
MuliKlu Lk kkllli-t
When school began the audience were
first convulsed with laughter by the odd
costumes of the characters that came
trooping upon the stage. Dignified bus
iness men, neat ami caieful in their
every detail of daily action and dress,
were attired in knickerbockers or pina
fores, and the novel sight was presented
of the leading women of church and
society in short dresses and pantalettes.
From this time on the amusement of the
audience was unbounded. The primer
class gave a character tong, in which the
words "this is the way we milk our
cows," was accompanied by the vigorous
gesture of pumping water by "Mike
O'Flynn. In the grammar class "Tom
Sawyer" made out that cow was a pro
noun because it stood for Mary, and
rope was a conjunction because it con
nected the horse and the fence. In the
reading class the crying girl was con
vulsed with tears about some individual
greasing her knee, while the irrepressible
giggling girl next to her could not but
see it to be funny. The boy who ges
tured was a telling take-off, and the
pandemonium caused by their reuiing
ia concert was one of the best things of
the evening. In the "gogfry" class,
"Hepsibah Smith" mentioned as one of
the seven wonders of the world, the
North Dalles' shoe factory, and a volcano
was said bv "Jerusha Ann IloBe" to lie
a mountain gone on a bust, while the
definition of a dormant volcano by
"Satuantba Ann Butterworth," was one
that didn't act in public.
Miss Hose Michell, as the hoidenish
girl, was remarkably fine. She suc
ceeded in thoroughly losing her actual
identity to the audience by her excep
tionally clever acting. Mrs. Stephens
did equally as well as "Sally Lickskil
let," though the demands of her
character, as well as all the rest, were
less. The crying giri by Mrs. Briggs,
was well taken and her sniffling and
final breakdown were so true to life as
to bring down the house. John Parrott,
as "Zedekiuh Honeysuckle," kept the
audience laughing at his booby antics.
Mrs. Dr. Ivinehart as "Mrs. Honey
suckle" gave a clever piece of character
acting, as the wife of the committeeman
and mother of the "Honeysuckle" twins.
Her verses were delivered in a stilted
style peculiar to that queer mixture of
timidity and egotism of a backwoods
woman w ho knows enough to read and
write. Hay ward Riddell, the "Committee-man,"
unloaded himself credit
ably of the ignorance and importance of
that typical individual, while "Theo
philus Grout," both in make-up and de
livery, was a model school-master of the
old school.
Bill Jones, in "Casablanca," was all
that could have been done by a profes
sional comedian, and S. L. Brooks, as
"Mike O'F'lynn;" W. C. Curtis, as
"Timothy Truck," and C. H. Brown, as
"Sylvester Pennoyer," at intervals as
regular as clockwork convulsed the
audience with some odd, unique, and
unexpected remark.
The "IVestrick Skule," as presented
lust night, will rank first among the
numerous entertainments of the past
many years, and no one of the large au
dience who attended lust night w ill say
but that they received more than an
equivalent for the admission fee charged.
From a financial standjioiut the produc
tion was all that could be desired, and
even more than was exjiected, for which
the Ladies Good Intent Society in an
other column thank the generous pub
lic. The hull was one of the most dis
couraging features of the event, which
could not be heljied, but which made its
successful rendition a most difficult
The costumes were mostly true to the
style of our wurthy Hoosier mothers
forty years ago. e are informed that
in those days the bifurcated garment of
wool or muslin as unknow n, warmth
being supplied by skirts quilted for
alwut eighteen inches from the bottom,
which were very heavy and cumber
some. The pantalettes were separate
garments about 18 inches long fastened
tightly lielow thu knee and around the
ankle. Coisets were also a luxury,
being usually home made, and with a
piece of steel four inches wide and
twelvo long, extending from lielow the
neck to the waist. Those who could not
afford steel prevailed mikjii their hua
bund or big brother to w hittle a thin
stay out of hickory.
Miould I.lin In Hm KbIIos.
A girl has been arrested in Chiifigo
and fined 1!0 for hugging and kissing
men on the streets. She pleaded in
conrt that she had a desire lor that sort
of thing that she could not control, and
when she saw a man whose appearance
pleased her she just threv her arms
aixint liitn ami kisveil dim as many
limes as she could before he could es
cape. If this young lady in gixI look-
ing, we venture the assertion she could
live in The Italics indefinitely and there
would never
be a complaint made
against her.
Congregational Tranteea.
The annual meeting of the Congrega
tional church was held last evening.
The old board were re-elected, as were
the church officials. The treasurer's re
port for the year ending April 7th is as
follows :
Balance on hand per last report $ 4.V 01
Keccived from all sources 1341.80
Total disbursement . . .
Balance on hand '. . $
Add. subscriptions due and col
lectable 183.35
Total resources $ 231.00
Liabilities 215.00
Ral in excess of liabilities . .$ 16.04
Mealy Morftel of News and Ooiilp for
All trlnmon are rcsrswtfulty asked to con
tribute to thin column, the editor reserving the
riKht to rejeet arivlhlnK which, ill his juiifrment,
would be detrimental to the intcroU ol the
Ed. Kyan and lady are in Portland.
The boys on the work train are keep
ing up their lick, and as well aa doing
lots of work, they have lots of fun.
F'ircboy Dickey Adams is on the sick
list, and besides following the doctor's
directions in regard to medicines, eto.,
has a weather eye on those handsome
baby carriages on exhibition in an up
town window.
Engineer Morgan, that gallant knight
of the throttle, who has a record of mak
ing the fastest time between Umatilla
and Wallula junction that wag ever
made on that part of the road, spent
Sunday in town.
The veteran Engineer Geo. Lang is
airain at work. George has been off
duty for eight or nine months on account
0 gickness, and we hope he may be able
to hold a position henceforth, although
he takes Hablam's run on engine 542.
Haelam has a right to take the next best
job in sight.
Fireman Kastus Young is contemplat
ing a trip to Chicago to visit ttie world's
fair, and if rumor proves correct, he will
also visit the old Buckeye state, and
pluck one of her fair damsels to share
his joys and woes. Brother Young is
held in high esteem by all of the rail
road boys, and will be sure to reap
bountiful harvest of old slippers and
rice when be returns to The Dalles.
Come listen to my story boyt,
Tlmt t u you have time,
I'll tell you nbout a work train
I'pou the Li. 1. line.
The csiiUin'a tiBme Is Reinor,
1 think you know him well,
He run Ufiou the h-sudy,
And iu The Dalles did dwell.
Now Reirnor has four briikemen,
And ol them 1 will tell,
But there is one 1 can't describe
If I should go to jail.
There Main Line Jack and Bird Cage Bill,
We count them as a pair,
And staying on the sine trark,
) uu bet tuey do their ahare.
There's ball-faced George and honest Melt
They form the other crew,
And w hen auythingdoe go wrong
Old George get in a stew.
The engineers, well I guess not;
1 must not let them k,
8o each of them must have a shot
As well as Ben and Joe.
Jim Kickell, he w ill work all dny,
And you will never havea bobble,
But to get that Moigun to do right
You've got to have a squabble.
Now comes Joe the handsome man
That keeps up steam for Jim,
W ith targe blue eyes and Koinan nose
Aud small aud dimpled chin.
There's tire-boy Ben
With round, full face.
He surely is a nice younir man
Aud always keeps his place.
Next Comes John Roof, telegrapher,
He's tall and awlul sfwre,
He goes away on Holiday
To get hiuiself a square.
The hoarding boss must not escape,
1 wi-b that 1 had room,
I d paint hi i in in the colors
That would terrify the moon
-C. P. W.
T. t.
County Convention W. (',
The following is the programme on
Wednesday :
9:00 Music.
Devotional exercises, Mrs. E. L.
9:30 Reading minutes.
10:00 Paper by Mrs. C. T. Donnell.
10:15 Duett by Misses Jessie and
Pearl Butler.
10:30 Question box.
11 :00 Discussion of department work.
11 :30 Announcements.
11 :45 Noontide hour of prayer.
1 :30 Music.
Devotional exercises, Mrs. O. D. Tay
lor. 2 :00 Readingof minutes and roll call.
2:15 "What the W. C. T. U. Has
Done for Its Members," Mrs. K. L.
2:45 Address by State President
Mrs. Anna H. Kiggs.
(lestiofLsbox aud discussions.
Announcements. .
7 :."0 Music.
Devotional exercises, Mrs. L. Butler.
7 :50 Music, Alki Club.
8 :W Recitation, Miss Georgia Samp
son. ,s ;io Address, Mil's Rose Trumbull.
Collection and music.
A Man to Advrrtlaa Oregon Itrarrvlna;
Hearty t'u-f rutlon
J. M. ILtgerty of Portland was in the!
city thirty in the interest of an "Illus
trati d Prospectus of Oregon," descrip
tive of the entire state and its resources.
This work is gotten out under the aus
pices of the Chamber of Commerce of
Portland, and is indorsed by the world's I
fair commission. We cannot do better
in this connection than to publish the
letter of Geo. T. Meyers, president of
the commission :
PoitiLANi), Or., April 18, 1893.
Gknti kmks : Owing to the fact that
the appropriation made by the legitila
ture for the exhibition of Oregon
products at the world's fair was too
small to issue a suitable publication in
quantities and quality demanded for the
occasion, a work to be published under
the auspices of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce was indorsed by the world's
tair commissioners, ami will be distrib
uted under the direction of the commis
sioner at Chicago. This work will be
descriptive of the natural resources, ad
vantages and general industries of this
state. Fifty thousand copies will lie
distributed at the world's fair. As every
portion of the state will be asked to sun-
Krt the work so that a large number of
books may lie issued, each section will
lie represented in an impartial manner.
The work will be beautifully illustrated,
and will contain reading matter calcu
lated to induce a desirable immigration
to our state. We ask you to give it as
favorable consideration and support as
possible. Respectfully,
Geo. T. Mkvkhs,
Pres. O. W. F. C.
Mr. Hagerty will go to Celilo today
and Cascade Locks tomorrow, returning
hero tomorrow afternoon to meet a com
mittee of business men in reference to
the matter.
Burled Alive.
The sad news was received in Baker
City Saturday of the death of a young
man by the name of Flick under pecu
liar circumstances.
The young 'man lived with his father,
Mr. Micha-1 Flick, a farmer and wool
grower on Snake river below the mouth
of Connor creek. The father and son
also owned the placer mines in the vi
cinity of their home which they worked
every spring.
On Thursday afternoon last, the
young man was engaged In digging a
ditch through which would bo con
veytd water for use at the mines. While
at work in a cut about 20 feet deep the
bank suddenly gave way and he was
buried beneath the heavy weight of
earth and he was nnable to extricate
himself, no one being near to render
him assistance.
At supper time when the young man
failed to put in his appearance at home,
his father went to where the boy had
been to work and was horrified when
the awful realization dawned upon him
that his son had been killed by being
caved on. One hand extended above the
debris, being the only portion of the boy
visible. The father hurriedly gave the
alarm and hastened to extricate his son
in the hope that life was not yet extinct,
but without avail, as the body was life
less when removed.
The parents have the full sympathy
of all in their sad affliction and irrepar
able loss.
Lively at the East End.
East End is full of life today. There
are the largest number of freight teams
in, after freight for interior merchants
that has made their appearance this
At The Dalles Mercantile Co.'a yards
are Mr. Lee Wilson with an eight-horse
team with two wagons, loading for
Mitchell ; C. McPherson, one large team
loading for Crosskeys; Charles Bethel,
loading for Hay Creek ; A. Smith, load
ing for Prineville; Nina Pots with two
teams loading for the Warm Spring
At the Loch head yard are P. A. Am
bler, who brought a load of apples to the
city from the John Day country, is
loading freight for merchants in Grant
Fred Tims is loading his wagons for
Dayville, Grant county.
In conversation with some of these
gentlemen, it is learned that the roads
are in good condition with the exception
of some places near Prineville, and the
Camp Watson county.
Uoo't Go To Han Franelsco.
A circular letter haa heen received
from l?an Francisco, as follow t :
Greeting, Brother: Do not he de
ceived hy false reports. The city of Sun
Francisco is crowded with idle men.
There are thousands of us tramping the
streets hungry, hopeless and destitute.
For liod's sake keep away from this
city. Advertisements for laborers, sail
ors or mechanics are false. Place no
fuith in them. There are ten men here
for every joh now. By order Executive
Committeeman Francisco Unemployed.
W. M. Wii.lkv, Chairman.
L. C. Far, Secretary. .
In Justice Court.
In the case of the State vs. Stegman,
accused of obstructing public highways,
it appearing that action was brought
withouteauee ; defendant was discharged
from custody hy Justice Davis yesterday.
In the case of the state of Oregon vs.
Frank Adams, accused of assault and
battery, defendant plead "not guilty."
The trial was set for Thursday the '.JOtli,
at 10 o'clock p. m. The defendant was
placed under bonds for his appearance.
t-KC Fur Hatrliliit;.
High grade Rose Comb I'.rown Leg
horn egus from gt vied l!oe Comb hens
and pure bred im,les. Price 50 cents
per setting of thirteen. Address E. M.
Hurriiiian, Enilorshv. ' r.
RIVETED Clothing
Manufactured bv
San Francisco, Calif.
Tfi6 CQluniDia Packlag Go.,
Pork and Beef.
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of theBestQual
ity Always on Hand.
Notice to Contractors.
To Bid for Contract to Rebuild Vault.
PiirMinnt to an order from the C'nuntv Cvurt of
gliennsii County Onuou. Bills will lie' r evlved
until 12 o'clock M. May l.itli imm, by S. H. linves
Clerk of said court, at Moro Ort-Ron, for the con
tract of rebuilding the vault of siiid comitr.
Said vault to be built upon the site oi tliepreM nt
one, In Morn In said county, and to be Vi feet
Ioiir, feet wide, and 7 feet hlxh Inside Measure
ments, u ltli solid stone walls ;! feet ttiiek. ami a
good and suhstimtial Hi Mir, and to beurehed over
head with brick in such a manner as to be alum
lately fbe proof
The Contractor shall use the inattMiuli uon
the ground as far as (Missible to construrt tlicie
with a good substantial building, to wit the
bulld iiK stone, biirk, nils, risf eu, and sball
furnish any and all additional mateiiiiln neees
sary to build, cover and complete In u goil ami
substantial and workmanlike manner. Hint de
liver same to said court on or before the ,MU day
of July lswi.
Haid contractor shall gunrmitce suld vault to
stand iH'rfeirtly, for two year, except auainst
earthquakes, cyclones, the publie enemy, ilvua
mlte bombs, or any aimi'ar disaster lor u'hich he
Is in no way responsible, and he slm El give a
good and sufticieut bond to be approved 1.) said
Court to that etf'eet.
The Cunrt reserving the right to reject an v and
all bids.
Ky order of the Court.
ilw-.'d lw 6. b. Hayes, Ci tmtv clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the Ktate cf Oregon for
the County uf V aseo.
Isador Ijhik, Edward Ixiig. Max I .an..' icnt Ionia
ltr.g, artlicra doing business under the lirm
name of l.ting & Co., l'laintitls, vs. A. J.
Wall, lefendiilit.
To A. J. il'alt, the abort '-named xtfjenttant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
heref y required to aptteur and answer tiie com
plaint tiled against you In the tib.ive-cntitled
aetfon, on or beforethe tirst day of the next regu
lar term of this court after completion of the
servii'e of this summons upon you: nnd if vou
fail so to answer, lor want thereof the plaliitirl
wil take judgment against you for the sum of
f .'.'s ti.! and interest thereon at the rate of eight
1st cent, per annum from May l , l.i J. aud tho
tirther sum of and interest thereon at
eight ier cent, iter annum from .Itilv o, l.irj,
and for their cots and dli-bursements dercin.
This summons is sered iiiHin you ypuMiea
tlon thereof by order of the lion. W'.L. liiml
shaw. Judge uf said ('limit Court, made tit
chambers In Pslles cltr on Novemb-.-r I, l-.c.
U-31 Atttorneys for Hiiintit'.
Land Omen. The Dalles, Or., Mnr. an. l(.:i.
Notice Is hereby given that the. foiiuing
nameil settler has tiled notice of hK intention to
make final proof in aupsirt of hi claim, mid
that said priMif will be made before the KegiMer
and Receiver Bt The Dalles, Dr., on buturduy,
May 1:1, lH'.i.t, vii:
James K. McTlure,
Pre-emption IKvlaratory Htateinent No. 72M, for
the N't NKJ and N', KW' of bee. t, Tp. 5 S.,
K. la K.
He names the following witnesses ti prove
his continuous residence upon and ruXuvution
of said land, is:
licorge tiordon, I.. M. Wondside, 1). K. Hurst
and M. Delore, all of Wapinitla, Or.
Vi-H JOHN W. 1.MY1H, Register.
Not. re Is hereby given ft hut the tindei Miiiuoil
imm iM'en iiitiMiintLtl m.niiiiti'trHtir of the I'ttltittt
if J t ii ii it Mat!ick, UUMjf WaM'o county, ort-Kwii,
a, .l.ass.....(
All piTf'-n linviii (hit m M iitrninst as it i 1 '.tato
nn-h'M'i'V rt'intrcl U rreaent tic funic t.iily
verified, t- im t tiiu rnet of ImftirA Mein-tLv,
tn i'liHpniit:i hl.M'k. tili'' 4 it v, uit-k'iMi, vAithiu
Hi inontf. fri'Tii th- d.ite -( till n -li-t
l..tu. rtt h.W ( iiv. Ai. il 4, h.M,
A'lmtnistrntor wl the t-nt.Uu ol Jcuuio iltatlick,