THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1893, FOR M DEFENSE Tbe Great Strip Iuiiana in the Na?al Renew. THE SHIP'S POWERFUL AKMAMEXT She Is the Strongest War Vessel Ever Constructed by the Amer ican Government. Washington, April !. The Indiana will participate with a host of others, new and old, in the naval review in New York harbor on the 27th inst. The Indiana is the eighth warship that the Cramps have launched aiul is the larpest ever sent from their ways. I Tp to this time the New York, with a tonnafr-j of S.OOQ, was the larpest. The Indiana is the first of the first-class bat tleships to be launched, and her sister ship, the Massachusetts, which is from nix weeks to two months behind the In iliana in construction, will be Uie uext. The Indiana is 343 feet long on the water line and is 59 feet 8 inchcu beam. Her displacement is 10.400 tons, but with a full supply of coal and stores on board she will draw 24 feet and dis place 11.600 tons of water. She will be propelled by twin screws and her en gines will be three in numln-r. havinp 10.000-horse power. They will be of the triple-expansion type and will be built abreast in watcr-tipht compart ments, and will pive a speed of from 15S' to 10 knots, the guaranteed soeed being 15 knots. The armor will e as nearly impervious to shot as it can be made. The water-line armor belt will be of lS-ineh nickel steel and will extend 1WJ feet along each side amid ships. At the ends of the armor belt is an armored bulkhead athwartships which is to be 14 inches thick, and above (hat and the water line is to be a casemate belt 5 inches thick. Above the athwartships belt will be two redoubts one at each end, forming the basis of the revolving turrets. These redoubts will be S4 feet and 0 inches outside diameter and 12 feet high. Over the armor belt and over the bow and stern will be a flat protected deck plated with 2-inch steel. At each of the four corners of the 5-inch case mates rises up a redoubt s feet high and plated with 8-inch steel. The.c redoubts will be surmounted by turrets, each 8 inches thick, and besides the armored turrets there is to be an ar mored pilot house or conning tower. The total weight of the armor is to be 2,CSj t ins. The armament of the Indiana will be as follows: Four l"-inoh puns 40 feet long, mounted in pairs in the two main turrets: ei?ht 8-inch guns, mounted in pairs in the four turrets at the comers of the casemate: four 6-inch guns. Tht 1. Vrom Tarkay. Hon. P. R. Thompson, uduister to Turkey, met with quite a paiuful acci dent ou March 14. He slipped on a marble staircase and fell, upraising his elbow, knocking out three, teetli and rutting his lips and tongue. When he wrote, he had a sore elbow and mouth, but expected to be all right in a few days, home of Mr. Thompson's friends are wondering w hat kiud of a stick of timber they put In the lemonades in Turkey, but this probably has nothing to do with the ease. Walking on Per sian carpets and Piighiotan rugs has made his shoes unusually slick, and this caused the accident. Colonel Koliert Miller, who has not dwelt in marble halls or trotted up and down marble staircases much, will do well to take a few weeks practice before leaving for Turkey by taking a room in the ninth story of the Okkmokiam building and eschewing the use of the elevator. If this is not convenient, hobnail in ids shoes may save his life. A IlvcUlon Favoring the Knglnaara. Macon, Ga., April 8. Judge Emery Sneer today rendered a decision in the Vnited States circuit court here upon the petition brought by members of the Brotherhood of Iocomotive Engineers, praying the court to direct the receiver of the tieorgiaJCentral railroad to carry out the contract with the Brotherhood which wag in force when the receiver was appointed. The petition was granted. Armour for th Onion, Bethlehem, Pa., March 19. The ship ment of eight tons of armor, forming the diagonal plates of the battle-HhipOregon, left the Bethlehem iron works yesterday for the Union iron works, of San Fran cisco, where the Oregon is now building. ELECTRIC FLASHES. THE BATTLE SntP IOlAXA. mounted in broadsides with special inter bulkheads back of them; twenty 6-pounders and rapid-firing guns: eight 1-pounders and (iatling guns and 6 tor pedo tulies. The armament has some strong points possessed by none of the battleships or cruisers now afloat. ne is the height of the puns from the water line, which will enable them to success fully attack the unarmored ends of for eign warships. The 13-inch puns are IH feet above water line and the 8-inch puns are 28 feet above the water line. Another feature is that the armament of either the Indiana or Massachusetts will throw a greater weight of metal than any vessel afloat. Either will be able to throw 6,400 pounds at one dis charge of her main battery alone, which is l.ooQ pounds more than any other warship, foreign or native, is capable of discharging. There will be a single military mast, with two fighting tops and a lookout, and means will be pro vided for going up inside the mast. The Indiana is one of three sister ships, including the Massachusetts and the Oregon, authorized by act of con press of June 30. WJ0. The general de signs for the three steel ships were ready on the day the act authorizing them was approved. Three months later the bids for constructing them were opened. The I'nion iron works of Hnn Francisco offered to build one for t",.': 10,000, or two for fi,400,000; the Risdon irira and locomotive works, also of San Francisco, one for f3,275.0UO; the Bath iron works, one for (3,149,000; tiie Cramp & Sons company, of I'hiladel phia. one for (2,VJ0,OO0, and the other two for tt.7S0.00O. The latter company also bid (3,120,000 for a ship twelve feet longer than in the department's plans, which were followed exactly by all the preceding bids, and (0.040,000 hrr the other two. This last bid being lower than that of any other, was accepted for the Indiana and Massachusetts. The law required that one of the ves sels should be built on or near the Pa cific coast, if it could be done at a fair cotst. The I'nion iron works, in view of the bid of the Cramps, agreed to build the Oregon, also adding twelve feet, for rUW.OOO, and this was accepted as reasonable on calculating the cost of carrying to San Francisco material only obtainable in the east. The Indiana's keel wus laid in The U. S. senate will adjourn Tuesday. Eleven hundred machinists, boiler makere,;blacksuiilhs and helpers in the shops of the Santa Fe road struck this afternoon for an advance in wajjes and other demands with the fellow-workmen in the same lines along the entire sys tem. From Boston come a dispatch to the Evening Pott stating thatWilliani I.loyd Garrison and other leading independents there are thoroughly disgusted with Fourth Assistant PostmaBter-Cieiiern! Maxwell's rapid removal of republican postmasters, and that there is earnest talk of a public protest soon unless the policy of the administration is changed. Secretary Hoke Smith has rendered a decision on the question of revoking the permits reeentiy granted to the Pi.: 1! lack foot Milling company and tin Bitter Hoot Development company U cut 50 per cent, ot the timlicr from gov ernment land in .Montana. The -r:ni: is modified so as to restrict the emtio to four sections, and the time tu Janu ary 1st, lS'M. In the matter of the late Choctaw war Agent Bennett said the Choctaw govern ment will never bring their wnuld-be mnrderera to a trial, but will uphold them in their unlawful acts, and that it will lie aeeis'.ing in a so-culled jmliciul murder to permit the militia to make arrests in the Choctaw nation. Iu view of these facts he strongly urges that tin nation be placei under martial law. Subscribe fur Tim Dah.t Chronicle. A Leadftr. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter ativescontaining nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the liest and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation and drive uialeria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. I'riceonly otic per bottle. So'd by Snipe & Kinersly The president notified the senate of his desire to raise the rank of James B. Eustis, lately confirmed minister to France, to that of ambassador. Guaranteed Care. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, yon may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could lie relied on. It never disap points. Triul bottles free at Snipes A Kinersly's drug store. Large size 60c and (1. Unusual interest is being taken in the coming session of the trans-Mississippi congress, to meet nt Ogden the 24th inst. Letters and telegrams from prom inent men from all parts of the West indicate there will lie a large attendance. My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a very severe at tack ot rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford h.r any re lief, and as a last resort gave Chainlier Iain's Pain Balm a trial. To our great surprise shebeen to im prove after the first application, and by using it regu larly she was soon able to get up and attend to her house work. E. II. John son, of C. J. Knutson A Co., Kensington, Minn. oO cent bottles for sale by Blake ley A Houghton. VETERANS PASSING AWAY. In Forty Yera Will lie Few Hnr vtvura of the Civil War. Interesting in connection with the de partment encampment is the report of the medical director, Ir. J. U. Hayes, In port as follows, says the Washington Post: "Our auiiUiU death rate equals 8.75 per cent of the whole iuhiiWt in the Grand Army Republic, in t'.iis depart ment. This is equivalent to death rate of twenty-seven in a thousand, a larger death rate than usually pertains to any mven iiumWr of people. Our build of iienrlv 4.000 l hcilii' runidl.V mustered out, and if we apply the simple, rules of arithmetic, and provided thut wo re cruit no more, in the year 1030 not one of our 4,000 would ta ulivo to toll the Rt.irv of the oast. "We are dying faster than any other class of our population, Isvauso out of the , 000 in our organization mora man one-half ara daily suffering from lost of limbs, from wounds, injuries and uisa bilities contracted during the war. Re sults of prison-life anil the exposure and denrivation incident thereto now cause more kuffcriiif? than the bullet I.oaaof a limb shortens the life, but the rheu matism and scurvy contracted in prison also yearly call for their premature vic tims. Immature aging of nil the or gans, diminished vitul resistance to all disturbing causes, and more especially discuses of the heart, now so alarming ly present with many surviving com rades, an mainly due to the rheuma tism and scurvy of prison life. "I have never seen a survivor from the prisou at Andersonvillo, Go., that did not have disease of heart in some form or other. So, taking our little band of 4,000 to-day, iu uUmt forty years all who have lost limtw or been seriously wounded or aulTcred the hard ships and horrors of prUon lifo will have passed uway." DID YOU KNOW IT? Woon pavements cause opthulmia. Canada lxiosU a 22,ooo-p;und cheese. Geiuiany leads in spectacle wearers. Watcuks an placed in iIimt handles. ArsTUAJ-lAN aborigines eat butter flics. Iennsvi.vak:a leads in cigar produc tion. Akc light illuminate Vieuna'a cuthe dral. Is Europe 70,000,000 wear wooden shoes. Pauis has 2,000 daily and weekly po pe rs. Bahama inlanders use American .fer tilisers. llrnitcs are more valuable than dia monds. Patent medicines dill'er One hits reasonableness, another luis not. One has reputation another has not. One has confidence, lorn of, another has only "hopes." Don't take it for granted that all patent medicines are alike. They are not. Let the years of uninterrupted surccs Biid the tens of thmi'iinds of cured and happy men and omen, place Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription on the side of the eompari--on to which they In-long. And there isn't a state or territory, no nor hardly a country in the world, whether its peo ple realize it or not, hut have men and women in them that're happier liecsiiHe of their discovery and their effects. Think of this in health. Think of it in sickness. And then think whether von you can afford to make the trial if the makers can afford to take the rit-k to give your money back, as they do, if they do not benefit or cure you. Karl's Clover Root, tne uew blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to thecomplexion ami cures constipation. 'Joe, 50c. and $1.00. Sold "by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. It is suggested that at each place in the country where Arlnir Day will Is1 celebrated this year that a tree lie planted in honor of the new se-relarjr of agriculture: Iturklvn'a Aril'l Halve. The best talve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever tores, tetter, chaped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per liox. For sale by Snipes A Kin ersly. Ghootiuks and other household sup plies should be at once put away in their proper receptacle and pot loft standing about in paper bags. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snies A Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 2."c. Children Jove it. cold by Snipes A Kinersly. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic can almost invariably tell, by their feelings, when to exjiect an at tack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlxea Remedy is taken as soon as these symptom apiear, they can ward on the disease. such persons should always keep the Remedy at hand, ready for immediate use when needed. Two or three doses of it at the right tiuie will save them much suffering. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. The more Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is used the better it is liked. We know of no other remedy that always gives satisfaction. It is good when yon first catch cold. It Is good when your cough is seated and your lungs are sore. It is good in any kind of a cough. We have sold twenly-five down of it and every bottle has given satislaction. Stedman A Friedman, druggists, Minne sota Ijike, Minn. ,)( cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton, drug-giits. 1 "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at it leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to th lil-Ofl Si I i- uftHiusr luse) ITlU ft tit7 on the henil oihi of Dr. riereo's Pleasant Pel lets. They do the rifjlit thine; in the right way. They cleanse uiul regu late the liver, Htomach anil bowels thoroughly and effectively, lut mildly and gently. Thoy juTttuade, rather than force Ono tiny, sugar coated Pellet's a pontlo laxative ; throo to four act as a cathartic They're, the smallest, but the host. Thoro' less to tako, but there's more gcxnl in it, when it's taken. They're, the original Little Liver Pill, and they've never Ikmhi equaled. Sick Headache, liIiou Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, lUIious Attacks, and all derail gomcuta of the livor, stomach and bowels, are prevented, reliovod, and cured. They're the. chertjtcst pill you can buy, because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At Innt mnllml w.irk thut U-ll- !hrfn, dt.rr!lw tho I'lh'i'U, jMiiiitN Hit tviiimIt. I Ihk lit clmitliicHily tlut utimt vuttitihlt;, nrUttit'ttlly ttio iiP'M txttutlfiil, imiltrnl lunik tlittt Iih h fmiml lor yinm; w iuikw, every tiirv Uirinc a irtU tntii' ilhiMtrnttou tu Unix. H"tmt ot theouli- trvtttftt n Nmvnijn lability, linjmi.iMH-y, Sterility, lwvtlapnHut, uhi'vlt The UiiftUinu ThruN) ititiiitliiiR MirriHK', t'to. AVtu Vnn twfei uxmiM Inutw thr dm tut Tnttft. thr i'Uitn ftwtM, thr tHtl Serrrt ami Srw ifH" of Mfthttl S'imrr om rim(V to Marvtni J.tfs, Wivt WHlMf'l wnnr jot jMtl jnmrm. nun firvmi jutnrr vi'futU, nhnutd wrtt for this H'ltSitKK h't'L LIT Tf.K It'tnh'. It will lie writ Itvv, iiihIit will, while t)tf tV.t lioll IftMt". If mil VMi It'll t, VTIt'lisM' It'll ivnu In Ny mkUiku ttioiiu. AtlilrttMi Iho iiitUihrrM, ERIE MEDICAL CO., I'.l'FFALO, N. Y. C2 IHS H2 ID Sotsd Wheat, " ( )ats, " ('orn, " live, " l'DtattH'S, (lardon Seeds, drasH Seeds in Hulk. at CRANDALL & BUR GET'S -t lluv ! Roods out at Rreatly-rocluced . lli:l I I1RICK, UNION KT. PAUL KREFT & CO -DF.ALKRS IN- PAINTS. OILS AND CI . And the MoHt Complete and the IjiteHt Patterns and Design. rraetieal Painters and Paixtr Ilanirers. None but the bra hlierwin- illiauis ami .1. m . niiiHiiry laiuis useo in an .iur wort, ,nj. .1... . ... HL-illu.l u.ii.Liniin u,i l. ivw I iimnll lov K1.ui.rv 1 t. . cheuiieal coiiibination or soap mixture. A lirst class article iaiW oruurs promptly aiienoeu in. Faint 8hoo oornsr Tbirdand Waghiccton Ets.. Thel)4Vlt A. A. Brown, Kn)M lull sMorUuent ol Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. hli'h bcultcnst Uiw rtsuraa. SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. EiEtcst Cask Prices for Enns and other ProJiice. 170 SECOND STREET. W. E. GARRETSON, Leaning Jeweler. -AT- J. H. CROSS' Hay, Grain and Feud Htore. OL AtlKNT roll Tll llf u .1 ' ".!... ... " 1 TiARTICrS BODA WATEB AND ICI rranrioc anrl Wnte OHAITII. 1 I itj.... H1AIIS AM I I A 1 1 D I1 ttllT IHIISkH Ul'tl Finest Psanut RoastsrlnT- H Street J.FOLCO 3STOTICE. Mrs. S. A. OrcharC Carp: (Mh'ni ltr m-rviiH-w to nil who wovimi nt lit-r tu iiuu on the u. t tiruumn . columbi; Candy Fac Campbell Bros.F (Juccftan to f . . tmi FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rKANHACT A UKNKKAI.nA.NKINO Bt'btNE(- Letters of Credit issued available In he F.aHtern Htates. tiiht Kxohanu'e and Teltrraphle Transferssoldoii New York.Chientro, ht. l.nii. kun Vp,iiiiia,.n fiirtluiiil llri..,,, Heattle Wash., and various point in (lr eron and WaHhiiiirton. t)Heelions niaitu ai an points on lav rable truia. n. hchskck. H. M. lis Li. First Rational Bank. :he dalles, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transaetfxl iHiposits received, subject to rtight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sieht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, han Francisco and Portland. DIKBOTOKS. D. P. Thompmon. Jo. 8. Rchinck, Ed. M. Williams, Uko. A. Likiib. II. M. Beall. YOUR ATTEflTIOJI It called to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Class, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrl. the rinant I.ln nt Picture Mouldings To be found Id the City. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. ISK naannit Nt.. Th Itallna. Or. The Snug. W, H. BUTTS. Prop. Bo. DO Eooond ret, The Dalles, Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. If. Butts, loiip a rexi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary line slock of Sherp Herder" Ptliihl and Irish fliitiirl-URt. In fact, all the leading brands of line Wines, Liipiors and Cigars, tiive the old man a call and yon will come again. Msauisrliiror. or ttir tlnmfv lltrum UaUn C-A.2ST 1DII Cntolhmnl 1 K A I.EU l t Tropical Fruits, Nuts, fed' Can fiirnlah mnj ol UiM t''i nt HuUli I 6FRESH 4- OYf la Evarjr Kiyl Ice Cream and Sada 104 rietrond Ktreet.Ttn 72 UUoshington Street. the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J. D. PARISH. Prop. l-YTIr Itli nt (I n m .,rr lr still rfvm al 1'rlnnvllln In thirty -mx ImiirK. l-nvwi I'rliiiivlllc at ft a. in. hvitjt iiny anil arrlvua al The l)all In iMrtynlx umira. Carries Hie U. S. Mail, I'assengers and Express Con nen u at rriiiIH wltli Stages from Eastern and Sontliern Or egon, Northern California and all .Interior Fointt. Aim miikis clnmnmiii-ntlim at Tli HhIIok a lth Iriilim from l'ortlnnU and all ouiUtii hi!iiui. . Contieons driTen. .' Ocod ammmod-ilioEi alonz ttie rr.iil. .' rirsl -clas coacbes and torses used. .' Eirjress matter bandied wild care. All poraotia wl'lilnj mi.'ai,'i mimt wnvhltl nt ni ne lforM UikiilK MimiKi'; othirl will hot tM' riitftvMl. K.liri iiiiiNt h wnylillkl nt ollii'in or the Htnirt. Co. will Hot lt rt !.Htnnlhlf. Th roiiimny will tiilo no rlilt on money ttniitinlt UmI. 1'nrtlfMlhtr nth'lilioii irlvi-n to fti'll'irhi irpw iiiHtlr nt l'rlnvllht unit nil noiithorn ImiIiiIk In Ort'Kon, mill mlvmii'it rhurH.m will I' jhiIiI hy tto; cointMiny. TAfK firriCKHj M. Blrhnl :. Htorc. I n.nlllU lloiiaa. THE DALL3 Notional it Of DALLES CITY. President I Vh-e-l'reBidellt, Cnn Cashier, I jtncral BonkitiR liusinesi ' Hicht KxchimgM NEW YORK. KAV KHAKClStl, and WW' Collection nmde on f'' at all accessible ioinl- W. 1I.Y01 DfnnTnmHft P. II DidUiVDi! in a mh (ieneral Blacksuiithlng promptly, an'l ' Ouarantewl. Horse ShoeingjJ Third Street, opu. LtcSe1! Gigai The Dal IF : Fc FACTORY CIGARS orders from all parts of W ou the shortest notice. The reputation of TH OAU has Income liriuiy . the demand for tne article Is incroaHinU eBr? A. ULRICA I'rlnttTllln. 'Ilia la:iea.