The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 14, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Tlie way
. .... I ,v more than $1.0) to J.0() per box for
. .iii.. linn iNinLritcieu .... t
In which the mail Hgnung in v num t -..i M(ll,,l ttn.t uimh1-kihiiik "I'l""--
of "The Chioaao ripectatorlum" will I ' thecoiulujr-aiwii an Itemol "M"""" T,1U ,,m.HLi.ik U in a Mate of un
earned oat i.. very, narked departure i the . ol -.' u, " "7.
conventioimliti., ideel. iron. o , ,,ch win aiiioimi w ,y "
....... 1. h vrntiNivH iiruuMi " --
KiiteredH the T"""m Tho r,""'
Kutemi ,J"a.1.iMa lMll IU.UUT.
sriisruirTioN rates.
T MAIL (rOKTAUK rKKrAllll 1.1 '-
One year
hi unmt
lhwe nii!tli
Advertt.lim rote re"lU nJ mle kn. I'
on MptlU'HUOU.
AtMiw ill omniiiiiloiitimu t"TUK CKUOS
MILK," The lUii, own.
........... .f lli.lit'me
XL !oriTu I.. W .. j llt,nR umde for hnildi,,
border Htm ami 1 t,, the main poruoim 1
I northwest, in huhtim.
... . (.....l.u uj.vtirul
pnrtintuiti oltlie Biiop mi
thousand men are mipy luniuiR ""
in HAM IOOI 11LZIIIH. wiv 1 '
bunch lights, as they are called. None ; went and northwest.
of tliese will be used in me r-pecwuu-,
ot me
COUNTY officials.
County JuUK a'
Sheriff. J- B.c'roMi
L!"" Wm. Mi.' hell
Twurer ( lmrtljeno
Connnluioner j Frank Kmcaul
.,. Joel W. Keouu
Aaaeuor .K. K. Shv
SSimenient ot Vublic School. .Tnv Hheltej
Cocuuer 41
We are sorry to learn that a large
number of our merchants who hold big
bills against A. S. Collins and wife can
not lawfully attach the money now held
in custody for the latter by our county
clerk. We also hear that all their goods
(wonder if that fine cloak, those silks
and velvets, gotten under false pretense
from II . Herbring.are among them?) are
still stored in the Wasco warehouse
mwaiting shipment to the more conge
nial climate of Chicago. The swindling
now-a-days is carried on o fine and suc
cessfully that we are not in the least
surprised to hear that several of our
inerehauts have shut down on the credit
A case of interest to people employing
domestic help is rejiorted from Boston.
There the servant girl of a lawyer was
recently discharged. Being a poor lone
female, she sought as best she knew to
get even. To her Bimple mind the idea
suggested itself thatto poison the lawyer
would be a proper manifestation of dig
nity aggrieved, and she acted promptly.
The luwyer began to die so fust that he
could not file a demurrer, and a stay of
proceedings was granted only through
the efforts of medical friends.
Kmekson once said he was under no
obligation to think today what he
thought yesterday. That was the blunt
expression of a bit of philosophy recog
nised to a greater or less degree by all
the great minds of earth, and when
Chamberlain quotes the past anti-home
rule utterances of four liberal ministers
now leading the way in a proposal to es
tablish an Irish parliament, he weakenB
his own cause. He merely argues that
while others, have advanced in states
manship, learning and liberality, he has
been standing still by the established
systems of the dying past.
rill 111. The urincipal lighting
scenes, is done bv twd great luminaries,
one ofVhich represents thesun, for day
light effects, and the other the moon,
for the night scenes. The sun cau
throw 100,000 candle power of light;
enmd to about fifty arc lights. By -chanical
appliances any portion of this
whole can be used as well the entire
.i.,l us the sun is a movable
light, the shadows of morning and even
ing can be shown without the aid of
paint. The sun travels an orbit from
east to west and is so arranged that It
can be raised or lowered at the will of
the engineer, who controls the machin
ery. By this device it is possible to
give the effect of the sun at the horizon,
which could not be given in any other
wav. and bv another new invention the
sunlight is made to pass through differ
ent colored mediums to give the pecu
liar tints of morning and evening, and
in the Spectatorium the greater light of
nature can bo really said to rise and set.
The second luminary, the moon, has
about 20,000 candle power and is simi
larly controlled. There are, in addition
to these two lights, numerous diffusers
which do uot appear to the audience at
all, but assist greatly in the realistic
ft iimiw mills hut it pours. Now is
the season to bring out legislative rot- j
tenness, from that of a powerful nation j
down to a borough. France started the
ball rolling in the Panama vcaudal,
showing a magnitude of bribery unpar
alleled in the history of the world, and
comprising a steal of 15.000,000. The
latest corruption is developed in Minne
sota. The senate committee report will
be the most sensational ever prepared
bv a legislative committee and is all
based on sworn testimony. Frauds
and conspiracy of the most gi
gantic and far-reaching character
are said to have been unearthed. It is
claimed the Htato has been defrauded
lireeilv mid indirectly out of hundreds
of thousands of dollars. Many j
persons hitherto above suspicion are
said to be involved and besmirched by ;
the committee's findings. Innumerable
false homestead entries, soldiers' pre
emptions and Indian allotments, all
made on powers of attorney by means
of straw, in the interests of corporations,
are said to have been disclosed.
"i I
The loco-
fei-ia! fir new rolling "tocn.
motive department has completed seven
unusual by large engines. Besides build-
a number of new vestilmlo cars,
many of the old ones are heing run .
the shops tor alteration and renovation.
Trusts are one of the greatest evils of
modem times. They are only the legal
means to rob the people. In order to
show th's more plainly, we will refer to
the great rublier trust that has been in
oiieration since April 1. The majority
of the great rublier factories in the east
formed a trust last year in order to
raise the price of their output. Two or
three firms (amongst them the great
Woonsocket Bublier Co.,) remained out
side, but It seems now that all have
combined, as the price of rubber boots,
rubber shoes, etc., has advanced fully X0
per cent, since April 1. Think of it,
farmers and laboring men, an advance
of 30 per cent, all at once! This means,
for instance, that you have to pay 4.00
for a pair of boots that yon ould buy for
:i.00 last winter. Thus it will be seen
that trusts are on the increase. Almost
every line of industry is on the road to
that end. It may he the infection was
communicated from the tendency of
everything to orgaiiir.o and light with
the benefit of number. But latterly
capital has apfn-ared to force the fight-
Bv all means let mem nave
enough of it. Ut the
'Down with the trusts."
watchword be:
The excitement over, tlier is no de
mand for the souvenir Columbian coins.
There are nearly two million of the half
dollars waiting to le called for at the
Wiwlher Imniiii. ili-jwrlineiit of nurlnillur.
Million, The I'iiIIik, imiii. lor the mouth of
Utliu.lo v.' :' l-onaltiiit.- l-l ' ii' H" wwt
Altilmle IIC lii't Iik- level.
I lute.
'i r 1 - i i
April 27th is the birthday of Cien.
Grant and will be commemorated at his
old home in Galena, 111. It would be a
fitting act for republican clubs through
out the country to make some observance
of this event. Honors to great national
and party leaders are among the best
methods of fostering a patriotic and
honest party sentiment. Why not pay
a similar tribute to the memory of those
other great, republicans, Ulysses S.
Grant and James G. Blaine.
To a birth notice in a Southern Cali
fornia paper the following remarks are
added by the editor: "The child is the
first Dutch infant born in the Hun Luis
Valley. The notice is written by a
Dane, put in type by a Mormon, the
proof is read by an American, the type
placed in the 'form' by a German, and
the paper is printed bya Mexican. This
affords an interesting notion of the com
posite character of the great American
people of the far Kouthwest."
mm ir'H
3 1
A statistician who has been looking
into the matter of divorce has found that
the proportion of divorces to population
is least in Ireland only one divorce to
every 400,000 inhabitants. In the
United States the proportion of divorces
is ominously large, 8S.71 to every 100,000
population, the largest known, In fact,
save in Japan, the figures for that happy
empire being 608.46 divorces to every
100,000 population.
A news item in another column re
lates that workmen and a large install
ment of machinery have lieen put to
work at the Monoghan quarry, six miles
from the locks; also that the family of
the senior Day has arrived. All reports
received during the last two weeks are
confirmatory that at last, work is to lie
hastened on the locks, and that in
eighteen months the dreams and hope
of twenty-five years will be realized.
The Vermont Board of Agriculture
finds that many of the farm in the state
which were abandoned some years ago
re becoming gradually taken up. This
points to a revival of farming in New
Kngland, and it is an encouraging sign.
The science of farming has been greatly
developed in the last fifteen years, with
resultant thrift where there bad been
haphazard methods and waste.
A oiunntic trust has been fornix
among the ty)e founders of the 1'iiile.i
States, comprising twenty-three of
them, who have heretofore controlled
about 83 per cent, of the business of the
United States. There are four firms
outside of the trust, and theee should
be favored by every paper, large and
small, throughout America. These are
Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Chicago,
the Keystone of Philadelphia, A. D.
Farmer & Son of New York, and one
other which cannot now lie recalled. I
These were all persistent in their deter-1
niir.ation not to ally themselves with '
the trust. The prospectus of the newly-
formed organization says mat its object .inoIll(iin, m), hull. it. n! melt1 im.
was to "economize lin the expenses for thrum maximum ua miuimum mutual
the benefit of the consumer," but, as I
MfHli teniDemtnri'. 41. 1.
further along, it says it expects to in- Mnm mnx. U'ihikkiuk, IB.; mnn mln. km-
.!. c... t.., i urn nun fr.r. 1 . permm. h
l-icnet? iiio yiviiia , .... JUiixilnu
mer statement would not appear to be a
logical deduction. Tub Ciikoniclb an
nounces, for one, that it is anti-trust.
Who in Oregon will join us?
: 171 v .., a. .no 0
:-i . 0: ai! 0
-i J !' -"7 -L" 0 tf-l so 11
:U, 4,v !tii Ii ll ai .HI II
I m mi ; 11 K -i"1'
I :i ,V.i .'.v T. 31 1 .09! II
I 4.' IT 4"ii 41 4i 01 Hi II
1 4: it it! 41 1.1 ! m Tr ! n
I aT 4"i 471 : A 171 .Hi "
I A, 4'. O :u i Oi U',; .1,7' 0
I ;tt 4 All ::i I-' s 17) "i. 0
! 1.' 4.' .'ill ill IJ . 17 1 r 0
1 :rr W 1. 17 i "
! ;(7 4',i !!' Si Ki.ft "21 .no (I
I .11 M Hi ft lii; .on 11
: 4m .v.j a.; 4 1 sr2i m u
rr; 44 41.1 :tt hi (i Ul .' u
1 :i; '. ;! 3: 41 l! n
I m 1- :ii tt.o' ti I". 0
;v 4.1 4-; :u wi 17 .im. 0
:?t M Mi Trm.o .t!
n c.! 4. .'1.1 0, w .i'. 0
:t .'mi .'il; :ti.rj 01 l .noj 0
4:1 v.' .'.! 41 .' 1 .11
! 4.' fv! :v 4 0' an .1:1; o
I 47 4'i; .i 4J .'avi'l l .0i II
If .. 1 ; 4.' i fti 17 .uo 0
I 4.' 1 v i it, r(: . 0
i 4.'i 1. 71, (-' 01 s .i'; 0
! in i , ;. 4; .VI 0! l. 111 0
! 4H: i'i ; :r, i: M 17' .01 II
";:r.'.7ilffiii:i''w: '. I tl.wi
'. ! ,l. M.t II 4 . I .
m tenipenilnrv, 70; nntv T.ith.
Mliilmiitn llltll 'i'i: rtili Ut. al
T11L1I om-ltILiitli,ii. ti l.n niche.
dreilteat Ulw-ipltiitlou 111 iiy H couwiltlTe
houm. .'2.; ilnU' 17th.
Niinilier o! 'li,uillin rtnyn, 9: p'"? rlouily cluiiily dy l". ; on whlrh .01 or more
Tret'iiltnliuii fi'll. 11.
I'revnlllnic ihrertioii of wltu!, vnriahlc.
lH'itti uf iiiiiw on Knmml on l.'ith. ihmii.
Iieplh of biiow ou Rniund l eud of month.
InMl uniiwfnll ilurtiift thp month, none.
liHtiK of front- 1, J. :i. !,, 6, I",, all Heavy.
Lunar Imln, a;th. i-tli.
Iiutea of Miirtirii, alli.
lime uaeU on thin fnrpi, I'arllic.
f'riiru In liloom on the Ht: l'oljranthu on
llieutli: ioi.'Ij. on iti iiii. iiiioietm ihmii, 1
VolunUiry HitfiiHl l.'oriM (HjMver.
There is a proposition to make it a
misdemeanor for the newspaper pub
lisher to make any misrepresentations
m to the circulation of his par. That
is all right; now letns have another law
snaking it a misdemeanor for a farmer
to exaggerate the strict purity of sus
picious eggs.
An eastern paper says that the Pitts
burg Law and Order Society proposes to
prosecute people who make and cell
Monday newspajwrs. Why not alxilish
newspapers altogether, and let the peo
ple take their opinions from the Pitts
burg Law and Order Society? Why not
abolish ffovernmeiit. indeed. SO lomr as ! """ plmunl. on the i.tli. l'o.lari. ImIImk out
' 1 ,.,
we have the Pittsburg Law and Order
Society? Bring back the stake and the
rack! The land is full of witches,
heretics and atheists. The PittMhurg
Law and Order Society will make things
right. It is the people, and wisdom
shall die with it.
Ambrose Bierce, in his Sunday Morn
ing Examiner column, satirically crit
icizes Madge Morris, the Kan Diego
poetess, for saying that coyotes howl.
According to Bierce, coyotes bark and
yelp, but never howl. Madge insists
that she was right and lias submitted
the question to Long, professor in the
state of California for an answer. Sixty
million people are waiting in breathless
suspense for a solution of the question.
It i hard for land lubber to under
stand sea methods. If a ship is In dis
tress and liable to lie wrecked a tug boat
demands a price equal to confiscation to
rescue her. If refused, the steamer
smilingly move away, and as a result
many a noble ship and brave seaman's
bones blench on the sands. On shore
all hand would rush to the rescue;
thought of comiiensalion would lie an
after consideration. Its true, rescuing
is a part of tug boat business, but laws
regulating the fee should be established.
Several newspapers that have been
publishing timlier land notices for the
attorneys of the Oregon City land office
are becoming anxious ubout their jifiy.
The Argentine Times sav
Britain has demanded the extradition of
Jabex Spencer Balfour, the frgitive
president of the Liberator Building
The court of arbitration on the Behring
sea trouble has decided not to admit for
the present the British supplementary
report. This is a victory for the United
Thuumuat, April 13. The market of
The Dalles is still in a slumbering con
dition. The continued stormy weather
and bad road has had much to do to
wards holding in check the accusUmied
activity. The business houses in the
city have large assortments of general
merchandise, and the agricultural de
partments are well stocked up with im
plements and machinery. Some classes
of merchandise and agricultural goods
have declined somewhat owing to
cheaper freights.
In the grocery and provision line,
there is hut little change in quotations
or supply to note. Eggscontinue steady
at ' cents per doxen. Butter is steady
at former quotations.
Potatoes are in better inquiry and an
advance has taken place, $1.40 to $1.60
is offered for good keepers.
(ireen apples are more scan-e, al
though some of our dealers decline to
rest, partly owing to large stocks of last
years clip in the hands of Eastern buy
ers, ami to the continued alarm felt
through the extremists clamor for a re
duction in tariffs on all raw materials.
Kecent letters Irom uoswu nun
York give an opinion that the wool
market will li favorable to the wool
men, and that those putting their fleeces
..11 the market first, will be the more tor-
tunate, as lietter prices are in store for
new and fresh wools for immediate use
in the manufactories.
The wheat market in this city is quiet.
Foreign markets are somewhat dearer.
Duriiiii the past week an advance of
3 cents per cental has taken place with a
better feeling prevailing throughout
Europe. There was quite a Hurry in
Chicago yesterday and the wheat market
became quite excited. Futuredeliveries
were bid up by the bulls, with a disposi
tion to chase the bears to the wall and
them to iav $1.00 pei bushel for
May delivery. It 1 thought tins Hurry
is fur the purioso ot punishing those
who hud dealt heavily 011 shorts, having
nothing in sight to till up 011. The
Washington crop reports are favorable
for a very large Jiarvest for 181K1.
Whkat 62 to 5(!c per bu.
Baki.kv The market is nearly lifeless
in barlev, prices are down to HO and ho
cents per 100 lbs.
Oath The oat market is stiff and of
ferings are light at $1 25 cents ar 100
lbs. Kye 75 cents tier bushel.
Mii.i.stukks lira 11 and shorts are
quoted at $1S 00 per tou, mid
dlings $22 00 to $2:t 00 per ton. Boiled
barlev. fS.i W to $24 00 per ton. Mioll-
ed corn $1 25 Mir 100 M.S.
Fi.ot'B Salem mills flour is quoted at
$4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at
$H 75 per bbl. ler ton and $4 00 per bill,
Hay Timothv hay ranges in price
from $12 00 to $lb 00 per ton, according
to quality and condition. Wheat hay is
in full stock on a limited demand at
$10 IN) to $12 00 ier ton. There is no
inquiry for oat liny, and prices ore off.
Alfalfa' hav is not uiucli culled for, uinl
is quoted ut $10 00 to $12 00 per ton.
These quotations are for bailed buy exclusively.
B vw k k Fresh roll butter at 40 to 50
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quote M to 40 cents mr roll.
Eooh The egg market is in gixxl
supply uud giHxi fresh eggs sell ut 10
to 12c.
Pofi.TKY There is a fair demand for
fowls for a home market olid for ship
ment to Portland. Chickens are quoted
at $2 00 to $H 5(1 per doxen ; turkeys b
to 10 cents M-r II. ; geese $7 to $N perdoz,
and ducks $:! to $5 per dozen.
BKKif a Mi'TTox I'.iH-f cattle is in
moderate demand at $1! 00 per 100
weiirht gross to $.'t 50 for extra pood.
Mutton is quoted at $:i 50 and
tier head. Pork offerings are
uud prices are iioininul
weiiiht and 7'n cents dressed.
CovrKK Costa liica, is quoU'd at 24c
per ll., by the sack. Salvudore, 22c.
Arbucklcs, So'.jC.
Kuoak Gulden C, in bbls or sack .
,5 00; Extra C$5 10 ; Dry granulated
iti (X); In boxes, D. ti., in 'M Ut boxes,
$2 00. Ex C, $1 So. GC $1 75.
Sviiur $2 00c2 75 pr keg.
Pica Juinm rice, ti'.jiuc; Uland,
rice, 7 eta.
Bkanh Small whiles.owO'uc; Pink,
4'hM'k; per 100 lbs.
Salt I.iveriiool. 501b sk, 5c; 1001b
sk,$l 10; 2! HI lb Kk, $2 00. Stock suit,
$10 00 per tou.
Dihed Fkitith Italian prunes, 12c per
lb, by box. Evaporated apples, 10c per
lb. Dried grapes, IhnlOu per pound.
Potatokh Peerless. Buffalo whites,
Snowflnke and Burbank seedlings quoted
at $1 25 pur 100 lbs. Extra gud $l.;io.
Omonh--T1io market quotation for
A l onions is $1 M) V. 1 40 pur KM) ib.
Ghkkn Fbiuts Good apples still for
$1 2."iM$l 75 er box. rail and eurly
winter peurs are quoted at U0(u75c per
iiiukh ami rims.
IIiiiks Are quoted us follows: Dry,
O'.jc Ib; green, ; culls 4c 11.
Shkki' Pfcl-TK Vin 100 ea. Deerskins,
20c Ib for winter and liOc for summer.
Dressed, light $1 lb, heavv 75c lb. Bear
skins, $urr$12 ea; beaver, $3 50 Ib;
otter, $5; fisher, $5of$5 50: silver gray
fox, $IOof$25; red fox, $1 25; grey fox,
Blakeley & Houdit
175 Second Street, - The Dalles, o
A full lino of all tho SUindunl l'utont
Dru;;s, ('licrnicals, Etc.
afCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Miss. annapetersco.,
Pine Millinery
112 Second St.
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalles, - - - Oregon.
Tho oldt'Mt. InruoNt, jiiui tc.t iiknntigtiri
liowete in Soliool HooUt, ntul l)ofck,
Mubiicnl 1 nutrtiinei its, Vmc-li,
Jewelry unci Sporting Oootln.
Agt. 1 1 1 1 tvi I u rg-nremeii Steun il 1 Ip Cot
Tlc-Wffta t
Mricl from
l.n Pun kh.
I'r to tiik Tium.
: DtAllUa IN -rr-.-
Kik, Pine,
and ckaba
Cord W ood
$4 50
cor. third and union
Tinning and Plumbing a Spet
No. 07 Washington Stkkkt. . . The ii
Whohwale and Uetuil Ileiilem and Mtttiufacturen y
BuilJiuf Material and Dimcnsiun Timber, Doors, Windows, Shillings, HmhiLI
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Ttu
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Faotory xxci Ijumljor "TST-cl at Olcl TSt.if
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD DelH
any part of the city.
50cW55c; coon, 35c; coyote, 50c( 75c ;
badger, 25c; imlecat, 'Sh-.Ol-Hk- ; com
mon Iiouho cat, lllcW-Tic ea.
Wow, Tim market in reported 13 to 15
,Anirr'''tl'' IiIiviki N Kit V E ION IC.
ill hy l)rufifiii'i'i" wnt liy mull eOc.tOu.,
ami Jl.U) imr pucUune. SaiupiMi free
f f f rif Th Favorite IflOTB WWS3I
IV V ilwfurtboleeiliaDiliiruatti.Aju.
For by Nntpe A Klnemlj.
East fyd, 5eoor;d St.,
Kut of WliifHtu Hull, unrt npjHxltfl WhoU'i
Tullor hU,f, Th IwlltK, or.
Fir&t-Class Photos.
All Work Cluaritnloeil.
Farlev dB3
tRui-ceaeora to L. D. Frank, (locoamid.)
llllfifS - ST "
A (.li'iH'ul Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods
Whnlnnnln nn Dntoil Tlnnlnw in Uornncp Prirllnf Whins TlnWPPh
it uuiuiiaiu auu uuiau uuiuun iu uuiuoj uuwija, n uijiii, iiJiim
Full Assortmcut of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Slx'i
New - Umatilla- Hd
Ticket and llatfifane Office of the U. H. It. Conimiiy, nnd ofllcol
Union Tuk't;rftih Office arc in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all VaK
The Dalles Mercantile Cc
General Merchand
llrir Honda f!1nt.liinf (Jinit.a' ' F11 rtl IkIi illi OoDtlf
Shoes, HatH, Caps, (irocerioH, Ilardwor
Crockery, Hay, drain, Feed, Etc-
390 to 394 Second St.,