"the DATiEiOEiaarriiKo The Weekly Chronicle. Til K 1111. OllEN I.OtAI- AMU rKKMONAL. Tuwday's Dully. And now thin dear old world ol ours AimIii la decked In grouti, . . ... AiidnriMMNi tii wliera aiiowdrlla wnlU Hivii very UU ly aeeu. j The lark ponra forth hla wly Uy, Tin- lien ahe iura '"" And HiroiiKli Hi" meadow lu" """" The blaekbird uiuide wbirra. The i'l1 red cow ttanda tlll strain While I laaaqiieeaea her, Ami make, tha loam I'" "P bllo not huol doth aur. tlh, thoaa am awoet aprlna poet dy. And that a why I'l" lii'lrMl, And ihe are l"l year a vitmi that Tli diirmid War editor Bred -Klamath tur. l'cach tree are In bloom la Kou thorn Oregon. A fine spring rain visited this section this forenoon. Tl, "IVMmtrlck Hkule" will have another rehearsal tonlitht. ji funned a quarter of an inch thick in lndloton a few bights ago. Pome fine salmon were observed this morning in one of onr markets. The Klickitat hills were covered with snow again this morning U half their height. The remains of Edgar Rons Smith were burled in Iliverview cemetery, Punday. K. 7.. Hornibrook of Ontervillo, offers M) err ' for every case of hog cholera he can't t.ire. About f0 cars of coal have arrived in the yards at this point to be stored in the sheds. Mr. John Adams of Nansene, says that when he left there this morning there was two Inches of snow on the ground and was still fulling. The steamer Regulator broug ' Gflee.n roils of telephone wire last urday, marked C. M. Klkin, Prineville, fur the l'rineville and Ialles Telephone line. Congresinian Ellis announces that about the middle of April a competitive examination for the cadetehip to West I'oint, from this dintrlct, will lie held In The Pallc. The receipt In the 1'emllMon pout' office hare iaatd the f S.CIK) limit and are entitled to lie raised to second clam office, with a salary of $2,000 a year fur the po: tmarter. Some of the Yuma Indians have met the inquiry as to whether they are the head of a family with the statement that they had three -families apiece and want as many allotments of land. Mr. A. II. Jcwett of the Jewett nurseries. White Salmon, brought on the Regulator a large invoice of fruit trees last night and they are being fur warded to Kpokaoe today by U. P. rail road. From a gentleman of Gilliam county we learn that the loss of stock Las been very light. Mr. Fred Hale recently lost nearly 100 head, caused by the sheep huddling close together, resulting in their being smothered. Wedtieeduy't Dally. An (I 0W'iic wu working at llawardett, A felling ul tri-m in hla (awarueu, A lady cam lilll A ihI aa Hilt mwi1 blrh Said Uladabwe. "J twa; ftut paaanlnn." The Sound shingle trust Is bu'stej. Two more families went to Lyle yes terday. That section is fast filling up. The public examination at the Dees trick Kkdle will take place on next Tuesday evening. The salmon season at Astoria opened with heavy run, the fish boats vari ously securing from eleven to eighty fish. There la now the largest inquiry for dwelling houses that ever was known, and as a consequence houses re scarce. The Oregon Lumbering company are flu min g their sawdust into the Columbia river, which has a tendency to destroy i the saltiMui and other flub therein. Poaches and cherry trees are begin ning to bloom in this vicinity. Besides this Hugh Glenn reports that he lias had outdoor-grown lettuce and radishes for two weeks. Hon. W. R. Ellis and daughter of Ueppner is in the city. The young lady will be placed in St. Mary's. Academy t this place. Mr. Ellis made The Ciimonui.i a pleasant call. The council, at the earliest instance, should abate the nuisance of that dark, dauk, green frog pond, with its foul odors and pestilential atmosphere, east , of Chas. Cooper's residence. A shtpmentof bones, which have been bleaching under the summer suns and the winter snows in an old slaughter yard near here, were sent this morning to a San Frauciaco sugar refinery. An exchange recommends phosphorus s a squirrel exterminator. Take car bon biMulphlde, put it in the runway of the squirrels and stop up the holes, and the gas that is generated is fatal to the pests. Astoria's moral wave has resulted in the arrest of twenty-six keepers of bawdy houses, which will take two weeks to dispose of in the courts. The nloons wore all ordered to be closed on Sunday. It Is beginning to be understood that antiJotmg a railroad calamity is loss dangerous than precipitating it. While the prosjiect ot getting a big pile of wealth is not quite so bright, the pros pect of escaping the gallows is charm ingly luminous. Star. Mr. T. A. Hudson, secretary of the Dalles Milliary Road Co., Is In receipt of a letter from Col. J. K. Kelly, president of the company which says: "I have sent the mandate, of the supreme court In the cae of the Dalles Military Road Co. to A. I.. Frazer of Portland, and directed him to file It with the U. S. circuit court, and tho rase has been for ever settled, this you can assure every one who inquires about It." A Spokane manager has tanned an order that ladies must remove their hats on entering the opera house. It would be a safe wager to bet two to one that that manager will be compelled to either rescind the order or resign his position, says an exchange. Perhaps so. Every cause must have a martyr. But Tnx Chuonicii predicts that within a few years it will be bad form for ladies to wear hats In churches or any other pub lic resort. Ttmraday'a Dally. MR10C8. Slit irownKl on him and railed him Mr., JtotiM In fun he'd merely kr.. And thru In aplto. Til following U11C, Thla uauKlity Mr. kr. Hr. Wm. iloeba committed suicide by hanging In Astoria. The Ep worth league will have a busi ness meeting tonight. Business must be picking up lately nowadays from appearances, as a new eipress wagon is on the streets today. Prof. L. S. Davis, who contributes archadoglcal articles to The Chroniclk, is member of the Boston Academy of Arts and Sciences, having been admitted in 1SS0. Three large stones, probably sondstone, passed through on a morning freight for Portland, wh'ch will lie used on the Chamber of Commerce building. Ira Ward of Waplnitia, was kicked in the face by a horse a day or two ago, knocking out eight teeth. Mr. Ward a young man w ho was working for 8. E. Ferris, and the distressing accident will be deplored by all his acquaintances. The fearful storm in the east resulted in the Ion of hundreds of lives, and the wires are kept busy today telling of cas nalties in outlying precincts. Oregon is out of the cyclone belt, an advantage nhich cannot be too highly appreciated For ten years there has been an al most steady decline in the production of Columbia canned salmon. But it is gratifying to state that the quality has uot so deteriorated and "the Royal Chi nook'" stands far ahead of all competi tors in excellence of flavor. The Union Whist Club met last even ing and Mr. and Mrs. Lochhead were the host and hostess. Mr. Lord carried off the first honor and Mrs. 11. M. Beall the second. There will be two more meetings of this club, the last to be at tended with a grand banquet and danc ing. John Thompson, who was sentenced to fifteen years from Wasco county for manslaughter at Antelope, was pardoned by Gov. Pennoyer yesterday. He has served six years. Other pardons were John W. Bare, Morrow county, Moses lied ford and Lou Bailey, Umatilla county. for the Warld'a Fair. Two cars of world's fair exhibits passed through The Dalles this morning en route for Chicago. A strip of muslin a yard wide and thirty feet long desig nates their contents. On the first is marked: "Oregon World's Fair Exhi bitAgricultural "Department." This is box car and the contents could not be observed. The second was a flat oar, labeled like the former, substituting for "agricultural," the words "Forestry Department." The exhibit will be very handsome. All varieties of the various woods of Oregon, so far as known, are represented, besides the different kinds of shrubbery, and plants in boxes, among which is our state flower, the ilex-leaved inahonia. At one end of the car there Is a sec tion of sugar pine 9 feet in diameter, and on the other a section of fir 0 feet in di ameter, which looks like It was cut about 15 feet from the ground. There is a section of Norway pine 5 feet in diam eter, and sectlous of cedar, spruce, black, white and yellow pine, tamarack, hem lock, and oak, maple, ash, alder, in fact all kinds of trees that grow in Oregon. There is one plauk of spruce 3 Inches thick, 10 feet long and 3,Si' feet wide without a knot or gnarl in it. A good deal of fine lumber is in cases, and some lumber which Is four feet wide which la boxed. If the contents of the car which could not be seen were as good as that in view, the eleventh hour exhibit of Oregon will lie very creditable. Hear Cads. Some Indians came in town this morn ing with two bear cubs, which they were leading around to the unbounded amuse ment of the small boys, to say nothing of the big boys. They were later bought by Mr. Brouson for 5. The cubs are females, ad have not yet been quite weaned, refusing food dear to the taste of an adult bear, with unappreciated dignity, but they will drink all the milk offered them. They have not mingled in civilisation very long, and are (lis posed to be retiring as yet. MOSIER MUSINGS. There 1 a yomig man In tbl town, 1 hoae tiaiiie inliflit he Hmlih or be Brown. Hi woikii curly mid In!', I' mm tli around the Muinpa (eke. Vi hfrn hi fruit tfruttft Ine II acitl right down. The Rowson railroad brliln gang are quartered here. Tho fruit buds are a swellin', and the garden truck la up. . Four carload of wood were shipped out of hero lust week. S. E. Fibber is putting out quite a number of fruit trees this spring. The brown hacklefly and the angler are after the troutlings these times. Quite a number of Italian prune trees will be planted by I). A. Kturgess this week. Mrs. Belle Watt has returned from Wyeth, and will remain home for a while. Mrs. A. Prather was at The Dalles Thursday to have the inevitable H err in photograph her little ones. Mrs. Batchelor and daughters, who have been on their place on Rock Creek for some time past, have returned to The Dalles. The Hunter Bros, have purchased two new Bufford Clipper plows, and will turn over the soil at a lively rate for a time. Will you come, brother? Road Su pervisor Reno is among us. Those who haven't good excuses must get hustle on their thinkers. K'en before this epistle reaches you it may be too late, However, those who get out of working the roads tnuet forever after cease to kick. A. M. Creed and family have returned from Hood River, where they have been wintering. Mr. Creed is here to attend to his strawberry farm on Moier creek from which he expects large returns. Agent Powers has the entire series of fractional currency from the 3-cent note up. He is also in possession of some rare gold coins, among them a (3 gold piece. He has been years making the collection, and prizes it highly, as well he might. Man born of woman is of few days, but full a plenty. He goeth out to grub in the morning; in tho evening he seeth not what is done. E. Handlen is going to get a stum p-pnlling machine, which will greatly exjiedlte the clearing of 4and in this locality. "It is human to err, but divine to for give." Your correspondent played the first act last week in stating that Eaater services were held here. We were in formed services were to have been held. In fact they would have been if they bad been. No harm done, however, and our informant is a but we'll for give him. Mosier has had a metropolitan air ever since the monkey and the bagpipe visited us Sunday. What we most need, however, is a "put your nickel in the slot" concert for the benefit of those who live farther back, and are not fortunate enough to find monkey in town when they come in to trade. "A log raUing." The phrase in it self awakens enthusiasm in rural circles. Quite a number were present to help F. Zirka raise the logs for his new bouse last week. All worked faithfully amid falling snow and rain and were drenched and cold when evening came. Enthu siasm was chilled to the marrow and all were fully aatinfled when their mission wag accomplished and were ready to go norue' Scb. ConiparatlT Htatrmant of l'rcclpltatlon for SCIghta Vrara. Weatheb Bvkeao Orricc, ) The Dalles, Oa.f Average rainfall for January, Febru ary and March for 18 years, 6.23 inches. The greatest rainfall for any season of January, February and March for 18 years, 12.98, and that was for 1861. The least rainfall for the same period for 18 years, 1.81, and that was for 1889. The average rainfall for September, October, November and Decem.be for 18 years, C.25. The greatest rainfall for like period for 18 years, 10.50, and that was for 1875. The least rainfaU for same period for 18 years, 2.40, and that was for 18 . The average rainfall for the first twelve days of April for 19 years, .24, and the greatest rainfall for same period in 19 years, .82, and that is for April 1893. The years 18H5 and 1891 had the least. The average rainfall for the fall and spring seasons to this date is 12.75. The total deficiency in percipiution for the two seasons from September to April l'.'th is 1.15. Got to Maud It. Gov. Sylvester Pennoyer was asked by the Long Creek Eagle reporter what he thought of an extra session to remedy tho defects of the new assessment law as regards taxes for schools and cities for the coming year. He said innxmucb as it had become a law in an ordinary forty-day session, that the people nuixt stand It, as one sewion of Oregon's solons every two years he considered sufficient for tho taxpayers to pay for. Ill rt hilar Tarty. The 12th birthday of Katie Brog;in was pleasantly celebrated Sunday by an afternoon tea at the rcHidence of John Brogun at tthicli were many of her friends. These were Katie, Maggie, Lizzie, Annie, and Delia Brogan, Lena Liebc. Valesca Lielie, Rosemary Kalil win, Mnry Mclnerny, Emil O'Brien, Sadie White, Lin.ie Bonn, May Maloney and Annie Chrienian. THE WORLD'S CHANGES. Hcaatlful Vallcya s'arancd from tur mar Dvaolatlon. Written tor Tho ( hronlcle. About forty miles west of Canyon City and sixty miles from the head of the John Day valley, the course of that river turn quito abruptly toward the north and make Its ?y through a deep ami rugged gorge, which has been cut out through the mountain ridge by ages of constant erosion to a depth of several hundred feet. This gorgo is tho head of the great canyon of the John Day river, which continues with few exceptions to tho Columbia river. These exceptions are but the widening out of tho canyon, and In some places form beautiful baslu like valleys, where farms are made, and which have been made very productive by the decomposition of the baeallic rock and by washings from the mount ain valleys above. These little valleys extend, at Intervals of a few miles, for about one hundred miles along the river's course, and in these are found the older fossil beds of that region. But that portion of the river above this can yon runs through tho John Day valley, a fine, fertile region consisting of a strip of land forty miles lonz and about one mile wide, to a short distance above Canyon City, where it widens out Into a valley twenty miles long and ten in width. This is known as the upper valley, and In it is situated Prairie City, once a very prosperous mining town, on Dixie creek. The whole of this upper John Day region represent tho more recent fossil formation, which has been designated as the Loup Fork group of this country, taking this name from being first found on the Loup Fork of the Niobrara river in Nebraska, where the same fossils are found. These bed are most numerous at the lower end of the valley, where the river disappears into the great canyon The Loup Fork and John Day beds are separated here by lees than a mile. As the canyon widens out Into a basin-like valley, that part of It below is the one in which are found the beds containing the older fossils. One may stand on the high ridge between the two formations here and a beautiful scene is presented to view. At his feet he has the river tearing through this mighty gorge, while on one hand is the great cemetery of the strange inhabitants that once lived in this river, and on the other lies another place of sepulchcr of the queer types of a more recent life, but not less strange. It is all open to us there, as a great book, written by the hand of time and preserved here for us to read. In this upper or Loup Fork group of beds are found the remains of animals more like those of the present age. During this period herds of camels wan dered through the plains. Bison are also found, rhinoceros, elephants, the great mastodon, and almighty lion roared in the jungles here. I found the bones of a fore-arm of one of these which Prof. Marsh told me was larger than the greatest African lion of today. Marry cats of various species prowled about; also dogs, and hog of many species inhabited this pliocine region. Here is whese is found the little horse, no larger than sheep. This animal was like our present horse, save that he had three toes on each foot, which has been many times proven by the abun dant remains found in various localities. The first specimen of this animal ever found in America, was quarried from these John Day rocks many years since by myself and irjven to Prof. Condon, then residing in The Dalles. During a visit of Prof. Huxley, the great evolu tionist to this country, he used this little specimen to illustrate one of his famous lectures in New York city. Through an unfortunate circumstance, Prof. Condon lost this specimen and I think it is now in the Peabody museum at Yale college. This specimen con sisted of the front part of a well pre served jaw with the teeth complete; a queer, and pretty little horse he must have been, roaming w ith bis mates over the old pliocine hills and lounging in the shade of the luxuriant trees, which grew lu this country then, as is well at tested by the many line sieclmens of them found In the chalk-like beds of that region. Beautiful impressions of the leaves are found of maple, willow, alder, oak, magnolia and many others, also of rushes and luxuriant ferns. The animal remains are found here in a soft clay rock, and in" the gravel beds overlying it. On top of this upper layer of gravel is a layer of rock composed of volcanic ashes of an average thickness of about 40 feet. This great rim rock of ashes extends over a vast region. In places one can see large plateaus of it standing out for miles. On closer In spection it is found to rest upon these old gravel beds. There can be little doubt that this rock was formed by vol canic ashes fulling into the ancient lake, as that portion of it resting upon the gravel la Ailed with the pebbles. All these records have been well kept, writteu in thena olden rocks for us to read, and to wonder at tho mysterious and awful power that left them here. L. S. D. Fcr West Point. The competitive examination for the West Point cadetship will oegiu at iu o'clock May 3d at tho Court house, and continue tint;! completed, mere are I,..- aii contestants, but others may an ply until time of meeting. The only requirements are that the applicant must be resident In the district and furnish suitable evidence of good moral character. Dr. Hugh 1iusn, Attorney II. . iUoii ami Prof. Troy Shelley couimxh! the board of examiner to de termine who will bo recommended for the cadetship, tho one standing second in merit being the alternate. The one winning the contest must rcirt at West Point by the 13th of June. IV ho la to lllamcf Eniikbsbv, April 11, 1H1C5. Mk. Editor We would like to know what Is the matter with tho mail facili ties from The Dalles to Endersby. Tu Ciuto.nici.a comes here on a go-as-you-please gait, which is quite exasperating. One would supioso you only printed one single paper a day. I interviewed the postmaster at F'ndersby about the mat ter. Ho informed me that was the way the weekly Chbonicli came here one paper on Friday or Saturday, some more on Monday, and the balance through the week. We would liko to know why you can t send them all on the same day. Hhow me the man artii away with my mall, i'ontinanU-r lllmu'll will -t on 111 trail. II lilt mla ri n t tuy bt hlin and pit up hli ball 1 he poor ugly d 1 will so to the jail. Onr oy Youb Mamy Reapers. This is the first public complaint out of many private ones from subscribers of The Ciiboniclk who do not get their paper. It cannot be the fault of the printing office, for they are all securely wrapped in one package, and are sup posed not to be opened till they reach Endersby. Ed. MAKItlltll. This afternoon, April 12th, at the resi dence of the liriile's parents, on fourth street, by Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Congregational church. Lewis V. Ainsworth and Miss Margaret Rowland, ootn ot this city. The couple will depart on the after noon train for Portland and other points and will be absent about ten days. The young couple who have thus auspiciously started on life's journey as man and wife are both well known and popular. Mr. Ainsworth is teller of French A Co.'s bank, which position Le has held with credit to himself and the firm for about four years, and Miss Rowland is one of our most estimable young ladies. Their host of friends wish them happiness and long life. Tli Eucimproent The first contingent of G. A. R. men passed through today from Portland and McMinnville, numbering about 80 men, under command of Commander Gardi ner. The greater number will pass through tonight on No. 2. The Dalles is represented by Com mander J. M. Patterson and Comrades A. R. Johnson and J. R. Warner. Mrs. Patterson also went, representing the Women's Relief Corps. Pendleton is gaily decorated with flags, evergreens and flowers to welcome the veterans, who will no doubt receive handsome treatment at their hands. A Wsstera I'lttabnrgh. In Tacoma a scouring mill company has just been organized. There is no reason in the world why The Dalles should not have one, several, in fact, since this is one of the great wool mar kets of the Northwest and enjoying every advantage for the furtherance of the work. The Dalles is destined to be a great manufacturing center, owing to its commanding location, and bordering upon a river capable of furnishing un limited water power. The only ques tion is as to who will avail themselves of these advantages and lay tho founda tions for large fortunes by industries to be perpetuated for generations. Btreet Imiroemnt. Street Commissioner Staniels is mak ing good streets out of bad ones as far as one man is able. On Ninth and Pent- land there has existed all winter a bad mud-holo followed by a rocky ledge. This ledge he has clipped off and filled up the hole to a level ilh the road. He is working today on a cross walk on Eleventh street, cornering on Liberty. Winter's Laat Vigorous Kick. P. T. Knowles of Wallace called on us yesterday. He reports that flower are plentiful out-doors, as well as radishes, lettuce, onions and the like. The only real trouble is the lie given to the joy ous springtime by a fresh fall of four in ches of snow which has settled beauti fully over all, and still coming down when he left. Literary ltevrratlon. The Literary club met with Miss Brooks last evening and the subject of Burns and his works was continued, but not to any great extent, for the club concluded that us it was Miss If enrich sen's last evening with them, they had better take for the principal quotation "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," and spend the time accord ingly. They were favored with several choice musical selections and after re freshments werej served Miss llenrich sen bade them "put on their sweetest smile" and took a flashlight photo, of the club and the gentlemen friends who were visiting them. Present, Misses Clara, Etta and Auburn Ptory, Miss Brooks, Miss Henrichsen, Misses Ursula, Ixjuiso and Nona Ruch, Mis Newman, Miss Ruth Cooper, Misse Rose and Annette Michel), Messrs. Jameson, Garretson, Patterson, Collins, Burch storf, Cruui. 4'rook rantjr Mots. I'rlnevlllu NVwi. ' Fred Smith was down from his l'eavcr vreek iofiessioiis this week. Ho got hid band through the w inter with a loss of only seven head. Tho lambing season is now in progress on many of our sheep ranges, and tho weather is not overly propitious there for. Souif of our Eastern Oregon ex changes estimuto the Increase in the flocks of their neighbors at 90 por cent. This 1h premature ; tho timo to estimate such increase is when the tail-) are counted. Mr. Newman was down from his ranch neur Post yesterday. Price has returned with a band of their sheep which was wintered on Wolf creek, and the lamb ing season is now nnder way. Their sheep are in good condition, and not withstanding the unfavorable weather and the short grass, they hope to raise good per cent. KSK Tor Hatching. High grado Rose Comb Brown Leg horn egu from gi vied Rose Comb hens and pure bred males, l'rice 50 cents fer setting of thirteen. Address E. M. larriman, Endersbv.Or. COPPER RIVETED Clothing Manufactured by LEVI STRAUSS & C0.J San Francisco, Calif. f , . I Every Garment f Guaranteed. l FOR SALE BY ;l PEASE & MAYS- THE DALLES, OREGON. ) TfieCoiumDia FaGRing Co.; PACKERS OF Pork and Beef manckactcrersof I Fine Lard and Sausage i? Curers of Jf BRAND Dried Beef; Etc. i; Masonic Building, The Dalles. O DIAMOND - ROLLER - MLL: A. H. CURTIS, Prop. I Flour of the BestQual ity Always on Hand. THE DALLES. OREGON SIHJIOV", In the Circuit Court 'of the stme of Orcpon ' the Omiity ol hm. Iiwrtnr LniiK, Krtwnnt Ijiiib. Max ljinir and f Iwiuk. luirtiicra ilniiifc buttH'tii niuli-r tin fin: , name ol Uin( ,k Co., I'lninti IVh, yk. A. J. , Wall, Dt'ltMKlunt. To A. J. Wall, the atnyvt-namtil drfntdaut: (t In the nume of the fctotu of Orejrmi, yon t hereby riHiiire1 to Hi'H-ttr anil nui-wor the d. ilnfnt rlltxi HKHlimt ymi In the above-emu M'tlon, on nr beforetlit tlr-t lity ol the next n !nr form of this court m'ti-r coiiiftU'lion of Mrvii'e of tliU miniiiioim iioii you: Htiil If ; lull no to answer, for want thereof, the ilaii' wtl take Judgment airttiiist you for the tuir l.'.'K.M and tiiter.t thereon at the rule of ei (Kir cent. n?r annum from May l-i, 1k2, and urther muiii id :U.'J5 and IntereM thrreoi eight ier cent, per annum Irom July tf, 1 and for their corta and dii.LiunH.'iiienta hen in Thin HUininona la Nerved iin you y nuhl Mmi thereof hy order of the lion. W. L. In ahiiw. Iuile of said Circuit Court, mini. chamber In Iiiillw Cltr on November 4, l.v.t 1 MA YH, II IM I Mi I i i.n t ii.fi'.; U 31 Atttorticya fur I'laiiih.' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umn, The Hulk. Or., Mar. 2.1. 1 Notice la hereby given that the follow -mimed aettler haa filed notice of hl InUiitu. nuke llnal proof in uprt of hia claim, that aald prool will lie nui.le before the Kc and Receiver at The I'allea, Or., ou balm , May 13, 1KIM, vix: f. Jainea K. McC'lura, .'' Pre einptlon Iieelumtorv Wlntenient No. 7i--' tho N, NK'i, mid N1, NW'i ol See. 0, Tp. K. 1.1 K. . ' Ua iiaiiiea the follmvliiK wltneaaoa to I bla eontliiuoiia residence upon and cIUn .', of aaid land, vu: , Irworire Uoidon, L. M. Wondde, I). E. II; and M. Delore, all "f Wiiplnltja. or. .lOUN W. l.KWIS, Klfflat : ADM I N1ST R ATOlVd NOTICt ; Notice ! hereby ntven (that the linden haa been appointed adiniulidrator of thee of Jannle Malhi k, late ol S aio cuunty, On now deceaaed. J: All peraoua having claima agaliiat said i are hereby rciiulred to preaenl the aine,i Terlrted, to n c at the etlire of Hufur v Met In Chapman Block, lwllea City, Orciron, w all niontha from the date of thla notice. , Il .tMt at Halloa City, April , 1W'. , , , ' HOHKHT K. WIU.IAM Administrator tit the eetaw ol Juui Ma- deceaaed. i ;n ;i EIjpisi