THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1893. KtMtrle Bismarck celebrated hi 78th hirthday Saturday. Six persons were burned to death by the destruction of the Iliguins hotel, Bradford, Pit. The lieautiful residence of Joseph Jef ferson at Buzzards bay has been de stroyed by tire. There are stirring times in Brttzil. Both the revolutionists and the jjovern- inent are increasing their forces. A miner's lump caued an explosion in the Niclron shaft, operated by 1-ang-don &. Co., Shamokin, Pa., Saturday morning. Forty were suffocated, the bodies of ten of whom were recovered. It develops that the Russian extradi tion treaty, about which there has been so much talk, and to which so much op position has been manifested, was or iginally negotiated by Secretary Bayard and the Russian minister at Washing ton, and sent to the senate by President "' Cleveland himself, nearly seven years ago. Word has reached here of a frightful accident on the Canadian Pacific, which occurred Thursday a fewniiles east of Harrison, Manitoba. It resulted in the loss of four lives. The particulars are meager, but reports says the engine jumped the trai'k while on a dizzy height overlooking the Fraser river and went down a steep embankment. The Ckalm A gala ta HI. rtrakr(. St. PmciiSBi aii, March 30. Cholera has again appeared in this city. It is known fatal cases are of dailv occur rence. It is thought the authorities will not resume the policy of last year of tuakinga regular daily announcement of new cases and deaths. All news is suppressed. There are disquieting ru mors as to the situation in the interior, j Sanitary stations in the Volga provinces, where the disease created great ravages lust year, have been reopened. Special steamers with sanitary officers cruise the Volga to pick up cholera patients. It is believed the government has grave secret information. Tha Brhrlac Dl.puto. Washington, March 30. The cast's and counter-cases of the United States and dreat Britain, under the treaty to arbitrate the Behriug sea difficulties between tie two countries, were simul taneously sent to the United Senate to day and to the house of parliament in London. Briefly stated, tiie case of the United States is that all ttie rights of Russia in respect to the seal fisheries in Behring sea, as to the water boundary established by the treaty of March 30, 1867, between that nation and the United States, and all power and au thority possessed and asserted by Rus sia to protect said rights, passed unim paired to the United States under that Ssw York, March 31. Willard II. I-ardrldge, son of "Plunger" Tardridge, of the board of trade, and who is only 19 years of age, was secretly married to Miss Charlotte Itudd, by the Rev. A. J. Canfield, Wednesday night. Wheu Mr. Pardridge was informed yesterdav morning of his son's unexpected mar riage he was dazed at first, but after thinking the matter over decided to grant his blessing and say nothing. The bride resided in a cottage near the Par dridge mansion. Though her parents are not wealthy, she is as accomplished as she is'bcautiful. The plunger called on his daughter-in-law later in the day and warmly welcomed her as a uiemlier j of his family. Mrs. Pardridge, mother of the young man. is now spending a month at Pasadena, Cal., where the young couple will spend their honeymoon. --1-12-1- uMuirrJ'cn nich, taken at it. , leads on a f,i-tu " -o. . .. : . .... ' ' The poet unquestionably had reference to tha ELECTRIC FLASHES. treaty; that the I nited States has such engineer and fireman jumped into aproperty and interest in the Alaskan seal herd as to justify the employment deep gorge, but nothing further was seen of them NEWSPAPER NEWS. The circulation of the Tocsin, a Lon don anarchist newspaper, has been pro hibited in t ranee. Tue Lexington (Ma) News runs a dl oreo department under the head of "Vital Statistics." Ttie Sioux Indians have a newspaper published at -Madison, S. D., called the Anpokin. Its motto is from Luke i. 79: "Wankantonhan Anpoakin Hiyoun- hipi. A Paris newspaper offers prizes for the best designs for a new issue of French postage stamps. The present stamps, issued in 1875. have always Deen subjected to much harsh criticism. lira nails (iia.) weefciv announces the following as its subscription rates: "One year, two bushels 'taters: six months, two gallons sorghum; three months, one quart sweet math invar iably in advance." A xzwsrAi'ER for the blind, the Week ly Summarv, printed in Bruilie type, and published in London, has just passed its thirty-fourth number. It has a considerable circulation, its success being evidenced by a recent enlarge ment of the paper. No WOMAS respects a man that she can rule without diplomacy. It is poor policy to do all you intend to for a person on the first application. Labge salaries are apt to make men fancy that their size is increased in proportion. . TnE man who does as he pleases ought not to complain if the rest of mankind acts as it chooses. Dr. tiiH'i Onloa Syrup. lhis remedy is a sure cure for all dis eases of the throat and lungs, caused by taking cold. It will stop a coueh in one nigni. no matter how severe. It is just what its name implies; an onion rvrun, compounded in such manner as to do away with the unpleasant taste and odor of tne vegetable. When in need of a enre for a cough or a cold, try it. Price ou cts. bold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. "What did you think of those two tories I told at the dinner the other rtitfht?" "Well," replied the candid friend, "each was admirable in a way. One was good and the other was new." Washington (Star. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and 1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. "Did you ever get book the umbrella you lent Brasher?" "Yes." "How?" "I borrowed it again." "From Brash er?" "So; from the man he lent it to." Washington Star. Spring Medicine. I)r. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills, on account of tlieir mild action, are es pecially adapted for correcting spring disorders, such as impure blood, tired brain and aching and worn out bodv. They act promptly on the liver and kid neys; drive out ail impurities from the blood, and malaria from the svstem. Only one piil for a dose. Try them this eprine. Bold at 2d cts. a box bv lilake- iey Sc Houghton. by that nation upon the high seas of such means as are responsibly necessary to prevent the destruction of such herd, and to secure the possession and tene fit of the same to the United States, and that all acts and proceedings of the United States, done and had for the pur pose of protecting such property nnd interest, were jusutiauie and stand jus' uned, and that compensation should be made to the United States br Great Britain by the ayment of the amonn of losses to the United States, or such other sum as may be deemed to be just The case of Great Britain, on the other hand, is that Behring sea is an open sea, in winch all nations have right to fish. It is asserted that Great Britain has throughout been fuvorablv disposed to the adoption of general measures for the control of the fur seal fisheries, should these be found to tie necessary and desirable with a view to the protection of fur seals, provided that such measures be equitable and framed on just grounds of common interest, and the adhesion of other powers 1 secured a guarantee of their continued and nfpartial execution. Both parties file claims for dimiairvs the United States for losses to its reve- ue and on account of losses to the Alas kan Commercial Company, because of the reduced number of skins . taken, owing to the diminution of the herd by the pelagic sealing of British vessels, and Great Britain on account of Iosm-s to owners of vessels by the United States Chicago is preparing to put ou severs hundred policemen for the world's fai year. Tbe French steamer La Normanda has arrived and rejiorts that four days ago she spoke the steamer Ilekla, of the Thingvalla line, disabled in mid-ocean She had made temporary repairs to her disabled machinery and was steaming on her course at the rate of eight miles per hour. The vessel has about 800 pas seugers, of whom tkW are in the cabin. me tug .Murcotta went ashore on Cumberland beach, near Savannah, Ga.. yesterday afternoon in a heavy storm. The crew succeeded in reaching the beach after a terrible struggle with the waves, except Stewurt Brown, who was drowned. A big steal among engineers and fire men of the Missouri Pacific railroad wus brought to light in Sedalia, Mo., result ing in the discharge of a time-keeper, nine engineers and six firemen, with the probability of many others being im plicated. The trainmen in collusion with the timckeeer drew checks for time not put in by them. The com pany e loss will go into the thousonds and extends over a period of 10 months. No names are given. My wife was con lined to her bed for over two months with a verv severe at tack ot rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford hi r any re lief, and as a last resort gave Chain lr- lain's Pain Balm a trial. To our great BU!jrise sue oegun 10 improve alter the first application, and by using it regu arly she was soon able to get up an attend to her house work. E. II. John son, of C. J. Knutson A Co., Kensington Minn. 50 cent bottles for f ale bv Blake ey & Houghton. TJu comiw can be healthy. She will be, if she's wisely cared for. As she enters womanhoed, Dr. ! Pierce's Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system and regulates and pro motes the lunctions. Its ; supporting tonic, and a quiet ing, strengthening nervine. It corrects and cures all those delicate derangements and weaknesses peculiar to the sex. In every case for which it's recommended, the " Favor ite Prescription " is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If there's no help, there's no nav. It does all that's claimed for it, r the money is refunded. It's a risky wav to sell it but it isn't your risk. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At Ink! B niMltrtil M-urk ,!,. ...II. .1 . rtewrtlHH the t'ttwta, iMMIlta the v lhii la arlciitJttrally the in.-t vuhmtil,,, artl.tlralty . J1VT' '""''', mnlH-al iM-.k Umt li..!,,, !""?.. tnt,y'- i"K. every mwc hiring a liairtmw (flti.tratmn tu tlntn. H-mir i.t the .lib- u!" 1iAr""'.,d Nwvillis IK-Iillltv. ltm.nll.lM-v, Htorllity, Iieveliipmint.Varlnireta, Tin- II u.lmnd lh-iM.f inti'iHiiiuc Miim,.Ki etc. ,J77 "" "" drnnd TnttJu. ihr l-Uim Ihr IM Srrrrtn anil . etn a Mnlval Srtrmrr as il,.;,Oe( bi .V.trtW tmld atnm or put f.Min. ami al Julnrr TLK h(!o'K'''trat0r 'C UT It will lm wnt free, under Mvl. while tlnu lt. If niliveiilent. 111-1..U. I.... ... wy KMtaire aliine. AiiUrvM the Milihuliers. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. ninrfi'iifv nn Pll C - ulfiUMJII M III m- at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, r-f!l:n- i III! 1 Roods out at greatly-reduced r MUCK, . . U.NIO.V ST. j PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLAS And the Most Complete and the I-atcst Patterns and Pnsigm uj Ft. i Practical Tainter anl Batier llanirnra. Knna l.m ).- . i . f Sherwin-Williams and J. YV. Mamiry's paints used in all .,Ur work aul. "'H the most skilled workmen emuloved chemical combination or soati miitnre orders promptly attended to. Agents for Masury Liqui.1 IwM j ursi ciass article lu all colon ,1 - 4 Paint Bhoo corner Thirdand Wuhington St., The Dall NOTICE. Mrs. S. A. Orchard, Carpet Weaver, Offer her wrvli-.n to nil ho lh rart-etn woven Ht lior Inline liu l,liirl. timr u, hriHiimu . fjlu -ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATIB AND ICE CBEAM at whnlasitl jaotatloi. Candies andjluts iSpecialties Finest Peanut Roastr In Th Dalle NAKcr Phu-ups, a North Carolina woman. Hi years of age, has a loom in her house on which, to keep herself warm during the recent cold upell, bhe wove fifteen yards of cloth. A Mar Car fur Pile. Itching piles known by moisture like perspiration, causing Intense itching when warm. This form as well as blind. bleeding or protrnding. yield at once to Dr. Pxisanko's pile remedy, which acts oire tiy on parts aHectd, alworbe tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent care. 50 cts. linguists or mail. Cir rnlars free. Dr. Boeanko, 32 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. bold by Blakeley & Houghton. wiy. r.Bfa fur Hatching. High grade Kose Comb P.rown Leg horn etrs from graded Kose Comb hens and pure bred males. Price 60 cents rr setting of thirteen. Address E. M. llurriii aii, ndershy, Or. From now nntll April 8th, cabinet photos $2.h0 per dozen at Flowerdav's g.illerv, a. -ond door from Times Moiin Ininwr office on Gonrt street. 8atis factory work gnaranteed. Tha Kuah Cuntlnaca. M'aaiHKGTOM, March 30. There were oo signs of a letting op in the rush of office-seekers at the white house today. They came early and stayed late, and some would have stayed all night if the opportunity had presented. But, Mr. President, what are von going to do with the slates congressional delegates are fixing up for the distribu tion of local patronage?" "I am going to smash them." This is the question reported to have been put to the president by a congress man and the reply of the president. To make the matter a little clearer, the congressman learned that while the agreement of a delegation upon local officers may have weight the president will not be bound by it. So plain ban this policy of the president become that the Alabama delegation has decided to abandon its slate, before agreed upon. This lead will be followed by other dele gations, with the result probably that tlie contest for office will become a free- for-all race and each candidate will run on Ms merits. This will probably be satisfactory to many congressmen, for it will relieve them of considerable respon sibility. Judge Iradj'a Baoeaaaor. V ahiiinoto, March 29. President Cleveland discussed w ith some Oregon democrats today the appointment of a district judge to succeed the late Judge I)eady. The impression prevails here among those who claim to know that L. L. McArthur will be appointed in a few days. Tha Trip of tha Portland Girl. Pt Wis, March 29. Miss Edith Day, who is circling the country against Miss Doolittle, reached here this evening from Washington, leaving later on the Iron Mountain for tbe city of Mexico, where she expects to meet Miss Doolittle Monday. Killed by Aaalaneha. -ii-Ti, .ev., niarcu si. Acwi in re ceived from Kingston canyon that Thomas Graves, his wife and three children have leen killed by a snow slide in Crooked canyon, 20 miles south of Austin. George Schmidt, who went to Graves' place, found that a slide bad occurred, and on investigation, discov ..-.,,i . . . i , " pari oi me u raven cuinu was gone. He found Graves' head protrud ing from the snow where the cabin had stood, and thinks the others are probi hly buried in the cabin also. He imme diately proceeded to Kingston, and with others returned to hunt fur tl, l-ui;. of the wife and the children. Graves had been working a mine all winter there. Shiloh's cure, the Great Counh and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kln- erei. , i ocKet size contains twenty-five aoses, only Sic. Children love it. hold by Snipes & Kinerslv. Deaervlng Praia. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Halve and KWtri fi;n. .-j have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have eiven sm-h nninwi satisfaction. We do not heaitnto guarantee them every time, as we stand ready to refund the purchase price, If satisfactory results do not follow their use. Tliere remedies have wnn tkui. I JrB popularity purelv on their merits, j Hmpes & Kinersly's druggists. I Subscribe for Th Daily Cnaomci.r.. set C0cta.,ana X00 par Bonis. fCmKhy Hm.i,i, JiHoat. -"" ""mipuy: reVcT.-a WI.,pin,ooli and A.tnmu. J.' r loin (t hliJI(, rival; ba ourod thouaan,!. wlKnuii Su." ''"r': ""curb tod If token in time, hold lr Omnriata on a Tnnmnr-n. Kin- tru, itock CATARRH REMEDY For aalo by Bnlpoa Klneraly. QHILOH Hut vim t Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, uame Back, &c f ft'tl M'ht'at, " Oats, " Corn, " Kye, " .rotatH8, fJarden Sotls, Grass " Seds in Iulk. SStreetJ.FOLCO rirtit .i.le . oharr a rmtaurant. The Dalies Gigar : Factory fikst stheet;. FACTORY NO. 105. pTrj. I)Col the Pest Brands KJJl VJ illlkj manufactured ami orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. A. A. Bnowr iiaaia a full aaanrtnuul ol I Staple and Fancy Grout and Provision. nlrta b offer at Low r If una SPECIAL x PRIC to Cash Buyers. HiibEst Cash Prices for lw otter Preitee. 170 SECOND STREET W. E. GARRETSON Jewel; Leading !. AQMT rR Till -AT- J. H. CROSS' Hay, Grain and Feed More. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BAKKINU BUHlNKHe The renuution of THE DAM.KS n. QAK has tweome firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. he tMcht Exchange and TelesTai.hip Transfers sold on few York, Chicago, Ht. I Ixiuis, Han Erancisco, Portland Orejron, MmLiie n asn., anu various points in (r- etfon and Waahinirton. tx)lle-tions made at all points on fav. ranie terms. n. KcrfKsra, Pnmlrtwiil. H. M. Haau Caauier. First National Bank. HE DALLES, - - - OREGON A (ieneral Hanking liusiness transacted i'epotfits received, stiliject to hight Lraft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly rriniiieu on uay 01 collection. iirht and Teietrraphic Exchange sold on .iew i ora, an r rancisco and Portland. Campbell Bros. Proprs cactOaori lo f . s. eras.) M anutactnrara of tha It neat rraueti and Utiroa Mada CAKDIES 9 Eaat of Portland. PEALER8 IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of thaae (uodi at Whoial of lurUill rFf?eSH OYSTERS a Bvary Btrl. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dallea. Or. L Vork. Warrar'jtl All Watch Work Warrart Jewelry Made to Or: I IS Baeoad Bt.. Tha Itallaa. Of. The Snug No, W. H. BUTTS. Prop. 00 Second Erect, The Dtlls This aell known Bland, kept k well known W. II. IJutta, lonf s i ut of asco county, uas an extra. uary une Block of In fact, all the leading hraulo j Wines, Li)nors and C'iirars. Uirrj old man a call and you will conic a"' n. U1HHCTUKS. . IHOMPBOK. Jko. K. Kt'HBNCK. M. WILLIAMS, CiKO. A. LlXHI. If. M. IUai.l. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. D5. SAIDEM'J ELEb"fi BELT Wrth leotro-MaKiMrtlo U&PLkmOKV. Winmir. wllhoot amlWIna all nnitin trm avaars awol .,r I,,.,,,. .,,lu.t ,iuu..aa;.iru2 et.HOEH ELECTRIC CoT o, 17 -lrrttrt,-Ott Jl.A.i QUE. YOUR ATTENTION Ii called to the faot that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Piaster, Cement and IliiildiiiK Material of all kinds. Carrln. the Klne.t I.lna of ll ... i:. jtiuiuiiiuuiuings To be foand In the City. 72 Washington Street. President - . Vice-President. Cashier, . Z. F. Moody lln.TOH M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. HKht Kichanttes Kold on NEW YOKK. KAN FKANC1KCO, CfMCAfiO snd PORTLAND, OE. Collections made at all access! hie tioiiits. W. II. YOUNG, I mm & mm shod General Blacksuiilliing and Work done promptly, and all work tiuaranUrmt. the Dalles AND Prineville Stages Lin J.D. PARISH, Prep. Li-avm Thi at 6 a. m. arerf M v . . ..... .. . ,i1nv.,ilv in .Kiriy.pij . I'rliiavllle at . m. rvcrr r ,Kl " Tlia lallea In tlilrfjf .11 birara, Carries (he U. S. Mail, rasstngtri ani Cumianta at I'rine-IIUi wlta- Stagei from Eastern and Souths egon, florthern CalifornisaB' all Interior Points. Aim makna sliiMernnHtlfin at The " train, from furtlaiid and all eruiwrnr' : Conrirom drivers. .' Gcod accommodaiioni alone tut mi .' rirst-clag coacties ml torsn vA : Eipresi nauer bandied will can. All IM-ranna alnhlna naaaaM mliat Horse Shoeing a Speciality Hurt Street, opp.liclic's old stand, new, ((,, re Ukli.K iuin.t; .ti-r w ', in'ld. Kni.tca niuat b yhlll"" ir Ilia hi, t;. will nut ba ""I"'"""" omi(Miii)f will take no rink on ......... I Ill and all poluta In Ores M. Hl.'hal 'rlulllc. reirmi. and advanra filial" 1 ld hf the 04itity- BTAGE- rriK"' -J ,.111.. lha'l I