The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, April 07, 1893, Image 2

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JeralO. O. Howard, chief ol tbs depart
ment ol the Fast, w bo arrived here yes-
: ia no hi Iwwuoa trip. Oen. .
i era! Howard aava hi visit i to observe ,
Tts Frssifctt Ssiifis to K213 tfiijHktWT,tliliOB 01 tb1A
i u-ucrrow pun iu a,.
EatCfi E E13CIKL
Or(M Frail at Chirac.
I'rvonent inouiries are made at to:
I . .. . . -.1
tec nit Esrii ia AUcttaw,
New ob Trial, aad Promises
Fairly Initial Trip of the
Cruiser Dcuait.
U the Krscue From
Neighboring Cilie The Steel
Ship King Jam Baraed
at Sea.
-,r 1 mimes aeni
nionthe, a ben tbe crops of thia year j
mature, While there ia do positive as-!
arance that thia will be remitted, Mr. j
Mvera desire to say that it ia quite
probable that allotted paces mar be .
j.,.j k iv. ,J Pitthbibc. April 4- A big tire it
old exhibits and'the tubstitution of the raging in Alleghany. It started in liod- j ol 21.000 two year, ago.
new and fresh ones. At least, every el-1 trey v.iara a wareaouse, a .r
; fort mill b made to have thi nrivilece , "tory building. It spread rapidly
Washington officer railed to their ait
ancs Sheriff Conde and hia deputies.
! Conde and F ram-it went to llainea and
called at Wm. McCarty'a residence.
The detective stopped at the pate, and
upon tbe aberilT entering the house 4ie
.a at covered ny vt tnciiexert in wie
! handa of Tom and William. The offi
' ccr waa relieved of hit rifle and a ttep
;ton of William held Conde prisoner
! nntil hia father and nnrle escaped. A
, posse ot tuea were sent out and are in
; hot pursuit. Deputy Kinnison and
I Farley went to McEwan and returned
in the evening with tieorge McO--- !
: and lodged him in jail. The V-i .
j ton officert lielieve Tom McCartv - ...e I
, individual who robbed tbe IVm . . auk '
receiving comfort ia to get tucll
of my emotions that Iran keeptwj
imni rniering my mind. Aa
go by and th Um paa, 1
I wrou- in my la.t latter that Mr r 'S
had only auc.wled in aeparatin, V
and me for matter of lime, and u
till hava her atlecliuna, but now u,
gone, a natural rw.uli ir-.ui ti
in which Mr. Clark'aartionaanJ j-.
j liave placed u. I went out to a..
j thia week for the fir.t iJie ,incf t
cieved her father' eroel letter, a,
Wvathvr Klw tor Marrh.
Eberbardt A Obere ma!thoue. The month cold and generally
Mrm taaManualt.
WisHiNbTos, April S. The president
today ent the following nomination! to
tbe eeuate:
William Fxlmund Curtia, of Sew York,
to be awutant aecretarT ot tbe treaaury. ; nUj .bA it .-j tL. t -n ru of
rice Genio M. Lambertaon, resigned. i iK atta will do their ntinot to make ""'evnk w arehonae. At 3 :30 rreeable. The temperature wai defi,
Charlea S. Hamlin, of Maaaachnaetta. : m dipjaT M w verT crediuble ' these buildinga were entirely dee- j fn,, two to eix degree, and the rain!...
to be assistant aecretary of the treasury, , ... ;jnat v. alone troyed, and the tre ia au'.I tpreading, , w, about normal except at Fortlani. .
in thia way will a tplendid opportunity j fh hijh wind Mowing. The entire ajbere there wan a deficiejjcy of CS rrj
be presented to Oregon, but there it fire department it at work, and I itta- :cent. j
reason to bslieve that a treat market ! l'urS n aked fur help, tiodfrey j The month opened with snow on the I
will be open to ehippera of car lots of , Clark lose tij,CY; EbeHiardt A Ober, , pnnd in northeastern Washington and
L.l.t .1,. v.n1.l t. I :
, - ' girt lb,
alTt-ctinn liiat hail Im'ii n, t. .i ,
last 6va yeara. 1 asked her u
to be
' Vice John H. Gear, resigned.
James H. Reickels, of Illinois.
Comptroller ot currency.
Jamee F. Me'.ine, of the District of
Co un. hia. to I assistant treasnrer of
the I'nited States,
L. ?tobo Farrow, of South Carolina,
to be second auditor of tbe treasury.
John B, F.rawley, of Pennsylvania, to
le auditor of the treasury for the post
clT:ce department.
James J. Vt niie, vi Florida, to t dep
uty fifth auditor of the treasury.
Henry W. Eglor, of New Jersey, to 1
collector of eustums for the district of
JCew Jersey.
Dudley O. Watson, of Michigan, to be
collector of customs for the district of
John Tracer, of New York, to be
superintendent of charities for the Dis
trict cf Columbia, vice A. J. Warner, re
signed. Batokrleaa Pwr.
Washington, April 3. A Virginia
man appears to have made the best
Bmokelesa powder which tbe army has
tested np to date. Th teat was recent! v
ma .e at the Frankfort. Pa., arsenal with
excellent resnlts. and a request was sent
for additional and larger quantities of
the' powder. The composition came
from Leonard Mason, who has not been
tnown as a chemist to ordnance experts.
Another successful sample has been re
ceived from the California Powder com
pany, and the firm ia engaged in devel
oping the powder recently tested with
good results. The failure of congress to
appropriate any money for the equip
ment of the powder Laboratory which
General Flagler desired to establish at
Frankford must necessarily delay the
discovery of a successful powder. The
navy has been a little more fortunate in
this particular, and has a laboratory at
Newport in charge of a chemist who
spends most of Lis time in developing a
smokeless powder, which hat already j
oeen ir.ed w ha resuits tnat exceea in
.merit the best of the smokeless powders
tried abroad. The composition of the
navy powder is kept a secret, and many
of the mi"tary attaches of foreign lega
tions in Washington have besought
Commodore Simpson to furnish them
with his formula.
fruit for tale in Chicago during the sum
mer. More substantial results will be
reached in this way, probably, than by
the exhibits, as the test of flavor and
richness is one that Oregon boasts and
relies upon for the merit of euperiority.
At all events, there are tplendid oppor
tunities open to fruit-growers of Oregon.
3 :40 p.
dwellings. The lumber-yard of Cnpp A tiona dttriug the mouth ; but at the close
olghtley u also on bre, and the tieini , e( tfte month there was no snow on the
in eastern Oregon south and east of the
m. The fire has spread to I. Rio mountains; snow fell in the
pickle works are threatened.
3 :50 p. m. Tbe Hope cotton
ground, except alxmt Baker City, where
there was one inch ; on the higher eleva-
At a fire in the Grand Hotel, Point
Arena, Cal., Gas Greaves and another
! man jumped from a hotel window, and
received injuries from which they died
in a short time.
George Kaltenbach, a German specu
lator in the coffee market, who lives in
Paris has just cleaned up a cool million
by a bull movement in the New York
stork exchange.
Major General O. O. Howard is mak- j
ing a tour of tbe Southern army poets to
see if they have good water and perfect
drainage, in view of tbe possibility of a
cholera invasion thia spring. He is also
inspecting Southern harbors and in
quiring what should be done properly to
fortify them against foreign attack.
It is just made public that William K.
Shaw, an old and respected cashier of
Lincoln National back. Bath, Me., is a
defaulter. A shortage of about 112,000
now aprra in the cash account, and it
is supposed there is upward of 4,000
temporarily covered np by changing
sums to the credit of depositors.
Jamee W. Hamilton, colored ex
preacher and convicted wife-murderer,
was electrocuted in the Sing Sing, N. Y.
prison at 11 o clock vesterdav. The
Cupp A Volghtlej't planing mill, Heinx' j tin,,, mountain rjoitc- d-ep sou
nickle w arehouse are all burning, and
two blocks between camore and Chest
nnt ttreett are abase. The Illinois
leather works, the Globe varnish w orks,
and the factory of Ileinx and Co. w ill
probably go next. The wind is blowing
a gale, and sparks are flying in all direc
tions. People for a dozen blocks around
are busy extinguishing small fires on
the roofs.
covers the ground.
RAKonrrsK- rat! aa.
The month had seven low pressures,
or storm area. Six ol them passed east
ward over British Columbia, the seventh
passed eastward over northern Califor
nia to fkpnver and Omaha.
The mean temperature for tbe month
4:30 p. m. The flames are spreading ' was from two to six degrees before the
to three dwellings on Main street, I p
to this hour the lost it .'50,000 to 1.100,
000. Among the buildings destroyed are :
Eberbardt A Obera warehouse, elevator
and malthouse; the Godfrey and Clark
paper warehouse, Cupp A Volghtley't
planing mill and lumber-yard, 15 dwell
ings and the Hope cotton mill. Tbe
flames are now spreading toward the
river, and 12 large tenement nouses are
threatened. The occupants are moving
out. Engines have been sent from thia
4 :20 p. m. The fire is believed to be
under control. The rumor that a child J
was burned to death is not verified. I
March normal, the greatest deficiency
being at Walla Walla, and the least at
Roseburg. The month was devoid of
any low temperatures of any note; but
had, however, a succession of days w hen
the temperature would be greatly below
the normal. This closes the fourth con
secutive months daring which tbe tem
perature hat been below the normal.
Tbe precipitation has been about tbe
normal, except in the interior va levi of
western Oregon, where it is below the
normal and w here it ia deficient from
one to two and one-half inches. Tbe
precipitation was unusually well dis
tributed, it raining on a greater numlier
of days than it usual.
A WcD-Ibotb Actor Sniciies In Jnrnn
iE2 Off asleep.
T Fill a Pinfo-sional Eocagrmcnl
Killed Himself ia a Fit of
lct.pondi.'nc). j
Nsw Yobs, April 4. It was John W,
. Summers, the weil-known actor, who
i committed suicide b jumping overboard
j from a rcif!- Mail Mian - ip on the
1 passage from Panama to a-. Diego, Cal.,
last week. He wna l r;i i t Kentucky
years agt. He wei.t to S i rranciaco
while a vuutli the i iention of
making a fortune in the grV "ines, but
instead went on the Mage. Mr. Sum
mers soon returned to tl.. " t, and
proving himsrii a clever aclur louud no
difficnltv iu obtaining good posilioni
in tbe best tlieatrical companies. He
was a member of A. M. Talmer't Madi
son Square theater for some time, also
one of the Frohman companies. Four
years ago, being In Chicago with a play
written partly by himself, he became a
ttar. Therompany w at sent to England,
where it met with good siicoesa in the
play, a hich a as termed "A Noble Out- j
cast." Mr. Summers afterward, on hit :
return to this countrv. rhanind the I
name of the plav to "Jerry," the name i crre attacae.1 ty armed a ,
of the part played bv himself. Here he ' or-law-k , prlaney'a friends b f,
met with indifferent soccess, opening at I in, tt,e rrT'e- They foloaed it a
the Windsor in thie city early in the ' flt P th ri'aJ l!". hi :
present season: hit comnanv was di-1 jnwped out and joined them. :
love had been withdrawn, and tt 1
'Father told me I mutt give n, 1
and I can love you no more at "fc 1
hie will.' Oh! Cod, I am thankfo; j
sorrow at thie time can rout huto,
a lifetime. I feel the climax of u, J
hat been reached and my doom ici
How tweet would have been tny
if I had only followed her to ths gn
MoBiAriKiP, Ky., April j j
adws uuver, a beantuol young laj,
Stnrpii. t"ni-,n mmhIv a . . i . .
- ra
eight niontba ago. La
mother f the girl entered the f,;lt -business
ol Henry IVlanev.arf..
. . . ... . .
ana accuse dim oi oeing ja,;
lor tbe girl't condition. At tba
a pistol ahe compelled him to
carriage with Iter hottvaod aod it.
They drove 15 miles to Morjjj
procured a license and compeliei,v
marry the girl. On the way Wt if
handed at the close of the engageuiVnt.
Mr. Summers concluded to try his for
tune again on the Pacific coast, and
tailing from here Marrh 10 for the isth
mus, a at ou hit way to San Francisco,
when, it ia supposed in a Ct of despond
ency superinduced by the opium habit,
be committed suicide. Mr. Summers
wai twice married, Lit firtt wife being
girt wat aliot through the head, t
died this morning. She woo!4
hare become a mot Iter. The father it
also mortally wounded. Mrs. 0
reeognieed the pursuers, and warn
for their arrest were issued. All It
to prominent families. MorebtucukJ
. - . i
. it expected.
j Senator Palmer of Illinois is antk-
Tfca Crwiatr IerU.
BALTtwoax, April 3. The cruiser De
troit started from Newport, E. I., this
morning for her official trial trip. The
navy department selected tbe course in
Naragansett bay for the effort. An
average speed of 17 knots during a ran
of four consecutive hours at sea will
have to be made to fulfill tbe terms of
the contract. For every quarter of a knot
over 17 the contractors will be paid
$25,000 premium. The builders are satis
fied a epeed of at least 18 knots will be
DwIatOT aa mytmtUmg.
Toixdo, O., April S. Jndge Hickt, of
tbe federal court, thia morning delivered
a decision on tbe application of the
Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan
railroad to make permanent hia tem
porary injunction issued against the
Lake Shore A Michigan and other con
necting lines oa March 11, restraining
them from refusing to accept from or
deliver freight to the Ann Arbor road oa
account of a boycott issued against the
Ann Arbor road by Chiefs Arthur and
Sargent, of the brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers and Firemen, who were
on a strike on that road. The decision
turned on the arrangement for conteroirt
of eigbt Lake Shore engineers and fire
men, who struck in preference to haul
ing Ann Arbor ears turned over to the
Lake Shore road. The courtroom was
crcwded- The decision wat not aa radi
cal at tbe men feared and does not as
sume to compel tbe men to work against
tl.-eir wiJ.
f ied on behalf of the men
Oa Kuatload a4.
Sax Fbasc!co, Apr'l 4. A boat con
taining the first mate, 13 men and two
apprentices of tbe focr-masted steel ship
King James, coal laden, from Newcastle,
England, for San Francisco, has landed
at Point Conception, on the southern
crime for which he suffered the penalty f California coast. The coal took fire on
was premeditated mprder committed at ' March 19th. On the 30th an explosion
Winfield, L. I., in May, in la2, of An-! occurred which toreua tbe deck in all
nie Brooks, a pretty colored girl, whom directions, and the ship a as soon ablaze,
j he betrayed and was forced to marry At midnight, seeing the Ere was sti'.l
j three years before. Thev did not live ! increasing, the crew a'jandoned their
together and Hamilton tried in vain to j efforts to control the fiamct and took to co'ored ends of luds, but usually by the
secure a divorce from her. He decoyed ' the boats after securing the let of their j cloe 01 March the peach, apricot, al-
her from Flushing, L. I., where she was t effects. Captain W. Iruuimotid, his I ond and cherry trees are in full bloom
here he cut her son and 15 men occupied one boat, W inter w heat hat rooted and ttooled
while the first mate and the others took ! wet there hat been little winter froaen ;
tbe second boat. April 1st a tale came present prospects point to a most sue
There was an excess of cloudv weather
and a marked deficiency in sunshine,
The cool, cloudy weather and frequent
rains Lave retarded the growth of vege
tation. Spring plowing and seeding
have been delayed. The ground it too wet
for garden making. Tbe fruit buds are
twelling. Some varieties are showing
Anna Iioyle, from w horn he wat divorced 1 ,or lh ttwn l President C'A
tix monthtago. Hit second wile, also!11"1 "V ec1d on a man for psa.
an actress, it at Present conneriMl -ith commissioner, and ttiat bit narerJ
a traveling comtanv. lb aenats within 4S bo
H, dljnpj K, fife. tb name, but fr. I aii.r Hia M.ta.r. 1 a hint he dropped it it believed tht ti
Cbicaoo. April 3. The inquest on the : Judge William Ixx hren, of St. f,
body of Rosa Smith was held in Evans- ; Minn.
ton this afternoon. The facts elicted t P.eley HanneralyTof Josephine etc:
were those already told by those dis-j hat struck a pocket on Jump Of
patches. Among tbe personal efiects I creek which contains a large arm-tu
found npon him was the following letter ! soft quarts, which will mn 100,Ou
to hit mother: j tU ton. It it a pocket In a tr-
"I am nearly mad w itb tuffering and I ledge, the extnt ol a hich hat not
hardly know what I am doing. I so 1 been determined. From 60 pooo'
barely able to auove about today. My f tbe quarts be hat pounded out 45.
sorrow it more than I can sUnd. I hare j prosfertora betw iimnrniiin it
as est rock they bars rer
rn. iir
asked help from Him on high
usual, I got tbe opposite of
which Iprayed. Tfonly hopel have of ; Off-Joe Creek w ithin the nextfew mm
that for active prosperting will bwdoneoaJc
employed, to Winfield. 1
iaraer aad SaVrlda.
Oaklakd, April 3. About 9 :30 o'clock
this morning Carl Lock came to the
bouse where EmCie Schcidratbscheim
wat keeping house for C. W. Knauth, a
machinist, and requested her to return
and live with Lim. When the refused
he raised a pistol w hich he carried in
his band and shot het in the right
temple. Sbe attempted to get away
from Lim through the front door, but
before she could do so he shot her again
in tlie head. Rock then ran tint of the
back door and 'down into the cellar,
where be placed the pistol to hia temple
and fired. When the officer reached
him be was just gasping bis last. The
woman it still alive and consciout but
it very weak. It appears that the man
and woman had been living together in
San Francisco for some time, although
they wrere not married. They have two
children, one a girl 5 years, and a boy 2
yean of age. About a month ago the
woman left Rock because he wanted her
to support Lim and the children, and
she came to Oakland to keep Louse for
Knauth. Ever since that time he hat
been trying to get her back. Rock was
about 40 Tears of aw. Amon; Lis eft
I waa a imImI loftA . . 1, r- i : i
Rock and tle woman are said to be
Vt Thia awala.
Washikgtox, April 3. Washington
will Lave but one senator nntil congress
meet again, unless there is a special ses
sion of the legislature. It is not likelv
that a vote will 1 t.w afl lias aaatl..
Notice of appeal wat at once . of the senators, as no voting ouorum can
.f of the men. i be fnnnH ..-i, .ax
A.ter JQ'ie Ricke' decision was i probable.
rendered he oceeded to read the de-
cisioB of the circuit court, consisting of THiwrw-s Kaaiamati...
hiniseand Judge Taft, on motion of! 5ew YoTk. Apri' In reard to
tl Ann Arbor com;ny, asking a tern- f tl rt'orX that Henry Villard waa to re
porary icjunctioo against Chief Arthur, ti rom tb hoard of directors of the
restraining hi so from isecing any boy-! SortLetn Pacific, President Oaket eavf:
ctt order against that road. Tbe d-1 written resignation of Viilard Las
cision, which wat written by Judge M tld. been Landed in. Neither
Talt, grants the injunction prayed for, i BM ,heT teen any intimation from Lim
u um memDera of th uj ww epoarn lor nim of h i
np, and after it bad sjiect itself the cap
taia's boat wat not in sight. The first
mate, William Muldoon, sayt that Cap
tain Drummond wat very cautions, and
he would not carry sail to any great ex
tent, and may be heard from at any
hour. After leaving the vessel they put
themselves in tow of her till 3 a. ni.,
March 31st, when it was decided to
abandon the ship and make for Point
Conception, which waa found by obser
vation to be 25S miles away, or San
Francisco, which waa but 200 miles.
However, northwest winds seemed to be
tbe best coo rue to follow, and they
headed southeast, and on the night of
April 2 about 7 o'clock the mate came in
tight of tlie Point Conception light.
They let go anchor when within three or
four miles of the point, and decided to
wait nntil daylignt before attempting to
make a landing. About 3 in the morn
ing a three-masted steamer passed going
north. The first mate ordered a blue
light sent np.nbe last one they had left,
but tbe paid no attention to
their .signal, although they had to
change their course in order to avoid
running tbe boat down. About 5 a. m.,
while two miles from shore, the steamer
Ronita passed going north. All of the
sixteen men stood op in the boat and
waved their coats to try to attract their
attention, but to no avail, so they came
on to the shore, south of Point Concep
tion lighthouse, and landed on the!
Those in the captain 'a boat were Cap-
,T r .
cesaf ul and prosperous year.
limbing Las commenced in some lo
calities; the stock wintered well and
spring opens to the stockmen most
favorably, for Lis winter lost Las been
small, hia stock in good condition and
fair prices rule the market.
B. 8. Paora.
Local Forecast Official.
WcatU Maws.
SiTTi., April 5. (Special to Tub
Chkomclb. The political pot hat been
boiling for some time and Seattle has
many aspirants in the field for positions.
The register of tbe land office, at thit
place, resigned Lit position on tlie 1st
inst., and it it generally believed that
Hon. A McDonald will iie the successful
man in securing this posiUou. Mr.
McDonald was the register of The Ia!les
land office under Cleveland's adminis
tration and wat succeeded by CapL
Lewis. He soenii to have the endorse
ment of the united democracy and the
high position which be occupies in the
esteem of the cituena of thit city is all
in Lis favor. There is a doubCul feeling
in the mi ndt of tlie Allen men, regard
ing the probabilities of United States
senate seating Mr. Allen.
It it reported that the Union Pacific
are toon to pface their line of steamers
again on the Sound. It will be remem
bered that the Union Pacific withdrew
their IIds of steamers upon payment by
the Northers Pacific to the Union Paci
fic of quite a lanre
- 'Ti '
mf ai4 m tbeia, or write.
1 tma (umuh a number ul
WMsi4a WaVaVAA aV
or K-tnaar, aw art at, mfr.
Price, IS) pr head, or jr fif
All Wtierp prompti iutrml
U. 8. CommlMlontr.
C. B.
Notary PuK
Huntington & McKinstry.
foreeMurt to 1. M. UtmUngvm A Va.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance ilg't
Land I'apera of all Kinds pn-tiared.
KtiU eolkveted and Uxea paid for bon-reaidenta.
Alrtr-t of Titles furoihd at abort rinciw a I...-. k. nWa-
alartract liooka in W aaco County .
our ofEoe,
having IUail
Eatat for aah. or irnt are rfquektcd to e&
Louis Payette,
Uin W. Drummond and son, t-ecocd loc'nlljly- Thit wiU increaae the bnsi
Mate David Ireland. Edward Flrnn I of the round e-jnntry.
James tbristie, John Perry, Alvin Eob
ertson, William, Harry Eruce,
Peter Peterson. Christie Larcen, Frank
Keeyon, Ktej.hen Breton, John Wil
liams, F. Mcller and two others, names
unknown. The eapuin'a boat is ex
pected to appear soon, and a close w atch
it being kent for her Tl ... it..
- w
L-ing James' first trip.
PS Koalya Baak ttbara.
liaker Lity, April 4. There
Any and all Kinds of Imu Work attended Ut
prouijlv and guaranUd to xve 'sMtisfactiou.
Carter H. Harrison Laa been .-tA
mayor of Chir9 br 20.(XiO t,lnr:;.l
over Pamuel W. Allerton, candidate on
the citizens' ticket. The entire demo
cratic city ticket it alto elected by about
tlie same plurality. Creiner. on tk.
labor ticket, did not receive ZSm vota i
jTLe democrats carried tlie west audi
1 south town tickets, but the republicani 1
saveo ine north town.
Shop, East End, cop. Second and Depot Street
Chrisman & Corson,
brotherhood, ia obedient to rule 12 of ' intention of resigning. A possible til. ' frr ,.f .,yf,Ll, ... " llie d.etrtj 1' Wn working
li-tf boar, boycott Ana Arbor freight, 1 presented at tie meeting of lh day afternoon when it Wm. i t lni"n cl" they
tharegtycrferinajcspirW no difficulty in printing
against their country. the floaUng debt of th. comrn7. Vi by IwlSi. TrZS? Tf, U
M, April -M.W fS
' V a-aa fWlrm. A lift a Cisrlftll lrrait a-,1 l. L. , 1 a-
v v a,u-c wuvtl HUBir.
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
Cor. Wathington and Second Sis., The Dalles, Or.