The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 31, 1893, Image 7

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cretan Carlisle Sat Down Earl on
loon the C.nwted Sc.U
Began ItheS.te-N Dcci.loo
Kecoci A YeU
N.,,Yo. March .-Th. Herald'"
L. -lal mi: Senator nm
f '" .., .... fUrlisle
l.JUn.nhtri MOO""1""'
Hill was
. . i .1 i .1.,.. Ironp WEATHER BULLETIN. NO I.
Uie chargeo! niuruer in . . 1
ot which wa arraigned lor aming , M -f rmll .
her husband. Thonia Henderson itoyu,
We want an
I afternoon
I"-""""-- . . ..- !., at
pokeinian. and cam w i "
He said:
office lor WW mau.
.... - .lantA
cratic worker and deserve, recognition.
i "Istbat all you have to j -
favor'" asked the secretary.
I "Is not that enough?" asked Senator
Uill. in a surprised tone.
:. i. not." renlied Carlisle
-.-, - ,
barply. "There are aireaoy -r
nllcanu from New York for place thn
it it possible to fill. I hav. no room (or
thit man and cannot appoint hltn.
The attitude of the aecreurr wa w
. vtMl Atrt.lnnllv at a
unexpected mat uui
Iom tor a reply. He looked at Murphy,
and Morpb looked at him. There wa
dead ilence. and finally Hill turned
. , mod dav." and walked
SJ1VU " . 3 r - -
out o! the room followed by Murphy,
Yutr is blood on the face ol the tnoou
ho waa known m mwii""
. . vi
the owner ana manager ui uviJi1-.
Thirteen buslnee houses burned yes-
terday morning, In Bcranton, Mis.
It ia aald that Rippey will be indicted
ailt to murder, and that be will
not have a preliminary trial In the police
court. Rlppey, when told about the
powible Indictment, aaid be waa satisfied
and wanted to be speedily tried.
Mr. "Dr." Tom Van waa arraigned
for trial In Portland, yesterday unJer In
dictnient for manslaughter. The docu
ment alleges that Febuary Sd Mrt. Van
performed a criminal operation upon
Mi Wllon, causing tne young woman
dlwa Victorious.
TaafTox, N. J., March '.'8. Judge
tireen, of the federal court, filed a very
(Julie latarealla.
Oregon Stat Weather service fur the
week ending Tuesday, March '.'8, lSlt.1.
D. K. Pague, local forecast official,
weather bureau.
Thit is the first weekly bulletin of the
5th year of their issuance. In the pant
we have aimed, and It ia hoped suceed
ed, to have the entire state thoroughly,
promptly and accurately reported in
these bulletins; the information which
they contain Is for the public, to bo used
by those who are interested, as the nier
chant carefully seeks information rela
live to the supply and demand of that
which be has for sale, so much the more
should the farmer, who products, seeks
for information relative to the proHpecls,
supply and demand of that which be
produces. Manufacturers and producers
Mho) Far Libel.
Yeslerduy afternoon two suits each,
for f30,(XX) damage, were filed and
paers served on II. W. Bcott, editor of
the Oregonian, and the Oregoulan Tub.
Co., by the Aniericau Historical Tub.
Co. and by . K. Yerger, publishing a
book entitled a history or story of Ore
gon, containing biographical saetcne,
cuts and engraving of some of the
prominent men of Oregon to be edited
by Julian Hawthorne. The plaintiffs
aver that the publication In the Oregon
ian of the defamatory article was given
wide circulation and waa the mean of
ruining the company' business, and
damaging the personal and business
character of Mr. Yerger. from what
we can learn as to the merits in this
case, it ia evident that the publication
was looked upon with favor by the Ore-
J. M. McK.ntree, roadinaitter, and A.
J. llorie were east-bound passengers to
day. Ileuj. Uobeson, of the Oregon Citv
Mf'g Co., residing in I'ortland, is In town
J. K. Hunter, Chas. Prattler, and W.
K. Husky came iu from Mosier on to
day's passenger.
Mrs. M. Wilkerson, who has leen
visiting her sister, Mrs. Klakeley, has
returned to her home in I'ortland.
Dr. Kinehart went to Arlington on the
noon train, where he was called to am
putate boy' leg. He will return tomorrow.
Hon. YY. II. Biggs, of Wasco, is In
town. lie substantiates the numerous
reports hitherto given in regard to the
condition ol stock.
Mr. C. A. Fisher, father of Mrs. I. I
In Iowa
goiuan management until ii was iouuu BBt 8unlar eve, after a viit ol six
that it very materially interfered in the month with hi daughter. Mr. Usher
financial success of the Oregonian' i niuun pieaBea wiiu mis part oi ure-
.n .:.: ..i.j .,.!. v, I , ., , . , t,-t. son and will return as soon as ne can
o, ... .o souvenir, wuicu was inaugur.. dispoee of hi valuable property in the
To t)C di'llvrrwl mttrr hirlfiK 'or njr tutor
niatloit illrrl, u
Xherar'a llrldxe P. O., Oi.
Or l. K. WKI.IJ.
M llth M., furtlaiid, Or.
entirely oy sucu lniormauou nnu iwiw Oregonian company, ana it nrst goou nawkey6 gtate.
im H iucj nu uuiaui, (im. cijitiiBo opinion 01 IIUS wora was buuucuij HOTEL AKB1VALS,
to them too, nence u oenooves tne iitr- ci,anged when It became a competitor to Columbia A Srivlay, Io Angeles,
mer, the buyer, the consumer to seek in- it. own work, which some people have Cal: Wm Meador. 5-Mile creek; H
formation from thee reports, furnished vn uncharitable enouith to designate Hasman, Goldendale; V R Reynolds,
.. .1.. .,,. .,. i-;...t , t...i....t:- f..b, Th. ..,u in Lyle ; J R Harris, J I) Neater, v mMor
t,. .;. ... w.MhHo.i.. .. .. ... I ..." , , ris, m Kicnara, roniana.
. uie oi reci ion oi in" ei reirT o. urnu.- hi matter will be waicneu witu luicr-
M.trld. .f a
v, FaAjicisro, March J.I. K. Ann
drn, formerly cashier of the Continental
Insurance company, who disappeared
after a shorUge of 1 ,000 in bis account
bail Nn discovered, committed suicide
Ut night. He vti found in a lodging
boM' on Push street this morning dead.
A rubber tube wa attached to a gas jet
and one end in bis mouth, and the gas
tnrnedon. A letter, addressed to the
coroner or surgeon of the receiving ho-
Dital. read as follow:
"Cause of death, iiiadnee and despair.
noble enough to give only these, the
true reasons, to the pre and public.
Farther particular will cause only more
miaxrv and anhanbineaw to my unde-
wrviDg friends and relative."
K. R. AMitUEM.
"V. H. Means employed, opium."
Amixlen was 42 years old. and lived in
right wrall.
VLi-AU, March 23. Refugee who
ksve arrived here from Pago tell story
of hard fighting between government
troops and the revolutionist under Gen
eral Tavarea. who are besieging that
stronghold. The siejre ba been going
on since March SI. but neither side bas
giud an advantage. Three refugees
say that Colonel Matta, commanding a
detachment of the national army sent
from Kio do Janeiro, surprised and
butchered 100 revolutionist. General
S.rava, who ha command of the revo
lutionary troop In that section, attached
Colonel Matta. The revolutionist were
driven back after a bard fight, but Colo
nel Matta is reported to have been
The reports are only part'? eon
firmed by the Herald' correspondent In
A Ntala of M.W140.
ttin Josr, Cal., March 29. f-bortly
before 0 o'clock this morning, resident
in the vicinity ol the new postoffioe
building, which is In course of construe
tion, were awakened by a loud explo
sion. Later the beadles body of a man,
apparently CO years of age, was found in
tl.e cellar of the structure. Parts of his
bead were found scattered about, and it
ia evident that be committed suicide
If setting off dynamite cartridge in
hii mouth. Nothing wa found about
the person of the suicide tending to
identification. Only 10 cent wa found
in on of the pockets, indicating poverty
a th probable cause of bis desperate
Hoottlo Haws.
important opinion at noon in the case of
the Edison FUectric Light Company
against Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr A
Co., in which lie upholds the r'dison
cida tba question whether the device
used by the Trenton Fllectric Light Com
pany for the distribution of the electric
current wa an infringement on me
Fxlison patent. The court virtually de
clare it is. Millions ot dollars are in
volved throughout the United State
and will accrue to the F.dison compa
nies'. The patent ia question I that
covering the consumption and feeding-
wirw method of distribution. Kdison
oltolned it ten years ago.
Too -alark Orala la Meilco.
City or Mexico, March 27. The re
moval of the duties on corn which went
into effect March 15, has caused another
great rush of grain into Mexico from the
United State. There ba also been a
great decrease in the price of corn in thi
city and other place in Mexico to which
it is being shipped. Shipper are com
plaining of the action of the railroad
companies In maintaining bigh freight
rates, and the government will be ap
plied to in the matter.
The IinorUxl IMglm.
Will aland lor the tM aaotl ol 1HU3,
At Klchmoiiil'a HUl.le In The Lallra on Frfda-m
and Mtturilnya; at Ikv Young a fill Afohday.
and TiitUnya; at K. Pnodj-raiw', t mile waatt
of B.iyd 1'. 0.,on WediictMluya.
r(rr waa lmiNirt4l In Ihhm bv H. P. HtuMaa
vvw 4l Holla, i.l r.Alrlluld, low. Mela.
Hark liny, with liln k I'olnta, and ia mrl'torr.!
at llrtiaavla an No. ., and in Amvrlro aa No. INl
( (H O la one o( tlio flnoat bred Krart Horaoo
In Ainrrica, la oouiiiiH year old, and weln
il0 Hul.da.
TKHMrt HIiirIo a-rvice 110: for the aeaaon 11'.;
to liiaiirt a lual J0; lii i liil of five or mora,
u.aroa to one man, 111) for the aeaaon, or ll
to litaure a foal. Hy the aeaHon iNtyable Octi
ter ImI: toiuur'. due and Davable aa a.a'.n a.
the mare la known to be In fNi. Marea nne.
hrou u lit rvKiilurly will be chari(wl for by tb
M. W. 4 W. L. FREEMAN, Owners
Hoyd, Waaco Co., Or.
ture for the benefit of the whole people,
To disseminate information at the
world's fair, concerning Oregon's current
weather and crop statistics, the Oregon
orld'a fair commission have mado ar
telecrarih on Tuesday of each week a
brief resume of Oregon weather nd
crops. this teietrram win ue piainiy
written on a blackboard mode for the
purpose and displayed at the Oregon ex
hibit thus furnishing information to
millions concerning onr climate and our
Winter, so called, is yet with us.
est. DiHiatch.
Sad Koault of a Blow.
Hearncy, John Thomas, Pendleton ; II
C Delro, Baker City ; C II Smart, Grass
Valley; O O Green, Wm wevars, soi
ling Landing; J Backus, Hood River;
M Moet, Dufur.
Mr. FUmer Rand, of Hood River, is in
the city today.
Mr. Russell Sewall of Portland waa
in the city today.
Mr. D. K. Ordwav of Hood River, wa
in the city last eve.
Mr. Wm. Michell returned from a trip
to Goldendale yesterday.
Miss Maie Williams returns on the
afternoon train to Portland.
Mr. T. Hudson left for Portland this
morning and will return on the mid
night train tonight.
Mr. Charles Schutz. of Goldendale, an
old-timer in this country, and a brother
If You want title to Oonramiit OB"
State Land call on
Late Kec. V. H. Land Office.
Notary Public
Soproane C.rt Declalun.
WAKUixiiTO. March 27. The United
State supreme court has decided that
the United States could not condemn
the property of private corporations
without considering in the proceedings
the earning cajcity thereof. The de
cision grew out of proceedings to con
demn the lock of the Monongahela
Navigation Company, in which the right
of the company to collect tolls on vessels
passing through the lock waa not con
sidered, such action being taken in obe
dience to an act of congress in relation
to the matter.
Llarola Will be a. Embaatador.
IvOMxiK, March 27. In the commons
Sir F:dward Grey, parliamentary under
secretary of foreign affairs, stated be bad
i been informed of the Intention ol tlie
United StaU to create an ambassador to
the court of St. James in reciprocation
for the friendly action of her majesty in
raising the British minister at Washing
ton to the rank of ambassador.
The Ito.tlae rroeeedla;.
Wasiiikgtok, March 27. The resolu
tion offered in the senate by Chandler
directing an inquiry into the operations
of the immigration law were laid over.
A majority report wa made by Hoar in
favor of admission to seat of senator
appointed by the governor of Montana,
Wyoming and Washington. A minority
report adverse will be made tomorrow
by Vance.
Call addressed the senate on his reso
lution annulling the provision of the last
legislative appropriation bill for the ap
pointment of commission by the sen
ate and house to examine into the civil
service of executive appointments. Call'
resolution went over without action and
the senate went into executive business.
Karl' Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, give freshnes and clearnes to
the complexion and cure constipation
r. . MV-. and 11.00. Sold by Snipes 4
Kinersly, druggists.
Ir. Horace Tatchen lies nt the point
r,f, lutli nnmnscious and Daralvzed from
ith thi bureau to have us the effecU of Uow reoeJved in rieud-
ly boxing bout with Eugene M. Keys,
.ir the Tillamook Headlight. Some of
the boy about town were in L. L. bull
well' livery stable boxing for sport, and
Dr. Patchen and Key put the glove on
inst for fun. Dr. Patchen received a
couple of heavy blows cn the head and
neck, though the blow did not seem
hard enough to be serious, and the
The gloves were almost like pillows. He
temperature varies from 35 to CO degrees, quit boxing however, saying lie had
but the weather 1 cloudy and the ram enough, and started to put ma coat on,
are freanent. thoueh not heavy. but fell unconscious, and ha remained
Throughout the state the temperature so ever since. He was carried borne ana 0f judge benutz, is in tue city
is from two to five degree a day below hi brother physician were Bummoned, LeWig Henighan of Juniper flat, called
the normal and the rainfall is deficient and they report him in a very precarious on us today. He gives favorable reports
for the oeriod from July 1st last to date condition. Hi neck i partially d.slo- oi in section anu mo larmcr. uu.,,
from 35 to 30 per cent. The winter wa cated and there is a hemorrhage of hi Messrs. Isaac Ward and W. W Rhea
.IM .,Vt In- tmrrfnr. : Kin An effort to reduce the dISlOCa- irom ucnoco, arriveu iu iuo u.ijr,
about January 1st the lowest tempera- tion ol the neck wa cnsuccesstui. it is
tures were recorded. In the mountains a very sad affair, and no doubt will cast
and higher elevation of Eastern Oregon a damper on pugilistic ambition ol the
it was 3 to 21 degrees below tero. To the boys around town
west of the Cascades it was from 5 to 20
degrees above zero. The marked feature
of the winter was the heavy snowfall,
especially west of the Cascades from De
cember 20tb to 25th and from January
27th to February 5tb. The snowfall in
sections wa unprecedented.
boyofC. M who had injured the fe"';
bone, of his leg while skating. J.0 im- Kln(58,jf w Thompson, Tygh Valley,
Dr. Rinehart returned thi morning
from Cleveland, Wash., where he was
called to perform an amputation. The
rw. .v.. patient was Jesse Beck, the 10-year-old
wheat area of the state the snow fell and
ormed a covering for the fall-sown
wheat, during the period of the extreme
The snow was generally lighter over
the stock country, and reports Indicate
the stock to be in good condition and
that there ha been a very small per
centage lost. More were lost by being
i I t . 1 : 1 i . . titan
Kll.ea DT COJUMTB WHO. .om ton. - I 1.1 I I.!
..... .1,2. f.. .v. iw f tanA .n,l there i danger of blood-poisoning
V U - u va aivaaa uv ., v. mwm i
shelter. Remains Ehnmed.
Ti.. ,aim rm nt wiieat hna hwn frrratlv
: i i - .,.:,. . Meters, uranuan a iurgci, uuoc.
..!. The amonnt of wheat Ukers, completed the exhummg of the the city.
j.i -in k. -in ,oi,. n remains of Mrs. C. J. Curti today, and Mr. Jos,
acreage larger even than the immense they will be taken to Seattle by thi
acreage of 1801, when it was C33.000 afternoon' train, under the .upervision
. !,!,. mlllinn hnah- of Mr. L. Curtis, a -on oi tne ueceasea.
I . . . i ..,i:: .l
The casket was in goou tuuuinuu ...u
el of w heat were harvested.
Report a from all part of the state
show Hint there is not even an almond
tree in bloom yet. In 1889, on March
reallv sound, not being decayed at all.
The remain have been interred twelve
years, and will be laid beside her hus
band in Seattle, who died about a month
a A r t.
22d,the ,ach, almond, cherry, apple V" J the comnanv's
IX . UlMll iuirt.u--.v-. 1 .
and plum tree were in full bloom; In
1K) the fruit tree were in bloom on
April 2d ; in 1801 the buds were back
ward, but on March 28th many fruit
tree were in bloom, and in 1892 on
April 2d the fruit tree can be said to
be in bloom. Pruning of fruit tree i ,.on,ijtion of The Dalle, and board of
Seattle, March 28, 1893.H8pecia! to
The CiiaoKK LE. The people of this
city were somewhat surprised when
some of the creditor and stockholders
of the Seattle, Lak Shore and Eastern
Railway Company filed a complaint
against the Northern Pacific Railroad
Company and in the complaint et out
facts on which they k for receiver to
be appointed to take charge of the
Keattle, Lake Sbor and Eastern Rail
way Company' affair. Thi road wa
the road which broke the blockade and
gave Seattle the first opportunity to be
freed from the oppresion of the North
ern Pacini? and It discrimination against
Seattle. Afterward the Northern Pa
cific absorbed thi road and have been
using It for their Interest. It I be
lieved that the court will appoint the
There it a movement on fxt to build
a roal from Seattle up Cedar river and
penetrate the mining region of Wash
ington. In fact a corporation baa been
organized for thi purpose.
Great activity I demonstrated in the
building line, and it is expected that
Seattle will have many fin structure
put up (hi summer.
When the court convened thi morn
ing Mr. Boyd pleaded "not guilty" to
Good Ten-Blare Attention.
A pecial meeting is hereby called for
Friday evening, March 31st, at 8 o'clock
p. in. A full attendance is requested.
By order of
Asset" Sylvehteb, W. C. T.
Fesk Blaeek, Secretary.
We are the only nation in the world
able to build and equip a modern war
ship entirely from the product of our
own oil, mines, forests, manufactures
and B-enins. Oregon alor.e should be
able to make this boast in a few years
Htockboldare Meetln;.
The Dali es. Or.. March 3. 1MKJ,
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a stockholders meeting of The Dalles
I'ortland & Astoria Navigation Co. at
The Chrouk i. hall on Tuesday, April
4th. IH'J'i. at 2 o'clock p. m. for th pur
pose of electing seven directors, and
transacting snch other business a may
properly come before aiil meeting.
By order of the President.
tJ (J. L. 1! noons, Sec'y
roil BALK.
One lot. with a good dwelling and out
building ituated west of the Academy
grounds, and fronting Liberty street on
ha M.t. Is for sale at a bargain. Term
..a. Annlv at thi office for inform
tion. Title perfect.
A Serlone Injorjr.
come for freight for merchants of their
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. St. Johns, of Ta
coma, came up on tne regulator iun
evening, and will be the guest ol
Mrs. St. Johns' motner, Airs. i.usner.
European House. A M Pratt, Cali
fornia; A A Fuller, Portland; A M
Magan, Lyle.
Columbia hotel J. E. Sorbin, Cascade
Locks, A A Foller, Wm Smith, J Camp
U. S. Land Attorneys.
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
600,000 ACRES
Mnpvel FARM Property
Send lor a Pamphlet deecrtbiug thi land.
Thompson's Addition to Tie Dalles.
Thin addition la laid off Into one-acre lota, and
la destined to be the principal residence partot
the city. Only twenty miuutuea walk from the)
court honae.
Do not be afraid to oonault or write na, we plvw
advice or Information in all branches of our bua
ineta tree of charge.
Settlers Located on Government Land.
Office In C. B. Land Office Building.
mediate attention wo paid to the accl
dent, but subsequently he suffered con
siderably and the doctor was finally
called. He found the injury to be very
serious, some of the bone having de
caved and amputation was necessary
being made just above the ankle, ltie
lmv ia .till in a critical condition, as
J H McCov, Dufur; 8 Olsen, Oregon
City; John Holland, Pendleton; J Tay-
lor, lacoma; J aicvonneu, vno.
Sturgess, flattie; Chas Miller, White
Salmon; E M Rav, E W Mulligan, Gol
dendale; John larmer, wife and six
children, Eugene.
Mr. N. Potter of Hood River is in the
Sheriff Ward arrived from Hood River
Rev. J. E. Orchard of Columbus, is in
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of theBestQual-
ity Always on Hand.
machine shops in thi city for a number
of vear.
Looking After Health.
Warner of Nansene is in the
city today.
Mrs. C. P. Balch of Dufur, is regis
tered at the European house.
Miss Gertrude French returned to
Portland on the morning train.
Mm. Eliza Younsr. who has been visit
ing her son left this morning for Albina,
Chas. Hilton, ownintr a band of 10,000
sheep, will commence shearing on April
Wm. Sundeir of Portland, arrived in
town today and will place the furniture
I T .1 ' 1 nAM. 1 oil a.
Mr. A. G. Barker, general agent of the
The city council are talcing an active -Tl-'lfi
interest in tue maiver oi mo nu""' i
about done; but few orchards, if any, 1 lialtli will probably be appointed Sat-
have been so far cultivated. The buds
are swelling now, and in a few section
color can be seen on the ends. Present
condition and indication point to
most favorable fruit year. The acreage
of fruit ha been greatly increased, this
is especially true of peach, prune, pear
and aunle tree. Ponying ha been
commenced in Jackson county.
urdav night. The matter of framing an
ordinance relating to the matter cas
Un .folMpatad to a committee, to be
city today
L. S. Hayes, county clerk of Sherman
mnntv. Alck Scott and Mr. Cushman,
of Moro, arrived in town last night on
Miss Louise Kennedy, daughter of Mr,
Very little plowing ba been done so leni 8re not enviable, he lacks that en
presented at the meeting and informa- and Mrs. H. Kennedy, of The Dalles, is
tion ha. been sought from Tortland, in the .oil, ;. She is captain of the As-
' ......
There will be an opening of spring and
summer millinerv on rruiay and eatur
rinv. March 31st and April 1st, at Mrs
De' Lyle' stand. IU Second street.
which will also be presented. The
marshal ia ex-offlcio health officer, but
tt.n duties of making formal com
plaint against otherwise admirable citi
far this snrinn. The soil Is very wet
and quite cold. The rains considerably
delay spring work
Tha principal Increase in this year
growth will be In wheat, fruit and hop ;
the latter appear to be very generally
increased. Reports all Indicate unusual
activity in agricultural and horticultural
operations, and both tart out under the
most favorable auspices for a aiicceasfnl
year. The cold, damp season, retarding
bloom aa it Is, will materially assist the
fruit production of the year ; it prevent
growth to grain, but allow of its stool
ig and rooting.
While the present look favorable for
a successful year, it should be borne in
mind that In year iHt, April frosts
have Injured fruit and few day dry,
hot wiuda in June have cut the eipected
yield in wheat from 30 to 10 bushela per
Tuesday an alligator pocket book, con
taining paper valuable only to owner.
Reward if returned to C. J. CoaUwortu
Union street.
Ice cream, cream oda, oda water,
etc., at Columbia Candy factory.
xniimai-mrnt which would become a
plain duty were he backed by the moral
support by a committee specially ap
pointed for the purpose.
From now until April Bin, cabinet
photo $2.00 per dozen at Flowerday a
gallery, second door from Time Moun
taineer ollice on Court street. Satis
factory work guaranteed.
Iir. ltton's Onloa Ryrap.
This remedy is a ure cure for all din
eases of the throat and lungs, caused by
taking cold. It will stop a cough in one
night, no matter how severe. It Is just
what its name implies; an onion syruj,
comiMjun.led in auch manner as to do
awav with the unpleasant taste and odor
of the vegetable. When in need ol a
Lip . fmiffhnra cold.trvit. Price
50cts. Sold by lilttkeley A Houghton
Druggists. .
Murine Medicine.
n- (-..inn's Imnroved Liver lius.on
acmnt of their mild action, ar e-
iieclally adapted for correcting pring
ftlan.!r. such a impure blood, tired
i....i i .kinj ami worn out body
nr... i ...u ov .... . . , , -w
They act promptly on the liver and kid
ney; drive out all impurities from the
i.i' . .nH malaria from the system.
Only one pill for a dose. Try them this
spring. Sold at 23 cts. a bo by lsiaae-
I.. JL Hr.nul.lyin. t I
Mrs. P. Gilliam and daughter Mass
Mattie. who have lieen vlniting Mrs
Marv Cook, a daushter of Mrs. Gilliam
li-ft on The Regulator for her home in
Mr. K. E. i arris of Waninitia, has re
turned to the city, and la putting the
atrwt anrink er in tine trim tor activ
service, and Dls presence win oe Known
in a short time by laying tne oust.
Columbia-tS L Turner. Matt Pchuren
II K Mnlliiran. J K Cimion. J McKar
land, Portland; W H Nash, J Conard,
Antelope; Wm Ceilerson, liowena; Mrs
Kelley, W A Tate, White Salmon; J A
Davis, J.a uranne; rraria: cneeiy, ji
W Samvll, San Francisco.
We have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
Thornbury & Hudson,
The Dalles, Or.
Ordera by dispatch, mail or In penon fulfil any
nuur OI llie uay w uiRufc
Pictures framed la all style and ie.
Place of business cor. Third and
Washington Streets.
Laud Orncs, The Dalles, Or., Mr-h. 10, 1S!U.
Notice In hert-by given that the followiug
namcd aoulcr haa tiled notice of her InU-ntion tot
make final proof In support of her claim, and
that aalil proof will be made before the renlstcr
and receiver at The Dallen, Or., on Wedneadaj,
May a, 1''3, ?U:
Jauo Ferfuaoa,
Application No. S'.'tf, for tne
r.i x.M'ti.,11 10. T. S ii.. H. Ii K. . M.
To the wife of W. IJike, Cascade Locks,
on Monday last, a eon.
In thi city, this morning, March 30,
18U2, to the wife of Paul Kreft, a son.
In r-ltv. WediiesdaT at 0 P. m.
r'lr Vonnmna Caintiliell. dnlllflltcr of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Campbell, aged 8
years, 0 months. The funeral will take
place at 8-Mile, the date to be aiwcltied
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cuiuvauou oi
said land, viz;
riamuel I., ratterson, Charles L. Frver, OllUt
WelwrK and S. K. t'errK all of Wiipinltla, Or.
S-iHU-at J"N W. LEWIS, Ki-Kister.
By virtue of an execution Inaned out of the)
(Intuit Court ol the etate nl vtvfun lor " asrjt
county, In an action therein ptiniliiig. in which
T. V. Kargher la piiiinuii aim a. j. " .
fendant, dated the -Jlst d..y of February, 1H'.,
coiiiiiiandliiK nie to soil the Mil projHTty therein
duMiribed, to-wit: the west half of Hecllon 1,
Towllllp'JSoutn, KllllUti M cam, n ...., ......
said property had therelolore tnteu attached lii
said action, ami out of the priweeils ol wild real
property to atlfv the Ju. lenient reudentl and
enterrd In the above entitled on t ie
day ol Kehruary, IMU, In favor of the plaintiif
and wtrilllNI tne lieieiitin... .o, tiiu Bin..
drawing interest nt tun percent, per aniinin from
said Kebriiarv Hlh,, and the further auni nf
ivs.7.1, drawliig Interest from said date at the
rate of eight tier rent, per annum, and 0 at
torneys line, and the further sum ol ."J.iW coato
and disbursements therein, and accruing eosts,
t will on the :M day of April, at the oourt
house d.Mir in Hallea city, in said county and
state, at the hour of 2 o cl.s-k p. m. of said day,
sell all l aid alaive rttsl prl"-rty to
the highest bidder, for cash in hand, I satisfy
said Jiidn.r'tnt, Interest, costs, attorneys leea,
audacciu. W.U. T. A. WARD,
J-3.S .1 BherilTol Waseo County, Oregon.