The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 31, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle.
- - -'- . iu ww un w vitiu j uu mw - ; .
cmcUL rxrr or a cvrxTY. cenU on eTprT u,, tt,e privilege of , most fullible young own answered the
, , . ,T . being in debt. "ad." Thev were interned that it was
would pav on 75ceBts on the dollar. The! An advertisement n Portland daily activity in ali branches of twine
appearea recrni;v wr iriju juuna, u-. .. .... .- - .
mm .UMtipM ilnrin t m rnrl.ia fair. And Son.
... . . I Tl . 1 1 i .makI in ArtnaAfe-tilnnf And '
same Una if mortgaged for it fall value j
would pay 100 cent on the dmlar, or
,h. .ni. .w n iK itr : vithin a ah.trt time & Arcre of Portland 9
rereu me t prut, in urr hh i. r. -i mui." ,
Enk-rad at th fvsOWUo al Tb I:ka. iHT'. I
The new lit will undoubtedly work ! inserted by the great
world's fair de-
l"BX.'lUrTloX KATES.
st bail ;KTtci ruriim m acvascE.
b tow . 1 .V
hlllul'-f . .
Thnac a.a.lha ."
A4rfTtlili4t ratr. tVmnmhl. T.1 made L
am akiicUvui.
Addirai all nnamnnH-atJ.. kTHE t ILKOS
H Lt, The lr.u.
I ine new law wvi unuouuiea.y a , mimni 17 uu . , jq si
' hardship on somebody, but it will not j let-tire Agency" of Chicago, w ith an im-' ,ne ,
be the farmer or email borrower. Such j portant branch in Tacoma. Inordrrto f)A,de:
have paid a ta on everything they ; lue a full-fledged ''sicuth'' the an-' dined
'owned or owed. The "no exemption plicant would be required to $3, Mlt
Cnantr Jcdca.
for inde btednees"
; ably felt by them.
; of thousand! of
; roremd br indebtedness will lower
; rate so as to benefit and not injure them.
1 Mac? a farmer iu Wasco ceuntv worth
less than II, 500, pavi more tax than
steady at former quotations.
In staple groceries sugars have under- j J 5 SGCOnCj StTCCt,
no change, rut coliee Da ieen 1
led a trifle. Rio has likraiee de- i
to 5V, to C cents per 100 pound I
sack. Svriij remain
tedr at fonuer i
The "no exemption plicant would be required to $.,
w 1:1 never be unlavor- j mere tgateue (postage stamps not price. j
In fact the assessment taken,) and that by return mail, if the Stock salt has declined to $13.V) per (
dollars fraudulently 'application was favorably paiwed upon j ton Liverpool salt is Cirreinjir.g!v I
lower the 'and the candidate appeared to te of down.
sound mind, be should receive a roagni-, Hardware Quotations remain without !
ficent badire and tailor-made, hand- M,.r,-
CvrXTT orriClALS. , less than tl.500. iiavs more tax than creased commission in red. whiteand1 , .1 .
, ... ... fcon, cvuQirv t ureu, is ueia at 101-
. T.A'Iri!mwbUMdPiinTbePM';blue' ,tD WTte U Ml atUt heJ-; mer tigures. tern prices are rather
I E.cmi( who can draw their check for 115,000. and All this was calculated to stir up the . : ,;i ins om im viieiiCBDDsnM prawnT 10 wuqihi siwh iat 1 wruuiu ouji, uu .
back them as soon as the aswwsor is out ! it did stir it op. Thev scraped up fS ! " P PPy. -
I Mbw.w 4S.. t kai aw.vwnn..da.; t K aat Kfe HVS-SW w SWT t, AW aw UU 4 W
magnificent Udges. which turned out1"""" r oien, are rather Kanw.and
to be pewter of the cheapest grade, b,Te M "P""1 ttlewy.
Their instructions are to keeD a strict ' F"h roll butter is not as freely
lookout for short, thick set man, about j offered and is firmer at a slight advance.
six feet in his undershirt, and close
cropped hair, prone to baldness along
the back of the neck, w hich is hidden
from view by brjwn wavy locks. He
has a wart on his nose, which was cut
off in an elevator accident, and when be
chews be csie tobacco. Look oat for
. mm mm -m mm.
-blakeley 6c Houghtoij
The Dalles, Oreg-I
aw k'Aditt
op.tradent ( Pwaa School. . Sher j . . . . MmJM .....
M. LWWdN ' " " . 1 .
T Uon under the new law. referred to in
the editorial, it could not possibly do so
The editorial from the IHspatch in
Thursday's Cbrosicuc relating to the
repeal of the "mortgage tax law" and
the "indebtedness deduction clause"
has caused some comment,
and while hoping too will take
ato offense at my boldness, I would ask
space oa the same subject, believing,
after listening to every argument pro '.
was be- i
more than at present. If you will take
the trouble to examine the assessment
blanks of three rears ago, when Mr.
Gourlay made the beet assessment ever
made in this county, you will find a
column devoted to "money, notes and
aorta," and money hard cash, was as
sessed at 50 cents on the dollar and even
then, there was not enoneh of it found
to carry on the business of The Dalles
for 2 hours.
lotatoes and onions continue to ar
rive and prices are stead v withoot any
change to note. While there is a seem
ing scarcity of other kinds of vegetables,
the supply is quite adequate for the de
mand, and prices Jcoutiuue the same.
Green apples are held at an advance.
bushel or box is
and con. while the Law ton bill was be-
fnr ih W'tnr and ita lYtmmiMoaa'. i The new law mav not be M-rieetkm
the Dispatch to be wrong both in the in- i I- friends never so claimed, but it w ill
temretation of the law. and their nnin. ! take some time if the assessors do their
ion of the effect of it on the farmer and dQt.T. to bring it to the state of use- I placed in jail James H. Patcbell, who
j lessness that the old law bad reached. attempted to establish a 'world's fair
yj-ec.J754. no; Respectfully, j detective agency." His plan was to ad-
M. J. AspfEsoin. vertise for bright young men for detect-
In ISS3 the university of Notre Dame
small borrower.
The old law provides
promissory note or other instrument of j
writing, which is evidence of a debt j
V M . 1 ,11 1
wuu.iT vt jmmj secured oy iana or real ' . - , , . , "
property shall be taxed for anv purpose !n Indln adoI4d ncUc ol taa'
in this state, but the deht the Itare medal each year upon
some layman "in recognition of dis-
iingui&nea services rendered to the Amer
ican C-attKJlic public. It takes its name
from "Ltare Sunday." the mid-Lent
uiui at m iwj ui-u. wju Mm mm 111 , . k . m mm. mi ui -
... " w
Dome. II me illusion was not a no:iy bt, producers.
dispelled by this ti me the following j Poultrv is very scarce, esfciallv good
paragraph would forever allay the warm, imrm fo.lg( ,nJ find a readv market at
strong ambiUon of the youthful sleuth: M (jrcolumotli aDj ' doieB fof
'TWtwitlr. m.t T.nn.a V. mm I ...
' v. ; extra laree and rhoire.
Beef cattle and mutton sheep quota
tions remain fteadv with a downward
A full .lino of all the Standard Patent
Irup5. Chomicals, Kt.
arCountry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Fine Millinery!
112 Second St
tOerrini sne! tit iaarrwaarsi bp uktek it
awrwred sbaj for the purpose of assess-)
meet and taxation be considered as land
tw re.. nnt, .1 . , from "Ltre S-unday."
wad taxed as herein provided. QnJ-T- f becase tb nM ol
Th. above section is repealed, now ' tht W:D' Wlth lbe vord "Ij, tw-"
bow is it possible to eav that the mort-, -Accompanying the medal is an
gage is exempt from taxation and the ; uou"-T ,a Prlal on j ml,-Tor' aevoies a ma
note -hieh i. . Mrt r.f ,k. ;. ! tred si.k and decorated by a ceie- lot of money besides
note, which is a part of the mortgage, is
till taxable? The law was termed the
"mortgage tax law" but that title was
not part of the law. Would it not be as
reasonable to sav the note is exeinrt
and the mortgage is still taxable? You
bra, ted Roman artist, Luiiri GregorL
: The first recipient of the medal was Ir.
: John Gilmary Shea, the historian ; in
1Sj4 it was presented to Patrick Keeley,
a New York architect, who had buiit
;ii ... ,u. .i i over .00 churches and 15 cathedrals: in
tion that thev are as-eaaabie toortfcer. If j M AJen f'Urr' Cb,akS
tbey were taxed together, or as one, and I and e medal
repeaied so taxing ttein, t : " l"c
the section
ive service, charging each applicant a $3
lee. Many applications were found in
his room. The police declare him to be
a swindler. Patcbell recently finished a J
two years' term in the penitentiary for
wounding a prosCtute."
Lake Geneva Wisconsin, will be the
home of the Yerkes telescope and obser
vatory, and Samuel W. Allerton. the
citizens' candidate for the worlds fair
mayor, devotes a magnificent site and a
The structure, as
designated, will be substantial and mass
sive. and it will combine all the good
qualities of the Lick institution with the
more recent ideas of the best sciea lists
of the world.
one or the'
now can tee tax remain on
other, and on which one?
A case can be tuppvted and might at
Creat intervals be met with where it
would be optional with the assessor to
motion of church art: in ISj Gen.
At the unanimous request of the board
of directors of the Union Pacific road, .
II. H. Clark has withdrawn his resigna
tion and will continue in the Dresidenrv.
He will resign the presidency of the Mis
souri Pacific, but will continue one of
the director.
The condition of the Eight Rev.
John Xewton, who had charte af the
operations for the removal of ob.; ruc
tions from Hell Gate, was the recipient ;
in 134 the choice of the com mil tee feli
snake docble taxation, but the example, i ?Z ' fl a Vitbop Kip, of the diocese of California.
.- , ... bound himself br a vow never to reeeii . .K uiuww w lAiiumu,
any ecclesiastical dignity, and his ! ". 'yln(
.therefore omitted from the He . m,dDC P" few
i . , , ... , wetxs, is not material! v chanced. The
had taken this tow in expiation of some j v , k ..
. r 9sm.m tmtmj we .
a follows, is not one of these: "If
nan has a farm and he barrows $5,000
on the property, gives his note and a
snortgage, the party holding the note
. -a-. - -hj it- davortwo.
Smnart SraaWS sw a m aaa.11 a V.
. . ' iw iirtnna I sw ll K .J.l . &
ow under the old law both the evi-i w !
. tin niri n i am t. t u,a s . . i . i aw
ment bv I " enur general r.. xirDy Pmith. surviving
Of the Catholic Review. Mm Anna 1 ,j .v. j j . . ,
oence of debt and the instrument bv
vhach it is secured are considered land !
r real property. If they were real
property and separate, both should
pay taxes, but only one tax is
paid and the object of the repeal of the
shore section is and can be interpreted
oly to do away with that tax. As they
were assessed together, it does away
writh the tax together, as much with the
ote as the mortgage, they art inyartMt.
lne legal rate of interest is eight per
Hanson Dorsey, an author of religious in Sewanee. Tenn.. Tnl.. .f,-.
He has been in poor health for some
time. He was born in Augustine, Fi.,
March 16, 1524.
j fiction wbo has been styled the "Ameri
! can Jane Austen," sot it in In
; IS1) William J. Onahan of Chicago and I
in lSfl Daniel Dougherty received it,
and in it was presented to Henry j
F. Brow neon, son of Orestes A. Brown- j
son, on account of his translation of j
Traquca s "Life of Columbus." This
Tw Ltwary (lab.
The Literary club met last
j with the Misses Story. The life and
vear the nrinWt p.,it n., ! selections from the works of Errant went
lav legal rate or interest is eignt per ' : . ....... u.-c,
t but section So93and 25, veteran fender and n.ana of J ?''' h a deli-
,m jt . Boston Pilot. nt luncheon was served, though bein
aow rerealed, made an agreement legal !
between borrower and lender, as to who i
j . i , j
r"rA?r thepresidenu
. " .J? ' -- bT been subjected since the foenda-
borrower pay them, or ten ner rent. anH .i.
. 1 vi UM- forercuwrit. mm - .
against the rules of the club, could not
- ure V I U LI, COQJQ DOt
This matter of of5ce-seeking is an an- J refused when so daintily prepared by
the lender pay. On a 25 mill levy the tax
was 2.o0 per hundred dollars and if the
lender paid the Ux he just lost 50 cents
President William Henrv Harrison was
worried to his death by the cfce-eeek-
H?alV.tZ. TLZrZZ ! f iollowed
. , , " .mm on Lis wav to Washington. and one
borrower panl the Uxe. he just paid tLet. jy .lipprf LlT
cenu more than his 10 per rent, em . . ' . fP'cauon
hnndrmA HtJi.m ti . " . ' ' T la ' prKWct s panUloons i e-nngiit. Mm wman. Miss Ettie !?riJ"
hundred dollars. Thu two per cent. -as; pocket without Li. known. 7, rt i Storv. Mi l. T. 00; J
Z" " " -ncbi worried him almost to death .fter he I Boch. Mi,. Ruth Cooner v tZZ !3 J".'
K"""1 " lnexrnmeni as anv other .k ..j t. t,. v.. .i . .. It. :.. .. ... ' .: ,-w. mv.ii r. I jj.
portion of it. If I borrowed .h. ,. .7 ' . V " . WIU1 1 .. f rue :ss lone
I ' " -mum. : . . ... . ' Jurreison. 31 a r-
Uie charming hosteeses. Miss Brooks
and Miss Sewmaa favored the club with
some beautiful instrumental music, and
Mr. Garretson rendered several pleasing
selections on tbe guitar. After having
spent one of tbe pieasantest evenings of
tbe season, all departed for their homes
at a late hour. Those present were:
Miss Story, Miss Ruch. Miss Rror.k.
Miss Enrii-l.t Mi v.. w: r...
Building material is 10 to 15 ier cent
dearer this season.
Lime is quoted at 11.75 per bbl. :
cement, 4.50 ; plaster, 4 ; lath, $2.75.
Uril.KlXO ATXBJi.La.
Lcmbkb Rough lumtr Xo. 1. 1! M.
i No. 5 $10 M. Pressed flooring and rus
tic. No. 1 $:i M, So. 2 $24. No. 3 IIS.
Finishing lumber, $lVa $CC50. Sawed
shingles $2.75 per M. Lime, $1.75 per
bbl; plaster, $4.75 per bbl; cement,
$4.50 per bbl; hair, 7 cents per lb;
white lead, 7 cents perlb; mixed paints,
$1.60.a$1.75 per gal; boiled linseed oil.
65 cents per gal.
Wbi4T fi2 to 5tie per bu.
BaBl.IV The market ia no-.-;.
in barley, prices are down to t0 and si i
cents per 100 It.
OaT The oat market is stiff and offering-
are light at $1 IS cents per 100
lbs. Rye 75 cents per bushel.
Muiin rrn T.rmn and short are
quoted at 119 00 it-r t,.r. n.i.i.
dllnt-s $22 50 to $.'3 00 per ton. Roiled
barley, tJ3 00 to $24 00 per ton. Shell
ed corn $1 25 per 1U0 i s.
Fwt Salem mills liur ia nm.b.1
$4 25 per barrel. I'iamond brand at
$3 75 per bbl. per ton and $4 00 jr bbL
Hat Timothy hav ranges in price
from $12 00 to $15 00'per ton, according
to quality and condition. Wheat hay is
in full stork on a limited demand at
$10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There i no
inquiry for oat hav, and prices are off.
Alfalfa hay is not much cailed for, and
is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton.
These quotations are for bailed hay ex
clusively. Bcrrxa Freeh roll bnttr at ail m
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quote 30 to 40 cents per roll.
FxHia -The ew market i. Im
supply and good fresh eirgs sell at 10
to 12c.
PofLTBY Tlier ia a. fair t...n I,..
fowls for a home market and for ship
ment to P(A-tland. (! im nnr..!
at $2 00 to (3 50 ner dozen li.rkn. k
to 10 cents per t. ; geese $7 to $S per dot,
and ducks $3 to per dozen.
Beep a Muttok FWf -.tiU i. t.
moderate demand at $3 00 .er 100
weiirtil BToas to 3 Ml f.-r -... ,
uon is quotea at 3 W and
per head. Pork offerings are
and prices are nominal
weight and 7,1, cents drewwd.
I. C. Nickelen,
The Dnlles, - Oregon.
The olcieit. larut, mid t --t ti witKiued
lioime lr Soliool HooltB, unit DfNka.
NlutiotI ItiHtrumentH, Wittcltes,
Jevelr' nnd tsortlnn GoixIh.
Agt. Humburu-Urenieii Nten tnlilo Co m
Ti.-kti to m. nil from
I'Bowrr Attbwtiohi. Iw Peicek.
t'r to the Times.
: ocaixa IN j... -------
Kir. Pink. Asi
xr; siauai
Cord W ood
Tinning and Plumbing a Specialt
No. C7 Washixutox Street. . . The Vaiza
Wholeaale and Retail Iealers and Maaufactnrers of
$4 50
w boleaale and Ketafl Kealers and Maaufactnrers of '
Mim, MaltriaJ ud Diamsioi rimber. Poors, Wkidtu Kddap, Hew hnmilj
SnAC!ial Aftantlnn irlvan k. aa . . m . .
DRY Pine. Fir. Oak and Slab wnnn ni J
' ' ' W aSaaf aW VV Vat, W
any part of the city.
0ltl a U. m. 1 .
opeciai nennon giyentoth Manufacture of Fruit and K
Boxes and Packing Cases.
rsvotory smd Zmmber 'Vsarct sat Old ZVU XSsalls
is -
k.....i , , . . jroiiuenis aown to . iere and. eesrs. rrank
:?t.bli,T ,Dter ld killed branoffice-seekerjtio Donald. Edward
Corrci Costa Rica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., br tbe sack, r-alradore.
A r buckles, 2j',c.
Mo AS Ciolilen C. in , ...L.
$ 00; Kitra C, $5 10 : Irr irranulated
Pauerson, M.
par. debt I owed the state, and ZT 1 "7 " omce-seeker. - -ard P.(
eontractedtopa, deU with tST
teTnTr 3 IretOOWe H B-hanan bad a w.y ofkin, a nln's I
you moner to ITJb'a. Ivh'e ' 'T Tl.'' Ch' to Lin - .b Indian don't know
-o attorner?7or PinCTfcarned deS' "uhU M foch ' -T ank ha, r,t tbe drop o hi
on as tTthe effect of tbeew law on IV U, "f bi' in, Justice Pbinn
present contract., I be! ice mortT fiT ' , re'n the - skunk aero, the
ir.wn with the extra twH i TPU . 11 church-bou bridire to an In-
PT taxes will be able onlr to collect the I . ZZT . T" protD' ! ? the animal and
iegaleifbt per cent, interest. .H I 7C7" JT ttn lorjot ail ; aicEsa him. The next moment the In-
egal eig-bt per cent, interest, and even
then tbe lender will be $5.00 richer on
ererr thousand loaned.
about them, and the ac.tlieants r
thereby the more disappointed ; and it
was further a matter of com mm t th.t
i .
j .,F l lo pay
since tbe repeal of tbe indbt4n
clause and mortgage tax. Under tbe
old system they paid the Uses to a sec
end party wbo paid them to the county.
Sow they pay direct to tbe county, but
that is not alL Manr a farm ia
fed lor an it is worth, and more too.
Another lnnoration ia- a theatrical
way will be seen at "The MacKayef-pee-tatorium,"
in Chicago. People are to
be taken to the Tarioua galleries by fast
running elevators. The contract for
these elevators was made by The Coluoa-
but the farm. I .l' ' . .'1"" lxmpaay ,nd tbe
rorti, . , ' 77 v '7 taaM JJerator Company, of Chicago.
to 73 pee cent, of its raJus-th.t Is, . cachr l7r7JL. IL','"! P Uon to the need,.
iarm worth, say $11,000 would . lt . . Aivwranu i ine favorable and promising outloi.k f-r
pTEcr 2 002 75 pr keg.
Kice Japan rice, 6Vr7c; Iland.
nee, 7 ct.
Kui11' hiteVrCc; Pink,
. t -r iw i up.
PAI.T I.iverK)l, 601b sk, 6'jc; 1001b
i; s.w,o ,k, $i 00. Mock salt,
$16 00 per ton.
lk1.1" V FCIT Italian prunes, 12c per
J, . r-apratexl apples. per
frajiw, piaiur per pound.
fOTATOEK Peerless, Buffalo whites.
uni moment tiio in. ' " aui ijorijana mmi mm nru.t-mi
fell with bis wet face toward th. . 1,1 lr 100 It. Kxtra grjod $1.35.
. I 1 ! ,v - a .
vvur-im inaraex qnoutions for
a. i onions is ii 30 1 40 per 100 las
oicErs Fat-iTs (iood apples sell lor
II fo$l ,5 per box. Jail and early
winter pears are quoted at 60i75c per
nines msd rvtt.
xiide Are onotl mm t.A,.m. r
. ' . - AIT
cold Xortb and his heels toward Siskiyoa
county. lie is another unfortunate who
(Jidn t know it was loaded. Klamath
TntrMDAr, March 30th 1W3. While
there is an improvement in LnainM.
circles. It is far from being satisfactory.
Our merchants have laid ia large stocks
of general merchandise antleiiin.
increased activity as the season uyx-t, ;
uin i iaie, rckward spring has held
trade ia check and seem in HnlU i.
experienced. The farminc interLa .r.
now in lull lorce, and consequently there
. ui-,iopiuon to delay purchases until
'c lb ; green, Z(2 ; calls 4c lb.
hHr PaLT-7.( 100 ea. Der,kins,
.,WT.,,W summer
inesswo light u t) he,ry r ,()
otter, $..; hnher. $-V$.i 50: silver gray
IJ 5i ;i3: martm. $l.-0$ 20; mink
-"" VV a rut ' ill IS a u .
' ' f
tanr, k-; po'.eeat, iVirfVat;
"oun:cjii, ijc'"zjc ea.
Wool The market is reported 13 to 15
hiioh's cure, the ireat (Wk .-a
r ' f , . . ,,J
rr.wery bold, bad nZ Z, T.Z Z .. u- '-ing clse.. .od .,M ffJf lf Kb..
. .... : i luwim nowerer. inve a , a
iorm an exuitlt Of creat interna f ?.. ... . ' " ! U,J"". omy -JC. Chi dren h.e. i
w, convene .or an iMMw.j 1 ,7 & Kinerslr.
I.CXv, or the owner if clear of debt
tuocewsors to L. D. Frank, deceased.)
A (ienva-al Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
f bcissls aii Estaa DisIot in Harisss, Entlies, Wtips, E:rss Elaiiets,!
icii Aaarmeiit or lenca kitten Pfcii cr stsmpel.
New - Umatilla- House
s a . .
iicae, and Baggage office of the U. P. Ic. B. Company, and offio. of the
Cnlon Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valaafctex
LARGEST : AND : FINEST HnTEr. . iv . nwrnol
----- - - - - . 1,1 . W A "
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise
Dry Goods, Clothine, Genu' Kurnishing Gooda, IJoH
Shoes, Hat, Caps, (iroceries, Hardware,
Crocker)-, Hay, Grain, Feed, lite.
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalle,