The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 31, 1893, Image 4

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. - . i . iha a it, i m mr w.r art n csaidum. i
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rw ..lvo.-.tea ,'Tli.UMMIWIII
IIC - . l
The Weekly Ghronicle.
The SaWm Democrat advocates
erndua! change for the better, mince it
i ... i . ... .
cannot a:i ie uon m. . , m
Tbe fifth session of theTrana-Misais-
ssemhle in Oeden.
W here the roads were thrown up aud ' .. . T, , ; Ug ; Carlisle of Arlington r.uie in on ... jj. s. Kwa. oi Die Battle Creek
! graveled they were fine and .lid. Let ' Un Uge and proceeded .1 once to the slier-, .f uiak,ng . ,our o( in
Saturday evening our town people hd j
little sensation of it own. Constable !
Pa.rlii.le of Arlinetou ruie in on the
T Haul frwk I'mI ada
i ti ravin.
KuWrwl al In il.Tw ai The Pallet, iUvsrn,
a KOtuu-rtaa wall nimtut.
sy nu (roiToi rurimi is advxck.
m.'tit . -
Tr.r uioolha
A.1vri'.iUI ru nuouUr. and nk- kiR-ww
DC Ul'pllimUuU.
Ai1i'T" all MmnuDiraUint fci-TKK KKOV
I a PaiU. tm m.
7 '
on1 Kiine more this summer; nex
, summer tome more ; and the next sum
i mer tome more and so on until we get
jtheui all graveled. In Oregon gravel
beats woodenheaded legislators tur uiuJ.
1 1 held at lialveston. at IVnver. at Omaha j f'
I ' and at New Orleans. They have always WJ
i-ed a warrant in the
herirT Johnson (or the !
arrest of our attorney, tleo. w . tiuoue,
on a charge of forgery preferred by Krn
xt SMkkmn. the sheepman. Goodc
-ovw Stood?.
rorvrt orriciAL.
brought together the leading commercial
minds oi the west, and numbered among
their delegate the moot energetic and
iitirnruinr of those who ataJid at the
The Point Defiance Street Kan way i, . , ... .......n.-nu for develoninc
balding a 57-foot itorace lottery electric I ni the tran-MiiiwiPDi re-
iteamer, named Mount Tacoma, to be i The aboul lo aemble
put on the gig-harbor and floating dry- j no esWltion ,0 thoee
dock route, in connection with the street-, h(j prvt,deJ u in lif rard.
car line. The iteamer i expennienial. Ke nUli?e c;Sien. from all the
Uut tae invenior, .-ica ,rritrii ,! e tie of the
.l.!-3 uccewful electrecian. and aaticipale. j t lu. tewwn U.e Mii-uppi
..J B. Cw-en ( no eoecial dimcultv. The inventor con- . . . .;..;fit ,;, intAntion 1
. Wm Viriwil . .. . ... iu.r........i - - i i . .
DaUniMl iider invention reoiuuour.. m . -aj tl,e ion U one j lw or' l'.T
note afterwards. Justit-e .eigler
tereot oi me paper, lie liaa a
with him and will take views and gather
description! to accompauy them oi all
the points of intereet in nature and art ; .... braakin. out o. .i
of the Taiilic oast, to be published in ' Mom the knew, and aBCuredound sn(J
as promptly arretted and niarchml oir; ,jie l 0(,t iu ti e 'uture. This will giva with two and a alf botUea of
CtmnT Jadpe
Comnunldoeis .Frank kurnid 1 1.... ., .t ihr
Ajlujjjm Jo W. Uu u" "
BurrevurV e. F phrp , past two veara and has made improve-
r.fK'.'luLiww5 J ments in "cells. The elecric boats are to
r . . j be run as feeders to the street car-line.
oi.tcoN at th k woKLD r AIR. j EoaU of this class wUl I in great de-
' iu and, and the discovery is held to have
T. f -MoiM i. iit .i Uieiperiut.-ndont I jTeij tj,e problem of cheap bound
t.':mi.:v-i.m Anyone n. n HTin:iit i ex- ; navigation, ixmiis f' v;
F. SlATLn k. d.-wtmnntoi srTculmre. t . ..:, BA their small caracitv put
vt pnibUrU, nd l;. I.'A: i , ...
them out ot Uie qaesuon, ana tne
to the couiitv jail w here be was h-kel
up until the next morning. Tue trouble
originated out of a note giten by v
Serkamp last summer to Mr. ;"' '
legal services rendered him. '1.. -.rf
calls for $75, and when tioode U-v.i t
... . i .....,.. j ritKarhlafuImadlclneaaaa iuin
i. i.i - - ...... . ..ur- ------- , WlL, c
nmniiijiw 1 1.
l.ia. Oregon and V tikl.ington. Mr. Keea :
is thorough, eiierg,-tic snd painstaking'
aud yeelerdiiy was H "i. every street of;
The Ilic, tiiking aooiit a dozen snap
shots with h:s ranera. Mo was sur-
I and steam were proposed, but the cost
f!r.irr uid (tirwt pnurU,
,:!d Z?ZStnt " m!UB- m,ma" heme v abandoned. The inventor
J. U. v ai:jw !.U dfp.nn-.eni .rf b.wii-, inenjg applviug his invention to
v t j. I. MYERS, deocirtniiM-t pf fihinr nd
?.mv apMrahis. mimijielni. eierlru-! sud
U (lVT.l MIH IIDlti! JuVI. 1
v s-.. F w. nils. FortUud. iiurr Juiv i. j drv-dock service
In . c-'pnTlrmiil il w,min w.wk. e,inip"linx
-.r :'.'m art, hu huid cnom and pfinlucu
5-- ' ....... i uinable on; v at a citv. are often required
r. JlcEI-KoY. d-Trtr.-.T! ol oiwntiioa. - ... .
l iirr ednaiU'i. -.nibiu, :it.Tmr, tmtuu. j st short notice ana u haste. The new
. pleasure boats of all kinds, and hopes
to uake the new method applicable nl-
; timatelv to long-distance tmfiic. The
is very exacting, and
I material, tools ana mactme-euop, oo-
ii i . .- fir hm
... Mi. MrKK:iK. ifc-wtmcnt oi civil f.iv-1 eieauiera
nui.ei-1, inciudjiie riAtr and cuunty : Ixilem.
ill fill this need. Construct
ion of other steamers will be begun as
j soon as this one is in commission.
j The Oregonian tells of a cloth cuirass.
Cheer up brethren. Continue to . made by chemical process, to resist the
hope, friends oi the cascade locks and penetrating force of a rifle bcllet, the
canal. The oj-eninr of the canal across j discovery being reported from Germany,
the iamoas Isthmus of Corinth is prom- j It seems almost incredible that cloth
ised In June or sooner. This is a work could be rendered thus icpenetrable by
which dates back to Nero and Julius a bullet that could easily penetrate a
Caesar and even to Alexander the Great, ; yard of wool, but mechanical invention
and the present canal follows exactly ; and scientific research have disclosed too
the line of that begun by Sero. It is ' many wonders in this aje of progress to
4 miles long, and its cost is now eeti- j justify the characterization of scything
mated at $11,500, 000, only a little more ' now as impossible. It is some time
. ithnitt Ii aiimfKi was lor .J llis;is
of $173 aud that the extra tum
,rv 1 1 I . . .. .. t
of being present, ami tlie occasion is
that is certain to result in beneficial in
fluence on the growth of the entire
western country. It is also confidently
anticipated that all, or nes-rly all, of the
governors of the stales and territories of
the trans-Mississippi country will be
present, thus adding dignity and im-
nnrtanr to an othera ise creat event and
press payment, -tmp claim."! t";" to find stu b u prvtu, lively and
pt'piiU'U lo u, a he sj"' t was the tm
predion eat that The IK..W was little
mere than a line station, lie promised
to correct the idea when returned.
itroahtad frara ohlMhood wrifc u ,
r 1 1 llir. a ad taraa SHMiat, i
missed the case, saying that he war i
able to find any evidence whatever I.
show that a crime had been commit' ! !
The trip of Mr. kit- ai.l do more for
tiie country visited by 1 "i than any
i it lr nl i In iiTiiiit'rtiiis r i.'Cts of late
or that the note had beeu tampered w ah j yera to txfw)t a ttm,QTVM.
in any way. j j,an,ph;rti brochure or w rile np, of
Mr. GotKle feels very indignant overj wnmtv,.r U,,r;t !yHgraphically, carries
iiieaisa-einainasunnecer..y,.,. . , . lnllinreri,T l0 :u
realise the
frmvat raaa t Tmmmr, mmd
I I ttr4 saw tnrsaai
nor kook oa RWtnd and Mia Dtaaaaea bmiv,'
dm. twin arauun) ,i Hania, ua j
A-suringan assemblage which will be thrurtupoB him. and we understand h e iltBjw, ,, ihry
truly representative in its chara-ter. A " " -aP crt,,t .mount of rsonal interest the
world's fair train fiearingtheseeiecutives
w ith their staffs to Chicago to attend the
inaugural exercises of the Columbian
exposition is among the announcements
which will lend interest to the general
programme. There w ill be many able
papers and addresses presented to the
coneress w hich will treat of the various
mni.i in mhich the netttile of the west
are concerned. Public lands, arid land. 'h 't administration, but President
heavy damages for malicious prosecution
and false imprisonment. Condon lilohe.
Waald Wvrl Tbelr M aler Mte7.
SenaUir Dolph called upon the secre
tary of the interior the other day regard
ing the proposed tim'ier reservation at
Ashland, Or. It was understood that
this reservation would he made during
and reservoirs, silver, the improvement
of the Mississippi mid the Missouri and
of Pacific coast harbors, deep harbors on
the Texas coast these and similar topics
will come before the congress for the
consideration of its memliers.
Mr. Cleveland has given out the in
formation that there must 1 no nepot
ism in bis administration. The rule
was promulgated rather late. The
Spokane Review points out that Secre
tary Carlisle has ap(ointed his son pri
vate secretary, Isaac P. Gray has ap
pointed his on private secretary to ac-
comnanv to Jlexico, and Auiai
Harrison did not find time to reach it
Secretary Smith told Senator Dolph
that at present he was unable to do any
thing regarding this reservation and (
was too bnsy reorganizing the depart-
tnent to give any time or attention to
the work of the department exrept that
of most pressing nature. The necessity
for having the Ashland reservation is
laid to be that the water supply of that
town is dependent upon having the tim
ber reservation, as the denudation of
the lands where the water now comes :
from would probably result in greatly
impairing the water supply.
promulgators have in such a document ;
they are sure that the merits are over
drawn and the disadvantages as carefully
veilei. But when the Rattle Creek
Post comes out, and as a matter of news
publishes the features of the Pacific, it
w ill be read with interest aud pruCt i and
the result of the actual truth, being
knoa n, neither h'gLly colored nor pur-1
posely eliminated, will lie to encourage
settlement and leave a iair impression i
in the Blinds of those w ho have linineti
in the eastern and middle states. '
SihhI Wlu at.
" Oats,
" Corn.
" Kye,
" ltatx-s.
(larden Sootls,
ctls in Hulk.
Ilav, Grain and Kd Store.
r -
Th Mlaalas; Mrlda.
than half what the Hooaac Tunnel, since the discoyerv of this process was gteTeDSon ,lM pointed his son private
which is about the same length, cost. : first announced, and the fact that it has '
secretary. As Hauard puts it.
take out afewhtmdred been tested and approved by officers of j 0&c
yarus oi ciay ana ro-j; ; ine vierman army u sui:icieni narraai
i after." Give the lx-s in the nursery a
It remains to
thousand cuhii
gallons of fresh water, so as to get at tie discovery. That Germany will long j
bottom and lay up the wial.s of Conn- ; pos-ess alone the secret of thus treating 0np . t,iat Iite, lflril.
i on is Koswea learJsiv, who was ap-
thlzn limestone where they have not cloth, and use an armor for her soldiers)
yet been constructed, brijre opening the other nations do not have, is scarcely
canal to vessels nd converting the Pel- ' probable, No nation Las yet been able
cponaeens icto an island. More than ' to monopolize any important adjnnct of
,000 men are at work. The enterprise ' war or weapon of offense or defense.
Hall aad Klaila Keleaaed.
pointed during John tiuincy Adams'
administration (12S) to the post-office
at North Lansing, and w ho Las heid it
since without interruption, a period of
sixty -five years. He only got $18.53 for
Lis first year, but he enjoys an increase
of nearly 900 per cent, at present. His
ealarv is now $170 a year.
Itarey rlftHd.
was undertaken by a French company in Germany's cloth soldiers will find other
IS5J, but its airent, the Comptoir d"E-, cloth soldier to oppose them, should
compte, failed in consequence ot the the cloth cuirass prove to be what it
great copper speculation. After a delay , claimed for it.
of two years, a Greek company took np '
the job, and is now carrying it through. Of the fiO.OtiO appropriated for en ex
in Epite of the poverty of the countrv, ' Libit at the world's fair, not one dollar
which has caused cessations of work at j et apart for the newspapers. Al- j It now developes that C. II. Gove, the
times. ready the late appointed superintend- ; murderer and suicide, reported on tbe
entg 0( departments are besieging every j first page, was one of the jury that con
When the democrats can get away newspaper office in the state with circu- j victed Geo. Morey of the killing of Gus
with Augusta, Maine, there ia not a for letters for publication and demand- I Barrv. Tbe attoruev of Morev was not
corner of the union to which they can , jng all the free advertisements they , slow in grasping the idea that the ver
dict might be set at naught on a plea of
Morey was culled epen in bis cell in
not lay claim. The death of Mr. Blaine , want. It seems to us but right and just,
has left that state without a leader and ; that if the assistance of the newspaper
it might hereafter be placed in the ;a M important ;in getting up a display
oocDtlul list, wtta assurance as soon as , for Oregon at the fair, that the press I the county jail, and informed of Gove's
the people become educated they will j should have the same consideration, at j attempted murder and successful suicide,
vote the democratic ticket. Iispatch. ; least of one of the coin m ise ionets. The j "Gove? Who was Gove?" Le in
Eepublicans can never be educated to ( newspapers are willing, alwavi, and do j qnired.
hi ociy wnai is rigni. xne pany cam : gtye more labor to the op-building of all i "Why, one of the jurors who tried
i.t.o existence as a. power nine more pnalic good than anv other profession or
than thirty years ago and their ranks ; business, but that don't make it right to
were supplied by those who cared less j load the free horse with every enter
for party affiliation and more for patri-; prise that some can scheme ia make
otism. Because the democrats have j money out of. Polk County Observer,
gained in power should not be a source
of congratulation on tlieir pari, for they i Edward Atkinson, the eminent statis-
your case, was the reply.
"Oh, yes ; man with a black beard, of
medium height, eh? But this does not
interest me."
"Bat your attorneys will endeavor to
prove that he was insane, and get you a
Prosecuting Attorney Wagner yester
day morning in Elienshurgh filed a mo
tion to dismiss the charge against Cal
Hale and Tom Kinzie, and an order for
their release was immediately issued.
They departed for their homes in Ore
gun. Hale was couvicted of rotibingthe
Koslyn bank and secured a new trial.
The jury in the Einxie rase disagreed,
and the new trials were to begin next
Monday. The motion fur a dismissal
was made because the prosecution
thought the chances of a conviction too
slim to justify plunging the county
deeper in debt in an effort to convict.
They have been in jail since Ilecember
1st. George Zachery was liberated last
This action will please the great ma
jority of the people of Oregon w Lo be
lieved Caie Hale innocent
Kaptlaai by lamaeralaa.
Mr. and Mrs. White and Miss Kate
Bowman, of the Methodist church, an
nouncing their preference to be baptized
by immersion, yesterday afternoon went
to Mill Creek for that purpose, accom
panied by the presiding elder, I'.ev. B.
C. Motor. A host of church people at
tended and many others also went out of
curiosity. Tbe ladies were dressed in
black robes, Mr. White dispensing with
bis coat, while Mr. Motor bad provided
himself with a pair of hip rubber boots.
Though the water of Mill creek at this
season of tbe year, fed by mountain
springs close at hand. Is probably colder
than that of tbe Jordan, which flows
! new trial. Have vou 1
w;U never gam of themselves except ; tician, estimates tbe pension payments "What the hlcraivn trial
Irom birth rate. If tbe republicans will attain their highest point In ISM, ' both men dead, eh? Strange eoincid- ! "nh long stretch of country and in
have depreciated it is because of soma when the total amount will reach $1&6,-! ence, isn't it? Think I'll bw acquitted j clime, the ceremony of immer-
corrcption which Las disgusted the 000,000. After that date the pensioners ! eh? Weil I'll be dd!" ( sion was accomplished withoot event.
ran. ana n. causing mem to seek re- ; wUJ begin decreasing at the rate of 35 in J Morey was great'. r perturbed, and ex-'
iief by allying themselves for a time : 1,000. On this basis he enimatei that . bi. ,ml,nL ; i.v. I
with their opponents. When tbe occa- j in li9o the amount required for pension j pressions like tbe foregoing, and then ! A Dtw print-washer for photographers
sion demands they will come back atrain cavmenta will be 14S.000.G00 .and in i .a . ! was shown bv Mr. I) C. Motrin t). in.
w iiicui imn inu wanea
A llaady Eae.
and it will be found that the same old
ciiginal r umber of democrats are left,
pius tbe ir cent, of birth. Thus the
republican party in other words, the
loyl and intelligent cituens of the
United Hatee are the regulating bal
ance wheel of the state machinery, and Washington Las passed a bill making it
by their persistent course of placing unlawful for anyone to manufacture,
themselves on the right aide, tbe nation j buy, sell, give away, or Lave in possev
will continue to be blessed. There are ' sion cigarettes or cigarette papers. This
newspapers that talk of the republican ' ' sumptuary legislation with a ven
party being dead and buried. Fiel'geauce. It s quit evident that Wash
How long did it take in I8CG to raise a j ington intends to conserve the men tal
force irre-isiabie and invincible? Take ' nd physical powers of Ler people even
care then, brethren of the democratic ; if be has to go Spartan methods several
;rsaasion, to remain conscientious and t points better in the doing of it.
patriotic, and be guided by the best in-' -
tellignce of your capable leaders, and f There is one method of defying fash
eo long yon are welcome to the tiller of n- The crinoline found its way into
the ship of slate. j a Tennessee church, and when the wot-
I iuiricii irum me ensuing not
IK. $141,000,000. The adjudication of j against the bar. He seemed to be in ! Tentort this morning. It is a wonder the
back claims, it -rill be seen, involve the j high glee, although be did not congratu-1 implement Las not been invented and
extra expenditure of about $j0,000,000 ! late Limself or thar.k tbe bearer of the rerally used many years ago, saving,
annually. news. He posed in an ungraceful posi- M lt doe' F1 ot v!o"' time
f(JT .vrr.! niinntM nrl v.. ! to tlie photographer. By an under, in-
Tbe legislature of the young state of , d suddenly and inquired in a solemn rted 01 "n over-flow of water, the prints
aaViinsrtnei . a at a-. aa. J am t.?11 a 1 I ? a ' ' . t , . .....
voice, adopted for the occasion, if Gn-a . re erl constant.y moving, without the
was one of tbe juror who at first held
out for acquittal. On receiving a reply
that tlie standing of the jury was kept said: "Well, I'll give Lira
benefit of the doubt. I am sorry for Lis
death." He spoke in a calm voice and
tedious work of handling them, as is
now the universal custom.
The girl, Tlie Ogg, who was married
last Saturday night to Thomas Or by
While and decamped the next day , rttne
back to Pendleton on Thursday's W. &
C. K. K. train. Her story to her par
ents, as related by Ler stepfather, was
to the effect that herself and companion,
Julia I-atimer, occupied room IS Sunday
night at the Golden Rule hotel, their
meals being carried up to them. They
left town on Mondav morning's train,
j aud stopped off at Hunt's junction.
Tbey then walked to Waliula, and went
from the sandy city to Moscow, Idaho.
Here their store of pocket money soon
became exhausted, but Belle was re
sourceful and pawned a gold watch
given her by her mother. This money
was divided between the two girls and
they separated. The lAtimer charmer
said she would go to Spokane ia search
of better fortune, and the runaway l-ride
concluded to return home. It is stated
that the bride is willing now to join the
husband whom she deserted, but tbe
opportunity is not offered. It is the in
tention to ship her to the home of her
grandmother, in Clackamas county, in
the liO that reformation may be
effected, an she is not yet seventeen
years old. Siie will le accompanied on
the journey by her mother. Et Ore-1
gonian. j
Fresh Paint!
W C. ILHKHT bmh wn4n
Hit ron;tt.tni!tii t evert frtariwl
A:ii mn: y - if h h u -
It Uivj tvw nr bf tlw-jr uuuir.
Th tim for petttttir. nw bmi worf,
And ftjnr df-airw htmit
Tlmt iiH'itit frvb wui cif-b and ww.
A lion but $inl tillH cma
Paintinr. p?wTlti? and gmxng. Inn,
W U( nk WKir tti Inrnwr i'k quttr nrv
Hui tatfcr T.rtif work CttiT Wt,
bj titr jb ut by tbr (U
If bftr work ftvf hint rail.
Hf"lJ ttiKs fnxr rrtirT. imrv n mmrnil.
Kvww Uui:r,
r o. iu,i so. s.
THL, on.
hkihi, Estalililieci!
Furniture and Zzyss
Th riaa-rr Hfcoar.
The recent creation of the adjunct of
the department of floriculture by the
Oregon State Horticultural society seems
to have stimulated a general interest
in the beauty of flowers all over tbe state.
Active steps are being taken by tbe
ladies of Portland, and the forthcoming
floral exhibit in June wLicL will be held
in that city promises to prove an inter
esting event.
We have aided to oar bamw
somplete I'ndertading Estat-lishmeii'
j and as we are in no wav oonnerted wiu
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices w:
be low ai-cording'v.
Lat laaoa.
Tonight w ill occur the last dance of
the Mignonettes, and is to be given by
Win. tirgfeld gratis. This merry party
Lave passed away many pleasant hours
during the winter, and while they will
discontinue their weekly entertainment,
it is probable that tbe coming summer
holds jast as much amusement ia store
in other wsra.
The St. diaries Hotel
This old, popular and reliable boow
Las been entirely refurnished, and eten
room has been repered and repair:
and newly carpeted throughout. Ti
house contains 170 rooms and is supplwi
with every modern convenience. liata
reasonable. A rood reetaurant attached
to the bouse. Vmr bus to and fmn ail
C. W. KNOWLES. Prop.
From TERJE'KrUi or ISTESI05 Poia
Ob! If II Wh Tm.
IT si
if in n
The Paul Mohr portage railroad around
Tbe Dalles of tbe Columbia will shortly
be completed. With the completion of
tlie locks the Upper Columbia will nO
doubt experience quite a boom. I'nion i
..,..... - :W ALL I C'I.VrSLCT ASH
ST-l c ...
iuese cgures represent tt.e number of u i. m, pm,,,, r.r Rit.
Dottles oi lr. King s Sew Discovery for
n one year, and eaih and nm
1 til lltl tu taa
lt ran Thn
Vntlbulut 1 mas rrnTJ Amy la tlie J"
THE CHURCHES. consumption, coughs and colds, which rfr ri. T f rl
hodist Epil church, comer pl. M U 0 1 C 5 QO
and vJtinfiZm streets, Rev. J. I M,ar h' T" '!1'ion. , f f
Err, pastor. Tomorrow is the occa-! l twenty-eight thousand, tNO Uaoe or uu.
' i.. ...j ii..: . mx hundred and setnty-two bottles', 0n..Hi of i.imn. f. ,,...r,-l
rl.a .
On the mining of tbe Ut day's se- une m luem couia remember the i out to
ith stilid kutnfM m l.;,.l. , " tiisler
. '. : . i. , , , aion f if tl,a mia. nn.rfMl. n . a... .t
wrangc;. wnu uis exciieo manner ana """"i"!,,;,!
U .l-V. ... . . I tl.H Var Iaaatt;na :ta. ..CT. rJ'U
Ejimii m iuc oegmning oi tne interview. , - . .-....a bottle was , M r n a
"How does it feel to man convicted . at 10 o'clock ; th.t" " "" r. . T -T -
of murder to grasp a rtraw like this H P " i Sunday hool at 12 :20 mney " ; , ",'
be was asked. ' Ep-ortb League at C :30, and service, at 1 n? M " - .
i ' . . i iko bulitss is luain. it
J never disapjioints and can alwsys lde-
"Oh, I don't know. 1 bavn't grasped j 7 :30 P-
It Las only been held
I ha ttmnoMt MmmmAkilnlU,. , 1 . , I I . . .
me. But I -till Lave honea.' he 1 ...... :' . . .. . " v"" " uc"1 remeoy
, ' miit arbicic Iran hits ia rita fni nram..r,i
ik-n of the lein'slature Benresentative ' text- But the woman with thecrino-
ecctt. Populist, introduced the'following ' ,ine bad Intd. fhe did not have to
reo:otion: "Whereas, this legislature 1 ren1 f'nients in token thereof.
s now within one day of tlie adjourn- ! Ier niS!'bov bad thoughtfully at
ment and very little Las ben done for t" this formality for pier,
tlie people; .therefore be it resolved.'
. .... . .1 - ..iti i. .i .i .1.: TUm.iivknMn i... ..a- rt.. ,l ! ' '
member, should return the amount ofr-old beef steers weighing 1JW0 1 V "? i"' "' m.och ' Pf"0""' Pr.ence we can ..y
.i,- J- i . .. u ' ; r" - - ... auu 1 1
uir.r jin unu murage 10 ine ireas)-. i""""". cm j c , in uiitKe more
cry and pay the state a reasonable ren-1 uonev than bis neighbor who turns off
tal Ijt the nae of tlie capitol boilding." ' 00 tiead of three-year-olds weighing
Mr. cott gives eridence of g'jod sate- j pounds, and he accomplishes it
msr ei.ip wbkb the future will doubtless j vitD food deal lees trouble and ex
devfcio?. I pense. says a stock journal.
ot the mothers of the town. M'hen the
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw. 111., was mothers recommend it you may know
troubled with rheumatism and tried a ' that that article Las more than ordinary
number of different remedies, but says merit. Here is what the Centorville
none of them seemed to do bim any i South Iakota, Gtiien savs editorially
good; but finally be got bold of one of an artirU ar.M i f t..i. . ..r
telt sure that others i Chamberlain's f'onvh P..i. i
similarly afflicted would like to know broken up bad colds for oor children
what the remedy was that cured him. i We are a,uinted with many mother.
- '"'v"- wi i. ire iKiieiii oi in public, "i.envervine who woui'i not be without
that it ia called Chamberlain's Pain t il in the houe ,or F! "ihr.r times its
Balm. For sale by Biakelev A Homrh. S"'.."Vl n ,rw;o""ndir.g it every
ton. Druggist. f f'ji W 7nt j11" !"r tlake-
I ley 4 Houghton, druggists.
naa lrru,f kKim nivrpmul lalealaquipm
B that ran b cm.trnrt.Ht. and tn w
aniiinniiMlatKitis ar l.(h f mr and Fiit-pU'-
(in huHlrni ol Hrt and wnmd clut IlraMU.
coughs, colds, etc. Price 50c. and $1.00. i
At Knijs & Kitersly'. drog store. j a rotitiiiiii. Una. rmi-tin with si! H
aiXiraius ulrvel and uninterrupted anrrica.
Pii'lman rWr mnrratlmis ran b x""
Id advance UiniUKh any apiil of tM naxl.
One lot, with a rood dwelling and out
buildings situated wet of the Academy
grounds, and fronting; Libertv street on
t i Mt i. it.r 1 ........ n T i TlinnilAH anMirWM mnA fmlll
easyTAp llf nT ! , t 5 Z&XfS.
tion. Title perfect.
i Ucairt office kA im rnvmpmaj
Full lnfirmniii eoneemlns ru-.
dXaiJj lursuB
rat.-, t! n
Far Kala or Traaa.
iuormgnurei, ruon novo null lor trains, mulea aud otMr
tale. Weight 2,000 pounds, ass 5 veara. twUcaUua to
From Kansas. Mo.; Al pedigree, Will W. C. AIXAWAY,
trade lor horses or males.
Kxaa A Bi'ckley, Grass Valley
Agvnt M. T. A A. Hav. Ce., IUlalor oftx.
Iwiia. Of., or
A. D f HaaXTOK,
Aar-t Omaral faaaacsw AV, rortiaaa.