THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1893. A WIDOW Mai well OaUlwee Hla UM Washington, March 27. Fourth J A NEVER ENDING WAR WHO sitnl Portuiaster-Geueral Mazwell to-1 . daa indicated the line of policy which; TESSEt. 13 J ri2El:UE:Wnihiiiiiiiti.l-tionof-tct , 50,000 fourth-class postmaster thi year. ToICr. ! He said : ! "la the first place I don't propose to RETIRES TO PARTS I'NkSOWX perniit unsuccessful politicians to aie- tate appointments. ..; congressmen . and men a bo ran for conaress and w ere Be Concocted a Dime XoeI Story ; , , , . M-ni ...nointments ! under rue. In the state where there : it not a democratic senator and the ' districts are represented by republi- ! cant in congress, the state district r-i-sviB, Col.. March About three j aeniocratic committee will be yea-s ago Mr. Helen C. Wood, a rich MkeJ" w Mk. recommendation, ior wid.w en;ployed a man calling hinise j IK38.mater." B. F. Frane. bet whose real name it ; Owens, to take a number of horse from a mi Heaveaijr . Ivnvcr to Los Animas. There be was jjAS F.ascico, March tf?. 11 :30 a. Atout Her Pancbter and She Believed Kim. Ma EeialntiiEis!. Arc Bail, De- C.UXOT HOLD OUT MICH LONGER The Marching of the Troop Marked Maay Outrages and Lawless Art. tT . . . ...... ..I sayings, i riday tie emcre-i me onicw oi j a prominent real estate firm and in- j quired for one of the partner. Not i being in. Gove left word to the effect , that be was very anxious to tee him, at ! he -Gove) had just been released Irom jail. Many aimilar storie were bronchi oot bv hit terrible deed last evening. U U IUU U U V a,T "Th. nniu.tU mil IlLJl IA - Lav Grtwin Seatat ia Hawaii Aiaicsl AcDciatioL dn and tlio Boston's moved." adjiinr that would Ut wit here fn-m Male to vesicate the aituatiuu to cote. trvnip, ba ""nmiasic. the rn;. Ott Th rmnlfd Weals. Vashincto. March Sf. In the senate. Hoar called cp, as a question of rriv j ilege, the resolution rrported by him I from th committee on privilege and i elections, declaring I-ee Mantle enti'' to be admitted to a teat at ena:'- ' Montana. Harris uggested the was not ready to act on the quest .... a report of the maioritv and minority had only been delivered today. Hour changed, aid hit reason for calling op the subject ' continues BIS1XESS IS MICH DEPRESSED The Japanese C. eminent Willing Annex auj is Only Watching fur a Chance. ts arrested on suspicion of having stolen , m. The most peculiar phenomenon is J tbe horses. He was soon released, how- Tigible in the beavent here, a little south ever, and on his return to IVnvfr he of vet and not far above the horison. loid Mrs. Woods that while he a at in j it appears like a larye star and occasion jail he overheard a conversation between I times oat red and bine sparks. It two men who had been employed to ) u ratid!r movinc frotn the sooth to the north and is slowly sinking. Yairaaaiao, March 27. -General Saraiva's defeat by government troops i near Alegro, Kio uranae oo ?ai, on Tharsdav was a greater blow to the Eraailian revolutionists than was at first I today was that souie senators . - thought. Advice from Rivera say that j bout to leave the city today and dc; General Saraiva was not only beaten j to address the senate. The resoluti. i badlv, but that 3,000 of his men were I was taken up. I'ngh, who joined tn th kidr.ap Mrs. Wood's 4-year-old dangh Wr, Vl'.lie, for the purpose of gaining possession of certain property in Pitts bcrc. Pa., to which she was sole brir. As Mrs. Woods has rich relatives in Fittiburg, she tulieved t lie stories, and gave Frane within a iew months 12.(X to -e csed in trcstrating the plot and gvttiEC possession of dt-txis and seenri- ties that wtre on deposit in a Cincinnati ' bark. After a short alence he returned as d reported that he had obtained the ;a.;-e.-, bet had killed two men in e- F.fforts are being made now to reach Lick observa tory and other observatories, which are shot off from telegraphic communication at this honr. The same phenomenon is reported from Santa Crux, San Luis Obipoand other points- . ! BAtu. nl tl.A .au.vitv ii i ii ii il ii I Ia a . V-. . v, . 1 I V U1JIII 1 . , V". HI . V w HoNoi.ti-t , Manh 16. The political sltnation of tl.e iflauJ r-viains oo- T!ie pnviioi.a1 . vernmnt to exercise all Lie powers tonally confrrred, and t'-f i-nditionaI i.rvti"-torts aiiimuuirJ by l"i dl States Miiiiter Stevriis on la-haif ol llil gvV i is ft ill maintained. ' ' e armed from the i ruin-r I', still on shore, and ti Ainericaii ,'. ; ' still floating over t!.- government i o.ldiiigs. made prisoners. He also lost a large amount of ammunition and arms. The drees the senate in lavor of this report, newt from Bare is to the effect that ! At the conclusion of Tugh's remarks a General Tavarei is entrenched outside j long discussion as to the admission of j There has been no public disturbance of the Castilhistas stronghold, and is shell-1 Mantle legan, hot the matter went over ! any character, and there Las ensued a ing the town from the hills with several , until tomorrow before a conclusion was ; quiet waiting for a 6ual decision of the Vol Sea a at Sis Jose, Cal.. his trail. He represented to tier that ti e was also liable to be arrested, as he was acting as her agent. Mrs. Woods ' gave Liin Jo.OOO to buy off the detectives, t Felruary 2ist Frane returned to Denver ! and the next day he got from Mrs. j Woods two drafts on Kountie Bros., of i on. one ior ,.".' ana :ue omer j for o,CO0, and she Las not seen him j since. Mrs. Woods finally consulted a lawyer, w ho rejiorted the matter to the j A detective traced i ranee to I. Irk Obwrtalary. I can jose, l al.. Marcn . Uommnm- cation was gained by telephone between Lick observatory and here about mid night, but before the telescope could be fixed on the phenomenal star it had sunk below the horizon and no observa- ; tions could be taken. In this citv the t American government. The only activ ity in political circles at present is due to the fvrmation of annexation and non annexation clubs. Neither of these or- Chicago. March 2:1. There ere lively ! pa nations has as yet attained a n.eui times on the board of trade shortly aftet ' bershin likelv to influenm the tvrilitiral A Tamala la W arat. large-eixed guns. No general attack has reached. The senate then went into ex yet been made upon the garrison. So ecutive aeiMhin. far as the Castilhists and federals are concerned, they appear to be maiuly en gaged in avoiding an engagement. Their marches through the district affected by the revolution have been marked by ! noon- In view of an e ident corner in J outcome pending definite word from i m.nvnnlr.. U'nni .n... In l,.r. ! IT W heat here, hith has held that j W.iluni' Tl, rnivrulhtr 1 'i.K ! v.".v,. i,; .ru. ik. t-, i. ! future fur above a raritv with other ,,r-irn. t, i) r.-,.)-.:. t ,J ti. i spattered ties. Mauv homes have been destroyed markets for several weeks, and has rea- j islands so far as the question of annrxa- tain u iim.l . . .ff .1.. li. i - ruiU mini, ter have given otTenae to Amori.i no iw.ieve ne is m uug without iustm. tlons from his governuient, or rather t. yond such as he may hare received, j The first term ever held of the sni.rm I court ! trie lltaauau lalauds in it ciusiveiy appellate ca)acitr mill Monday next. Marker Kkbry. I rrtu MARLnoBoi, Md.. Msir 28. Saturday Francis M. Howie, a if lkinaire cf lower Prince George coet came to Marlborough on business, day morning Lis borae was found ia stable yard a ith the saddle cloth clo w itb blood. Search was made at ol and ala-lllt ltaVMa.H 1 - -. - m iter The Forest, the Fowie residence, t found a rool of blood in th. a here there were signs of astrne?. and a track, as if a body fcj dragged, which led to anol4.n .', tne tottom oi IM w as lonnj tl- i k. of Boaie, Lis skull fractured bj from a club or Iung hot,his throaty his gold watch and other jewelry cy large sum of money missing. lcta the afternoon John Wesley J, coloreu, was arrested on suspicion if made a deirate effurt to etcant. if and women subjected to assaults of the j erea shipments impossible, Uiereby llon lo ti fr,ited States is concerned is i most dastardly character. Stories reach ! nl:n U the elevator in the city to ' having most depressing effect here, here almost dailv of attacks upon women "" u u,ralur' not on; v on general trade, but on the ill say nothing, but Lit rlotbintij with blood. Franrit , Iowie as a memlier of th & Ikaie faaiily of this state, and closely related to ex Governor lk snd General l'.owie. pbenomen was quite pearing as very brilliant, periodically j fashing forth red and blue light. As it j crossed the line of the horiion it ap I peared as a double star to the naked eye. secret seesion Ust night decided that a ,r. .,,;).'. n.' and young tnris wbicb are d:mcu:t to believe. Meanwbile it is apparent that .""-s r""r'TT'".' "'" I the war must soon end through the in- j W house will now I created as ap- terference of the general government of , Potions are made and the necessity Brazil. One thousand two hundred ' PenU itself. This fact was not by Baadrv4s at aa !!(. Sas D:bgo. Ca!., March 2S. The phe j nomenon was first noticed at midnight, 1 Bf-KtTv a. .- Ii tf vacl II I i It araa Lima, lad., where all trace of him was j north mQvirg north lost. Sew Fastaaaatar at rdlela. Washixgtox, March 27. The presi dent has sent the follow ing nominations to the senate : Felix A. Eeeve. of Tennessee, solicitor cf the treasure. and sicking toward the horizon. It had the appearance of a star of the first mag nitude emitting a continual brilliant i sparkle of green, red and yellow lights. A flash occasionally shot from the daz zling center. Good glasses failed to re veal the disk. The sky was perfectly clear at 1 :50 and the etar had euck so W. H. Seaman, of Wisconsin. United States district judge of the eastern die- ! low WM fcid l,J ,b 'eT7 orer the trict of Wisconsin. j n. The most brilliant spectacle was Albert B. rill, of New Mexico, asso- j :tneseed by hundreds of people. of the supreme court of troops from the genera! government reached Rivera yesterday, and this make the number of the national army in Kio Grande de Sal more Uian 5.000. Tney are well armed and equipped, and it will not be possible f jt the revolution ists to hold out against them very long. It is believed here that Tavarei will be met at Eage by a force of national troops large enough to over helm him and end the war there. The correspondent in Montevideo says that armed bands from the Kio Grande have again croseed the border into Trn- known until about noon. Meantime in the early trading, with Kansas and the whole west clear, accordinz to the wea- tnorale of the people. The inauguration ' brPar' aaarat. of the new trty, the Hawaiian Iwtriotic j Nl)r Yo,,, March 2S.-The funsn i-eague, last wees:, naving lor it object tbe 1t, Kniolt K. M.epard. editor of 1 the avowed purpose of maintaining, as . Maii tai rIta,. occurrtsl uda J v . T rilth-avenue Presbvterian ch; far as poMibie, the antonomr of the country, shows how opioilion to an nexation grows with delay. The tlea of Sir Fdwin Arnold for a ther map, and no prospect of rain, the j Japanese protectorate over Hawaii has again called attention to the danger which a few shrewd observers have seen shorts were excited and pushed prices op until the clique began realizing heav ily. The early advance was aided by the statements that the reports of Sec retary Mohler, of Kansas, saying there were good rains throughout that state, were bogus. Private rejiorts from that etate were bad. When the clique liegan to sell, however, and the action of the board became known, there was a rush coate j as lice Sew Mexico. s-amuel T. Fisher, of Massachusetts, assistant commissioner of patents. Sac-eel F. Morse, of Indiana, consul peners! to Paris. Allen B. Morse, of Michigan, consul at Glasgow. George J. I "en n is. of California, United Tk Barlimrtaa Delayed. guay, where shots were exchanged with j bo-r nJ u' Prip "ff in great i.and, and placed in the Yaodr ; vsnlt. in Moravian cemetery A Telegram reporter, in an interview with a gentleman closely connected in a business and financial way with the Chicago Burlington, & Quincy Ey., pub- . 1 t " - "The chief engineer of the construc tion company of the Chicago, Burlir-gton & Quincy made two trips last summer Uruguayan troop. There is another ministerial'criiU in Argentina, and Vic toria Romero is expected to resign. The trouble grows out of the considera tion of the treaty w ith Brazil. i ii Attempted Slarder aad wield a. within a few minute '4c ; but at the bottom jumps, tumbling from 82'4 to the shorts, who sold on the way down, began to take profits, and there was quite a rapid recovery to 79, but later the market Jweuiened again, and closed ai,?x,c. it.e cique nave been two or three days, and It i upposd Mar. 2ti. Charles II ' a01 r,J ovrr inree mi., ions lousy. PoKTLASn. Ctr.. Gove. rl m.u . .,.. .,t ax.,r. I easiness was fa. most paralyzed lor a I ously wounded Conrad J. Smith, book- f time- Eamor wer current of large : keeper, last evening, and then sent a ! P" eetllements by the clique. In me excitement oi tue nreaK much Slates attomer for the aoalhern districH r,f Pa' 'm,;a i, ' . i , . ., . . ... . bullet CTasbinE thromrh Lis own brain, i irom zxiise nacx V) tne terminus oi tneir i . , , , , thrown on tht mtrkrt nn iinn Vm fr,. Tawt;-: ,.f r.-;t . , . The trajedy occurred about 6 :J o clock. w" larown on me marxet on stop ion ""'"'i ruau, anu maoe a trip late in lue laj , ..... , . . . ... nrilem ( . , . . . ' I at th intaMartmn . . T. ,A a.l A Am oniers. a?em iot me inaian mission at laic; from Boise to Portland, following the' " " rirer consolidated, agency, Caiifornia. j line of the old Barlow road across tbe i rreelt- Fonr bol ere fired. Smith . vnklurw.ic uas. Aau-ciia arx. juure. i iKiae moniitA: nn n mnn ? h r.f vrtnnf r i t . . Sonotn.. Cal. : James F. Johnson. Pen-1 Hood, and adhirVeWIe i here hi. single wound in tbe body was T . examined and pronounced not neceeea- Ju;n cudany, neb pork Hlv fatal, and Gore's rv,.Tn. .. . i dealers, are at the bead of the bull OTer U,rai tr. - t , cliQue. with manr other wealth v Chi , -- i.,rji . Jt . L 11 uue UI Lite - - vascaoes tileton. Or. the! Amelia Jame F. Johnson, Pen-1 Hood, and adhering closely to the origi nal survey made for the Oregon Short , ( une. tie also made a return trip TW. Talaalaavaak. w - r At the .same time that wheat broke, provisions took a tumble. Lard went off over fl a tierce; pork, 2o cents CiiiCA&o, March SS. A number of iewsjioper men and invited guests wit nessed an exhibition oi Prof. Elisha Gray's telautograph ia tbe Home In surance building this afternoon. The telautograph, aa it name implies, eta- w, ixiRanian-ionsiy oy Conetmction Company, - ixr . c Umi.e na nana writing to wonjd hTe h.n cisuuioe. orotnarv pen or pencil is i the Oregon Pacific across tbe on their line and thence through south eastern Oregon lo Boise. Had it not been for the rumr In gold, tbs Edin- em ployed. As it more a pen at the other end of the line move simultaneously and frms the words and letters in pre cisely the same way. Whatever is written at one end of the line caced in lac simile at the Tbe testa this afternoon were entirely eatlsifcctory, many of them being made by tie gneets. Writing sketches, musi cal notation, and stenographic charact ers were transmitted with equal fidelity. The t'-rts were made through artificial resistances representing many hundred of wire. It is expected that the telantograph will be generally tised as an d;nnct to the telephone and for busi ness purpose generally where private wires are employed. fwwad ta Dmtfc. LATArma, Or., March 27. A tad ac cident occurred last evening down on the Gibbons Bros.' farm, about three mile east of this place, in which George Gib bons lost his life. George and Tan GIl-bcM were doing tome butchering some distance from tbe former's bouse, w hen they discovered bit house on fire. On arriving at the house George, be lieving Lis family to be within, made a rush into the house and was soon orer cotne by the intense heat and smoke. I "an made repeated efforts to get at Lis uniortunate brother, but owing to tbe intent beat was enable to do so. Only a stuall proportion of tbe remains could be found. Dan Gibbon was severely lmrned about bit face and bands. At the time of the fire the family of the un fortunate man Lad gone over to bis The Great Northern i frotn Butte to Boise. 'ould and have both built j line were re- wuriziie. in one oi me i dead man's Dockets . (,.j.unHaP" ew zork men. The deal it (book, several page of wbich was cor- ! th mot P'ant'e in the history of the ered with a lead pencil scrawl. wLich trade, and mighty accumulations i oi capital were arrayed against eacb 11,000,000 bushels of contract wheat and were ready to take a much more if storage-room can be found for iL T! elevator proprietor are emptying lines of corn, oats and barley into tbe holds of vessels, and are chartering vessel for the purpose elsewhere to make room for wheat. A comparison with hifh price burg National Bond Assurance Company tb? f ' CiUltf Li' denti,y nd " of Scotland would taken the bonds f ' L" temb" deed' ,oIlt"r of the Chicaro. Buriineton A Oniner ! "'f. " nt- and the road1 ' iugusr, atwui with contra il.CJ. Smith. wUle I was out tor from Boise to Portland thi. .nmmer ul l"e c; '-v' rooming at my borne At the said time said S. was a business partner of mine. About a week after be it . . would Lave come into Portland over tbe "rsn .7? , l IiOC"e' fe entered n.AW awu.yl . Pl. . -a J " W trT7UWUl .IU MLWtTTXl 111. IO "mo iwwi UVU1 DUUR, al liC 1Z UUOD i . i , isernon. lie wmm mmtd i&tlv iw mmm id cttd kjwt HI till farther delsjr it, ai Enroream i vi J be extreme? cautious about tnak is nri'nr n-iMaft! .A i v :t a- -4 iscinvu. uc wis jmminiiie t i I aaaav BkikC UI Uia-; ail 1 V rr f I nrML Miri I j I n. ..... ... other end. nrw Au'.. !. t-. i nd nDeeremoniouely dismissed from tbe 1B "B,. fuluth, 17 m Mm- ing gold investments in America while there is a possibility of their being re paid in silver, which may be demoneti zed. Then it is not yet a settled fact that the democratic senate and Louse of re presentative will act harmoneously with the administration, and the policy of neapolis, 12 in Toledo and 8 in New York. The big shorts, Ed Partridge and Arthur Orr, are aa proposed legislation is stUl a matter of! if .!. nd 1 er by room, but fearing ba si Dees entangle ments, she failed to do entire! v what she should, but allowed him to remain in 1 nd Arthur Orr, are the bouse until my return, when she at ! drlTen in n1 ettled with the clique on once told me a'.L I kicked him out at P15 trn"- once, but did not do more, because I wriaVtal .l ,1 . .. . I -""v e.uiu my wue in a way which might reflect more or less upon her. I of course knew all concern- Simple service were held at the t J I preceding those at the church. j was a profusion of magnificent I ; offerings. The coffin resteJ on a n j dais, covered by a floral canopy. A. conclusion oi if: witum the rvr t in mat direction. Lol. olney Athford eoDr.Trf u, .wdorp. f said he was satisfied the owners of the i :... j 1 : .c. i warship NarJwa would bare made an effort to annex or establish a protector ate in the islands bad he not been fore- j waey t fay Taei .rl l f::. T-i . ... . ruum u, iiuiiT iwrtiii. z uere is a AMU st.ToM, March iTS. .)wili demand lor suffrage, and this is one cf . insufficient pproriat'ion for thi me quesuons tbe I cited States will cial service of the general landc . bare to lace, and tbe sooner tbe better , the service of the following, k ior us. a popular vote, tne li'.imu to ; other special agents, have beet u.uuu Japanese nere would go lar to- peused withi C. E. Csrard. Orf ward carryiug the islands for their owe I and C. A. Mosier, Washington. country. Chief Justice Jodd also thinks that,' w-dered Mi. writ, aad tv Japan La designs upon the islands. 11 , S AifTo, Pa., March Tv B instanced the fact that the captain of j McFadden, a miner, last night rear:! the Naniwa Lad not called upon tbe , Lis wife and child. The hoa provisional government, and said it was i morning presected tbe appeazato j probable that if the United States i tembie (trugg.e for life on thrl abandoned the protectorate the Jap-; the murdered woman. ihfojJa f anese woniu consider Uiat no government misaicg. a pone is searti.m nz existea in me islands, and would raise their Bag. The Japanese government A ,r f r"' officials are understood to be profiting; Itching pile known by moist through tbe remunerative labor of their perspiration, causing intense subjects here, and another thousand of j when warm. This form a well them have left Japan for Hawaii. Brit- j bleeding or protruding, yield at ot Ub Minister Modehouse is on friendly J. Iioanko pile remedv, whit terms with the Japanese commicsioner; i direrturoo frtsallcted, abaormt and it baa even beencbarged that Wode- i iir" "Tn'J cet, "T , , , . , ., tcure. Met. IiTTnsts or mail. """" ""i commisnoner as , m'.art free. l)r. B-iianko, X Arf to bis policy, in conversaUon with a : Philadelphia. Pa. boid by tJt man of unimpeachable integrity on Fri- Houghton. lie. i J. M. HUNTINGTON. U. S. Commlasloner. C. 8. M'KINSTPI Notary M doubt. The cholera scare, and the fear that the contagion may cross the Atlan tic thi year will have the effect of add ing to the cautiousness of European in vestors in American securities. "For these reason it is doubtful whether railroad building will be carried on as extensively this year as was anti cipated last fall. Were these objections removed, work on the Burlington exten sion to the coast would be commenced at once and pushed forward rapidly. At present I doubt if any one can say what the Burlington will do in tbe way of building thie year. It wCl depend w holly upon tbe confidence of capitalist in American investments. "The line of the Burlington when built will follow the old Barlow road through the Cascade mountains, unless the Oregon Pacifie should be purchased in tbe meantime, in which event their pas wul, of coarse, be used, and a line tbe Almighty God that I know (so far as my intellect allows that my wife told i me all, since she informed me at once ! regarding tbe matter. I bare brooded on the fact of a business partner so' basely acting until I am nearly wild. I ' now propose to castrate said Smith or kill him also, to avoid further take my own. Smith was removed A fair aires. Atlanta, Ga., March 29. Mrs. Ham mond, the fair blonde whom Police Com missioner English declare has M0.000 of the Gate City bank's stolen funds, is in jail this morning, and will stay there until the case is concluded. A gentle man from the Magic city today told of ber wild career In that place. "Such a vision of loveliness you never beheld," said be. "She was my neighbor. She Huntington & McKinstry. Soccxesor to J. M. HunUnrujo A Co Real Estate, Loan and Insurance M WW Www Land Paper of all Kindt prepared. Knta collected and taxes paid for non-resident. Aiartract of Title fum'iahed at short notice, at we have tbr! id to have been ltrct ,n co out'' Partie Laving lieal Estate for tale or rent are rejueUd our office, ifa 39 SECOND ST THE DALLES 01 im tonight, entirely optlona w th'i...,. r-, . . . . 3 . r . t , ...I v . , ! cnunn. ana the was Louis Payette, Blacksmithinf justsorjod and sweet that the ladle entanglements, ( ,M la,,,, d th,r men ay to tbe office of . .i. , AnvandaU Kind of Iron Work atU-ndid to prompt! and jfuarant-j to jrive satisfaction. i 1 1 ( ii n ni, r iw.m .. . . . , Hum uui (uoiii town was not what she seemed I There was a great stir when we Lad to ! have ber moved, but she went. Her! husband g'it a divorce, and the became' thepetof first one man and then an-1 other, wrecking one whoae fortune t. ! I fore be heard ber airen . .. f..-i .. . . "awjUilT little . AOTa-k nrm t. ' idifficuIUe. But I was never intimate 1 " ' ' . with bis wUe, nor did I ever attempt to if Ward., Ud a.ieid. Uke advantage of Ler. Even believinir I Ai-ara. K.v. xi.v , . - I r - -, - v , c . 1 jli a arn TV v, . '"'' wi' irom l Lie Doys atxjfit -' ,-.. an exauiiuauon was i jj,e maoe oi nis injuries, which were found 1 to be not neceeeariiy faUl. The bullet was extracted, but before the operation of probing for it be made the following statement : "Gove and I have been aseocin'.ed in business, and Lave Lad several Shop, East End. eor. Second and Deoot Chrisman & Corson, DEALER I m kAAAV 1 at a .... t " - " i . i iriHi TTi m wr n.m i..e a i a t i ... nrotber t bouse visiting, and Lad George ' "P wumette valley to Port- - -,'.;iiwto rt,aaei fcterret, physician, shot his wife then v . .. c , t i a., , ., . . . 'any eriminal nnrfnaa r r- ,, ' , .. "'rei lu iim past or it, iariow road if at . ' . 7... . . i auied bimself. His wife bad deertH known of the aafetv rA V.;. .v. land, unfortunate affair would not bave oe-1 ll 'owert ltitude across the mountains curred. George 'a family consist of a'11"11 tb Columbia river and the wife and four children, who Lave the ! f?'k'rM-" SSyeyte!U fatoiS5ff B- There is Lttle doubt broken down mentally. tbat Gove was 'him. lln..ii,a.n. , ... I vu hi- sirwi, arew a ilia actions for revoNer m.raa i i .... om. time indicatd thi.,.!, " ' oy mroAl, i. ..., wrcw, .oe weapon into her month tJ meanor and anKearanre. r ii , ... i pvn iiilo ner niontn nred fi!.. revolver on bimT,: , a.i. , aeemen .. a... .... f A . . I wvwBCMi.ana was given t ridiculous woman is fatally wounded. 1 1 cause of their trouble is unknown. Th GROCERIES Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feec HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PBr Cor. Washington and Second St., The Dalles,