The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 24, 1893, Image 8

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Ta Millar CMiblM.
has j Cnder the alaoce heading I have rea J
l2t (M2if s PrkcIjs TfciH Izi
D:n fill Lc:i ti
A combination of floar mu'er
twn formed at the Portland meeting i some racy little article concerning- this
held lat week. It wiU incorporate on-frevk o' the woods" in Tut Chkoxhli
been supended. and at great man
meeting held in the Institute of France,
it hear the diaroiwion of scientist ai to
the possibility of a second deluge, the
drvin op of all the surface water of the
derthe name of the North wcot Flour j of Ute, and have been pleased with the I g;ohe tl), uuj d.-lrnction of human
and Miippicg Company. The nulling writer s versatility; not ne, sue or u
Because the President Refuses to Rec
ognize. Them Nothviihstandiog
Their U'erk for Him.
Wmhmctox, March IS. If Clere- i
land remains true to the principle be ,
has laid down in the matter of appoint
ing men to office, be will make quite a
stride toward civil service reform.' If
all Lis idea are carried out, be will be
able to organize a part; that a great
many people can join, even if be doe
driTe a large nnmber of democrat away ;
from him. In turning dow n tbe ei-of
nee hoider be made a master stroke in j
one or two directions. He unloaded
from hi shoulder a horde of the moet
persistent office-seekers a president i
could encounter. These old-timer bad !
been through tbe mill and they knew j
firms concerned comprise about one -half
of the concern now represented in the
Oregon and Washington Miller' Asso
ciation, m hieh was in session at St.
Charles daring two days. For the pres
ent the new comany will capitalize lor
fJO.000. The mills represented have
a capacity of about 3..VD barrel daily
fiiou'J never write ender oath.
Metier is a flag station, sixteen tuiles
from The Wile on the 1". V. ystem.
It ba one inhabitant, and a transient,
floating population of twenty-three, and
is noted for its lot k of thrift and enter
prise. The town is beautifully ( ?) fenced
in with a good, substantial rail fence,
It is proposed to erect a warehouse in j and, like Jerusalem, it Las two princi-
Portland at once, and to send out agents
to dippoee of the product of the mills
which will be stored here.- Capital
DaaU. (u laataa.
P. C. Herrin, while absent a few days
ago acroes the river, was a witness to a
horrible murder, which wa ret not a
crime, according to tbe lax statute of
Oregon. The detail of the tragedy
' were told by Mr. Herrin to a Cbboxicl
reporter this morning. While passing a
tent near Sngar Loaf on the Washington
side of the river, a fearful commotion
was beard within. It sounded as if an
just what to do. Ther bad all, at one i r yV . .
. . , . human moans and at time louder
, , . ' . . , , : shriek were mingled in the din. There
could approach him with a degree of
familiarity that made him tired. But j
he made them mad, and what i more, j
only a very few bad the nerve to come I
oat publicly and say so. The trouble !
was that during tbe four years Cleveland j
was in office they performed the lick- j
spittle function with a great deal of j
earnestness. Nothing that Cleveland i
ever did was even for a moment to be I
eutyect to censure. tie could do no
wrong. Tbey gathered in hordes at tbe
St. Louis convention in 153, and shout
ed themselves hoarse over hi renomina
tion. Alter his defeat, charged, of course,
to tbe New York democracy, which did
not "love Cleveland for the enemies be
had made," they at once began a cam
paign for Cleveland' renomiaation.
Many a democrat who held office under
Cleveland, bad said very tuggeeti re
ly daring the past fewjdar :
"Where would Cleveland bare been
now if it bad not been for the ex-offiee-bolders?"
And this is worthy of comment, for
every person who was at tbe Chicago
convention in knows that it was the
ex -office-holders that secured bis nonii
nation. Those who were not there had
their henchmen there. The delegates
were not all ex -office-holders, and tbe
convention was dominated by them
"Had it been announced that this was
to be Cleveland policy a rear ago, w hat
would have been the result?" plaintively
inquired one of the faithful who bad
been informed that tbe brand be carried
over from tbe last Cleveland administra
tion barred him from any of tbe pap to
be ladled out now. And what is also
galling to tbe ex-oSce-boider is the
tact that Cleveland doe not consider
himself in the categorr of an ex-office
holder. It make them mad to think
that after lour years of persistent work
they were able to nominate Cleveland
again, and then to have him claim it was
the spontaneous uprising of tbe people.
I were evidently confederates in tbe plot,
j for there were posted on the outside three
women who were placed there on watch.
He was about to go to the rescue when a
companion told him that an Indian
woman was dying inside, and that a
medicine man and some more brave
ere trying to beat off tbe evil spirit
which wa within tbe dying woman.
The M. P., attired in feathers and beads.
i wa prostrated on the floor and moan
ing, and tbe brave were beating a torn
torn accompaniment. Tbe woman' life
might have been saved, but she could
hardly have survived the unearthlv
yelling and noises which were given
as ante-mortem requiem.
Xra. Shaw Caafeaaea.
The Lack.
Mr. J. G. Day, jr., returned yesterday
from tbe cascade locks, where be has
been looking after tbe road being built
to tbe new quarry. He shipped yester
day three carload of machinery for tbe
quarry. Mr. Day, sr., if expected here
tbe first of tbe week, and a the snow is
now all gone at the Cascades, work will
toon be started on tbe locks. Lieuten
ant Taylor, U. S. engineers. Major
Bandbury' assistant, ba gone np to
tbe locks, and wiil hare supervision of
the work. Now that the money 1 la
Slight for tbe completion of tbe work, rbe I
excatatkra of the canal can be proceeded I
with tbi season, to that a large cumber
of men win be employed. Oregorian.
f . - c-
tpuum cweeney, 1 . 5. A., San
Diego, CaL, aayi: "Shiloh' Catarrh
Jemedy i tbe first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Price 50 eta. Sold by Snipes & Kinertly.
Hrrrj M Igaraaattc.
I Mrs. Shaw, who wa arrested with
Gallin, for tbe murder of her husband
near Baker City, has made a confession.
s-he states that Ua.iia, with whom she
has beeii intimate, killed her husband
wiih a hammer, and then carried the
lifeless body to tbe barn. He then des
patched a boy to town to spread tbe re
port that Shaw bad been kicked to
death by a borse. In tbe meantime tbe
murderer burned the handle of tbe ham
mer and threw tbe bead of it in the
deep snow, where it was afterward
m. l - .
11. uays is a verv snort t.n.e in
which to cure a bad case of rheumatism
out it can oe done, il the proper treat
ment is adopted, as wui be seen tv tin-
following from James Lambert, of Nem
Brunswick, 111. : "I was bad. v afflicted
with rheumatism in the hip and lee
when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain
Pain Balm. It cured me ia three davg.
I am all right today ; and would insist
on every one woo i afflicted with thai
terrible disease to use Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and get well at once." 50
cent bottles for sale bv Blakeler A
Houghton, druggist.
Zs-ladlaa Saed.
ae intei Mates government,
through it attorney, F. P. Mavs, ba
begnn suit in tbe United State circuit
court against R. Coffey, formerly agent
of tbe Umatilla Indian reservation, to
recover, fl.414.T9. It is alleeed that of
the money received by him from the
government tbi amount ha not been
accounted for. Mr. Coffey i confident
of hi ability to show that tbi money
was properly accounted for, and that not
cent wa misappropriated or retained
by bun. Tribune.
pal gates, one on tbe east and one on the
est. The United State postoftce is
situated near tbe eastern entrance to
tbe citv. lust outside tbe wall, and is
slightly patronized by the elite, the
bulk of the mall being banded in to tbe
postal car as it passe.
It is a easy for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of heaven as it is for a poor
devil to get through these gates in the
summer time, a the owner of the town
seems fearful of having tbe gates left
open, and thereby exposing tbe town to
the cold damp night air. I presume
from it present weak condition that this
precaution is wise.
Tbe principal industry U carried on
by tbe eubnrbaa inhabitants, and con
sists in cord wood cutting and seven-op
Euchre is too progressive. The "four
hundred" have but one pastime, l. e.
the fantastic Uncle Billy Hayes, a vet
eran violinist of the homeopathic
school, rasps the catgut for these ocra
sions with seemingly but little sympa
thy for the unfortunate cat, as tbe grace
ful dancers a'amand, do re do, contra
dance and swing, in harnionv with the
disturbed condition of the surrounding
atmosphere, till broad daylight, when
the boys "go borne w ith the girls in tbe
Bnt tbe gentle reader must not think
that it is all folly and sin and vexation
of spirit at this little fenced-op town.
There are people of God here too. Last
summer when I was bunting my cow I
ran on to one of them.
I said to the boiv mas of God : "Have
you seen niv cow?"
ue said: IVar sinner, hare voo
heard of these gospel meetings beir.
ne,d nere, and ot tie mighty outpour
tug of the Holy Spirit?"
I said : "She i a stiiall cow, with
suiaa oeii on, and Las a little calf run
ning with ber, but the clf is weaned.
ne said : C-onie out to there meet
ing and see what the Lord is doing for
Hi people. Brother, it mar do vou
I said: "She has not been milked
since day before yesterdav, and I fear
that she will fail in tbe usual flow ol
acteal fluid, if not soon found."
He said, in as agonizing spirit that
would have done credit to Gethsemane
"Ua God!"
I mention this last to show that we
are not all heathen, and that the go pel
has a slight bold among us.
St. Patrick day wa quietly passed.
yet appropriately celebrated by the Iriah
population, tbe green being conspico
oue.v r-romtnent. Tbe Oranmnin
made no attempt to parade.
Squire Davenport i busy in hi young
orchard these day, and get the full
benefit of the robin' ong by being up
early before tbe robin tire out. His
place show an air of thrift that i re
ireeLing to the young blood; but it
must send a thrill of rheumatism
through tbe withered frame of the moes-
back, who must regard such a display of
enterprise a a personal affront.
Moeier, March IT, 1393.
hfe by cold, together with all tbe possi
ble phase of death trallc!ed by the
I history cf the nixn. For scientific
statement and sensational effect this
I characteristic prodaelion of French
! genius ia uuique, and tlie reader who
read this marvellous story and if be
begin it be will certainly finish it will
have assimilated without effort, a com
pact store of scientific knowledge. In
this way, apart from its ahsorbing inter
est, this remarkable piece of Action wi:l
have a distinct scientific
tlmrll BllWr.
This rtmedy is becoming so well
known and so popular a to need so
special mention, AH who use Electric
Bitter sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine doe not exist and it
is guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitter will cure all disease of
ice liver and kiduey, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused bv impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the svstem and
prevent a well a cure all malarial
'ever. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
tern. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per
bottle at Snipes 4 Kinersl v.
SihhI "Wlioat,
" Oats,
" Corn.
,4 live,
Sttxls in I?ulk.
us per Pom 4 frL-:' ZXTTTjf'
flnw CncS t'Vvt.i w. it,, oat,
C'Mttanmn-tt;". rt" W Axi,ia i
jk) Aulini. F rluunril n hsino
r'taf: aaseurrc .n-.war,aswD-riiaui'r
I--J; villoma voz if tnken lutiota. f44
I y lTuiririjit in r'a-mr. Kit I ftur Tau-k
or fact, me M H tU I l-Aal Lit. Sou.
wiu,ir.,ou. iTa-c. iuj-u t I nnPmLni? ret') i u hm,
uuutllUUU- LlOlUUlIOliUJl
T TJ r T7 f O r1
Hav, Grain and Fred Pt,,r.
-A. NEW . .
rr wlakjr ftalaas Klaer!-.
The dancing party of tbe Mignonette
t-'uo last evening wa well attended
and tbe evening proved very entertain
ing to those present, who were no doubt
aided some bat by tbe Inspiration of
fcaint Patrick, if one were to judge by
tbe emerald-hoed ties, bows, etc., which
were in profusion. Among those who
a pleasantly wbiled awsy the evening
were: Capt and Mr Sherman, Judge
ana jars u C iake.ey. Senator and
r eta Hilton, Mr and Mrs L
E Crowe, Mrs M French, Mr and Mrs F
Houghton, Dr and Mrs J F Snedaker,
jar m wuaersyn. Miss VanVWk,
Misses Etta Story, Jennie and Grace
Harden, Airoee and Evelyn Newman,
Minnie oosaer, Lor Morris, Nona
Eocb. Florence Hilton, Messrs M Jam.
on, H French, S Campbell, Garret-
son, Jos Worsley, John Hampshire
onn jGootb, una L Phillip,, Wm
Jicirtun, 1 Monttwery, M Donnell,
uerta, i M Coatsworth, H Lonsdale.
AH taxes not paid bv tbe first Monday
in April, which are now dae. will he
tamed over to the coor 'T eourt.
" i. A. Whd,
Sheriff of Waco Count v.
The strongest recommendation that
any article can have is the endorsement
of the mothers of tbe town. When the
mothers recommend it you may know
that that article has more than ordinary
merit. Here i what tbe Centerville,
South Dakota, Citiaen say editorially
of as article sold in their tows : "From
personal experience we can say that
Chamberlain's Cough Kerned t has
broken np bad colds for our children.
We are acquainted with many mothers
in Centerville who would not be without
it in tbe house for a good many times its
cost, and are recommending it every
day." 50 cent bottles for tale by Blake
ley 4 Houghton, druggist.
Alataat a Inlnutu.
James Officer, who died at Molalla
Friday and wa buried there Saturday,
came from Missouri and settled on a
claim of 640 acres on tbe Molalla Febru
ary 19, IMC He was born in Tennessee
is 1801, making him K years of ase at
the time of hi death. During bi long
residence in this county he ha taken a
prominent part, though not identified
ith official positions. He did active
service is ue layuse war of 1MT-8. He
frequently officiated In
In Tbe Dalies. Sunday evening V.ri
15th, IMC, to tbe wife of A. tatbeart. a
At Wapinitia Saturday night, from
croup, tne little daughter of Hiram
Coram. Mr. Coram is quite ill.
tar af Tkaak.
I wish to thank tbe members of the
A O. U. W. lodge for their kindly in
terest manifested during my recent be
reavement ; also to all tbe lri'ends boe
sympathy and acts tended to lessen tbe
blow caused by tbe death of my hus-
Mas. Mix Mrxa.
It aaal Ba la Every Haaa
J. B. Wilson, ST1 Clay St., Sharps
burg, Pa., eays be will not be without
Dr. King' New Discovery f. consump
tion, cough and colds, that it cured bis
ife who was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy
sicians bad done ber no good. Koert
Earber, of Cook sport, Pa., claim Ir.
h-ing New Discovery has done biiu
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottle at Snipe & Kin
ersly's. Large bottles, 50c. and 1.00.
At lat Rriial mark that Ml thfranora.
--rit th riV u, aunta the mmli 1hi
u artrulllKaily the m.t Taluabla, aniattrailt
tlw nt,wt hntutlfnl. Kinllral bxa thai has at
prawl 1-if vaj; w pmrm. rrrrr fmgr bmlin( a
nan t.u inuMraium in uula ni m tlx- aub
l nw iuu-ttUln Hmrucn, rtc.
i tin mi,l tm tkt 6mal TVaMa.
I Mm At. tkr .Wrti aaa ra tun.
rval .ymv aa aiMara l Momed I, It.
wwj4 altmr tar ltrm. tmd iwi I ml
Hi.' "" rrutjar Mm WtMliri L LIT
11 VI.1 or ftrol trw. u n.lrr anal. MU artl.
laata 11 twxnrrntnil. ntrl.wv U-o
V P-"yT aioua. aMma U IHiaaaarrs,
Furniture and Camf
Ws have added to our busua..
somplete Indertadine Fiubliatiiv3
land a we are in no way connected
the Undertaker' Trust our pries i
le low aecordinglr. 1
It di7pprar$
the worst forma cf caurrh, with
the two cf Dr. Sat-'g Catarrh Rem
edy. Its mild, 8x)thin!r. eleansin
anJ healing properties e ject a if
fect and rH-rmaaent cure, no matter
how baJ the case, or of how long
etxnlin. It' rvmedr that suo-
cecJs where everytiiiti vt-lae la
taiied. Thousand of such cava
can be pointed out. That's the
reason iu proprietors back their
faith ia it with monej. Thcj offer
to 00 rewanj for a case of catarrh
hicb ther cannot cure. It's a
medicine that allorrs them to take
each a risk. Doesn't common retire
lead joa to take each a medicine?
" An advertising fake," yon say.
Funny, isn't it. how some neonl
prefer aicknesa to health when tbe
remedy is positive and the
toe a&toiuie.
Wise men don't pat monrv Lack
of w fakes."
And faking " doesn't pay.
Waieba and Jewelry rmairpd tn ortler oo
aoun Dooca. na aaualartius guaranteaa
at raa
Stara af I. C. KWkalara. S St. Taa Dailaa
vs. E-HUXAN (Hosaopirairi riTiinn
a - ana r i at ms. uuvttm
d.T or nicbL niT oreuuutry.
No. aa altd
- u ji. di-mtiicu in ar.
SOS. fcrf . raoma I anJ haxjaraa
ucior boua llvllAM., llul aitd 7 to f . M.
Campbell Bros. Propr:
(Rsbci a w. l cm.)
r of taa Smart Franek aa
Uuom Mala
H. K!I! ElX-ATT,.a?.iT ,t Law-Ottx
vun pum, i urn iMulra. litvtroo.
a a srrra.
tr 4-1 and alt k
taal e rorUaua.
frcpicai Fruits, Nuts, Cinrs aai lh
r la.K.
H, ...NOS imwir 1T L1I- BWan.
a.' a Lid i. Nra Vuat KHci.anad amari.
f. ...MTT. ATTl KNEV-AT UW fu.
. 1 a br id wuaunu a baixliuc, as alain. TlM I
. urajctw. j
. r. am a a arvnaaTos. aiviiKi.
l. HrSTl.VliToV W !lOS - ATTOS-
- - r mw -vEtm, rmtrltaiurluti
trm. ,.uuill Mill UaiUV. OnBTIi.
Caa rarolah aay at tbaaa nna ai w
a a,ary aijla.
Ice Cream and Scda Water.
1M fecond Street. Ths Dalles. Or.
f ball l! amm and iiarui
oajra at aara mutiu UIUB.
W'AfX I) Ll.lN.E, Ml 1.V A- r. a A. H.
Aral ami LLlrtl Muiur tar Mrh t k
tn K.
-tij.cii aTAL arch rairTra k
Kiu la Hn.Mr tlaui tb Uurd Waduaxlar
I called to ths fact that
pagh Glem
ML H.l ( aaikNn M. Morta 1 Md., .r-n
w wri mm to rvimitty daii. .1 ; .aj p m.
-WLCMBIA Ulx,K. SO. a. I. ft. O F.-Marti
r. Bail, rtmirr m4 and Court itneta.
.."i r ui na uryHi.cra ar welrtna-
Dealer in Glass. Lime, ria-ter.
and Building- Materia of ail'taJa.
rarrtaa tha F la aa Ltaa
-kJCMHt' UHx.E. SO. ., K K F.-M,
a ttt Ja VIB V rvmltia at 7 m n .1. . , ..
vbanuu bulliiix. cumer uf Umn and Mri'rtrd
uria. aiijxuriiiu memtam ara einlial:i la
e4 IT.lli,. '
u. .vara, a. ft K. and S. c. C.
Picture piou
I SUjX ariil rrerr Fn.l.r .fi. ......
lo'eltara at ttM rcadinsruuai. Altai tattled.
c- To t foaal ia tbt City.
Fresh Paint!
W C. GU.BKKT heny artida
Hi tt p . c ni. t tev-y friend
And ei-tiijr 1( hr ha- anV
be Uk-j Ira ot b tUey luaur.
Th Ume I yiaiTinr nw ha eror.e.
A .d -tt tmt dfWva Uaiia
That !. lreu alid riimti ai d u-wf
Aa wrur Mil a 1 J-al::l rnu d".
Painiinr. pefa-rina: and cin-r i.i. t
w ill mm ,.ur i-td h'uiM. ifuiu- n'-v.
H' wi.l nr nk tiTr .i ,
bj tiitr ur by Lut day.
If ym bare wrt r rr him a r-:i.
11 laac jifur urdm. Urre r ama'X
P. O. iS-i.t
ntrnn uaire Ra. tf. I. o. ti. T.-fc.-rujir
l.;. .. fi. . 7 . ' . r. m-. ai
--trij: U)la.E SO. a A. O. V. . Mart
1 to I rafc-riutr Hall. o-r Keller, aa Sotsuud
- i nunva; rrwmiri Bt 1 au
. "act Kaxrr,
W. MTlaa. Flnaoritr. i w.
72 LUashington Slrtf.
erjr Baturdaj at ; M r. a., la Ikt.ufr.
a . naii.
VCKCI.V-Xm narr
etiiiir In Um K. uf t. HalL
tie St. Charles Hotel,!
I ur U F. (rvi!nx. So. lirr-wt. i..
I. K. Y. H.U tha lrt and third Wadnaa
Mi rmrn ruiulti. at ,r. I.
iT. fETFK HTRi H -Key. Fattier Bbobb-
iiut raavr.
Uitn HtM at
Maaa rrry anndaf af
lu jj a. u. Vbti at
CT FAflJi Hr-Ri-H ft trw, rr,.mi,
.? Fif!U. kr. tu 1. now.irtt r-r H-ta
-tj ju'i.w at ii a. a mita , r . m. m.d.r
t".i t, A. m. Ctreulna praTer lis r,.,!.. .,
L'IK-T BArTifT Ht R H-Rrr. o b 7lT.
i ,K . ,"rul" TTT eatK at the mArmj ml II a na'ubatb
t il.
t kf,UM
T ttin rt.i.y nrnl al ! .(. r.,
I uiuu KtiMi in tb Mun buuac at J
Vlld Ft-tloa.
While writing wltb all the st-ieiitific
Knowledge of a
r"j:-.t".M,ATHNAL (Ilt-RIH-Key
Kj (,i iTla. I'aati unliq t wry undaT i
act u
Candies and Nuts
Finest Paanut Roaater In The Dt0
2 Street J.FOLCO
the Dalles
T at 11
WT '... . ' ..... . .....i.
- . . ....... i...ri,ta,,j
1 1 --
1 II.
u-i , r.
Httla inn.
H! -K H-hrt. 1 Ml l.ttl.m,w,
twi anndar m.iDi,t II a. tn
r. a r.i..H".ii
j "-ii'o.t at ii 'Pti-
- .... , m rr.irr li.tlr,r rterjr
T. . j .
tt i-zi er.t.reiv reftirijicl.c.1, ud tywry
rsjy i.a b;ti retaired and Ff ;aiTitj
ani iiewiv rarj-.-. t!.rjtii.-'.nut. The
honse cor.tairii 17',i rootmand is rxi"vU-l
aim !ry luoaern eonvenienee. hates : pHi:i-TUX ' Hf k h-:sv.
eaeiiaiie. a e'Ai resUaratit sttat-hed : ' ' ""
to the houne.
J la eaanVd hf brtu ,m,uwi and v.le
a e'Ai rwtanratit srta, l-
r rer bn to and fr ia ai
the Bant st! fan. ill. n. . .
pulpit, thoogh to the iins'y 'n'TJZV" " '.T
. . . uv a .11 li ill iiifi nnr ii -
J . 1 1 L . .
vt u cuuixq onDosea a
work. There was little formality ahont
the fnoeral on arcotmt of the drivlnr
1""" prermiieo ail me afternoon, by hi. viriA A , . .. . .
The somvinf deacendanu ..f v. .. 'u . 7""" ' 'rni
Mr. Officer, who were married In a ' rT.
eonntv. Mo., in 1828. nnmber I .a Z ' T " wllu lt,e Mrth
children. 58 grandchildren and 50 rreat ' eviia mT t. a ,,,tro"om-r in-Crand-bildren,
all livi., 5n Oreeon I V, '1 T f'1 '" t a
.v -i.-u me iu-iiieis oi tt,e world Las
c- W- KNOWLES. Prop.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
J M litllli
F'Wlitf.i In tt
Tilii.:ijr iutlltd
H'.rn. ;.,..T. Kmim M , m. huiidajr
.. .. al : p. in. A cordial actcoai to etarj
which begins in the April number of ! r - ..
The Cosmopolitan marine, keeps the ! b6C0Ed BTt,t' Tht fall", Or.
reader at tha . .. .1 . ...
.. .. ruimvi excitefnent iin weil know n .tar. 1 lr...t i. i..
well kn, WB w. lu Lu,Ut j, g
..i . nm-n contty, Ms an eitraorii
nary fnie stot-k of
Stop Bd-r' MM t:,i In,h lrb.
In lot, all the W.'.inir brand, of fine
W ines, Hrjrjor, and Vrw,. ,jive t,
old man a call and you will come ajfain.
BiacKsmitiX & -V2goa siido
General Blavksmilbing arid Work done
protuptlv, and all work
J.D. PARISH. Prop.
Im Th Dalln at a. ia. rrrrr dr St'
ritia at Frllia-villa In UilrtTali 1mi.
I rlnarille al a. tn. rwry emj and arn"
Tna IJia la Uilrtj-i buura.
e ii n , .. m
t km carta at F-rtoa-tlli wlto J
ohjci irwju nailer ana do"""
egon, Korthera California
all Interior Foioti.
a iu .i. ..m. ru tlalVa
tralua fruta Furtlau a ad all eaiirra F
. ccintti! triTen.
Goof iccciirtiticu alcu ti rral.
.' rirst-cua coacta u( Ijim tsd.
: Djrra litter iiiLd wiJ ta-
i. i ur lam, m winiia panaai aaan - .
Beta bHiira taam tiaa.. tKher ,
tmtial Elprtaa moat U warbiH" " 1
.f tin) Htac l-,. trill not bi 4
rwmnj aill taa no rt aa awner rz,.i
i-n rartietiiar attmtxin Si"
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
TUlri Street, cm. Lias's cli staii
i.d an
Ii In Orarm. and adTanea
paid bf UM? ainnpsoj.
lfa anatw at Frlnerllli
stags orricESi
M. Slehel r, Stara.
and " i
r ebars
,CE"' mJ